Shudders: Retribution

By Lilas___

112K 9.5K 15.6K

[Tsundere and Yandere Demons x Reader] A world where demons and humans can live amongst each other. ... More

Chapter 1 - The Awakening
Chapter 2 - The Savior
Chapter 3 - The Kill
Chapter 4 - The Trailer
Chapter 5 - The Fabric
Chapter 6 - The Geese
Chapter 7 - The Motel
Chapter 8 - The Trees
Chapter 9 - The Stable
Chapter 10 - The Stable pt. 2
Chapter 11 - The Partners
Chapter 12 - The Map
Chapter 13 - The Storm
Chapter 14 - The Skull
Chapter 15 - The Vines
Chapter 16 - The Shot
Chapter 17 - The Boy
Chapter 18 - The Beach
Chapter 19 - The Trio
Chapter 20 - The Guns
Chapter 21 - The Moment
Chapter 23 - The Alone
Chapter 24 - The Repeat
Chapter 25 - The Questioning
Chapter 26 - The Bittersweet
Chapter 27 - The Disturbance
Chapter 28 - The Confrontation
Chapter 29 - The Decision
Chapter 30 - The Ambush
Chapter 31 - The Realization
Chapter 32 - The Argument
Chapter 33 - The Help
Chapter 34 - The Gap
Chapter 35 - The Training
Chapter 36 - The Robbery
Chapter 37 - The Sewers
Chapter 38 - The Appreciation
Chapter 39 - The Dream
Chapter 40 - The Peace
Chapter 41 - The Note
Chapter 42 - The Broken Heart
Chapter 43 - The Hostage
Chapter 44 - The Oblivious
Chapter 45 - The Apology
Chapter 46 - The Cut
Chapter 47 - The Train Yard
Chapter 48 - The Mother
Chapter 49 - The Love
Chapter 50 - The Address
Chapter 51 - The Release
Chapter 52 - The Despondent
Chapter 53 - The Answer
Chapter 54 - The Interrogation
Chapter 55 - The Make Up
Chapter 56 - The Covetous
Chapter 57 - The Clash
Chapter 58 - The Room
Chapter 59 - The Hold
Chapter 60 - The Traitor
Chapter 61 - The Fate
Chapter 62 - The Party
Chapter 63 - The Peril
Chapter 64 - The Puppet
Chapter 65 - The Lovers
Chapter 66 - The End

Chapter 22 - The Stunt

1.7K 153 297
By Lilas___

Violence Warning ⚠️

    (Y/N) clutched the book to her chest as she felt her partner lay into the bed next to her and exhale a deep breath as he relaxed.

    Her 'partner'...

    Now it sounded weird to call him that now.

    She had her back to him and didn't move much, pretending she was asleep when really she was wide awake.

    She couldn't sleep after that! How could she sleep after that?! All she could think about was him kissing her hand and her kissing his cheek in return.

'I like him... Oh god, I like him!?' Her mind raced.

"Reminds me of how me and my wife were. We were just 'partners' at first."

    The words of Marsol suddenly filled her mind and she cursed the old demon.

    She can't like him. Especially now. What if something happened and she loses him? She already lost so much and the pain from it still hurts her.

'It's just a crush.' She reassured herself and closed her eyes. 'It'll go away...'

    Just a simple crush. Nothing more. Nothing to get worked up over. Once the morning comes they'll both forget anything even happened and go back to how they normally are. Him finding her annoying and her thinking he's just a grumpy man.

    (Y/N) finally relaxed into the bed and felt herself begin to fall asleep. She can hear Yama already lightly snoring next to her.

    They'll forget that moment even happened. They had to.

    But once morning came and they both prepared to head out there to find the Zone, neither of them uttered a word to the other. Yama kept avoiding her eyes while she kept some distance between them. For the first time since they met, the silence between them felt awkward. Unbearably awkward. They've always been able to comfortably be in the other's company without having to engage in a conversation or interact much. But now it felt like they had to. Like they had to say something to the other but neither of them made a move to do so.

    Attempting to forget what happened yesterday was harder than she thought.

    (Y/N) threw her duffel bag over her shoulder with her rifle and ammo box situated inside. She followed behind Yama to the hidden entrance and stepped over the trip wire. He said the small trip to find the Zone shouldn't take to long but she thought to bring the bag just in case she found anything while they were out.

    Their walk together through the rocky path was filled by the sound of their boots hitting the rough ground.

    (Y/N) lifted her hand up closer and ran her thumb over her knuckles he had kissed.

'It's just a crush (Y/N), get over it.' She told herself but she couldn't help the small smile that crept over her face.

    When they reached the hatch to the shop, Yama reached up to push it open and pulled himself up. (Y/N) went to do the same once he was through but she felt her body levitate off the ground and lift up into the shop. She was placed in front of Yama and met his eyes that lingered on hers for a few seconds before he turned away to head for the front door.

    She pushed the sudden thoughts she got away and turned to close the hatch with a faint blush on her face.

     What Yama meant by searching for the Zone, he mainly just wanted to make sure they were nowhere near his home. He didn't care where they went as long as they weren't in the general vicinity. The last thing he needed was for them to invade his place and suddenly his secret home wont be so secret anymore. Together they began traversing the streets in the direction the Zone had gone in. They passed by the dead demons on the streets that were taken out and it sort of gave them a trail to follow. With so many of the stragglers gone, they didn't have to hide much.

    But they still kept close to the alleys and not in the open road. The stragglers may be gone but that didn't mean they weren't completely alone.

    Yama stopped by one of the dead demons to inspect the fatal wounds it received. Multiple bullets left deep and ragged holes in its chest and shoulder in such a distinctive way that he can recognize them as Capturer guns any day. Regular bullets can't take down a demon this easily if the shots didn't instantly kill them.

     But Capturer bullets are made with demons in mind. They can instant kill even the strongest of them.

     (Y/N) took her rifle out and used the medium scope on it to look around. She pointed it down the streets while she waited for Yama to start moving again. As she panned her sight over a few cars, she stopped quickly once she thought she had saw something move. Nothing was there by time she looked.

     She lowered the gun and narrowed her eyes towards the cars but heard Yama stand and start walking again. She gave the cars one last look before she went to follow.

     They still haven't said anything to each other. It's been close to half an hour since they left and neither has uttered a single word.

     Even if it wasn't related to what transpired yesterday, the silence just continued to suffocate them. Yama kept his mind off of it by focusing and tracking the Zone while (Y/N) kept her mind busy on reading old signs and billboards they would pass by.

     But every now and then, one would take a glance at the other and then look away before the other could see.

     After another 30 minutes had passed, reaching to an hour of searching, Yama decided that the Zone had to be gone. He was hoping they didn't stop and make camp somewhere close, they must've kept going. The two were close to the edge of the small town and they haven't found anything.

     (Y/N) had kicked a rock with her boot before she noticed the male demon turn around.

"They're gone. Let's go." He muttered, not even sparing her a glance.

"Oh uh-" The suddenness of it caught her off guard. "Ok."

     The first either of them spoke to each other and it was that? Still, it beats this awkward silence that was eating them alive.

"Have uh-" She started, hesitating to ask. "Have you ever... liked someone before..?"

"What?" He muttered.

"Like you really cared about them? But in a certain way?" Why was she asking him this? She wanted to fill the silence between them but why did that have to be the thing she said?

     No going back now.

     Yama understood what she meant and shook his head. "I don't have time to. It'll just get in the way."

      Her eyes softened as she could feel a twinge of hurt in her chest. She looked away from him and tried to pretend that what he said didn't have a small effect on her.

"Have you?" He asked this time which surprised her but she kept her eyes away.

"One time. When I was younger." She muttered. He didn't say anything, waiting for her to continue.

"This boy I was friends with. He was the son of my mom's friend and he would always come around whenever his mom helped with the farm. It was a stupid crush, he was an asshole." She mumbled.

     For once, Yama stole a glance at her as she remembered her teen years. Why would someone ever be an asshole to her?

"He liked this other girl and I watched how badly he treated her. I felt bad for her but I couldn't help feeling like I dodged a bullet." Thankfully that girl left him but it took years for her to do so. Kind of hard to leave somebody when they're in the same community as you.

     Yama had lit up another cigarette while she talked and kept his eyes on the road while blowing out the smoke.

     She dodged a bullet then. She needs to dodge another one now.

     The sound of feet landing against the concrete made both demons freeze up.

     Yama slowly turned his head and quickly saw the skull-wearing demon staring them down but not making a move to approach them.

     He heard the girl gasp as she backed up closer to him, her eyes set on another Elitist who appeared from around a corner and stopped. They also didn't move to attack.

     Another Elitist revealed themselves. Then another. Then another.

     It all came to about 8 Elitists surrounding them but not making any move to approach.

     (Y/N)'s eyes darted around to each one and she knew they were all watching her. When her back hit Yama's side, she felt him move her behind him as he examined the scene.

     When did they start following them? If they knew where the beach was, they would've had all the time in the world to get the jump on them while they were asleep. They had to have found them while they were out.

"What did I say, guys?" That voice...

     (Y/N) turned and regretfully met those grey eyes of his. And he gave her the widest smile he can muster underneath his skull mask.

     Xed chuckled as he tilted his head to the side. "We meet again, my sweet."

     (Y/N) fearfully hid behind Yama as her panic started to set in. Xed found her. They were surrounded.

      Two more Elitists joined the group. A small female demon with a long tail that wrapped around her leg while the other was tall like Xed and had fiery ginger hair. Yama kept his eyes on all three of them. He had to think of something quick. It was eleven against two.

     But the two new demons who had appeared both looked at Yama and instantly recognized him as the doctor. They knew their brother's description of him sounded familiar but they had to see him for themselves.

Now they understood why Xed had trouble getting the girl. The doctor was no easy opponent to defeat.

      The shorter demon took a step forward, her skull painted white that contrasted against her dark skin. "Look, let's make this easy for everyone. Hand over the girl."

"And then what?" Yama grunted. "You bring her back to a cult that worships a dead guy?"

"Zankoku's will must not be dragged out any longer." The ginger demon growled. "You're going to hand over that girl or die right here."

      They wouldn't hesitate to kill him if it meant getting to her. (Y/N) tried to control her breathing but she couldn't. Her eyes kept moving to each demon, they were blocking all sides. There was nowhere to run.

     Yama tsked as he remembered where each demon was standing and how many there were. Eleven across all sides. "She would rather stay with me. And I'm not planning on dying anytime soon."

     She felt his hand squeeze her arm and she looked up to meet his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows at her, telling her that they were going to fight. Or maybe for her to let her anger loose. She's been working on keeping it under control but now seemed like the perfect time not to. Her rising panic wasn't helping either.

     Xed didn't care to spare the blond a glance and look around him at the girl who started to grow those familiar vines along her arms. The way they looked so prickly and sharp but flowed like soft water made him excited.

     (Y/N) cautiously watched Xed as he started stepping back from the group to let his brother and sister take over. Out of all the Elitists here, he's the only one to keep track of.

     He knew Indi and Chey can get the job done, he'll only step in when needed. 

"Don't let him or his blood touch you." She muttered up to her partner who nodded. They both knew from experience just how dangerous Xed really was.

     Indi tsked as her tail unwinded itself from her leg and started moving around her body like a whip. "Shouldn't have gotten involved in our affairs, doctor."

     Yama winded his hand up as he glared at the demon. Before he could attack, her tail shot out toward him with such speed that he barely had any time to move. But bloody vines met the tail's speed and prevented it from touching the male demon. When Yama looked, he saw the female Elitist hiss in pain as a large part of her tail was sliced off by (Y/N)'s blood that moved to protect her partner. Her breathing grew heavy as her eyes started to go bloodshot again. Both panic and that familiar rage rumbling inside of her.

     Indi growled as she made her tail grow back and pointed at the two. "Get them! Keep her alive!"

     Soon eight of the Elitists began charging the two. Yama grabbed the girl and quickly pulled them into the sky just as one of the Elitists teleported to where they once were. The spectral teleported again to meet them in the air but (Y/N) forced them away by sending her vines out to wrap around their neck and put all her might into throwing them back to the ground while her blood burned their skin.

     Yama made themselves land away from the Elitists and got a hold of a nearby car before he shoved the vehicle toward the ones who started chasing them. With the many vehicles laying in the roads, he can use them to his advantage.

"Come on!" He grabbed onto (Y/N)'s arm to get her to start running. She didn't waste any time following him and noticed they weren't heading back to the beach. Instead, turning down a different street that led away from the secret home.

     As they ran, they had to fight off several of the Elitists and keep them from getting too close. Yama used his abilities to throw them off as much as he could while keeping them from getting within arm's length. But when one did, (Y/N), through her anger, would use her vines to attack them. 

     One tried to tackle her after they had maneuvered around Yama's evasion tactics but (Y/N) ducked just in time while more vines shot out from her arms and stabbed into the demon through their chest. The vines released a good amount of her blood into their system that quickly took a burning effect even after she separated from them.

     Now they were down to ten.

     Indi had jumped out from a nearby building and her tail was sent flying toward the girl as it wrapped around her legs and pulled her to the ground. (Y/N) hissed in pain after her body met the concrete road but the tail started yanking her away from Yama. Again they were trying to keep the two apart.

     The doctor turned back to rip up a street sign from the ground and hurl it toward the female Elitist. But she seemed prepared for this as she jumped into the air and kicked the sign away just before it could stab into her. Yama went to take her second long distraction to pull (Y/N) back to him but he caught a glimpse of ginger hair before he was forced to fall back to avoid getting punched by the muscular male Elitist. By how Chey's fist dove straight into the metal of a vehicle where Yama once stood, the blow could've seriously injured him.

      Chey continued to throw dangerous punches at the doctor and even punched the objects Yama would throw out of the air without staggering once. Trying to keep the demon back was already proving difficult. Especially when Chey deflected each of Yama's attacks. The doctor could feel his limit reaching due to how much force he was putting against this guy.

     He saw (Y/N) flip onto her back and try slicing away at Indi's tail again but it only released her for a second before the female Elitist ran towards her with such speed that when she launched her foot out to her body, the kick sent (Y/N) crashing into the back of a truck hard enough she left a big dent. All of the air escaped the girl's body upon impact and severe pain in her head where her skull hit metal made her vision go blurry and a loud ringing erupt in her ears. She lost concentration on her abilities as the vines spilled onto the ground and sizzled against the concrete.

      Yama growled to himself and sent some more street objects at the muscular demon and used them to throw him off long enough to put all of his strength into propelling the Elitist back. Chey felt a force against his body that pushed him down into the street. Yama took the chance to race over to his now concussed partner's aid.

      Indi marched up to the girl just as (Y/N) climbed to her feet and weakly tried attacking again. The Elitist dodged the girl's attack while pulling out a knife. (Y/N)'s anger was growing by the second as she let out a shaky snarl and flung her vines back to the Elitist just as she felt her grab onto her neck and push a sharp blade into her shoulder. The force from it pushed her back down to the ground as the blade dug deep into her flesh.

      (Y/N) screamed in pain as her shoulder instantly started bleeding profusely and she could feel the female Elitist climb on top of her back to keep her held down to the ground. Indi grabbed the girl's arms and pinned them down, her leather gloves preventing the traces of (Y/N)'s blood to touch her skin.

      Yama tried to reach the girl while trying to fight the other Elitists who began to show up to prevent him from interfering with the girl's capture again. Through all of the fighting, he could see how much her shoulder bled and soon her head too from the impact against the vehicle. She had to have a concussion from how out of it she was starting to look and the trickled of black blood that was starting to fall down her face. 

     She was struggling against the demon on top of her and tried using her abilities as much as she could but the concussion was beginning to pound and make everything foggy.

     Yama fought off the last of his opponents and used the last amount of his energy to rip a door off of a car and propel it at the female Elitist.

"Aht aht aht!" Xed quickly interfered, holding his toxic blood covered hand dangerously close to (Y/N)'s shoulder wound.

     The car door forced to a stop mere inches from hitting the female Elitist's head. The four demons all froze where they were. Xed standing over (Y/N)'s injured body and threatening to infect her with his blood, the female Elitist keeping her shocked orange eyes on the floating car door that almost struck her, and Yama gritting his teeth as one single move he makes could potentially get the girl hurt. (Y/N) turned to look over her shoulder and saw Xed's slit palm so close to putting her into even more pain than she was already in. She was terrified to move and when she met Yama's eyes, she saw he was also hesitant. Xed was smiling like a madman as his wide eyes settled on the blond.

"Any more trouble from you, the girl gets it!" He wiggled his fingers near her wound to emphasize. "I won't kill her of course but I've been told that death is better than what I can do."

"Don't do this..." (Y/N) whimpered.

     But he only cooed at her and used his free hand to stroke the back of her head like a pet. "Aw, but I have to. Mother misses you so much."

      He then bent down closer to her ear and lightly traced his lips over her which made her shiver in disgust. "I missed you."

      (Y/N) flinched as far as she could away from Xed in her incapacitated position and her eyes found their way back to Yama. The other Elitists he had fought off were getting back up and stalking up to him. The ginger one kept his eyes on the doctor as he too got up.

     She could see just how worn down her partner was getting. He was starting to stagger from using so much of his energy against multiple opponents. He could only hold his own for so long. She wasn't in the best state either. One touch from Xed's blood could really incapacitate her.

      But there was a look in Yama eyes that she soon saw. One that she was familiar with after seeing so many times on the road.

      He had a plan.

"Whatever you are planning to do with her is not going to work." He stalled. "What makes you think she'll be any different than Zankoku?"

      Xed chuckled. "You're right. She's not like him. We don't need her to fulfill Zankoku's role. That's what Mother is for."

"Then why go through all this trouble?" Yama growled.

"That's simple." Xed smiled. "She has his blood. That's all we care about."

      (Y/N) could only watch the other Elitists closing in on Yama. Because of her worried expression, he knew they were getting closer and closer.

      But he had one last effort. One that he hoped will work.

     His red eyes met (Y/N)'s faded bloodshot ones as he gave her a small nod. She was confused until she noticed his hands twitch in such a harsh way that it looked painful. But surely, whatever he did soon worked perfectly. 

     A huge force of energy was slammed into each Elitist like a wrecking ball. The female Elitist was thrown off of (Y/N)'s back and into the concrete pillar of a staircase while Xed was shoved into the glass wall of a store and crashed inside against a display, effectively freeing the girl from both. The other Elitists including Chey suffered the same fates of being thrown harshly back by a wave of energy they weren't expecting to come. And it all left the doctor's body immediately sore and aching that each move he made, even the smallest ones, felt like his muscles were on fire.

     But he fought through it and ran to (Y/N) just as she had got to her feet. He carefully pushed her by her good shoulder towards an alley that led to another street. "Go!"

"What?!" She whipped around to him as he was pushing for her to run. "But-"

"Go! I'll catch up." He growled but she was still resisting. He was trying to make her leave him?! But she couldn't. After that stunt he did, he looked like he could barely move a finger.

       Tears pricked her eyes as she furiously shook her head and tried pulling him with her but he only yanked his arm out of her hands despite the physical pain that came from it. He gritted his teeth as he looked her seriously in the eyes. "I'll keep them off your back. Just get away from here."

"No, Yama!" She couldn't protest more as the Elitists were starting to recover.

       Yama could tell she wasn't going to leave. So stubborn like his brother.

       He launched his arm towards her and she felt an intense pressure hit her chest. It was like being punched by the most massive demon and it sent her flying toward the other side of the alley and landing harshly on the pavement that made her shriek in pain from the knife still in her shoulder.

       There was a toppled over garbage truck situated in the alley that Yama put his last bit of energy into pulling it so that it blocked her path back to him. It crashed against one of the buildings which sent dust and debris to fly into the air.

      Her eyes widened at what he did and tears started falling from her eyes. "YAMA!!"

     He just sacrificed himself? So she can get away?!

     She could hear struggling on the other side, mainly yelling from the Elitists to find her but she couldn't hear him. She couldn't hear any sign from him.

     What if they got him? What if he's-

     She can't think about that. She needed to run. If she were to get caught now it all would've been for nothing. Yama must have a plan, he's smart. He has to have a plan.

     She forced herself to ignore her aching heart and injuries and pushed herself to her feet to run.

      He'll find her. He has to find her.

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