
By Boidoy12

64.1K 2.1K 362

What if Ayanokouji acted like a cat and liked head pats and praise? Idk how this will go but imma try and mak... More

The Black Cat
Sleeper Build
Sleeping Tutor
Kiyo Doesn't Care
Work For Kiyo
Horikita's Brother
Kiyo's Day Out
A Vacation
Missing Bed-Chan
Kiyo Has To Carry
Kiyo's Monologue
New Exam? More Work!
Kei's Situation
Sleeping Exam
Update 2.0
The End Of An Exam
A sports festival? Ugh...
Kiyo's Festival Experience
Paper What?

Horikita's Lazy Ticket

4.6K 138 16
By Boidoy12

As Kiyo was peacefully sleeping at his desk as he does everyday, a certain black hair girl decided to go up to him to ask him a question

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun can you meet me after class?" Said Horikita

"Hmm, sure why not" Kiyo responded 'I wonder what this is all about' Kiyo pondered until 'Is it about that test we took a while ago' Kiyo remembered about a certain surprise test they took a while back which he of course took half of and slept instantly

They also got a huge bombshell dropped on them about them being defective and how they would have barely any points this month because of all the things they did wrong including Kiyo's sleeping which, of course, he never stopped, but Kiyo found all of this meaningless because he still had plenty points. There was also this girl that asked him for 2,000 points and since he still had some Kiyo had given her the points but this is not important now

"Ok, we'll talk during lunch then" Horikita announced while taking her seat 'It's not like he'll leave the classroom anyways' Horikita Thought as she had never seen Ayanokouji outside not sleeping

Of course almost as instinct Ayanokouji fell asleep when Horikita made her declaration in an instant 'How does he fall asleep so easily' Horikita thought while staring at her unconcious classmate

During lunchtime Kiyo is asleep and nobody bothers to wake him up because they know he'll go right back to sleep so Horikita already knew that he would already be in the classroom when she got there "Hey Ayanokouji-kun, wake up" Horikita said to the sleeping Kiyo 'God I really don't want to do this' Horikita Thought. Do What? you might ask well

*Pat* *Pat*

'Why is this the only way he wakes up?' Horikita thought to herself as the sleeping Kiyo started to wake up "Hm? oh hey Horikita" Kiyo said 'No formalities?' Horikita pondered "So what did you want to talk about Horikita?"Kiyo asked Horikita "Oh yeah, about that" Horikita said

"Have you been holding back?" Horikita said straight forward to our lazy protagonist 'when did she?' Kiyo thought "I have no idea what your talking about Horikita" Kiyo responded to Horikita's accusation "Oh? Then how do you explain your entrance exam scores?" Horikita Said to Kiyo

'How did she get my exam scores' Kiyo thought "Whatever are you talking about?" Kiyo said to Horikita who had enough of this procrastination "You scored 50 on all of your exams and even on the test we took a couple weeks ago" Horikita said "How did yo-" Kiyo was about to say before getting interrupted by Horikita "Sensei told me about it, but that doesn't matter" Horikita said 'Of course it matters I don't want to do work' Kiyo said as he sighed

"Look, I know you really like your sleep but if you don't help out the class I wont let you fall asleep in class ever again" Horikita Threatened the poor Kiyo *Sigh* 'Well I can't give up my sleep' Kiyo thought "Fine, ill help out, but" Kiyo said "But?" Horikita said in response "Take my sleep away from me and ill make sure our class never see's the light of day" Kiyo said in a cold tone and a stare that could kill a person

"Now then if were done, I'm going back to sleep" Kiyo said back to his usual poker face while his seatmate was to stunned by the sudden change in expression of our main protagonist 'W-what was that?' Horikita thought while staring at where the now sleeping Kiyo

With that their conversation ended with an asleep Kiyo and a stunned Horikita who planned this talk, even though it went her way she still didn't like the way it ended but that doesn't matter, as long as she got her so called ticket to class A to agree to help

After the events that happened Kiyo got a full days worth of sleep, even though his classmates didn't like it, until "Hello, everyone may I please have your attention" Hirata the classes other angel announced "I would like to propose the idea of study groups" Hirata Said

'Study groups?, I don't need them' Kiyo thought to himself

"Please, everyone just consider the idea" Hirata pleaded until "Guys I think we should do the study groups" The number one class angel Kushida said which made the other half of the class that wasn't going to join actually consider it, which were almost completely male

When the idea was tossed in the air not many people liked the idea but after a bit of conversation and persuading all of the class agreed with the idea "All right, lets decide the tutors for the groups" Hirata said, of course the idea of being a tutor never crossed his mind but someone had other ideas

"Hirata-kun, I think Ayanokouji-kun should be a tutor as well" Horikita said throwing an idea into the air "Ayanokouji-kun? why, didn't he get a 50 on the test?" Hirata said "Yes, but he only took half the test and fell asleep in the first five minutes of the test" Horikita Responded in defense

'He got a 50 while only taking half of the test in five minutes? that's pretty impressive' Hirata thought "Hmm, well ok but who do you think we should let him tutor?" Hirata asked Horikita "Wasn't Sakura-san one of the people who would fail?" Horikita asked Hirata "Oh Sakura-san, yeah she was" Hirata said "Then leave her with him and any other people you think he can handle" she said

After that conversation Horikita went to break the news to the asleep Kiyo so as usual there was once again a

*Pat* *Pat*

"Hmm? Horikita, what do you want?" The poor unsuspecting Kiyo "Congratulations Ayanokouji-kun your now a tutor" Horikita said to Kiyo "Hmm, why me?" Kiyo said "So you don't want to be able to sleep in class?" Horikita Said threatening his sleep time once again "Fine, fine who am I tutoring anyways?" Kiyo asked Horikita

"You will be tutoring Sakura, Hasabe, Karuizawa and Sato" Horikita said "Okay, but does it have to be all girls?" Kiyo said "Why? is that a problem?" Horikita said sending a cold glare "No,not at all" Kiyo said finishing in a sigh 'This is going to be tiresome' Kiyo thought to himself

(Well that's it for this chapter also, Harem Route unlocked lol)

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