
Bởi conceited_nae

720 19 311

Started: January 29th, 2022 Completed: ???? Xem Thêm

Welcome to CAU
Delta Sigma Theta
Start Over
What's Your Story
Like What You See?
Bad Times Don't Last Forever
Abel and Aura


68 3 34
Bởi conceited_nae



A few hours later, Abel popped out of bed breathing heavily. He looked around his now dark room, realizing that it was now night. He took his phone, frowning at the picture in confusion.

A lone tear fell down his cheek as he glared at the picture angrily. Memories that he so desperately wanted to forget, waved through his mind like a bad plague. He just wanted to put the past behind him finally.

The picture was taken three days before his whole world came crashing down. He managed to lose the love of his life all because of a stupid deal he decided to take. If he could truly go back to the moment it happened, he would've done everything he could to keep her safe like he should've.

More tears fell down his face and soon the picture became blurry. He laid his head against the headboard crying softly for the next few minutes.

"I'm so sorry Lorie," he sobbed. "It wasn't supposed to happen like that. You know I would never let that happen to you. I should've protected you more." He softly shook his head. "I love you so much."

He covered his eyes in shame. He didn't blame his family for hating him—he didn't blame his mom for shunning him. He didn't blame his close friends for turning on him. If he could truly go back to make everything right, he would.

His phone started to blare rather loudly, cutting the dreadful thoughts from his mind momentarily. He quickly wiped his eyes and sniffled before looking at the caller i.d. Abel knew if he didn't answer, it would raise doubts and concerns so even though he didn't want to, he answered anyway.

"H—Hello," he sniffled once more.

"Abel." Aura instantly picked up on his mood. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he mumbled. "just tired."

She pouted on the other side. "Well we haven't heard from you today... just wanted to make sure you're okay."

He decided not to answer because he didn't want to lie to her. The truth was, he wasn't okay and he wasn't ever gonna be. Abel knew that his silence was just going to raise more questions out of her, but he hoped she'd just spare him and accept it.

They sat in silence for a split three minutes before Aura softly sighed. "Do you mind if... I come and check on you? It'd ease my mind a little if I saw you."

Abel looked off, silent tears still falling down his face. Although he wanted to be alone, doing so wouldn't be good for him at the moment. He was certain that he'd do something he'd regret.

So he accepted, promising that he would stay on the phone while she traveled. After he sent her the address to his apartment, he dreadfully got out of bed to tidy up his bedroom a bit, getting rid of any trash and tossing loose clothing into his hamper.

By the time he was finished cleaning, there was a knock on his door. He hung up his phone and went to open it, seeing Aura's bright comforting smile. She held a duffle bag on her shoulder and a grocery bag in her hand. Abel smiled slightly.

"Sleepover!" She giggled, holding up the bags.

He stepped to the side letting her rush in. She dropped her duffle bag next to the couch and hurried to put the bag of snacks on the kitchen counter. After closing and locking the door, Abel went to join her, sitting on the barstool across from her. He watched her maneuver around, putting things away while humming softly. How could someone look as beautiful as her, he'd never know.

When Aura finally noticed his slightly red eyes and tear staind face, she pouted and stopped what she was doing to stand in front of him. She stepped in between his legs to get a closer look at his face. Abel froze up at how close she was.

"Abel," she whispered sadly, grabbing his face. "Why are you crying?"

He tried looking away, but Aura's firm but gentle grip kept him from doing so. He didn't want her to see him this way—he was truly ashamed.

She got the memo that he didn't want to talk about it so instead of pushing it further, she instead wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I'm sorry that you don't feel so well. I wish I could help in any way." Abel looked ahead silently. "I just want you to know that I'm always here for you.. whenever you feel comfortable talking about it."

She rubbed along his back slowly, easing his riddled nerves only a little. "Have you eaten at least?"

He shook his head slightly. Aura nodded before pulling back to see his face. "Well, I bought stuff to make a pizza" she smiled. "wanna help?"

Her smile was so cute and contagious that Abel couldn't help but smile a little himself. Aura beamed proudly as he nodded and took his hands to pull him up.

"Well come on! We can watch a movie after!"

They maneuvered around the kitchen, grabbing and mixing ingredients together in bowls and putting them aside for later. While Abel finished getting the shredded cheese, Aura attempted to knead the dough around the flour. She rolled it into a ball as best as she could before flattening it with the roller.

She huffed in frustration. "Maybe my hands are too small. It's not spreading like I want it to!"

Abel chuckled and turned from the counter to stand behind her at the island. "Let me do it."

Aura started to move away, but realized she was trapped between his arms. He reached in front of her and placed his hands on top of hers on the handle. His chest softly touched her back making her draw in a breath.

"Like this," he spoke lowly, seemingly unaware of the effect he had on her currently. He moved the roller up and down before tilting it to the side doing the same motion. It took them a while to get the perfect pizza circle.

By the time they were finished, Aura was comfortable in his arms. He dropped his hands from the handle and placed them on either side of her as she turned around to face him. She realized how close they were and fell short on what to say.

He gazed into her dark brown eyes, reveling in how cute and innocent she looked. He tried to stay away but she was simply irresistible. She was too nice and her aura was infectious. Abel was truly bad for anyone he encountered. He felt like he didn't deserve the friends he made and as he looked into her beautiful eyes, that statement became truer than ever.

Aura blushed and looked away when she caught his eyes trailing down to her lips. "Thank you," her voice was small and meek.

He started to smirk. Licking his lips, he nodded. He made no effort to move away. And Aura knew that, it seems. "A-Are you okay?" 

Abel nodded, slowly dropping his hands to boldly grab her waist. Aura softly gasped--his hands slid over her back, and he pulled her closely, eyes never leaving the side of her face. 

"Thank you," he said as she finally looked at him. "I... I don't want be around anyone right now, but I don't want to be alone either. I appreciate you wanting to check on me, Aura." 

She softly smiled. "No problem Abel. That's what friends are for, right?" He smirked. "You really don't have to tell me anything right now, but know that I'm here and that I care about you. We all do."

Abel nodded. They shared another comforting hug until Aura reluctantly pulled away. The pizza was made and baked to perfection an hour later, and they were now on Abel's couch watching Scream. The baked pizza crust sat on separate plates on the coffee table, Aura kept her eyes fixated on the large flat screen while Abel kept his eyes on her. They shared a big bowl of buttered popcorn and M&M's, bundled under a comfy throw blanket. 

He watched her slightly flinch hearing the sound effects of one of the many ghostface victims being killed by him. It was as if she hadn't seen the movie as many times as she had--she was the one who suggested it after all. As it carried on to the next scene, she popped an M&M into her mouth, finally noticing his intense eyes on her. She blushed and pulled a strand of her curly hair behind her ear. 

"Y-You're not watching the movie anymore?" she stupidly asked. 

"No," he replied truthfully. "I've seen it too many times already." 

Aura nodded and shuffled to grab the remote from the table. "Well we can watch something else. Sorry for suggesting this."

He started to chuckle. Slowly, he peeled the small device from her hands. "If you wanna watch it still, it's fine Aura." 

"But you're not enjoying it." She felt her lips forming a pout. 

"But you are." 

She started to say something else but paused seeing the look on his face. Her pout deepened as she settled her back against the soft cushions in defeat. Abel laughed at her will to be so dramatic--he found it cute. Wordlessly, he pressed play, and she finished the movie getting used to his eyes burning the side of her face. 

When the movie was over, Aura had already fallen asleep on his shoulder. Abel looked over her calm face with an amusing smile on his. Her being her had really lifted his sullen mood completely. He found himself staring at her the entire night, he really couldn't keep his eyes away. 

As small as her gesture was, he wasn't gonna forget it ever. It was rare that anyone would check on him when he was feeling blue, so he really appreciated it. 

He slowly moved her head off of his shoulder before standing up quietly to pick her up. She started to shift in her sleep only a little, Abel made sure she was still before moving again. He headed straight to his room, glad that he tidied up before she came over. He softly laid her down and pulled the comforter over her shoulders. She immediately smiled in her sleep cuddling up into the pillow. 

Abel watched her for a while, still feeling completely enamored, before grabbing a spare blanket and pillow to sleep on the couch. He left his bedroom door cracked and flopped on the couch. Finally, he decided to watch Scream, and he actually paid attention. 


The next morning Abel woke up hearing his alarm going off on his phone. He snoozed it checking the time before looking around his quiet apartment. He had only two hours before his first class start and as much as he didn't want to go, he knew he had to show his face.

Slowly, he got up from the couch noticing that his bedroom was once again vacant with a piece of folded paper rested on his pillow. He picked it up instantly smelling sweet french vanilla. It put a small smile on his face.

Thank you for letting me crash here. You're really sweet & I hope you're feeling better today. Remember, Bad Times Don't Last Forever

- Aura ❤

P.S: I hope you come to class too.. it's better when you're here

The smile on his face grew wider. Surprisingly, he was feeling a lot better today.

It was safe to assume that Aura had superpowers. Her presence alone could end world hunger if possible.

He managed to make it to class on time. Just before the bell rang. Aura sat in the far back with her face in her journal, writing as she always was. He took a moment to look at her, admiring her makeup-less face, fresh curls, and smooth honey brown skin. He didn't realize how long he was standing there staring, until he heard Iris' voice in his ears.

"I promise if you take a picture, it'll last longer." She jokingly moved him to the side with her hip before sitting next to Aura.

Abel shook his head and followed suit. He didn't hide the smile on his face as he leaned down to hug Aura. Seemingly, it had gotten bigger—Iris noticed.

"Good morning," Aura mumbled, blushing and smiling softly. "How did you sleep?"

"Good, surprisingly." Abel leaned against his seat half listening to the professor start on the lesson.

"I'm sorry for stealing your bed. I would've taken the couch, it's no problem."

"What makes you think I was gonna let that happen?" He gave her a look, making her giggle. "I'm a gentleman. You were taking the bed whether you wanted to or not."

Deciding not to fight him on it, Aura smiled and pushed her curls away. She moved her chair closer as he leaned forward to pay attention, and wrapped an arm around him to hug him again.

"Well thank you, gentleman sir." Abel chuckled and smiled when she kissed his cheek softly.

"Don't mention it."




"Lucky move before I snap your neck in half!"

Aura laughed as Kingsley slapped the back of Landon's head when he tried to take one of her waffle fries. She sat next to Abel, who silently scrolled through his phone lazily with a fry hanging from his mouth.

"Bro, share! Coi ate all of my damn fries!"

"And how is that my problem?" Kingsley shrugged carelessly. "Get away from me."

"Cam ate all of your fries," Coi appeared with Cam, holding their drinks. "Take it up with him."

"I was hungry bro, my bad." Cam laughed.

"Go replace my missing product nigga." Landon glared.

While they continued bickering, Coi passed Aura and Abel their drinks before reclaiming her spot next to him. She pulled out her book, shielding the pages with her hand from the sun.

"Evie, Iris, and Nailee is on their way," Stevie appeared next. "Ooo, Chick Fil-A."

"I got your lemonade too." Coi smiled.

"That's why you're my favorite."

"Hey!" Aura pouted. "I thought I was your favorite?"

Steven playfully ruffled her curls before leaning down to whisper, "You're not."

He laughed when she crossed her arms and sat across from them. He took his grilled chicken sandwich and waffle fries, said his grace, and took a huge bite. Aura shook her head.

Seconds later, she felt a arm wrap around her midsection before a pair of soft lips brushed against her earlobe.

"You're my favorite."

Then those same lips kissed her face, and she couldn't keep her cheeks from heating up immensely. She shyly brushed her hair behind her ear, daring to look at the culprit.

Abel only smiled knowingly before going back to his phone.

"And here I am, thinking that I was your favorite Abel! I gave you a campus tour for Gods sake!" Coi playfully fussed.

He jokingly ruffled her wavy hair, mimicking Steven's previous menstrations. Only he leaned over, invading her space.

"You're not," he deadpanned before laughing at her frowned up face. "Thanks for the tour though."

"Damn, Abel." Steven laughed reaching over the table to give him dap.

The group continued their lunch, joking around and chatting until it was time for them to disperse for their last few classes. Aura and Abel were free for the rest of the day so they decided to hang around campus until everyone else's classes were over.

"Have you ever thought about cutting your hair?" She asked curiously.

Abel shrugged, shoving his hands inside of the pockets of his jacket.

"I will.... one day."

Aura reached up, grabbing one of his dreads. "I like it, it's different."

"That's what I was aiming for." He chuckled.

"How did it even form like that though?"

"Magic. Sorcery." He laughed at her deadpanned expression. "It just did its own thing. I never touched it."

She hummed. Soon, they stopped at a vacant bench not too far from her dorm and sat down. Aura tucked her leg under the other and faced him, resting her cheek on her hand.

"If I ever cut it, I'd do it in maybe a year or two. It's nice to be different, but I'd be lying if I didn't say this shit isn't heavy." Aura giggled at that.

"Your poor, pea head."  She grabbed at his hair again, letting her hand get comfortable where it rested. "What would your next hairstyle be?"

Abel shrugged, leaning into her touch. "I won't be bald, I know that much." Aura giggled again. "Maybe something simple. An afro or something."

"Hmmm. That's nice. Can't say I can imagine you with an afro though." He chuckled.

"Because you see me with this birds nest on my head too often."

Aura playfully held her hands up. "Hey, you said it, no me."

She squealed when he playfully pulled her into his  arms, tickling her waist.


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