Till Death

By deyabliss

57.5K 2.8K 347

This is a Geminifourth AU Gemini and Fourth both entered college with nothing but love when secrets comes re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
The wedding
Joint mates

Chapter 9

1.3K 82 7
By deyabliss

Fourth pov

"I saw my ex today" I say staring at Gem he furrow his eyebrows,I waited for him to say something but he just stared at me "he's names is Talay Nartonat" I say the name that has been haunting my day taking a deep breath before I continued

"I started developing feelings for him because he always protects me,I was a menace,bullies were very much attracted to me "I say chuckling as i look away from him staring at his chest unable to hold his gaze as I say next words "I thought he was the one, I loved him,I really love him" I close my eyes as I remember the times we were together "I was sixteen at the time we started dating that's when I tried my luck kissing him first on his seventeen birthday I was surprised he kissed me back but also happy,he suggests we date which I accepted with everything in me" I say looking back at Gem

"We were in the closet, none of us had the courage to come out and I was okay with that,we went on dates,do want couples normally do suddenly he changed he became very aggressive but I was blinded by love always making excuses for his actions thinking I was the one at fault" I say blinking back my tears as I swallow the lump that I felt on my throat "then one day I went to school people started staring at me"


My skin crawls with the amount of eyes I felt as I walked through the school highway

"What's happening?" Jay whispers as we walk as people brought out their phones taking pictures of us laughing

"Well isn't it the Gay boy" a voice says as my body runs cold as I stop walking

"Fag" "queer"  were the words that I heard from people before my phone beeps

"Fourth is this you?" I look at jay as he stares at me showing me his phone,it was a video of me and Talay kissing the last time we want on a date his face wasn't showing just his back while my face was in full display.

I felt my eyes water as I ran out ignoring his calls going to look for Talay, I searched everywhere in school but couldn't find him I called him but he didn't reply,I gave up calling closing my eyes in frustration as tears kept flowing down my eyes I was unable to stop them,his ignoring me. This is not how I wanted it to be

"I always knew we were gay" I heard jay voice to see him coming to sit by me "and I know it's Talay in that video"

"How did you find me?" I asks wiping  my tears from my eyes

"how are you coping?" He asks instead of answering

"How did you know?"

"Have you seen you?" He says laughing I just stared at him in disbelief not really in the mood "sorry" he says before clearing his throat "I suspected you guys after his birthday when  you came out from his room flushed not able to keep eye contact and smiling when your eyes meet I noticed before then how you stare at him damn I was really jobless" he shakes his head "isn't it when you guys started?" He asks

"Yes" I whisper nodding wiping the tears that doesn't seems to stop

"I saw you guys one day at the amusement park and that confirm it for me

"Why didn't you ask me?"

"Why should I ask you,it's not my business if you like a boy or a girl, who you like is your issue love is love but society...." He says signing "have you spoken to Talay?"

I shake my head saying no "he's not in school and h-hes isn't picking" I stutter as another wave of sadness hit me

"Come here" he says pulling me to him "it's fine maybe he's busy, don't think to much" he finishes


I wasn't able to go to class because I couldn't bare the talk and stare I stayed outside, jay staying with me I beg him to go to class but he says friends before hoes which I don't know if its the class or our teacher he was referring to

"Isn't that Talay" jay says pointing at a direction of the gate my eyes followed seeing him talking with his friends smiling And laughing "so he's in school?" Jay says what's on my mind "this bitch"

I stood up walking towards him ignoring the stares I got as I stand at his back taping him to look at me

"Can we talk?" I say avoiding eye contact from everyone looking down

"Is the fag" someone spat making me flinch a little

"We have nothing to talk about" he says as I look at him to see him blankly stare at me no emotion at all "let's go" he says walking with his friends

I stare at the place he left in shock not being able to process what just happen as I felt my heart break into pieces. I blink my eyes to hold back tears as another wave of tears comes rushing

"I swear if you didn't break up with him right this moment..." Jay says as he comes closer to me. I shake my head

"No,I spoke to him in front of people that's why"

"Who are you trying to convince me or you?'

"No one"

"Give me your phone" I gave him my phone not thinking anything

"Here" he says giving me back. I look at it to see he texted Talay saying it's over

"Why!!" I shout trying to delete it feeling annoyed

"It's already delivered"

"Jay you can't do this!"

"Talay doesn't love you" He says. He's words hitting me straight in the heart "he doesn't love you and you know it" he says hitting me on my shoulder"you have been trying to convince yourself that he does you don't want to acknowledge the fact he doesn't,if he does now was the perfect opportunity to come out as gay so to the two of you could be together openly stop trying to deny it"

"Jay you don't know Talay okay am the boyfriend"


"And I know that's he's just afraid...he love me"

"Aren't you suppose to be worried about yourself someone just outed you and you are trying to make excuses for someone that doesn't even care if you die today!"

"Stop Jay! Stop!" I yell pushing him away as tears fall from my eyes. All that he was saying was true. I loved Talay so much that I will always make excuses for him even when he shouts at me for little things or almost hit me then he comes back and take me on dates to apologize and I will forget everything he does. It just hurts to hear it

"Fourth you deserve better" he says walking away from me hitting me with his shoulders on his way

I walked back home feeling weak from all the crying I did today my head was hurting my eyes was spinning I thought I wouldn't even make it back home

*End of flashback

"I was so stupid,you can't force someone to love you right" I say sniffing as tears flow from my eyes. I was wrapped around Gem arms as he wipes my tears before kissing my forehead

"It's okay" he whispers "love can make you do things you can't help who you love,you were young don't blame yourself for somebody else actions"

"I thought it was over"I say as I look up at him "I went to buy groceries a week after the break..."


"Fourth is this the one you wanted?" my mom asks me pointing at a bag

"No mom" I say chuckling as I walk towards her "that's a school bag I want an outing bag"

"Is there a difference?" She rised the bag up

"Of course" I say collecting it from her returning it to it's position "it's not fancy" I say shaking my head

"Whatever" she left to check the others

I was following her chatting with Jay, she didn't say anything when I told her about me being gay she just said she knew, is being gay written on my face first jay now her . Talay hasn't contacted me since my messages stupid me was expecting a call or even a message but I got none,I wasn't watching were I was going as I came to hit somebody

"Sorr-" I cut myself off when I saw the  person in front of me. Of course I will see him now "excuse me" I say moving the other way to leave

"You can't break up with me" he says making me stop my movement "am not breaking up with you" I turn around looking at him Asif he's lost it.

"Are you okay?" I say surprising myself where is this confidence coming from two weeks ago I wouldn't have spoken to him like this

"See who has wings" he says walking closer to me as I take a step back

"Don't come closer" but he continues coming walking closer

"Fourth I think you have forgotten who you are talking to" he says as he grabs my wrist holding it tight.

"Let me go" I whisper as I felt pain making me whine whimpering

"I said am not breaking up with you,I don't care if you want to break up, you're mine" he growls as I look at him with wide eyes feeling scared,I can't believe this the boy I loved "and I decide when we break up" he pushed me as my back came in contact with the wall making me hiss in pain "we are not over" he finishes walking away. I hold my wrist as I felt my eyes water,I picked up the things that fell from my hands when he pushed me


"Fourth where are you?" I heard my mom's voice as I quickly wipe the tears that fell from my eyes "oh there you are, what happened?"She asks rushing to me to help me pick. I clear my throat chuckling

"You know how clumsy your son is" I say putting on a smile

"Oh fourth" she says pulling me up "give me before we start looking for what we went to buy" she finishes collecting them from me

*End of flashback

"He didn't let me go,he was always watching me,sometimes I see him in my room when I come back from school,he threatened me not to tell anyone,he f-forces me to kiss him,when I refused he s-slaps me...he even t-tried h-he even tri-" I stutter chocking on my words as my tears flows as I remember

"I'm so sorry" Gem whispers as he tighten his arms around me,he shirt was covered with my tears

"One day when my mom went to work he came into my room drunk,I was so scared I tried calling jay but the phone was slapped out of my hands,h-he pushed me..."

*Flashback 🚫 warning*

"Talay no" I say as tears fill my eyes trying to move away from him as he pushed me against the wall making me hiss he hot breath smelt like alcohol  "please stop" I try pushing him away but my push wasn't doing anything. He licked my neck making me close my eyes in disgust cringing

"I have been waiting for this" he says as he removed his top I tried using the opportunity to run but I was dragged back letting out a scream as I landed on the bed

"Stop please no!" I shout begging as tears flows through my face "p-please no stop" I beg blocking his hands as he tries removing my pants "help!" I scream but he covers my month with his hand

"You are mine! Mine only" he growls against his hand on my mouth he's breath choking me as I found it hard to breath,my tears was pouring as he succeeded removing my pants. He removed his hand from my mouth to remove his belt as I used my leg to kick his crotch making him to shout as he holds it moving back

I rushed away from him but was immediately stopped as I screamed when he pulls me by my hair dragging me

"Hel-!" He pushed me I felt pain all over my face my vision blurred a little as my head hit my nightstand

"Stop fighting!" He yells removing his trouser,I was to weak to do anything I felt something flow down my face as I touch it seeing blood my vision blurs I blinked my eyes trying to stay awake

He comes closer carrying me placing me on the bed the door opens

"Fourth!" I heard Jay voice that's the last thing I heard before my vision disappeared

*End of flashback

"I woke up in a hospital bed my mom beside me crying with Jay that was the last time I saw Talay not until now,I didn't even asked what they did to him" I sniff all my tears drys out,I wasn't able to cry again as I felt weak "we moved here one month after because my mom found a job here,I went to therapy for five months which helped me" I hear Gem sniff making me look up at him to see tears pouring from his eyes "why are you crying? I asks wiping his tears

"Am sorry, am so sorry that happened to you,it must have been so hard you were so young" he whispers

"Hey it's okay I've moved on I think"I  say looking into his eyes that was filled with tears "it was three years ago,I have you now" I say yawning as I felt sleepy and my eyes closing a little feeling tried from crying to much

"I love you" he whispers kissing me

"I love you too" was the last thing I said before passing out

Gem pov

I wipe my tears pulling away from fourth after a while as he whine a little before going back to sleep I stare at his stained face with tears I wipe it off admiring his beauty,he's so pretty am so lucky to be with him even after everything he's been through he still accepted to be with me.I pull my phone out to call someone clearing my throat

"Gemini long time no hear" the cold voice sounds from the other line

"Joong I need you to do something for me"


Hello people

Thanks for reading

See you next time humans bye

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