You said you wouldn't

By _strawbx

564K 13.4K 2.8K

The person I've dedicated my whole life to was standing in front of me holding his mistress's hand asking me... More

Prologue 1.
Prologue 2.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 33.1
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 29

7K 191 63
By _strawbx

The more time I spent standing by Emily's door, the more my heart broke. But I just couldn't  move. My heart ached listening to her cries. Oh how I hated myself for bringing her so much pain.

I kept listening to her cries till they turned into whimpers. I wanted to go back , engulf her into my arms and tell her it's gonna be okay.

Tell her how much it's affecting me. I did not want to hurt her. It was never my intention. I've found myself in a situation like never before and  I didn't know how to deal with it.

What 'situation' Justin?
You just couldn't keep your dick in your pants at the sight of another girl. That's pretty much it.

The frustration, the guilt  was too much to handle so I pushed myself off her door and left.

Coming downstairs I was met with Jade giving me a disappointed look. We weren't really silent so I know he's heard whatever Emily and I have shouted . I hurt his daughter  after I promised him to protect her for the rest of my life. I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes.

Atleast Apologize Justin.
Cmon be a man

"Jade I-" I fumbled with words trying to find the right words to apologize for hurting the person he loves the most .

"I don't really blame you Justin, and frankly I knew this wouldn't last. Not that I approve of you hurting my daughter but I know my Emily she can get a bit too much to handl-"

I cut him off almost immediately

"Jade no! It's me, I'm the problem. It has nothing to do with Emily" I rushed to explain

"Explain yourself some other time , Emily needs me right now " He dismissed me with a nod

It's probably better if I leave right now.
So I did.

Exiting through the main door, I wiped the tears that managed to escape my eyes as I sat in the driver's seat taking deep breaths.

It's done.

I exhaled loudly before starting the engine and driving home. I shook my head trying to get rid of the image of Emily's crying face that wouldn't leave my head.

"What I did was right" I muttered, in a hope of feeling better

Damn Justin, you really are a douchebag

My conscience was taunting me non stop as  my thoughts kept going back and forth from Emily and then to Sia.

I couldn't believe I've just broken off a 2 years old relationship for a girl I met like a week ago.

It's insane how much she affects me. There's something about her , her aura that makes me feel weird. Something I've never felt before.

With Emily, I always felt this comforting feeling of love and I adored it. But with Sia, the feeling I get is unexplainable that  makes me uneasy and I'm curious to know about it as much as I can.

It's not complete lust, not infatuation, not care but something in between of all of them.

The day I saw her naked in a pool of blood, crying her heart out made my stomach drop. And when she asked me to take care of her baby as she laid in my arms almost lifeless .

It stirred this unknown emotion in me, something in me changed completely, and I promised myself to protect her at all cost.

She was too fragile for this world and I wanted to protect her.

Protect her beauty, her charm.

When I saw her that day in the kitchen under the limelight of moon, She almost resembled a fairy. Her curves, her beauty, it was unreal.

And I wanted this Fairy all for myself.

I know I was being selfish but I couldn't help it.

I don't know how she felt about me at the moment but I was sure my feelings were , to some extent reciprocated.

I could see it in the ways , her eyes caught little glances of me when we all sat together to eat, how she became nervous when I passed her in the hallways .

I know I could be delusional and maybe she was behaving that way simply because she was scared of me.

But Oh how I wanted it to be true.

I have had my pretty share of girls falling for me, well mostly my money and looks but she was different.

And it has always been a habit of mine since childhood, no matter what it was, toys, food, clothes, I always wanted the different ones.

And So I want this one.

I want Sia.


I know I know, I disappeared again.
And I am SO SORRY.

I've had this chapter in drafts since march actually but I really don't know why I didn't upload it.

I know that's no excuse but College life has fucked me up .

But I am gonna update as soon as possible. I promise.
Till then let's do a QnA?
Ask me questions about the story, the characters etc. I'm gonna try and answer to each one of them?

I promised y'all on my insta that I'd update today, see I did!

Y'all can follow me on Instagram if you want @_strawbx
(But just do me a favor, and dm me that you're from my wattpad, so that I can accept you)

We'll talk and keep in touch!

Thank you so much for reading



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