Kind Regards

By excerptsfromstories

135K 2.6K 698

After a traumatic night, Alexandra Hood ends up in the E.R bleeding out as the betrayal of her boyfriend has... More

1. Mr No Name
2. Reign
3. Monopoly
4. Break My Heart
5. Reign Hell
6. Nico
7. Mr & Mrs Reign
8. Apology Letter
9. Mr Hood
10. Happy Birthday!
11. Die For You
12. Family
13. Wrong Hood
14. Rules
15. 9018
16. Rumour Has It
17. Gold Digger
18. Dress Codes
19. Painful Truths
20. Scar
21. Naive
22. Watch Your Mouth
24. "DAD"
25. Ghost of You
26. Focus, focus, focus
27. Best Friends
28. Bite Me
29. Inevitable
30. Dรฉjร  Vu
31. McStupid
32. City Lights
33. Alexandra Reign
34. Vulnerability
35. Hangman
36. Sunshine & Moonlight
37. Starlight

23. Denial

2.9K 53 11
By excerptsfromstories

"I hope it's okay, we'll be staying at one of my vacation homes" Nico spoke up, pulling into a beautiful private estate.

I followed him into the house in awe, looking around and taking in every detail of the house.

"This place is beautiful" I breathed out, standing in front of the glass door.

A dimly lit pool with beautiful views of the city, a firepit, everything I had always dreamt of having one day.

Nico chuckled softly, sliding the door open. I followed him outside, smiling down at the water.

"Wanna get in?" he asked, standing beside me.

I furrowed my brows, looking up at him. "right now?"

A slight smirk appeared on his face, before his arms wrapped around my body and throwing both of us into the pool.

The sensation of the cold water woke me up even more. Nico just threw both of us into the pool fully clothed.

We both laughed, gasping at how cold the water was. The look on his face made me want to do it all over again. It was captivating.

I held onto his shoulders as his arms rested around my waist securely. His shirt was partially unbuttoned, revealing droplets of water against his toned body.

"So, you know how to shut someone up huh?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

He pressed his lips together, deepening his dimple. A brow raised slightly. "You're not someone I'd ever want to shut up.  I love hearing you"

I smiled, inching my face closer to his. "you know exactly what I mean"

His head tilted back slightly, lips grazing against mine. "I know"

My legs wrapped around his waist, bringing myself closer to him. He brought us toward the edge of the pool, my back against the wall.

Without wasting another second, he closed the gap between us as our lips collided. His soft lips moved in sync with mine, gently squeezing my waist.

My hands roamed through his hair, tugging lightly as the warmth between us continued spreading.

He pulled away, breathing heavily. His hand trailed up my arm, prompting Goosebumps all over my body.

I leant my head back slightly once he reached my collarbone, smiling at my reaction. He kissed my lips softly, then my cheek and the other.

"God" I whispered, feeling his breath against my neck.

His lips pressed against my neck making me gasp at the contact. I felt him tense against me, sighing.

"You're killing me, love" he mumbled against my neck.

I placed my hands over his chest, tugging on the shirt. This level of intimacy was driving me crazy, I loved it.

His lips were inches away. I grazed my lips against him, before he pulled away, a slight smirk on his face.

Taunting. He was taunting me. I can play this game.

"Nico" I whispered, caressing the back of his neck as my free and unbuttoned his shirt.

Before he could react, I connected my lips to his jaw, placing soft kisses. I moved down to his neck, hearing his breath hitch as he tensed.

He hummed, trailing his hands up my thighs.

"You started this" I whispered by his ear before getting out of his grasp and pulling myself out of the pool.

A rough laugh escaped his lips, running a hand through his wet hair, slicking it back. Suddenly, I can't breathe.

I stood by the edge of the pool as water dripped. I guess I won't be needing this dress anymore.

His jaw dropped, watching as I slipped it off revealing a black set underneath. It was nothing too seductive, but it clearly shocked him.

"I don't want to ruin your floors" I shrugged, walking toward the sliding doors.

The sound of him getting out of the pool echoed in the background. Just as I was about to open the doors, he spun me around and pinned me against the wall.

I looked up at him, biting back a smile. He smiled at me, lifting my chin up toward him.

"No more games" his voice was slightly raspy, eyes darker than usual. "You know, no one else has ever mattered to me, not even remotely close to how much you do"

We both smiled at each other with so much awe despite what just happened. Three words that come to mind whenever I look at him were about to be revealed.

"I love you" I admitted, seeing his eyes glisten. "and I know this isn't the most romantic setting and I'm half-naked, but I look at you, and those words are etched in my mind. I've never let myself, love, because love has only ever gotten me hurt. But if love is what I would hurt for, then it's you. I love you"

He grinned sheepishly, moving hair away from my face before cupping my jaw.

"Before you, there wasn't much I even liked. Everything was so dull but now, I love the smell of hot chocolate, the taste of mangoes, the moon during any time of the day and the way the sun feels against my skin. Because they remind me of you, and... I love you"

Admitting our love for each other was a step closer, and a step I was willing to run toward. Because in this world, with all the blood and violence; it could be the last time you ever see someone. And not telling someone I love before they're gone would destroy me.


After spending the night with just the two of us, we had to get back to reality. Nico had work to deal with and I had a family tree to figure out.

Ryder has stuck by my side ever since we got back to the house. Not protectively but because he wanted to; he's still a baby.

I walked into the kitchen to see Luca and Nico standing across from each other.

"Alex, I've been begging Nico to go to this restaurant with me, but he won't" Luca groaned.

I chuckled at his dramatic expression, turning to Nico. "Why not, love? C'mon look at this... grown man pouting at you"

Nico let out a throaty laugh, shaking his head. "I'm sick of steak right now, Evans and I went to a spot the other day"

The gasp that escaped Luca's mouth startled me. "You've been spending a lot of time with Evans recently and I feel... left out"

They began bickering back and forth, feeding into this friendly banter that had me in pieces.

"Okay, fine we can go later Lucy" Nico gave in, putting his hands up in defeat.

Luca narrowed his eyes, "Don't you dare call me Lucy. Do you even miss me when I'm gone?"

I covered my mouth to prevent myself from laughing anymore, knowing they were both on the brink of losing it.

"I see you every day" Nico exclaimed defensively.

Before Luca could react, Evans walked into the kitchen confused at all the fuss. Nico put his head in his hands, laughing.

"You" Luca huffed, "unbelievable"

Evans turned to me, asking what the hell just happened but I was consumed with laughter.

Nico calmed down, straightening his shirt. "Anyway, Luca what'd you find?"

"The recent string of murders, robberies and kidnappings. They all lead me to this" Luca snapped back into work mode, opening up his laptop.

We all looked at a symbol, it was cryptic but looked like a wolf.

"A group, they call themselves los Lobos"

My heart sank, upon hearing those words. Lobos. Wolves. No, it can't be. It's impossible.

Nico noticed my reaction, walking toward me and tilting my chin up to face him.

"Are you okay? Do you know something?" he asked hesitantly.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, seeing all eyes on me with concern.

"It's impossible. My thought. So, the wolves. Do you know who they are?"

They all shook their heads, so Luca perked up. "but I'm a fucking genius and will have their faces a.s.a.p."

Nico's eyes softened, tilting his head at me knowing I was holding something back. Now wasn't the right time.

I smiled at him, nodding. Silently telling him to let it be for now. I was wrong.

"Cameron's in the gym right now, you'll be okay?" he spoke softly.

Let's just go with that for now. I made my way down, hearing thuds. He was punching the boxing bag.

I caught his attention as I walked inside, fidgeting with my hands. He stopped punching, looking up at me.

"Something on your mind, kid?" he asked, taking the gloves off.

I opened my mouth to speak but hesitated. It was crazy.

"do you know anything about Los Lobos?"

He tensed at the mention of it, furrowing his brows at me. "How do you know about them? Did they do something to you? I swear to God"

Before he could spiral more, I shook my head. "No, why would they? Did they do something to you?"

His eyes lowered, fixating on his water bottle. They did.

"The scar" I breathed out. "They did that to you?"

Confusion filled me as he shook his head, almost struggling with himself. Uncertainty.

"I-I don't know. The man who did it called himself a wolf but Los Lobos, they're new. Terrorising anything they can get their hands on" he explained, shrugging.

The answer to my question may put my mind at ease. I just hope it's what I want to hear.

"Why did they do it?"

Silence filled the room. Nothing but the sound of the clock ticking.

His head snapped toward me, narrowing his eyes slightly. "What are you trying to find out?"

My shoulders slumped, as I began pacing the room. "It's impossible"

"Nothing's impossible, just hard to achieve"

"I fucking hope this isn't"

"Alexandra, talk to me" he spoke calmly, stopping me from internally freaking out.

My mind went a thousand miles an hour, I couldn't even comprehend what I was trying to say.

"Whenever Andrew got drunk and would, y'know" I bawled my hands into a fist. "he would go on some sort of power trip, yelling about being a wolf, being the alpha. I thought it was just his fragile masculinity"

He nodded slowly before his eyes widened slightly, realising where I was going with this.

We stared at each other with the same expression on our faces. I see the resemblance now.

"It can't be, right? He's dead" He nodded.

"Yeah, yeah" I nodded.

Stage 1: denial.

We muttered to ourselves, thinking back to everything.

"I mean Nico took care of it; the hospital called me. The Morgue"

"Yeah, and he wouldn't let him live. No way"

"Right, it's not like any of his men would betray him" I chuckled softly.

Cameron nodded, we looked like bobbleheads. I stared at him blankly trying to convince myself that we were wrong.

It was as if something clicked. We rushed out of the gym and toward Nico's office. It was empty, he wasn't home.

I grabbed my phone out, dialling Luca's number.

"Hey Alex, Dom's just in a meeting right now but I can give him the phone?" he answered.

"I was calling for you, buddy" I clarified, hearing him cheer. "Do you know who disposed of Andrew?"

He hummed, "Yeah, the usual guys. Melendez and Zeke"

I had no idea who they are but surely they're loyal to Nico. Andrew and I are just overthinking it.

"Alex... are you afraid this Lobos thing has something to do with your father? He's dead"

I glanced at Cameron, shrugging my shoulders. He nodded, putting a gun in his waistband. We're going to find out for ourselves.

"Yeah you're right, thanks though" I ended the call.

Cameron grabbed the keys to the SUV, starting up the car as I followed right behind him.

The drive was quiet, but not uncomfortable. We were both uneasy.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell Dominico?" he asked, focusing on the road.

"And have his men die because of a thought? It's not worth it until we have proof" I explained, being rational.

Concern plastered over his face, despite how much he tried to suppress it. The car came to a halt. The place looked so eerily familiar to me.

"Kidnapping me again? You know how it ends" I spoke sarcastically, unbuckling my seatbelt.

He cringed at the thought, shaking his head at me. "I- that is something we have to work through. No, the only reason I knew of this place is because it's where I got the scar. This is where they brought me"

I sighed with realisation, mentally preparing myself for what we could be walking into.

"And you have to put this on. I'll wait for you" he spoke sternly, placing. A bulletproof vest on my lap.

He got out of the car, walking a few steps away with his back to me. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Once it was on securely, I got out of the car. The smell took me back to that night. I wasn't afraid though.

As we got closer to the cabin, Cameron knelt down behind some trees. I did the same, trying to get a good look inside.

"This is their base" he whispered, pressing his head against the tree.

A man walked past the window. He had a buzz cut, but the side of his face seemed so familiar.

"Looks like there are only two men. We could take them right?"

He glanced at me with a worried look, "You need to call Nico and get back up here. I'm not risking your safety"

Just as those words left his mouth, my phone began ringing. It was Nico.

I picked up, bringing it to my ear. "Hey" I whispered.

"Alex, where are you?" he panted.

"At the cabin, I'm with Cameron I was just about to ask you to bring back up"

Nico's voiced sounded so panicked, his breathing was heavy. Something was seriously wrong.

"It's your father! Get out of there right now. I don't know how he – just please leave now" he pleaded.

I nodded, turning to Cameron who shot up, drawing his gun. My heart skipped a beat, hearing multiple guns click.

Three men stood in front of us, guns drawn. Three vs two, I'm not so sure.

"hang up the phone. Tell him you're safe" one of the men instructed, speaking quietly.

I stood up straight, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Okay, Cameron and I are leaving now. We're safe. Bye Dom"

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