Cake Cafe

Af Khadija_Aminu

458 57 27

The meeting of two broken hearts can either be a like a bomb or like a long steady walk under the shade of a... Mere



20 3 0
Af Khadija_Aminu


After waiting and pretending I wasn't waiting for days, he managed to call when my mouth was filled with puff-puff. I'd hurriedly chewed and washed them down with the tea I was drinking rather gracefully. And I hadn't even been sure it was him.

What was wrong with me?

I had no idea. But I'd managed to keep my voice leveled because even I recognized the little eagerness in my body.

However, there was no conversation really between us that day. It was just greetings and greetings and number saving and all that. And when he hanged up, I felt like there was more we could have said or I could have said. But he'd hanged up already. I've been reprimanding myself for thinking about that moment since that moment happened. I never thought myself stubborn.

Now, I sat in my seat in a staff room of seven teachers, going through students' test scripts. It was Friday and almost closing time already. The students were scattered about, I could see some from my window. The teacher on duty today must have decided to cut them some slack considering the amount of noise coming from the classes.

'So Miss Hidaaya, would it be possible this year for you to be the assistant Club master? We could use your ideas at the Press club.'

Mr Kabir has been trying to get me to join his club as assistant club master, siting that I was better fit for Press club than Arts and Creativity Club. But I preferred the colorful disposition of the  club and the easy going personality of the club master, Mrs Hadiza. An elderly woman who was smart, funny and could smile for Africa. One would never guess she was the sister of the school Proprietor. She was also the V.P Admin of the school and one of the most loved staff. I couldn't give up the snack time and motherly presence of Mrs Hadiza for the Press club, no.

'I have no ideas for Press Club Mr Maths and I'm good where I am, thanks.' I said as I started to arrange papers I was taking home in my office folder.

'As in what would it take to convince you?'

'Nothing oo. No X and Y equation can convince me, sir.'

'What about a 'finding the subject formula' equation?'

'Is it by force?' a fellow teacher said from her seat.


'Should I go to Physics? Which one of Newton's Laws can I use?'

'I'm not even good at those.' I laughed at the poker face he made.

'Mr Kabir, I'm fine where I am really. That Press club is for you. I choose coffee.' I said, referring to the few times we get to have snacks and coffee at Club meetings.

'Fine. I'll find someone else to convince.' His eyes fell on Christina, and he rolled his chair to her side.  He must be in a good mood today. I shook my head and continued my arranging. Since it was a Friday, every had to go to the drawers attached to my table. My pen case, textbooks, record sheets, highlighters, markers. I arranged all of them, fitting them against each other in a way that made me exhale in satisfaction and smile. I love order.

The watch on my hand read 11:55, five minutes to closing bells. Time to run.

'Okay, everyone. Have a nice weekend, see you Monday.' I said, picking up my hand bag, folder and car keys.

Christina and another young teacher, Aisha stood up too.

'I think I'll go with you. Could you drop me at the junction, please?' Christina said.

'Me too Miss Hidaaya.' That was Miss Aisha, the young teacher with a funny voice.

'Yeah sure. Let's go then.' I said.

The other teachers merely waved, some dismissively and others didn't even bother. It didn't particularly bother me though, because I was almost used to the silent stink eyes and whispers about me. The stares that automatically said "Mmm, look at her. Such arrogance" or something in the lines of that. This is because they think that I think myself better than them because of my father and the obvious relationship I had with the owners of the school which they had no idea of until the day the Proprietor gave an impromptu visit and saw me. One time, I even eavesdropped on some teachers saying that I only wore what I wore to school to show off, talk more of my car.

'It's blue for a reason.' One of them had said.

I'd literally laughed at the hilariousness of that. My car was blue because my father loved blue and he happened to be the one who bought it.

I've tried throwing hints here and there that I wasn't like that, when I thought it worth it but I'd eventually given up. People will believe what they want to believe. So far, only Kabir, Christina and Aisha seem to believe that I was a normal human being and just another teacher in the school.

We get into the car and I drive off, leaving stink eye teachers behind to walk.

'So where's that guy? That fine one.' Christina asked, batting her eyelashes playfully.

I raised the volume, preparing to hide behind Joeboy's voice and pretend not to hear her next question.

'I don't know.' I said simply with a shrug.

Christina laughed and shook her head. Miss Aisha simply sat with her phone in hand, vibing to the music. Thanking God that the junction wasn't so far, I dropped both of them before waving and driving my car the other way.

Now she's done it Christina, reminding me of the fine guy. I stop at the red lights and as if on cue, Akon sings I think of youuu, When the morning comes and the nighttime goes away... All dayyyy... on my speakers.

I roll my eyes and change the song, bringing up Won Da Mo to beat the thoughts out. The traffic lights blink from red to green and I press straight on. From the corner of my eye, I see something that catches my attention.

A familiar sleek Audi. But he can't be the only one who drives that kind of car, in this big Audi filled city. Yes, the possibility of that car being his is 10% out of a hundred.

But my eye lids twitch and my hands just itch to turn this steering left again. I bite my lip and call myself stupid before turning left.

'What exactly are you trying to find out? Or prove?' I ask myself this question over and over but the answers keep sounding like excuses. I'd almost reached the car when a tall man rushes out of the building there and gets in the car. My body automatically braces to follow that car to God knows where.

Seconds after the Audi starts moving, I follow quietly behind trying as much as possible not to be discovered. I felt embarrassed and funny at the same time. It was like a movie, following someone while trying so hard to drive casually and not park behind them everytime they stop.

I continue my waste of fuel journey behind this car until it slows and turns into the small parking lot of a familiar building. I waited a few more seconds before parking my very noticeable blue Hyundai two cars away from the Audi. Eager to confirm if it really was him, I put on my glasses and peer through the mirror.

Alas, it wasn't Najib. This man looked older now that I looked closer and well, it just wasn't him. I feel a sudden wave of whatever is the opposite of an elation I didn't even know I was feeling. I look at the building and it only gets worse. Because it was the Cake Cafe. And above the two storey, the sky looked ready to burst rain any moment. Something I hadn't noticed until now.

My hijabed head falls to the steering wheel and I check my watch to find the time reading 1:05. I've been at it for an hour.

'What. Is. Wrong. With. Me.' I ask myself this question, punctuating each word with my hand hitting the steering. I stare at the sky, contemplating my next move.

Well now you contemplate abi.

I could risk driving home in the rain with my four eyes and on slippery roads or I could wait out the rain inside the car or the cafe even though I was unsure as to how long that would take.

I decide to wait it out inside the cafe. At least my coming here wouldn't be a waste if I could get any of those snacks and any of those books. The rain had started to fall now, in large heavy drops that promised heavy downpour. I take my phone, pulled out the key from the ignition and jogged to the main building.

Dare Arts' Pray for me hit my ears the moment I opened the door along with a wave of snack scents. And there on one of the chairs sat the Audi guy I'd foolishly followed. I said a quick hello to the counter guy - it was a guy today - and asked if I could have a cup of coffee and three doughnuts upstairs.

'Of course. It'll be there in a minute.' he answered and I proceeded to the second floor. I sent a quick message to Raheema so they know where I am.

Naturally, I chose the seat by the window, watching the filmy drops of rain against the glass as they fell and flowed down the clean interlocked ground below. This weather demanded a Harlequin Romance or Mills and Boon really. And after a look at the long shelves I found just the one.

A personal favorite of mine, I picked out the yellow paper backed A funny thing happened with a smile and went back to my window seat. My coffee and doughnuts arrived right that moment and I realized they'd probably warmed up the doughnuts.

I smiled and said a thank you to the girl who brought in the tray and balanced myself on the seat. I sipped the coffee, savoring the earthy scent and the strong, ancient taste and then opened the first page of my book.

The rain was pouring down now, the sound heavy and thunderous while I imagined for the hundredth time Jemima's farm and Sam's deep voice.

An hour later, I'd finished my coffee and doughnuts and I'd reached the end of the book even though I may have only read my favorite parts. I closed the book and exhaled, smiling goofily. Oh what these books do to me!

The rain had reduced to a consistent, lighter fall but one could still get drenched. Time seemed to have moved faster because the clock on the wall said it was 2:30 now. Looking out the window, I calculated how I'd drive home. Actually, I had no fear driving in the rain if need be, but Baba had warned against it especially since I had my eye problem. He'd insisted I call anyone from home to pick us up if we get stuck in a weather problem such as this since no one else had to wear glasses.

Inna had jokes sometimes about how my eyes were more aged than hers since I've had to wear glasses from a very young age but she still doesn't use any. My eye problem was caused by an accident I and Baba had when I was still a little girl. Baba's injuries had been little and they'd all healed with time but mine was the opposite. For a long, long time he'd blamed himself and favored me in a lot of things as a result. Hence, the car, saying it made things easier than having to walk distances in the sun.

Now, I didn't really want to call anyone since the rain wasn't so heavy any longer. I closed Caroline Anderson's gift to me and picked up my keys and phone. I had to hurry since Abuja's weather is very uncertain, this rain can come back any second. I paid for my stuff and walked out, noticing on the way that Audi man had left.

I jogged to the car and got in but when I turned the key to start, it only made an awkward low sound and went off. I tried three more times before I got it up and then drove out of the lot. There were only a few cars on the wet roads and as I drove further away from that area the rain seemed to be getting heavier so I drove slowly.

Suddenly, my car begins to decelerate, slowing down by itself.

'Innalillahi. Oh no no no.' I said.

I managed to turn it away from the middle of he road before it stopped entirely. I looked outside my window, it was still raining and I had no raincoat or umbrella in the car.

'The battery must be cold.' I said to myself. I wasn't even sure where I was and the roads looked scanty and quiet. The sky was already dark because of the clouds and it was almost 3 p.m already. What a day. I couldn't go back to the cafe and I didn't see any people around.

My phone rang just then and Raheema's picture flashed on the screen. I picked it.

'Yaya can you get me a pack of...'

I cut her off before she could complete her sentence.

'Raheema is Ya Adam home? Give him the phone will you or tell him my car just stopped around Zone 6 and I have no idea why.'

'Okay, I'd tell him but he's not home yet. Did you call him?'

'I was about to.'


I hanged up and dialed Ya Adam's number, but the MTN lady's voice came up instead, the MTN number you have dialed is not reachable at the moment... I hissed out in frustration and tried his number three more times before giving up.

I had no idea who else I could call and I had only one other option in mind. I unpinned my veil and wrapped it closer around my face, clicked the lock and got out. The rain was still patting down and there were still only a few cars moving up and down.

'Uh I hope this works.' I said to myself. I was shy, I'd never done this before but I had little choice other than waving down a car to get help. I only hoped someone would stop in this rain for a stranger. I almost slap myself thinking about why I was in this situation, I wouldn't be here if I'd gone straight home.

I stretched out my hand, holding my veil close around my face with the other. The first car passed me by and I humphed. I waved down another that whooshed past me and another that seemed to slow down at first but decided against it. Four cars passed, with intervals of seconds that felt like ten minutes each. I was almost drenched now. My glasses were misty and I took them off to clean the drops of rain. My veil was beginning to feel heavier on my head and I slid it down to my shoulders. I opened my car again and got in to try my brother's number.

This time, it rang and rang until it beeped.

I'd almost lost hope when I saw another car coming towards me. I sent a prayer that it be someone nice and good before stretching my hand out to wave.

I couldn't make out how many people were in the car as it slowed to a stop behind mine. The passenger door opened and the tip of an umbrella peeked out.

'Assalamu alaikum. Thank...'

My words died in my throat when I saw the man holding the umbrella. Mentally, I'm standing there slack jawed, boggy-eyed but in reality I'm standing there drenched, my glasses are covered in raindrops, my drenched veil on my drenched shoulders and water dripping from my face.

And this man smiles. He actually smiles.

'Coincidences.' he says before walking over to me. He holds the umbrella over my head in an attempt to keep the rain away.

'Hi.' I say to him. My mind reeling from the fact that we actually met yet again. I peek at the car he'd come out of. It wasn't the Audi, it was a Toyota and it was obviously someone else driving.

'Hello. What happened? How come you're here alone?' he asks, pointing at the car with his forefinger.

My mind snaps out of my thoughts and back to him. I gesture at the car before answering.

'I was at work and on my way home when the rain started. I was driving and it just stopped.'

'Must be the battery. How long have you been here?' he asks with what I see as genuine concern.

'30 minutes, maybe 40.' I take off my glasses to clean off the rain drops again.

'Okay. Let's try switching your battery with ours,' he says, 'but you should sit in the car.'

I nod and open my car to get my phone. He leads me to the car just as the driver's door opens and another guy steps out. This other guy greets me with a smile.

'Sannu Ina wuni.' he says as he comes over to Najib's side. I answer in kind before getting into the car. Najib closes the car door and turns to the other guy with whom they share a few words and then get to work switching their battery with mine.
I look at myself and thank God the car had leather seats.

I look from the car as they switch the batteries. However, my car seems to be acting stubborn today because it doesn't look like anything's working. I watch as the other guy tells Najib about something, his hand pointing at their car and the road and beyond. Najib nods and they walk back to the car and get in.

'We might have to get your car checked. The battery switch didn't work.' Najib says as he plucks out a tissue from the box and wipes his palms.

'Oh. What could be wrong?' I ask.

Najib turns slightly and I get a glimpse of those eyes before he replies.

'A lot of things could be the reason but for now, we'll drop you home. Hisham will stay here and wait for someone to get the car to the mechanics afterwards.' he says.

'No you don't have to. I already called my brother he can send someone to do that.'

'I insist.' he says it with a smile that felt, like comfort.

'You really don't have to.' I say again.

'Yes, but I'd love to.'

I lean back and smile too.

'I'll get my bag then.'

He hands me the key and umbrella and I step out into the drizzle and rush to get my bag and folder. Najib and the other guy, Hisham, both step out of the car. Hisham throws the keys at Najib who catches them very easily before jogging to my own car. He gets into the car and I can't help but notice the way his tall person fits rather funnily into my small car. He's probably adjusting the seat and steering wheel.

I send another text to Raheema. I mean, he doesn't look like it but I've read crime books before.

I and Najib sit in the car, and he sends a horn Hisham's way before driving off. I look down at my clothes, still wet and I think to myself again, What a day.

Here it is. Chapter Nine.

Tell me your thoughts in the comments please and don't forget to vote and share. Thanks so much for reading.


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