The forest Park. [ Translatio...

Af Tamarame05

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"Welcome to a new South Park AU. An original AU, full of mythical creatures, adventures, friends, enemies, be... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

chapter 6

421 9 6
Af Tamarame05

The Nahual had led the harp to a small section of the forest which they called the harvest section which they used to gather food, the small part was full of trees with fruits, vegetables, fruit bushes and medicinal plants it was like a small market for the creatures only with the exception that you don’t have to pay since their ruler is in charge of sprouting the plants for their consumption. Kenny took the harp to the harvesting section and took on his human form again.

-Kenny, are you going to bring food for your brothers,” said Butters, landing in the harvesting section.

- Yes, the last time I visited Karen said she wanted some strawberries,” said Kenny taking off his wolf skull.

-Oh, well do you want me to help you,” asked the harp.

-Sure Leo,” said Kenny, “get a jicara,” ordered Kenny.

Butters obeyed and went to get one of the jicaras that were in the branches of a tree, Kyle had been thoughtful enough to leave some there to make it easier for them to gather their food.

-Here you go,” said Butters, extending the pitcher to Kenny.

-Thank you Butters,” said Kenny.
-You’re welcome, I’m happy to help,” said Butters as he began to pick some strawberries.

Kenny looked carefully at the harp, Butters was always grateful for everything he did for him but Kenny was very grateful to Butters, Butters was the only one besides Karen who always wanted to have him around, talk to him, tell him his problems, help him, Kenny could never thank Butters for everything he did for him but he knew that a simple “thank you” would not be enough, not for him, Butters deserved a special thank you, but how?


-Something wrong Butters?” asked Kenny.

-No, I just… wanted to thank you.

Was that guy reading his mind?
-Thank you for what?” asked Kenny smiling sweetly.

-For letting me come with you to see Keren and Kevin,” said Butters.
-I should be thanking you, thank you Butters. Karen will be very happy to see you,” said Kenny as he placed one of his hands on the harp’s blonde hair.
-You’re welcome Kenny, you know I’m happy to see you happy,” said Butters picking the strawberries.

-Oh, is that a confession,” said Kenny with a low chuckle.

-HAH?! Wh-What? Nononono,” said Butters nervously, “what I mean is that I’m happy to make you happy, I’m happy to help others too, but with you it’s special,” said Butters.

-Hu? Special? Why?” asked Nahual.

-Well, when we were assigned to be partners you didn’t seem to be very happy to be with me and the truth is that I am very annoying, I couldn’t stand me either, but you let me talk to you and help you and that made me very happy, that’s why I am happy to help you and see you happy for something I do, I am happy to know that someone can stand me the way I am,” said Butters.
Kenny almost got teary-eyed at what Butters said, What is this, and what is this feeling, Kenny wondered, holding a hand to his chest.

-Kenny, are you in pain,” Butters asked.

-I think that’s enough strawberries, let’s-let’s go,” said Kenny, taking his wolf form.
Butters was confused but listened to his friend, grabbed the pitcher with his mouth, stretched out his arms and took flight following Kenny.


-What can I do now?” said Heidi.

-Calm down my friend, I have a plan that will benefit us both,” said Cartman.

-I hear you,” said Heidi, crossing her arms.
-Look, there’s only one thing to do to get Kyle away from Stan,” said Eric.

-And what’s that?” asked Heidi.

-Get rid of Craig,” said Cartman.

-Wait… Who’s Craig?” asked Heidi.

-Craig is the idiot who went into the forest before Stan and his friends, if we get rid of him and make Kyle look like the killer again, Stan and the other idiots….

-They’ll get away from Kyle and never come back,” said Heidi, understanding the fat man’s plan, “Eric is a brilliant plan!

-said the fairy, “but where is this Craig?

-That’s the problem, we have to find Craig,” said Cartman, “He must be in the woods somewhere,” said Cartman.

-Mmm… Maybe someone knows about him, someone who’s always roaming the forest…. THAT’S PIP!” said Heidi.

-Who?” said Cartman.

-Pip is an elf, they can communicate with animals, maybe he knows something,” said Heidi, “he lives in a burrow in the south-west wing,” said Cartman.

-Oh great, that means we have to walk more,” said Cartman annoyed.

-Heidi said, “Heidi, I’m sorry…. Why are you offering to help me?” asked Heidi.

-The truth is, I don’t want to go out of my way to look for those idiots and Craig so it’s easier for them to get back on their own,” said Cartman.

-You’re lazy,” said Heidi, “You’d better move forward to get this over with faster.


Heidi started walking in a south-west direction being followed by Cartman.


Tweek was still hesitant to accept help from Craig who was still holding out his hand.
-I’m not going to hurt you, trust me,” said Craig looking Tweek in the eye.

Tweek hesitated again, he thought about rejecting Craig’s hand but he looked Craig in the eyes he noticed the concern in them, logic told him “It’s not a trap” but an impulse in his head and chest told him “Accept his help Do it!” Tweek decided to follow the impulse and took Craig’s hand.
Craig, knowing that the blond accepted his help, helped him to his feet cautiously.

-Ready, now let me take a look at that arm,” said Craig.

Craig looked at the wound on Tweek’s arm, it was a little deep but not too deep to be alarming, bleeding flowed from the wound, Craig without thinking too much bit off a part of his hood and tore a piece of cloth.
-Gha! Your clothes,” said Tweek as he watched Craig tear a piece of cloth from his hood.

-Easy buddy,” said Craig, cleaning Tweek’s wound and carefully placing the piece of cloth as a bandage, “it’s not perfect, but it’ll do for now.
Tweek looked at his arm, it was no longer bleeding and his wound was now covered, then he looked at Craig.

-Thank you,” Tweek thanked him.

-You’re welcome, besides, I think I owe you an apology, it’s my fault you got hurt,” said Craig scratching the back of his neck.

-Huh, but I shouldn’t have attacked you like that, Gha,” said Tweek, “Then I’m the one who’s sorry.

Craig let out a small laugh looking at the ground while Tweek scratched his arms nervously, there was an awkward silence between the two of them until it was interrupted by Craig.

-And…you still want me to leave,” said Craig.

-Yes,” replied Tweek with a twitch in his eye.

-I understand, but won’t you let me stay even one more day,” said Craig.
-Gha! No human you can’t stay, Huah! It’s dangerous to keep you here,” said Tweek.
-Why? I told you I’m not going to do anything bad to anyone,” said Craig.
-Gha! But they might come looking for you and Ha! Maybe they do want to do something to us,” said Tweek pulling his hair, “Maybe they’re coming to take over our forest! Haa! What if they’re coming to kill us ho ho!!!HAAAAAAA- shouted Tweek.

-Dude! Dude calm down! Calm down it’s all right that’s not going to happen- said Craig trying to calm Tweek down.

-Ah!don’t ask me to calm down!- said Tweek pulling his hair harder.

Craig did not know what to do, the blond was in agony while pulling his hair, Craig to calm him down pulled him towards him and hugged him, even though he was a stranger it was scary and frightening to see that scene and with his embrace he would prevent his body from moving so much. The blond at such action stopped shaking and lowered his hands from his head was petrified by the action of the human.

Slowly he reacted.

-GHA!” he shouted and quickly pushed Craig away, “What do you think you’re doing!

Craig sat up as he pushed him to the ground, when he got up he apologized and explained why he did it.

-I’m sorry, but you were in agony and shaking so much that it occurred to me that by hugging you I could restrain your movements,” Craig explained.

Tweek looked down for a moment and then back up at Craig.

-Thank you,” said the Wendigo, “Um, so…. Are you going to leave?

Craig let out a heavy sigh he didn’t want to leave he wanted to explore the forest further, an idea ran through his head.

-Well, I’ll go.

-Gha! Yes?

-Yes, but on one condition,” said Craig curling his arms with a smile on his face.

-What?” questioned the Wendigo, the smile giving him the creeps.

-You will take me back and show me every part of the forest,” said Craig.

-What?” shouted Tweek, “No! No deal.

-Well, I’ll have to stay here sooner or later they’ll come looking for me and maybe the people looking for me will want to keep your forest,” said Craig.

-He had the sword against his neck or he would either take the deal or lose his forest, he had no other choice.

Craig pulled Tweek’s hand towards him and planted a kiss on it.

-Tree- said Craig letting go of the Wendigo’s hand who was now blushing -Pfff HAHAHAHA you look like a tomato, let’s start tree boy- said Craig walking up the hill.

-Gha! Don’t call me that! I have a name, you know,” said Tweek using the words Craig had said to him earlier.

-Oh, and what’s that?” said Craig turning to look at

-… Tweek, Tweek Tweak,” said Tweek.
-I like it, I’m Craig.

Craig just looked at Tweek with a smile.

(Tweek…. What a name).


Stan walked away from the place and back to the tree, as he walked he saw a bush with strawberries and remembered that none of them had eaten anything since they went inside to look for Craig.

-Tks, Clyde is no good for you to trust him,” thought Stan as he walked with some strawberries in his arms.

Stan reached the tree and climbed up the branches to the platform where Tolkien was already awake.

-Hi,” Stan greeted, “You slept a lot.

-He said Tolkien who looked at what Stan was carrying in his arms, “Can I have one?
Stan sat down next to the dark-haired man and combined some of his strawberries and left some for Clyde.

-Haaww, thanks Stan, I was starving,” said Tolkien taking a last bite of a strawberry.

-You’re welcome,” said Stan.

-Hey, do you know where Clyde went or where he is,” said Tolkien.

-He’s in the woods with Kyle,” said Stan eating his last strawberry.

-Oh… Hey Stan, can I ask you something,” said the dark-haired man.

-Muhum,” said Stan chewing his strawberry.

-You and Kyle were boyfriend and girlfriend or something,” asked Tolkien.
Stan heard the question and started spitting out pieces of the strawberry he had in his mouth.

-Cof, Cof…a…. what’s with that question,” said Stan, tapping his chest lightly.
-Well, it’s just that I see some tension between you two and….
Stan looked at Tolkien with a raised eyebrow.

Don’t get me wrong! If you’re gay I don’t have a problem, it’s just that, Hag! Forget it, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” said Tolkien.

Stan let out a slight sigh and lowered his gaze to the floor.

-No, Kyle and I didn’t have that kind of relationship,” said Stan.

-Oh, well, I just thought you two….

-But I did steal his first kiss- said Stan with a slight smile on his lips and slight redness in his cheeks.

-…. WHAT?! HOW?! WHEN?! WAS IT HERE?” shouted Tolkien surprised by Stan’s confection, “It was your first kiss?

-I’ll just tell you that I gave it to him and that’s all,” said Stan getting up from the floor.

-Nooo! I need answers! Stan!” said Tolkien.

Stan ignored him and climbed down the branches of the tree to the ground.

-Where are you going?” shouted Tolkien from the platform.

-What, do you want to come with me?

-Of course not, that’s for gays like you,” said Tolkien.

-Fuck you Tolkien, don’t even think about telling Clyde about this,” said Stan walking away from the tree.

Tolkien stayed in the tree.

-Obviously I’ll tell Clyde about this,” said Tolkien stealing one of the strawberries that was for Clyde, “Hey, it won’t hurt Clyde to lose weight.

Stan finished doing his business near a bush behind a tree to avoid being seen.

-Why the fuck did I say that to Tolkien,” he asked himself, “anyway, well better get back to the tree.

Stan took a walk back to the tree and along the way he ran into Clyde and Kyle who were on their way to the same place with some berries and vegetables.

-Oh, Stan over here,” said Clyde, raising his hand to get Stan’s attention.

Stan approached them.

-Hello,” said Stan.

-Hey Stan can you hold this, I have to go to the bathroom,” said Clyde handing him some vegetables, “Thanks, bye,” he said and then ran away from them in the direction of some trees.

-Hag, I hope he doesn’t pee on my trees,” said Kyle.

-Hehe, knowing Clyde I don’t think he went to pee,” said Stan.

-…. Yuck,” said Kyle, understanding what Stan meant.

He saw the red face of anger and couldn’t help but laugh.


-Mmm… You haven’t either,” said Kyle, “You have a good friend,” said Kyle.

-Yeah Clyde is a very good friend- said Stan.

-…. Stan,” said Kyle getting Stan’s attention.

-Something’s wrong,” he asked.

-Nothing, forget it,” said Kyle.

-Not now you tell me,” said Stan.

-You really don’t trust me,” said Kyle. “Stan, I was by your side for 7 years Stan! I told you everything and you told me, you even kissed me,” said Kyle.

-What? ¡!!!” shouted Clyde sticking his head out of the bushes, “Oh… you guys go ahead hehehehe” said Clyde going back to hiding in the bushes.

They both remained in an uncomfortable silence until Stan broke it.

-Kyle, that’s past it,” said Stan.

-Are you serious? Don’t you care about the seven years of friendship we had together? Don’t you care?!

-Of course I care! …. I just don’t know if I can trust you again, you killed my sister Kyle, I never thought you could do something like that.


-I know you’ll say you didn’t do it but, I can’t believe you Kyle, I can’t, so when I find Craig we’ll leave and not come back, I’m sorry Kyle but I’m afraid you and I will never see each other again,” said Stan, “I…I’m going to walk away and I’ll be at the tree, I’ll see you, tell Clyde not to be late.

Said Stan and went back to the tree.

Kyle stood silently but his legs dropped their weight and he ended up kneeling on the ground his eyes filled with tears running down his cheeks.

that's how it was…

It’s over…


Butters landed careful not to knock over the strawberries he was carrying in the mug.

-We’re here,” said Kenny in his human form, “KAREN!!!! KENNY’S COMING!” shouted Kenny calling out to his sister.

Both creatures began to hear the sound of leaves being stepped on and branches breaking, until a small brown wolf with green eyes and her tongue sticking out jumped out of the canopy, when she jumped the wolf turned into a brown-haired girl with green eyes.

-Kenny!” said the girl being caught by her brother.

-Karen,” said Kenny hugging his little sister.

-I’m so glad you came,” said Karen hugging Kenny until she noticed Butters’ presence, “Leo,” said Karen excitedly pulling away from Kenny and running in the direction of the harp.

Butters before he could react was already on the ground with Karen on top of him hugging him.

-Butters!!! It’s been so long since you’ve visited us,” said Karen as she hugged Butters.

-Yeah sorry cutie, we’ve been busy- said Butters taking Karen in his arms.
-Oh, I understand I’m still glad to see you!” said Karen giving Butters a kiss on the cheek.

Kenny looked at the scene and approached them both.

-Hey Karen hehe, calm down, don’t make our friend uncomfortable,” said Kenny seeing Butters’ red face.

-Oh, I’m sorry Leo,” Karen apologized.
-Hehe, don’t apologize Karen and relax Kenny, it doesn’t bother me at all,” said Butters giving Kenny a smile.

Kenny just folded his arms as Karen hugged Butters tightly again and gave him another kiss on the other cheek.

-Karen, stop it Kenny’s boyfriend, don’t you make him jealous,” said Kevin from a tree branch where he was sitting.

-I’m sorry Kenny,” said Karen pulling away from Butters.

-Butters is not my boyfriend,” said Kenny, his cheeks flushed with anger and embarrassment.

-Mhe, whatever,” said Kevin coming down from the tree, “It’s good to see you again, Leo.

-Hehe yeah, hi Kevin, long time no see,” said Butters extending his hand to Kevin who took it and planted a kiss on it.
Kenny quickly pulled Butters away from Kevin and put him next to him.

-Hey hey hey! Kevin stop acting like an asshole, you’re making my friend uncomfortable,” said Kenny angrily.

-He’s too small for me,” said Kevin. “Anyway, that’s for Karen,” said Kevin pointing to the strawberry jar on the floor.

-Oh yeah, Karen look what I brought you,” said Kenny picking up the strawberries.
-Thank you, Kenny,” said Karen, giving Kenny another hug.

-Mmm, I’m glad you like them,” said Kenny ruffling Karen’s hair.

-Leo, can we play?” said Karen excitedly.

-I’d love to Karen but we have to go back on watch,” said Butters.

-Ooh that’s okay,” said Karen a little disappointed.

-Oh, Butters, you can stay with Karen, I’ll do the stakeout today,” said Kenny.

-What?! No Kenny, I have to help you,” said Butters.

Kenny took Butters by the hand and walked away from his brothers.

-We’ll be right back,” he said.

The two creatures went behind a tree to talk alone.

-Butters, you stay with Karen today, I can go watch alone, I’m missing half of the south wing,” said Kenny trying to convince the harp.

-No, no no no, no, I’m going to leave you alone on this Keneth,” said Butters, crossing his arms.

-(He never calls me by my full name, he’ll never call me by my full name, hell,” thought Kenny.

-Butters, you deserve to have some fun, you’re already helping me so much,” said Kenny.


Kenny took Butters by the shoulders and approached him. Butters just stood there staring at him with his eyes wide open.


( My name, he said my name but in such a soft voice, god Kenny why are you doing this to me? ) thought Butters.

-Yes? – said Butters

-Will you stay with Karen today,” said Kenny in a whisper in his ear, lowering his hands from Butters’ shoulders to his waist.
-W-Well, I’m staying,” said the harp with a red face and resting his hands on Kenny’s shoulders, who whispered in his ear again, “Fine.

Kenny turned away from Butters with a smile.

-I’ll come get you later, have fun,” Kenny said, running over.

Butters stood still in the same spot.
What the fuck Kenny?

-I didn’t expect my charms to work on boys too hehe, well at least Butters will be able to have fun with Karen today.

“You deserve to have fun too.”

To be continued….

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