- MHA: Someone Else [Disconti...

By AvidVenture

2.9K 29 30

This is a story about a special kid who goes to an academia, none other than UA Academia where he will learn... More

- Someone Else -
- The Mind Of A Hero -
- Start Line -
- A/N -
- Close Combat -
- Frenemies -
- Y/N's Start Line -
- A/N -
- Y/N And His Speach -
- A/N -
- Unknown Encounter -
- Press Start -
- False Hope -
- Abomination -
- Number One -
- Above and beyond -
- A/N -
- True Fear -
- Season 2: Aftermath -
- Ochaco's Reason -
- A/N -
- Roaring Sports Festival! -
- Sad A/N :(

- Hero's Heart -

49 1 0
By AvidVenture

                                   - USJ: Central Plaza -
- Y/N's Point of View
The Barrage of punches from each's fists Are not stopping, and strong gusts of wind Being released Are Giving me a hard time standing, This is the power of the Number one hero? One punch of all might launches the nomu across from him, "A Real hero...", The nomu jumps at him, All Might quickly slams his fist against the creature's face, "will always find a way for justice to be served!",

The nomu slams its fist against all might towards the ground but he defends himself, crossing his forearms, The number one hero rises, Slamming his Legs at the nomus Head launching him Upwards, As the nomu is falling All Might grabs his arm, With all his might launching him from above towards the ground, The amount of Destruction caused because of the fight was enormous

All Might quickly Lands on the ground next to the nomu, "Now for a lesson, You may have heard these words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean", With the signature, All Might smile he cocks his hand Backwards, "Go beyond! PLUS ALTRA!!!!", One slam at the creature's gut later all mights attack Blew the Creature sky high Launching it Towards the USJ ceiling breaking it

The Attack itself blew up parts of the ceiling that the nomu hit, causing An earthquake, "He must've been punching that monster so fast, he couldn't regenerate", I exclaimed, still semi Shocked at the brute strength I witnessed, All Might turns around Facing the other two villains, "You've been bested, villains, Surrender, We all want to get Ithis over with quickly", The Villain With the Hand mask didn't sound so happy,

                               - USJ: Mountain Zone -
- Jirou's point of view
Great he just happens to be sent here, The Villain with the Electricity Quirk then demanded, "Your hands up, And no Quirks, got it? Use your powers, and I'll k*ll your friend here", The villain spoke holding a brain fried Kaminari by this Jacket, Kaminari's helpless, Damn villain, "He totally caught us with our pants down, I thought that electric blast would've fried them all. We're so stupid, How did we not see this coming?",

"I feel a little brotherhood with other electric types, so I don't want to k*ll him, But I will if you make me", Wait what?," An electric type, He's probably the one Todoroki said was jamming our communications", Yoayorozu explained, The villain got closer, Walking up to us,

"Huh...Don't move a muscle, Let's take this nice and slow", I got to think of something... oh I know, "Y'know, you two dudes are so lucky, People with electric type Quirks are destined for mainstream success", The villain tilted his head, "Huh?", Yoayorozu whispers to me, "What're you doing?", I ignore her and continue, I secretly Extend my Earphone Jack Near my Hero gear, "I mean, even if you didn't wanna be a hero, there are tons of jobs you could do in the city, right?, Your kinda Quirk is in high demand",

Mt jacks are almost there, "So, I'm wondering Why would you become a villain in the first place?", Yaoyorozu quickly Manges to find out what am doing, "You don't have to answer, I just thought it might be interesting to know", as soon as I was about to plug them in His static hand gets closer to Kaminari, "Nice try", Kaminari Yelps, "Think you can distract me that easily? Big mistake, sweetheart, I'm not some dumb thug who can be outsmarted by a couple'a kids",

Damn it! "You need to learn to take hostage situations seriously, So here's the new deal, Either this idiot's going to die, or you are, How about that?", We both grunt, As his hand gets closer, "You can save either his life...or your own, Now What's it gonna be, girlies?. . .

                                  - USJ: Central Plaza -
- Izuku's point of view
The Villain with the face mask is currently Scratching his Neck, "Oh, come on, What's going on here? He's just as strong as he's always been, Dammit. Don't tell me I was lied to", he didn't sound happy, "What's wrong?", All Might spoke, glaring at the villain, he stepped back, "Not attacking me? Didn't you say you were going to clear this level earlier? Well, come and get me, if you dare", Wow all might is really intimidating, "Man, this is... intense", Kirishima stated,

"As I expected, There's no reason for us to fight now, He'll handle this", Y/N said, Though am not sure he was right, the other four were already on their way out, "Come on, Midoriya, We should regroup with the other guys, The last thing we wanna do is get taken hostage or get in his way", Kirishima Called out to me, I stare at all might somethings wrong, This isn't right, He can't b*at them, He's bluffing, It's almost hidden by the dust, but I can see it, The steam coming off his body is the same as when he's about to transform.

He's out of time, This isn't good, "What? Are you scared?", All Might called out back to the villain, "Uh‐‐", The villain didn't seem so confident whatsoever, The guy starts growling, "If only Nomu was here...he'd rush you right now, Pound you into the ground without giving it a second thought", The Warp villain Speaks out to The other, "Tomura Shigaraki! Please, do not fret, Look at him, He has definitely weakened, Nomu's att*cks were successful", The handed villain stops Scratching his Neck, taking a look at the wounded all might,

"He's on his own The children appear to be frozen in fear", right after this speech, some other villains previously knocked down Were getting up, "And, look, our underlings are recovering, We likely still have a few minutes before their reinforcements arrive, If you and I work together, we can do this, We haven't missed our chance to k*ll All Might", The Mist villain Told him, "Yeah, Yeah, you're right, This is it, We have no choice, We have to do it now",

oh no They found out All Might doesn't have enough time!, "I mean, the big end‐boss is right here", I noticed that some villains are coming towards us, "think All Might can hold his own against those two main guys, Let's make sure these dudes don't hurt anybody else", I'm the only one who knows what's happening, There's no way he can move faster than the mist guy now, He has to have gone past his limit already, There's no real question about that, If these villains toy with him... he's done.

The Hand masked villain runs at all might, "Consider this revenge for what you did to Nomu!", He Yells as he Gets the palm of his hand closer to him, All Might Seriously Wants back up, I use one for all and Leap breaking my Legs, I'm the only one who knows how much trouble he's in!, ow, I controlled it earlier, but my legs still
broke this time, It's okay, though, I made it, I can hit the part of his body that's hidden, I can end this now!, I yell as I get aim a smash at the mist villain Real body,

"Don't you touch All Might, You stupid villain!", The masked villain Puts his hand towards the other villains portal, the Hand appearing in front of me, Oh, no, I recognize that hand! "I won't fall for that again", the villain claims, The other cackles, The Hand got closer Bringing me over to my demise, Suddenly His hand got shot, More shots being thrown all over the place, Two shooting some villains from other zones, "What the crap just happened?", One Yelled,

At the Entrance A group of Hero's are seen, "Sorry everyone, I know we're a bit late, But I got the teachers over here as fast as I could", The School Principal Announced, Presenr mic steps up to the Row of villains coming up the stairs, "Heh", He inhales, "YEEEEAAAAHHHH!", He screams, Causing the villain's ears to hurt, "Our priority is to protect all of our students!", Nezu Called out to the rest, they also called out, "Yes, sir!",

The villains back here weren't so happy, "Aw, man, The pros are here, It's game over, For real, Let's go home and try this when we can‐‐" Before he could continue he got shot Several times over on the legs, "We need someone who can capture 'em from a distance", Snipe asked, the rest already on it, "Let's go!", The Masked villain demanded, the Mist villain gladly opened a portal, "I may have failed to k*ll you this time, but your days are numbered", The hand masked villain Spoke, As the rest of the Hero's get to him,

"All Might. Symbol of Peace, I am going to k*ll you", It was too late and both villains Vansished out of there, That day, we learned what pros could do And what they fight against...to keep us all safe, It was a revelation we weren't prepared for But somehow, we survived...


- A/N -
Sorry for the late notice Seems like I did take a break huh? Oh well time to continue with this thing, See you!

- Words 1557 -

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