Deadly Little Leo - Inej Ghafa

By bIlly_readS

29.6K 1.2K 382

"Deadly Little Leo... always gets what she wants" "You wont even see her coming" «────────────────────» #1... More

Deadly Little Leo
Part one
Act 1
The Arrow
That Watch
Cut Her Puppet Strings
Deals a deal.
Pekka and Plans
Split The Check
Pekka the Piss-ant
Jurda, Coal and a Goat
Us! Its Us!
If Darkness Was A Place
Time For A Heist
Teamwork make the dream work
Are you with me?
Its your decision to make...
Should I Stay Or Should I Go.
Disadvantages, Weekness, And Streangth.
Part two
Act 2
Face claim update
Take over
The Games Just Begun
Deal with the Devil 2.0
No Control
I Found You
I Swear To You... Leo
I Dont Need You
A Change In The Game
Pekka's leavers party
They'd Be Fine.

Silent treatment

557 32 22
By bIlly_readS

Not proof read!!
⋅ ⌖ ⋅

They all lay down on the spiky grass field, hidden behind a wagon. The quartet were spying on some guard currently inspecting Arkens tin box on wheels.

After the night before, Kaz and Leo had an understanding. Not a word is to be spoken of the night before, the vulnerability they showed. But there was comfort in it, a sort of stronger trust had bridged between them.

Inej on the other hand...that was a different story. She hadn't spoken a word to Leo, dispute Leo's attempts to make eye contact or reaching out the the girl. It was as if they were back to square one, and Leo was not a fan. Her chest ached when she noticed Inej deliberately avoiding her eyes or scattering away when she neared.

Leo didn't know what to do.

And Inej was conflicted by her feelings. Kaz's words playing in her mind 'love is weakness' and of course, Inej didn't believe that phrase that constantly spewed from her bosses lips... yet it kept replaying over and over. Inej knew that with one simple look at the girl that made her stomach flutter, she would cave. She would want to run into her arm and run from any danger that came towards them. But until this mission was over, she couldn't run from the danger. Only towards.

"How many are there?" Inej asked, squinting her eyes at the men in the distance to take her mind of the girl that was on the opposite side of Jesper.

"Two. At some point at least one of them will have to go tell a superior what they found, we'll go in then" Kaz replied,

"Not to be that person, Kaz-" Jesper spoke and Leo's head hung low with her eyes shut in exhaustion at the predictable words about to leave his mouth "but... are you sure you can drive that thing"

"Yes." Kaz replied in a instant, subtly noting he was offended by the question. "On the way to Kribirsk, while you were busy hugging bait-"

"Milo!" Jesper corrected and Leo mumbled "the goats name was Milo!"

Kaz ignored their corrections "I was memorizing Arken's timings"

"Not to gang up on you-" Inej's voice made Leo's head rise up from it position hanging down "-but Jes has a point. Arkens systems were complicated and the ride was chaotic, no one would blame you for missing a count"

This is when Leo finically spoke up "Jes?" She asked incredulously, eyes squinting in confusion.

Jesper looked at the girl who looked sick and tired of the bickering, not that he noticed, "it's Suli, for friendship" he chirped,

Inej nudged him "no, it's not" and Jesper just snickered,

"Trust me. Arken and I think alike" Kaz cut in,

Leo huffed "well isn't that a worrying thought-"

A loud explosion cut her short and made all four heads turn to the sound.

Arkens train had exploded. Parts of metal falling from the sky as it was blown to bits.

Leo smiled at the sight joyfully "HA! Some diving intervention, good riddance tin can" she gave a comical wave to the remains that were up in smoke,

"Too soon to appreciate the irony, am I right?" Jesper asked with a smirk,

Inej and Kaz looked defeated, and Kaz mainly looked irritated to no end.

Leo gave Jesper and nudge "too soon" she whispered and he nodded in agreement.

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

"The skiff is still here" Leo heard Inej speak as she entered the place they were keeping cover, she had been on lookout around where they were staying for any information of how to get onto a skiff to cross "Travelers downstairs are complaining they were due to cross this morning"

"Orders from the black general" Leo spoke up as she entered their room "he plans to cross it tomorrow" all turned to look at her as she made her entrance... all but one. Leo felt that familiar disappointment.

"The general?" Jesper spoke as he mocked a thinking face "is that the same general who tried to- oh yeah! Kill us all" he huffed "that one?"

"That one indeed Jesper" Leo smirked as he rolled his eyes and looked out the window,

"He has the Sun Summoner" Kaz spoke up, and Leo gave him a blank look. One he ignored,

"You're still on that, huh?" She scoffed,

"Was this your plan all along?" Inej practically seethed as Kaz sat calm with his hand wrapped around his cane "to have the general get her back so you can take her again?"

"My plan is to get us through the fold. We aren't prepared for another fight" Kaz shrugged,

"So you're not going to take another run at Alina?" Inej asked, whilst Leo asked,

"And you're really willing to let a million Kruge go?" She knew Kaz valued money too much to just drop the heist, she knew that from the start. It's pretty obvious.

"Leo, Jesper and I can't do it without you"

"Been saying that since day one" Jesper said in a 'I told you so' tone,

Leo scoffed "speak for yourself" she muttered,

And for the first time in many hours, Inej actually turned to face Leo. Her face showing hurt and disappointment, but Leo kept a stone face no matter how hard it was. No matter if her legs felt like water when their eyes met, she had been ignored for hours. She could bite back too.

"You've made your position perfectly clear" Kaz digged,

Inej looked away from Leo and answered the boy who sat "so all you want is to cross the fold?" She asked as if she didn't believe it,

Kaz pursed his lips and he reluctantly nodded "once we land in Novokirbirsk, it's your choice what you do next"

Leo kept her gaze on the world outside the windows, wondering what the girls next choices were with her freedom. Had she chosen differently? Maybe she's ignoring Leo for a reason... cause she will leave. Maybe that's Leo's hint to back off? As Leo's mind swirled with questioned she missed the not-so subtly glance Inej made her was once Kaz spoke his sentences.

The the two boys did, one was not interested in the action.. but the other? Jesper's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, and now he had many questions of his own. Ones he made a mental note of bombarding Inej with later.

As Kaz stood, Leo was snapped out of her gaze as he blocked her view of the window.

"Hang on. Are we talking about boarding a skiff with people who will recognise us? People who don't like us much" Jesper questioned,

Leo could practically see the cogs turning in Kaz's mind as he came up with a plan in record time,

"We'll have to blend in" he turned to Leo "who else was on that Skiff?"

Leo shrugged "some people from the winter fete. Dignitaries from Kerch and Novyi Zem on their way back home" Kaz nodded,

"Now they're audience to one more light show... Jesper how did you enjoy playing a Zemeni guard?"

"Oh, saints"

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

The plan was set and the four were in positions.

Four guards, four uniforms, four takedowns.

Inej and Leo on the roof with tranquilliser dart shooters and Jesper with Kaz who had a gun and a cane for the other two.

The two girls were next to each other, shoulder to shoulder on the rooftop that seemed to have limited space. Leo was at the point of throwing herself off said roof because of the silence.

The once bickering duo were silent and Inej awkwardly glancing Leo's way as if she was about to speak, but clearly thought against it. And Leo ignored them, too stubborn to entertain the actions due to her silent treatment that was currently still standing, and still as torturous.

Leo thanked all that was above when the four guards drifted around the far corner of the street, all lined up next to one another.

And the neared, Leo and Inej come forward from the shadows and readied their darts.

Leo counted down their steps as they neared, the background street chatter dying down into nothing but muffling white noise in her ears as she concentrated and aimed.




Fire away.

Two darts landed in the two men who stood centre of the line, both clutching their necks and stumbling out of view.

Leo's job was done, the boys would do the rest.

She took no time turning to leave, she faltered ever so slightly however.

"Leo" Inej finally sought her out, finally spoke her name.

She internally let out a sigh of genuine relief, but stubbornness and pettiness made her shake the feeling. So with the small faulted that she knew with no doubt Inej had caught, she kept walking. Into the darkness and out of sight.

Inej watched as she walked away, sadness shorting through her bones like a knife tearing through skin. She did not like the feeling one bit.

⋅ ⌖ ⋅



Iv watched the second season and how could I not continue it to that!!??

Omg it's incredible and BOOK KAZ ALERT!!! I needed a warning for that omg!

I'm in love but also- Iv never she'd so many tears over one character.

Genya. Oh my saints. That poor woman I sobbed my heart out for her.

The second season is definitely coming to this fic so be ware and also be warned cause it will contain obvious spoilers so if you haven't seen it I suggest you do!

What do you think of Inej ignoring Leo guys?? I swear there's a meaning too it since Iv now watched the second season and it has connections 🙂

Anywhooo, see u in the last season 1 chapter.

(Which should be out tonight!)

They have my heart

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