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By anditgoesonandon

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"๐™๐™๐™š๐™ง๐™š ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™– ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™ข๐™š ๐™„ ๐™–๐™ข ๐™ข๐™ž๐™จ๐™จ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ." "๐™„'๐™ก๐™ก ๐™›๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ž๐™ฉ ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช, ๐™ก๐™ค๐™ซ... More

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235 12 5
By anditgoesonandon

𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙨

 Ketterdam had not changed in the ten years she'd been gone. Back then, it'd been owned by Pekka Rollins, king of the Barrel. Now, ten years later, it still was. When she met him, earlier in the night, a part of her wanted to strike, kill and take down the man on the spot. Pekka Rollins had intercepted a message Dressen had sent, which asked for a heartrender.

In truth, Nikolai had already gotten the information out of Alexei Stepnov days before, with Alram. However, they needed him to believe they knew nothing about the job, just as him. That way, they could settle for a much lower price.

Pekka Rollins and some child, Kazzle, or so she'd heard, had intercepted the message. It was meant to be intercepted. To sort out the truly devious and powerful from the rest. Only one crew would take the job and the most capable would get it.

Pekka Rollins walked through the doors with his guards surrounding him and her hands became very fidgety, trying to resist the urge to smash something in his face. The worst part was when Nikolai and Ayalon stood as guards for Dressen, he saw her face more than once but did not recognize her. But how could he? She was just another girl he used to get richer. Still, she wanted to attack.

It wasn't to say that she couldn't have killed him, even with all his men there, the odds seven to two (Nikolai would be upset but he'd fight by her side anyway), she knew she could take down at least five of them, so if she wanted, she could kill Pekka Rollins, hide hid body, and flew from Ketterdam for good. But she didn't.

If there was one thing she'd learnt in the ten years she'd left Ketterdam, it was that although murder was the answer most of the time, sometimes you've to rise above, be the better person. Being a better person than Pekka Rollins did not take much.

That said, she got a good spar out of Nikolai every morning they were in Ketterdam. After all, he, was the one who forced her to come to the city. Not forced, necessarily, but convinced. Nikolai convinced her that for this mission to go smoothly, he needed her, needed her to be there with him and be with the team that would come.

Nikolai's eyes were on hers, smiling. She was not. She was confused, and angry and sceptical, most of all. Nikolai was aware he could easily convince her to do it, take the job. She had a soft spot for him that he could use to get things from her, and although he didn't like to do it much, some rules can be broken for the literal sake of Ravka.

Involved in his own thoughts, Nikolai hadn't noticed Ayalon walk away, but as he turned, he saw her walking into the lower deck. Yelling for her to stop, Nikolai ran after her, his hand gripping her arm. Ayalon, annoyed, turned.

Her expression was completely readable and she didn't want to hide it. She wanted Nikolai to know that going to Ketterdam to help some gang kidnap the Sun Summoner was a death wish. If not for General Kirigan to kill her, or the royal family, the gang would kill her theirselves. Ketterdam was not to be trusted. Their greed for money, yes.

"Let go, Niko." She sighed, "I'm not going."

"You don't have to be scared, love." Nikolai tightened his grip as he turned her towards him. "I've got you, Ayalon. And I promise you, no one will lay as much as a finger on you."

He was serious, she knew he was because she could see the storm in his eyes, his lips were thin and the grip on her arm tightened even more. He was dead serious and she knew.

She knew he'd never let anything hurt her, she knew he needed her, she knew she'd make it out alive and back to him, but a small part, the young ten-year-old Ayalon's scared voice, running tears rung through her mind, a haunting reminder of her past.

"I need you, 'Yalon." Nikolai let go of her arm, "Please. You know there's no one I trust more than you. Which is why it has to be you."

"But you know, Niko. You know what I've done there. How I've been..."

"I know, it's a lot to ask of you. To go back there-"

"I can go back to Ketterdam, Niko. But I can't work with Pekka Rollins."


"The king of the Barrel. That man's scammed every soul in that god forsaken city. Me included. I might kill him if I see him."

"Then don't. Don't work with him. But I need you there, with them, numen."

Nikolai could see that she still wasn't completely convinced. He wished it didn't have to be her, that she could stay on the Volkvolny and send someone else, but when he said she was the only person he trusted, he meant it. She knew he meant it.

"Do you know why I call you, numen?" Ayalon nodded no. She knew what it meant-divine, but in the seven years she'd known him, she never found out why.

"It's because in the whole while I've known you, you've never left me hanging. You are always on top of everything, always willing to do anything, and you care. You care for the crew, you care for the ship, for yourself...for me." Nikolai stopped his rambling. "You're my divine angel, Ayalon. My numen. And I'm not trying to guilt you into this, but I need you."

Ayalon sighed as she shook her head yes. Nikolai slowly smiled, bringing Ayalon into a hug. She slowly smiled, resting her head on his chest as she wrapped her arms around his shoulder. The height difference between the two was not too big, but just enough to be noticeable.

Ayalon sighed. She didn't regret being convinced into it, Ketterdam was almost nice. If not for the smoky air and the grimy alley's and Pekka Rollins, she would've enjoyed the city. She had no problem with dirt and filth, but when the dirt and filth took the form of a city she already had a history with, liking it proved difficult.

Nikolai had already had a man to hire the group from things he'd done like this in the past, Ayalon never accompanied him to those. The man was Dressen, a wealthy merchant in likes with anyone with enough money to satisfy his greed.

That meeting was three nights ago, which served to lay ground rules and prices. The thieves themselves would be paid a hefty sum of a million kruge and Dressen just knowing Sturmhond could afford it, meant he'd have to pay him at least a 100,000, and they'd agreed on 170,000 kruge for Dressen. In total, they'd just spent 1.17 million kruge for a job that might not be worth its rate.

After all, no one steals from the Darkling himself.

So far, she'd been in Ketterdam with Nikolai for three nights. They'd spent the first day on the meeting with Dressen and making sure they'd fit in. That night was a particularly bad one, with the hotel they booked a room in over-booking them and they'd spent the night in one room with a newly-wed couple and their crazed sex-drive. The second and third were mostly sight-seeing, which meant visiting the places Ayalon used to work at and beat up a bunch of people, though Nikolai pretended not to see her, as if he didn't know. They made sure to check in a room at a proper hotel, with a room for themselves that they'd checked out two nights, which covered the third night as well.

The fourth night was different from the rest. Tonight, they'd met with Pekka Rollins a few hours before the note was sent, they'd see him again, they knew, since he'd intercepted the note as well. The child, whose name Ayalon learnt as Kaz Brekker, (and not Kazzle like she thought, though she'd continue calling him that in her mind), had arrived a few minutes before midnight. He had a heartrender with him, and Ayalon believed his would be the much smarter crew to hire for the job. The kid was resourceful, quick, and mostly, vicious. He'd six hours to devise multiple plans and if it all went right, he would get the job.

Which she hoped he would because Ayalon might kill Pekka Rollins in the Fold herself and kidnap Alina by herself. Not like she needed someone to guide her through Os Alta, the crown prince had done that personally.

Nikolai was smart to book a hotel the morning of and not the night of, so all they had to do now was walk through the eerie streets of Ketterdam to their room for the night and leave. Nikolai would leave in the morning after she left with the crows, he couldn't stay too long and he'd already over-booked it by a day. Five mornings, four nights.

 Ayalon and Nikolai walked beside each other in silence. The silence was not a stranger between them, they didn't feel the need to fill it, too comfortable with each other for such mannerly practices. Nikolai was lost in his own thoughts and Ayalon in hers. She'd thought of what she'd do if by any chance, Pekka Rollins was hired over Kaz Brekker. She couldn't back out, not after promising Nikolai. She couldn't kill him since she needed the extra hand. Trying to sort it out, she walked airfully. What neither realised was that both of their fingers grazed the others and along the way, they'd begun to hold hands.

Nikolai had told her he'd booked the room under a false name, and out of all the fake names, the fake identities he carried, he picked Zetes Antisthenes. Zetes was married to Mirias. She was Mirias. They'd played the part of the couple before, many times in fact, and they'd played it well, but it was still an odd role she hadn't played in months.

Nikolai walked up to the lady checking people in, smiling.

"Zetes. Antisthenes. Room 12, I believe."

"And is that your wife over there?" The lady asked, tilting her head to Ayalon. Ayalon smiled, nodding. She walked up to Nikolai, wrapping her arm around his, pecking his cheek.

They could easily pass the look of tourists, Zetes and Mirias. Their clothes were bright and elegant, screaming expensive. Hairs neatly combed back, faces washed, arms linked, and a look of adoration on their faces, they were perfect.

The lady handed him the key, sending them off.

Nikolai waited until the two were in the room. It wasn't small, but not as big as the ones from the previous nights. Big enough for two people. There was a bed in the middle of the room, a queen sized one with a night stand on each side. Off to the side of the room, a door led to what she believed to be a private bath and a table with two chairs on either end.

Ayalon started undressing, removing her coat and the other five layers of clothing until she was just in her chest-binding and cotton pants. Unbraiding her hair, she sat on the bed as Nikolai changed in the private bath.

"That was a...lovely little kiss back there," he said, walking towards her, "shame it had to end, don't you think?"

Ayalon chuckled, pulling the covers over her feet. "Was it? I can't remember well, care to jog my memory a bit?"

"Oh I'd love to, numen. Though I'm afraid you'll fall in love with me if I do."

"What's to say you won't fall for me?" She remarked.

"Maybe I have, love." Nikolai grinned. "My heart is with you, thief. I'd like it if you'd give it back."

Nikolai leaned against the bed frame but Ayalon was already in the bed, on the verge of sleeping. She just hummed, softly saying, "What's mine is mine, my prince. Now go to bed, we've a big day tomorrow."

Nikolai complied, but not without a playful complaint. He leaned over to her, gently placing a kiss on her forehead, whispering "good night" in her ear. Ayalon slept fast with a smile on her lips.


Ayalon awoke that morning with something heavy weighing her down. At first she didn't realise what it was, scared for herself, almost. So she remained still, too frightened to disturb the weight on her. As the minutes passed and she'd come to understand what it was, Ayalon softly smiled, still remaining in the position.

She was never a fan of waking people. It felt rude (although, murder didn't), and the whole moment would be awkward. Ayalon knew that Nikolai had slept later than her, and because the sun was not yet up outside, she figured she didn't have to move and wake Nikolai up.

That was the most peaceful and most sleep she saw him get throughout their whole trip.

Somewhere then, as she was lost in her train of thought, Nikolai must have awoken as the weight was lifted and Ayalon could finally move around.

Ayalon turned, facing Nikolai, who was setting the pillows back to their previous position, grabbing the towel that lay by his bedside. She watched as he headed into the private bath, came out, and threw her the bag she'd packed.

"Change your clothes, love. You smell." Ayalon rolled her eyes, groaning. She was, in no world, a morning person, Nikolai, on the other hand, was and he made it a habit to make her aware of the fact, hair messily beautiful, eyes shimmering minutes within waking up.

Ayalon rolled her eyes once more, dragging herself into the private bath. Of course he drew a bath for me. Ayalon stepped in, the warm water bringing a wave of calm in her. Taking her time washing herself, Ayalon pondered over the danger looming in front of her.

She'd have to cross the fold, the fold that killed so many people, the fold that was made by Kirigan. With crooks from Ketterdam who'll probably kill or abandon her the first chance they'd get. Beyond that she'd have to kidnap the sun summoner, Alina Starkov. Though Alina would not realise it, she was quite easily the strongest, more important person in all of Ravka.

How do you kidnap a person with such prowess, and the one with the power to quite literally kill with light?

But of course, there was no one else on the crew fit for the job, well, no one more fit for the job than her. With her extensive knowledge of both the Grand Palace and the Little Palace, and the rest of Os Atla, along with Ketterdam, she could understand why she was the perfect fit.

Still, she didn't have to like it to understand it.

Getting out of the shower, Ayalon changed into her vest, the one she'd hand stitched years back while she was still a spy for the Kerch. Over the years, Ayalon made it a habit of altering the best, adding pockets for knives and changing the bodice to fit her. It lasted and in a sense, had a sentimental value.

Ayalon stepped out, her hair tied up with a pin. She glanced at the room, which was as they first entered the night prior. No one needed to know she was back in Kerch.

"When, exactly, do I meet them, the crows you hired?" She asked, turning to Nikolai.

He turned towards her, "On the ship, darling You know that."

She sighed, rolling her eyes. "I know that. What would I do, Niko? I'm part of the million kruge, they know that, but how would they know me, how would they," she paused, adding, "trust me?"

"They don't need to, numen. That's the beauty of Kerch. You can always trust their greed." He smiled. She knew that, better than he did.

Ayalon approached him, aware of where the conversation would lead. Their parting. She tied her hands behind her back, eyes wandering everywhere but him. At last, Nikolai turned towards her, slowly nearing.

"I'll get going, then." She spoke, eyes still not meeting Nikolai's.

Nikolai turned, finally facing her. "Make it back soon." He smiled, avoiding the fact she was going to cross the fold.

"I can't promise that, you know that, Niko."

"You'll be fine, numen."

"You don't know that!"

"I do, darling. I trust you'll get back to us." To me.

She nodded, not wanting to argue with Nikolai on what might be the last time she'd see him. Ayalon wrapped her arms around Nikolai, resting her head on his shoulders. For a moment, there was tenderness, a calm before a storm. His arms were on her back, bringing her closer in, so close she could almost hear his heartbeat.

The lingering warmth of his arms remained on her back as they parted and Ayalon stood at the window, jumping out. She'd given Nikolai a final glance of affirmation, I'll be back, it seemed to say. He smiled back to her, exiting the room from the entrance door.

a.n: 2208 words. i noticed that in the show, alina is in the fold and alexei is captured for two weeks, so she was either (a) in the fold for just two weeks, alive somehow, or she was unconscious for two weeks and they left her there until she woke up. either way, i didn't know how to make it work so i decided to kinda kill that time. this is also not proof read bc my person for that has work to do so umm ill do that tomorrow.

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