You've enchanted me (Gloxinia...

By KinRee

179K 7.4K 2.1K

Whilst watching 7 Deadly Sins, (Y/n) expressed their wishes to be there in person. Especially, after Gloxinia... More

Character Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Special Chapter
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 23

3.5K 124 21
By KinRee

"Victory." (Y/n) simply stated, as they used Telekinesis (from Saiki K) to dig a line, using a broken tree branch, through three diagonal crosses on the 3x3 grid that was drawn into the earth.

Currently, they were playing noughts and crosses with Drole, who sat opposite them, in order to pass the time. And they were on a really high winning streak actually.

Meanwhile, Gloxinia levitated comfortably above the ground, watching the two play the game - as well as studying the tactics used.

Though, the game was quickly becoming repetitive for (Y/n), after 54 rounds. And they were starting to get bored again.

Entertainment was so lacking in the late medieval period that 7 Deadly Sins was set in. And so, to provide themselves some form of enjoyment, this was the means they had to resort to.

'I miss my phone so much.' They couldn't help but reminisce about the rectangle device, which held all their fun games and socials, as well as fanfiction.

How did people in this era even survive without such technology? (Y/n), for one, was disintegrating out of boredom.

"That's the 39th time I won. Out of a total of 54 rounds - in which 11 were a draw." (Y/n) asserted, as they returned their attention to Drole, who was looking away, seemingly a bit embarrassed.

"I must say, witnessing such a great losing streak is a first for me. You're pretty terrible at games, Drole."

"Well - I'm not used to them." The giant explained in defence, with a sheepish yet forlorn tone.

"I didn't get to play such games when I was younger. Since strength is what the Giant clan values most of all, I trained instead. That's how I became the Giant King."

(Y/n) sombrely gazed at Drole as he spoke, feeling and displaying a solemn sense of compassion for the giant.

"It must've been hard - losing such a vital piece of childhood." They muttered, just loud enough for Drole to hear.

Then, a smile replaced their sad sympathetic expression, as they cordially declared.

"In that case, I'll play as many games with you as your heart desires, Drole. I'll teach them all to you."

In response, the giant stared at them in awe, feeling a great appreciation. "Thank you, (Y/n)."

"Of course, anytime." (Y/n) replied, as the rose from their sitting position, and stretched to ease any discomfort.

"Speaking of which, do you two want to join me on a shopping trip? I've been meaning to buy clothes and some other necessities."

"Shopping? In human villages?" Gloxinia inquired, floating lower towards them.


Drole joined in the conversation, adding his own input. "I've heard that some of those settlements have fallen under the demons' rule. So, shopping might be difficult."

"That's fine. I'll find a village that has not yet been touched by them. And I can free any other's I encounter from the control of the Commandments. Shouldn't be an issue." (Y/n) verbalised, carefree and confident, before repeating their question again.

"So, do any of you want to join me?"

Gloxinia was the first to respond, though slightly unsure. "I wouldn't mind. But then, what about protecting the Fairy King's Forest?"

"I'll stay and take care of that. Don't worry." Drole decided, solving the fairy's concerns.

"Are you sure, Drole?" Gloxinia asked.

"Of course." The giant answered, and peeked in (Y/n)'s direction as he continued. "You two should enjoy yourselves together, on your own."

'Oh. I see what he's trying to do.' (Y/n) thought, upon noticing Drole shortly glance at them as he spoke.

'Setting us up, huh? Way to go, Drole! I'm indirectly appointing you as our official wingman from now on.'

Making sure Gloxinia doesn't notice, they gave a nod of understanding in the giant's direction - a silent 'Thank you'.

"Alright then." Gloxinia hesitantly agreed, seemingly a bit reluctant to leave Drole behind. "In that case, we'll leave it to you."

"Before that, is there anything you wish for us to bring back for you, Drole?" (Y/n) asked, unwilling to not gift him something from their trip.

Drole raised a hand to his chin in thought, before answering.
"Then, maybe some pork? Yeah, a pork dish would do fine." (that's his favourite food, btw)

"Got it." (Y/n) said, giving the giant one last glance, before focusing on Gloxinia.

"Then, dear, shall we be off now?" They asked the fairy, with a gentle tone, offering a hand towards him.

They observed Gloxinia's cheeks flush slightly at the endearment. The sweet rosy red colour adorned his pretty features, heightening his ethereal beauty even further.

When he accepted their hand, (Y/n) swiftly pulled him closer towards them, with a twirl, as if dancing.

And in a teasing and playful tone, they didn't forget to say: "It's a date."


Upon reaching the gates of Coland, Meliodas spotted the emerging figure of Zeldris, to which he instantly attacked.

He cut the figure in half, before momentarily staring at the body, muttering lowly to himself. "Thought so. It wasn't real."

It was then that he heard Melascula's voice, sickening and calm. "To strike at him, knowing that it was a trap. My, my, you must really be furious at Zeldris, aren't you, Meliodas?"

Meliodas uttered her name, when he suddenly found himself enveloped by Melascula's 'Cocoon of Darkness', the same skill she used on (Y/n) when they went to save him.

Blackness overtook his vision, muddling his perception as a result. Yet Meliodas stood still, looking around the empty surroundings.

In a fruitless effort to break the Cocoon, the demon tried to use the technique 'Hellblaze', hurling bright flames towards the seemingly endless darkness.

Not that it worked, of course.

And consequently, he heard Melascula's voice again, who emitted a deriding chuckle as she spoke to him.

"Your Hellblaze is a dark power, remember? It'll have zero effect in here. Still, what a delicious suprise."

An almost ghostly image of Melascula appeared in his vision, and she stared down at him.
"Being brought back to life and losing your emotions every time you die is one hell of a curse to be given. What a tragedy!"

In annoyance, Meliodas glared at her, as he raised his sword to cut her image.

Yet, even when he could no longer see her, he continued to hear her voice, which unexpectedly mentioned (Y/n).

"How fortunate for you to have been saved by (Y/n) back then. To think they even saved a traitor such as yourself, Meliodas. You ought thank them properly for their grace."

'Why did she bring (Y/n) into this conversation?' Meliodas thought, becoming increasingly suspicious.

The way Melascula was speaking about them was also strange. You'd think that she would hate (Y/n) after humiliating her on that day, but such feelings seemed to only be targeted at him, and not (Y/n).

Not only that, but she referred to (Y/n)'s actions as a 'grace', instead of something along the lines of 'atrocity' or 'transgression'. What's that about?

It's as if Melascula knew them a bit more personally, compared to on that day.

'Did the two come into contact since then?' Meliodas wondered, unsure what to make of it if that were true.

However, interrupting his thoughts, the demon heard Melascula's voice again.

"Listen, since it's just you and me here, let's do something to pass the time. Oh, I know. How about some questions?
It'd be better for the both of us if you answer them truthfully. After all, you are basically my hostage now, right? And the situation of your friends' outside isn't good either. You wouldn't want something to happen to them, would you? Especially not to that goddess Elizabeth."

Meliodas instantly tensed at the mention of his lover and friends. Glaring at Melascula, yet still remaining silent, he felt himself become angrier.

Yet, despite his furious state, Melascula spoke again, in a nonchalant and apathetic tone.

"I suggest you calm down."

'Calm down?' The phrase repeated itself in Meliodas's mind - the cruel irony haunting him. Clenched his fist, he couldn't stop his body from trembling in fury and frustration.

What exactly was she playing at? How dare she say that after clearly threatening him?

"The destructive force spilling from your body is being absorbed by the Cocoon of Darkness, and it's being transferred to the undead soldiers I raised. This is the Dead Soul Enhancement Law, Carnage Grudge.
Simply put, you're making your friends' situation worse. Meliodas and the Seven Deadly Sins destroying eachother - wouldn't that be a sight?"

"What do you want, Melascula?" Meliodas finally uttered, spitting out her name in disgust, with his question sounding more like a demand.

In response, another image of Melascula appeared infront of him. And unlike her usual expression of contempt and ridicule that Meliodas was used to seeing, she looked strongly serious this time.

A frown was plastered on her face, and her eyes gazed down at Meliodas in an emotion he couldn't quite identify - but it looked like thoughtfulness or solemnity.

And if possible, the atmosphere tensed more that it already was. In which silence plagued both demons, almost like an indirect confrontation.

Worst still, out of the two of them, it was Meliodas that felt most uncomfortable.

Melascula's strange behaviour makes him question her intentions. And it worried him that he was suddenly finding it difficult to read her.

So, wary and suspicious, he waited for her to answer his question, which she soon did.

"I want to hear this from you personally. What lead you to betray the Demon King 3000 years ago? Why exactly did you side with Elizabeth instead?"


Author's note :

Curse (Y/n) for saving Meliodas from dying in those few past chapters. And curse the butterfly effect.

So much of the events after his death is dependent on him losing his emotions to the Demon King. But (Y/n) completely destroyed that chain of causes and consequences.

Now I won't really have the original plot to base the story on. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

I'll have to alter it, and kinda make it myself. I didn't realise it'd be this hard until this chapter (which took ages, btw). And it was only some dialogue too.

Yeah, I don't know where things are going. Why did I make things difficult for myself?

I hope my suffering is obvious. This is my cry of anguish and regret.

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