our journey With the company...

Av thex-mengirl10

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this is the next story after the rdr2 one I don't own the hobbit or the characters that is in the movie or in... Mer

chapter 1 - welcome to middle earth
Chapter 2 - meeting the company
chapter 3 - going to Bree and start the adventure to Erebor.
chapter 4 - lefting Bree and telling of the battle of Moria.
chapter 5 - abandoned farm house and horse eating trolls
Chapter 6 - got elvish weapons and meeting Radagast The Brown
chapter 7 - arriving to Riverdell and learning khuzdul
chapter 8 - meeting Lady Galadrial and then leaving Rivendell
Charper 9 - passing through the misty mountains and getting into the goblin city
Chapter 11 - running away from orcs wargs and death of the white warg
Chapter 12 - death of Azog and then lucy meeting Beorn.
Chapter 13 - running away from orc pack and black bear and finding lucy alive

Chapter 10 -meeting the goblin king and then escaping from goblin city.

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Av thex-mengirl10

This chapter is really long so sorry
Lucy's POV÷

When everyone and Lucy hit bottom, while trying to get up again, we saw a lot of Goblins running to us after someone shouted "LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT!" One of the goblins quickly grabbed Lucy and pulled her a little bit too hard but Lucy doesn't like being touched by certain people so Lucy shouted at the goblins while trying to break the hold they have on her arms "LET GO OF ME, YOU BASTARDS!" But they didn't listened, they pushing us somewhere. Few minutes later, lucy was standing behind Kíli with Sophie, i quickly checked if Sophie was with me or not, so I quietly asked her is she ok or not and she just nodded at it, then everyone stopped in front of the ugliest thing and it was singing while it's followers took our weapons and thrown them down on the floor, out of reach of us, the ugly monster came down from his chair by stepping on his people, then he said meanly "Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?!" One of his soldiers answered him, "Dwarves, your malevolence." And then he said "dwarves?", "we found them on the front porch.", "Well, don't stand there! Search them! Every crack! Every crevice!" And they started to search us while they was searching us, they took Oin's hearing horn and then they broken it by stamped on it, the dwarves was trying to hide Sophie and I while Sophie and I was holding our bags tightly but they failed because they took our bags and we tried to fight back but it failed, and then they thrown our bags down hard, I think I heard something break, I really hope it's not mine or Sophie's phones because we both have photos on them that we don't want to lost.

the ugly king asked us "what are you in these parts? SPEAK!" No one spoke up to him so the king said to us "very well then, if they will not talk, we'll make them squawk! Bring up the mangler! Bring up the bonebreaker! Start with the youngest!" When I heard 'start with the youngest,' I knew it would be Sophie who was going first so I put Sophie behind me and then I loudly said with anger in my voice "OH! HELL NO!" before anyone doing or say anything, we heard Thorín shout "WAIT!" and then we saw Thorín walk in front of the ugly king, so the ugly king's eyes widened and then he said to Thorín Mockingly "well, well, well, look who it is. It's Thorín, son of Tharín, son of Thror, the king under the mountain!" The ugly king mockingly bowed at  Thorín while his followers laughed and then said to Thorin again "Oh! Wait, I have forgotten you don't have a mountain... so you are not a king which makes you nobody, really." We heard one chuckle from him, I got a bit mad at what the ugly king said to Thorín, then the ugly king kept talking "I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head, just a head, nothing attached.. Oh! And two little girls wanted to be alive but luckily, they are already here and with you hehe." But suddenly Lucy and Sophie dragged out of the company while the company trying to fight against the Goblins to get us back to the company, then the goblins threw Sophie and Lucy down on the floor in front of the ugly king and both of them had a shocked faces, (like the ones on the sponge bob the first movie and I will add a photo of it if I can find the right photo) Sophie and Lucy's faces went normal in a second but Lucy looked at the ugly king close up (not too close though), then she thought 'oh my god! He is uglier close up.' And then the ugly king said smugly "perhaps, you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. A pale orc, astride (I think that's right) on a white warg." Thorín said to him quietly and madly "Azog The Defiler was destroyed." The ugly king looked shocked at that, then Thorín shouted to him angrily "he was slain in the battlefield long ago." Then the ugly king laughed at that, then said to him smugly "so you think his defiling days are over, do you? Who do you think killed those girls kin?" the ugly king pointed his stick at Sophie and Lucy while chucking, and Thorín looked shocked at that.. but Lucy and Sophie looked more confused than shocked at that, the ugly king walked over to a goblin that is on a swing and then said to it "send word to the pale orc, tell him that I have found his prizes." The goblin left to do so.

After Bilbo's and Golem's scene,

The ugly king was singing badly while the company trying to fight back from the goblins but it didn't went anywhere for them, one of the goblins got hold of Thorín's sword and then look at Thorín, the goblins locked Sophie and Lucy up in a cage, then he started to took out Thorín's sword out of its cover, and when he saw what sword that he had in his hold, he started to scream from fear just of the sword, and then he threw it away from him from the fear of it, the ugly king quickly backed away from it into his chair. In fear of the sword in front of him, he said in fear of the sword and while still backing up into his chair "I know that sword! It is the Goblin-cleaver! The bite! The blade that sliced 100 necks! Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! CUT OFF HIS HEAD!" While he was shouting that, his followers started to beat, cut and whip us, two of them pulled down Thorín, and then put a sword on top of his neck and then they moved it up, when Sophie and Lucy saw that happen, they shouted 'No!' And then one of the goblins whipped them, Lucy started to feel her blood run down her face, her back, her legs and her arms and Sophie was the same but Lucy was a little bit worse but before they could hit us again, there was a blinding light and powerful wind. When it went away, there was a person in the dark and when that person walked out of the shadows, they saw that it was Gandalf with his sword drawn and then he said to the company "take up arms. Fight! Fight!!" Everyone got up and started to fight the goblins while getting they weapons but Sophie and Lucy had to wait and watch them to be freed, Kíli and Dwalín quickly ran over to them and freed them by hitting the lock hard enough, Kíli quickly asked us worrily "are you two ok? Are you ok enough to fight them?" Sophie and Lucy quickly nodded and then said together "hell yeah!" Dwalín quickly gave them their weapons and their bags and then helped them put them on, then they ran back to Gandalf and the other company while fighting off the goblins, we heard the ugly king saying "he wields the foehammer! The beater! Bright as daylight!" Then the ugly king charged at Thorín with his weapon draw over his head but Thorín blocked the attack with his sword and then the ugly king stumbled backwards and then he fell over the edge, by taking some of his goblins and his throne with him, we keep fighting until Gandalf said to us and the company quickly "follow me. Quickly!" Everyone, Sophie and Lucy started to follow Gandalf while running away from the goblins, Gandalf shouted to us while running "run!" So we keep running while fighting if we need to, Lucy's langs started to hurt her and they can hear her breathing heavily and her langs was making a weird sound so Norí quickly picked her up while running with the company Bofur picked Sophie up as well Bofur and Norí quickly asked us if we are ok or not? And we just nodded at it.

(After Bilbo and Gollum scene)

Gandalf shouted "QUICKLY!" While running and after, Dorí shouted while running "FASTER" Sophie and Lucy were still following but then they had to stop because there were some goblins in the way so Dwalín and Norí (he passed Lucy off to another dwarf quickly), saw a post of the thing that we are standing on and then he and Norí put the post and then started to hit the post with they weapons until they got a long stick to push and hit the goblins away while running through. When they passed the goblins, they threw the post down and then we started to run again while cutting through a path, we kept cutting down left and right, Thorín shouted at Norí and Dorí to "cut the ropes!" And they did it with ease, then we kept going on and fighting through the place, Dwalín shouted to us while fighting off the goblins that were behind us "come on! move!" And then we heard Fíli shout "Bombur!" We kept going on and fighting until they got to a beadend. Kíli cut the rope that is holding a landing from moving but it started to moving but it started to moving away, when they got to the other side, Bofur shouted while jumping off with Fíli, Balín and Gloín but it swing back and forward but some goblins onto the landing.

When it went back, everyone just quickly jumped over to safety, but before Kíli jumped over to safety, he quickly cut the rope so makes it fell with the goblins that is on it, the goblins screamed while felling down to they died, we kept running and fighting again, until the ugly king bursted from the floor in front of us so it made us stop running, we heard Gloín say "watch your backs!" Before pushing Sophie and Lucy in the middle of the company, the ugly king loudly said to us "you thought you could escape from me!" He tried to hit Gandalf and the company but it didn't hit him, then the ugly king said to Gandalf smugly "what are you going to do now, wizard?" Gandalf hit the ugly king's eye with his staff and then quickly cut the ugly king's stomach open, the ugly king fell to his knee while holding his hand on his eye and then said to Gandalf shocked "yep! That will do it." And then Gandalf quickly cut the ugly king's throat to ear to ear, it killed the ugly king fest, the king fell on to the wooden bridge started to broke away and then fell down with everyone on it screaming, it keep going down while felling down, everyone was on different levels of the landing screaming while watching it going down.

When it reached the bottom, the landing on the company, Lucy said "ow! The bloody hurt!" Gandalf got out of the pile before Bofur said this "well, that could have been worse." Then the goblin king fell on top of the pile hard and everyone yelled and groaned in pain when that happened, Kíli shouted madly "you've got to be joking me!" Everyone started to get off of the pile, Sophie got out of the pile before so she went over to me and helped me out of the pile and helped me up, she said to me kindly and worried "are you ok, lucies?" And then Lucy said to her kindly "of course, nothing hurt me too bad y'know and like with you if it hurt you badly, I would know about it before you said anything about it." Kíli looked up in fear because he saw hoard of goblins quickly coming down to us so Kíli shouted still looking up "GANDALF!?" And then Dwalín quickly said to Gandalf while helping Norí stand up "there's too many of them! We can't fight them!" And Gandalf quickly said loudly to us "only one thing will save us is Daylight! Come on! Move! On your feet!" Everyone started to run as fast as they could when they got out of the pile. We kept running until we were outside and at a safe place to stop and rest for a minute or two. When Lucy stopped, she blended over and tried to catch her breath back while doing that and listening to Gandalf doing a headcount of the dwarfs, Sophie and Lucy but she just noticed that they were missing someone so she quickly checked who it was and it was...


She quickly straightened up and said with a gasped "oh my god! WHERE IS BILBO!? WHERE IS THE HOBBIT!?" Gandalf noticed that too so he said "Lucy is right! Where is Bilbo? WHERE IS OUR HOBBIT!?" and then Dwalín said "curse that hobbit! Now he is lost?" Gloín said after that "I thought he was with Norí!" Then Dorí quickly said "hey! Don't blame me!" Gandalf quickly asked Norí "well, where did you last see him?" Then Norí said "I think I saw him slip away when they first cornered us." Gandalf said annoyed "and what happened, exactly? Tell me!" Thorín said to that "I'll tell you what happened, master Buggins saw his chance and he took it! He has thought of nothing but of his soft bed, and his warm hearth ever since first he stepped out of his door! We will not see our hobbit again! He is long gone!" Couple minutes later, Bilbo came out of the shadows and then he said "No. He isn't." Then Lucy looked at Bilbo with a wide smile and said happily "Bilbo! You are okay! Thank god!" Bilbo looked at her with a little smile but Gandalf said to Bilbo happily "Bilbo Buggins. I have never been so glad to see anyone in my life." Bilbo patted Balín on the shoulder while slowly walking to Gandalf, Kíli said to him happily with a smile "we'd given you up." And then Fíli asked him confused "how on earth did you get past the goblins?" Thorín said quietly "how indeed." Gandalf, Sophie and Lucy already knew how by using the one ring, but Gandalf said quickly "well, what does it matter? He's back." Thorín widened his eyes a little bit before saying annoyed "it does matter. I want to know. Why did you come back?" Bilbo thought for a moment before saying "Look, I know you doubt me.. I know you always have, and I often think about bag-end.. I missed my books, my armchair and my garden.. see, that's where I belong.. that's home, and that's why I came back, because.. you don't have one.. a home.. it was taken from you but I will help take it back if I can.. and I need to see Lucy and Sophie back with their families if any." Everyone let that sink in for a minute, we started to hear warg howls, so I shouted "oh fuck! Not again! There's too much bloody running!" And then Thorín said "out of the frying pan!" And the gandalf quickly said after that "and into the fire! Run! RUN!!"

The word count is 2587

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