*Summer Heat* Outer Banks

By Countrysweetheart39

533 13 0

Joanna 'Jo' Mills is a Pogue through and through. When her and her friends crash into a wreck they embark on... More

The Lucky Compass
The Forbidden Zone
Spy Games
Parcel 9
The Runaway
The Bell Tower
The Phantom
Treasure and Secrets Preview

Dead Calm

21 1 0
By Countrysweetheart39

Jo is sitting by the dock at the château when JJ comes running down to her.

"What are you doing down here?" he asks her as he sits down beside her.

"I woke up and you were gone." he comments.

"Yea I'm sorry about that Jay. I just couldn't sleep." she lays her head on his shoulder.

"I know last night was really crazy. I can't believe we did it." he smiles as he wraps his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer.

"Jay, can you promise me something?" Jo asks hesitantly.

"Anything." he tells her.

"Whatever this is going on between us, promise me that it won't change us or tear us apart." she looks up at him.

"What are you saying?" he asks her thinking the worst.

"We've been good friends for so long and I don't wanna ruin that." she clears up.

"I don't wanna ruin anything either. But when I'm with you, I forget about my dad and my shitty life. You make me think that I mean something in life-" she cuts him off.

"That's because you do. You are my best friend JJ and you make me feel safe and comfortable. I can be myself around you. I just don't wanna lose that if we decide to take this further." she confides in him.

He gives her a look of awe.

He grabs her face lightly in his hand and leans down.

"I promise you that whatever comes out of this thing we have, we're not gonna lose what we are. I would never let that happen." JJ huskily promises before he leans down and presses his lips to hers.

She grabs his face and kisses him back.

She climbs onto his lap and wraps her arms around his neck.

He grabs her waist and pulls her until she's pressed up against him.

They hear whistling and they break apart quickly to look where it's coming from.

"If you two love birds are done tonguing each other we need to get this plan together!" John B shouts down to them.

"Get a room!" Pope shouts at them.

Jo rolls her eyes and flips them off.

Jo gets up off of JJ's lap and helps him stand up.

"I guess we have to go back to our friends now." Jo bumps her shoulder with his with a smile.

They both walk back up to the chateau to see their friends watching them.

"What?" Jo asks as she finds a small pebble and throws it at John B and Pope.

John B grabs Pope's face mockingly.

"Oh, I love you so much." John B shrills in a high pitch womanly voice.

"I love you so much." Pope deepens his voice to mock JJ's voice.

"We do not sound like that you guys."

Jo rolls her eyes as she walks over to the girls who are sitting in the twinkie looking at a piece of paper.

"You guys aren't gonna be mean to me are you?"

Jo pouts as she sits next to Kie and across from Sarah.

"No, I think it's cute. You and JJ seem perfect for each other." Sarah compliments.

Kie gives her a halfhearted smile.

"Yea we all saw it coming."

Kie says shortly as she shows the girls the map that Pope drew of the well and the calculations.

"He said that it's supposed to look something like this." Kie tells them.

Jo looks over Sarah's shoulder at the drawing.

"That's about 50 feet down, and the boys are gonna be using the 100-foot rope." Kie continues to explain.

"So I guess this little wagon will go straight to the gold room." Jo and Sarah laugh at how bad the drawing is.

"Who drew this?" Sarah asks.

Kie smiles slightly.

"Who do you think." she comments as they glance up and see Pope staring at them.

Jo nudges Kie in the arm.

"Do I notice any sparks between you two?" Jo asks teasingly.

Kie glances back at Pope and then back to her friends.

"No of course not. We're just friends." She doesn't sounds very convincing.

Before Jo can press the issue further with her, JJ comes over with the bar of gold.

"Yo girls, this better work. We can't pawn this if there is a huge wheat symbol on it." JJ throws the bar down on the van floor.

Kie picks up a blow torch with a smile.

"Its gonna work trust me." she says.

Jo grabs the gold and throws it into a pot.

They watch as Kie grabs safety goggles and lights the torch.

They all stand around as some of the gold starts to melt.


They get in the twinkie and head to the pawn shop.

John B picks a random one on the cut that looks like they wouldn't ask questions.

They pull up and pile out.

JJ holds the gold wrapped in a cloth.

"What a wonderful job you did melting down the gold Dr. Frankenstein. I could have done a better job than that." JJ lectures.

"Oh, yea you could've done better?" Kie argues.

"Yea I took a welding class!" JJ argues back.

John B quickly gets in between them.

"When?" Kie challenges him.

"Come on guys chill out." John B separates them.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ complains as he holds up the gold piece.

"How did I end up with this job anyway?" he asks as they start to head inside.

Jo drapes her arm around his shoulder.

"Because you my bestie are the better liar out of all of us." she tells him with a smile.

They push through the door and see a middle-aged woman standing at the counter.

JJ walks up to the counter as everyone else huddles in the back acting like they're looking at different things set up in the shop.

Jo tones out the conversation as she looks out the window and spots a familiar black car sitting in the back.

She gets a strange feeling as the woman walks off to the back room.

"What's going on?" Jo whispers.

"She's talking to her boss." Kie answers.

"Something isn't right guys. I know that car out there from somewhere, but I can't remember where." she tells them.

"It's probably just nerves from the excitement. We're about to be rich." JJ assures her.

She doesn't look like she believes him as the woman comes back out from the back room.

"I talked to my boss." she tells them.

"And?" JJ presses.

"Well, this is what I can do." she says as she writes on a piece of paper and hands it to JJ.

He looks at it with an unimpressed look.

"Fifty thousand? You think I walked in here not knowing the spot price? Ma'am, I know for a fact this is worth 140 at least." JJ argues.

"Well sweetie you guys are in a pawnshop. This ain't Zurich. Do I look Swiss to you?" the woman sarcastically replies.

"Ninety or we walk." JJ bargains.

The woman glances at everyone before turning her gaze back onto JJ.

"Seventy. It's half price. And I uh- don't ask questions about where you got this."

Jo watches the interaction and knows something is up.

She tries to sneak closer to the back to try to get a glimpse of the other person in the back, but can't see anybody.

"I'm gonna need that in big denominations, please." Jo turns as she hears JJ excitedly speak.

She walks over towards him and faces the woman.

She stares at Jo for a minute.

"Unfortunately, here is the snag. I don't have that much denominated, not here anyway. I can write you a cashier's check." the woman offers.

"Check? No ma'am I want the cold hard. That's what that sign says. Cash for gold. That's what I expect." JJ argues raising his voice.

"Well, I have to send you to the warehouse. I have the money there. Is that alright with you?" The woman questions.


They get the address and head out back to the van.

As John B drives down the road everyone is sitting in silence as they look for the warehouse they're supposed to be driving to.

The road they are on is sketchy and not a lot of buildings were out there.

"So they keep their money out here?" Pope asks skeptically looking out the window.

JJ starts laughing.

"That's what she said." JJ jokes in a funny voice.

Pope gives him a disapproving stare.


JJ looks down in shame and Jo shakes her head.

"Why do you have to be so mean Pope?" Jo asks him as she pats JJ on the shoulder.

"I'm sure you'll find some way to make him feel better." Pope says in disgust.

Jo grabs her shoe off her foot and throws it at him.

"Guys cut it out." Kie lectures.

"I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive." Sarah comments.

"That's cause you're rich." JJ comments.

Jo smacks him on the back of the head.

"You've never heard of it either." Kie says with a stare.

"Thank you girls." Sarah says from the front seat.

"There's nothing but weeds back out here." Kie observes as she watches out the window.

They hear sirens from behind them.

A black car drives up behind them.

"Cops? Out here?" Kie questions.

Jo looks out the window and notices the familiar car.

"You guys that's the same car that was parked out back of the pawn shop." Jo informs them as she starts to freak out.

"How much stuff do you have on you?" Kie asks JJ.

"I'm hiding it now!" he responds as he shoves his bag of weed in his bookbag and shoves it under the seat.

They hear a gun cock and look up to see a gun pointing at John B.

"Why don't I go ahead and see them hands in the air." the man demands.

Jo's eyes widen as everyone freezes.

"All y'all's hands up in the air now!" the man yells out to everyone.

"You out of the car! Let's go!" he demands to John B.

With his hands raised, John B slowly got out of the van.

"Let's go! Let them out!" The man yells at him.

John B slowly starts to walk towards the other side of the van.

"What are you waitin' on? Let them out!" The man continues to demand harshly.

John B walks over and opens the van.

Sarah steps out first and she looks frightened.

"There you go pretty girl. Here we go! Get out of the car!" Pope steps out with his hands raised.

Kiara steps out after him.

When Jo steps out she looks at the man and she instantly recognizes him.

"Yea look at you. Just can't stay out of trouble like your boy." Jo stares at the man.

"Barry." she whispers.

JJ steps out in front of Jo protectively.

"We're broke! We don't have anything!" JJ shouts to him.

"Shut the hell up!" Barry shoves the gun in JJ's chest.


"I'm gonna blow your damn head off!"

Jo grab's JJ's arm and pulls him back.

"We don't want any trouble!" Jo tells him as she raises her hand toward him.

"Lay down in the ditch now!" Barry orders.

Jo grabs JJ's arm and pulls him down onto the ground with her.

"Just stay on the ground! I don't wanna see y'all move!" Barry quickly jumps in the van and starts looking around.

"This is a set up you guys." Kie whispers beside Jo.

"That old bat shanked us! Fuck!" JJ slams his fist onto the ground in anger.

"I knew I recognized the car and nobody wanted to listen to me." Jo hisses out.

"Now is not the time to dwell on that." Pope quickly states back.

John B slowly starts to stand up and head towards the car.

"N-no John B don't." Sarah whimpers.

"John B don't be a hero." Pope whispers out.

Jo kept a glance at Barry looking through the van.

He jumps back out.

"Stay on the ground unless you want your heads blown off all over this road." Barry yells out as he rushes back to his car.

"I got the gun!"

They hear John B shout out.

Everyone jumps up and races toward John B and Barry.

JJ jumps up first and goes to tackle Barry.

He punches him in the face.

Barry hits him back just as Kie jumps on his back as Jo punches him in the face.

He throws Kie off of him as John B slams the gun into his head.

"I got the gold!" Pope shouts out as he jumps out of Barry's car.

Sarah slams the car door into Barry knocking him back down onto the ground.

Jo and Kie kick him in the ribs.

Barry leans against the car as Pope pulls Barry's mask down revealing his face.

"I know this piece of shit. He's a basehead!" JJ tells them.

Barry locks his gaze onto Jo who he remembers very well.

"Probably knows my brother." Sarah states.

"He does. He's the one who introduced him to coke and got him addicted to the shit." Jo tells Sarah who gives her a look of shock.

"Yea, he sells coke to my dad." JJ angrily states.

"Listen, I couldn't hurt any single one of y'all-"

He gets cut off by JJ hitting him in the face with the gun.

Pope and John B pull him back.

"Cut the bullshit Barry. I know exactly how you are." Jo tells him as he starts wheezing.

"Come on, we gotta get out of here." John B tries to pull JJ away.

JJ shrugs him off and grabs Barry's wallet.

He looks at his address and throws his wallet back down at him.

"We got one more stop to make first." JJ pushes past everyone as he heads to the van.

"I'm gonna remember this!" Barry shouts to them in anger.

The group heads back to the van.

"I know who all y'all are! You hear me Joanna! You and your rich boyfriend are dead! I'm coming after all of you!"

John B glares at him as he throws Barry's keys into the weeds.

He grabs Jo's arm and pulls her back into the van.


Jo watches out the window as they pull up to Barry's trailer which is surrounded by tall grass and trees.

She remembers being here with Rafe when he would bring her with him before he got too bad.

The van stops in front of the trailer.

"Welcome to crackhead wasteland." Sarah comments.

"I don't know about this man." Pope comments.

"What are we doing here JJ? We shouldn't be here." Jo says as she looks unsure.

"This will only take a minute." JJ says as he gets out of the car.

"Where are you going?" John B shouts out from the window.

"Yo soy justicia." JJ shouts as he walks into the house.

The friends watch him and don't know what to say.

"Somebody should probably-" Kie gets cut off by John B.

"Yea I got it." John B steps out of the van and goes into the house after JJ.

Everyone gets out of the van as JJ and John B come back out. JJ is carrying a duffel bag.

"Alright, so we're looking at five grand each for reparations for putting us through all that bullshit. Sorry about that y'all." JJ says as his friends gather around him.

Jo knows that he is losing his cool and she doesn't know to talk to him right now.

"So that's what we're doing now? We're robbing drug dealers?" Kie judgmentally states.

Jo steps forward to grab onto JJ's face to get his attention.

"Listen to me alright, Barry is gonna find out about this and he is gonna come after all of us-" she gets cut off by Pope.

"Yes, he will! This isn't the time to start wilin' out!"

Pope yells at JJ causing him to pull away from Jo and face Pope and John B.

"How did you guys like having a gun pulled on you?" JJ states.

John B pushes against JJ.

"You need to relax." he tells him.

Jo starts to look nervous.

She knows that with everyone ganging up on him JJ is gonna lash out.

"You guys-" Jo tries to get their attention.

"He had it right here on you bro." JJ pushes his finger into John B's forehead.

"Look, we gotta go get the gold. Just give me that shit!" John B grabs the duffel off of him.

JJ storms after him and slams John B into the side of the van with a grip on his shirt.


The boys ignore her.

"What are you gonna do when he comes for us? When he comes for Jo? He knows who she is. He made that specifically clear. How do you expect to handle that?" John B questions.

"I will punch him in the throat." JJ tells him as he glances at Jo.

"Yea? That's a really great plan JJ." John B comments.

"I'm not putting it back." JJ grabs the bag and gets in the van.

Everyone stands around the van not moving.

"Y'all getting in or what?" JJ shouts out.

Jo is at a loss for words.

She doesn't know what to say.

JJ jumps back out of the van and faces everyone.

"What?" he snips at them.

"We're sick of your shit." John B tells him.

"Oh my shit?" JJ asks with a laugh.


"Yea you pulling guns on people shit."

Jo shakes her head at her friends ganging up on JJ.

"You guys this isn't helping-" Jo tries to intervene.

"You're acting like a maniac-" Pope gets cut off.

"Okay! I took the fall for you man! You know how much I owe because of you!" JJ argues with Pope.

"I'm gonna pay you back, and I didn't ask you to do that!" Pope argues.

JJ steps closer to Pope.

"I just did pay it back. Right here, right now, by myself." JJ looks down and refuses to make eye contact with Jo.

"You know what, that's exactly what I'll do."

He reaches in the van and grabs his book bag.

"Go off by myself."

Without another look he starts walking off.


Pope tries to go after him but Jo holds him back.

"I'll go." she tells him before she runs off after him.

"JJ stop! Right now!"

Jo grabs his arm and pulls him around to a stop.

He turns to her in anger.

"What the hell are you doing Joanna! Go back with the guys!" JJ tells her.

"No. Please don't walk off like this. They weren't supposed to attack you like that-" JJ cuts her off.

"It doesn't matter anymore! Just go back with them!" he yells.

"Alright just stop for a minute!"

She keeps a grip on his arm so he can't turn from her.

"It does matter. You matter to me Jay. I don't want you to be alone."

She tells him as she starts to get emotional.

"I shouldn't matter to you Jo. You are this great amazing person going somewhere in life and I would just hold you back. So do yourself a favor and leave me the fuck alone before I say something to you that will make you hate me."

JJ pulls his arm out of her grasp and turns to walk away.

She watches him walk away with tears in her eyes.

She walks back to the van.

"Jo-" She cuts Sarah off.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Let's just go."

She gets in the van and everyone joins her.


The pogues are sitting on the back deck at the Wreck talking about what just happened.

John B notices how upset Jo is and places a hand on her leg for comfort.

"Look you know how JJ is. He's gonna go blow off some steam and then he'll come around." John B tries to reassure her.

"Do you think he'll go home?" Kie asks.

"There is about a zero chance that JJ goes home." Pope states.

Jo shakes her head.

"Actually I almost guarantee you that's the first place he's gonna go." Jo mutters.

"Are you certain?" Sarah asks.

Jo nods her head.

"He's gonna wanna try to do the right thing and pay back what he owes. It's gonna go one of two ways and I don't wanna think about either one of them." Jo tells them.

They stay silent not knowing what else to say.

"Okay, it's too dangerous to pawn this thing off piecemeal. So our best bet is to just go down there and get the rest of it." Pope tells them.

Jo nods her head.

"You're right. If we bring it all up at once then we put it all in like a safe or a vault-type thing." Jo states.

"Yea maybe you can find some connections that we can sell it off to that won't rip us off." Kie tells Jo.

She nods her head but doesn't say anything.

"Jo and I can figure out everything tonight, and we can be out there tomorrow morning." Pope says.

"Alright sounds like a plan." John B agrees.

"What about that thing with my dad?" Sarah states to John B.

His eyes widen in realization.

"What thing?" Kie asks.

"I have to go fishing with Ward." John B admits to the group.

They give him a look.

"I'm sorry, you can't go get 400 mil 'cause you're gonna go kill fish?" Kie asks with judgment.

"Look you guys, I have to. Ward saved me okay. If it wasn't for him I would be in foster care right now. Plus it will be better to go at night anyway." John B states.

"Fine go fishing." Pope finally agrees.

"Yea. Then at least JJ will probably have washed up by then." Kie replies.

"Alright, so we're in agreement then." Jo says.

Everyone nods.

"Do you mind giving me a ride back to my dad's? I can get online and see if I can find something on recovering lost treasure." Jo says.

"Yea of course." John B says.

"I'll pick you up later tonight and we'll head back to the château." Kie tells her.

"Sounds like a plan."

Kie and Jo do the handshake.


Jo is sitting in the back of the twinkie as John B is driving.

"Hey Jo are you sure that you're ok?" Sarah asks her looking back at her friend.

Before Jo responds a horn is blaring behind them catching their attention.

Jo looks out the window.

"What the fuck! That's Rafe!"

She exclaims as she watches from the window as he pulls in front of the van cutting off John B.

"Jesus Christ what is his problem?"

Sarah exclaims as she gets out to talk to her brother who is storming over to her.

"Shit." Jo hisses before she follows behind Sarah.

"Stay in the van John B."

Jo rushes over when she sees Sarah push Rafe.

"Okay that's enough." Jo pushes between the siblings.

"What the hell are you doing Rafe?" Jo asks him.

She doesn't move as Rafe steps closer to her until they're practically nose to nose.

"I heard about y'all's little home invasion. You really left me so you can go rob drug dealers now?" Rafe sneers.

"God Rafe, move on already you're crazy!"

Sarah pushes him away from Jo who looks upset.

Rafe turns his anger to Sarah.

"I wonder what dad would say to you robbing drug dealers now!" Rafe shouts at her.

"I dont know. You could tell him if he didn't kick you out!" Sarah retorts back.

Rafe shakes his head.

"I'm trying to take care of you right now- both of you actually." he states glancing at Jo who has her arms crossed staying silent.

"The guy that you robbed is a bad man Sarah. Joanna, you should know exactly how he is you've been around him before." Rafe speaks.

He raises his arm and the girls see the bun mark that is on his wrist.

Jo felt something in the pit of her stomach.

"He gave me this for missing a payment the same night dad kicked me out."

Rafe grabs Jo's wrist and pulls her closer to him.

"I love you and I can't see you get hurt because of what your friends did. I'm trying to protect you!"

Jo shakes her head and pulls her wrist from his grasp.

"I don't need you to protect me Rafe." she tells him.

They hear another motorbike pull up and Topper storms over towards John B.


Jo pulls away from Rafe and rushes to stand next to John B.

"Did you come to try to kill me again?" John B stands up to Topper.

"Oh yea it's always the kook's fault. Listen man, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about your arm, but dude I hardly touched you that night." Topper defends himself.

"You were drunk that night Top. I understand you didn't mean to push him and it was an accident. But you also need to take responsibility for you pushing him off the top of the tower. That was a dick move even for you." Jo tells him.

"Maybe so and we will talk about that later. But right now this is about John B who is corrupting both you and Sarah from prominent families. He has you out here committing crimes and shit-"

"You have no idea what is going on!" John B cuts him off.

"Oh? I have no idea? I know that you're stealing 25k from a drug dealer. You're getting Sarah and my sister involved in that shit." Topper gets in John B's face.

Jo pushes Topper back.

"Step sister. You only say I'm your sister when it's convenient for you to say I'm your sister." Jo argues with him.

"I'm taking care of my own shit okay!"

They turn to see Rafe scream at Sarah who looks scared.

"You're scaring her Rafe! Stop!"

Rafe turns his attention back to Jo.

"Barry is threatening your life. Do you understand what I am saying to you?"

Rafe grabs onto her arms pulling her closer to him.

"I'm not scared of Barry and I'm not scared of you! Instead of worrying about me worry about getting the help that you need!" Jo argues with him.

"One day you're gonna wish you had my help and my protection. You're gonna figure out that I'm the one you need."

Rafe gives her one last look before he hops on his bike and takes off.

Jo tries to hide her tears from her friends.

She turns to face John B and Sarah who have their arms wrapped around each other.

"Are you okay Jo?" John B asks.

She tries to put on a small smile.

"Yea I'm fine you guys. I'm just gonna walk back to the house." she tells them.

"Are you sure?" Sarah asks.

"Yea I need to clear my head." she tells them.

"Don't listen to Rafe. He's a jerk." Sarah tells her.

"Believe me I know. I'll see you guys later okay."

She turns from them and walks down the road finally letting the emotions come to the surface.


Jo is able to grab the spare laptop and sits down in the kitchen.

She starts searching for different ways to claim a treasure and what the process would be.

She wrote down a bunch of notes in a notebook when she hears a knock on the back door.

She looks up to see Pope and Kie standing there looking at her.

She grabs the notebook and quickly clears the search history from the computer.

She grabs her bag and slips out the back door.

"Did you figure anything out?" Kie asks her as they drive down the road.

"I was able to find this website that gives you steps and the process of registering the treasure, but that's about it." she tells them.

"Okay, that's a good step. If all else fails we register the gold and still get rich off of it." Pope states.

"We will come up with something. But right now we just need to focus on getting the rest of the gold." Kie says.

Pope pulls up next to John B's house.

"It's gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning." Pope tells them.

"We just need to focus." Kie says.

"We will okay. We're pogues. Pope don't worry you're gonna kill it at your interview. We went over it a million times." Jo encourages Pope.

"Thank you Jo. That means a lot to me." Pope says.

"Ok so what's the plan?" Jo asks as they get out of the truck.

"We got John B and JJ inside the wall and I will be up top. You guys and Sarah will be outside transporting." Pope tells the girls what he came up with.

"Sounds good. We got this." Kie smirks liking the plan.

"I got a winch. That tin can hold over like200 maybe 300 pounds." he tells them.

As they talk a bunch of lights come on around the house.

"What the hell?"

There are string lights all over the trees lighting up the whole yard.

"What the hell is going on?"

They quickly rush towards the back to see multi-colored lights all set up around the yard.

They see JJ sitting in a huge hot tub wearing Ray-Bans and drinking from a bottle of champagne.

"What the hell did you do JJ?" Pope asks as they stare wide-eyed at him.

"I got a jet going straight in my butt right now." He smiles a drunken smile.

"Y'all should get in immediately! Jo! Baby, I got you something."

JJ reaches over and grabs a small box.

He tosses it to her and she catches it before it can land in the water.

Kie and Pope watch as Jo lifts the top and a bracelet with a charm of the letter J in a heart.

Jo looks at it in shock.

"Did Rafe ever get you something like that?" JJ asks slurring his words.

"Holy fuck." she whispers.

"How much did all of this cost?" Pope asks.

"Uh well with the generator, the petrol, express delivery Yea pretty much all of it." he tells them.


"Are you kidding me!?"

"What the hell were you thinking?"

"I mean look at this! You guys! This is the finest in jet-based massage therapy, that's what they told me."

Jo gives him a look of disbelief and he watches her place the box down.

"What Jo you don't like it? I can find you something else if you don't like it." he tells her.

Kie scoffs.

"What Kie? Can't a man have a little luxury in life and spoil a girl?" The friends stay silent.

"Come on you guys, all this scrimpin' and scrapin'-"

JJ starts to lose it and Jo notices that he is close to breaking down.

"I mean like.. You only live once, right? So why not live it to the fullest." he tells them.

"Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat's Ass. Come on!"

Jo and Pope share a look.

"In the what?" Kie asks.

"The Cat's Ass. That's what I named her." he tells them with a proud smile.

"Are you kidding me right now! You could have paid for restitution!" Pope lectures.

"Or given it to any charity!" Kie sasses.

Jo keeps her eyes on JJ as she notices that he is not handling them yelling at him well.

"You guys chill-" She tries to get them to stop.

"You could have helped us get supplies to get the rest of the gold out of the well-" JJ angrily stands up showing all the bruises on his body.

Jo's eyes widen in shock.

"Well you know what I didn't do that! I got a hot tub for my friends!"

Everyone looks at him in shock.

"Screw that I got a hot tub for my family!" he informs them emotionally.

"What the hell."

"I got this for you. I did this for you." JJ starts to lose his cool as his eyes lock on Jo.

"I can't do this anymore." he finally breaks down in sobs.

Jo climbs into the hot tub with him and wraps her arms around him.

"I couldn't take it anymore. I was gonna kill him." JJ clings onto Jo as he cries into her neck.

Jo pushes away her own tears as she feels Pope and Kie wrap their arms around them.


Jo walks into the house to find JJ laying on the pullout.

She grabs a bottle of beer and chugs it quickly.

"Pope and Kie went home. They'll be back in the morning." she tells him softly.

She sits down beside him with a thoughtful expression.

"Why did you get that bracelet?" she asks him.

He shrugs his shoulders.

"I wanted to do something nice for you. Give you something nice." he tells her.

She grabs his chin and makes him look at her.

"Jay look at me. I don't need anything fancy from you. I just want you." she admits to him.

He looks at her with a rare emotion on his face.

"I think I'm in love with you." he whispers to her.

Her eyes widen slightly before she leans forward and presses her lips against his.

She climbs onto his lap and wraps her arms around his neck.

His arms cling onto her waist and moving up her sides under her shirt.

"Are you sure?" he whispers against her lips.

She smiles and quickly removes her shirt from her body.

"Does this answer your question Jay?" she asks before kissing him again.

Their kisses become sloppy and quick as they both remove their clothes.

JJ quickly flips her over so her back is on the mattress.

"I love you." he whispers again.

His lips move down her neck as he slides inside her slowly.

She lets out a small moan as he pulls out just to push back inside her.

"Oh shit. I've wanted to do this for a while." JJ mumbles against her neck.

"Me to."

She clings onto him as he continues to pound inside of her.

They both quickly reach their release before they quickly fall asleep next to each other.

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