Remedy (SCP-049 x Reader)

By Loomingx

41.7K 1.5K 1.5K

A new scientist joins an observation team responsible for SCP-049, and surprisingly... gains his interest. (C... More

Chapter 1: The First Encounter
Chapter 2: Book Club
Chapter 3: "A Slap in the Face"
Chapter 4: Trial and Error
Chapter 5: A Bear and Breakfast
Chapter 6: Lavender, Drawings, and Mysteries
Chapter 8: From Fondness to Fortune
Chapter 9: Mutual Captivity
Chapter 10: A Too-Long Awaited Reunion
Chapter 11: A Fear of Love and Death

Chapter 7: Transfixion

3.1K 129 104
By Loomingx

Putting 1048's drawing on the wall of your room, you admired it.

Really, these blank walls could use more coverage. You're able to purchase items through the foundation with your income, so it only makes sense to buy more decorations for your room.

Skimming through online stores, you find more wall coverings for your room, spanning from butterfly decals to a calendar.

Since you're now in charge of two SCP's, on a team or not, it only makes sense to get a calendar to keep track anything you plan.

Quickly you stopped on herbs, almost scrolling past it.

Wouldn't it be nice if you made 049 a lavender pouch for him to carry around?

Purchasing a black fabric with faint botanical patterns, you also added in some herbal tea for him.

You just hoped he liked chamomile. 

Surfing around the web for a little longer, you also decided to get a friendship bracelet kit for 1048 and you to play around with.

Yawning, you look at the clock before quickly adding them to your request spreadsheet, before getting in bed.

It was already 10 at night! Time really flies when you're having fun.

Turning off your light, you adjusted your blanket, trying to get comfortable and finally relaxing.

Maybe you should've ordered a mattress pad too.

Just as quickly as thoughts ran through your mind, you fell asleep, waking to obsessive knocking at your door.

Jumping out of bed and throwing on your slippers and robe, you open the sliding door, face to face with Dr. Sherman.

"Huh? Dr. Sherman, what's going on for you to knock so much?" You said, squinting your eyes at the bright light from the hallway.

"Any idea as to why 049 is belligerent today?! We can't get him to calm down! It's like trying to calm a bull in an antique store!" He said, obviously worn out.

It almost looks like he fought with 049 himself, with how disheveled he is.

-but if that happened, he probably wouldn't be here in front of you right now.

"Just give me a couple seconds to get dressed and I'll be right there, we'll figure this out." You said, quickly shutting the door and putting on your uniform.

Sliding your shoes on, you open the door to see Sherman still waiting for you, pacing nervously.

"Let's go, quickly." You said, keeping a fast pace but not as to outrun Sherman.

They really should let him retire, stress like this can't be good for someone his age.

Opening the door to 049's containment chamber, Dr. Sherman and three guards enter behind you, seemingly using you for coverage.

Which makes sense with how 049 is around you, but now isn't the time to be using you as a shield.

049's back is to you, standing at the back of the room, shaking with anger.

The room was in a complete state of disarray. Table, chairs, and other items thrown about. Taking a final step, you noticed glass bottles must've been thrown in the direction of the door previously.

You felt bad that such important herbs to 049 were a victim of him anger, scattered around you on the floor.

Including his lavender.

This wasn't going to be easy, was it? What could have gotten him so heated?

"049, we need to restrain you while we clean up the mess in here. Will you comply?" Dr. Sherman asked nervously.

With no reply, rather than seeming it ignore Dr. Sherman, it was more like 049 was trying to calm down but couldn't.

"You truly test me doctor... you pester me so. How arrogant of you to ask me to comply, when you are the one who made me this way." 049 said through his teeth.

You heard of his meltdowns but experiencing them was something entirely different. If you had a choice, you'd be on the other side of the door right now, where nothing could happen.

"049 please, let's not bring it back up. I told you they were fine. If you could just comply, I'm sure it will all pass after-"

"Shut it!" 049 screamed out with irritation, swiftly gripping a scalpel from his sanitized tools.

Before Dr. Sherman and the guards could react, the scalpel was flung from 049's hand and towards you, lodging itself in your shoulder.

You gasped, the pain surprising you before you knew it hit you, looking at the scalpel in your shoulder before looking at 049.

Though you couldn't see his face, you could only imagine a shocked expression, his hands being out as if to reach you but hesitating.

"Y-Y/N? Oh- oh dear. What have I done?" He said, stunned.

"Dr. Y/N I am so sorry for bringing you here! Please, quickly bring them to the med bay, one of you." Dr. Sherman ordered apologetically.

"No! No. I'm fine, it's not deep," you stopped them, turning to 049, "Doctor, I'm alright."

049 lowered his hands, looking ashamed.

You sighed, "You all can leave, I'll be alright. 049 has the materials for me to treat this, going to the med bay right now would only make matters worse. Once things have calmed down enough, I'll request the room to be cleaned while I sit with 049 to ensure their safety."

"R-Really? Are you sure? You don't have to do that." Dr. Sherman said worriedly.

"Really. You should go rest, I'm sure this has been a rough start of the day for all of you." You insisted.

Watching them leave and the doors close, you turn around to 049 looking at you and the scalpel in your shoulder.

"Oh, I should probably take this out now that it can be treated." You said, gripping the handle tightly and ripping it out as you grimaced from the pain.

"What are you doing?! I don't even have the proper materials out yet to disinfect it!" He shouted, running over to you and guiding you quickly to sit on his bed.

At least he didn't flip this part of the room, it'd be a pain to reorganize all of his books.

A moist and hot feeling quickly spread through your shoulder, the adrenaline wearing off, watching the blood drip down to the floor.

"Ouch! What the hell? Does it always burn when you're stabbed?!" You yelled in pain, 049 quickly running back over with his doctor's bag.

He wetted a cloth with a bottle of unknown liquid, pressing it tightly to your wound.

Your leg kicked, almost hitting him from the shock of the sting from the cloth.

"OUCH! ARE YOU TRYING TO HURT ME MORE?!" You screamed, grabbing his arms that were pressing the cloth to you.

"Doctor, the idea of hurting you has never once crossed my mind. I... hope you can forgive my outburst... and for letting it cross you." He said, pulling the cloth away gently, before pulling out gauze and wrap.

"Sorry, that really hurt. What the hell was that? Alcohol?" You asked.

"Indeed, sterilizing. I apologize again." He responded, wrapping your wound tightly but not as to hurt you.

You sighed, "I'm gonna need some painkillers after this." 

"Those I can supply too, my dear." He said, pulling a bottle of pills out from his bag.

Carefully taking the bottle from his gloved hands, you read the label.

"600mg of acetaminophen? Isn't that too much?" You asked, showing him the bottle.

"You were stabbed, doctor. Truly it is the amount you will at least need," he emphasized, "Is it likely you will need more than that."

You nodded, placing the bottle next to you.

Watching 049 shuffle through his bag after inspecting the wrapping he did on your wound, you thought of how he knew how to do this.

"Have you treated others before like this, doctor? I didn't see anything describing it in the documents they gave me on you." You asked.

He stopped, then continued to look through his bag.

"Yes. I have, before my studies on the pestilence began.. to be exact. Though I care deeply for my studies, I am a doctor, after all." 049 said, his voice softening.

"Do you enjoy your profession?" You asked him.

He chuckled, pulling out an orange lollipop and placing it in your hand.

"Does this answer your question, my dear?" He asked sweetly.

You laughed, "I suppose it does-"

Suddenly, Dr. Sherman's voice came through your pager.

"Dr. Y/N? Itkin notified me that some packages you ordered for 1048 and 049 have arrived. Are you doing alright in there...?" His voice asked, the beep indicating he let go of his pager after hesitating.

"Did he say-"

"Sherman!" You cursed angrily.

You grabbed the pager connected to your lab coat, holding the button to speak.

"Thank you so much! Can you send the items for 049 to his containment chamber? I'm still there and just finished patching up." You responded.

Letting go of the button, you sighed, "That was supposed to be a surprise. What horrible luck I have."

"You've requested items for me? What sort, if I may ask?" 049 asked, sitting next to you.

"Well, I should at least keep them a surprise until they get here, now that Dr. Sherman spilled it. Granted, I didn't exactly tell him or Itkin to not tell you." You laughed.

The door to 049's containment chamber opened, standing up as you watch a guard walk in with a taped box.

Thanking and taking the box from the guard, they leave, the doors shutting as you place the box on the bed - as the table is still sideways.

"Do you have a knife I can use? Ha! Wait- Of course you do!" You joked, a big smile on your face.

He stared at you a moment before shaking his head, "You are possibly one of the most optimistic individuals I have met in my lifetime. I cannot believe you made such a joke."

Handing you a scalpel from his coat, you nodded before cutting open the package.

"There's plenty more jokes where that came from." 

Taking out the tea, you hand it to him before quickly closing the box before he could see the materials you prepared for making his lavender bag.

"...thank you Y/N, this is a very thoughtful gesture. I enjoy chamomile, and earl grey too. Though, you closed the box very quickly... hiding something from me?" He said curiously.

"Psh, no! Maybe," you started, hesitating, "...yes. I am making you something tonight."

His head tilted, "A handicraft of the sorts?"

"No questions, you'll figure it out if I give you even the slightest hint. You're too smart for your own good, doctor!" You retorted, crossing your arms then wincing a tad at the pain.

"Why don't I make you a glass? I have an electric kettle and cups in the cabinets I can pull out... after cleaning up this mess of course." He asked, clasping his hands.

"That's not a bad idea actually. Though, the tea was for you." You complained a bit.

"Then it is also mine to share, is it not?" He quickly replied.

You thought for a second, before squinting at him suspiciously, "You're too nice. What's that about?"

He scoffed, standing up, his back turned to you.

"I stabbed you. Being nice is the least I can do for you, doctor." He said.

If he wasn't wearing the mask, you'd probably see him roll his eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes?" You asked, watching him clean up the room.


"You hesitated."

Before you knew it, the room was spotless - save for the glass on the floor.

"I will get that later." He said, pulling out an electric kettle and two plain white mugs.

That's another gift you could give 049, a mug. 

'World's Best Doctor' would be pretty funny.

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Zombies x Reader here! I hope you enjoy! The artist for the cover is Galaxypox on DA! I only own the fanfics written. ♥️LAST PART PUBLISHED♥️ 8/9/2023