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By Uglygirlfall

10K 446 209

Every year in the Kaisen village there is a lottery. Only ages 10-20 are allowed to participate, well, are fo... More

I - Honey
II - Runaway
III - Punishment
IV - The Maid
V - Picture Day
VI - Alone Time
VII - The Bath
VIII- After Hours
X - Plus One
XI - Liar Liar Liar
XII - I Must Admit

IX - Entertainment

878 49 28
By Uglygirlfall

Breakfast was, as it always is, a long table of foods yet you only ate a small portion. You always ate it hoping the leftovers didn't get thrown away. Toji looks over at you eating a buttery chocolate croissant with eggs and fruits on the side. He noticed the way you laid into the bacon, but only when he wasn't looking directly at you. "Why don't you ever try anything new?" He asks. "I do! Today I'm eating a croissant, I've never had one before today," you explain, though he didn't seem impressed. "There's a full table of foods from across the world and you concentrate on the fruits from right outside." He says.

"You know when you buy a new shirt or pants. It feels good pulling the fabric against your skin. But imagine if you cultivated the materials for it and stitched it together with your bare hands. Would it feel the same? 'Cause to me it would fit a little better, and a little warmer. The knowledge of the work and the care and love behind it makes it better. That is why I focus on the fruit." Toji's cheek rested on his hand as he looked over at you with heavy tired eyes. "You seem sleepy, am I boring you?" Toji shakes his head and smirks. "I didn't sleep well last night," he admits, leaning upwards and rubbing his eyes.

There was no answer to that, only the sound of you clanking about the plate and humming as you chewed. When the king was satisfied with his meal he left to go to the bathroom, you waited outside and when he returned, you admitted you needed to go as well. Only when you went he did not wait outside, he instead followed you in and sat on the floor right in front of the toilet. You laughed a bit to yourself. "What is this?" You ask. He looks at you with such genuine curiosity it's laughable.

"Is it your mission in life to make my life as complicated as humanly possible?" You ask. "Yes, but only when I am bored out of my mind. Today I have nothing to do, so I'd like you to entertain me." He says. "Entertain you how?" He doesn't have an answer to your question, but your torment and embarrassment are things he knows will entertain him so he gestures to the toilet once more. 

"I won't be able to do it with you there between my legs sire. At least stand off to the side if you're going to be a creep," you say, making sure to mumble the last bit. Surprisingly enough he turns his back to the toilet, leaving you just enough room to sit behind him. A few moments pass of pure silence, you knew you wouldn't be able to do anything with him there listening. You watch as his back draws closer to your legs until he is completely leaned against you with his head perched at your knees. He looks up at you with his head against your thighs and asks, "D'ya need help?" A hard stream shoots out and you push him off of you. It was truly just a reflex but while he was down you went quickly, wiped, and flushed before he turned around.

"My apologies sire, I'm all done though. We can go now." You say with a perky attitude. The man clears his throat and smiles. "I think you've forgotten something." He says, pointing down at your feet. As you look down, you recognize your panties strung around your ankles. You had already flatten your dress over, completely forgetting a very crucial part of your outfit. "C'mon, lift that skirt up and put them on." He says. "I'm not one of your midnight harlots. I rather just leave them as they are." You say.

"Perfect. Then you will do just that." The king lifts you up and finishes stripping your underwear from around your feet. He flings them into a hamper before sitting you down and pushing you along.

The moment you made it out the sire was quick to scream out. "We would like to be dressed now." With that, you were whisked away and clothed.. as you were on most mornings, the only issue now was that you had nothing diving you and the servants. Toji was standing alongside you being clothed as well. His head was turned to look at you, one arm stretched out as his robes were pulled onto him.

"Do you all have an extra pair of underwear?" You ask. The servant looks up at you and shakes her head. "No ma'am, but your garment today doesn't make it imperative to wear underwear." She assures. You breathe deeply and hum, forcing a fake smile through clenched teeth. "Great."

They begin stripping you and re-dressing you. The first layer was a thick white dress that buttoned up in the back. These were your least favorite since the lower buttons around your thighs and butt were always left undone because they would either snap off or the dress would rip. Next was the first—thinner— robe. It always matched the print or color of the King's. It was tied tightly around your waist and opened up at the top to frame your chest. The next two sashes are tied down, one over your breast and the other over your belly button, both tied in the back. Then on top was the second —heavier— robe that also matched the king, only his was more fitted and tailored to his broad body while yours hung low over your shoulders and dragged behind you a bit.

And even though all of these layers had been applied you still could feel the one layer of security you were lacking. Toji could tell that you were uncomfortable and it only added to his entertainment. Once the two of you were outside of the dressing chamber he turned to you and sighed. "What shall we do today?"  He questioned. "Do you have any pets?" You ask. "Pets?" The king questioned.

You both continued down the hall together. "You know a little animal, something small and cute that you spend your time with?" There is a long moment of silence as the king contemplates. "Other than you? No not really." He says. You do your best to suppress the urge to hit him. "Nevermind." You say instead. "Why do you ask? Do you want a... pet?" He asks. You shrug.

"Do horses count?"


Sounds of heavy gallops fill the air as you rock your hips against the saddle and feel the wind surge past your ears. "I'm shocked you know how to ride." He says. "My people make everything down to the paper you wipe your ass with. You think we can't ride horseback?" You ask. "She always gets so reckless outside. Do the indoors make you more pliant?" He asks. "I feel free outside. What's to stop me from taking off on this horse and never returning?" You ask. "The prosperity of your village perhaps." The king threatens. "Even you have sense enough not to bite the hand that feeds you." You spit back.

He scoffs. "You're a bit different, I just might. So don't test me." He says. In all actuality you had no intentions on leaving, palace life— although boring— was quite simplistic. If the king allowed you out like this on a daily it'd be like a fairy tail serving the king.

"So are we supposed to just ride horses all day?" He asks. "Shall we go somewhere?" You ask. "I've been following you. I'm sure you've seen more of the kingdom than I, as I'm sure you can suspect, I don't get around much. "I have a place in mind but it's quite a venture." "We have until nightfall."

With that, you pushed forward and the king trailed closely behind you. He watched the technique you had when riding the steed. Your back was perfectly dipped and your thighs squeezed together tightly. He could only imagine what the view would be from the front—sweat starting to form on your determined face as your full and rounded chest bounced with each gallop. The thought alone frustrated him. You frustrated him.

These quiet thoughts had been tossing in his mind for some time now. He didn't care for you much until the day you picked berries, then not even a day later he had you sharing a bath with him, surely that's when he messed up. Every night before he falls asleep all he can envision in your soft pudgy body slick with water and steam. The way you did a damn good job at hiding all his favorite parts of a woman. He's yet to see much of anything and it only frustrates him more.


The king is pulled from his thoughts and faced with a cliff. He pulls back from the horse and stops as quickly as he can. You take no hesitation when getting off of your horse to help real on his own. Once you are sure its safe you take your hands off and back away. "I called you a few times. Just how tired are you?"

The king looks at you and then over his shoulder to take in his terrain. "Where are we?" He asks. "This is the best spot to rule from. If I could move your palace I'd put it here. You can see all three tribal territories from up here." You say while pointing them all out. Toji admires the fascination in your eyes and the warmth of your tone. He doesn't get to see you like this too much.

"And..." You whisper, catching the king's attention. "There's a hot spring over there." You add.


"It should be treason not to tell your king something this magnificent exists. My own subjects have been using this without my knowledge." Toji says splashing in the water. He had stripped off all of his clothes and strewed them around the ground. Of course, you picked them up and folded them neatly, placing them down on a tree stump. "Just your subject. I found it and never told anyone about it. Well, I told my mother but she doesn't like heights so she told me to take my husband one day." 

You were kicking away some leaves and twigs to make a clean area to sit. Toji looked over at you. "Your husband?" He asked. "Don't get the wrong idea, I just mean since I'm a servant I can't get married or anything so I might as well bring someone... it just happened to be you," with that yousat down on the now clear patch and looked up at the beaming sun.

Toji opened his mouth to question why you wouldn't be joining him but when he turned his head your legs were perched up and you sat with your thighs pressed against your chest—cunt exposed to the world.

Now he no longer wanted to tease you, now something a bit more serious had overcome him. "Get in." He says, splashing water towards you. "I'm fine, I don't want to catch a cold," You say. "I didn't ask. But I'll tell you only once more: Get in." Toji looked over at you with that face again, it was so odd and unreadable that you never knew how to respond to it. "Can you close your eyes at least?" The king sighed "Such a child," he says placing his hand over his eyes and sighing once more.

You undressed quickly and folded up your things placing them next to the kings. You lowered your body into the hot steaming water and slowly relaxed into the temperature making sure to hold your chest as you did so. When the splashing settled Toji asked, "Can I open my eyes now?" and to that, you approved. His eyes opened to meet yours looking up at him with breast spilling between the cracks of your fingers and water droplets rolling down each curve of your body.

He immediately regretted his decision of inviting you in and now he couldn't stop the pale head his dick from prodding the top of the water. You noticed that it was there fairly quickly, and paid it no mind... well you paid it a lot of mind but you wouldn't let him know that. Instead, you continued to look in upwards directions and make stupid conversations to deflect from the fact that his thick veiny cock was growing by the second and poking out of the water.

"Why'd you come into my room last night?" He asks. "Hmm?" You question, just as curiously as he. "You heard me." He says stepping closer, his dick twitched and slapped onto his stomach once or twice. "I left my book in your room and I wanted to grab it." You admit. "That shitty romance book was yours? I thought the girl had left it in there." He says. "There isn't much to do in the palace and romance passes the time," you say jokingly. "Oh, I agree. Last night time moved by real fast. Then you walked in and it seemed to take a halting stop," as the king spoke he continued to walk closer and closer to you.

"Look if you're upset about me barging in I'm very sorry. I expected you to be asleep, I was just gonna run in, grab my book, and run out," you explain. "I've told you plenty of times my chambers are open to you, I've invited you into them as well. It is not your presence that upsets me, It's the lack thereof. Why didn't you stay last night? If you love romance so much I can show you what it feels like. You don't need a half-assed little book." He says.

The king was often upfront and blunt about things but this was extremely different. You never expected him to be so perverted, especially not with his servant. "Look, I don't know what's got you all hot and bothered but I am not one of your midnight harlots. I am your servant, nothing more and nothing less. What you do in the late hours of the night is none of my concern but I'd appreciate it if you didn't force your sexual advances on me."

Toji looked in utter shock, but, he backed away nonetheless. "So anything of mine that doesn't involve servitude you won't indulge in?" He asks. "Correct." The king nods. "Understood."

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