The Adventurer & The Librarian

By TheShantyBanshee

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I was watching The Mummy the other day and thought, "what if I made Rick a woman and Evie a man?" Basically... More

Chapter 1: William
Chapter 2: Bonnie
Chapter 3: Bargaining
Chapter 4: Hard Feelings
Chapter 5: Instincts
Chapter 6: Assassins
Chapter 7: Traders
Chapter 8: Hamunaptra
Chapter 9: Anubis
Chapter 10: Backgrounds
Chapter 11: Sand and Blood
Chapter 13: The Book of the Dead
Chapter 14: He Who Must Not Be Named
Chapter 15: The First Plague
Chapter 16: The Museum
Chapter 17: My Problem, My Way

Chapter 12: Memories

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By TheShantyBanshee

After helping bury the other group's fallen colleagues, Bonnie made her way over to Beni and sat down with him as he took a drink from his canteen. "Hey, Beni, I gotta talk to you for a minute," she said.

"About what, O'Connell?" he asked before handing her the canteen.

She accepted it graciously and took a drink, realizing it wasn't water but alcohol. "Ha! Why doesn't that surprise me?"

Beni laughed. "You know me. Liquor and money."

The adventurer laughed and shook her head before taking another sip. "Yes, you always were such a greedy drunk. It's gonna get you killed, you know."

"Perhaps, but not for a long time." Bonnie handed him back the canteen and he took a long chug. "What did you want to talk about?"

With a sigh, Bonnie leaned back a little and cracked her neck. "You remember Claude, Hector and...Vincent, right?" she asked, saying the last name with grief.

Beni frowned as he passed her the canteen. "Yes. How they died was unfortunate."

Bonnie took a sip and wiped her mouth. "Yes. Thing is...same thing happened to Hassad."

The Hungarian stared at Bonnie with his mouth agape. "What? Are you serious, O'Connell?"

"Mmhmm. 'Course, he ran into a wall and that killed him. was the same thing, like the others. Screaming in pain."

Beni's face turned ghostly white. "Why are you telling me this?"

With a huff, Bonnie took a long drink from the canteen and gave it back to Beni. "Just giving you a heads up to watch your ass, Gabor."

Beni took a swig and nodded. "It's what I do best, O'Connell." He reached behind him in his bag and pulled out a bottle of bourbon. "Here. You'll be needing this more than I will, I think."

Bonnie thanked the man and stuffed the bottle in her own bag. "Where'd you get this?" she asked.

"Borrowed it from Henderson."

The woman snorted before standing up and patting Beni on the shoulder. "Take care, you miserable bastard."

Beni laughed, reassuring her that he would as she walked off. As much as she hated Beni, he was still a friend...sort of. She rejoined her own little group at their own campsite, and the two men were well into the bottle of Glenlivet. "O'Connell!" Jonathan yelled drunkenly. "Where were you? My little brother here was asking for you every two seconds!"

"I was...was not!" William slurred, taking a swig from Hassad's bottle.

"You were so!" Jonathan giggled.

Bonnie sat with the men with a sad smile before pulling out the bourbon, opening it and drinking. "I was talking to Beni."

"Where'd you get that?" Jonathan asked, reaching for it but Bonnie was quick to snatch it back.

"Now now, you have your own bottle. Beni borrowed it from one of the other men," she giggled as she took another drink.

William continued to drink, but he was completely trashed at that point. "You're not going to share?"

"Nah, I don't think you British can handle bourbon," she teased with a grin.

"I'll fight you for it, woman."

The adventurer paused mid drink, eyeing William curiously. "Oh?" she cooed. "Is that right?"

With a giant, drunken smirk, William leaned over to her, tilting his head to the side as he rested on his elbow. "Absolutely."

"You'd fight a woman? That's so indecent, so...uncouth," she said, baring a mischievous smile. "You're on, Carnahan!"

Both William and Bonnie took respective drinks, set their bottles down in the sand and stood, facing each other with their fists raised. "I'll mop the floor with ya, O'Connell," William said, slurring his words as he tried to mimic an American accent.

Bonnie laughed and decided to use her best British accent. "Well, technically speaking, it's sand at the moment."

Jonathan pointed and laughed while William wheezed in amusement. "That's actually not bad," the older brother said, sounding impressed.

"Thanks," Bonnie said before standing in a fighting stance. "Ready to get your ass kicked?"

William smirked, getting prepared. "Good luck with that," he replied. The ex-soldier was the first to strike with a jab to the nose, making William grunt and grab his face. "Ow!"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Bonnie cringed, immediately feeling bad. "Are you alright?"

With a low growl, William narrowed his eyes at the woman. "You're in trouble now, little lady," he grumbled before smiling.

Bonnie's eyes went wide as the librarian then charged with a shout, but she immediately sidestepped and let him fall on his face. "Am I?" she giggled.

Jonathan burst out laughing as William got up and brushed himself off, then the librarian and the adventurer began sparring heatedly. William landed a punch to Bonnie's face after a few throws and Bonnie chuckled before backing up and rubbing her face.

"Not too shabby, Carnahan," Bonnie said with a sultry chuckle, which caused William's eyes to widen is surprise.  Bonnie raised her fists again.  "C'mon, boy."

William charged with a drunken ferocity, blows being landed on occasion, but nothing that was so violent that any blood was drawn.  After a few minutes of that, however, the librarian had enough as he was so drunk he could barely stand.  Bonnie was conflicted on whether or not to throw in the towel to save the man's feelings, but she found he was quite secure enough while drunk to know when he'd had enough.  Bonnie helped him sit down properly and offered him another drink.

"Unlike my brother, miss, I know when to say no," William replied before grabbing the bottle and drinking.

This made Bonnie laugh before drinking some bourbon.  "And unlike your brother, sir, you...I just don't get."

William smiled and nodded.  "I know.  You're wondering what is a place like me doing in a man like this," he said with a drunken smile.

Bonnie shook her head with a grin.  "Yeah, something like that."

"Egypt is in my blood," he said, reaching into his satchel for a necklace and showing it to Bonnie.  "You see, my-my father... was a very, very famous explorer.  And he loves Egypt so much, he married my mother, who was an Egyptian and quite an adventurer herself."

Bonnie gazed at the pictures in the locket, smirking.  "I see.  But what I meant're a librarian and you can handle guns.  Are you an army man?"

William smirked with a nod.  "Oh yeah.  Truly am.  Jonathon and I both."

Bonnie arched a brow.  "Oh.  I see.  Now that makes sense," she said, leaning back and taking another drink.

"What was it like for you in the army?" William asked with a grin.

Bonnie clicked her tongue.  "It had its perks."

"C'mon, don't give me that.  We could swap war stories."

Bonnie guffawed loudly.  "No no no, I am not nearly drunk enough for that."

William grumbled before reaching for the bottle of bourbon and shoving it in Bonnie's hands.  "Drink, woman.  And talk.  I want stories."

The ex-soldier smirked before uncorking the alcohol and drinking from it.  "It's a shame your brother is going to miss out on the fun of that."

With a blown raspberry, William leaned back on his sleeping bag and smirked.  "That's his loss.  Stories.  I wanna hear them!"

Bonnie got comfortable after drinking more, then laid down above William, their heads next to each other as they both stared up at the dark, desert sky.  "Well, for most of my career, I served in Libya.  The men liked to give me a hard time but they...quickly realized I wasn't one to get fucked with and had a great sense of humor...apparently."

William laughed.  "That must've been rather unusual for them to see, a woman like you."

"It was.  But I ended up with some good friends."

"And where are they now?"

Bonnie frowned.  "They died Hamunaptra."

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