Love of the Lost Ones

By LillyDelp

35 15 0

!Original story and original characters! An assassin, Verena Cliffwood, is hired by the king to kill a man, L... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 8

1 1 0
By LillyDelp

She woke up and stretched. Then she just sat there. Not moving, not breathing, not thinking. Just there. She groaned as she remembered what had happened the night before. This is stupid. This is so. Stupid. It hadn't even been an hour since the sun had risen over the horizon, but she needed a drink. Desperately.

She looked in the mirror at her messy hair. Her roots were showing, she would have to dye it again. She tidied her hair as much as she could with her hands, and went downstairs.

As she reached the bottom of the steps she rubbed her eyes and looked around. Nobody was there. No customers, and no workers. She heard a loud voice from outside. Everyone was huddled around in the center of town square. She hurried over, squeezing her way through the crowd, to see a king's messenger, with two guards by his side. As she looked around the circle, looking at people's faces, they were scared, worried, crying.

"What's going on?" She whispered to the person next to her. The woman leaned in to answer.

"Our neighboring kingdom, Hilvirn, is declaring war on us." Verena turned to look at the woman.

"What? Why?"

"Apparently some of our trade has not been delivered, and they think that we are hiding it from them." Verena could hear the tremor in the lady's voice.

"Trade? That is the only reason? They are going to destroy towns and homes just for some goods?" She nodded.

"The King demands any and all assassins, thieves, bounty hunters, warriors, fighters, barbarians, and anybody who knows how or is willing to fight to join in the battle. For all that join us, you will be provided with weapons on your arrival. All elderly, wounded or weak, and children please gather in the town hall, which will be guarded and equipped with medical supplies and food. We will be back to gather those who will fight with us at sunset. All hail our king and his glory!" The man said, bowing his head. The people answered back, "All hail the king!"

Verena couldn't believe it. Not only are they going to war, but what will this do for the job? What will she do? She obviously couldn't kill him before the battle because then they would never win. She was startled by a guard standing behind her.

"Ms. Verena Cliffwood?" She turned around,

"Yes?" She had no idea what they were going to say, were they going to arrest her for stealing? Plotting to kill the hero of the town?

"Please come with us. The king has requested your presence." She sighed in relief. Of course. She nodded and followed them. They led her to the docks, where they brought her on a boat, taking her to the castle once again. Once they arrived she was helped off, and onto land. The guards left her with a servant, and went about their duties.

"Please follow me, miss." The servant said. As Verena looked at him, she noticed that he couldn't have been much older than eighteen. She nodded, and the boy led the way to the king's office. The young man opened the door and cleared his throat. Verena looked inside to see the king pacing back and forth.

"Don't you know how to knock? Gosh! Ms. Cliffwood, do come in." She stepped in cautiously, afraid anything she might do would anger the king. "Get out! Go on! Don't you have chores to do?" He said to the servant, waving his hand at him. The servant bowed and left the room, leaving just Verena and king alexios. It was so quiet, the only sound was the man's loud breathing and heavy footsteps, though you could almost hear the buzzing of awkwardness in the air. As Verena was about to cut the silence, the king spoke.

"Don't kill Lucian. Not yet at least, we need him. We could never win this war without him." Verena opened her mouth to agree, but was cut off again. "I'm not entirely sure what to do. I suppose you could kill him after the battle, make it seem like he died in action. Perhaps he could be weakened by the fighting, making it easier to kill him. He doesn't know, right?" Verena hesitated, not knowing if it was her turn to speak or not. The king turned to her. "Well?!"

"No. He doesn't." A lie. The king released a breath.

"Good, him catching on is the last thing I need right now." Verena stood there awkwardly, hoping the king wouldn't see right through her. "So, what do you think?"

"What do you mean?" The king looked at her with frustration.

"What do you think of the plan?" He said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, I think it will work." He nodded.

"Good," the king said. "As soon as you get the chance, on the battlefield, kill him when it is clear that the fight is over. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir. I will not fail you."

"I hope you are true to that statement. For your sake."

She bowed her head and walked towards the door.

"Did I say we were finished?"

"No, my lord."

"Right. Now, if you follow me, I will lead you to the armory. You can choose your weapons and armor there."

"I don't need armor." Verena scoffed.

"That is not your decision. I cannot have my best assassin dying on me." Verena stared at him.

"Your assassin?"

"Yes. Anyone who is in the kingdom is mine, and now that you are doing my bidding, you will continue to do so until I release you." She chuckled.

"I belong to nobody but myself. You don't own me and I will not continue to do your bidding."

"Then what will you do?" Verena stepped back, thinking of the answer. "You have no choice, I am your king and you will obey me because you have no other choice. Right now I am asking you to wear armor. Are you really so independent and narcissistic that you are making a fuss over that?" Verena fumed as he opened the door, gesturing for her to follow him. She walked through the doorway, hoping that she didn't look as angry as she was.

"Didn't think so." Verena was going to yell at him, but remembered that it would do no good. Even if she did hate him, she didn't hate the kingdom, and she didn't hate the people. If she left or died, then they would have an even lower chance of winning the war.

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