LOVE On Duty...

By HP0207

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ON HOLD Phoenix Private Eye(PPE)....... A well known Agency for Agents who works under Indian government... More



275 40 15
By HP0207

Author's note:
Character's inner thoughts will be written in italics.!!!

Back to story...

: Well then...... Believe it.....
AGENT RED...... AT YOUR SERVICE (She said with a smirk and wink.... Who was leaning by the door frame of meeting room with her helmet in her hand....)

(Her voice gained everyone's attention and made them turn in Her direction.....)

(Siddharth's eye widened when he saw her Holy mother of sexiness.!!!! She is Agent Red.??? Oh my Fucking God.!!!!! The tests God throws at me unexpectedly.!!!! That confidence, that walk, that presence...... and I better stop starting at her perfect figure before I come out as a pervert ...... Lord have mercy.,... Pull yourself together Siddharth..... You are Agent Black......while thinking this he turned his back towards her.....

Where as she casually scanned the room and finding her people went towards them and high fived them, went towards towards Chief and gave him a bro hug..... She did a quick salute sign using first two fingers to the rest of the Agents present there who were from Mumbai branch and her eyes met with Abhishek's and for a slight moment her eyes widened..... She knew that face.... She still remembers it.... Still to make sure she raised her eyebrows as a gesture to ask him if he is on the same page and recognizes her and he just gave a small nod with a fond smile and she closed her eyes and smiled as if she finally had found something she had been looking for so long..... Suddenly she heard.....)

Abhishek: Well aren't you happy SIDDHARTH.!!!! You are finally meeting your Idol.!!

(As soon as she heard name Siddharth she opened her eyes and saw Abhishek smirking and looking at someone who was actually back facing her..... )

AR: Idol.??? Me.???? For who.????

( Abhishek stood up and walked towards Siddharth and held him from his shoulders, he was glaring at him but Abhishek was having time of his life so he ignored all the glares and resisting attempts from his brother and made him forcefully turn towards Avneet and there..... Avneet finally saw him......

Her childhood best friend...... Her........ Her FIRST LOVE.!!!! Maybe that was childhood love but feelings were never childish..... She knew she loved him..... Was it too young age to interpret her feelings as love.?? Yes..... It was...... Did she confessed her feelings to him.??? No she didn't...... Why.???? Well...... She herself was unsure of the feelings...... All she knew was she liked him more than a friend and after that one unfortunate day...... Everything changed...... She had to move out of the country.... Without saying goodbye to anyone and she was not able to connect with any of her friends..... When she finally was able to contact her other best friend..... She was able to talk with Abhishek and Vaishnavi where as Siddharth was busy and had been avoiding to talk to her ever since.... She don't know what happened after she left..... But something drastic must have happened which made Siddharth avoid talking to her knowing it's her who wants to talk to him as they were really really close best friends.....

Now here she was.... Finally seeing him after long 12 years..... She could have easily found him and got all information regarding him once she became Agent but this was the only area she wanted to keep untouched and be normal in her life.....

Looking at him all grown up into one handsome man...... All she could think was.... Damn.... Puberty hit him good.... VERY GOOD.!!!! That little peek a boo of his abs from his half open shirt is an open invite..... Those perfectly deshelved hair, that snatched waist..... that hint of stubble on his handsome face..... It should be illegal to look that sexy and I will practically snatch the eye balls out of anyone who will eye this man.... Cz he is MINE..!.!!Abhishek and Siddharth both share almost similar facial features that's how Avneet was able to recognize him and those hazel eyes...... If not for these.... She would've never thought she could ever recognize him.... Though he does stand out with his presence as you can tell..... The reason of not recognizing him without Abhishek.... Blame the long 12 years.!!! Cz 12 years is long time.... And when they last saw each other they were in their early teens... A lot has changed in these 12 years.... But looking At Siddharth's reaction it seems like he has not yet recognize her..........
And that just woke up the Devil inside Avneet....)

AR: Hello there..... I am Agent Red....(She said extending her hand....)

(Siddharth just extended his hand in order to return the handshake and introduce himself as well in order to not sound rude.... I mean what's wrong in just a handshake right.!!!! )

AB: Hello.... Agent Black....(Avneet just raised her eyebrow finally meeting the very famous Agent Black in person and thought Holy fuck...... That voice..... AND HE IS AGENT BLACK.!!!! Can it get any better.!!!! Sid is Agent Black and he idolizes me.!!!! My Oh My...... This will be sooo fun..... CALM DOWN..! He doesn't remember me.!!! Oh I will be taking full advantage of this..!!!! A punishment to forget me.!!!)

Aaaaah...... The famous Agent Black..... Idolizes me...!!!! (Still holding his hand she leaned close to him taking support with other hand on the table,.... She said.....)

I am honored...... Btw......In this look..... You look like a fucking snack that I wanna eat right up..... (her open flirting caught him and everyone off guard and he just backed away and his this reaction made her laugh out loud..... Oh I am loving his reactions.!!!!)

Oh my..!!! Did I scare you.???

(Now don't get Siddharth wrong.,,. He is a big flirt himself..... But never has someone flirt with him so openly and boldly in front of everyone, so his this reaction was given.... And her doing this was insanely sexy and attractive for him that he had to cool himself down so he backed away.....)

AB: Never expected You will be Agent Red.!!!(Yes I never expected Agent Red to be an insanely beautiful woman who oozes sexiness and confidence.!!! The way she commands her presence.... I need to watch my every step and every word.... I can't let her down...)

AR: Well now that's not very nice of you.....

Being a "Male Chauvinist" is something that I don't expect from you Agent Black..... A big turn off for me.!!

Lemme guess.... When I walked in it was you who was complaining about her and not him regarding of my gender.!!!!

Aww...... poor baby thought the one he idolizes would be a muscular macho man with perfect body proportions and amazing height and personality with equally perfect voice..!!!

Now see..!!! This is every fanboy or fan girl's fault that they just have non conceived ideas about their idol.!!!

You heard about the cases I solved and the way I do it and you just thought it would be definitely a man..!!! Like why.???
Being in this position and having so many female agents in your own branch and your chief being a female as well.. still having such mentality.???

I am very disappointed..

(This....... This hurted Siddharth in a way he didn't expected.... The last line..... Was he really that stupid to think that his idol would be a man and he unintentionally insulted and questioned his own Agency's female Agents.... And he definitely is not that type of person who this there is any difference between a man a woman then how could he possibly think something like that...... Plus right now he was actually taken aback by the boldness of her and that is why he said so.....

Agent Red's words hit him hard and as if snapped him out of his own bubble that he created unknowingly....)

AB: It's..... Its not like that.... I just....... *sigh* Whom am I even kidding..... Ya ...... That's true.... The earlier I accept my mistake the better.... I did expect Agent Red to be a man... So when I heard it's a female I was shocked..... But.... That doesn't mean that will reduce the respect I have for you.....(I mean it..... I really do..... But there is something that is bugging me from the beginning....... It's the way she is looking at me....!!! I might be misinterpreting or overthinking it but her eyes...... and that mole on her upper lip corner..... she reminds me of her.... My Ex-Best friend.!!! Whom I hate the most..... who betrayed me the way I could never have imagined.!!!! Because of whom I hate love...... As if pulling me out of my thoughts Agent Red spoke...)

AR: Accepting one's mistakes and owning them...... Damn that is suchha brownie point.... And You mister again gained one more point..... (she said winking at him...... Again she flirted unexpectedly and that again made him flustered and he just fake coughed and started to look everywhere except for her in eyes who was intently looking at him...... He went to his seat which was next to Abhishek and started to play with the pen that was on the table....

As if pulling her out of that intense gaze.... Her friend whispered in her ear....)

Faisal: For goodness sake Avneet stop undressing him with your eyes..... He is staying in this Agency you can do whatever you want later.... Let's just get back to what we are here for...

(She just chuckled at her friend's words and got back to the empty seat and sat there as if signaling she is ready for the meeting.....)

Chief(D): As now everyone is settled down..... let's all begin with the meeting.... Getting straight to the point.... We are recruiting new Agents and they will be undergoing training in order to get into our Agency as Agents.......they need to pass the training..... And that is where you guys will come in..... (he said gesturing the Agents especially AB and AR)

Chief(M): We have decided to merge our two branches because mainly.... We have our Aces..... Agent Red and Agent Black.... And we wanted a team to help them out for the endeavor to make sure everything goes smoothly and the Agents present here are the only ones that have good professional and personal relationship with both Agents so.... Basically the team will be having everyone present here along with them two leading the team.....

AR: *scoff* And how do you know that I will agree with this "collab" of yours.??? This is just meeting.... When was it decided..??? You are literally forcing me to be part of it without asking my take on it.....

AB: Chief I understand that you have been doing something related to this but this is just as if you never asked my opinion.... Not only just mine.... Any of ours opinions.!!!!

Chief (M): What's there to object.???

AR: Old age is getting to you Huh.!!! Well then lemme remind you..... WE DO NOT WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT.!!!! You want us and especially ME to work for the government to train their new recruits.??? You must be out of your fucking mind.....
I will never work for this government..... Do you hear me out clearly or you want me to repeat it again loud and clear.....?

(Her sudden mood and tone change made Delhi branch Agents stiffen and Mumbai branch Agents confused.... Especially Siddharth..... But one thing was sure.... No one can speak in that tone with his Chief.... So without thinking twice he stood up and with a stern look on his face he addressed that situation....)

AB: Now listen here Agent Red...(he said pointing at Avneet) I may be your biggest fan.... But no one..... I repeat NO ONE has the right to speak in that tone with my Chief..... I am hoping you remember this next time you talk with her... And have some respect.... The same thing you could have said in respective manner...

(Hearing him made Avneet scoff.... Any other time he would taken such stand.... She would be impressed but this was not the correct time..... )

AR: When you don't know anything about the situation..... it's better to keep your mouth shut Agent Black.....( Fuck it..... I love him but he's in no position to take her side...)

(The air in the meeting room was getting heavier so to break it one of the Agents present there from Delhi branch spoke...)

Khan: Umm.... Neet..... Why don't you have a look at the plan that I just made about the other day we were talking about..... (He knew she had to be distracted.... If that meant dragging the meeting a bit longer he won't mind.... And seemed to work cz Avneet was now looking through the details in the papers that Khan had given her and as if relieved by that Chief(D) gave him a satisfactory nod..... But Chief(M) was not having it.....)

Chief(M): Oh c'mon...... You need to forget the past and let go Agent Red..... For how long are you going to blame Government for that accident??? (Hearing this all the Agents of Delhi snapped their head towards her.... Where as Avneet closed her eyes as if to calm her anger....)

AR: Shut it..... If you don't want me to forget all the "due respect" that your Agents want me to show towards you....(she said eyeing Siddharth)
Don't you dare utter a single word regarding that....

Chief(D): Let's take a break yeah.!!!!! Let's take 5 minutes break and clear our heads and come back.... (He knew Avneet needed some time to cool off....)

(Hearing this Avneet stood up and was about to go while drinking water from the glass they had on the table....)

Chief(M): Your parents' death in that accident was fate.... Stop blaming it on Government and move on from it will you Agent Red.???? (And that was it..... the last straw of patience of Agent Red was gone and she smashed the glass of water on the floor and was about to rush towards the Chief(M) but Agent Khan held her tight in his arms and Chief(D) came in front of Chief(M) )

AR: LET....... ME........ FUCKING...... GO.........(she yelled)
I don't wanna hurt you Khan you know I can break free...... So you better fucking leave me......

(She said as she was almost about to break free from his arms and march towards Chief(M)...

Chief(D): Neet please...... Go out and calm down.... (He said touching her cheek with a soft gaze trying to convey that he understands her.... And as if it worked a bit.... She stopped fighting to break free and said....)

AR: Give me my lighter......

Chief(D): No you can't have that.....

AR: I said give me my fucking Lighter......

(Chief(D) shook his head as no.......)

AR: Fine then.... I will get another one.... As if you guys haven't yet got a whole stock by capturing my lighters away.....

(She jerked away Agent Khan's hands and started to walk towards the door when Chief(M) yelled...)

Chief(M): You have 5 minutes Agent Red....

(Without turning back she raised middle finger of both of her hands and walked out of the meeting room leaving Chief(M) shocked......)

Chief(M): Did she just flipped middle finger at me.???

Chief(D): Two of them (he said controlling his laugh)

Chief(M): It's not funny Roy.... You should have trained her properly..... how could she behave like this.... Her language.!!! She curses in every breath she takes and flirting.???? My God.!!! What is that.??? Has she forgotten she is The Ace of this Agency.???

Jannat: What was the point.???? (She finally spoke)
Why did you bring that topic out when you clearly know how sensitive she is towards that.????

Chief(M): Agent Rahmani.....(she said in warning tone......)

Shivangi: I am sorry but I am with Jannat here.... We all know how sensitive this topic is.... We all met here to discuss about merger and other things.... There was absolutely no need to bring this up.... And then you expect her to behave??? M sorry ma'am..... but if I was in her place.... Possibly I would be behaving the same way.....

Chief(M): Roy.... How could you let your Agents speak like this.??? Have you not taught them manners?

Khan: He did..... But he also did taught us to stand for our fellow members.... What you did just now was uncalled for.... It seemed like you were purposely trying to do it.... Why.??? What was the reason.!??

Chief(D): Mrs. Shah we already discussed this didn't we.????

Chief(M): But you also said I can discipline her...

Chief(D): But not using her past Ratna...(This.... While saying this both his tone and voice got higher and that came as a shock...)

(Realizing it he composed himself again and apologized...)

Chief (D): Sorry for that... But never.... I mean Never repeat this ever again......

(While all this was happening..... Siddharth was awfully quiet...... "Neet" the nickname with which her fellow Agents called her kept on ringing in his head....... He knew it was familiar..... But ain't way she is her.... There is no similarity.... Except for those eyes and mole by her upper lip corner.... )

Abhishek: You still thinking why she looks familiar????( As if reading his mind Abhishek asked his brother)

(Siddharth just nodded his head.....)

Abhishek: What if I tell you what you are thinking is true..... She is.....(cut off by Siddharth)

AB: Ain't no way dada.... She can't be.....

Abhishek: She is Sid.... She is our Neet.... She is my Avneetay.... And your...(again cut off by Siddharth)

AB: She was never mine Dada.... She was never mine... Neither she could become a loyal best friend nor.......(he trailed off)

Abhishek: Nor what.??? Whom are you kidding Sid.?? We all know you love her...(immediately cut off by Siddharth by standing up smashing both his hands on the table....)

AB: I DON'T... And I will never......(Saying this he stormed out of the meeting room disregarding the calls of his chief.....)

(She is Avneet.???? Neet??? My Mado.???? No no NO...... Stop it....... She is not mine.... She never was and never will..... Because of her I lost faith in Love.... I hate her....

While thinking this on his way out of the building..... he breathed out as in trying to cool off and get some fresh air to clear his mind who is filled with Avneet's thoughts.....

But soon his eyes landed on a figure leaned against a bike...... there she was..... even from far she had that aura of power..... unknowingly he started to walk towards her in rage to question her..... But as he got close he figured out she was not looking as a powerful force but a vulnerable person..... and upon looking closely he noticed she silently is crying and she just wiped the tear that escaped her eyes.... She was trying her best not to cry and was taking deep breaths but he could clearly see.... It was failing but she was not giving up...... she had unlit Cigar in her mouth...

That hurted him.... Suddenly he remembered what his chief and her members said about her past and it hit him....

Uncle and Aunty died.???? In that car accident???? Fucking hell...... all his rage and and he felt bad for her.... Not only her but him as as well... I had lots of fond memories with them..... God how can that happen.!!!!!

He calmed himself down and went towards her... she didn't notice him..... He took out the lighter he had in his pocket and turned it on and moved it forward towards Avneet.... She saw the flame and got her Cigar lit from it and muttered a small Thank You without looking at the person.....

She took in a puff of the lethal slow poison and blew the smoke down while keeping her right hand tilted a bit upwards..... and said to herself)

AR: I am okay..... I will be okay..... (she muttered not knowing who is standing next to her.....
Where as even though Siddharth was not a smoker he knew few things about it.... If a person blew the smoke down that means he/she is feeling low or hiding something.... And here.... She is definitely feeling low...... Yes he is angry with her, yes he hates her..... but he can't leave her just like this.....)

(Avneet did the same for couple of more times until finally she looked up from the ground and saw there was someone standing next to her..... Her tears are now dry.... She still has heavy heart cz now her head is filled with the horrible images of flashbacks of her parents' accident but smoking helped her regaining her sanity and she was now thinking of going back.....
She looked by her side to see who was there and she saw him.... The one who she did not expected to be here..... And the way he was looking at her with concern in his eyes did not help her and the tears were back in her eyes.....)

AR: Siddharth!!(it came out as mere whisper as she exhaled out and in next minute Siddharth snatched the cigar from her hand and threw it on the ground while smashing it with his foot and pulled her into a hug..... )

AB: I am sorry... I am sorry for your loss.... (He wanted to say uncle and Aunty but he couldn't.... He himself didn't know why he hugged her.... All he knew was his body acted on itself..... soon he felt two arms wrapping tightly around him and Avneet started to cry in his warm embrace..... the tears she is been holding back came out in his warm embrace......)

(Near the gate of the Agency there were two people who were standing there and watching the scene unfold in front of them afar..... breaking the silence she spoke......)

Chief(M): That is why I did that...... She had to let it out.....

Here it is...
The second chapter....

Was this kinda first meet between them you guys excepted.?

Did you like it.?

If you did... please like and comment....

Until next time....
Aadios Amigos

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