璧玉之輪 | Fortuitous Jade

By baitian_exe

2.6K 242 19

"HeiLi, you will be dispatched for another mission" Hearing that, Xiao Tian immediately leaped off the window... More

Character + Glossary
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - A glimpse of you
Chapter 3 - Obsession
Chapter 4 - Encounter
Chapter 5 - Promises
Chapter 6 - Attraction
Chapter 7 - A Nickname?
Chapter 8 - HeiLi
Chapter 9 - I am not a Prey
Chapter 10 - It's a date!
Chapter 11 - A fleeting moment
Chapter 12 - My past
Chapter 13 - Jade Pendant
Chapter 14 - Partner
Chapter 15 - Dreams
Chapter 16 - Reunion
Chapter 17 - Storm
Chapter 18 - Rivalry
Chapter 19 - Mission Complete
Vol. 2 starts now~
Chapter 21 - Point of no return
Chapter 22 - Just like the old times
Chapter 23 - Vengeance
Chapter 24 - Yearning
Chapter 25 - Turmoil
Chapter 26 - Intoxication
Chapter 27 - Identity
Chapter 28 - Fragments of the past
Chapter 29 - Crimson Shard
Chapter 30 - Investigation
Chapter 31 - Instincts
Chapter 32 - Memory
Chapter 33 - Xiao Tian
Chapter 34 - Someone Special

Chapter 20 - This is unlike you

43 6 0
By baitian_exe

Chapter Notes:

Recap: Xiao Tian finally did it, he stabbed Bai Feng in the chest. And soon, the man in his arms will be completely depleted of all his life force.

But why did he stay with his target after assassinating? An even bigger question is, why did the merciless assassin spare his target?

Alas, even if Bai Feng made it out alive after that night, everything is over.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

"I heard you went to pay the little prince a visit?" Zi Shi asked as he looped his whip, yanking a man's arm before slitting their throat.

"None of your business.." the jade-eyed assassin checked for any signs of life before declaring that their mission was completed.

"Then how come he's still breathing the last time I checked? The purple-haired assassin taunted, yet received no response from his junior.

"He is your target, and you are an assassin. Once you lose your kill drive, you'll become useless HeiLi. Remember that." the alluring man warned as the pair leaped onto the rooftops.

"For you who have never failed to kill, even two times is one too many." the senior assassin cocked his eyebrow.

"Are you perhaps.. Interested in him?" the beautiful assassin had a bitter tone as he asked this question. But as expected, it's mostly a one-way conversation with this man, for Xiao Tian never answers if he doesn't feel like it.

"You and that informant are living different lives, HeiLi. He doesn't even know you.. The real you.." the half-masked assassin hissed.

"You don't either. I don't even know myself" the onyx-haired assassin finally replied before speeding up ahead, leaving the alluring assassin in a sour mood.

"But I'm always by your side.. Why can't you ever see that.." the gray-eyed assassin muttered bitterly.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

"Easy now.." the doctor supported his little brother as the bedridden patient struggled to get out of bed on his own.

"You were unconscious for a while, it's normal to feel weak. Don't be angry at yourself Bai Feng.." the medic sensed the frustration coming off the informant during their therapy sessions.

"This one apologizes for the trouble.." the little brother sighed before continuing his training to get back his motor skills.

"One at a time.. No rush" the gentle medic urged as he guided his brother to walk around the room once more.

Bai Feng had regained most of his movements these few days, it's just a matter of time before he could recover his strength to resume his daily activities independently again.

As the morning dew dripped from one leaf to another, a jade-eyed feline was watching the cedar-haired man's every move.

"I'll visit again soon, don't force yourself and get some rest alright?" the doctor bid his goodbyes.

That was when Bai Feng noticed an adorable black cat staring at him. Slowly, the cedar-haired man got up from his bed and called for his servants. Not long after, the golden-eyed beauty crouched down and put a plate of food on the floor. With a low purr, the black cat appeared from the shadows and started to nibble on the plate of fish the informant just put down. The long-haired beauty then lets out a sigh, burying his face on his knees before he feels a nudge on his right leg.

"Hmm? Are you trying to comfort me?" The cat simply meowed and stared back at the cedar-haired man with its beautiful jade-colored eyes.

"You.. really reminded me of him.." Bai Feng smiled slightly now, crouching down to pet the cat. The feline purred as it lies down, while grooming itself in a very comfortable way, causing the golden-eyed man to chuckle.

"So you finally trust that I won't hurt you?"

"Say.. If those kids who hurt you.." Am I really asking a cat for advice now? I'm losing my mind.. Still unable to process his feelings, Bai Feng quickly shook away these thoughts and gave another small pat on the cat's head.
⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Zi Shi was thrilled when Xiao Tian told him that Bai Feng wouldn't be joining them in missions anymore. Finally, he will be able to spend some time alone with his dearest HeiLi without the informant being a nuisance. Everything was smooth sailing ever since the cedar-haired beauty was missing from the team. As expected, the one who can assist HeiLi and bring the best out of him is Zi Shi. The gray-eyed assassin scoffed, thinking he was silly to even worry about the cedar-haired man being a threat.

"Lan She, why does my chest feel heavy?" the short-haired assassin asked out of the blue.

"How am I supposed to know? It's your body." Zi Shi cocked his eyebrow, now giving Xiao Tian his full attention. What's going on with this kid? Is he sick? Thought the gray-eyed assassin.

"You're not ill right?" Zi Shi frowned as he became more concerned.

Xiao Tian kept an emotionless facade while staring at his dagger.

"Are you still thinking about Bai Feng? What do you even see in that guy HeiLi?" hissed the snake-like senior.

"Isn't he just one of your targets?" Zi Shi questioned his junior relentlessly.

As an assassin, Xiao Tian had killed countless targets without a second thought. Always focused on completing the mission, earning the title of the ultimate killing machine of the assassin's association.

When the masked assassin began to gather information on Bai Feng, Xiao Tian thought he would be just like any other target.

Bai Feng was indeed nothing different from other targets, yet the more Xiao Tian learned about the informant, the hungrier he got to know even more about him. So the assassin eventually decided to approach his prey. And before he knew it, the jade-eyed assassin started to find excuses to be near the cedar-haired beauty. He would even risk sabotaging his own missions just to be with Bai Feng for a little longer.

Even when Xiao Tian isn't by Bai Feng's side all the time, he would from time to time follow the golden-eyed man to work, watch him interact with his clients, secretly observing him from afar.

Making sure that the cedar-haired beauty is safe.

The short-haired assassin halted his thought process for he also doesn't know what had caused this predicament. Unbeknownst to the clueless assassin, Xiao Tian actually yearns to stay by the informant's side.

But what does this mean? Why does he even care about Bai Feng's safety?

Then the dreaded question came to light.

"What is he to you, HeiLi?" Zi Shi asked with a venomous tone.

"A target to assassinate," Xiao Tian answered curtly.

"Then think of it like he IS one, will you behave like this if it was any other person? Don't let him distract you. If the boss—"

"Father won't know about him" Xiao Tian glared at Zi Shi dangerously, blatantly threatening his senior. That man will not touch Xiao Bai.. the onyx-haired assassin thought as he felt chills down his spine.

"You can't hide him forever HeiLi. He will find out.. He always sees through us.." but before Zi Shi could finish his sentence Xiao Tian had already leaped onto the trees, heading deeper into the forest.

This brat.. It's unlike him to stray away from a mission like this.. sighed the grey-eyed assassin, but somehow he couldn't harbor any negative feelings towards his junior.

Although, he truly wished that the one Xiao Tian focused on was him, not that informant.

Zi Shi hoped that Xiao Tian would realize that they were living in a different world from the golden-eyed man. Their hands are stained in blood, they were meant to live in the shadows. They can't be standing beside a person who is used to basking in the warm rays of the sun.

The purple-haired assassin doesn't want his junior to be hurt, especially now that his "feelings" no.. "interests" are getting in the way of his mission. Yes, it's definitely not feelings.. It's been over a decade since Zi Shi got to know his short-haired junior and one thing the gray-eyed assassin knows for sure.

Feelings and Xiao Tian don't go together.

While the two assassins wrapped up their gears to go back to the city, they were suddenly alerted by the constant rustling in the nearby bush.

Xiao Tian held up his hand to signal Zi Shi to stand down, while the masked assassin checked out the potential danger. But the jade-eyed man was surprised to find a white bunny being stuck in a hunter's trap.

Seeing a human suddenly approaching it, the small rabbit tugged on his trapped leg to escape but the sharp blades clawed even tighter into the poor prey's leg. Drawing more blood from the tiny animal.

"Stay still.." the short-haired assassin said calmly but before he could even touch the bunny, it had fallen unconscious from fear.

Zi Shi tilted his head when he saw his junior crouched down behind the bushes and out of curiosity, he peeked over his shoulder.

"HeiLi what are you—" the purple-haired assassin was caught speechless when Xiao Tian turned around with an injured bunny.

"You're.. Not keeping that thing are you?" Zi Shi gawked in surprise.

"It fainted.. So until it becomes better" the jade-eyed assassin replied.

"Don't tell me.." the senior assassin started.

"It reminds me of Xiao Bai.." the short-haired assassin stroked the bunny's chin as he walked back into the direction of the city.

"YOU HAVE LOST IT!" Zi Shi spent the rest of their journey home talking about how this is ridiculous and that Xiao Tian won't even have it in him to take care of such a delicate animal.

"We should just roast the bunny, they are tender when young." the snake-like assassin poked the unconscious rabbit but Xiao Tian simply ignored the remarks.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

The moment the bunny woke up, it immediately ran into a corner, scared for its life when it saw Xiao Tian about to grab its body.

The assassin didn't say anything but lay down hay and watched the white rabbit hesitantly approach the food. The jade-eyed man can see the bunny clearly limping yet it quickly chomped a bunch of hay and hopped back into the corner to eat.

"Stubborn.." the assassin sighed before nudging the hay to the corner.

Somehow, the dark corner of Xiao Tian's room became the bunny's comfort spot as the days went on. Regardless of how gently the assassin treated the bunny, it won't even allow the man to get near.

One day, Xiao Tian was back from buying food for the bunny when he saw the rabbit asleep on its side, sunbathing where the rays of light shone through his windows.

The assassin quietly rubbed its chin and gently petted the adorable fluff, but this quickly woke up the rabbit as it scurried away from the man.

"Shame, I just got some bananas. Guess I'll just eat on my own" the jade-eyed assassin swayed a banana to lure the bunny, knowing that it was its favorite treat. Yet the bunny was very stubborn and didn't want to leave its corner.

"Suit yourself then" the assassin took off his mask and started to eat the fruit. But what surprised him was that the bunny approached, albeit scared, it took steps forward.

So the assassin rewarded its courageous behavior and fed the bunny a piece of banana.

While the white rabbit is munching on the fruit, Xiao Tian can't help but sigh. This adorable animal truly reminded him of Bai Feng. Its attitude and way of eating especially..

"Xiao Bai.." the jade-eyed man muttered as he petted the bunny's back, and the white rabbit tilted its head to the side.

Xiao Tian then laid down on his sides and played with the bunny's ears.

The assassin closed his eyes to recall what happened that fateful night.

When the last flicker of light in Xiao Tian's vision had dimmed.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed 'This is unlike you' <3 Votes and comments are highly appreciated!

Interaction time! What do you guys think Xiao Tian truly sees Bai Feng as?

A) Fellow teammate

B) His contractor

C) Other: _______

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