our journey With the company...

By thex-mengirl10

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this is the next story after the rdr2 one I don't own the hobbit or the characters that is in the movie or in... More

chapter 1 - welcome to middle earth
Chapter 2 - meeting the company
chapter 3 - going to Bree and start the adventure to Erebor.
chapter 4 - lefting Bree and telling of the battle of Moria.
chapter 5 - abandoned farm house and horse eating trolls
Chapter 6 - got elvish weapons and meeting Radagast The Brown
chapter 7 - arriving to Riverdell and learning khuzdul
chapter 8 - meeting Lady Galadrial and then leaving Rivendell
Chapter 10 -meeting the goblin king and then escaping from goblin city.
Chapter 11 - running away from orcs wargs and death of the white warg
Chapter 12 - death of Azog and then lucy meeting Beorn.
Chapter 13 - running away from orc pack and black bear and finding lucy alive

Charper 9 - passing through the misty mountains and getting into the goblin city

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By thex-mengirl10

Few days later: (because I don't know how many days has passed and it still lucy's pov)

It has been night, and it has started to thunder and lightning, it was raining pretty bad as well, Sophie and Lucy were walking together while following the company. While walking, we heard Thorín shout because someone nearly slipped and the floor broke a little bit "hey! Hold on!" (I forgot why I put that there but I tried to think and tried to make it make sense) we kept walking until Bilbo nearly fell off the side of the mountain, Sophie and Lucy saw Bilbo nearly fell and got saved by Dwalín and Bofur (I think it was Bofur), then we heard Thorín shout to everyone "we must find shelter!" And then we heard Dwalín shout to everyone leaning on the mountain side "LOOK OUT!" After he said that, everyone watched a huge boulder fly over and hit the side of the mountain above us, everyone took cover when it started to fall down in small and big pieces, Balín said through the rain and thunder "this is no thunderstorm! It's a thunder-battle!" Everyone watched a huge stone giant pick up a big boulder and throw it, Bofur said while looking at it "well, bless me! The legends are true, Giants! Stone giants!" Lucy thought 'a giant made out of stone that new one' Then the stone giant picked up another boulder and then threw it at another stone giant, then it hit another stone giant in its chest, we heard Dwalín shout again "hold on!" While the rocks were felling down, I said while against the stone wall and while trying not to look down "oh god! Jesus. H. Christ, do not look down! Do not me! Do not!" I was next to Fíli at this time. When I said that, Fíli quickly looked at Lucy with worry and then we heard Thorín shout "take cover, you fools!" Moment later, Lucy felt the mountain start to move and then Lucy heard Kíli say to us and his brother "what's happening?" Fíli looked at his brother and saw that there's a crack in between him and his brother, and moving apart from the other so he quickly said to him while holding out his hand "Kíli! Grab my hand!" Half of the company and Lucy started to quickly move away from the others because we were on another stone-giant knee.

When the stone-giant stood up, one of the stone giants (there are three of them I didn't realise at first) walked up to the one that we were standing on and head-butted it back down, it fell back against the mountain wall and the others and Sophie got off safely but everyone else and Lucy was still stuck on the stone giant's knee, Lucy grabbed onto one of the dwarfs pant leg tightly while everything was happening, but when Lucy saw that they were going to hit the mountain straight on, Lucy let go of the pant leg and then quickly covered her face with her arms. When the knee that they were on hit the mountain wall, everyone and Lucy fell off the knee and back on the path, when Lucy landed on the path, Bombur landed fully on her. When Bombur landed on Lucy, you would hear her say "Oof!" while under the knee and while it was moving away everyone else and Lucy heard Thorín and Sophie shouted "FÍLI! LUCY!" The others started running over to where the stone giant's knee hit the mountain to see if the other half were alive or not.

3rd person-

When they got to the others to see if they were ok or not, they saw that they were ok, a bit shocked but ok, Thorín sighed in relief while the others were still lying down, out of breath, Gloín said to the line of dwarfs behind him "it's all right! They are alive!" Bombur realized that he was satting on someone so he quickly stood up (well as fast he can bc he is bbbbiiiigggg boy and he had help to get up as well) to see who it was. When he stood up, he heard the person gasping for air, then heard the person say it when he was turning around to see who it was "oh! Thank god! We are safe and alive, but is every... AH!" Before Lucy finish her sentence, Sophie jumped on her and then started to slapping her with the slap she use with horse and Lucy was covering her face while she was doing that while saying to Lucy angrily "don't *slap* do *slap* that *slap* again *slap* or else *slap, slap, slap*" and then Lucy said to her when Sophie stopped slapping her and both of them stood back up "ok! ok! I won't do it again, cross my heart and hope to die." and then everyone heard Bofur say "where's Bílbo? Where's Bilbo?! Bílbo!" and everyone started to look for him and then Lucy looked over to the side, and saw Bílbo hanging off the side scared so she shouted to the company, and pointed at Bílbo "there! There he is! Quickly get him!" one of the dwarfs quickly jumped for Bílbo's hands before Bílbo loses his hold on the side but failed so Bílbo fell little bit before getting a hold on the mountain again but holding on by one hand, Orì said to Bílbo while trying to help him "Bílbo!" And then they heard Lucy shout at Bílbo scared "COME ON, BÍLBO! YOU CAN DO IT! IT'S NOT TIME FOR YOU TO DIE!" After she said that, some of the dwarfs quickly looked at her shocked before trying to help Bílbo again, but while some of the dwarfs trying to get Bílbo back up, Thorín swing down and over to Bílbo and helped him up before almost felling himself but luckily he got caught by Dwalín, so Thorín started to climb up with the help of Dwalín, while pulling Thorín back up while out of breath "I thought we'd lost our burglar." Thorín stood up while Dwalín said that, Bílbo looked a little shocked with what Dwalín said but Thorín angrily said about that "He's been lost ever since he left home! He has no place amongst us!" He walked away to find an entrance to a cave.

When he found the entrance of the cave, he shouted for Dwalín to come inside with him, everyone followed them inside. When they got inside, Dwalín said to Thorín while Lucy and Sophie came inside and stayed close to each other while looking around and making sure there were no ghosts or spiders "it looks safe enough." Lucy said to herself about that quietly "Nothing is too safe because Sophie and I had first hand experience with that." Everyone gave her a shocked look with what she said but no one asked her why though, Thorin quickly said to Dwalín "search the back of the cave make sure the mountain is seldon (I think that word is right but I will change it if it isn't) unoccupied." After Dwalín checked the back of the cave, he said to everybody "There's nothing here." And while everyone was trying to dry off and trying to not freeze their asses off, Gloín put some firewood down and said "right then, Let's get a fire started." and then Thorín said "no, no fire. Not in this place, get some sleep. We leave at first light." and then Balín said to him "we were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us, that was the plan." and then Thorín said quickly "plans change. Bofur, take the first watch."

Unknown hours later

Everyone heard Thorín shout at us "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! GET UP!" while everyone was trying to get up, the floor broke away and everyone fell down through it.
The word count is 1327.

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