Cats and Mouse

By jezzabelle50

46.5K 1.4K 331

Running away from the MEN that were obsessed and dead set on making me theirs, I forced my feelings for them... More

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1.3K 52 10
By jezzabelle50

Sinn Petrov

"Get the fuck off me!" I snapped while shoving the stripper off my lap as she tried her hardest to get my attention.

I was fine when they gave me lap dances and stuff but groping and trying to take off my clothes was to far even for me.

It's been exactly one year since my sexy little hellcat gave me the best night of my life. And then vanished into thin air while we slept.

And I was fucking pissed.

It wasn't the fact that she didn't tell us where she left to afterwards. It wasn't the fact that she had just given us all the best sex in the world and dipped like we didn't mean anything but a way to get fucked to her. And it also wasn't because she managed to disappear from our lives in a matter of seconds.

I was livid because even though I've tried my hardest to move on and act like she did, by going back to doing what I usually do in my life before that night. Which was basically fuck every woman in close contact to me.

I was seething at the fact that I tried everything to go back to Sinn the man whore all the ladies love, but I just couldn't. It's not like I'm completely unable to get hard or anything, it's more like my fucking dick won't work unless I'm thinking of my hellcat and I fucking hate it.

It was as if she had cursed my cock to only get hard at the thought of her and her only. Even when I tried to get as many women to sleep with me, even tried to take viagra and get drunk to sleep with women, like I used to. The fucking piece of meat won't budge.

The embarrassment I've been having every time I've tried to have sex for the past year was so fucking disgraceful that I just couldn't fathom it anymore.

My brothers have been complaining about me having sex to take my mind off her, but in reality I was just trying everything I fucking could to try and get that shit to work.

Taking groups of women with me to the back where I'd usually fuck women in orgies and shit in my club, didn't fucking work anymore! Now I just be sitting there watching all the women fuck each other while my completely flaccid cock was basically taunting me for not getting hard anymore at the sight of naked women fucking each other.

Now I'm just irritated and pissed off whenever another woman tried to grope me because how the fuck was I gonna fuck them if my cock was being a completely picky person. I mean did she cast a spell on it or something?!  

I haven't felt this embarrassed since the first time I jerked off as a preteen and got caught by the 80 year old nanny my mother hired to watch us. The poor lady almost had a heart attack when she saw my cum stained chest and blanket.

"Sinn get your ass over here now!" Kane shouts into my phone speaker as I let out an irritated groan.

I'm getting sick and tired of this old fuck telling me what to do every five seconds of my life. Ever since my hellcat has went missing, it seemed like the asshole had gotten even more annoying than usual.

I understand the whole angry phase seeing as I was also in the same boat, but to officially stop taking care of and pleasing yourself seemed to far even for me.

Dax on the other hand was surprisingly keeping it the most cool between all 3 of us. Which was shocking since normally, him being the youngest, we'd all have thought he'd be the weakest when it'd come to things like this. Not his age being the problem, more like his personality.

I guess being the youngest does sort of seem to be roped into how Dax's personality came to be, but both Kane and I have noticed how different our little brother had been compared to us.

Me and Kane being the larger and maturest between the trio, we were more of the aggressive and skillful ones when it came down to business and taking care of things. While Dax unsurprisingly took the role of the youngest and most emotional one.

But seeing as now me and Kane were the ones being most likely unstable and doing things strangely instead of keeping our cool. Which was what we were supposed to be doing as our roles of being the older brothers out of the three of us.

I guess Dax's words might have had some truths to it when he scolded us both over the past few months about letting our minds go into overdrive over our missing woman. Never has any woman in our almost 30 years of life, ever been able to make us react like this. Not even our first childhood crushes at our young puberty ages.

My precious hellcat was like a siren who had all three of us under her spell from the start. And when I say start I don't mean she had us sexually aroused as soon as we saw her in the hospital when she was born.

We may be a lot of things such as rude jackasses and sometimes even mean assholes but perverted pedophiles was not on that list.

When I say she had us all wrapped around her delicate finger from the beginning, I meant she was basically the center of our worlds as soon as her uniquely different colored eyes first connected with all of ours. It was like a strong connection hooked onto all of us from the adorable little baby we saw for the first time 19 years ago when she was brought into this world.

Again, not in a predator type of way. It was more like a group of aggressive lions protecting their cub. She was like a small Angel in this godforsaken world full of all types of sins.

We've never had a female sibling to take care of and spoil, so the role automatically went to her. Of course being all boys was great but having a female around to show us a completely new world to the opposite sex was great to have as well.

She is our best friends little sister but she involuntarily became ours. To protect and guard her with their lives and that role of protectors and guardians turned on to us because of that.

My hellcat was born with the Petrov name basically branded on her forehead. Not in some sick pedophile, Jacob and Renesmee way. But in an invisible protective shield way that would tell herself and others that no matter what happened, we would go through the devil himself just to keep her safe.

She never asked for it but we wanted to do it anyways. Not only did we take those roles but her two over protective brothers also had us make a pact with them to take the roles in as well. Right when they found out their mother was pregnant, they vowed to never let anything happen to their unborn new sibling and that vowed somehow latched onto us as well.

And since then, we made a promise to not only ourselves and her brothers. But to her as well. We will always be there to protect and save her from any and everything in the world.

That's why, as she grew from an infant all the way till she turned 18, we did everything to make sure she was spoiled and pampered every day of her life. There was not a day where she would cry or be in pain as long as we were by her side, ready to fight off every hurtle going her way.

But now that she was gone. All bets were off the table. Considering we don't know where and how the hell we would be there to protect her being missing and all.

"How long does it take to drive here?! Jesus fucking Christ!" Kane shouts as soon as I walked into his home office.

The same one he's been hibernating in since Dax finally managed to drag him out of his company office. Ever since that mysterious phone call at his office a few months ago, he barely had time to be calm.

Of course the twins, Dax and myself tried to figure out who the hell called and managed to figure us out in a matter of seconds. But the smart asshole managed to wipe out every small detail of that call ever happening. All the internet data, cell service, WiFi router, and even the whole call log on the phone he called us on had been deleted as soon as he hung up. And we had the greatest tech men in the world trying to find it all.

And after Kane figured out we had nothing on him, he had gone ballistic. He was dying to look for her but after the threat he got on our hidden away niece, he didn't know what to do. It was like we were at a loss.

Just roaming around a question filled fog with nothing to do. We had no trace of her and with the threat now it was as if we had to surrender before we could even get a clue. Even with the twins trying to look into her secretly, they're date and searches still end up getting wiped up the same way ours did.

"What the fuck do you want?! You blew up my phone just to nag about my life choices again or what?!" I snap back, getting agitated by his constant complaints.

"Maybe if you would learn how to shut the fuck up and read your texts for once, you'll know that Dax has finally done the unimaginable" He replies with a scary looking grin that made him look creepy as fuck.

"What did he do? Find women to fill up your empty beds since you guys have been pussy whipped for a full year now to do anything but stay celibate?" I scoffed while sitting on the couch beside him.

I knew I was being a hypocrite by taking jabs at both of my brothers for not continuing their old habits of fucking around with women like we used to. But with my current dickmatized situation, I was to irritated and tired to care. And now my fucked up head was deciding to take my pent up frustration out on everyone around me instead.

"Is pussy all you can fucking think about at this time?! You dumb piece of shit! Check your fucking phone!" He shouts back before stomping his way towards the bar area on the side of our living room.

Rolling my eyes at the angry grizzly bear, I take my phone out. My eyes stopped at the wallpaper on my phone that I've had for a while now and my mind almost got distracted by the view.

But before I could take in the memory of that day in the picture, my eyes widened even more at the recent text I got from Dax.

'I found her'

Trying to keep my face neutral, I cleared my throat while turning to Kane. Kane being the smart ass he's always been, did nothing but rolled his eyes before texting me on his phone from the bar stool he was sitting on. Literally just a few steps away from where I was. I turned back to my phone seeing Dax's location and where he spotted her.

"Are we riding out in your private jet or mine?" I ask noticing he was doing nothing but drinking the old ass bottle of whiskey our grandfather kept in our house.

"None. We're staying put here while Dax tries to figure out-" before his monotone voice could continue his boring explanation, I cut him off with a glare.

"What the fuck?! For a whole ass year, you and Dax have done nothing but bitch and moan about her not being found and the second you guys do find her. You're just gonna sit back and wait her out instead of taking charge and dragging her ass back here?!" I shout in both shock and confusion.

"And do what?! We don't know why the fuck she's there and we sure as hell won't figure it out by kidnapping her and forcing her to tell us! There's a billion reasons why she would be on the other side of the country in a random hotel dressed completely different. She could be held hostage or even forced into human trafficking for all we know! But I'm not gonna act like a fucking caveman and drag her all the way back here without knowing why all of this happened to her in the first place" he retorts back with a deadly stare.

"So you're just gonna what? Watch the woman you've been so smitten over, from afar? Not even considering to be a fucking man and take what belongs to us?!" I snapped getting riled up again at the text Dax sent earlier describing everything that happened when he spotted her.

"What belongs to us?! Last time I checked, you were to busy fucking strippers and whores at clubs to even spare a thought about my koshcheka. And now that Dax has finally found her, you think you're hypocritical ass can barge in here and demand to do whatever you please with her now that we know where she is?!"Kane shouts back, his anger getting worsened after every word while he stomped towards me, getting in my face with his adamant anger towards me.

If I was literally anyone outside of our family, I'd be scared and probably shitting myself to have the oh so mighty and powerful Kane Petrov himself, be angry at me. Seeing as Kane was known in both the public and the business world for being a silent but deadly man who was the scariest businessman in the country.

But I was his brother. I didn't give a shit if I poked the bear. The said bear was created from the same fucking mental dad that built us the way we were now. Kane knew I was the only one who could challenge him the same way he was the only person that knew how to take me one on one when it came down to a match.

Kane excelled with his mastermind brain while I was preeminent on using my fists. We were very different but much the same when it came to skills and getting what we want.

"I know what you're thinking little brother. It's not gonna end the way you think it's gonna end if you do it" He says eyeing me suspiciously.

"Do what?! I ain't gonna do shit! Just fuck off!" I snapped back before stomping out after bumping his shoulder.

Smart ass already knew what I was gonna do without me telling him my thoughts. That was another thing I hated with being brothers with a know it all. He thinks cuz he's the oldest and basically raised me and Dax, that he knew us better than we knew ourselves. Which was somewhat true, but still. Fuck him.

"Where to, sir?"

"New York"

Kane may be a smart with his brain but I was also good at using my brain, just in a totally different way. He used his brain more for calculating and remembering important shit I didn't give a fuck about.

While I used my brain more on technology. I guess my hacking tricks as a kid did amount to something now seeing as I managed to hack both Kane and Dax's phone to figure out where my hellcats location.

Dax was trying to be vague with the whole she's in the same hotel he was at with someone he took a picture of in Kane's text. But with just a few clicks on my laptop, I had all the information on the guy, the hotel and even his father who owned the hotel.

"Im calling to let you know who's going to be occupying the penthouse suite in the next 48 hours" I speak into the phone after the reception did the usual intro on picking up the phone.

"Actually, because the owner of the hotel will be hosting an event tonight, our penthouse suit and every other rooms we have are booked to the fullest. So sorry to disappoint but-"

"I'm not sorry for disappointing the people who took that penthouse but I'll be taking that room and it will be open for me in less than 6 hours when I get there."

"Sir, I'm not trying to be rude but I don't think you understand that I can't do-"

"The penthouse suite will be open for Sinn Petrov in less than 6 hours or heads will be rolling when I get there"

As soon as my name was said, the sound of gasping was heard before I disconnected the call after hearing hurried movements happening on the other end of the call.

Me life has always been in California but the rest of the world knew of my family existence since I was born with their last names attached.


"We made sure to clean up everything and stock you up with extra everything you may need" The lady showing us to the penthouse explains while eyeing me with both lust and nervousness.

I nod, excusing her while walking into my new room I'll be staying in for probably less than 24 hours. I told only told the receptionist 48 hours because my mind was still trying to figure out when I was going to make my move on my precious hellcat. But fuck it!

My brothers think I'm overreacting and not thinking straight about what I'm about to do but I waited 12 agonizing fucking months wondering where the fuck she's been. It wasn't just my body that shut down when she left. Everything of myself had entirely gone into a foggy limbo.

My mindset, body, and especially emotions. I could barely eat, sleep, and think without seeing her and it fucking kills me inside. I don't wanna be moping about it so I chose to rather be angry about it instead. I mean it was the best option I had that didn't deflate my ego. Well, as much of it that's still left anyways.

Feeling the vibration of my phone in my pocket, I turn it off completely before setting my things down in the room. I didn't pack anything as fast as I flew over here but I always had a traveling back packed in case I do travel unexpectedly. If not that, I'd get any of my men to send clothes over from the nearest place that has my size and type of clothing.

Speaking of clothing, I opened my travel bag to find a few pairs of all the black clothes I had. Which most likely was everything in my closet back at home. It's not like I was a emo person or anything, I just looked better in black compared to every other color in the world.

My clothing apparel might also be because a certain someone had mentioned many years ago that she liked men who wore all black with tattoos. I already had the tattoo part down, the clothes were just added after seeing the pictures of guys she liked on her Instagram a while back when I used to to stal- I mean watched out for her online social media likings. Totally normal.

After getting out of the shower after making sure I looked my best, after getting rid of the overly hairy and almost zombie looking male that was staring back at me earlier in the bathroom mirror, I checked my watch to see when it was time for me to go ahead with my plan.

Seeing as my little hellcat decided to try and hide her appearance from others with a disguise and clothes I'd never catch her wearing willingly, a year ago from now. Adding on the fact that she's disappeared without a single clue for both her own family and us, I knew I had to dig into who this new person she was pretending to be now.

There's two reasons why someone would disappear in thin air and end up pretending to be someone else in public afterwards. It was either out of fear or out of swearing secrecy to someone. If she was keeping a secret, then she would have no problem with talking to me tonight.

But if she left out of fear, there's no question on how far me and my brothers will go to make sure we rid of who or what caused her fear, to the point of running. Either way, I was gonna get the answer out of her whether she liked it or not.

"The dinner service doesn't start till 9, Mr.Petrov" The nervous hotel restaurant hostess informs me as I sit at the corner table hidden farther from the others.

"My boss is willing to wait, you can go back to your workspace" My right hand man replies as she eyes me warily before taking out a pen and notepad.

"Would you two like-"

"For the rest of time I'm here, just refill my cup of bourbon neat. This one here, isn't one to drink on the job so you won't be doing much for me the rest of the night"

"You're not hungry? We can-"

"If you wanna get a big tip, I'd suggest you go back and mind your business"

The words coming out of the man beside me standing had caused the hostess to quickly nod and high tail it back to her post at the entrance of the hotel restaurant.

I knew I was three hours early for the reservation I was waiting on, but I was tired of playing Where's Waldo for the past 12 months. I was gonna sit this out even if I had to stay here for more than 24 hours. I was done playing games. I'm getting my hellcat now.

VOTE AND COMMENT TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN SINN FINALLY GETS TO SEE HIS HELLCAT 😏 PS‼️ I think the MAIN reason why this chapter took me AGES to upload, was totally because I actually wanted to write WAY MORE scenes and details in this scene TO THE POINT WHERE my brain ended up clashing to many ideas together JUST FOR 1 CHAPTER 😭😩 SO I AM DEEPLY SORRY for the GINAMOROUS waiting period you guys had to suffer because of my dumb self trying to prolong things that simply shouldn't be prolonging to the point where my mind shuts off and I end up editing to the point where I don't wanna edit or upload anymore 😭❤️ LOVE YOU GUYS AND I WILL BE FROM NOW ON GONNA PUSH MYSELF EVEN MORE TO UPLOAD CHAPTERS FASTER 🥹❤️🥰

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