Falling For The Street Rat

By PRWSTrini

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Caitlyn was living the privileged life up on the surface of Piltover while Vi was trying to take care of her... More

School Day
The Last Drop
School Fight
The Plan
Sneaking In
Meeting The Parents

New Girl

43 1 0
By PRWSTrini

Today was a new day at Piltover High and Vi was waiting for the teacher to come in so the class could start. She felt her eyelids starting to get heavy since she wasn't able to get much sleep last night after staying awake thinking about everything that had happened prior. A couple of minutes later, an enthusiastic Caitlyn greets her. "Good morning, Vi!" 

Vi's head pops up and she gives a tiny smile when notices her. "Hey, Cupcake. How are you?" The other girl smiled at her. 

"I can say I'm doing splendidly after the events of last night" which made Vi smile a little wider. 

"Am I that good of a kisser Cupcake?" She responds wiggling her eyebrows

"Take a wild guess," Caitlyn says as she sits beside Vi. Vi pretends to think for a few seconds before responding with, 


Caitlyn gave a sarcastic roll of her eyes before letting out a small laugh, "You're quite the jokester." 

"I guess that's what makes me so lovable," Vi says trying to smile but her eye bags prevented her from doing so. 

"Are you alright? You look like you haven't slept in ages" Caitlyn asked. "No, no I'm fine. Powder kept me up all night since she wouldn't go to sleep" 

"One of the perks of having a younger sister, she truly enjoys your presence," Caitlyn comments as she opens up her math textbook. 

"Did someone not finish their homework?" Vi teases as she looks over the other girl's shoulder to read off the page. She took a glance at the girl next to her. 

"I should be asking you the same thing," She says with a slight smirk. "And I've already completed my homework, I'm simply reviewing what I learned," She adds. Vi groans as she too pulls out her textbook, 

"I didn't finish, I still have a few problems left," 

"If you manage to complete the last few problems on your own I might consider kissing you again" The Kiramman girl offered. 

Without a second thought, Vi started looking around for a pen. "Do you happen to have a spare writey-thingy?" Caitlyn hands the girl her pen and Vi gets to work. "She never said the answers had to be right," Vi thought to herself. 

"Oh, and the answers have to be 100% correct" The girl quickly added on. 

"Oh goddammit" Vi muttered. The first few questions are fairly easy, but the last two, not so much. Vi thinks back to math class and how the teacher explained it. But she couldn't think of it since she wasn't paying attention to whatever the teacher had to say. She never did. "C'mon Cait, what happened to its the thought that counts, huh?" 

Caitlyn sighs and looks at Vi, "This is important stuff, Vi. Remembering and knowing how to do it properly is incredibly important, you mustn't forget that." 

"I mustn't?" She says confused which just got a nod from the other girl. "It's not like this shit is gonna benefit me in the future" She mumbled. 

"Maybe not all of it, but it's still good to have a well understanding of certain concepts," Vi rolled her eyes as the teacher walked into the room with what looked like a new student. 

"Students we have a new student here today and her name is Corina Veraza. Go take a seat next to anyone you'd like" The teacher tells the new girl. 

Corina looked around until her eyes landed on Vi and a small smirk formed on her face. She approached the empty desk next to her. 

"Why hello there cutie, is this seat taken?" She asked the pink-haired girl which made a bit of jealousy arise in Caitlyn. She and Caitlyn both share a bitter rivalry.

"Uh, no?" Vi says unbothered also not noticing Caitlyn slowly starting to fume beside her. Corina sat down in the empty seat next to her. 

"So what's your name?" She asked resting her chin on the palm of her hand. 

"Well my name is Violet but you can call me Vi," She says completely oblivious. 

"It's nice to meet you, Violet, may I say what nice muscles you have," She says trailing her fingers up and down Vi's bicep. Out of nowhere, a small snap was heard. Vi turned her head and noticed Caitlyn holding one-half of a broken pen in her hand. 

"Hey, you okay Cupcake?" She asked. 

"Just peachy," She says passive-aggressively. 

"Uh, are you sure? You seem tense,  you totally murdered that pen" Vi asked starting to get a bit worried. 

Caitlyn furiously shot her head toward the girl next to her. "I am completely calm!" The blue-haired girl exclaims. Corina gives Caitlyn a weird glance which the girl takes notice of. 

"Do you want some cookies? Powder tried making some this morning for me, heads up though, she's uh, not the best cook, but its always the thought that counts, right?" Vi offers. 

"Maybe later, class is starting," Caitlyn says before looking at the teacher.

Vi lowered her head slightly. "Okay then.." She says before looking at her textbook. Throughout the lesson, Corina continues to try and talk to Vi. 

"So, do you like math?" The girl randomly asks at one point. 

"Nope," She says quickly as the teacher does his lecture. Vi took a glance at Caitlyn who had her full attention on the teacher and she still looked a little upset from earlier. An idea came into Vi's head. She tore off a corner in a page of her notebook and started to write a note. Once she was done Vi discreetly nudges Caitlyn and gives the note to her. While still annoyed, Caitlyn opened the note and read it. When she finished reading it, she looked at Vi who was smiling at her. She couldn't help but laugh a little. The note included some weird attempt at drawing the math teacher, along with an attempted drawing of Caitlyn captioned, "You're very pretty" to say the least, Caitlyn was quite flattered. 

"You're funny," Caitlyn writes as she makes a note of her own. She then proceeds to draw a detailed image of Vi and hands the note to the girl, just before the teacher turns around, talk about good timing. Vi glanced at the teacher and then pretended to write something but then looked at the note and she smiled a bit. Caitlyn noticed Corina had a scowl on her face and she simply smiled triumphly. 

When the class was over Vi waited for Caitlyn by the door. But before Caitlyn could reach Vi, Corina intervened. "Hey, Vi! I was wondering what class you had next so we could walk to class together?"

 Vi glances at Caitlyn who continues to scowl. Vi glanced back and forth at both Corina and Caitlyn. "Uh I have chemistry," She says getting a little intimidated by Caitlyn. She made a mental note to never piss her off. 

"Fantastic, as do I!" the girl says excitingly. "Maybe you'd like to be partners?"

 Vi tightens her bookbag and looks at the girl, "I'm actually partners with Caitlyn, but I'm sure the teacher can you help you find a group," 

"I'm sure the teacher could let me join" Corina insisted. 

Caitlyn had enough and went to Vi and grabbed her hand. "Are you ready to go?" 

"Yeah, I'll see you there," Vi says to Corina as she and Caitlyn head off.

As they walked farther away from her Vi glanced over at Caitlyn then looked down at their hands. "This is new"

"Indeed it is, but change isn't always bad, wouldn't you agree?" Caitlyn questions trying to mask her smile. 

"I guess it is, I like this change" She smiled at her. "...does this change also include more kissing?" She added on.

 "Oh my God let's go," Caitlyn says taking them to the class.

"But I wanna knowww," Vi whines as she follows the girl into the room. The two take a seat next to each other and wait for the teacher to prepare the class.

"Maybe if you stop whining like an infant you might get your answer" She laughed. 

Vi scoffs. "I'm not whining like a baby" She rolled her eyes.

. "Hmm, debatable," Caitlyn says as she takes out all her chemistry notes. 

Vi sat next to her and looked at the notes. "How do you even know how to do all of this?" 

"Well, paying attention certainly helps, that's for sure, also, asking questions when needed, you know the usual." 

"I can't ask questions if I don't understand it" She rolled her eyes. 

"Such a shame, I was really going to consider adding in another kiss" Caitlyn says in fake disappointment. 

Vi perked up a little. "Do you think they have a good tutoring program here?" 

"You know I could always help you, right?" Caitlyn smiled and interlocked her fingers with Vi's, 

"Even better" 

"Then that can be arranged" Vi smiled before leaning in to kiss Caitlyn. Right when she was about to kiss her Vi heard something move next to her. 

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything" Corina injected.

 "Not exactly," Vi says as she turns her attention to the girl, "We're just talking."

Caitlyn rolled her eyes and then moved away from Vi slightly. "Good" Corina grabbed a spare stool and sat next to Vi. "The teacher said I could join you"

"I already told you I'm partnered with Caitlyn though," Vi says as she looks over to the blue-haired girl.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind, right Caity?" She says which made Caitlyn ball her hand into a fist.

"Don't call me that," Caitlyn says in a slightly hostile tone. 

Corina looks at her confused, "What's your problem?"

"My name is Caitlyn," She says, trying to keep calm. "How about we just get to the assignment?" Vi says before things get awkward.

"Sounds fine to me," Caitlyn responds as she looks over her work.

After a very long and dreadful class lesson, Caitlyn picked up her stuff and just walked out of the classroom not bothering to wait for Vi

"I wonder what her problem is," Corina commented as she headed towards Vi.

She frowned a little as she watched Caitlyn walk off. "Damn Vi, what did you do?" Mylo says approaching his sister.

"I didn't do anything!" Vi insists as she walks with Mylo. 

"Well, clearly you did if she's upset,"

She rolled her eyes. "I didn't do anything, I barely said anything to her" She crossed her arms

"Maybe you should find her and talk to her then," Mylo suggests as he pulls out a quick snack.

"How the hell am I supposed to know where she is?"

"Well she's probably eating in the cafeteria or something, let's go look." The two walk to the cafeteria, Vi hopeful to find Caitlyn.

Once they got there Vi started to look around for her but couldn't find her. But she did find Qiyana sitting on one of the tables. "Hey, do you know where Caitlyn is?" Vi asked, approaching her. 

"I haven't seen her since we got to school. Why is everything okay?" The girl asks, concerned. 

"I was just looking for her, everything is fine," Vi lies.

"Oh there you are Violet," Corina says approaching the group. "Violet?" Qiyana and Mylo says confused.

"You can just call me, Vi. I'd much prefer that," Vi says as she directs her attention to the girl.

"But Violet sounds so much better," She says. Qiyana looked at both of them with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, okay, okay, who is this?" She asked

"I'm Corina! I just moved here. It's nice to meet you!" The girl says as she puts her hand out.

Qiyana hesitantly shook her hand and then looked at Vi slowly starting to piece it all together. Qiyana then hugged Corina then mouthed "You go look for Cait, I'll keep her busy" to Vi.

Vi gave a silent thank you to the girl before heading towards the library instead. Maybe Caitlyn would be lounging there since it was less loud than the cafeteria and more cozy. Once she got there Vi started searching through the library hoping to find Caitlyn. She was about to leave when she noticed someone sitting behind a pile of books in between the bookshelves. "Cupcake?

"Hi," The girl greets quietly, not taking her eyes off the book she's reading.

Vi carefully stepped over the wall of books and sat on the floor next to her. "Whatcha reading?"

"I'm reading a book revolving around mystery," The girl answers, too intrigued by the story to want to be bothered by others.

 "What's the mystery?" Vi questions, taking a seat next to Caitlyn. 

"Well, it's about a murdered woman and her closest friends. Each of them confesses to killing her alone, but in the end, only one of them has done it. Or so that's what I'm guessing."

"Sounds...interesting. Other than that I came to see if you were okay. So are you okay?" She asks. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" Caitlyn simply answers not looking away from the book

"You seemed to be acting differently, you didn't even wait for me like you usually do," For the first time since Vi sat beside her, Caitlyn looked up from her book.

"I wanted to get to the library and get to the books before anyone else could" She lied, looking away shyly, not wanting to look into Vi's eyes.

"Is that so? Alright, have fun reading your books, I'll go hang out with Corina and the others," Vi said as she stood up, hoping to capture the girl's attention.

"Wait!" Caitlyn says a little bit too loudly and gets shushed by the others in the library. "You don't have to leave," She says a bit quieter

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to ruin your reading time,"

Caitlyn puts the book down. "You're more important."

"If I'm so important, why'd you leave? What's going on with you, Caitlyn? Please, just be honest with me, I won't judge you,"

She looked away. "Honestly, don't worry about it, it's stupid. I'm just having a bad day today" She sorta lies.

"What about it is bad? Talk to me, Cupcake. I wanna help you."

"I appreciate your concern but you can't do anything to fix it."

"Are you sure there's nothing at all that could make you feel better?" 

Caitlyn gives it a thought, "Would that really be possible? After all, it's not Vi's fault," she thinks to herself. "Maybe if you stay here with me I might feel a little better" She smiled a little

"I can definitely do that," Vi says sitting back down and giving a smile back, "Mind reading aloud to me?" Caitlyn shakes her head, 

"Of course not, I'll go from the start. Ready?" Vi shakes her head, "Always."

She grabbed her hand then the Kiramman girl started quietly reading from the book but loud enough for Vi to hear

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