parseltongue | Draco Malfoy

By afewrandomwords

249 3 0

Nadine's parents would go to great lengths to safeguard their family's honor. To safeguard her secret, Draco... More

Chamber of Secrets
Prisoner of Azkaban


12 1 0
By afewrandomwords


Nadine couldn't help but revel in her recent victory, having successfully won a bet with Draco Malfoy. The terms were simple: she only had to wait until he emerged from the hospital wing. After concluding her conversation with Draco's father, she headed there immediately, eager to claim her prize. The dramatic scene that unfolded inside took her by surprise.

A crowd had gathered around Harry's bed, which included Hermione, Ron, and the Weasley twins. At the far end of the room lay the patient himself, Draco Malfoy. His agonized screams filled the air, but as soon as he noticed Nadine's entrance, he abruptly ceased, feigning toughness.

With an air of triumph, she declared, "I won. You have to be nice to me for a day."

The twins, always in pursuit of mischief, couldn't help but giggle and whisper their approval, causing Draco to flinch. He attempted to brush it off, saying, "C'mon, Blythe. I wasn't serious about that bet."

Nadine, however, wasn't about to let him off the hook so easily. She crossed her arms and took a seat at the foot of his bed, although she recoiled slightly upon accidentally brushing his leg. "That's not very nice, don't you think? Do you really believe I'd let it slide, especially after a chat with your father?"

"What did he say?" Draco's eyes widened in alarm, and he struggled to sit up but was thwarted by his pain. He wore an angry expression, and his face flushed crimson. It was clear he was both angry and embarrassed, but Nadine couldn't help but wonder why he was so furious about the conversation with his father. It didn't seem that bad. Unless Draco had omitted certain details he didn't want her to discover.

"I'll tell you," she began coyly, "if you successfully complete your 24-hour Friendly Malfoy Challenge."

"Do you want me to start now?" Draco asked, his voice strained. "MY ASS HURTS!"

Laughter erupted from the onlookers, and it dawned on Nadine that they were not alone. She sighed internally, frustrated at herself for momentarily forgetting about their audience. Why did this always happen when she was around Draco? First, he touched her shoulders, and now... was it because she had accidentally touched his leg? Determined to uncover the cause, she knew telling Draco about it wouldn't help her. He would likely use it against her.

"Yes, Draco, I distinctly recall your spectacular fall," Nadine said with a smirk, relishing the crowd's laughter. "I never thought you were that flexible, but I suppose you're full of surprises. Given your broken dignity, I'll graciously postpone our bet."

She began to leave, but Draco seized her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. Confusion flickered across her face as she met his gaze. Despite his pain, he attempted to lean closer, but his limitations prevented it. Instead, he tugged her wrist, beckoning her closer.

"Can you heal it, Blythe?" he whispered urgently.

Nadine's eyes widened in shock, her face contorting in disgust. "I AM NOT TOUCHING YOUR BUTT!" she exclaimed, her voice dripping with revulsion.

The crowd fell into a hushed silence as she wrenched her wrist free, her glare fixed firmly on Draco. He, in turn, responded with a smirk, apparently reveling in the embarrassment he had inflicted upon her. As she turned to leave, the eyes of everyone in the room remained firmly fixed on her back. Draco may have sought revenge by embarrassing her in front of Gryffindor, but he remained unaware that Harry, Ron, and Hermione had already branded her a traitor. His games wouldn't alter that perception.

As she walked away, she couldn't help but mutter a final warning, loud enough for Draco to hear. "One more word, Malfoy, and I'll use Bombarda Maxima on your behind. Your two brainless friends will be cleaning your guts off the wall. Is that clear?"

Laughter erupted from the crowd once more, and a faint, amused "Wicked" could be heard from Ron. Draco grumbled in response, and Nadine continued on her way, determined not to let his antics get to her.


Nadine's mind whirled with disbelief and confusion as she grappled with the shocking revelation that Harry was the Heir of Slytherin. He spoke with a snake. Her thoughts raced, trying to make sense of it all. Had Hermione accused her of being a traitor to protect Harry? And if so, why had Harry petrified Hermione and Colin Creevey? Was it all part of some elaborate plan, or was the real imposter still lurking within the depths of Hogwarts?

Sighing heavily, she glanced at her watch and realized she was running late for her Defense Against the Dark Arts class. She pushed herself up from the cold bathroom floor, but before she could react or take a single step, a searing pain shot through the back of her head.

Everything spiraled into darkness, and it felt like this darkness held all the malevolence in the world. She was too exhausted to resist it, and just before it swallowed her completely, she heard it—a voice that chilled her to her core.

The voice spoke the Language of the Devil, the language of a black soul and a monstrous heart. Parseltongue.

"I am Lord Voldemort," the unfamiliar voice hissed, and Nadine's eyes grew heavy, her body numb. She knew she was surrounded by evil, enveloped in a sense of innocence lost and fear that gripped her heart.

"Ginny! Ginny! Wake up!" Harry cried desperately. "Nadine, please..."

"She's not going to wake up. Ginny's energy is almost gone. I cannot kill Nadine; I need her powers-"

"Can I have one normal day?" Nadine groaned as she struggled to stand. Her legs felt like jelly, but she managed to remain upright. "Who is this knockoff version of the Dark Lord? And why in Merlin's name would he go by the name Tom MARVOLO Riddle? It's utterly ridiculous!"

Harry snorted softly, but the Voldemort lookalike didn't so much as flinch. Nadine's eyes darted around the chamber, searching for her wand, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Are you looking for this?" Tom pulled her wand from his pocket, a wicked grin on his face. "You won't need it."

Harry tried to summon her courage despite her predicament. "Ron is in the tunnels. I'm sure he can find a way through the hole. Run, it's not safe here."

"But you—" Nadine began.

"I'll be fine—" he insisted.

"Silence!" Tom barked, his voice echoing in the chamber.

In the tense atmosphere of the chamber, Nadine couldn't shake the urgency and fear that gripped her. The peril they faced was all too real, and she was resolved to protect both her friends and herself from whatever malevolent forces lay in wait.

Tom Riddle, his appearance resembling Voldemort, drew closer, his eyes coldly fixed on Harry and Nadine. "You fail to comprehend, Potter. Your blood must be spilled for the Chamber to fully reopen."

Nadine's thoughts raced as she sought a way out of this nightmare. She knew she needed to keep Tom distracted while Harry and herself devised a plan. "You honestly believe that unleashing a chamber and spouting snake gibberish will achieve anything? It's like you're trying too hard to play the villain."

Tom's eyes flared with anger, and his grip on her wand tightened. "You underestimate the power of Slytherin's legacy, girl."

Meanwhile, Harry and Nadine were quietly exchanging hushed words, attempting to formulate an escape strategy. "Nadine, if we can just recover our wands, we might stand a chance," Harry whispered.

Nadine nodded, her determination unwavering. "Agreed. We need to act fast."

Back at the heart of the chamber, Tom redirected his attention to Harry, his malevolence evident in his piercing gaze. "You were never meant to meddle, Potter."

Seizing the opportunity, Nadine harnessed her magical abilities, focusing all her energy into a powerful spell aimed directly at Tom Riddle. He stumbled backward, caught off guard by the unexpected assault, his pale face contorted with surprise and rage. This momentary disorientation was exactly what they needed.

She grabbed Harry's arm and whispered urgently, "Let's go!"

Without hesitation, they sprinted toward their wands but they couldn't reach them. But Tom Riddle, was not one to be underestimated. With a furious hiss, he raised his wand and sent a barrage of dark curses hurtling toward them.

Nadine's heart raced as she felt the dark magic crackling in the air. She knew she needed to protect Harry and herself. Nadine turned to face Tom Riddle, her expression determined. She had to use her powers...

Tom Riddle, now fully composed, advanced on them once more, his intent clear—to stop them from escaping and thwart their mission. The chamber echoed with the clash of spells as Nadine engaged in a fierce magical duel with the doppelgänger of Voldemort himself.

Sparks flew, curses were deflected, and the chamber's eerie echoes were filled with the intensity of their confrontation. Nadine's mind raced, drawing upon her knowledge of her innate magical abilities to hold her own against the formidable adversary.

As the fierce magical duel raged on in the chamber, Tom Riddle, growing increasingly frustrated, realized that he needed to take more drastic measures to gain the upper hand. With a malevolent grin, he raised his wand high and hissed an incantation in Parseltongue, summoning the Basilisk from the depths of the chamber.

The chamber trembled as the monstrous serpent emerged from the shadows, its colossal form coiled and ready to strike. Its venomous fangs dripped with deadly poison, and its cold, unblinking eyes fixed upon Nadine, and Harry, with a hunger for blood.

Nadine's heart sank as she gazed upon the terrifying creature. The Basilisk was a formidable adversary, and its mere presence sent shivers down her spine. She knew they had to act quickly and decisively if they were to survive this perilous encounter.

Nadine, and Harry prepared to face not only Tom Riddle but also the deadly Basilisk that threatened to strike them down. The chamber had become a battleground where the fate of Hogwarts hung in the balance, and they were determined to confront this new, horrifying challenge head-on.

"I'll protect Ginny," Nadine declared firmly, her eyes locked on the menacing Basilisk. Harry nodded in agreement, understanding the urgency of the situation. He steeled himself for the impending battle with the deadly serpent.

With a swift and coordinated effort, Harry and Nadine positioned themselves between the Basilisk and Ginny's petrified form. The colossal snake reared back, its venom-dripping jaws wide open, ready to strike.

Nadine's mind racing for a something that could deter the Basilisk. She remembered hearing about the creature's vulnerability to a rooster's crow, but they had no rooster to rely on in the chamber.

Nadine, using her unique magical abilities, channeled her energy into a protective shield, creating a shimmering barrier between the Basilisk and her friends. It was a tense standoff, with the Basilisk striking at the shield repeatedly, its deadly fangs inches from their faces.

The Basilisk's relentless focus on Harry had Nadine feeling helpless, but she refused to be a mere spectator in this perilous battle. She had to find a way to assist Harry and divert the Basilisk's attention before it was too late.

As Harry continued to evade the relentless pursuit of the Basilisk, panic threatened to consume him. The serpent's deadly fangs snapped dangerously close with each strike, and he knew that one wrong move could mean the end. He desperately searched for a way to gain the upper hand in this perilous battle.

Suddenly, a brilliant burst of flames and radiant feathers filled the chamber as Fawkes, Dumbledore's loyal phoenix, soared into the fray. With a majestic grace, the phoenix dived towards the Basilisk, its fiery plumage illuminating the chamber with a warm, golden light.

Indeed, Fawkes, with a final, brilliant burst of flames, blinded the Basilisk, leaving it thrashing blindly in agony. The serpent's deadly strikes became wild and unpredictable, and it posed no further threat.

Nadine, and Harry watched in relief as the Basilisk's movements grew weaker and more disoriented. Fawkes, with his gentle and soothing song, hovered protectively over them, his presence a source of comfort in this dark and treacherous chamber.

As Harry ran, desperate to evade the relentless Basilisk, Tom Riddle's chilling voice echoed through the chamber. "He can still hear you," Tom taunted, relishing the fear and uncertainty that gripped Nadine.

Nadine couldn't help but glance back at the writhing serpent and Harry's dwindling figure in the distance. She clenched her wand tightly, knowing that they couldn't let Tom Riddle have the upper hand.

"Stay strong, Ginny," Nadine whispered to the unconscious girl, hoping that her words would somehow reach her. She then turned her attention back to Tom Riddle. "What do you want, Riddle? Why are you doing this?"

Tom Riddle's cold, humorless laughter sent shivers down her spine. "Why, my dear, I want to finish what I started. To cleanse Hogwarts of all those unworthy of magic. And you, Nadine, have quite the potential."

Nadine gritted her teeth, refusing to show fear. "You won't get away with this. Harry will stop you."

Tom's crimson eyes glinted with malevolence. "Will he? You see, Nadine, he's rather preoccupied at the moment. And as for you, well, it seems you have a choice to make."

Nadine's mind raced, searching for a way out of this dire situation. She couldn't let Tom Riddle succeed. Her gaze flicked to Ginny, still unconscious, and then to her palms. She knew what she had to do.

With a determined resolve, Nadine raised her hands, her voice unwavering. "You won't win, Riddle. I won't let you harm anyone else."

Tom Riddle's twisted grin widened as he advanced toward her, his wand at the ready. The battle between light and darkness raged on in the depths of the Chamber of Secrets, and Nadine was determined to be the beacon of hope that would guide them out of this darkness.

Nadine quickly scanned the chamber, her mind racing as Harry rejoined the fray, the echoing hisses of the Basilisk drawing nearer. Her eyes landed on the old, weathered Sorting Hat perched atop a dusty stone pedestal.

As Harry shouted, "Nadine, find something useful!" the Sorting Hat seemed to call out to her with a silent promise of assistance. Without hesitation, she dashed toward it, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

With a firm grasp, she snatched the Sorting Hat from its resting place and jammed it onto her head. The hat's brim fell low over her eyes as she focused on the task at hand. "Sorting Hat, please, I need your help!"

Nadine reached into the Sorting Hat, her fingers brushing against something cold and metallic. She pulled out the gleaming blade of Godric Gryffindor's sword, its surface reflecting the dim light of the chamber. "Harry!" she yelled and tossed the sword to the boy.

Harry, his eyes wide with surprise and determination, caught the Gryffindor sword as Nadine tossed it to him. He felt its familiar weight in his hand and knew that this was their chance to confront the Basilisk.

"Thanks, Nadine!" Harry shouted, his voice filled with gratitude. Gripping the sword tightly, he turned toward the approaching serpent.

Nadine took a deep breath, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and resolve. The Basilisk slithered into the chamber, its enormous form casting a menacing shadow. Its forked tongue flicking in and out as it prepared to strike.

Nadine watched in tense silence, her eyes darting between Harry and the Basilisk, ready to provide any assistance she could. She concentrated all her magical prowess on the Basilisk, attempting to slow its movements and disrupt its focus. She delved into the serpentine mind, a place of primal instincts and ancient malevolence. The serpent's emotions were a chaotic blend of hunger, anger, and determination.

As Harry continued his fierce battle with the Basilisk, the serpent's movements became more sluggish. Its hissing grew less coherent, and its strikes less precise. Nadine's influence was having an effect, but it was a constant struggle to maintain her hold on the creature's emotions.

With the gleaming blade of Godric Gryffindor's sword in his hand, Harry took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. The Basilisk, now slowed by Nadine's mental influence, loomed before him, its massive form coiled and ready to strike.

"Stay back, Nadine," Harry warned, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination.

Nadine, though drained from her efforts, nodded and took a few steps back, her eyes fixed on the deadly creature before them.

Harry faced the Basilisk, its yellow eyes filled with malevolence fixed on him. He knew he had only one chance to strike, and it had to be perfect.

The Basilisk lunged, fangs bared, but Harry was quicker. With a mighty swing, he brought the sword down, aiming for the creature's head. The blade met its mark with a resounding clash.

The Basilisk let out an agonized hiss, its massive body writhing in pain. Green blood spurted from the wound, sizzling and burning the chamber's stone floor.

"Die, you monster!" Harry yelled, his voice filled with a mix of anger and relief.

As the Basilisk's thrashes grew weaker, Harry landed the final blow, severing the creature's head from its body. The serpent's lifeless eyes stared back at him, and its massive form collapsed in a heap.

Nadine watched the gruesome scene, her expression a mixture of awe and horror. Tom Riddle, who had been watching the battle with a sinister grin, recoiled in shock and fury.

"No!" Tom Riddle shouted, his voice echoing through the chamber. "You will pay for this, Potter!"

But it was too late. The Basilisk, the deadly guardian of the Chamber of Secrets, had been defeated. Harry, breathing heavily and covered in sweat, turned to Nadine with a triumphant smile.

Harry's face was growing paler by the minute, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead as the venom continued to course through his veins. He slumped down beside Nadine and Ginny, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

Nadine's voice quivered with worry. "Harry, we have to get you help."

But Tom Riddle, his form growing more solid as he absorbed the fear and despair in the chamber, taunted them. "It's too late, Harry. The venom is in your blood now. You won't survive."

Harry, determined and defiant as ever, clenched his teeth and raised the diary high above his head. "I'll die before I let you win, Riddle."

With a forceful thrust, he stabbed the diary with the fang of the Basilisk, causing it to split open. Black ink oozed from its pages, and the spectral form of Tom Riddle screamed in agony as he disintegrated into nothingness.

Ginny, who had been lying petrified nearby, slowly began to stir. Her eyes fluttered open, and she gasped as the reality of her surroundings hit her. She looked around, her gaze falling on Harry, Nadine, and the remains of the destroyed diary. Weak but alive, Ginny tried to sit up.

Nadine rushed to her side, relief washing over her. "Ginny, you're okay! You're going to be fine."

Ginny nodded, still dazed but grateful to be awake. "Harry, is he okay?"

Nadine's attention turned to Harry, who was breathing heavily and clutching his wound where the Basilisk's fang had pierced him. His face was ashen, and he looked weaker by the second.

Fawkes, Dumbledore's loyal phoenix, suddenly appeared in a burst of flames. He let out a mournful cry as he landed beside Harry and gazed at the wound. The tears from his brilliant red eyes fell onto Harry's wound, and a warmth spread through Harry's body.

Nadine watched in awe as Fawkes's tears worked their magic. The wound began to close, and Harry's complexion slowly regained some color. The excruciating pain that had contorted Harry's features lessened.

But Fawkes, with a final mournful cry, healed Harry's wound completely. Harry took a deep breath, feeling renewed strength coursing through him.

"Thank you, Fawkes," Harry whispered, his voice filled with gratitude.

Fawkes trilled softly in response, as if reassuring Harry that he would always be there when needed.

With Tom Riddle's defeat and Harry on the path to recovery, Nadine, Ginny, and Fawkes helped Harry to his feet. They knew they needed to get out of the Chamber of Secrets and back to the safety of Hogwarts.

As they left the bathroom behind, she couldn't shake the feeling that they had truly made a difference in the world of magic.

But their adventure was far from over, and the mysteries of Hogwarts would continue to unfold in their second year at the magical school.

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