Shudders: Retribution

By Lilas___

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[Tsundere and Yandere Demons x Reader] A world where demons and humans can live amongst each other. ... More

Chapter 1 - The Awakening
Chapter 2 - The Savior
Chapter 3 - The Kill
Chapter 4 - The Trailer
Chapter 5 - The Fabric
Chapter 6 - The Geese
Chapter 7 - The Motel
Chapter 8 - The Trees
Chapter 9 - The Stable
Chapter 10 - The Stable pt. 2
Chapter 11 - The Partners
Chapter 12 - The Map
Chapter 13 - The Storm
Chapter 14 - The Skull
Chapter 15 - The Vines
Chapter 16 - The Shot
Chapter 17 - The Boy
Chapter 19 - The Trio
Chapter 20 - The Guns
Chapter 21 - The Moment
Chapter 22 - The Stunt
Chapter 23 - The Alone
Chapter 24 - The Repeat
Chapter 25 - The Questioning
Chapter 26 - The Bittersweet
Chapter 27 - The Disturbance
Chapter 28 - The Confrontation
Chapter 29 - The Decision
Chapter 30 - The Ambush
Chapter 31 - The Realization
Chapter 32 - The Argument
Chapter 33 - The Help
Chapter 34 - The Gap
Chapter 35 - The Training
Chapter 36 - The Robbery
Chapter 37 - The Sewers
Chapter 38 - The Appreciation
Chapter 39 - The Dream
Chapter 40 - The Peace
Chapter 41 - The Note
Chapter 42 - The Broken Heart
Chapter 43 - The Hostage
Chapter 44 - The Oblivious
Chapter 45 - The Apology
Chapter 46 - The Cut
Chapter 47 - The Train Yard
Chapter 48 - The Mother
Chapter 49 - The Love
Chapter 50 - The Address
Chapter 51 - The Release
Chapter 52 - The Despondent
Chapter 53 - The Answer
Chapter 54 - The Interrogation
Chapter 55 - The Make Up
Chapter 56 - The Covetous
Chapter 57 - The Clash
Chapter 58 - The Room
Chapter 59 - The Hold
Chapter 60 - The Traitor
Chapter 61 - The Fate
Chapter 62 - The Party
Chapter 63 - The Peril
Chapter 64 - The Puppet
Chapter 65 - The Lovers
Chapter 66 - The End

Chapter 18 - The Beach

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By Lilas___

     She didn't know what to expect about Yama's home...

     But it certainly wasn't this.

     It's clear that the doctor has been rather busy with his scavenging by how cluttered everything was. Multiple shelves and bookcases filled with all sorts of things lined the walls of the small cabin. On one shelf was a stack of medical and science magazines, on another, was a bowl filled with random keychains, on another, were different knick knacks, but most of all was the overwhelming amount of books he kept. Some books had to be stacked up on tables from the bookcases being overfilled.

     The kitchen wasn't safe either. More books were stacked onto the counters, a rack filled with different knives from pocket ones to a cleaver. There was another bowl off to the side filled with random keys of all shapes and sizes whether they were normal keys or keycards. She checked the fridge and only found bottles of water and small coolers inside.

     She stepped out of the kitchen and continued observing everything. She walked over and took a seat on a hammock chair that was sitting against one of the bookshelves. She felt herself swing back and forth slightly before reaching up and grabbing one of the stacked magazines.

'Physics Today: New Frontier Edition'

      Something about a meteor being found in the Arctic. She flipped through it and saw all the things related to science and innovation from way before. Glimpses into the world that once was.

     She wondered if people back then ever expected the world to turn out like this. Everything in this magazine looked so strange to her.

      A door opened in the back and she glanced over to see Yama, now in a white t-shirt, emerge from a bedroom but turn into the bathroom on the right.

     She leaned forward the get a better look at the open bedroom and saw a singular king-sized bed inside. Those were so hard to come by. How did he get one?

Yama walked out of the bathroom carrying a wet rag in his hand that he used to wipe his face off with. (Y/N) watched him walk past her and towards the side door that she used to enter the cabin due to the front being locked.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" She asked. She was aware of how fast a demon heals now but the wound had to be still fresh.

"Just checking something." He answered before opening the door and heading outside.

      After the trouble they just went through today, she would think he would be taking a load off after returning to his home.

      Her eyes went from the door towards the two back rooms, deciding to take a chance to explore them while he was busy.

     She got up from the hammock and proceeded down the hall. There was a small closet opposite the bathroom filled with random boxes of stuff. But the bathroom was free from the clutter. It was rather small too. The sink, toilet, and bathtub were almost pressed against each other. But she noticed the toolbox filled with medical supplies and tools sitting on the brim of the tub. It was even more than what he carried.

     Leaving the bathroom she then went to the bedroom. She pushed the door open some more and peeked inside.

      The king bed took up a lot of space. It was pressed as far it can go on one side of the room while the other had a desk with an old swivel chair filled with even more books, papers, journals, and maps.

      And she thought she had a book problem...

     She went further inside the room and took a seat on the bed. Her eyes widened at how soft it was that she had to get up and take a seat again.

     It wasn't long until she moved to lay fully on the bed stomach first. The blankets weren't scratchy, the pillows didn't feel like rocks, even the mattress formed underneath her that she felt her sore muscles fully relax. His bed felt amazing. It's been so long since she's laid in one that hasn't fallen victim to the elements.

      She let out a relaxed exhale, not wanting to get up. She could smell the scent of her partner all over. Like old books and wood. She didn't mind it at all.

"What are you doing?"

      Her eyes widened and she pushed herself up to see Yama standing in the doorway with his eyes narrowed at her.

      Instantly her face warmed up. "I was- I was just-"

      A very stern look appeared on his face that made her feel even more embarrassed.

"I was just- looking. Around." She muttered.

"Are you done? I need your help with something." He started turning to leave, not giving her a chance to reply.

      She got up from the bed to follow him but it felt like a crime to leave. It was so comfy.

"I'll be back for you." She dramatically whispered to the piece of furniture but Yama heard and rolled his eyes. She wasn't sleeping in his bed.

      The girl followed him outside the cabin and she was able to actually take in the surroundings that she wasn't able to before.

      It was a beach. A pretty small cut-off portion of a beach. It was surrounded by rocky cliffs and shrubs that blocked the small cabin from sight on all sides besides the water. The cabin was towards the back and faced the large lake that stretched for miles. She couldn't see any other shores but the view of the horizon was breathtaking. The starry night sky touched the dark waters while the moon gave off its faint shimmery glow on the water. The ground below was filled with sand and some weeds. Clumps of it stuck to her boots and left deep footprints with each step she took. It was pretty hard to walk through the sand but Yama must've placed wooden boards down to make it easier. They led from the side door of the cabin to a hole in the rocky cliff that was covered in vines and weeds, hiding a hidden path inside.

      That was where she and Yama emerged from. Where he pointed before he passed out was a small boating shop near the cliffs that left (Y/N) confused until she found a secret hatch behind the counter that was covered by crates and barrels.

     The passage led underground into the interior of the rocky cliffs. She had to follow a pretty long and narrow path that was hard to get her and Yama through but once she reached the exit was when she found his cabin.

     Tucked away from the world. Hidden from sight.

      That must be what he meant by no one's ever found it. She almost didn't find it if he didn't give her that clue about where to go.

      She followed Yama over to the entrance of the hidden path and watched him crouch down with a wire in his hands that he unraveled. He attached it to a small box tucked underneath some rocks motioning for the girl to grab the other end. "Go right there and hold this steady. Keep it straight."

      She took the wire and went to where he instructed on the opposite side of the entrance. She soon realized this was a trip wire.

"What is it connected to?" She asked, looking around.

"Above you."

      She wished she didn't look. Above was a makeshift wooden balcony that held tons and tons of large rocks and boulders that if the wire was to snap, you would be crushed to death.

"Never had it go off, " He muttered. "but it's better safe than sorry."

"Was it set up when we came in..?" She gulped.

"I disarm it when I leave. It's to keep others from sneaking up on me while I'm here." Yama finished the wire on his side and moved to work on her side.

     She sat next to him while he worked to carefully set it up. He must've thought of everything. Secret home, secret passage, secret traps. She couldn't imagine thinking any of this up.

"How long have you lived here?" She asked. "Judging by all of the stuff you have it must've been a while."

"I lost count." He slowly answered, trying to focus on not messing up.

     Somewhere between 15 to 17 years. It took him a while to come across somewhere good. When he stumbled across this place and saw the potential, it wasn't long before he claimed it as his own.

"And you don't mind me staying here, right?" She knows she asked this before but she didn't want to a bother to him. "I can live here too?"

"You're planning on leaving?" He questioned to which she immediately said 'no'. "Then I guess so."

      As long as she didn't break anything or invade his space. Which she already did when she laid on his bed. He would've been mad but for some reason, he didn't feel mad. A little annoyed but not how he thought he would've reacted.

     Still, she had the couch and the hammock to sleep on. Or even the floor. Just not his bed.

     She leaned back on a rock and scooped up some sand into her hand. A deep sigh escaped from her breath when her mind struck the Elitists again. "Do you think they'll find this place?"

      He knew who she meant by they and glanced over at her.

"They found us all the other times..." It worried her. She never knew if she was truly safe from them.

"You're the first demon to ever set foot here besides myself. They won't find you." He turned back to finish the wire and got up to inspect the trap one last time.

     He glanced up at the rocks above. "If they do, it wouldn't be for long."

     After arming up the rest of the small beach with (Y/N)'s help, he kicked sand off his boots before entering the cabin and throwing the tools he used back into a toolbox situated on the kitchen counter.

     (Y/N) walked in after him and stretched her limbs tiredly while letting out a yawn. She didn't know what time it was but it had to be well past midnight. Maybe closer to the morning. She was exhausted.

      Thinking about his soft bed again. It would be heavenly to sleep in right now.

"You can have the couch or the hammock."

"What?!" She immediately turned to her partner who only raised an eyebrow at her surprise. "What?"

"But your bed-"

"Yes, my bed. Not yours."

"But it's so comfy!"

"I know that."

     Her eyes glanced at the couch. She didn't even have to touch it to know it couldn't compete with the bed. Same with the hammock. It was just a blanket tied to two poles.

"You slept on worst. I'm sure of it." It was clear that her comfort wasn't his concern. He simply went to grab his journal out of his rucksack and the map he took from the library and went over to a small fireplace to pin the map onto a wall full of papers.

    (Y/N) trudged over to the old brown couch and felt a cushion. It felt scratchy against her skin. When she took a seat, it felt as if she was sitting on a table and the scent of the lake was so strong. Where did he find such a glorious bed that puts this couch to shame!? He expects her to just sleep on this thing?!

     While Yama pinned the map to the wall, he can hear the girl uncomfortably moving around the couch trying to make the most of it. She moved from one position and then flipped over to another. Dramatically huffing with each attempt. After a couple more tries she gave up and groaned on her stomach with her arms hanging loose to the floor. 

     His bed was beginning to haunt her thoughts.

     She rested her head on its side so she can see her partner and furrowed her eyebrows. "Did you ever sleep on this thing?"

"Why would I do that? It's not comfortable." He spoke which earned a glare from her. "You're not sleeping in my bed. Stop asking."

"But it's big enough for the both of us-" She reasoned but he turned to give her an annoyed look which she returned back to him.

"This isn't a hotel. It's my cabin. You should be happy you aren't sleeping on the ground outside."

     She lowly growled and turned her head away while he went back to the map, finally getting her to give it up. Or so he thought.

"Just for one night?" She sweetly asked.

     When he turned back around, she was now sitting up with her hands together as if she was praying while trying to muster the most innocent eyes she can make. When he still looked unimpressed, she dropped the act. "At least until I can fix this thing. I'm exhausted."

     The male demon let out a long dragged-out sigh. What was she going to ask for next? His possessions? The clothes off his back? His soul?

"Fine. If you'll stop asking." He grumbled. He wasn't planning on sleeping right now anyway. "But only for tonight."

     Instantly her face lit up again despite her tiredness. "Really?!"

"Should've just kept walking..." Yama grumbled to himself which made her giggle.

     She gave him a quick thank you before she practically ran to the back and he heard her dive into the bed with a satisfied groan. The girl wasn't kidding when she said she was exhausted, it didn't take her long to fall asleep after the events that transpired. Walking for such a long distance, having to fight off demons, then having to practically carry Yama and spend hours saving his life. She was drained and just wanted to relax.

    After some time charting the map and all of the ground he has covered, Yama took a step back to admire his work. Nearby towns, roads, and highways were all good. He knew every single route and building like the back of his hand at this point. 

     His red eyes traveled over to the closest major city east of them. It was the largest and no doubt the most dangerous area to be in. Trouble around every corner and in every shadow. It was cut off by a large lake that split the city in half and somewhere inside was an island that sat small in comparison to the towering buildings that loomed over it.

     Remembering how he wanted to take it, hustle up a group of demons to try and overrun the place before kicking everyone out. He was glad he didn't go forward with it.

     Hesitantly, he moved his eyes further up north into the country they had just come from. Somewhere in there was his brother. Someone he's had to look out for his whole life but he's gone now. 

     Then there was his human friend. He had to look out for her twice until she was able to find her way home. But she's gone too. He wouldn't blame her if she decided to remain underground after everything she went through.

     Now it was just him. He chose this lonely life. He could've stayed with the humans or found some demons to accompany him but he got sick of being dragged into the troubles of others. These 20 years have been pretty rewarding anyway. He found a place to call home, had an abundance of time to dedicate to himself, hasn't had to deal with too much trouble. He wouldn't change that part for anything.

     But another part of him did miss having at least one person around. That person being Akai most of the time.

     A soft snore interrupted his thoughts. It came from his room. Immediately the face of his 'partner' popped into his head. That concerned expression she was giving him. She got his unconscious self to the safety of his home and even managed to save his life from that weird guy's blood. He saw the amount of infected blood she had to extract into the bucket that was now sitting outside away from the cabin. He still feels woozy from it but he much preferred feeling tired over being dead.

     He was so used to saving others that he never expected her to do the same for him. Wasn't even a thought that crossed his mind until now.

     He gave one last look at the map before tiredly heading for his room with his bed that she was desperate to sleep in. It started to seem fair now after what she did for him. 

     When he reached the room, his eyes immediately found the girl laying on her stomach fast asleep. She had taken her flannel and boots off and was only in her t-shirt and jeans. 

     She must've tried being considerate to leave some space for him. Her body was close to the wall and she kept her limbs from spreading out by cuddling on top of one of his pillows. Her back and shoulders lightly rose and fell with each breath she took. She seemed so relaxed compared to how he normally sleeps. Even here he keeps his guard up just in case but it was like she felt completely safe here. In his home.

     In his bed.

     Yama didn't realize how many minutes went by of him just watching the girl sleep that he was almost ignoring his own exhaustion. Something about watching her look calm made him feel calm too.

      He finally pulled his eyes away and began kicking his boots off. Tomorrow he was going to make sure that the hidden path to his beach was completely hidden. He didn't have any more trips to make any time soon, much preferring to stay off the roads for a while.

      (Y/N) shifted a little when Yama got into the bed, moving slightly onto her side facing him before settling back down. The male demon closed his eyes and laid on his back on his own side of the bed, leaving some distance between her and him. Her soft breathing mixed in with the muffled sounds of the waves outside. It was like a comfortable silence that wasn't completely quiet at the same time.

       Just listening to her sleep, he couldn't help opening his eyes and glancing over to her in the dark room that was only being lit by partial moonlight. 

       His hand moved up to carefully move some of her (h/c) hair away from her face before his fingers lingered against her head for a few seconds. 

      He couldn't look out for his brother anymore.

      He was done looking after his human friend.

      And he's looked after himself long enough.

      Might as well keep looking after her if she was going to look after him in return.

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