The Soul Keepers Daughter


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People say the underworld is a dark and horrid place but it really isn't I was born there. Yes it can be bad... More

Chapter One
Chapter 3

Chapter Two

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I woke up and I couldn't see anything. It was bright, and all these sounds were so loud. I couldn't focus on anything. Luckily Gene came and helped me overcome my inability to do anything.

He had me in a tight hug, he was saying something but I couldn't hear his words but it felt comforting.

When I regained my senses it was breathtaking. There was a lot of green. As I was taking it all in my eyes met Gene's eyes. He was so close and I could feel his breathe on me. I just really wanted to kiss him but I stopped myself. I mean what would my father think as soon as I leave my father I start this.

I quickly turned away and tried to get up but my balance wasn't on my side and I ended up falling pulling Gene with me.

We just stayed there in awkward-ish silence until he abruptly got up and said the most formal thing I have ever heard him say, and take into consideration tht I have known him for most of my life.

"Ok so let's start heading out." Gene says in a very odd tone and I think he had a tiny tint of red on his cheeks

"Yup tht sounds like a good plan." I say with a very obvious shade of pink on my cheeks.

"We are going to the village Kassiwori, its people know me so we have to keep a low profile, got it." Gene says finally looking me in the eyes.

"Why do we have to keep a low profile?" I ask

"Cause if we are seen than they will most probably imprison us, pluse I might have stolen a lot of valuable items and information." He says scratching the back of his neck.

"Really Gene you had to steal from this place!" I sarcastically ask in a aggressive tone.

Let's just get going, you think u can walk? Or should I carry you? He says with a smirk.

"I think I can wa-" I say getting up but there was something pulling me to the ground again.

I will take that as a no, clime on my back." He said leaning down so I could pull myself into his back.

Once I was on his back the journey began luckily it wasn't that far to Kassiwori so we made it by sundown which is a confusing thing. We track time by watching where a giant ball of fire the lives in the sky.

When we got there we were bombarded by a group of guards and they separated me from Gene and put him in a cell, and I was asked over and over why I was with such a monster and my awnser was 'he is not a monster' every time but they just looked confused some shocking there heads.

"Why? Why do you say he isn't a monster, he is a Shadow Hunter and has done some horrible stuff to innocent people?" One of the guards asked.

"Finally a new question." I mutter to myself. "I don't think he is a he is a monster because I know him and have known him since he turned, I know he was one of you. He told me stories of how there was a great village that stands, were the guard force is so strong and there is a group of valiant guards that have formed a group called The Wavryn Watchers who protected all and he had the honor to serve alongside these amazing people. I always dreamed of meeting these people but I should never have wanted that." I say almost in tears. "I really wish I was back in the underworld" I say to myself quietly but not quiet enough.

"What did you say?" Another one of the guards asked.

"Shit, I uhhh said I wish I was back uhhh home?" I said hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"No, you didn't say that. You said that you wished to be back in the underworld. Why? Are you also a Shadow Hunter?" He asked pulling out his sword and putting it to my neck.

"Fine you got me I'm from the underworld, but I didn't really lie about wanting to go home. The underworld is my home. I was born there." I say in a harsh tone.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't cut your throat right now?" He asked pushing his sword deeper into my neck.

"I will give you to, there is the fact that my father will send his army after everything you hold close to you, and you don't want to kill Saint Era's daughter do you?" I ask sarcastically. As I finished speaking a woman came up to me and hugged me.

Uhh lady do you mind getting off me? I say confused.

Era you should leave you don't know wht she is capable of. The first guard stated.

"No I will not leave her again I can't. The lady I think called Era said through tears. Now untie her and bring me Gene at this instant." I ordered

Within an instant I was untied and following the mystery woman to a prison where Gene was.

"Gene!" I shout

"Lily! Are you ok they didn't hurt you right?" He shouted back. He looked worried.

No they didn't hurt me but I did find something else.... I say trying to hide it.

What did you find? Gene asked


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