
By Olorgin

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What does it mean to be human? Is it something to strive for when one is both so much more, and so much less... More

Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: New and Old Blood
Chapter 3: Preparations
Chapter 4: The Politician
Chapter 5: Food and Shelter
Chapter 6: The Mind of a Warslave
Chapter 7: Cold Dead Hands
Chapter 8: Human?
Chapter 9: Blood
Chapter 10: Confrontation
Chapter 11: Debrief and Rebrief
Chapter 12: The Coven
Chapter 14: Pride
Chapter 15: Anticipation
Chapter 16: The Wolf in the Mirror
Chapter 17: The Viper in the Mist
Chapter 18: A Swarm of ScorpionsThe Scorpion
Chapter 19: A Hunting Hound
Chapter 20: Killers

Chapter 13: Seeds of Change

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By Olorgin

The Wolf

"So, they're not actually here yet?"

The question annoyed him as any unnecessary question would. He knew why she asked, of course, but Wolf felt it fully unneeded for Iph to try and take control of the extermination part of the job. And his attitude reflected that, no matter how much he tried for it not to.

They were waiting at the harbour, where they had been told their intended targets would arrive. He'd been going over what little information they had been provided with.

"Is that not already implied in 'they'll arrive tonight'? Would they arrive here if they were already here?"

That was Wolf's problem. He always thought he knew, and always assumed the worst. Had she been one of the usual mages the Coven sent for him to work with, she would indeed be trying to take control of the conversation. As it was, he just saw her shoulders sag as he spoke. He had to remind himself that she was just nervous.

"Sorry, too much."

His apology didn't help much, but a little was more than nothing. He glanced over to where the surgeon was writing runes in a small book. She had filled over half the pages already, and he knew she'd already finished the second notebook that was tied to her belt.

"Yeah... stupid question anyways. So... the vampire was joining us?"

"He said he would, yes. Probably to brief us on how to deal with mages."

The sheer audacity of that statement helped her regain a little fire.

"Because I wouldn't know?"

"He's old, clever and experienced. He probably knows some tricks."

"So do I."

"And I, but you don't hear me complaining."

"You're not a mage."

Wolf shrugged.

"I actually have the aptitude for it. You met the reason for that."

"Right. Your biological mother, right? But you don't know her name either. So why didn't you learn?"

Wolf sat down on the ground, methodically cleaning one of his swords. The weapon didn't need cleaning, but it was routine for him to do so anyway.

"Time. We're not all clever enough to do three jobs on a professional level. I do one thing, that's what I'm good at and what I like doing. Learning spells is... tedious. Especially since I can do a lot of things without them already."

"But you could do even more. You're a well of untapped magical energy. You might even be able to cast without words, just like the Raven of the Coven."

"But then what would you be doing here?"

She smirked, her nerves forgotten for a moment.

"I could teach you. I'm a professional, after all."

"Right, in return for what?"

"How about you teach me to fight?"

Wolf shook his head.

"Amusing as that would be, you are too fragile for my kind of fighting. If humans are glass, then you're..."


"I'm trying to think of a nice way to say 'even more fragile'. Didn't manage."

"I feel like 'delicate' would be a nicer word."

"I was originally gonna go with 'a wet paper towel'. But I thought that might be a little rude for your delicate self."

Before she could retort, Wolf motioned her to be quiet, his grip on his sword changing. He'd heard movement, and he wouldn't be caught off guard.

A moment later, he recognised the scent, and relaxed.

"Our vampire is here."

Harkon was impressed, and made no effort to hide that, unlike what he had tried earlier. He'd tried to sneak up on them, half to test Wolf's senses and half because he had just felt like it.

"Hm, I'd say you're more perceptive than your father-"

"Greyhound's design is flawed, he can't exactly help it. First Generation seemed somewhat less receptive to the Third Generation enhancements."

"Sorry, poor phrasing on my part. I meant your senses are sharper than Fenris' are. If you two ever come to blows, you have to promise me I get to see that. It stands to be quite the spectacle."

Iph interjected, trying to steer the vampire back to the subject at hand.

"Getting a little ahead of yourself there. You came here to give us some additional information?"

"Ah, yes. Nothing too much, really. I am afraid that I must admit that it was somewhat of a poor ruse, so that I could be here in person."

Wolf rolled his eyes.

"Lemme guess, you wanna see how I fight?"

"Fully correct, young Wolf. But I do not come completely empty-handed. I have some interesting rumours as to what the Guild could be moving here."

Wolf jumped to his feet, walking up to the vampire.

"Do tell, what are they moving here, and why?"

"Some form of monster. Experimental, and created through several newly innovated alchemical procedures. It is honestly quite impressive how it is supposedly done, you see-"

"Please, save it for later. You can explain all about it someday, but when I'm properly drunk."

"Sorry. How familiar are you with golems?"

"It's a theoretical creature, but they haven't managed to make 'em move yet. Right?"

He looked at Iph for confirmation.

"Well... they move, but slowly and nowhere near fluently. There's no practical applications for a golem yet, especially with robotics making such massive strides."

Harkon nodded at Iph's statement, smiling with a glint in his eyes.

"Until a few days ago. They're bringing their results here to see how well they perform, but the Guild has made the first functional golems. They want to test them against some of GenTech's monsters on the island. They heard a rumour about a giant spider on the loose and thought it a great opportunity."

Wolf almost felt the regenerated flesh in his side tear again.

"I dealt with their opportunity. Not sorry about that either."

"Oh, the idea was poor, I won't argue on that."

Wolf looked at the surgeon.

"Think we can use that to get them to leave?"

"Maybe. It would make our lives a lot easier, at least."

"Good, because a ship full of people in trenchcoats is approaching, and that can't be anyone but mages."

Iph silently thanked the fact that she left her own trenchcoat in her closet. She'd considered wearing it, but was certain now she'd never have heard the end of it if she had.

Being stopped at the docks couldn't have been pleasant for the Guild mage in charge. Less pleasant was the fact that instead of an authority figure,he was met with what seemed to be a hobo vampire, a misplaced mage and some sort of deluded wannabe superhero.

"This has got to be a joke."

He hadn't even left the ship, and Hellpit was already living up to its name. He couldn't wait to leave. The vampire seemed the most relaxed of the group, simply taking in his surroundings in a casual manner. The mage, on the other hand, was on edge. She seemed... nervous was maybe the wrong word, but alert, a hand resting on what the man had no doubt was her spellbook.

When his eyes shifted to look at Wolf, he froze for a moment. The... creature he was looking at, it was something else. Obviously not human, its movements were too fluid and in some occasions far too quick to be human. He moved around all over the place, faster than the mage's eyes could follow.

That was on purpose, of course. A foe that was aware he was utterly outmatched was less likely to fight, and if they did, they would make mistakes out of fear, like he had done when fighting the giant spider.

The man had his nerves well under control, he had to give him that. He straightened his coat and took a deep breath, before starting with a steady voice.

"Representatives of the Coven, right? This is Guild business, nothing to do with you."

"This is Coven territory, meaning it has everything to do with us."

Iph's voice was as steady, though she had noticed the several dozen mages taking position on the deck. The man had too, and his relief was obvious to Wolf.

"Looks to me like you didn't bring enough people. Vampire's are scary, sure, but not to this many trained mages. Get off my ship."

"No talking then?"

"No. What are you gonna do? Kill us all?"

"Well..." Iph motioned towards Wolf. "That's what I have him for."

The man burst out in laughter.

"Girl, let me give you a lecture on numbers. Can you count?"

That was about where Wolf's patience ended. Iph saw that too, shrugging and motioning him to go ahead.

Which Wolf took as an opportunity.

"Those fancy golems of yours. Bring 'em out."


"Wrong answer."

Red was a nice colour. Wolf's favourite, to be exact. It gave him a warm feeling in his stomach. No wait, that was the blood. Fang and claw, it was enough to tear through fourteen mages, before their expressions changed to shock.

"Now, golems. Bring them here. I beat them, you leave. They beat me, you get to stay. Deal?"

There was no deliberation, their leader just nodded, and two cages were dragged to the deck. Both were made of solid metal plates, lined with runes. It was impossible to see inside, until they opened up. When they did, Wolf was disappointed.

"That's just walking rocks..."

Two humanoid shapes, formed out of stone, animated by currents of energy, surging across the surface of their stone skins, changing colour every four seconds.

"Please tell me they're more than a simple lightshow..."

Their speed was disappointing, leaving Wolf open to take a mercury shot as they approached. Only as fast as a human...

He avoided the first strike casually, dodging under the first golem's arm, testing its durability with a punch of his own, wishing that his own senses were lying.

They were not, he punched straight through. These things wouldn't have stood a chance against the giant spider.

He demolished the other one with a quick punch to its head.

"That's it?"

Disappointment dripped from his voice. He'd hoped for a bit of a challenge, but this was just pathetic. Luckily, another cage was dragged forward.

This one was bigger, and the stone creature inside was more wolflike in shape. It stood at three metres tall, the gemstones it had for eyes looking down towards the Warslave.

This construct was far more powerful than the two he had demolished so easily, and the leader of the Guild mages couldn't help but gloat a little, as if to regain some of his shattered confidence.

"This one... we call it Fenris, it's the most powerful construct the world has ever seen, golem or otherwise."

"Cute. When I break it, I might keep one of the eyes."

It pounced, moving the entire ship with it as it went. Wolf laughed, playfully darting aside. His mask flowed in place, giving his laughter a cold, mechanical sound. Hee stretched his arm, freezing the water around the ship, preventing it from moving.

As the creature leapt at him again, he stepped aside and cut at one of the legs with the same motion he used to draw his sword from his back. It struck before the guard and pommel had formed properly, shattering the right front leg of the construct.

It fell, and Wolf casually walked up to its neck, striking downwards to sever its head, before prying one of the eyes loose from the sockets of the beast.

The gem glowed in his hand, before settling on the same red colour as his own eyes. He quite liked the strange sensation coming from the gem. It calmed his mind, pushing the Bloodlust back, and silencing his thoughts. Maybe he'd ask Max to work it into his suit.

He turned to the mages on the deck.

"Told you it was just cute."

It was a whisper, uttered by one of the mages on the deck. He'd been covered in the blood of Wolf's fourteen first kills, and his knees had given out.

"What kind of monster is that?"

"The kind you failed to make. Seriously, what was that?"

He'd expected more, especially since the Coven's trap had been so obvious. Had he misjudged the situation?

As the ship left the island again, his mind kept mulling it over. Something was wrong, but he couldn't quite tell what.

Iph seemed more optimistic about it.

"That wasn't so bad."

"Yup... and that's what worries me."


"When have you known the Coven to be forgiving?"

"Never, but they don't directly lie either."

Wolf had almost forgotten Harkon was there.

"Well... this is likely to lead to conflict. The Coven and the Guild have never directly clashed before."

Wolf nodded.

"And given that we were to make sure they never returned..."

Iph sighed.

"They might just not let go then?"

Harkon turned to face his companions.

"Exactly. They're not known for outright lying, but trickery is another matter entirely. Remember, that's how they got you in the first place."

Wolf checked his claws for dirt, his mind racing.

"We'll force them if we have to. Far as I see it, you saved my life and now we've been on a mission together. That makes you one of us."

If she was surprised, she hid it well. Or maybe Wolf wasn't paying enough attention. Either way, she brushed it off.

"That easy?"

"You offered friendship first, you don't get to brush it off now."

The Coven's headquarters were already evidence enough that more was going on. The lone guard had been replaced by a group of battlemages, and at the first sight of their arrival, they were surrounded.

Things slowly started to make sense to Wolf as they were ordered to stand down.

"Fucking politics..."


Iph's hand had already moved towards her spellbook. She wouldn't be fast enough, but Wolf and Harkon would easily be able to buy her time to find her runes.

Wolf was more than ready to fight, having already figured out how to deal with the situation, when he stopped in his tracks.

"Stand down."

Weiss' voice was unexpected, and cut through his thoughts, breaking his focus. He clenched his fist in a reflex, hiding the trembling.

They were led to the same room again, now filled with several people. Wolf recognised the Raven of the Lodge, and a swift telepathic scan revealed the others as either high ranking members of the Guild or the Coven. The Guildmaster was an interesting case, as he seemed to be in on the play about to be performed.

The Raven of the Coven played her part magnificently, feigning shock as soon as they entered.

"Vincent, why did you provide her with a weapon?"

Weiss sat down, glaring at Wolf to signify that he was to remain silent.

"She is Coven, correct?"

"Was. She's made it clear she wanted to leave, and as of earlier today she is no longer a member."

The Guildmaster could barely hide his smile, much less an actor than the other two, apparently.

"We have fourteen dead, several wounded and three lost constructs. What compensation will be paid for that?"

Weiss waved his concerns aside.

"From our end, two commercial line Warslaves will be provided as an apology for the damage our product caused. It may have been in the wrong hands, but Wolf is still GenTech property and Swordpoint employed."

"Thank you, that is very gracious."

The mistress of the Coven placed a hand on the table.

"We have apprehended the criminal in question, and her vampire associate. The vampire seems to have been deceived and will be taken care of by his own employers, but the main culprit will be-"

"Left alone."

Wolf's anger had reached a boiling point, looking at this farce. Weiss shot him a furious look, but for the first time he was able to ignore it, even in his brother's absence.

"And none of you get a say in the matter."

"Wolf, I do not remember asking."

He ignored Weiss' interjection.

"And if I found any of you trying to harm her, inconvenience her or so much as look at her in a way that makes her uncomfortable, I will not just kill you, but everything and everyone you have ever cared about."

They had lost control of the situation. Wolf's anger radiated off him like a roaring fire, and most of the people present found it difficult to even look in his direction.

But Vincent Weiss had somehow missed his intentions. Or rather, he felt the fear, but the rational part of his mind knew that Wolf wouldn't attack him. Wolf had never had the strength to do so. There had been threats, but never to his face, not even with his twin in the room. And there had never been disobedience.

"Wolf is making this a GenTech affair. We will deal with it accordingly and-"

"That goes for you too." As Weiss' eyes met Wolf's, he saw that all rationality had gone from them. What was left was a beast, readying to fight for its... pack would be the right word in this case. "She is one of mine, and that means anyone, anyone that wants to hurt her, gets to deal with me."

There was a venom in his words that would have made his brother proud. The words were driven by adrenaline and hate alone. He wasn't even sure he would ever be able to repeat them, at least face to face with the CEO sitting at the table.

But for one short, hate filled moment, Weiss got to glimpse the difference between the obedient 47, and the Wolf for the first time.

He'd never admit it later, but he furiously wished he would never have to face something like that again.

He was exhausted. Anyone could see that in every movement he made.

Weiss hadn't come back to Phil's bar with them, much to Wolf's relief, but that hadn't helped with his exhaustion. As soon as they arrived, he slumped down on a chair, without explanation.

Greyhound had been setting up their command centre for their deployment. As soon as he noticed the others approaching, he informed Phil, stopping only when heard Wolf stumble as he entered the bar.

Harkon quickly caught the old Warslave up on what had happened, and concern quickly made place for a strange sense of pride in Greyhound.

"He'll be fine. Mental conditioning and emotions are fighting. He'll recover."

Iph sat down across from Wolf.

"Soooo... I just wanted to thank you. For what you did back there."

"Don't mention it. Wouldn't be returning the favour if you ended up dead. Besides..."

His hand moved past his eyes, and she could have sworn for a moment they had flashed a different colour.

"When I said that I considered you one of us, I meant it."

"Still, I can say thanks. Can't remember the last time someone barged into a room with some of the most powerful people in the world for me, and then continued to threaten all of them."

Wolf's smile was just exhausted.

"It's called problem solving. Turns out there's no problem you can't solve with violence. If they make themself a problem, I'll deal with them."

"What a gallant hero."

"Don't think that applies. Murderer will do."

Iph shrugged.

"All jokes aside, I appreciate it. Really."

"You're welcome."

Harkon found the Wolf strangely human like that.

"He makes friends quite easily, doesn't he?"

Greyhound shook his head.

"Connections limit his Core, so his mind always tries to form them, but I think saving someone's life is as good a basis for friendship as any. And given that they've both saved the other, I think them being friends isn't too strange."

"It's not what Fenris would have done."

"But then, he's not really Fenris' kid, is he?"

Those words were spoken with pride, as the Greyhound looked at his pupil.


That was the word he'd been told to use, as Wolf had been told to use mentor. The words rang familiar after nearly three decades of use, but they both knew they weren't the right words.

If it were up to the Greyhound, his son would outgrow him, and people like that surgeon would be essential for that.

And he would be there to help the Wolf, for as long as he could.

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