As it Will Be (Book 2)

De boredasf2021

926 28 2

The Sequel to "As it Was" After Hiccup and Elsa's engagement, Elsa wanted to help Hiccup heal from everything... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

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De boredasf2021

"Corona?" Hiccup asked. "I'm not familiar with that name."

"No one is." Flynn replied. "At least not anymore. After Pitch took over, he made it his mission to make sure that no one knew of this Kingdom."

"It rings a bell." Elsa said.

Hiccup and Flynn shot her a look of question.

"A really small bell." Elsa finished. "I think my mother mentioned it at some point when I was little."

"That doesn't make any sense." Flynn said. "How has someone from Arendelle heard of Corona?"

"Let's backtrack a little." Hiccup said, waving his hands in front of him. "How did you know we were from Arendelle?"

"This book called the-"

"Prophecy?" Hiccup and Elsa finished in unison.

"Exactly that." Flynn finished.

"It says you were supposed to come here." He started. "Well, at least this is the Kingdom you're supposed to mend together with Arendelle. I'm not magic or anything, and I definetly can't tell the future. That's all the Princess told me."

Before Hiccup or Elsa could speak, there was a sound nearby, causing Flynn to grab the pair and pull them in the shadows.

None of them spoke for they seemed to get an understanding of what was happening.

A few moments passed and Flynn spoke.

"Come inside, we can talk there."

Hiccup and Elsa were reluctant, but agreed and followed the man into his house which was a few doors down from where they were.

"Could you keep it down?" Flynn asked Hiccup. "Every other step you take it's a loud clanking sound. We have to be quiet."

"I literally have a prosthetic leg." Hiccup responded.

Flynn looked down and noticed the piece of metal attatched to Hiccup's limb.

"Oh, that's my bad." He said, quickly turning away to hide his embarrassment.

Elsa let out a muffled laugh.

Hiccup turned and gave her a look, but not a mean one.

Elsa cleared her throat and straightened her posture.

Flynn's comment was still funny. She couldn't help but let a laugh slip passed her lips.

When they walked inside the home, Flynn closed the door behind them, then turned.

"How do you know about Corona?" He asked Elsa.

"I think my mother was affiliated with them." She replied. "But I'm not sure."

"It just doesn't make sense to me." Flynn said, resting his chin in his hand. "Pitch erased all memory of it."

"Does that include people who possess magic?" Hiccup asked.

"Magic is a weird force." Flynn said. "I guess it could exclude those with such abilities."

"Well this one here possesses magic." Hiccup said, gesturing to Elsa. "Maybe that's why she remembers."

Flynn turned to Elsa who was standing with her arms crossed next to Hiccup's side.

"You possess magic?" He asked.

Elsa opened her mouth to reply, but her mouth closed when Hiccup responded first.

"Yes, she does." He said. "Can you tell me more about where we are?"

Flynn shot Elsa a look, then looked back at Hiccup.

"Well, it's under the control of someone named Pitch." He began. "He's an odd one to say the least. He has an ability to control what looks to be sand."

"Like black sand?" Hiccup asked.

Flynn nodded.

"He can create things from it too." He said. "Things that can kill a person."

His head dropped a little.

"He killed the King and Queen, then captured the Princess."

"Sounds familiar." Hiccup said, looking at Elsa. "The same thing happened in Arendelle."

"The King and Queen died?" Flynn asked.

"Well, not entirely." Elsa responded. "No one was killed, just captured. I'm the Queen of Arendelle, so the guy that took over there held me captive."

"Held you captive?" Flynn asked. "Could you explain more?"

"She had to listen to every command he gave her. He would hurt her if she didn't listen and he held her sister and brother-in-law captive in the cellar below the castle." Hiccup responded.

Flynn shot Elsa another look. She shrugged her shoulders in response.

"His name was Grimmel." Hiccup finished. "He was an evil man, if you would even call him a man. But he's gone now."

"Grimmel?" Flynn asked, turning his attention to Hiccup.

Hiccup nodded.

"That's Pitch's brother." Flynn said.

"He never mentioned a brother." Elsa said.

"That's because they hated each other." Flynn said, sitting at the dinning table. "They both had one goal: to rule the world. But they didn't want to rule together, so they split ways and started a bet to see who would win first."

Hiccup began pacing back and forth.

"That's stupid." He said. "Do they not care about the people they would rule over? It's inconsiderate."

"They're inconsiderate people." Flynn said. "They don't care about anyone but themselves."

Before Hiccup or Elsa could respond, the sound of church bells spread through the Kingdom.

"Excuse me." Flynn said standing up. "I have to go to the castle. Feel free to stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes."

With that, he walked out of the door, closing it behind him.

"You're quite the interruptor today."
Elsa said.

Hiccup placed his hands on his hips.

"We don't know who this guy is." He said. "He could be lying for all we know. I just wanted to make sure we could trust him."

"You don't trust me to speak for myself?" Elsa asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"It's not that." Hiccup said, waving his hands. "I'd just rather have it fall on me if he ended up being bad. We don't know what this Pitch guy is capable of. He could shapeshift or something."

Elsa thought for a moment.

"He knows about the prophecy." Elsa stated. "How would he know if he wasn't supposed to be a part of it?"

"Grimmel knew about it." Hiccup said. "I'm just saying that we have to be careful. We don't know who we can trust here."

Before Elsa could respond, the door opened. It wasn't just Flynn standing there, there was a woman with short brown hair standing next to him.

"Hiccup, Elsa, this is Rapunzel." Flynn said, gesturing to the woman next to him. "She's the Princess of Corona."

"It's nice to finally meet you!" She said cheerfully. It was quite odd, seeing as though she was in captivity of Pitch.

"Like Eugene said, I'm Rapunzel. I don't need a title." She said. "Makes me feel too important."

"Eugene?" Hiccup asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Eugene." Rapunzel said, looking at Flynn. "Did you tell them your name was Flynn?"

He nodded.

"I told you to stop doing that." She aaid, lightly punching his shoulder. "It's going to confuse them."

Eugene shrugged.

"Hey, I don't really know them." He said. "I thought the fake name would be best."

Hiccup shot Elsa a glare as of saying 'I told you so'.

Elsa responded with a glare that said 'shut up'.

"I'm sorry, he can be a little, absent minded at times." Rapunzel said. "He used to be a thief, but he's okay now."

Elsa gave a slight smile.

She didn't really like being here that much, but she knew she had to be. For Hiccup's sake.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" Elsa asked, puzzled.

"That's right, no one knows of this place or the people in it." Rapunzel said. "I was at your coronation in Arendelle. Our mothers were related, so that means we're related."

Elsa's eyes widened.

"Related?" She asked. She turned to Hiccup. "This can't be a coincidence."

"It's definetly not." Eugene said. "It's just like the prophecy projected."

"I take it this is the Kingdom that needs to be mended with Arendelle?" Hiccup asked, standing next to Elsa.

"Mended with Arendelle?" Rapunzel asked. "No, it's a Kingdom that needs to be mended with itself, not another Kingdom."

Hiccup and Elsa shot each other a confused gaze.

The prophecy they read at the ice mountain didn't mention half of the things these people had told them. It was like it was missing parts of the story. Important parts.

"It's confusing, I know." Rapunzel continued. "But I'll do my best to explain. Corona has been broken into what seems like a million pieces. The man that took over the Kingdom wants to rule the world. He's evil, just like his brother Grimmel. You know him, right?"

"Sadly." Hiccup replied.

"I'm order for Corona to be known by others again, the King of Dragons, which I'm assuming is you, helps the Kingdom and puts it back into the public."

"How would I do that?" Hiccup asked, crossing his arms.

"That's the thing." Rapunzel said. "We don't know. Pitch is more powerful than Grimmel. He has more strength and more willpower than he does, meaning that he will let nothing get in the way of his mission."

"I'm so confused." Elsa said. "What are we supposed to be doing here aside from helping Corona? We defeated Grimmel and Arendelle is now under my ruling again, but Hiccup doesn't own Corona, why is he the one that saves it?"

"We don't know that either." Eugene replied. "We don't know anything more than what we've told you already. We're still trying to figure things out."

"We just needed to wait for him to get here in order to do so." Rapunzel said, gesturing to Hiccup.

Hiccup, who was looking at the ground, his head resting in the palm of his hand, was deep in thought.

"We were hoping you knew." Rapunzel said. "We've been waiting for a while for you to get here."

"Well we don't know." Hiccup replied bluntly. "I'm sorry to disappoint."

He walked out of the house and leaned against the wall on the outside.

He was hoping to have a moment alone to think, but his hopes were diminished when he heard the sound of the door opening.

"Are you okay?" Elsa asked, leaning on her shoulder on the wall next to him.

"I just need time to figure it out." He replied. "I need to be alone."

Elsa gave him a confused look.

"I thought we were in this together." She said.

"We are." Hiccup replied, still avoiding her gaze. "Please go back inside. They might know something else if you talk to them."

"They already told us everything they know." Elsa said. "I trust them."

"I trust them too. Well, as much as I can, but there has to be something else." Hiccup said. "I need a moment to think."

"I think it would be better if-" Elsa began.

"Go inside Elsa." Hiccup said, interrupting her sentence. His voice sounded dark.

Elsa, who was taken back by his words, stared at him.

He was probably going to do something stupid if she went inside and she didn't want to leave him out here alone.

However, she didn't respond. She just turned back to the door and walked inside, closing the door behind her.

If he was going to do something stupid, she didn't want to be there to witness it.

When Hiccup heard the door close, he put his head in his hands.

"Mom, dad, please tell me what I am supposed to do." He muttered.

He knew he shouldn't have gotten upset with Elsa, but he needed to be alone to think. The people they met kept talking which made it harder for him to do so.

Now his mind was flooded with worry. Worry that he hurt Elsa's feelings and ruined her progress again. He didn't want that, but he didn't see another way.

Even though they were here because she wanted them to be, all he could do was think about her and her safety.

So why did he feel so selfish?

"Is he okay?" Rapunzel asked.

"He's fine." Elsa replied, her voice sounding dim. "He just needs a moment."

Rapunzel looked at her husband, then back at Elsa.

"You have magic, right?" She asked.

Elsa nodded in response.

"I used to have magic too." Rapunzel said.

Elsa looked up at her. "You did?"

"I used to have magic hair." She said. "I know, it sounds weird, but when my mother was giving birth to me, she was very sick. The guards found a magic flower that had the power to heal. She drank the mixture with the flower and I was born with the ability to heal anything if I sang a special song."

"What happened?" Elsa asked, noticing she said the word 'used'.

"Eugene over here cut it all off after an altercation with the woman who stole me for my ability." She pointed to her husband who was sitting at the table.

"I still think he could've made my hair a little longer."

"Hey, I was just stabbed." Eugene said, putting his hands up in defense. "I cut where I could reach."

"That's an amazing ability." Elsa said, ignoring his being stabbed comment. With the way things had been going, it was almost a normality to her.

"I can create ice and snow, so it's nothing like being able to heal."

"Ice and snow?" Rapunzel asked. "Are you saying that it's not cool?"

"It's just me." Elsa said. "I'm used to it by now."

"I'd love to see it!" Rapunzel said, sitting in the chair next to Eugene.

"Oh I couldn't." Elsa said, waving her hands. "It'll make a mess."

"We have a broom." Eugene responded, gesturing to a broom that was lying against the wall next to him.

Elsa hesitated, but decided it was only fair. Rapunzel had told her about her ability, she deserved to see hers.

She could thaw it, but she didn't think she'd be able too right now. Love was a difficult emotion for her to feel at the moment.

Elsa put her hands out in front of her, but before she could begin using her magic, the door suddenly opened.

Hiccup stood in the doorway.

"I know what we have to do."

Back in Arendelle, Anna was talking to Gobber as they walked the streets of Arendelle.

"This is the chapel." She said. "It's where everyone gets married. Elsa will probably choose the castle's courtyard, though."

"When do you think they'll be back?" Gobber asked, looking at the chapel.

"I'm not sure." Anna replied, her shoulders dropping. "They've been gone for almost four days now. Hopefully sometime soon."

"I really need to talk to him, ya know?" Gobber said. "I need to make sure he's alright."

"I want to make sure he's alright too." Anna stated. "Elsa as well. I started planning the wedding before she left, but she said they wanted to leave first and plan later."

"Ya got a list?" Gobber asked, turning the Anna.

She nodded and reached into her pocket.

"I'm not seein' any Berk traditions on this paper." He said, scanning the foreign writing.

"I don't know any Berk traditions." Anna said. "Only Arendelle ones."

"I can help with that." He said, looking back up at Anna, a smile on his face.

"That would be perfect!" Anna squealed. "Tell me about the traditions."

"You want us to what?" Rapunzel asked, her eyes wide after Hiccup explained what they should do.

"Think about it." He began. "Grimmel and Pitch are brothers, correct? Grimmel is dead, Pitch is alive, but the way people like that work is they feed off of each other's power. With one of them missing, the other's power should be dimmed, making it easier for us to win."

"But I don't get why you want us to go there." Eugene said. "If anyone goes to the castle after the bells ring for the second time, they get killed."

Rapunzel nodded.

"I don't want us getting killed." She said. "We're going to be King and Queen when this is all over. I can't rule without my husband."

"Husband?" Hiccup questioned. "I didn't know you two were married."

"Are you kidding me?" Rapunzel asked. "Was it not obvious?"

"It was." Hiccup replied. "I guess my mind is just clouded with whatever is going on right now. I didn't think about it."

He looked at Elsa.

She hadn't said a word since he barged back into the house.

He knew he struck a nerve in her by telling her to leave him be. He felt bad, but it worked. He noted that he would apologize later when they had a moment alone.

"Could we wait until tomorrow?" Rapunzel asked. "I have to go back, it would be safer and I could be a distraction."

Hiccup looked back at her.

"That sounds better than my idea." He said. "The plan will commence tomorrow. We all need rest. Tomorrow is going to be a big day."

"We definetly need rest." Rapunzel said. "We don't have another room, but the house two doors down is vacant and owned by us, so you both can sleep there for the night."

"Thanks." Hiccup said.

Rapunzel walked towards the door, motioning Hiccup and Elsa to follow.

Hiccup turned to Elsa, giving her a look that said she should go first.

She looked at him, then turned towards the door and followed Rapunzel.

"You better apologize to her." Eugene said before Hiccup walked out of the door.

Hiccup turned to face him.

"What?" He asked.

"She's been quiet since you walked back in." He said. "Something happened out there and you struck a nerve. If you want things to run smoothly tomorrow, you better apologize as soon as Rapunzel leaves."

Hiccup pursed his lips, then nodded. He turned back to the door.

"And I have nothing against what you guys do when you're alone," Eugene began, causing Hiccup to stop in the doorway once again.

"But she needs a better way of hiding those."

Hiccup, who was now embarrassed, didn't turn to look at Eugene, he just gave him a thumbs up and walked towards the two girls.

"Make sure you lock the door when you're settled." Rapunzel said. "Some people like to house hop at night. Supplies are limited and there are greedy people out there."

"We will." Elsa replied. "Thanks again."

Rapunzel nodded, then walked out of the door.

Elsa closed it behind her and turned the lock.

The atmosphere inside the house was cold. The silence in the room was unbearable and unnerving.

Hiccup listened to Eugene's words and opened his mouth to speak.

"I shouldn't have lashed out on you." He said.

Elsa continued to face away from him.

"I really needed to be alone to think." Hiccup continued. "My brain couldn't think when there was so much talking going on around me. I'm sorry Elsa, please forgive me."

He expected Elsa to start an arguement, so he nearly closed his eyes when he watched her turn his direction, but he didn't. He continued to look at her.

When she was facing him, the look on his face was one he would never forget.

"You shut me out." She said softly, her eyes filling with tears.

Hiccup wanted to run over to her and take her into his arms, but seeing as though she was vulnerable, he decided it would be best if he stayed where he was.

"Why would you do that?" She asked, her eyes locking with his.

"I-I didn't want to upset you." He stuttered, showing his nervousness.

Elsa was visibly upset with him. He kept preaching about how you can't do things alone and how he wanted her to be happy, but now, he caused the opposite.

"I see now that it was the wrong choice." He finished.

"It was the wrong choice." Elsa said, hugging her arms around her torso.

"It might not seem like a big deal to you, but that really hurt me, Hiccup." She said.

"I know, I know." Hiccup said, putting his hand on his face. "I messed up. If it's a big deal to you, it's a big deal to me. I didn't mean to hurt you, that wasn't my intention."

Elsa stayed silent, a tear almost falling down her cheek.

"I'm sorry, Elsa." He said, taking his hand off of his face. "The last thing I want to do is hurt you. I can't excuse my actions, I was wrong."

Elsa remained silent. She just stared at Hiccup who was trying to find the right words to say.

"I'm tired." She said softly. "I'm going to bed."

With those words, she walked passed him and went into the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Hiccup stood there, motionless. He really messed up this time.

He was convinced that if his father were still here, he would've reprimanded him and told him that was no way to treat a woman, let alone a woman you love.

He sighed and looked around the room.

He wanted to give Elsa space, so he decided he would sleep on the couch. However, he wasn't tired.

He unlocked the door and walked out towards the docks where Toothless was told to wait when they landed earlier.

"Hey bud." Hiccup said, sitting at the edge of the wooden dock.

Toothless noticed his rider's solemn mood and nudged his hand.

"I messed up." He said, looking at the water before him. "I upset Elsa. I don't know how I'm going to get out of this one."

Toothless cooed and lied down next to him, leaning his head on Hiccup's side.

"If dad were here, he would've scolded me." He said. "But I guess I'm doing that just fine on my own."

He sighed.

"I'm scared bud." He started. "I know I love Elsa and that I want a future with her. I don't regret proposing to her and asking her to have a future with me, but I just don't think I'm ready to do all of this."

Toothless tilted his head as if questioning his friends words.

"I mean me, King of Dragons?" He said. "Now I have to save this Kingdom from yet another man who wants us dead? This Kingdom isn't even mine, I don't get why it's on me. Not to mention I'm going to be King of Arendelle, a place I don't know much about. If you were listening the the traditions Elsa was talking about while we were flying, you'd have to know that I don't understand a single one of them. The townspeople are probably going to look at me as unfit to rule."

He looked up at the sky.

Though Pitch was just like his brother, they had their differences when it came to taking over a Kingdom. The sky was still clear. He could see all of the stars and the moon which shined on the small waves of the lake.

"I don't want to be a disappointment to them as well." He said. "For once, I want to be good enough for something."

In Arendelle, Anna and Gobber were going over their new wedding plans which now included Berk traditions.

"I think this is going to work out well." Anna said. "We made good compromises and now there are Berk traditions so Hiccup can feel more at home."

"He'll love it." Gobber replied, setting the paper down on the table. "Are you sure there's a band that can play the music? That was the one thing Hiccup always wanted at his wedding, if he ever had one that is."

"We have a band that plays at the castle for special events." Anna said. "They're basically on call. I'll just have to give them the music. The choir as well."

"Perfect." Gobber said. "Let's go find them and tell them our plans."

"Let me tell Kristoff I'm going out." Anna said. "I'll meet you at the gates."

Gobber walked away and Anna went to the ballroom where Kristoff was, telling the maids what needed to be cleaned and what needed to be moved.

"Kristoff, me and Gobber are going to go talk to the musicians and give them some music."

"What for?" He asked, turning towards her. "I thought Elsa liked the choir."

"She does." Anna replied. "But there's a tradition in Berk where they play music instead of have a choir during the ceremony. We thought it was be nice to put them both together, that way Hiccup can have something of his."

"I'm glad to see you're including his traditions." Kristoff said, turning back to the room.

"I felt bad for being jealous." Anna said. "I just want to make him feel at home."

In Corona, Hiccup woke up on the couch. He would have preferred the bed, but he didn't want to intrude on Elsa. He was pretty sure she was still upset with him.

He could sleep on any surface anyway.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He wasn't ready for the day ahead, he'd much rather be back in Arendelle.

He regretted making the decision to answer his questions. It felt selfish of him, to take Elsa away from her Kingdom, especially since she just became Queen again.

He could've been stronger and pushed them aside, but he wasn't. Now he felt nothing but dread.

If he could go back to the night he proposed, he would've kept his mouth shut.

He went to go knock on Elsa's door to wake her up, but the door was already open.

The room was empty, but the bed was made. Hiccup knew that Elsa had left already, so he decided to go back to the couples house they were at last night.

He opened the door. The sky was starting to brighten and the sun was peeking above the water.

He took a deep breath, but before he began walking, he caught a glimpse of someone sitting on the docks, their head lifted slightly to the sky.

It was Elsa.

He started to walk over there, but stopped when he got to the edge of the wood.

She looked so peaceful. She was wearing a different dress, one that seemed to go down to her ankles, but it was bunched up beside her so it didn't hit the water.

Hiccup just watched her and she took in the sunlight. He asked himself if it was the right idea to walk towards her.

Their argument last night hadn't been resolved. He didn't see it as a big deal, but he knew Elsa did, so he felt even worse than he usually would.

She was shut out most of her life, if not all of it. He liked his time alone, but he knew he shouldn't have told her to leave him alone.

He took a deep breath and slowly walked over to her, sitting down next to her and looking at the horizon.

Elsa kept her eyes closed, but she felt his presence.

"New beginnings." Hiccup said softly, not moving his gaze.

Elsa lowered her head and opened her eyes. She didn't speak.

"I want to apologize again." Hiccup started. "I should've let you stay. I shouldn't have shut you out. That's on me, much like many other things."

He turned to her and reached for her hand that was planted on the planks of the dock.

"Can we have a new beginning?" He asked, enclosing her hand in his.

Elsa turned to look at him.

"We can have a new beginning." She replied, smiling softly.

Hiccup smiled in response.

"I overreacted a little." She said. "It just reminded me of all of the other times I was told to go. It had nothing to do with you, yesterday was just weird for me. There's so much happening."

Her smile faded.

"I'm scared." She said.

"I'm scared too." Hiccup said. "But you have me, and I have you. We can be scared together."

Elsa's smile reappeared.

She rested her head on Hiccup's shoulder and turned back to the sunrise.

"Do you remember the first one we saw?" She asked softly.

"Like it was yesterday." Hiccup replied, resting his head on top of hers. "That one will always be my favorite."

"Why is that?" Elsa asked.

"It was the first one I saw that I felt like I belonged." He replied. "Something in that moment made me realize that I was exactly where I was supposed to be."

"Even though you kidnapped me." Elsa said jokingly.

"Hey, if I didn't kidnap you, we wouldn't be here." He replied with a slight chuckle.

"You have a fair point Sir Hiccup." Elsa said.

"I always have a fair point, Queen Elsa."

They sat for a moment, taking in the silence before the absence of it took over.

"Are you ready for this?" Elsa asked, still leaning her head on his shoulder.

He sighed.

"Not at all." He replied, rubbing his hand on her shoulder. "I'd rather be doing anything but this, but we're already here. There's no point in waiting anymore."

"I meant everything else." Elsa said, picking her head up and turning towards her fiancé.

Hiccup looked back at her.

"Do you mean the marriage?" He asked, understanding what she meant.

"I mean the marriage, and everything else that comes with it." Elsa replied. "I know I'm ready, but if you're not, I'll understand. It's a lot to take on, even more so right now."

She dropped her shoulders.

"I just don't want to make you feel rushed."

"I'm the one that proposed." Hiccup said. "I wouldn't have even thought of it if it wasn't something I wanted."

He ran his finger over the ring on her hand.

"I want to be with you." He began. "I want to wake up next to you, to live with you. I want to have a family and grow old with you. Everything that comes along with it I can handle, so long as I have you by my side. With you, my Queen, I can do anything."

Elsa gave a soft smile, but it faded when she answered.

"If I weren't the Queen, there wouldn't be anything for you to handle." She said.

"If you weren't Queen, I wouldn't be here right now." Hiccup said.

Elsa looked at him with a confused look.

"All of this was quite literally meant to happen. If you were some random woman, though if I met you I'm most certain I would still love you, we wouldn't be sitting here right now." He continued. "I'd still be in Berk, being the Chief no one looked up too."

He pulled her into his arms.

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

Elsa burried her head in his shoulder.

"Neither would I." She replied.

The sun had now found its place in the sky. The air was somewhat warmer, but it still felt a bit cold.

"What do you say we get this over with?" Hiccup asked, pulling his body away from hers.

She let out a small sigh, then nodded. With that, the pair made their way to Rapunzel and Eugene's house.

When they arrived, Eugene was standing outside of the doorway.

"It's about time." He said, uncrossing his arms. "Rapunzel has already gone to the castle, we should hurry before it's too late. We don't want to wait another day."

"We're sorry, we got a little carried away." Hiccup replied.

He turned to Elsa.

"Are you ready to win this?" He asked.

"I'm ready to win this." She replied, a smile forming on her lips.

Eugene was glad they settled their argument. He was hoping he didn't have to deal with the heavy atmosphere of a couples quarrels.

"Then let's get going." Eugene said, turning towards the direction of the castle.

"The bells already rang, so we're free to walk around." He said. "We just have to be careful when we get close to the gates. No one is supposed to go near there, so we have to keep a low profile."

Hiccup and Elsa nodded, showing their understanding.

Elsa had a look of fear on her face. When Hiccup took notice, he gently took her hand in his and gave her a reassuring smile.

She smiled back, and they continued walking towards the castle.

"Rapunzel, you're needed in the throne room." A maid said, peeking through the doorway.

"Thank you." Rapunzel replied.

She stood up from the table she was sitting at and walked to the doors of the throne room.

Before entering, she took a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing." She muttered.

She opened the door.

"There you are." A man said sitting on the throne. "I have some things I need you to do."

Rapunzel walked over to him and gave a slight bow, something she was required to do any time she was in his presence.

"Yes King Pitch." She said.

Pitch handed her a paper that was full of miscellaneous chores and duties, things he could easily do himself.

She read over the chores and that's when she came up with her plan of distraction.

"May I ask a few questions?" She asked.

Outside, Eugene, Elsa and Hiccup were hiding behind a brick wall, staying out of sight of the palace guards. Eugene was looking through the window that looked into the throne room.

He saw Rapunzel talking to Pitch who seemed to wear a face of annoyance. He knew what his wife was doing and understood that they had little time to spring into action.

"She's distracting him right now." He said. "We have to act fast."

Hiccup looked at him.

"So are you going to do that thing?" Eugene asked. "That thing you said you were going to do?"

"Yes." Hiccup replied, standing up straighter.

"Now is the time to do it." Eugene replied.

Hiccup took a deep breath, then turned to Elsa.

Elsa thought he was going to give her a reassuring look, but the expression he wore on his face was anything but that.

He took her hands and looked into her eyes.

"Forgive me." He said.

Elsa's eyes widened. She was about to speak, but before she could, Hiccup pulled her closer and planted a gentle kiss on her lips.

He then turned and started walking away.

Eugene thought it was a simple kiss for good luck, so he didn't say anything. He just watched as he made his way towards the main doors of the castle.

Elsa was about to call out to Hiccup, but Eugene stopped her.

"We can't make any noise." He said. "You know his plan, he told us last night. Let him proceed with it."

Elsa looked at him, then back at Hiccup.

Something about this wasn't right.

As Hiccup walked away, he became overcome with fear.

This wasn't the plan he had told anyone. He wanted to plan this one on his own. No one would be able to stop him if they didn't know what he was going to do.

He wanted to turn back and take one last look at Elsa, but it would only instill more fear in him. In this moment, he needed all of the courage he could get, so he kept walking onward, praying to the gods that this would all fall into place.

He reached the doors, but he didn't stop. He pushed them open and just walked in.

Elsa turned to Eugene in horror.

"This isn't the plan."

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