soft spot•ethan landry✓

By rileyowrites

394K 6.9K 9K

"have you ever seen a ghostface with a soft spot before?" When the Woodsboro survivors moved to New York Cit... More

soft spot


26.5K 473 217
By rileyowrites

You picked yourself up and walked around the apartment, still shaking. You felt embarrassed and vulnerable. You had succumbed to the awful killer.

You cowered when you saw Katelyn's body on the ground. What were you supposed to do? He said he would kill you if you reported his attack to anyone, but you would get blamed for poor Katelyn's murder. You also couldn't let her body rot here forever without any justice.

You decided that you were going to tell Tara. If he really tried to come back, you would be ready this time.

You opened your door, but there was a piece of paper lying in the walkway. You looked to see if anyone was around, but no one was there.

It was late at night, and you knew that there was only one person who could have left that note. You picked up the note, and began to breathe heavier as you read it.

In the color of blood red, there was neat handwriting.

I'm watching, y/n

"Oh my god," You mumbled.

I had to stay quiet, at least for now.

You decided to call the police and say that you came in and found her body lying there. It felt horrible, but you just couldn't bring myself to tell them the truth. You feared the consequences.

If Ghostface came back to this apartment complex, he could kill you, or even worse kill your friends.

You jumped when the phone rang, getting a sense of deja vu. This time it was just Tara. "Hey, what's up Tara?"

"y/n, have you seen the news lately?"

"I haven't really looked, why?"

"Ghostface is back, and even worse, he just attacked me and Sam on the streets. He came out from an alleyway after calling Sam from Richie's number, and then chased us all the way into the Bodega. He killed so many people in there. We barely escaped, but he ended up fleeing the scene."

"Tara, are you guys ok? Where are you?" You asked in concern.

Your heart thumped. Something had happened to them before you got the chance to tell Tara what happened to you. Did you really have to keep this a secret if the whole world already knew Ghostface was back?

You couldn't sit back and let him kill the people you love.

"We're okay, but we got questioned by the police. Quinn's police officer dad took our case, with some help from Kirby, a survivor of one of the sprees a while ago."

"Tara, listen. Something happened. I should of told the police, but I was scared. But I know have to tell you."

There was a silence. I locked everything in my house, in fear that Ghostface would return.

"Ghostface broke into my apartment four hours ago. He killed my roommate, but he hardly even touched me. He just pinned me to the ground, and teased me. Then he told me that he doesn't want to hurt me, but he'll kill me if I tell anyone. I don't know what's going on," I blurted.

"You should have told us. This means you're one of Ghostface's targets too."

There was a pause, but then Tara began to talk again. "It's really weird that he didn't attack you, but he's a psycho. He could change his mind at any point.Maybe you should stay in our apartment so we're at least together," Tara suggested.

You packed all of your important things and made your way to Tara's apartment. You slept there that night. and the next morning.

The group agreed to meet at the Blackmore University Campus to talk about the ghostface killings.

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