Scream Queen • Tara Carpenter

By f0lkl0reswp

12.8K 288 17

Zoey Meeks is the older sister of Mindy and Chad, only by one year thought. They have different dads, but tha... More

[1] beginning of the end
[2] arguments and fights
[4] new suspect
[5] conversations
[6] great loss
[7] selfish
[8] memorial party
[9] act three
[10] your destiny
[11] goodbye
new book!!!

[3] attacked

977 23 2
By f0lkl0reswp

Since Wes was the one driving I got the front seat, he dropped my siblings and Liv off, and then dropped me off which left him and Amber alone in the car together.

Once I got inside of the hospital and I was on Tara's floor I walked up to the lady at the front desk, "Hi i'm here to see Tara Carpenter." I said to the lady. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over." she said to me, "I know but i'm spending the night." I replied.

"I just don't think we will be able to let you in." she said to me and went back onto her computer, I put my hand on the desk and the lady looked back up "My friend Tara almost died the other night, so I don't care if i'm not allowed to go into her room. I will be staying the night in Tara's room, because if anything were to happen to her and I can't say goodbye I'm going to be fucking pissed." I said calmly.

"Room 304." she said and went back onto her computer, "Have a goodnight." I said walking away to find Tara's room again. While I was walking to her room, I passed by a bathroom. I mean, I did kinda have to pee. I thought to myself.

"Might as well go now." I whispered to myself, I walked into the bathroom and went into a stall, while I was on the toilet I got a call from Amber. "Hey Amber, what's up?" I asked, "Hello, Zoey." the voice said.

I looked back at my phone to make sure it was Ambers number, the name on my phone read Amber Freeman and I put the phone back to my ear.

"Haha, funny sick joke Amber." I said sarcastically, "This isn't Amber." the voice said again.

"Yeah okay." I said not believing it, "Call me back when you're done being a fucking creep." I said going to hang up the phone. "If you hang up the fucking phone i'm going to gut you like a pig!" the voice yelled, I put the phone back to my ear "Okay, if you want to gut me like a pig where the fuck are you!" I yelled.

"Maybe i'm right beside you. Or maybe i'm with Tara right now, about to finish what I started last night." the voice said, "I swear to god if you lay one fucking finger on her i'm going to-" I said before getting cut off, "Your going to what! Gut me like a pig!" the voice yelled.

"Yeah, maybe I fucking will. So if you wanna kill me so bad come and get me motherfucker! What the fuck are you waiting for!" I yelled and the phone hung up.

"Fucking pussy." I mumbled walking out of the stall the wash my hands. I looked down at the soap, putting some onto my hands, but when I looked back up I saw Ghostface behind me in the mirror. I turned around quickly but I wasn't fast enough, he pressed me up against the wall and put his hand was against my mouth.

He held a knife in his other hand, he raised knife, about to plunge it into my head. But before he could I got out of his grip and the knife hit the wall.

I grabbed the metal garbage can and smashed it against his head. Ghostface fell onto the floor and now there was brown paper all over the bathroom.

I went to run out of the bathroom, but I needed to know who it was. I turned back around but he wasn't there anymore, I looked around in fear. A stall door bursted open and the killer jumped on top of me.

I tried to kick him off of me, but he plunged the knife into my leg. When he removed the knife blood started to gush out of my wound all myself and into the floor. I yelled out in pain and felt tears come to my eyes.

"Fuck you!" I yelled, pulling out the taser Wes had given me and taser the killer in the neck. He quickly dropped onto me, I pushed him off of me and ran out of the bathroom, holding my leg.

"Help! Please help me!" I yelled, a cop ran towards me and I bumped into him. "Please help me! I was attacked in the bathroom!" I yelled while pointing towards where I just came out of.

The cop ran to the bathroom but when he opened the door there was nobody there. "There's nobody here." he said looking at me. "What? No, no, no." I said realizing Tara could be in danger.

I ran, well tried since it was hard with a stab wound in your leg, to Tara's room. I got in there and saw that Tara was sleeping peacefully, but noticed that Sam wasn't there and it was only her boyfriend.

"Where's Sam?" I asked, "Uh, she went to go find something to eat. Wait what happened? Why the fuck are you bleeding!" Richie asked now panicking. I limped back out into the hall and saw Sam running down the hallway up to the same cop I went too.

She had told him what happened and he went into the break room, but when he got there same as me, Ghostface wasn't there. I limped up to Sam and gave her a hug, "Zoey what happened? You're bleeding!" Sam asked.

"Ghostface fucking stabbed me." I muttered. After that I had gotten an x-ray, nithing was broken so they patched me up and gave me crutches. It was fine since I would only have to use them for like 1 or 2 days.

The sherif brought me and Sam back into Tara's room and interrogated us, "I've got a body outside of the bar on Main, and then you two get attacked here. Zoey, Wes said that you guys and some of your other friends were at that bar. Is that correct?" she asked me and I nodded.

"So you happened to be at the bar when the killing happened, and now you were here when Sam was attacked." she asked accusingly. "I was hanging out with my friends! I asked Wes to drive me here because I wanted to spend the night in Tara's room! What are you trying to say? That i'm fucking Ghostface!" I said getting angry.

"I'm not saying that Zoey." she said calmly, "Well I think that's what you were getting too!" I said not as calm. "Okay, you guys said that the call came from Ambers number?" she asked and we both nodded.

"So? We know he cloned my phone before when he attacked Tara." Amber said, "Or, and, um. I'm just spitballing here, you're the killer." Richie said.

The two gave each other a look that made me shiver, I wasn't sure why though. "Where were you when all of this happened?" the sherif asked, "I was... watching netflix." Richie said.

"Oh yeah, super solid alibi, bro." Amber said sarcastically, "So where were you?" Richie asked Amber. "I was questioning Amber and her friends at the police station, except Zoey." the sherif said, "I came as soon as I heard. But you know, the netflix alibi is good too."
Amber said. "Both of you stop it." the sherif said.

"Wait I thought Wes dropped everyone off?" I asked. "He did but when we found the body we called everyone in." the sherif said and I made and O shape him my mouth.

"You're gonna put more cops on her room, right?" Sam asked still concerned for her sister, "Yes. And I can move you to a private floor. Deputy Vinson knows what he's doing. You'll be safe." Judy added.

"Like we've been so far?" Sam asked not believing what the sherif said, "Samantha, let's step outside." sherif said and the two walked out the door. "We'll that can't be good." I said once the door has closed, "Zoe are you okay?" Tara asked me. "I should be asking you that." I replied and Tara gave me a look.

"I'm fine Tara. Don't worry about me, i'll be okay. I always am." I said to the girl trying to reassure her. "So Zoey, what's your alibi?" Amber asked, "I was in the bathroom, and I got fucking attacked." I deadpanned while pointing at the bandage on my thigh.

"That doesn't mean anything. You could've easily stabbed yourself to take the attention away from you." Amber stated, "Yeah I could've, but it's not fucking me. You really think I would ever hurt Tara?" I asked the girl in disbelief, "I mean, I wouldn't put it past you." Amber said in return.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I asked trying to stay calm, "Guys let's not do this now." Tara said trying to calm us down. "It means that you're just an attention seeking whore." Amber said walking closer to me.

I got up with my crutches, going face to face with Amber, but it was quickly stopped when the door opened. "We'll she remains a delight." Sam said, "What the hell is going on here. You know what, I don't care." Sam added.

"You okay?" Tara asked her sister, "Would you mind giving us a second? I need to talk to Tara." Sam said, "Come on Netflix and Ghostface. Let's go." Amber said walking out of the room while I glared at her.

"You call me that one more frickin time." I said to Amber while we walked out of the room. Me and Amber sat down in the waiting room, while Richie stayed outside of Tara's room. We sat in a awkward silence, waiting for Sam to come out.

Once she did, her and Richie were walking towards the elevator. "Hey! Sam!" I said trying to catch up to the girl, "Yeah?" she asked turning around. "Where are you guys going?" I asked not understanding why she was leaving already.

"To see an expert on this shit." Sam deadpanned, "Oh shit, well than i'm coming." I said without thinking. "No, you stay here with Tara." Sam said not wanting for me to get anymore involved. "Sam, i'm coming with you. I want to make sure Tara's safe just as much as you. And if it means helping you with this or even anything else, i'm in." I said to the girl.

She looked as if she was debating it, "Okay, come on." Sam said now waking slower so I could walk with them.


Hey guys! So this chapter is interesting. In this book Amber pisses me off, like stfu. I know i'm writing it but still. Again, I love how protective Zoey is over Tara! I honestly don't have much to say, so on that note. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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