Stuck With You

By Alicia_007

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"sir..." I say looking down. "yes? Any problem?" "no, i-i.. I'm quitting." He laughs before looking back at... More

Author's note !!!
Before I became the queen
The handsome devil
The interview
We meet again
Salty Coffee
Pay Back
Business Dinner
She can't cook
The flowers
The twins
His wife
His sister
Crush me
Rock and Roll
I won't
Do it
Please Stay
Rainy night
You're not my girlfriend
I don't like your friend
She's your sister
Been the lucky one
Scared to be lonely
It's not her
New Job
Gold Digger
You can't hide from me
I'm sorry
Friends again
Joshua's Girlfriend
The Gift
It's Over
What you wanted
Definitely Blind
Messed up
The Wedding Day
Burn for you
Scared to lose you part 1
Scared to lose you part 2
Like I do
Her Home part 1
Her Home part 2

Something nice

49 20 4
By Alicia_007

Melissa's pov :

After that thing with Samantha, Adrian's driver took me home and well, Adrian took his stupid brat home.

One week has already passed
I don't even wish to meet her again.

Well, yes she used come to the office and of course I did everything in my power to avoid seeing her face.

I don't know how it happened but Trina and I happened to bump into each other and we're in a burger shop.

She was telling me everything that happened between her and Samantha.

My mouth opens widely as she slowly takes a sip from her coffee looking at me.

"you better believe me darling, she only came back to destroy me." she puts her coffee down.

"are you going to allow her do that to you?" I ask as she shakes her head.

"my name is Trina after all and I'll be the one to crush her before she gets the chance." she smiles devilishly and winks at me.

"I love that!"

Trina smiles and smiles even more when she looks at someone behind me.

I follow her gaze to see two guys walking in the coffee shop.

However, she was adorably eyeing a guy in a black jacket and black jeans with a black shirt.


I turn to her as she's resting her chin on her palm.

"earth to Trina!" I wave my hand in front of her face as she widens her eyes and scratches her left cheek.

"is he your boyfriend?" I tease her.

"no!!" she blurts out. "I just know him okay..."

"if he's not your boyfriend then he's your..." I raise my brows as she blushes.

"nobody, h-he is just someone I know." she says.

I can still see in her eyes that she likes this guy but still I have no right to say it so instead I choose to keep quiet.

"Trina!" one of the guys shouts from behind as they walk towards our table.

"Steve, hi..." Trina smiles.

Steve smiles back and continues talking Trina as the other guy stays quiet.

"what's wrong with him?" Trina whispers to Steve.

Steve stares at him then back at Trina.

"he had a bad day today at work."

I can see from Trina's face that she is worried about him not saying a word.

"Trina! I completely forgot!" Steve exclaims as he looks at me and smiles.

"I'm Steve." he shakes my hand, "I'm Melissa, nice to meet you, Steve."

I smile as I look at the other guy as he smiles back. "joshua..."

"uh.. Joshua.. are you okay?" Trina asks without breaking eye contact with her 'man'...


It's clear that she likes him.


He only nods his head, "okay, I'm really hungry and if none of you cares to join me then that's fine!" Steve rubs his tummy.

We all laugh at his expression and orders some food for all of us.


It felt so nice to get to know Joshua and Steve.

Steve is funny and talks a lot whereas Joshua is quiet and charming with a valley of dimples piercing his cheeks.

Now I know why Trina likes him so much.


I mean it...

"earth to Melissa!" Trina says as she waves her hand in front of my face.

"huh? " I look back at Trina who was now sitting beside Joshua.

I missed a lot of 'stuff'

"were you even listening to us?" she asks as she points her index finger between Steve and herself.

"sorry, uh.. what were you saying?" I ask hoping she'd repeat what she said.

"never mind." she crosses her arms over her chest and makes a small frown.

Trina's iphone buzzed, she took it out of her purse and looked at it to read the text.

She frowns again and gave us a dissapointed look.

"I have to go." she says as she stands up.

"us too, it was nice meeting you Melissa." Steve smiles as I smile back.

As we walk out of the shop, the guys walk their way as Trina offers me a lift.

"I'll take a cab, thanks though..." I say as she frowns and sighs.

"do you really think I'll listen to your nonsense Mellisa?"

"don't worry-"

"Shall we? it'll be dark soon."

I have no option but to get in her car. I want to ask about Joshua again but I know I'm not in the right position to ask.

After a few minutes, we arrived and I insisted that Trina have some coffee.

"okay fine, I will!" she blurts out.

We walk in, "you can have a seat while I prepare the coffee."

She smiles and sit on the couch bringing out her phone from her purse.

"Melissa!" my mom shouts as she walks in.

She looks over at Trina then give her a genuine smile.

"mom, this is Trina." I introduce them as my mom surprisingly hug Trina.

My mom looks so happy today, who knows why.

"why don't you girls sit and talk while I make some coffee for you."

We only nod our heads as I sit next to Trina on the couch.

"you have a nice mom, Mellisa." she looks down with a sad face.

"thanks, I'm also grateful for that." I say as I sigh and smile thinking about everything mom and dad had to go through because of me.

Sometimes, I blame myself for Lisa leaving us, if only I had not been sick then none of this would have happened.

We would be staying with Lisa until now and I wouldn't have to worry about finding her.

All because of me.

If only I was strong enough.

It's now very dark outside and it's about to start raining.

My mom comes back with two cups of coffee and hands one to Trina and one to me.

"thanks..." Trina thank my mom with a small smile before sipping from her coffee.


"you should visit us again okay?" mom hugs Trina again.

"I will." she smiles as I walk her to the door.

I grab the doorknob and open the door only to hit myself on the wall.

How on earth did the wall move?

"Melissa?" I hear Trina's voice from beside me then look up to see him.


My boss, standing in front of me with no expression on his face.


"what are you doing here?" I ask, confused as to why he would pay me a visit at night without informing me.

"is this how you welcome your guests?" his voice comes out.

I look over at Trina who's looking more than happy to see Adrian standing in front of me.

"uh.. yes, I mean no..." I stutter.

"I'll leave now Melissa, have a good night." she says, putting more emphasis on the word 'night'.

She storms out of the house and walks over to her car then give me a last glance.

I look back up at my boss who's just staring at me without uttering any word.

"are you not going to invite me in?"

"no! I mean sure..." I step aside as he walks in.

His height makes my house feels small.

He looks around and sit on the chair waiting for me to react.

"are you going to keep watching me?" he smirks.

I walk over to the chair next to the one he's sitting on and sit down.

Why is he here? Has he come to kidnap me? If so, then I'm finished.

"sir?" I pause as he looks over at me, "why are you here?" I ask.

"I'm here to visit my secretary, isn't obvious?"

I give him a fake smile, he then stands up and walk to the door.

"you're leaving already?"

"you don't want me to be here so I'm making it easy for you."

"no, I didn't say anything like that." I walk toward him, reassuring him.

"you didn't say it but your reaction explained it all and I'm leaving." he left. Without giving me a chance to explain myself.

I know his plans, he wants to find a way of tormenting me again.

I close the door in front of me walk to my room to finally get some sleep.


You were expecting me to run after my boss right?

Not like I'm not grateful, I'm just astonished by his reaction.

The great Adrian, visiting me without any reason.


After a few minutes, it starts to rain. I head back to the living room and peep through my window to see him again.

Adrian is leaning against his black Range Rover, rains falling on his body, making his suit and hair wet.

And what is he doing?


He's just there, with crossed arms around his chest.


I get an umbrella and walk out to invite him in again.

His face changes as he sees me walking toward him.

I roll my eyes, "sir you're soaked!" I act surprised. "let's go in?"

He doesn't say anything, I grab his hand trying to move him but he does not move.

I look between his face and my hand, "that's not necessary." he says.

"what do you mean? Are you going to sleep here and blame me when you get sick tomorrow?"

"I'm not going to get sick and I'm not going to blame you for anything." he reassures me, "go back and get enough sleep because you know what will happen if you report late tomorrow." he threatens.


"I'll drive back home, go."

"goodnight." at this, I turn and walk inside.

Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed!


Love 😍


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