Genius Doctor: Black Belly Mi...

By Diavola1235

114K 3.4K 28

(NOTE:- THIS WORK IS NOT MINE. Credits to the author, editor and translator. For offline purposes only!) She... More

Chapter 01 - 25
Chapter 26 - 50
Chapter 51 - 75
Chapter 76 - 100
Chapter 101 - 125
Chapter 126 - 150
Chapter 151 - 175
Chapter 176 - 200
Chapter 201 - 220
Chapter 221 - 240
Chapter 241 - 260
Chapter 261 - 280
Chapter 281 - 300
Chapter 301 - 320
Chapter 321 - 340
Chapter 341 - 360
Chapter 361 - 380
Chapter 381 - 400
Chapter 401 - 420
Chapter 421 - 440
Chapter 441 - 460
Chapter 461 - 480
Chapter 481 - 500
Chapter 501 - 520
Chapter 521 - 540
Chapter 541 - 560
Chapter 561 - 580
Chapter 581 - 600
Chapter 601 - 620
Chapter 621 - 640
Chapter 641 - 660
Chapter 661 - 680
Chapter 681 - 700
Chapter 701 - 720
Chapter 721 - 740
Chapter 741 - 760
Chapter 761 - 780
Chapter 781 - 800
Chapter 801 - 820
Chapter 821 - 840
Chapter 841 - 860
Chapter 861 - 880
Chapter 881 - 900
Chapter 901 - 920
Chapter 921 - 940
Chapter 941 - 960
Chapter 961 - 980
Chapter 1001 - 1020
Chapter 1021 - 1040
Chapter 1041 - 1060
Chapter 1061 - 1080
Chapter 1081 - 1100
Chapter 1101 - 1120
Chapter 1121 - 1140
Chapter 1141 - 1160
Chapter 1161 - 1180
Chapter 1181 - 1200
Chapter 1201 - 1220
Chapter 1221 - 1240
Chapter 1241 - 1260
Chapter 1261 - 1280
Chapter 1281 - 1300
Chapter 1301 - 1320
Chapter 1321 - 1340
Chapter 1341 - 1360
Chapter 1361 - 1380
Chapter 1381 - 1400
Chapter 1401 - 1420
Chapter 1421 - 1440
Chapter 1441 - 1460
Chapter 1461 - 1480
Chapter 1481 - 1500
Chapter 1501 - 1520
Chapter 1521 - 1540
Chapter 1541 - 1560
Chapter 1561 - 1580
Chapter 1581 - 1600
Chapter 1601 - 1620
Chapter 1621 - 1640
Chapter 1641 - 1660
Chapter 1661 - 1680
Chapter 1681 - 1700
Chapter 1701 - 1720
Chapter 1721 - 1740
Chapter 1741 - 1760
Chapter 1761 - 1780
Chapter 1781 - 1800
Chapter 1801 - 1820
Chapter 1821 - 1840
Chapter 1841 - 1860
Chapter 1861 - 1880
Chapter 1881 - 1900
Chapter 1901 - 1920
Chapter 1921 - 1940
Chapter 1941 - 1960
Chapter 1961 - 1980
Chapter 1981 - 2000
Chapter 2001 - 2020
Chapter 2021 - 2040
Chapter 2041 - 2060
Chapter 2061 - 2080
Chapter 2081 - 2100
Chapter 2101 - 2120
Chapter 2121 - 2140
Chapter 2141 - 2160
Chapter 2161 - 2180
Chapter 2181 - 2200
Chapter 2201 - 2220
Chapter 2221 - 2240
Chapter 2241 - 2260
Chapter 2261 - 2280
Chapter 2281 - 2300
Chapter 2301 - 2320
Chapter 2321 - 2340
Chapter 2341 - 2360
Chapter 2361 - 2380
Chapter 2381 - 2400
Chapter 2401 - 2420
Chapter 2421 - 2440
Chapter 2441 - 2460
Chapter 2461 - 2480
Chapter 2481 - 2500
Chapter 2501 - 2520
Chapter 2521 - 2540
Chapter 2541 - 2560
Chapter 2561 - 2580
Chapter 2581 - 2600
Chapter 2601 - 2620
Chapter 2621 - 2640
Chapter 2641 - 2660
Chapter 2661 - 2680
Chapter 2681 - 2700
Chapter 2701 - 2720
Chapter 2721 - 2740
Chapter 2741 - 2760
Chapter 2761 - 2780
Chapter 2781 - 2800
Chapter 2801 - 2820
Chapter 2821 - 2840
Chapter 2841 - 2860
Chapter 2861 - 2880
Chapter 2881 - 2900
Chapter 2901 - 2920
Chapter 2921 - 2940
Chapter 2941 - 2960
Chapter 2961 - 2980
Chapter 2981 - 3000
Chapter 3001 - 3020
Chapter 3021 - 3040
Chapter 3041 - 3060
Chapter 3061 - 3080
Chapter 3081 - 3100
Chapter 3101 - 3120
Chapter 3121:- Xiao Xie (5)
Chapter 3122:- Xiao Xie (6)
Chapter 3123:- The End - Matchmaking

Chapter 981 - 1000

830 28 5
By Diavola1235


Chapter 981:- Adorwable Wabbit (3)

It saw the big eared rabbit's soft and cuddly body being pushed off the bed by Lord Meh Meh.

The little black cat leapt in in a rush wanting to catch it!

But just as the little black cat was almost about to reach the big eared rabbit, the unconscious rabbit suddenly opened its eyes!

That pair of eyes had properly stunned the little black cat.

The big eared rabbit's eyes were originally pure black. But the pair that was being reflected in the little black cat's eyes at that moment were bestial eyes looking like they were dripping with blood!

A full deep scarlet, unlike any common rabbit's eyes that were just faintly red, this was a shade of red that looked like they had been soaked and immersed in blood!

"Puu~" A light breath escaped from the big eared rabbit's mouth as its soft and nimble body flipped around in midair and landed right before Lord Meh Meh! Those blood red eyes narrowed slightly as the snow white fur on its body suddenly began to change, at a speed visible to the naked eye, to a blood scarlet red.

"Meh! !"

[Almost shocked me out of my life! The damned rabbit is angry!]

Lord Meh Meh tapped back a step as he looked at the big eared rabbit who had turned a complete blood scarlet shade.

"Puu!" The big eared rabbit stared at Lord Meh Meh, looking like it was all poised to attack.

The little black cat was completely stunned, unable to make any sense of the scene before its eyes. The rabbit that had been bitten to within an inch of its life had actually changed in colour! ? And it was even showing such strong aggression towards a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast! What in tarnations was really going on?

Feeling the intense enmity emanating from the big eared rabbit, a faint glow began to manifest around Lord Meh Meh's body, ready to morph into its original form anytime.

Just as the battle between one particular sheep and a strange rabbit was just about to commence, Jun Wu Xie who had just finished her bath appeared within the room with her hair still dripping wet. Those clear eyes of hers were staring fixedly at that dumb pair upon her bed, staring at each other with great animosity in their eyes.

Once her eyes saw the big eared rabbit's blood red fur, a glint of surprise shone within them.

"What are all of you doing?" Jun Wu Xie asked coldly.

Upon hearing its Mistress' voice, Lord Meh Meh immediately suppressed the energy gathering around its body, quickly sprinting over to Jun Wu Xie's side with its tiny hooves fully extended in its stride.

"Meh Meh Meh Meh! ! !" It bleated anxiously. Jun Wu Xie turned to look at the little black cat still sitting stunned at the side, waiting for it to translate for her.

The little black cat's shock took another moment before it quickly regained its senses.

"The dumb sheep said, the rabbit snatched its things, saying that that one is a bad rabbit, and asks that you throw it away."

Hearing the little black cat's translation, Lord Meh Meh nodded its tiny head vigorously.

[Everything about that rabbit is detestable!]

[It wasn't just going to snatch its food, the rabbit was now even stealing its feedstress from it!]

Jun Wu Xie look at the big eared rabbit whose fur had turned entirely blood red in puzzlement.

The big eared rabbit's deep scarlet eyes looked at Jun Wu Xie and the enmity in those eyes faded away, its gaze suddenly becoming very gentle.

"Puu....." The big eared rabbit hopped once on its hind feet to stand at the edge of the bed, its body straightening up slightly. The little furry paws in front shyly hugged its big floppy ears, as it peeked meekly at Jun Wu Xie.

"What is it saying?" Jun Wu Xie asked the little black cat, a frown creased up on her face.

The little black cat replied in a resigned tone and said: "It called you Mistress."

"....." Jun Wu Xie had no words.

Lord Meh Meh's reaction grew more agitated

"Meh! !"

[Who are you calling Mistress! ? This is Lord Meh Meh's Feedstress! Bad rabbit! Go away!]

"Puu." The blood red rabbit's body trembled as it shyly hid its tiny face behind its big ears, just like an incredibly shy blossoming girl would,raising its head very slightly and then immediately lowering it back bashfully as it peeked at Jun Wu Xie.

"....." Jun Wu Xie could no longer find any words to express what she was feeling at that moment.

A low grade Spirit Beast was capable of such complicated emotions?

Chapter 982:- Sacrificial Blood Rabbit (1)

Spirit Beasts like the big eared rabbit were not rare and very commonly seen.

But Jun Wu Xie had never seen or heard of a big eared rabbit that held such a high level of consciousness, and.....

Definitely not one who was able to change colours!

"Are you really a big eared rabbit?" Jun Wu Xie asked, staring at the bashful rabbit. Just moments earlier, she had seen with her own eyes the scene when this rabbit had been right about to get into a fight with Lord Meh Meh. Lord Meh Meh had at that time already released its majestic Guardian Grade Spirit Beast's presence and if it had been any other low grade Spirit Beast, they would have immediately been reduced to a similar state as those Spirit Beasts back at the arena, to fall into a dead faint, twitching in fear.

But this big eared rabbit had not only not shown the slightest signs of fear, it had instead exhibited its readiness to slug it out with Lord Meh Meh there and then. If Jun Wu Xie still persisted to think of it as just being an ordinary big eared rabbit, then she would be acting really dumb.

"Puu?" The big eared rabbit's blood red pair of eyes showed high puzzlement.

"It asked what is a big eared rabbit?" With no choice, the little black cat had translated for Jun Wu Xie. The little black cat was now very certain, that the little one which looked exactly like a big eared rabbit, was surely not a big eared rabbit!

"What are you?" Jun Wu Xie's eyes narrowed.

"Puu..... Puu....." The big eared rabbit shook it head coyly, and buried its face into those big ears it had.

The little black cat's mouth began to twitch.

"It doesn't know."

"....." Jun Wu Xie was speechless. Just what was the truth behind this little rabbit that looked exactly like a big eared rabbit? Even the rabbit itself did not know. When that thought crossed her mind, her gaze subconsciously fell upon Lord Meh Meh who was rubbing itself against her leg incessantly. From the reactions of Lord Meh Meh, it seemed like it knew the origins of the big eared rabbit.

"What kind of a Spirit Beast is it?" Jun Wu Xie asked Lord Meh Meh.

Lord Meh Meh blinked its eyes and looked at the big eared rabbit before turning it eyes back on Jun Wu Xie.

"Meh meh meh meh meh....."

A whole barrel of highly anguished bleats that could literally drive a person insane suddenly erupted within the room. The little black cat saw stars in its eyes as it listened to the long tirade of bleats. It was suddenly feeling highly overwhelmed with the realization of the intense gravity of the situation that depended on the correctness of its translation this time round!

When Lord Meh Meh finished with its long "mehing" tirade, the little black cat drew in one deep breath.

"Allow me to arrange it properly a moment....." The information load was too great and it was not able to finish saying everything at one go.

Jun Wu Xie waited and after a moment, the little black cat started to speak.

"The dumb sheep said the rabbit is called the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit. Although it looks very much alike to the big eared rabbit, they are completely different in essence. When very young, the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit is exactly like the big eared rabbit, and only after undergoing baptism through blood will its innate abilities be awakened. The Sacrificial Blood Rabbit is a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast that lives through blood and the dumb sheep has met one before. That is the reason why it had been able to recognise the scent of the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit then. This little Sacrificial Blood Rabbit should still be very young and its innate abilities had not yet awakened. That was why it was mistaken for a big eared rabbit and mistakenly kept as a pet. But the bloody and gory battle at the arena had brought out its innate powers and they have suddenly awoken....." The little black cat beat around the bush without being able to get to the point, as its mind had gone blank. It could not help but think to itself. A unmatured Guardian Grade Spirit Beast had been bitten almost to death by a low grade Spirit Beast. Having seen the wounds the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit suffered at that time, it thought that if Jun Wu Xie had not gone to save it, it would have been for nought even if those powers had been awakened.

As a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast, the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit's awakening process was really strange.

In reality, young Sacrificial Blood Rabbits would usually be led by adult Sacrificial Blood Rabbits. Before its innate abilities awaken, its parents would always protect their young to ensure their safety and accidents like this seldom occurred. But it was not known what had happened to this Sacrificial Blood Rabbit that caused it to be caught by humans when it was younger and kept as a big eared rabbit.

Chapter 983:- Sacrificial Blood Rabbit (2)

A young Sacrificial Blood Rabbit, before its innate powers awoke, was almost no different as a big eared rabbit, except that it possessed a stronger life force. In terms of power in battle, they were basically the same, and that was why it had been so badly ravaged by even a low grade Spirit Beast, and was reduced to that sorry a state.

After Jun Wu Xie saved it, the blood it bled had awoken its innate abilities which caused it to reveal the look that a Sacrificial Blood Rabbit was supposed to possess.

Jun Wu Xie stared wordlessly at the immensely bashful Sacrificial Blood Rabbit, looking at its blood red coat of fur and her expression changed, looking rather conflicted. It had merely been because her previous veterinarian instincts had taken over at that moment which did not allow her to watch a furry little bunny die so pitifully right before her eyes and never would she have thought, that the rabbit she had inadvertently brought back would actually hold such a big story behind it.

If the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit's original owner came to know about this, that the big eared rabbit that he had tried all ways and means to get killed, was in fact a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast..... He might very well vomit out blood in endless regret.

"Puu~" The Sacrificial Blood Rabbit raised up its eyes slightly to peek shyly at Jun Wu Xie.

After its innate powers awoke, even its once ignorant consciousness had opened up. It remembered all that had happened in the past, and knew that it had been abandoned by its previous owner, including the fact that its life had been saved by Jun Wu Xie.

As its consciousness was opening up, it had clearly remembered that it was being carried within Jun Wu Xie's arms as she had carefully treated its wounds. The warmth that it had felt in those arms at that time, had made this Spirit Beast whose consciousness had just awoken, quickly develop a high level of dependence towards Jun Wu Xie.

Just like an unfledged nestling that just broke out of its shell.

Seeing the highly expectant eyes of the Sacrificial Rabbit looking at her so pitifully, an ache came into Jun Wu Xie's heart.

If it had been just an ordinary big eared rabbit, she would have nursed it till it fully recovered, and passed it on to Qu Ling Yue to keep.

But it wasn't that easy for a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast.

Even when it was still so young, the power and intelligence of a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast had already begun to sprout. If it was not willing, even if she insisted on sending it to Qu Ling Yue, the rabbit would not remain there for long, and it might even cause harm to a person in its anger.

And seeing those expectant eyes so filled with anticipation, Jun Wu Xie could almost see the same scene back in the Battle Spirits Forest, where a sneaky Lord Meh Meh had surreptitiously followed behind her all that time.

Eyes that looked like that, she really could not help but to find them rather familiar.

This Sacrificial Blood Rabbit, had obviously decided to cling onto her!

Lord Meh Meh had detected those very intentions that the Sacrificial Rabbit harboured which had caused it to strongly oppose Jun Wu Xie from saving the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit. It had been afraid that when the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit awoke, it would have to compete for its Feedstress with the rabbit!

"Meh meh meh! !"

[Lord Meh Meh will not allow a rabbit like you to remain here! Feedstress belongs to Lord Meh Meh! You bad rabbit! Get out from here!]

Lord Meh Meh stood right in front of Jun Wu Xie, declaring his right of possession before the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit.

"Puu!" Pricked by Lord Meh Meh challenge, the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit popped its head out from under its ears as those blood scarlet eyes narrowed, and its pupils turned into vertical slits.

"If you dare to fight, you can both scram." Just as the two adorable Spirit Beasts were about to strike, Jun Wu Xie's voice rang out frostily.

Instantly, Lord Meh Meh whined pitifully and the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit trembled and hugged its floppy ears in its paws, twisting its body in embarrassment.


[Wabbit be good, Mistress don't abandon wabbit.]

The little black cat translated expressionlessly word for word. Jun Wu Xie did not want to say anything more. Having seen how insistent Lord Meh Meh had been then, she knew that if she tried to chase the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit away, the chances of success would be almost zilch!

Chapter 984:- Sacrificial Blood Rabbit (3)

The Sacrificial Blood Rabbit had clung itself onto Jun Wu Xie. After feeling that the crisis had been defused, the scarlet blood shade soon faded from its fur, turning itself back to its form as a soft and cuddly big eared rabbit. It had seemingly realized that Jun Wu Xie was a little more gentle to it in its frail and weak big eared rabbit form. After the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit changed back, it immediately plopped down on the bed, it looking pitifully at Jun Wu Xie as it whined mournfully, the sound so soft that it was almost too painful to hear.

Jun Wu Xie had not wanted to bother herself with it, but seeing that frail looking little bunny with its body all covered with wounds, her heart softened and she walked over to the bed to carry it up. She carefully inspected its wounds and when she was certain that they were fine, she finally sighed in relief.

"Puu." Seemingly having sensed that Jun Wu Xie's heart had softened, the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit gently burrowed deeper into Jun Wu Xie's arms, its actions coy and coquettish.


[Scheming rabbit!]

Lord Meh Meh's hatred was so strong it was grinding its teeth in rage.

It wanted to protest to Jun Wu Xie but was shot an icy glare, so it glumly slunk away to one side, feeling highly aggrieved as it bumped its coiled horns repeatedly against the legs of a chair.

[Feedstress has found new love! Feedstress doesn't love Lord Meh Meh anymore! Lord Meh Meh is so sad!]

Jun Wu Xie looked on helplessly as Lord Meh Meh threw his tantrum. She sighed and walked over to carry it into her arms. A coy and coquettish rabbit on her left, and a tantrum throwing Lord Meh Meh on her right. At that moment, Jun Wu Xie was the only one feeling completely at a loss.

Compared to Lord Meh Meh's plain grief, the little black cat was a lot more calm.

Having known all this time that its Mistress had a rock bottom low resistance towards adorable and furry creatures, it had guessed that this would happen immediately upon realizing that the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit was a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast.

If it had been an ordinary big eared rabbit, Jun Wu Xie might be worried about the heartbreak that came with its shorter lifespan and decide not to keep it. But when it was a powerful Guardian Grade Spirit Beast that was able to fend for itself..... and a especially coy and coquettish rabbit that was scheming at the same time, then Jun Wu Xie did not stand a chance against it.

The little black cat calmly swished its tail in the air, suddenly thinking that its translation workload had just increased.

Not much longer in the future, it would soon be able to become a top scholar as a mixed beast translator for Beast Speech!

Although the scheming rabbit was staying behind, it was still a young Spirit Beast who still had not yet fully matured, and moreover, it had just experienced a near bout with death, so it was very weak. After mere moments in Jun Wu Xie's arms, it fell into a deep sleep. It slept very securely, like it had full and complete trust in its new owner, relaxing its guard completely.

Jun Wu Xie had no choice but to bring the two dumb beasts and the little black cat, to lie down on the bed as she gradually fell asleep, awaiting her challenge against the first ranked of the Spirit Beast Arena to begin tomorrow.


Within the Icy Frost Clan Hall, Shangguan Miao was pushing a lamb into a huge metal cage. His father was the Icy Frost Clan's Deputy Hall Chief. He was still young and he was not officially considered to be a member of the Icy Frost Clan yet.

Suddenly, the servants in the mansion came in bearing news.

After Shangguan Miao received the news, an eyebrow lifted up on his face.

"Someone actually dares challenge my Six Armed Black Ape?" Shangguan Miao was rather surprised. Although his Spirit Beast was just a low grade Spirit Beast, but its power was strong enough to be compared to that of a medium grade Spirit Beast. After winning ten matches consecutively, he had immediately challenged the Spirit Beast Arena's top ranked person and had taken over the throne since. Although there had been quite a number of people who had challenged him, but all the Spirit Beasts who had stepped onto the stage had become food for his Six Armed Black Ape. And in the last few days, no one had dared to issue any challenges to him anymore.

"So which blind bat is it this time?" Lin Feng came out from within the house. He had coincidentally come to look for Shangguan Miao for a chat and he had heard the news that a challenge had been issued.

Chapter 985:- Challenger (1)

Shangguan Miao was just one year younger than Lin Feng and due to the relationship between their fathers, the two of them had known each other from a very young age.

The Six Armed Black Ape that Shangguan Miao owned was even gifted to him by Lin Feng's father, Lin Que, on Shangguan Miao's tenth birthday when the Spirit Beast was still in its infancy. It had been carefully reared by Shangguan Miao to become incomparably strong now and the moment it had fully matured, Shangguan Miao had immediately brought it to the Spirit Beast Arena to show it off in all its glory.

"Reporting to Young Master Lin, it is a young youth who was brought there by the Deputy Hall Chief of the Fiery Blaze Clan, Qing Yu, and the boy's name seems to be called Jun Xie, who isn't a local resident of the Thousand Beast City." The servant reported truthfully.

The moment the name Jun Xie was heard, Lin Feng's eyes immediately burned in rage.

"It's him?"

"Why? Brother Lin knows this person?" Shangguan Miao asked when he noticed Lin Feng's reaction.

Lin Feng laughed coldly and said: "Of course I know him. How can I not know that boy? Remember the time I told you before, when Qu Ling Yue returned here, they brought back a young youth together with them? That boy had been called Jun Xie!"

Shangguan Miao was surprised. He knew very well the kind of intentions Lin Feng had towards Qu Ling Yue. But as Lin Feng's father, Lin Que, had switched his allegiance to serve under the Great Grandaunt, his relations with the Grand Chieftain of the Thousand Beast City, Qu Wen Hao, had inadvertently soured quite a bit, which had led Qu Ling Yue to have distanced herself from Lin Feng a lot as well.

"So it's the same person? That's just great." Shangguan Miao said with a laugh of disdain. He gave Lin Feng a pat on the shoulder and continued to say: "Since this boy is not from our Thousand Beast City, we do not have to show him any courtesy. He dared to come challenge my Six Armed Black Ape so, just wait till tomorrow and I will definitely make him pay dearly. I think I won't feed the Six Armed Black Ape today so it can eat up that kid's Spirit Beast tomorrow, in revenge for him going against you."

Lin Feng nodded. He had not liked Jun Xie the least bit and especially after he saw how gently Qu Ling Yue was when she spoke to Jun Xie, that sight had pricked at his eyes.

"I had heard it somewhere before, that in the Spirit Beast Arena, there had been occasions where the Spirit Beasts had harmed people. Is that true?" Lin Feng's face was suddenly looking highly vicious.

Shangguan Miao immediately caught his meaning and he quickly replied: "When the battle gets too intense and the Spirit Beasts get overly excited by the overpowering stench of blood, some of them could naturally lose control. If in a state of frenzy and they run off the stage to cause harm upon someone, that is definitely a situation that is to be expected."

Lin Feng's face lit up with a malicious smile as he stared at the Six Armed Black Ape locked within the cage.

The Six Armed Black Ape was enormous in size, two sizes bigger than a full grown man. It had six thick, muscular and strong arms that were able to tear a tiger apart.

"That's great. Since someone does not know his place, then let him have a good taste of the might of the Thousand Beast City. He really thinks just anybody can come to the Thousand Beast City's Spirit Beast Arena and show off." Lin Feng snorted in contempt.

Shangguan Miao then said with a laugh: "You just wait for my good news tomorrow. I guarantee that I will make the Six Armed Black Ape take good care of that Jun Xie and we'll see the boy get completely frightened out of his wits. At that time, the news will then reach Qu Ling Yue's ears and I highly doubt that she will continue to see any good in such a hopelessly timid and overconfident guy then."

Shangguan Miao's words elicited a loud guffaw out of Lin Feng.

"Then, I'll count on you for that."

"I'll handle it all. Rest assured."

Lin Feng nodded, his eyes sinister and malicious.

For Qu Ling Yue, he was certain that he would succeed in marrying her. No matter who was coming in to compete with him, he would not hold back in the slightest!

After the two youths planned out how the show tomorrow would play out, they did not bother with the Six Armed Black Ape anymore but just slipped their arm over each other's shoulders and walked away to have dinner. Just with the time they took for that meal, they had almost thought through entirely how they were going to embarrass Jun Xie tomorrow!

Chapter 986:- Challenger (2)

Early the next morning, Jun Wu Xie brought Lord Meh Meh with her, to go to the Spirit Beast Arena.

The Sacrificial Blood Rabbit had wanted to tag along but its body still had not fully recovered. Even when it whined pitifully and tried to act as cute as it could, Jun Wu Xie had remained stoically unmoved. So, it had had no choice but to stand by the window as it looked at Jun Wu Xie's back, waving its little paw sadly.

Qing Yu had been waiting outside the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall gates for a long while and when he saw Jun Xie appear, he gave sighed helplessly to himself.

"Are you really going to go there today?"

Jun Wu Xie nodded.

Left with no other choice, Qing Yu sighed again in helplessness and led Jun Xie towards the Spirit Beast Arena in resignation.

Lord Meh Meh had been just awe inspiring in the Spirit Beast Arena yesterday and that had attracted the attention of quite a number of people. When everyone heard that the tiny low grade Spirit Beast actually had the guts to challenge the Spirit Beast Arena's first ranked Six Armed Black Ape, many of them had all crowded together bright and early to come to the Spirit Beast Arena to catch the highly anticipated show.

The Six Armed Black Ape had never been defeated in all its past several rounds of battle and not a single Spirit Beast had been able to even harm it in the slightest. It can be said, among all the low grade Spirit Beasts, the Six Armed Black Ape could be counted as the most dominant ferocious beast. All those who had witnessed the Six Armed Black Ape's ferocity before, were yearning to see the brutality of the Six Armed Black Ape once more.

Although it was still early in the morning, the Spirit Beast Arena was already overflowing with people. Besides the close attention they paid towards the Six Armed Black Ape, the crowd was also feeling highly curious about Jun Xie's Lord Meh Meh.

All those people who saw Lord Meh Meh battle yesterday, had till now still not been able to comprehend, just how powerful was that soft and frail looking sheep was, that it had been able to scare away so many Spirit Beasts, just based on a single bleat at them.

Shangguan Miao had reached the Spirit Beast Arena very early. He stood below the battle platform with his companions crowded around him. As the Six Armed Black Ape was too large in size, it had not allowed to be brought in before its match was due to begin.

"He's here! That's the one! That's Jun Xie!" A youth beside Shangguan Miao spotted Jun Xie, who had just walked in together with Qing Yu, and he immediately hollered, to tell Shangguan Miao about it.

Shangguan Miao's eyes narrowed, as he looked over at the youth who had challenged him. With that one glance, it immediately caused the disdain curling at the corner of his lips to grow in intensity.

He only saw a delicate and frail looking youth, carrying a wooly sheep Spirit Beast that looked like it possessed absolutely no capability to attack. And as they entered the Spirit Beast Arena. Shangguan Miao's gaze blatantly measured his opponent without hiding in the slightest, looking Jun Xie from head to toe, his disdain for his opponent obvious for all to see.

"His Spirit Beast, is it the one in his arms?" Shangguan Miao asked dismissively, as he stared at Lord Meh Meh within Jun Xie arms.

"That is the one."

"Ha! That Spirit Beast was able to win ten consecutive matches! ? Wouldn't that mean that there were only some cats and dogs here in the Spirit Beast Arena yesterday?" Shangguan Miao found it highly laughable, that a Spirit Beast like that would able to win ten consecutive matches. If word of this got out, wouldn't it be such a joke?

"That Spirit Beast is rather strange. I heard from those who took part yesterday, that the Spirit Beast had not done anything on the arena battle platform, but only to bleat once at its opponent, and the Spirit Beasts had all fallen one by one twitching in fear, completely losing their ability to battle."

"Oh? What does that mean? A bleat and it scared off the Spirit Beasts? I had not known that such a kind of Spirit Beast actually exists under the Heavens." Shangguan Miao felt that those rumours were not to be believed. If victory could be gained that easily, then the Spirit Beast Arena should just be closed off! Who cared what really happened here yesterday, Shangguan Miao refused to believe a word of everything anyone said about it.

Chapter 987:- Challenger (3)

When Shangguan Miao was measuring up Jun Xie, Qing Yu noticed his unfriendly gaze as well.

"That is your opponent today, Shangguan Miao. His father, Shangguan Yan is the Icy Frost Clan's Deputy Hall Chief. That kid is on rather close terms with Lin Feng. When you first came to this city yesterday, do you remember that you met Lin Feng then? Lin Feng doesn't really have a great personality and judging from Shangguan Miao's demeanor, Lin Feng must have said something to him to make Shangguan Miao feel such animosity against you." Qing Yu warned Jun Xie carefully. Truth to be told, he really did not wish that Jun Xie would go ahead with the match.

But Jun Xie instead shook his head.

"Don't bother about him."

If it's the enemy, then there wouldn't be anything much to care about. As long as they fell, that would be all that mattered.

Seeing that Jun Xie wasn't bothered in the least, Qing Yu did not say anything else and only stood on one side quietly.

Whispers filled the entire arena everywhere as everyone waited for the great show to begin.

Very soon, the match was about to start, and according to the rules, Jun Xie and Shangguan Miao needed to bring their Spirit Beasts onto the stage.

Jun Wu Xie carried Lord Meh Meh and put it on the arena platform. Compared to yesterday's dazed and confused reaction, Lord Meh Meh's performance today could be said to be highly cooperative!

By now, it understood that as long as it stood within this place and bleated at other Spirit Beasts a few times, it would be rewarded with lotus leaves to eat. Hence, Lord Meh Meh was suddenly taking the initiative today. The moment it was put onto the stage, it immediately lifted its hooves and went tapping over to the middle of the stage, looking highly eager and excited.

Lord Meh Meh, with its round spherical body wobbled very adorably when it walked. But such cuteness, when exhibited upon the Spirit Beast Arena's battle platform, wasn't what the people in that place would come to admire. It only made them feel that the Spirit Beast really didn't look to be any good, so how had it won ten consecutive matches then?

With all those doubts within, the people were hoping to see after Lord Meh Meh's and the Six Armed Black Ape's battle today, whether they would be able to spot the trick behind it. As no matter how much they thought about it, they could not understand, how such a dumb sheep could possibly possess any capabilities.

Shangguan Miao stared at Lord Meh Meh standing upon the stage and the corners of his mouth curled up in a sneer. He gestured with his chin at his companions and they immediately went to check on the Six Armed Black Ape.

The Six Armed Black Ape was locked in a huge iron cage as they pulled it in to come to the stage on a little trolley. It had just appeared in there when it was immediately agitated by the ever present stench of blood in the Spirit Battle Arena. Shangguan Miao had not fed it yesterday and it had come to the competition with a hungry stomach. With its bestial instincts aroused by both the stench of blood and its hunger, the beast was highly agitated.

"Roar! Roar!"

The Six Armed Black Ape in the iron cage was restless in its agitation as it rocked and pushed against the cage, rattling it loudly. It was enormous, like a small mountain. Every time it crashed into the cage, it seemed almost like the entire arena shook.

"Roar! !" The Six Armed Black Ape saw the little ball upon the battle platform, that snow white figure looking very much like the lambs it swallowed up everyday. The moment it spotted Lord Meh Meh, every single molecule within its body seemed to be screaming to swallow up its opponent, no matter who it was!

The loud and deafening roars pricked the ears of everyone within the arena where they began to hurt with a dull ache. The crowd looked on excitedly at the raging Six Armed Black Ape, their mood rising to a fevered pitch, influenced by the Six Armed Black Ape's agitated rage!

To see the mightiest among the low grade Spirit Beasts, the Six Armed Black Ape, was really mind blowing!

Chapter 988:- Challenger (4)

When the Six Armed Black Ape was released from its cage, it had immediately charged out from it. When its towering body stood upon the battle stage, it looked even more magnificent and imposing. Every one of its six arms was as thick as a man's thigh as it pummeled itself on the chest, giving vent to the rage within!

"Roar! Roar!"

As the Six Armed Black Ape struck at its chest, the dull thumps could be clearly heard. With its mouth opened up to reveal sharp fangs, it ran around the battle stage as it let out more deafening roars, showing off its awe inspiring dominance.

The entire Spirit Beast Arena was silent, caught in rapture before the Six Armed Black Ape's ear splitting roars, the sound getting everyone hopelessly excited.

Lord Meh Meh stood unmoving in its spot, looking utterly disgusted with the dumb Six Armed Black Ape that was already roaring its head off before the match had even begun.

Lord Meh Meh was thinking that it wouldn't act so stupid like the monkey. Roaring like this even before the match begun would not win it anything to eat at all, what a dumb thing to do.

Completely unaffected by the Six Armed Black Ape's threatening roars, Lord Meh Meh stood calmly in its spot without moving an inch. The crowd on all sides was getting highly riled up by the Six Armed Black Ape's incessant roars but none of that concerned Lord Meh Meh in the least.

Shangguan Miao looked on with satisfaction at the Six Armed Black Ape's fantastic condition. When nobody had dared to challenge it these few days, the Six Armed Black Ape had not had a chance to make an appearance, which had caused Shangguan Miao to lose the opportunity to show off his Spirit Beast's glory. Now that someone had come knocking on the door to seek death, why would he want to hold back at all?

Shangguan Miao turned his gaze to look at Jun Xie with an evil glint in his eye. He could not seem to see that the young kid could be better than Lin Feng in anyway.

Lin Feng was the Icy Frost Clan's Hall Chief's son and his position and status in the Thousand Beast City was one that many people in the Thousand Beast City could compare to. This Jun Xie was not even from the Thousand Beast City and judging from his dressing, he did not even seem to be from any prominent families as well. That such a common looking little kid could even dream of competing against Lin Feng for Qu Ling Yue was just too laughable.

As time trickled by little by little, the starting bell for the match finally sounded!

The six burly arms of the Six Armed Black Ape were firmly planted on the ground, its body leaning slightly forward, staring maliciously at the completely defenceless sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

The entire arena erupted with a series of roaring cheers. They were excited by the chance given to them to witness the brutal and gory massacre that was about to unfold before their eyes!

However, Lord Meh Meh remained standing firmly in its spot, just like it had in its last ten matches, its hooves not shifting by the tiniest fraction of an inch.

Suddenly, the Six Armed Black Ape charged directly towards Lord Meh Meh! Its six arms leaving many deep impressions that caved into the ground of the battle platform under its hands as it charged with all its might, looking every inch like an uncaged beast!

Everyone had thought that Lord Meh Meh's legend would finally be put to an end in that place without a doubt in their mind.

Lord Meh Meh then opened its mouth towards the ferocious and merciless Six Armed Black Ape.....


Charging forward with all its rage behind it, the Six Armed Black Ape had with just one highly unexceptional and harmless sounding bleat from Lord Meh Meh, suddenly seemed to have been struck by a thunderous lightning bolt, the body charging forward spasmed in several places in its sudden attempt to reverse its direction, all six hands digging hard into the ground the way it had come before!

'Crack crack crack!'

A series of crisp sounding cracks resounded as the fingers of the Six Armed Black Ape dug deeply into the arena battle stage's floor as it scrambled to stop its full powered charge!

Against the monumental drag of its powerful forward momentum, its palms had huge chunks of flesh torn off by the friction on the ground!

Its huge lumbering body finally screeched to a halt, at a distance of roughly half a metre away from Lord Meh Meh!

"Howl!! Howl!!" A series of pitiful wails suddenly broke out from the Six Armed Black Ape's mouth!

Chapter 989:- Challenger (5)

In the midst of that screeching wail, the Six Armed Black Ape looked like it had been dealt a huge blow as it turned its head around and without even looking back once, it picked itself up and scrambled to rush away backwards, the speed it was fleeing at faster than it had charged earlier!

Shangguan saw that something was wrong and he hurried over to come to the side of the battle stage to shout angrily at the Six Armed Black Ape: "What are you doing! ? Get back in there! You still....."

However, before Shangguan Miao was able to finish the words he came out to say, he suddenly saw the Six Armed Black Ape leaping straight at him off the battle platform in a frantic rush!

Shangguan Miao's heart almost stopped! He could not even dodge in time and the Six Armed Black Ape fell right on top of him!

The Six Armed Black Ape's humongous body was also the heaviest among the low grade Spirit Beasts and as Shangguan Miao had always raised it carefully, its strength and power had grown to new terrifying heights. Struck by his own Six Armed Black Ape's full barreled charge, Shangguan Miao saw his world begin to go black, and at the moment of impact when he was thrown to the ground, he heard the clear and crisp sound of bones breaking!

"Argh! ! !"

The badly traumatised Six Armed Black Ape lay trembling over Shangguan Miao. Meanwhile, being pinned under the heavy Spirit Beast, Shangguan Miao's face had turned deathly pale!

The charge from the Six Armed Black Ape had broken several of his ribs and that heart wrenching pain was causing cold sweat to break out of him while he remained pinned down,not daring to move a single inch.

The sudden and unexpected turn of events made the entire crowd in the arena fall completely silent. They stared with their eyes widened with flabbergasted shock, as the scene similar to yesterday replayed before their eyes once again!

The towering and ferocious Six Armed Black Ape had actually fallen just like all the other Spirit Beasts yesterday had, fleeing in mindless terror from just a single bleat from Lord Meh Meh.....

That had really shocked everyone within the fully packed arena.

The Six Armed Black Ape was the strongest among all the low grade Spirit Beasts, so how did it suddenly turn to become so utterly useless?

Everyone could see that the Six Armed Black Ape who had just mere moments ago been highly magnificent and was full of vigor, but now clutching itself tightly against Shangguan Miao's body on the ground, oblivious to the wails and howls of pain coming out of Shangguan Miao's mouth, seemingly frightened out of its mind in terror, refusing to move from its spot.

Qing Yu's lower jaw almost dropped to the ground. At that moment, he realized just how laughable he had been for even worrying about Jun Xie.

No wonder Jun Xie had seemed like he could not be bothered about his opponent in the slightest. He must have already expected that this would be the result!

Jun Xie walked calmly to the side of the arena battle platform and Lord Meh Meh trotted happily over to her, the little tail at the back wiggling excitedly as it tried its hardest to raise that head that was almost part of the ball of wool he really was, its expression asking excitedly for praise.

Jun Wu Xie raised her eyes and looked at the stupefied referee.

"You can announce the result now."

The man was dragged back to his senses by Jun Xie's reminder, and the eyes that the man was looking at Lord Meh Meh with were suddenly filled with horror.

With yesterday's victories, he could still find some excuses to justify himself. But today, when even the Six Armed Black Ape who dominated over all low grade Spirit Beasts had been frightened into madness by this little sheep, he really could not fathom just what kind of a Spirit Beast that sheep could be anymore.

"The winner for this match..... Jun Xie....." The man then announced loudly.

Not a sound was heard in the whole arena. None of them had yet recovered from the shock.

Jun Wu Xie had brought Lord Meh Meh in here and completely erased all forms of expectations and principles the people viewed Spirit Beasts with in there.

Jun Wu Xie carried Lord Meh Meh off the stage. After having defeated the Six Armed Black Ape, Lord Meh Meh had gloriously ascended to the Spirit Beast Arena's first rank!

Having already achieved what she came here for, Jun Wu Xie did not want to remain there another moment more. She picked Lord Meh Meh up and immediately left the Spirit Beast Arena.

Chapter 990:- Even Before the Water Had Calmed (1)

In the end, Shangguan Miao was carried off by his companions. He had schemed with Lin Feng how they were going to create an accident to let Jun Xie get hurt..... But that had been turned back onto him. The one who had gotten hurt by the Six Armed Black Ape turned out not to be Jun Xie, but he himself!

After Shangguan Miao was carried back home, Lin Feng had quickly received news of his return. He had remained at home to await hearing the good news news on how Shangguan Miao had "taken care" of Jun Xie, but he had not thought after all that waiting, he would hear the news that Shangguan Miao had gotten himself severely injured instead.

When the servants came to inform him, Lin Feng was completely stunned. Not even in his dreams would he have thought that things would turn out this way. He immediately rushed over to Shangguan Miao's home and when he saw the pale faced Shangguan Miao lying motionlessly on the bed, his mind went into a whirl.

"Why did it become like this? What actually happened?" Lin Feng shouted out in shock. Wasn't Jun Xie the one that was supposed to be injured? How did it turn out that the one lying on the bed had become Shangguan Miao instead?

Shangguan Miao's injuries were grave. When the Six Armed Black Ape had charged into him with all its might, he had been taken completely off guard up and having taken the full brunt of the force, five of his ribs had broken and the broken ribs had in turn caused great damage to his internal organs. Two physicians had already arrived at the house to tend to Shangguan Miao's injuries and servants from his household had already gone to invite Feng Yue Yang over.

From the way things were, if they did not get Feng Yue Yang to tend to him personally, it was deemed Shangguan Miao's life might be forfeited.

All the youths who had gone to the Spirit Beast Arena together with Shangguan Miao were trembling with fear after Lin Feng's shout.

"We..... We do not know what really happened as well..... Things were going very well at first. The Six Armed Black Ape was going to tear that Spirit Beast to shreds. But then, the Spirit Beast had suddenly bleated once, and for no reason at all, the Six Armed Black Ape seemed to suddenly go mad! It turned itself completely around, and charged right into Young Master Shangguan." One of the youth explained sheepishly.

None of them had thought that things would turn out like this.

If Shangguan Miao had not harboured intentions to harm someone, he would not have made the Six Armed Black Ape go hungry the entire night before. The Six Armed Black Ape was highly agitated and raging at that time and its speed was at its peak. Under that kind of speed, not to mention a young youth like Shangguan Miao, even if it was a full grown man, with that kind of an impact, the results wouldn't have been any much better.

"Which Spirit Beast was that? Jun Xie's one?" Lin Feng's eyes narrowed.

The youths before him all nodded immediately.

"Impossible!" Lin Feng suddenly shouted to berate them: "The Six Armed Black Ape holds dominion over all low grade Spirit Beasts, how is it possible that a low grade Spirit Beast would be able to defeat it? Moreover, just with one sound that it made! ? That cannot be possible!"

"But..... That is really how it happened....."

Lin Feng said: "Something smells fishy! There is definitely something fishy about this whole thing! Jun Xie's Spirit Beast couldn't possibly have achieved victory based just on its own strength. He must have used some despicable means!" Lin Feng would never believe that the Six Armed Black Ape could be taken down so easily.

"That's right! That must be the case! We had been thinking it was all very strange as well. That Spirit Beast looks so tiny and it had not done anything else. There must be a trick behind this." The youths nodded their heads vigorously, suddenly feeling that Lord Meh Meh's win was indeed rather strange.

Lin Feng's jaw clenched up tightly.

[That Jun Xie..... The boy had first competed with him for his lady, now he had even used such despicable means to injure Shangguan Miao who was as close to him as a brother so severely! He would never like this matter rest!]

"Go see my father! Tell him that someone had used underhanded means to cheat in the Spirit Beast Arena. Ask him to get some men to go investigate into Jun Xie's Spirit Beast!"

Chapter 991:- Even Before the Water Had Calmed (2)

When Jun Wu Xie got back to the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall, Xiong Ba had just left the place, busy with his responsibilities. As the Clan Chief of the Fiery Blaze Clan, he could not afford to be as leisurely as other people. At that time, only Qing Yu was able to accompany Jun Wu Xie to tour around the Thousand Beast City but Qing Yu had quickly discovered that besides the Spirit Beast Arena, Jun Xie did not seem to hold the slightest interest for any other places.

Upon returning, Jun Xie had immediately gone back to her room and Qing Yu had not dared to go intrude.

"Deputy Chief, who is that Young Master Jun actually?" Several brothers from the Fiery Blaze Clan asked, having grown rather curious of Jun Xie who had stayed here the last two days.

They had seen him always accompanied by Qing Yu and it must be known although Qing Yu was the Deputy Chief, he was nevertheless still a very busy man. But this time, he had in order to just accompany the young youth, pushed aside all his other appointments, which had inadvertently attracted other people to take notice.

The youth had seemed to be highly ordinary and besides his personality seemingly a little cold, they had not thought that there was anything so special about Jun Xie that it needed Qing Yu to pay so much attention to him personally.

Qing Yu the told them: "Young Master Jun is the Young Miss' saviour and all of you had better be more polite to him in future. If not, when the Chief comes back, he'll skin all of you alive."

When the clan members heard that, they were all highly surprised and they all understood what was happening at once.

Afterall, the matter about Qu Ling Yue having gotten injured in the Fire Country, was no secret to the people in the Thousand Beast City, and when Qing Yu just explained it to them, they had all immediately understood.

"Since he is the Young Miss' saviour, we would naturally treat him well. Deputy Chief, you can be well assured of that."

Qing Yu smiled at them satisfactorily.

However, before Qing Yu could even settle himself down, a loud ruckus of shouts suddenly broke out from outside the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall and very soon, several members of the Fiery Blaze Clan came running inside in a hurry.

"Deputy Chief! Bad news! The Deputy Chief of the Icy Frost Clan, Shangguan Yan has come charging in here with a large group of men!"

"What has he come here for?" Qing Yu's brows immediately creased up. After the Icy Frost Clan's Clan Chief, Lin Que, had pledged their allegiance to the enemy, the relations between the Fiery Blaze Clan and the Icy Frost Clan had become highly strained and as the personalities of the two Clan Chiefs differentiated by being on two extreme polar opposites, their members had followed suit after their respective Chiefs and the members from the two clan did not see eye to eye with each other.

At that moment, the Deputy Chief of the Icy Frost Clan suddenly came charging in and Qing Yu did not think that it could be for anything good.

"They said they are here to look for Young Master Jun." One of the their own members said.

Qing Yu was surprised. "Looking for Young Master Jun for?"

Qing Yu had just finished saying that when sounds of an argument had already broken out within the hall. Shangguan Yan who was already past forty years of age had forcefully come charging in with a group of men from the Icy Frost Clan as they came to stand right before Qing Yu.

The expression on Qing Yu's face immediately darkened.

"Shangguan Yan! What is the meaning of this! ? Even when you are the Deputy Chief of the Icy Frost Clan, do not forget this is the Fiery Blaze Clan's Clan Hall! This is not a place that you can come and go just as you please!"

Shangguan Yan looked at Qing Yu with a sneer, contempt written all over his face.

"Qing Yu, it's good that you are here, as the reason I have come here today is linked to you just as well. Where is the boy from out of town that you brought in from before? Hurry and hand him over to us now!"

"Young Master Jun is a guest of our Fiery Blaze Clan. We would not hand him over just because you say so! Shangguan Yan, aren't you taking our Fiery Blaze Clan too lightly! ?" Qing Yu's face was dark as thunder. The fact that Shangguan Yan had come charging in with such a big group of men, it was seen that this was not about anything insignificant. And after he had specifically named Jun Xie as the person he had come for, how could Qing Yu allow him to have it his way?

"Oh? The kind of place that the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall really is, all of you know it best yourselves! Your own Clan Chief had suddenly brought in a little brat of unknown origins to stir up unrest and the brat had even gone to the Spirit Beast Arena and broken the rules there to win himself the topmost rank! As one of the four clans of the Thousand Beast City, if the Fiery Blaze Clan intends to cover up for him, our Icy Frost Clan will never allow such a scourge to continue inflicting such harm upon us!" Shangguan Yan said with a contemptuous sneer.

Chapter 992:- Even Before the Water Had Calmed (3)

"What nonsense are you spouting here! ?" Qing Yu asked, his eyes narrowing up.

"What is or isn't, isn't decided just because you say so." A cold and chilling voice suddenly sounded.

Qing Yu turned his head behind in surprise, suddenly seeing Jun Xie who had been completely unnoticed walking over to them.

"Young Master Jun, why are you....."

"So! You are Jun Xie!" The moment Shangguan Yan realised that that was Jun Xie, rage filled his chest. If not for that youth's strange Spirit Beast, how would his son have gotten himself injured by the Six Armed Black Ape! ?

"Yes." Jun Wu Xie replied nonchalantly.

"Hand over your Spirit Beast now!" Shangguan Yan snarled through gritted teeth.

Jun Wu Xie lifted up an eyebrow.

"What for?"

"You used despicable methods to cheat in the Spirit Beast Arena! According to the rules, we will need to put your Spirit Beast down!" Shangguan Yan said with a sneer.

Jun Wu Xie swept him a cold gaze and asked: "With what proof?"

Shangguan Yan replied: "Your Spirit Beast possesses absolutely no attack power at all but it is able to make other Spirit Beasts flee just with the sound it makes. No such Spirit Beast has ever existed under the entire Heavens, so you must have employed some extraordinary method to make it like this! The Spirit Beast Arena has their Spirit Beast Arena rules and we hope you will abide by them. Do not force us to act on it ourselves."

If he could, Shangguan Yan would much rather take down Jun Xie himself. But he was currently at the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall and if they were to forcibly take Jun Xie away now, the Fiery Blaze Clan would never allow it. But if he was just asking to take the Spirit Beast away, the rules of the Spirit Beast Arena would back him up and he would have reason on his side, and the Fiery Blaze Clan would not dare to oppose against it so strongly.

Jun Wu Xie then said in an icy tone: "If I remember it correctly, the Spirit Beast Arena always checks on every Spirit Beast that takes part in their matches several times over. And on both occasions when I went to Spirit Beast Arena, my Spirit Beast went through those checks. If there was any problem, would the people from the Spirit Beast Arena not be able to detect it?"

Shangguan Yan seemed to have been prepared for that when he immediately replied: "People from the Spirit Beast Arena would naturally not make a mistake like that. But as you were brought in there by Qing Yu, and Qing Yu is the Deputy Clan Chief of the Fiery Blaze Clan, the people in the Spirit Beast Arena would naturally recognise him for who he is. And anyone brought in by him, would also naturally not be scrutinised too harshly."

Jun Wu Xie laughed to herself in her heart. She had indeed been brought in to the Spirit Beast Arena by Qing Yu, but the people at the Spirit Beast Arena had not laxed on the checks they were supposed to conduct in the slightest. This Shangguan Yan was obviously just using that as an excuse to get rid of Lord Meh Meh.


Was she supposed to be that easy to deal with?

"Whether any other methods were employed is not a matter that the Icy Frost Clan is qualified to investigate into. My Spirit Beast is open to challenges from anyone henceforth from today. If there is anything that you are still worried about, you can very well ask the people from the Spirit Beast Arena to most thoroughly and stringently inspect my Spirit Beast in the next match, to see if there is indeed anything wrong. Just basing it on what you are said to make me hand over my Spirit Beast, that is just too laughable. The Icy Frost Clan does not have any right to do that." Although Jun Wu Xie had not come to the Thousand Beast City for long, she had already managed to gain a clear understanding of the internal workings of the Thousand Beast City.

The Spirit Beast Arena was directly under the purview of the Thousand Beast City's Grand Chieftain, Qu Wen Hao, and even the four Clan Chiefs themselves have no authourity to interfere in the Spirit Beast Arena's affairs.

"You!" Shangguan Yan had not thought that an outsider would know the internal rules of the Thousand Beast City so well. When he was just about to say something more about it, a deep resonating bellow suddenly rocked the hall.

"The Icy Frost Clan is really getting more and more audacious in disregarding the rules! They have actually dared to force their way into my Fiery Blaze Clan Hall with all their men like this! Do you all really think that the Clan Chief of the Fiery Blaze Clan is dead! ?" Xiong Ba's face was dark and threatening as he stormed in from outside.

He had been busy with some business within the city when he had suddenly received news from his brothers in the clan, who had told him that people from the Icy Frost Clan had come barging in to stir up trouble.

Chapter 993:- Even Before the Water Had Calmed (4)

Xiong Ba had immediately thrown down the things he was doing at that moment and hurried his way back here. Immediately upon stepping into the clan hall, he had seen Shangguan Yan's overbearing attitude and an unsuppressable fiery rage had instantly been lit in his heart.

Lin Que had switched his allegiance to that person and that had in turn made everyone in the Icy Frost Clan begin to consider everyone else to be beneath them and they started to disregard people from all the other three clans.

Shangguan Yan had not expected Xiong Ba to suddenly return and when he saw the towering figure, he could not help but to feel a little nervous.

Xiong Ba was famous for his fiery temperament in the Thousand Beast City and when he gets provoked, the towering man does not hold himself back at all.

"Clan Chief Xiong." Shangguan Yan looked awkwardly at Xiong Ba.

Xiong Ba snorted coldly with derision and said: "The Icy Frost Clan seems to have stretched their hands a little too far this time. The Spirit Beast Arena would naturally have their own rules and if Shangguan Yan, you feel that Young Master Jun's Spirit Beast has a problem, you can jolly well find another person to challenge him with a Spirit Beast, and you can then ask the people from the Spirit Beast Arena to inspect them carefully at that time. Wouldn't that resolve your doubts? You had instead decided to come here to my place and kick up such a big fuss for who to see? I, Xiong Ba, am still very much alive! As long as I am still around, the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall will never allow anyone to exhibit such atrocious behaviour here!"

Xiong Ba's eyes glared fiercely, driving chills to run right through Shangguan Yan's entire body.

"Why are you still standing here for? Hurry up and scram! Or are you waiting for me to ask my brothers in the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall to invite you to leave?" Xiong Ba chided with his booming voice.

As arrogant as Shangguan Yan was, he still did not dare to go against Xiong Ba directly right before so many people. Having been berated till his face was splattered with spit, Shangguan Yan could do nothing but to beat a retreat from the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall with his face darkened in gloom.

Once Shangguan Yan left, Xiong Ba made all the brothers in the Clan Hall disperse and to go back to their own tasks while he brought Qing Yu and Jun Xie to the courtyard at the back of the clan hall. When he was sure that there was nobody else around, Xiong Ba finally asked in puzzlement: "What really happened there? I heard from our brothers that people from the Icy Frost Clan came to stir up trouble, and how did Shangguan Yan end up setting his sights on Young Master Jun?"

Xiong Ba had only heard a little about it as he rushed back here and he wasn't really aware of what had really occurred.

Qing Yu immediately related the events that happened that day to Xiong Ba.

Xiong Ba finally understood.

"No wonder that bastard Shangguan Yan dared to be so aggressive. It must be because of the fact that his wastrel of a son had been bullied into such a state by the Spirit Beast of Jun Xie that drove him to come all the way here? Hahaha! That's great to hear! Serves him right when he can't even control his own Spirit Beast. Having met with such misfortune, was entirely his own fault."

"In fact, this incident actually doesn't have much to do with Young Master Jun. It was his own Six Armed Black Ape that went mad and charged off the battle platform and crashed into Shangguan Miao. Shangguan Yan is obviously trying to abuse his position here." Qing Yu said with a frown on his face. Accidents in the Spirit Beast Arena happened occasionally, but they were never seen to be anything major.

Since the beginning when Lord Meh Meh had entered the Spirit Beast Arena, it had not forgone any of the checks required and that was a point that Qing Yu was very certain of.

Although he was deeply curious himself how Lord Meh Meh had been able to frighten the Six Armed Black Ape into fleeing, he firmly believed that Lord Meh Meh had done it with its own strength, and not with any outside influence.

"It's not that big a matter and I do not think that it is that big of a loss to Lin Que that he would dare carry this too far. But Shangguan Yan might not let go of it so easily and I am guessing he will be sending many people to challenge Young Master Jun's Spirit Beast." Xiong Ba said. He then turned to Jun Xie and went on to say: "That's really great! I had not thought that that cuddly and weak looking Spirit Beast of yours would really be so capable that it was even able to scare off the Six Armed Spirit Beast. I noticed that it was highly obedient before, don't tell me that Young Master Jun knows how to tame Spirit Beasts as well?"

Jun Wu Xie replied expressionlessly: "Fate put us together."

Taming? She didn't really have that much leisure time.

It was Lord Meh Meh who had stuck itself to her so persistently then and now there was even another Sacrificial Blood Rabbit as well!

Chapter 994:- Even Before the Water Had Calmed (5)

"Be a little more careful yourself. If you feel it is too much of a bother deal with, just tell the Spirit Beast Arena and withdraw your participation." Xiong Ba wasn't too concerned about the Spirit Beast Arena and he could not understand why Jun Xie had suddenly developed such a strong interest towards the Spirit Beast Arena.

Fortunately, although the Thousand Beast City was controlled by that person at that time, that person wouldn't involve herself with such trifling matters and it would basically still be Qu Wen Hao who would decide in matters like this, hence, the Icy Frost Clan would not dare to carry this matter too far.

"I know." Jun Wu Xie replied. She was not worried that the people from the Spirit Beast Arena would be able to detect anything on Lord Meh Meh. She knew as long as Lord Meh Meh willed it, it was able to completely hide its powers and regardless of how hard they might try to check, it would still show itself to be just a low grade Spirit Beast.

Jun Wu Xie did not want Lord Meh Meh's identity as a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast to be exposed and neither was she about to give up on the Spirit Tamer Bracelet. She would wait to see just what kind of things the Icy Frost Clan would be able to come up with.

"If you know, then that's good enough." Xiong Ba was very confident of that highly intelligent mind in that little head and with Jun Xie's word of assurance, he wasn't really too worried about it.

The Fiery Blaze Clan had somewhat settled down after that fiery exchange earlier but things within the Icy Frost Clan at that moment was bubbling to a boil.

"What? Shangguan Yan did not manage to capture Jun Xie's Spirit Beast?" Lin Feng stared at the servant kneeling before him. He had sent people to inform his father earlier, asking for him to have Jun Xie's Spirit Beast investigated and his father had sent Shangguan Yan over. Afterall, the one who had gotten injured was Shangguan Miao and Shangguan Yan would surely not be soft while still in a rage for what had happened to his son.

Unexpectedly, they had still not managed to get their hands on Jun Xie's Spirit Beast and they had even been severely berated by Xiong Ba in the end.

"The Clan Chief of the Fiery Blaze said that even if an inspection was to be done, it would have to be at the Spirit Beast Arena and that would be happen when someone challenges them. Young Master, the Spirit Beast Arena is under the Grand Chieftain's purview and even the Icy Frost Clan would not be able to interfere with the way they work." The servant said softly.

Lin Feng's jaw clenched up tightly. Shangguan Miao was still bedridden while Jun Xie had just come to the Thousand Beast City for barely two days and he had already taken the Spirit Beast Arena's top rank. If this news reached Qu Ling Yue, it would be disastrous.

Lin Feng racked his brains, thinking the matter cannot end here.

Suddenly, an idea struck him!

"How is the Devious Wyvern's progress these few days?" Lin Feng suddenly asked.

The servant was startled a moment before he said with a nod: "Its taming is almost about to complete."

"Good." Lin Feng said with a cold laugh. "A little boy from outside really thinks his own little Spirit Beast can come to the Thousand Beast City and declare its dominance here? I would really like to see whether his low grade Spirit Beast is able to stand before the might of the Devious Wyvern!"

When the servant heard that, it immediately bowed his head to the ground in plea.

"Young Master! That idea must not be considered! The Devious Wyvern is the congratulatory gift the Master has prepared for Great Grandaunt. If he finds out that you took the Devious Wyvern out, I'm afraid....."

"Shut up!" Lin Feng said angrily. "I am only borrowing the Devious Wyvern for a day or two. What can happen? Don't tell me you really think that that tiny low grade Spirit Beast will be able to harm the Devious Wyvern? I am merely feeding the Devious Wyvern a tiny snack that's all. After it swallows up Jun Xie's Spirit Beast, I will naturally bring the Devious Wyvern safely back, and father will still be able to offer it as a gift to Great Grandaunt."

The servant remained shivering on the floor, not daring to say a word.

Ling Feng was marveling at his own brilliance. The Devious Wyvern had been hardly difficult to tame and his father had only managed to get it tamed after he found an old man who had lived in seclusion for many years to gradually tame it. And the Devious Wyvern recognised its owner not by the person, but it was by an item!

Chapter 995:- Devious Wyvern (1)

As it was to be gifted to that person, hence, it must see no one else as its owner, and they had to do it with an item instead.

"Find an unfamiliar face and have him bring the Devious Wyvern to go participate in the Spirit Beast Arena. Ten consecutive victories must be achieved today and then issue a challenge to Jun Xie and his Spirit Beast. By this time tomorrow, I do not want to hear news that the kid's Spirit Beast is still alive." He was not able to make a move on Jun Xie directly at that moment, so he would just kill his Spirit Beast first!

A chilling and malicious glint filled up Lin Feng's eyes.


A new storm shook the Spirit Beast Arena. A never before seen Spirit Beast blew through the Spirit Beast Arena's matches and took down ten opponents quickly on the same day. Very soon after that, Jun Xie received a challenge issued to her.

When the people from the Spirit Beast Arena sent the challenge to her, Jun Wu Xie was not surprised at all and she calmly accepted it.

But Qing Yu was instead feeling that it seemed there was more to it than meets the eye and after questioning the man from the Spirit Beast Arena, his mood had suddenly taken a turn for the worst where he immediately went to see Jun Xie.

"Young Master Jun! For tomorrow's match, you must not go." Qing Yu said, looking sternly at Jun Xie, his voice solemn.

"Why?" Jun Xie asked, looking at Qing Yu.

Qing Yu's bit on his lip worriedly and said: "I asked the people from the Spirit Beast Arena earlier more about the opponent's Spirit Beast. They told me that it was brought in by a youth they have never met before. The Spirit Beast's body is like that of a serpent but has a pair of horns on its head, and its body is fully covered with green scale armour. If my guess is not wrong, that Spirit Beast is not just any ordinary low grade Spirit Beast. It is highly possible that it is the Spirit Beast the Clan Chief of the Icy Frost Clan, Lin Que, had captured from out in the wilds, the Devious Wyvern."

"Devious Wyvern?" Jun Wu Xie asked, an eyebrow lifting up. She had never heard of such a Spirit Beast.

Qing Yu continued: "The Devious Wyvern is a high grade Spirit Beast, but it is just barely one step away from becoming a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast and we have only heard that such Spirit Beasts exist only through rumours. According to those rumours, the Devious Wyvern possesses extremely high healing powers and it can molt its scales three times. After it shed its scales for the third time, it turns into a real Guardian Grade Spirit Beast. That person had once mentioned about the Devious Wyvern to the Grand Chieftain and asked the Grand Chieftain to search for it, but the Grand Chieftain had not agreed. Instead, Lin Que had privately mobilised a high number of people and spent close to ten years before he managed to find the Devious Wyvern. It is said, in order to capture that Devious Wyvern, almost a hundred of Lin Que's men had lost their lives and that even three of their tamed high grade Spirit Beasts had been sacrificed."

News about the Devious Wyvern's capture had been kept a secret within the Thousand Beast City and few people were made aware of it. Qing Yu was one of the rare few who had been fortunate enough to lay eyes upon the magnificent Devious Wyvern. The first time he saw the Devious Wyvern, it had just been captured and brought back. Although close to a hundred lives were lost then, the Devious Wyvern had not seemed to have sustained any heavy injuries at all. It had been highly violent when it was trapped in its cage and a ordinary cage was not able to contain it. Hence, Lin Que had to use darksteel to forge into a cage just to keep it in.

"Devious Wyverns are naturally born with an unquenchable thirst for blood and it loves to swallow live animals whole. Its body possesses an extremely strong self healing ability and as long as the wound is not mortal, it is able to heal and recover from them very quickly. I know that your Spirit Beast has rather extraordinary abilities as well, but that Devious Wyvern has already molted its scales twice and its just shy of one more time before it is be promoted to become a full Guardian Grade Spirit Beast, which in turn, is a Spirit Beast that no other Spirit Beast will be able to stand against." Qing Yu said, highly concerned about Jun Xie, as he could see that Jun Xie treasured Lord Meh Meh very much.

And the challenge this time, had come directly targeted straight at Jun Xie!

Chapter 996:- Devious Wyvern (2)

The Devious Wyvern had been in Lin Que's hands all this while and after successfully taming it, it was to be gifted to that person. But the Devious Wyvern had now appeared in the Spirit Beast Arena and that was a matter thought to be rather incredulous.

People who were had the authourity to bring out the Devious Wyvern, besides Lin Que himself, the next person could only be his son, Lin Feng!

Lin Feng's animosity against Jun Xie, had begun from the moment Jun Xie had first come to the Thousand Beast City. Now that Lin Feng's closest friend, Shangguan Miao, who was almost like a brother to him, had even gotten severely injured because of Jun Xie, Lin Feng was even more driven to exact revenge upon Jun Xie, and that was why he had so daringly pushed the incredibly precious Devious Wyvern into the fracas.

The Spirit Beast Arena only controlled whether contestants possessed a Spirit Tamer Bracelet and did not set any limits on the grade of the Spirit Beasts that could compete.

And as the matter about the Devious Wyvern had been a well kept secret, the people of the Spirit Beast Arena had naturally not recognized it.

Qing Yu knew all about it but he could not reveal any information about it to the public. As that was meant as a gift for that person and if it was made known now, that person might be forced to act immediately instead.

"Is that so?" Jun Wu Xie replied nonchalantly.

Qing Yu saw that Jun Xie was not the least bit nervous and that made him more anxious instead. "That Devious Wyvern has been with Lin Que for more than a year and it might very well have molted its scales once more since I last heard about it. Young Master Jun, there really isn't a point to continue with this competition anymore."

Jun Wu Xie did not reply. Whatever Qing Yu had thought of, Jun Wu Xie would naturally be able to do the same.

The appearance of the Devious Wyvern, was undoubtedly an act of revenge from some damned kid, but.....

He had chosen the wrong person to mess with this time!

Jun Wu Xie did not give Qing Yu any reply and Qing Yu had thought that Jun Xie had finally realized the gravity of the matter and was now reconsidering it, which allowed him to sigh in relief softly.

Jun Wu Xie went back to her room and she stared at the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit currently locked in a scuffle with Lord Meh Meh on the bed, her brows quickly creasing up tightly together to form a deep frown.


[Go away, you scheming rabbit! This is Lord Meh Meh's territory!]


[Nonsense! This is the Mistress' burrow!]

The two dumb beasts did not use any of their Guardian Grade Spirit Beast powers and were only purely using their current tiny bodies in their fight. Lord Meh Meh was biting on the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit's ears while the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit's mouth was nibbling on Lord Meh Meh's stubby tail.....

"Cough." Jun Wu Xie coughed very lightly. The moment the two dumb beasts saw that Jun Wu Xie had appeared, they immediately let go of each other. Like two toddlers who had done something wrong, they speedily retreated to the extreme ends of the bed on opposing sides, their heads lowered guiltily, unable to look at Jun Wu Xie in the eye.

They both knew very well that, Jun Wu Xie strictly forbade them to fight each other.

"Know of the Devious Wyvern?" Jun Wu Xie turned to Lord Meh Meh to ask.

Lord Meh Meh looked up, its face looking completely blank, obvious that it did not know anything about it.

The Sacrificial Blood Rabbit wouldn't have even heard about it and it just stood there with its big round eyes looking at Jun Wu Xie, trying its best to look as adorable as it could be.

Jun Wu Xie considered all that Qing Yu had told her and even if the Devious Wyvern had molted its scales for the third time, it would have just become a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast recently. And to Lord Meh Meh, that really wouldn't count to be much.

But to play it safe, Jun Wu Xie still asked Lord Meh Meh what were the chances for it to defeat a newly promoted Guardian Grade Spirit Beast.

Lord Meh Meh had thought that Jun Wu Xie was referring to the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit with her question and it immediately puffed up its tiny chest to proclaim proudly in an imperious tone.


[Lord Meh Meh can take on ten of them at a time!]

With Lord Meh Meh's reply, Jun Wu Xie quickly wiped away her concerns.

Early the next morning, when Qing Yu was thinking that Jun Xie would not be going to answer the challenge when he suddenly found that Jun Xie had brought Lord Meh Meh and left the clan hall just a moment before he came. All the brothers of the Fiery Blaze Clan who saw the youth told him that the youth had left going towards the direction of the Spirit Beast Arena!

Chapter 997:- Devious Wyvern (3)

The Spirit Beast Arena of the Thousand Beast City had never been as busy and bustling as the recent few days past. A seemingly useless Spirit Beast had actually dominated over all others and caused quite a large number of jaws to drop. And right after that, another conqueror of a Spirit Beast had immediately appeared to sweep through the Spirit Beast Arena battles once more.

And these two much talked about Spirit Beasts who had stirred up countless debates would meet each other in battle today, and it was to be an epic fight that was highly anticipated by everyone.

Everyone was looking forward to this matchup and the Spirit Beast Arena was already filled to overcapacity, as anyone who had heard the news had all rushed over.

Lin Feng was shrouded darkly within a long cloak . He had come to the Spirit Beast Arena personally because he wanted to admire the sight of Jun Xie's reaction upon seeing his own Spirit Beast being swallowed up. He turned to look over at the youth who had brought the Devious Wyvern in for registration. That person was an illegitimate child of his housekeeper's and was virtually unknown within the Thousand Beast City, so no one would know his real identity. On that youth's neck was a silver necklace, the one thing that the Devious Wyvern recognized. Anyone who wearing that silver necklace would be able to gain control of the Devious Wyvern and ask it to carry out his wishes!

Lin Feng had staked everything he had on it this time. Both the Devious Wyvern and the silver necklace itself had been secretly brought out by Lin Feng behind Lin Que's back and it was all in order for him to win against Jun Xie for both himself and Shangguan Miao.

He was not in the least worried that the Devious Wyvern would be hurt in this place. When the Devious Wyvern was captured and first brought in, it had already molted its scales twice and a few months ago, it had completed its third round and although the Spirit Beast still looked like a high grade Spirit Beast, its Guardian Grade Spirit Beast powers within had awoken and was gradually evolving.

His father had been thinking that he would wait till the Devious Wyvern had fully evolved into a full Guardian Grade Spirit Beast before he would present it to that person.

When that youth saw Lin Feng, the youth cautiously nodded his head at him without anyone noticing.

In the Spirit Beast Arena, the crowd was packed tightly against each other as the other person they had been waiting to see brought his Spirit Beast to walk into the Spirit Beast Arena.

Jun Wu Xie carried Lord Meh Meh in her arms as she came through the Spirit Beast Arena doors as everyone's eyes turned towards her. As the numerous and highly complicated gazes stared, Jun Wu Xie continued to walk in slowly, seemingly unaware, completely unaffected by the tumultuous noise and ruckus all around her.

The moment Lin Feng saw Jun Xie appear, the blood within his body began to boil. He could not wait to see the Spirit Beast within Jun Xie's arms swallowed up entirely by the Devious Wyvern!

Before the match began, Jun Wu Xie placed Lord Meh Meh on the battle platform and said in a soft voice: "When left with no other choice, you can transform."

Lord Meh Meh blinked its eyes and looked at Jun Wu Xie blankly. This was not the first time it was standing upon this stage and all that it had seen here, were only been Spirit Beasts unfit to even fill up the gaps between its teeth. Why would its Feedtress tell it that it could transform?

[It did not see a need to do that at all.]

[Anyway, all it needed to do was to bleat a couple of times and the opponent would be frightened into retreat, then it would be able to eat those yummy lotus leaves!]

Completely disregarding Jun Wu Xie's words, Lord Meh Meh was anxious to go back and enjoy its feast. Standing upon the battle platform, it could almost see a heap of lotus leaves before its eyes, its demeanor looking entirely excited, the little tail at the back wiggling happily.

Lin Feng secretly observed the unimpressive looking little Spirit Beast upon the battle stage and his mouth curled up into a sneer. He had wondered what kind of Spirit Beast Jun Xie possessed and when he saw that it was just a little thing like that, he did not fathom just how a Spirit Beast like that had been able to attain the Spirit Beast Arena's top rank.

Shangguan Miao had not been able to get rid of Lord Meh Meh, but Lin Feng had no doubt that this tiny Spirit Beast had not won its victories based on its own power!

Chapter 998:- Devious Wyvern (4)

Shangguan Miao had not been able to get rid of Lord Meh Meh, but Lin Feng had no doubt that this tiny Spirit Beast had not won its victories based on its own power!

Those unorthodox methods might work against low grade Spirit Beasts, but against a Guardian Grade Devious Wyvern..... that would only lead you on the road to death!

A cruel smile came upon Lin Feng's lips as he awaited for that moment to arrive.

Soon, the match was about the begin. The Devious Wyvern was brought out in a steel cage. Compared to the Six Armed Black Ape from before, the Devious Wyvern was very much more terrifyingly enormous!

The battle platform in the Spirit Beast Arena was wide and spacious. But when the Devious Wyvern slithered onto the battle stage and coiled its reptilian body upon it, its coiled body almost filled up the entire platform! There was only a tiny little space at the edge for Lord Meh Meh to stand upon!

When Lord Meh Meh's size was compared to the Six Armed Black Ape, it's body was only as big as the Six Armed Black Ape's head. And compared to the Devious Wyvern before its eyes now, Lord Meh Meh was only about the size of one of its eye!

Its entire body covered with thick green scales, the Devious Wyvern coiled its body up, its entire form almost as big as a small mountain, towering over everyone upon the battle stage!

Upon that huge head, its two horns looked pointedly sharp!

It suddenly raised its head and with a gesture from the youth below the battle platform, its head turned to lock its sight onto Lord Meh Meh at the edge of the battle platform.

With such an extreme disparity between the sizes of the two Spirit Beasts, no one needed to imagine what kind of a battle this fight would turn out to be!

The Devious Wyvern snorted and a plume of scorching mist dissipated into the air. As its body moved, its reptilian scales rubbed against each other which emitted a series of fine noises, which sounded like the points of blades striking each other incessantly, causing a numbing feeling as the sound reached the ears of the people.

It was to be a battle that everyone would not be apprehensive about its result. Not a single one among them believed that faced with a Devious Wyvern like this, the incredibly "lucky" Lord Meh Meh would still be able to continue with its winning streak.

From the strong presence that was emanating from the Devious Wyvern, everyone immediately knew that that was not merely a low grade Spirit Beast, but a huge monstrous beast that was at least at the pinnacle of high grade Spirit Beasts!

This was the first time that a high grade Spirit Beast had appeared in the Spirit Beast Arena.

People of the Thousand Beast City knew their Spirit Beasts well. From the strong presence they could feel at that moment, they fully understood that the high grade Spirit Beast was not much different from the legendary Guardian Grade Spirit Beast. Before such a tyrannical Spirit Beast, even if they searched throughout the entire Thousand Beast City, they would not be able to find a single worthy opponent for it!

Surprised gasps and shocked exclamations escaped from the people's mouth. They stared stunned with their mouths agape at the magnificence of the Devious Wyvern. This was no longer a contest, but it had become a solo performance by the Devious Wyvern. No one was concerned on how the match would play out anymore as in their hearts, the little wooly sheep Spirit Beast standing upon the stage was as good as dead!

Before a high grade Spirit Beast that was at its peak, all Spirit Beasts below the Guardian Grade could only choose death or to submit!

Lin Feng observed the reactions of everyone in the crowd within the Spirit Beast Arena, his eyes flashing with glee. This was exactly the kind of reaction he wanted to see.

[The Thousand Beast City has no need for any outsiders to come here and show off!]

[He will make Jun Xie realize, just how useless his little Spirit Beast truly is!]

[Regardless how resourceful Jun Xie is, he will be forced to witness with his own eyes, his Spirit Beast being swallowed up by the Devious Wyvern right into its stomach!]

Jun Wu Xie's eyes narrowed up, as she stared at the Devious Wyvern on the battle platform. The Devious Wyvern was exactly like what Qing Yu had described. Its reptilian body like a snake, its width almost like that of a man's waist. Its body was currently coiled up, and if its body was fully extended, its size would be even more shockingly huge!

Chapter 999:- Who Swallows Who (1)

Without knowing the reason why, the moment she saw the Devious Wyvern, Jun Wu Xie suddenly felt an unexplainable excitement rising within her, a strong instinctive urge to seize and pillage pushing powerfully against her consciousness!

It was a feeling, that Jun Wu Xie had never encountered before. The strong unexplainable urge caused her to furrow up her brows as she fought to forcibly suppress it, the complexion on her face suddenly turning an unhealthy shade.

Right at that moment, Lin Feng coincidentally turned to look at Jun Xie, quickly noticing the change in his complexion.

Seeing Jun Xie's face turned pale, her brows furrowed up tightly, the glee in Lin Feng's heart grew, as he yearned longingly to quickly see the scene of Jun Xie sobbing and weeping helplessly!

Upon the battle platform, the Devious Wyvern was looking at Lord Meh Meh with eyes filled with slaughter.

Lord Meh Meh had been surprised a brief moment when he first saw the Devious Wyvern, staring at the humongous beast right before its eyes!

The starting bell for the battle rang!

Under the youth instruction, the Devious Wyvern's mouth gaped wide open, the upper half of its body lunging straight towards Lord Meh Meh like a slingshot!

Its movement was quick as lightning, and it drew out loud gasps of surprise from the crowd!

"Too fast!"

Screams and shouts erupted. Just as everyone was thinking that the sheep Spirit Beast would be instantly killed, a tiny white figure suddenly leapt up, high off the battle platform!

It moved like a white flash of lightning, its movements not slower than the Devious Wyvern in the slightest!

Everyone eyes were looking in shock at Lord Meh Meh's tiny form currently flying in mid air. This was the first time that they had seen this sheep Spirit Beast move from its spot on the arena platform in battle, and the speed it had suddenly moved at stunned everybody for a long while.

While Lord Meh Meh leapt into the air, its eyes were however still fixed upon the Devious Wyvern upon the battle platform, and in that pair of big bright limpid eyes, a strong thirsty desire suddenly shone!

The Devious Wyvern had missed on its first strike and it immediately swiveled its head and shot towards Lord Meh Meh who was still in the air, its jaws widened to bite into its prey. With the quick movement of its humongous body, a strong wind was kicked up around all four sides of the battle stage!

The people closest to the arena stage were all blown onto the ground by the strength of that powerful surge of wind!

All eyes watched intently in the instant that the Devious Wyvern seemed just about to swallow up Lord Meh Meh who was falling down through the air. Still in midair, the little white wooly ball suddenly gave out a brilliantly blinding light!

The brilliant ball of light was as blinding as the sun as it began to grow quickly in a short period of time!

"Meh! !"

A familiar bleating sounded out from within the blinding brilliance. The people squinted and shielded their eyes as they tried their hardest to see what was happening on the arena battle platform. However, when the blinding light faded, they were immediately greeted by an explosive crash! A gigantic form had suddenly appeared within the Spirit Beast Arena!

It was a titanic sized Spirit Beast that was emanating a faint glow throughout its entire body, its nine long tails waving in the air behind it!

The Devious Wyvern who had been insufferably arrogant and tyrannical just moments before was at that moment being pinned down upon the battle platform under the foot of the gigantic Spirit Beast!

The battle stage had been carefully made from forged steel and was incredibly strong and hard. But with one explosive stomp from the titanic sized Spirit Beast, the entire battle stage had instantly crumbled to dust in a blink!

The Devious Wyvern gave a shrill and ear piercing cry. Suddenly finding itself tightly pinned down under the claw of a gigantic Spirit Beast, the Devious Wyvern struggled frantically, its cry filled with terror and desperation!

The gigantic Spirit Beast narrowed its eyes and looked down at the Devious Wyvern struggling incessantly under its foot and its blood red tongue stuck out of its mouth, to lick its jaws greedily.

At that moment, there wasn't a single sound in the entire Spirit Beast Arena. No one knew where the incredibly gigantic Spirit Beast had suddenly appeared from.....

Chapter 1000:- Who Swallows Who (2)

The originally wide and spacious Spirit Beast Arena, had in the instant the gigantic Spirit Beast appeared, become highly squashed. Some people who were nearest to the battle stage itself had at the moment the Spirit Beast landed, instantly been crushed to death on the spot!

A thick stench of blood wafted through the air in the Spirit Beast Arena, as all their eyes widened with incredulous disbelief, staring at the nine tailed Spirit Beast!

"A Guardian Grade Spirit Beast..... That is a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast!" Within the heavy silence, one lone scream sounded, as loud gasps erupted from the crowd!

No one would have thought that within the Spirit Beast Arena in the Thousand Beast City, a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast that existed only in legends would appear!

Jun Wu Xie looked on calmly at Lord Meh Meh who had revealed its true form, and a faint smile showed upon her lips.

Hidden among the crowd and all prepared to enjoy the great show that was about to commence, Lin Feng was equally stunned by everything that he saw before him. His eyes widened up in flabbergasted shock, staring in utter disbelief at the Devious Wyvern pinned down under the Guardian Grade Spirit Beast's foot, unable to believe his own eyes.

The mournful cries of the Devious Wyvern reached his ears, the sounds extremely pitiful and filled with fear and terror!

"Oh no!" Still in shock, an ominous feeling suddenly grew within Lin Feng's heart. He suddenly threw away all caution as he clawed and scratched his way through the crowd of people in front of him, scrambling his way towards the direction where the Devious Wyvern was.

However, just at that moment, Lord Meh Meh's jaws opened up wide and it swallowed up the writhing and squirming Spirit Beast beneath its foot into its stomach!

The Devious Wyvern that was as almost as big as a small mountain was swallowed whole, and without even chewing!

By the time Lin Feng managed to break out from within the crowd of people, it saw the tail end of the Devious Wyvern disappearing through the jaws of Lord Meh Meh, and Lord Meh Meh's action of swallowing. Lin Feng suddenly felt as if all the blood in his body had been sucked out dry from him, as his entire person slumped weakly to the ground.

[How did it become like this?]

[How did it become like this?]

[How did the Devious Wyvern end up being swallowed up?]

A persistent ringing grew in Lin Feng's mind, as he refused to believe that all that his eyes saw was real!

That Devious Wyvern had been meant to be a congratulatory gift his father had carefully prepared for that person!

But now, he had secretly taken the Devious Wyvern out, and caused the Devious Wyvern to be swallowed up by a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast that had suddenly appeared, without even leaving a single scale behind.....

Fear and terror exploded within Lin Feng's chest, his teeth began to chatter as he sat upon the cold ground, his body suddenly turning icy cold.

And the moment that the Devious Wyvern was completely swallowed up by Lord Meh Meh into its stomach, the strong urge that Jun Wu Xie felt had immediately disappeared without a trace left behind. Her face creased up slightly in puzzlement, as she noticed the subtle change that had come over her emotions.

The entire Spirit Beast Arena was in chaos. The appearance of a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast had shattered the sanity of many of them. They howled and wailed as they tried to retreat back in fear, as the only emotion one should feel before the presence of a full Guardian Grade Spirit Beast was only terror!

Lord Meh Meh licked its jaws in satisfaction as the sticky sensation below one of its claws made it feel rather uncomfortable. It instantly changed itself into a ball of light and shrunk itself, gradually turning bit by bit from the gigantic beast form, into a little ball of wool.

When the light faded away, within the heap of rubble that was the battle platform, an adorable little sheep suddenly appeared.

"Meh?" Lord Meh Meh stared at the disorderly mess all around it, looking at the crushed battle platform reduced to formless rubble, and a heap of mashed up blood and flesh on one side it had created when it "accidentally" stepped on them. It bleated once, the sound seemingly questioning.

And with that single bleat, the chaotic mess that wrecked the Spirit Beast Arena immediately fell silent once again!

All eyes were staring, in bug eyed disbelief at Lord Meh Meh standing among the rubble. Never in their dreams, would they have once thought that the one who had brought this horrendous nightmare to them, would be the "low grade Spirit Beast" that they had despised all this while!


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