South Park Oneshots

By julianscool

14.8K 79 410

One shots I write when im bored. No art is mine! Probably will contain ships such as : -Style (Stan x Kyle) ... More

Starks Pond
Why Hell?
Valentines day
Cold weather
Scott x clyde?
Creek wedding
Baking in Style
Creek prom
The girl I'll never be
Bebes antics
Space Au

Tweak Bros.

257 2 1
By julianscool

(old fic i never finished, don't mind the name LOL)

"I heard there was a new Coffee shop in town." Clyde said, as his group of friends were trying to make plans after school.
"Finally there's something new in this town." Tolkien said.
"We should go there sometime." Jimmy said.
"Yeah sure" Craig agreed.


"Shit!" Tweek whispered to himself. He had just spilled the order of a tall, thin, brunette woman, who looked to be around her mid 60s. The order was a black coffee, nothing on it, no sugar, no milk, and it had spilled all over Tweeks apron, leaving dark brown spots on the yellowish-white fabric that read, "Tweak Bros." in bold text.

"S-sorry mam!!" Tweek said nervously, picking up the cup that fell onto the floor, his stuttering always got worse whenever he was nervous, he also tended to be more clumsy, and act without thinking. "I'll clean it up right this second, and I'll bring you your order. Actually I-if you want I can get you some coupons, if you e-even would want to come back not this place. It's all my fault s-sorry!" Tweek finished. "It's fine, accidents happen." The woman said with a smile. Tweek was a bit shocked receiving this kindness, whenever he dropped someones order they called him a spaz and usually left the Coffee Shop, which is why he didnt like to work there. He thanked the lady for her kindness and then brought over a handkerchief that was on a counter, trying his best to hurry so that the woman wouldn't leave. He rapidly walked to the brunettes table, cleaning the spill as fast as he could, while apologizing as much as he could.

In the end the woman didn't leave, and Tweek and her had surprisingly nice conversation, weird how things like that can happen, Tweek thought.

Craig, who was sitting at a table in the Coffee shop not too far from the table Tweek had been serving, was watching Tweek and the brunette woman, giggling to himself, finding it humourous how the scene had unfolded. "Craig, what have you been laughing at for so long, we are trying to have a meaningful conversation!" Clyde said, noticing Craig's giggles. "A meaningful conversation about what, which is better, Star Wars or Star Trek?" Craig retorted, in his usual monotone, nasaly voice. "Star Trek is way better!" Clyde said, "N-no, S-star Wars!" Jimmy opposed. "I don't think that's was what he was trying to say guys." Tolkien said, trying to calm them down. Craig giggled, watching both Clyde and Jimmy get into a heated argument.

"When is the waiter coming, I'm hungry." Clyde stated, trying to ignore the past discussion with Jimmy. "O-o-oh yeah, now that I think about it, it's been a p-pretty long time." Jimmy agreed. "I think he's coming right now." Tolkien said, looking at the waiter walking towards them.

It was the same guy who had spilled the brunette woman's coffee, he even had the stains on the apron he was wearing. "Hey isn't that the guy Craig was checking out?" Clyde said. "I was not checking him out." Craig argued, then realizing that the guy was pretty hot, and his type.

He was pretty tall, about his height, his blonde hair seemed like a bird's nest from how messy and tangled it was, he had a pretty nose, and dark forest green eyes, he seemed to be in shape, with long legs, slight freckles scattered on his face, and eye bags that fit his face perfectly.

"N-now, you are checking him out." Jimmy snickered, causing the rest of the group to laugh. Craigs face flushed, but he tried his best to keep his usual tone.

The waiter, Tweek had noticed the group laughing, and realised he had neglected that group for a while.

"H-hey, do you guys have your order ready?" The blonde waiter interrupted. The group got quiet for a second, all thinking about the fact that he might have heard them. "I-I'll get a medium coffee." Craig said, interrupting the awkward silence. "Oh in that case I'll get the-" Clyde ordered, and so did the rest of the group, but it was buried by Craig's thoughts, had the blonde hot waiter heard them? Does he think he's a creep? Maybe he thinks he wants to date him or something? Maybe he thinks he's wierd because he likes a guy in the first place?

"Craig? Craiggg~ Craig!" Clyde said, interrupting Craigs thoughts. "What do you want now?" Craig said. "Damn dude, no need to be so hostile, I was just gonna ask you if all you were going to get was a medium coffee." Clyde responded. "Oh fuck, I forgot that that's the only thing I ordered. Well, whatever I'm not that hungry anyways." Craig quickly dismissed the problem. Clyde was always worried about Craig, he didnt seem to care much about anything, even himself, it was concerning, but Clyde couldn't say anything.


"Finally my shift ended!" Tweek said, to no one in particular, while taking his apron off. His family had just moved to the small Colorado mountain town a week ago so he had no friends, he hadn't even went to school yet.

"Now what to do.." Tweek thought outloud. "Maybe I can try ice skating! I've never been somewhere were it snows." Tweek finished his thought. "Wait no, ice skating is dangerous, and I can get hurt really badly, oh god, what if I slip on the ice and fall flat on my head and get a concussion, or even worse...what if I die!?" Tweek worriedly said controlling his breathing to calm down. '1...' he thought, '2...3...'

"Maybe it'll be good for me to try something new...I hope." Tweek awkwardly smiled at himself.

Tweek went to the skating rink, he didn't have any personal skates so he had to go to skating rink where they had some for rent.

Tweek entered the skate rink, realizing it would be slightly embarrassing to skate by himself, considering everyone else there was with a group, or with a partner.

"Here's your change sir, have fun." The cashier said as she handed Tweek his rented skates. "Thanks," Tweek answered politely.

He put the skates on, and tried to get on the ice, not knowing how to get on and falling the first time. He tried again but failed. Tweek started te feel embarrassing for not knowing how to get onto the ice, he had skated before, but never ice skated, he figured it was pretty similar.

"Do you need help?" Asked, a dark haired boy, who seemed to be the same age as Tweek, his skin was pretty clear other than a few pimples he had on his forehead and cheeks, his hair covered by a blue chullo hat with a yellow puffball, the boy seemed to be around the same height as him, maybe a bit taller.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Tweek said, embarrassed.
"Well the first thing your doing wrong is stepping on the ice face front, it's easier if you step on it sideways." The dark haired boy said. "Oh. Thanks." Tweek said, not expecting more help. "Woah, where are you going that's not all." The boy said, in a sorta desperate voice. As if he didn't want Tweek to leave.

"Place your hands on the barrier so that you won't fall, and try again." The dark haired boy said. Tweek tried again, failing once again. "Sorry, I guess I just really suck at ice skating, maybe I should just stick to normal skating." Tweek said losing the last bit of confidence he had. "You know how to skate?" The dark haired boy said, surprised. "Yeah, it's way easier than ice skating." Tweek answered. "You should teach me someday." The dark haired boy suggested. "O-oh I mean if you want me to, you would mind?" Tweek said. "Not at all." The dark haired boy said. "Hey, so what's your name dude?" Tweek said, wanting to ask as causal as possible. "Its Craig." Craig smiled. "Craig, that's a neat name, mine is Tweek." Tweek smiled back, feeling a new feeling he hadn't felt before.

They had spent the whole time talking, Craig only leaving when he realised the group of friends he was with had already left. They had exchanged numbers and found that they lived near eachother. Tweek was even going to go to Craig's school.

Tweek felt excited now, having a new friend would make things easier now.


"So you actually talked to him!?" Clyde said, they were currently in Craigs bedroom. Which wasn't very neat, there was bundles of dirty clothes in a cornier of his room, while a different corner had Stripe #5 cage, his desk was messy with papers that seemed to be flying around the room, trash hidden under his mattress, but poking out from the sides, making it just noticeable. "Yeah, I did," Craig paused and looked toward Clyde, noticing that Clyde had covered his mouth and looked like he was about to burst out laughing. "but not because I want to date him, idiot. I want to be his friend, he seemed cool and nice. He's even going to our school on Wednesday." Craig finished. "Your cock also thought he wa-" Clyde was hit in the face with a pillow before he could say anything else.

"What's his name? I also want to be his friend, since he seems like such a cool and nice guy." Clyde said, clearly having a hint of sarcasm but Craig decided to answer anyways, "His name is Tweek." Clyde let out a small giggle. "W-what type of name is Tweek?" Clyde said, now letting out a full laughter. "It fits him well thought, I like it." Craig smiled.

Clyde was happy that this new person was making Craig smile so much, but really what type of name was Tweek? He thought to himself.

Clyde left Craig's house just before his parent came home. Craig helped his mom out with dinner and went back to his bedroom. He wasnt doing anything important so he decided to text Tweek.

Tweek answered quickly, not giving Craig time to think, so Craig decided to call him.

"Hey Tweek." Craig said into his phone. "Dude back away from your phone, I can hear the feedback static noise thing." Tweek said, "Ugh fine Tweek." Craig said, still having his phone next to his mouth. "Dude! The static is annoying!" Tweek stated. "Sorry man, are you busy right now?" Craig asked quickly changing the subject. "No..? Why?" Tweek asked suspiciously. "Just checking so that I could come over, you better have your room clean cause I'm already on my way." Craig answered confidently.

Tweek laughed and ended the call. Tweek told his parents someone was visiting just in case Tweek didn't hear the doorbell.

Quickly afterwards, Tweek heard a knock on the door, so he quickly ran downstairs.

"Hey Tweek. Open the door." A familiar nasaly voice said from the other side of the door. "Naw man, I don't know who you are." Tweek taunted. He could see Craig roll his eyes from a window he looked through, and giggled to himself, thinking that Craig looked cute when he was annoyed.

"Its me, Craig." Craig said, with a hint of disappointment. Tweek opened the door, not expecting his parents to immediately rush to inspect Tweeks new friend. "Hey sweetie what's your name?" "Are you going to stay for diner?" "When did you meet Tweek?" "Do you actually like being around Tweek?" Tweeks parents bombarded Craig with questions.

Craig looked over to Tweek who just shrugged but let out a sly grin. Craig flipped him off and tried answering as many questions as he could, out of politeness.

After Tweeks parents were done asking Craig a lot of personal questions, the two boys walked upstairs to Tweeks room where they both collapsed onto Tweeks bed.

"God damn dude, your parents are exhausting," Craig paused for a second before adding, "No offense."

"None taken, they are too much for most people to handle, I can barely handle them, but I know it was hard handling me as a kid." Tweek simply said.

"Oh? And why is that?" Craig asked curiously. Tweek thought about what his answer would be for a second, but then simply said, "I have ADHD". Craig didn't know how to respond, so he just settled on, "My parents and friends say that I might be autistic?" Tweek started to turn into a laughing mess. "BAHAHAHA w-what is that supposed to mean dude!?" He said, trying his best to catch his breath from the laughter. Craig laughed as well, finding Tweeks laugh cute, and his smile even cuter. "Ion know man, I just thought that maybe you would be able to diagnose me or something." Craig shrugged. Tweek started to laugh again, but this time Craig didn't know why, he was being genuine with that question. "'re too funny!!" Tweek said. Craig just sat there on his bed in silence. "'re being for real?" Tweek asked. "Y-yeah..." Craig said, somewhat embarrassed about the situation. "Dude just cause I have ADHD doesn't mean I have the abilities to tell if you're autistic." Tweek said, being somewhat sarcastic and somewhat genuine. "Oh! But I have an idea," Tweek said, while grabbing his computer. "We can take a test online!" He finished. "Oh, yeah that seems fun." Craig said, trying his best to show emotion in his words.

They had took the test and had tons of fun, mostly laughing at some absurd questions, and after they finished the autism test, (which Craig got 93% on), they took other tests.

Craig looked at his phone, his eyes widened a bit, "Dude it's already 10. I have to go." 

"Whattt, but it's barely been any time you got here at like...." Tweek paused. "I got here at 5." Craig finished for him. "Crazy, it's barely even felt like any time at all." Tweek said. "Well, I did. have a lot of fun, and y'know what they say, time flys when you're having fun." Craig said, sarcastically. Tweek laughed and Craig joined him right after.

They slowly walked downstairs, trying to waste as much time as possible, but when they finally reached the door they still stood there for another 10 minutes just talking.

"Oh well I have to actually go now...bye see ya?" Craig asked, hoping that Tweek would wanna hang out again.

"Yeah...I had a lot of fun, Craig. Let's hang out another day." Tweek smiled warmly. Craigs face immediately went bright red, but he quickly covered it with his blue chullo hat. 'I wanna hug him so bad right now.' Craig thought to himself.

"Bye goodnight." Craig said, as he stepped out the door. "Goodnight." Tweek waved back.

Tweek closed the door, and lay his back against it, immediately missing Craigs presence.

Craig had been walking home for a few minutes, he wasn't really looking forward to it because he knew his mom would get mad at him. Trying to ignore what was about to happen to him, he quickly put on his headphones to drown out his thoughts.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps, it sounded like somebody was following him. The footsteps just seemed to get louder and louder as the person came closer to him. Craig imdeiat,y d started to run when he heard the footsteps. "Craig? Craig!" He heard the person call out. The voice sounded very familiar, actually, way too familiar, oh shit.

It was Tweek.

Craig immediately stopped and looked back and sure enough, the blonde was just a few blocks behind him, panting loudly to hold a catch of his breath.

"C-craig!" Tweek yelled out, trying to catch his breath. "Craig! You idiot Craig!" Tweek yelled.

Craig quickly took off his headphones, and walked back towards Tweek, where he was standing trying to catch his breath. "Damn dude, you okay?" Craig asked. "Y-yeah it's just I'm not a great runner." Tweek said, finally being able to catch a hold of his breath.

Craig looked at Tweek, he was sweating, and his hair was so messy, much more messy than it usually was, and he was red from the running. Craig blushed, but quickly drowned out his thoughts. "Oh and dude, why'd you chase after me? I thought someone was following me." Craig chuckled.

"I-I had a question." Tweek spoke. "Yeah? What is it?" Craig asked. "Can't you stay over the night?" Tweek asked, a bit taken aback that he had asked so suddenly, but still, he wanted him to stay, even if it was just a bit longer.

Craig stared at Tweek, trying to cover the bright cherry cheeks that had been painted on him when he noticed the hint of desperation in Tweeks voice, he actually wanted Craig with him.

"I can ask, but I dont have any clothes." Craig said.

"You can just wear mine, your only a bit taller than me and we look about the same size." Tweek said, surprising himself from how much he wanted Craig to stay.

"And were will I sleep?" Craig asked.

"Dude if you don't wanna stay over just say so." Tweek said.

"No! I mean, yeah I wanna stay over, but, I'm just making sure your okay with it y'know?" Craig paused, "Are your parents okay with it?" Craig asked, in a whisper like voice.

"I can just tell my parents, and my bed is big enough for both of us. Unless you wanna sleep on the floor cause I'm not sleeping down there." Tweek said.

"I'm supposed to be the guest Tweek, arent you supposed to be more polite?" Craig asked jokingly.

"Ask your parents if you can stay!" Tweek reminded Craig, ignoring his last statement.

Craig's parents agreed to let him stay over, they even said it was okay for him to stay over the rest of the weekend. Tweeks parents didn't care that Craig was staying over, they had a business to run.

"So what do you want to do?" Tweek asked Craig.

"Uhh, I dunno. You were the one who asked me to stay over." Craig shrugged.

"Well, there's a show that I like to watch, I think it's airing in an hour, we can watch that?" Tweek asked.

"Oh do you mean Red Racer?" Craig asked, his eyes lighting.

Tweek giggled to himself, finding it amusing how Craigs eyes seemed to light up at the mention of the name. "Yeah, do you watch it too?" Tweek asked.

"Every. Single. Day. It's the best show ever, I've been watching it since I was in third grade."
Craig explained, still having that same shimmer in his eyes.

"Who's your favorite?" Tweek said.

"Oh well, I really like _____ but _______ is also pretty cool. But at the same time ___ has-" Craig went on.

Craig sometimes had what you call, 'Hyper-fixations' on certain things, such as Space, Red Racer, and Guinea pigs. Craig was a quiet person, not saying much unless he was told to. Tweek asking him questions about one of his hyper-fixations was a dream come true for Craig. Mostly when he opened up about his interests, people found it annoying, like Clyde, sure Craig tries to pretend he doesn't care, but deep down he does. Sometimes, people just ignored him, like his parents, ever since he was a kid he had liked space and he talked about it a whole lot, but somehow, Craigs parents had no idea he was even interested in space until he had to do a school project on one of his interests. But Tweek, he seemed to actually listen, and maybe Craig was just trying to keep his hopes up, but he felt, well amazing that someone was actually listening.

Tweek starred at Craig in admiration, wondering how a boy could look so cute while explaining all the hidden lore about Red Racer. A very goofy smile slowly reached his face, matching his eyes, which seemed to have hearts for pupils. Tweek hadn't even realized it yet, but he had fallen head over heels in love with Craig Tucker.

"Now that I think about it, Red Racer is about to air!" Craig interrupted himself.

"Oh yeah!" Tweek said, quickly grabbing the control for the TV.

They watched Red Racer for the next hour.

They fell asleep in the next two hours, which was quite unusual for Tweek, he usually couldn't get any sleep. Both Tweek and Craig desperately wanted to go to sleep in each others embrace, but neither of them did anything about it, other than tangle their legs together, convincing themselves it was platonic.


They both awoke next morning, nestled into each others arms, both pretending they were still asleep to enjoy the feeling of the others touch on their skin.
"Tweek! Craig! Come downstairs, I made you boys some breakfast!" Tweeks mom yelled from the kitchen downstairs. Both boys lay still, not wanting to 'wake' each other up, since they both thought the other one was still asleep. Tweek hurriedly got up as he heard his mothers footsteps coming up towards the room. He didn't want his mother to see him cuddled up with a boy he had just met.

"Coming mom!" Tweek took a glance to his bed, where Craig was laying peacefully. He smiled to himself, "I think Craig is still asleep though, I'll wake him up later!"

Tweek carefully ran down the stairs, not wanting to trip and fall and get a concussion, and perhaps even die. But when the door slammed shut, Craigs nonchalant face suddenly turned into a giant grin. He had just spent the night cuddled up with Tweek, and, he hadn't done or said anything weird when he noticed that they were cuddled up together. Just right then and there Craig felt like he fell in love with him ten times harder.

Craig fell asleep for a little while longer, only waking up because of the taste of his own saliva. He got up and went to look for the bathroom, hearing the sizzling of bacon as soon as he stepped out the door. He quickly went downstairs, eager to see Tweek once again,

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