Then he came along

By Kuchi_m_s04

7.3K 278 42

My life could be described in three words. Loving but unloved. I knew my whole family cared less about me and... More

Chapter 1: My life
Chapter 2: Someone's Watching
Chapter 3: Still being watched
Chapter 4: Sudden Proposal
Chapter 5: Sudden Proposal II
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Dinner
Chapters 8: Engagement Party
Chapter 9: Darius
Chapter 10: Dating?
Chapter 11: Closer
Chapter 12: Choice
Chapter 13: Preparations
Chapter 14: Crush
Chapter 15: Missing Him
Chapter 16: Party
Chapter 17: Christmas
Chapter 18: Almost There
Chapter 19: A Mixture of Emotions
Chapter 20: The Big Day
Chapter 21: The Big Day II
Chapter 23: Honeymoon?
Chapter 24: Truth
Chapter 25: Hate
Chapter 26: Trapped
Chapter 27: Rage
Chapter 28: Safe
Chapter 29: Healing?
Chapter 30: One Crazy Day

Chapter 22: Reception

129 8 2
By Kuchi_m_s04

Gem's Pov

I was Mrs. Lombardi. It kept replaying in my mind like it was almost not real.
Looking in the mirror one last time I blushed. All this was too good to be true. But I guess there was a reason God allowed it all to play out this way.

I stared at my dress one last time before I was picked up for the reception.
My dress was loose from the waist down and held my upper body in a way that i loved. The change of dresses was so unnecessary but my mother's insisted I change. I was now waiting impatiently to be reunited with Darius like we were long lost lovers.

Not so long after the thought occupied my mind than my dad walked into the room.
I turned away from the huge mirror so I could face him. He gave me a once over and smiled.
His eyes teared up and my face instantly dropped.

"Papa, is everything alright?" I asked.

"Looking at you in this moment in a pink dress reminds me of one time when you were dressed in the exact same colour as a little girl," he chuckled.
"I just can't remember where I put those pictures, but you looked like a princess, just like now, except now you're someone's queen......But remember if he doesn't own up to any of his vows you're free to come back home,"he added the last part solemnly.
We hooked arms and he led us out of the room into the hallway.

"You know marriages are not always perfect, you will have diffences arising over even the most silliest things," he explained as we made our way into the elevator. "Sometimes he will upset you or you will upset him, but that's how it is. Your mum and i have had loads of such situations. That leads to grandkids, you have to create a very conducive environment if you wanna have kids you know, it's not easy, never has been honestly, your mum and I are an example. Don't be like us. "
"I have a feeling within me that tells me you and Darius are going to do well, in each and every aspect." He looked into my eyes and smiled like he missed out on something big.

The elevator doors went open with a ding and we were met with a partially empty lobby. Mother had booked a resort specially for the wedding reception which was another unnecessary aspect of this wedding. As we approached the spacious garden of the resort the noise became more apparent. I could now hear kids squealing with joy, chatter and laughter here and there till we finally got there. Before we could proceed and step inside the tent which was practically open, papa smiled and kissed my knuckles. We proceeded with hooked arms and just as my head raised to face forward the whole place went silent and it was like only him and I in the room. I could see the tiny smile that tagged at the corner of his lips. He slowly stood to his feet breaking us out of the little bubble. As papa led me he came from the opposite direction. We met at the centre where there was a makeshift dance floor.

Backing away slowly, papa, left my hand gently placed in Darius'. I smiled shyly already feeling the heat in my cheeks. He pulled me closer and I could here his chest vibrating and his warmth slowly radiating to me. His hands twined around my waist and I reluctantly placed mine around his neck.

"You're beautiful, " he uttered staring deep into my eyes. However, it felt as yhough he was looking into my soul. He meant it, I knew he meant it. I leant further into him placing my head on his chest and enjoying the sound of his heart beating. I felt safe, in his arms, in his presence, being his wife, it all felt safe, maybe to the world he was a big bad tall scary looking handsome man, but to me he was mine, my husband. I looked up initiating eye contact, and stared straight into those grey eyes with pride and joy.

"Okay okay, we get the point, you're newly married and inlove!" Someone spoke through the microphone. It was Giovanni.
"But...Please turn the lights back on and let's all have some fun please," we hadn't noticed the lights were deemed for some added effect. Darius shut his eyes holding the bridge of his nose at just the sound of Gio's voice.

"Sorry to burst your bubble newly weds!" Haven took over,"please return to the high table and enjoy the entertainment we have planned out specially for you," we did as she asked of us slowly moving to the table. Darius pulled the seat out for me and with a low but audible thank you I was seated.

"You look handsome Darius, " I complimented him and he stared blankly at me. His eyes looked void of any emotion and that scared me. Wait there was an emotion, one that I could not decipher. It seemed like agony and contentment all in one.

"Is there a problem?" I asked leaning over to him carefully. His eyes darted to my lips and I could immediately tell what he wanted from me. I chuckled wondering why he had to make it seem like that. Looking around cautiously and the chattering joyous guests, I stood up and proceeded to sit on his lap. He stared at me with joy and arm went around my waist. Just as we were about to initiate lip contact we heard....

"You better not be trying to expose R rated content to all these kids," my grandmother spoke and I immediately stood from Darius' laps. My entire face went red but Darius on the other hand seemed unbothered by grandmother's intimidating presence. They shared a moment of intense gazing probably trying yo intimidate one another. She glared one last time before turning to me.

"You'll have your alone time once you leave this place but for now interact with the guests, show some appreciation to them for taking their time to be here," that seemed to be an idea Darius wasn't happy with but we would be together the entire time which would make it fun for the both of us.

"Oh she's grown so big," I smiled at one of my aunt's baby. The baby puked a little on his beeb and Darius decided to start pulling me away with a look of disgust planted visibly on his face.

"How are we gonna have our own of you can't handle one."

"We'll figure it out when they get here," he responded and I rolled my eyes.

"Gemmy!" A little voice squealed and I turned to see the owner. It was Caroline, one of the little girls from the daycare.

"Caroline," I bent to give her a hug and lifted her. "What are you doing here?" I asked seriously puzzled.

"I came with my mama, your husband is mamas boss," she whispered, really close to my ear, the last part.

I faced Darius and there was some form of familiarity on his face. Almost like irritation.

"Carol, I told you to stay put and eat your food," a lady that looked like Carol joined us.

"Mama this is Gemmy, she takes care of us at the day care," she held my head joyously.

"Oh I had no clue who's been caring for her so well at the day care, it's so nice to meet you Mrs Lombardi."

"Oh no it's alright, you can call me Gem."

"Well uhh..." she stared at Darius pensively.

"Gem, this is Ms Brooklyn Hall, she works under the legal affairs of my company and family, Ms Brooklyn, my wife Gem Lombardi, " Darius further introduced us placing a hand at the small of my back while I held little Carol.

"Really an honour meeting you Mrs Lombardi, I'll leave you two to enjoy this special evening, " she said politely taking Carol into her own hands.

I smiled with the same amount of fervour and watched them leave.

"Is this how all your employees are with you?" I turned to face Darius.

"Have to keep it professional, we're not friends, they fulfil a duty in my company and i pay them for it, nothing else. "

"Well i think you should be a bit more friendly with them you know to decrease the...fear,"

"I wouldn't want that, the fear is what makes them work effectively."

"And they would work more efficiently if they had a nice boss who they're afraid to let down."

"Same difference bambina, " he shrugged placking a flower from the decorations, tacked a strand of my hair back and placed the little thing on my ear.

I stared up at the tall masculine figure in confusion. How could a person be so mean and strict yet so soft? Like he read my mind, he chuckled taking my tiny hand in his massive hand and leading us once again to the makeshift dance floor. The lights deemed once again and the famous titanic song by Celine dion began to play.

Steadily swaying in the same position I couldn't help but smile. Had I really found my person? The person God had kept specially for me?

"You smile alot tesoro," he whispered at my ear sending a wave of electricity to my belly igniting the little butterflies.
I shook my head still smiling and staring deep into those grey eyes.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Darius, " Giovanni spoke through the microphone, "it's time for the father daughter dance and mother son dance."
My father came into view and with great reverence Darius placed my hand in my father's. I smiled at papa and he smiled back as we got into position and followed the rhythm of the song. On my other side Darius was dancing with his mum. Her eyes filled with joyous tears Darius leaned in and pressed his lips against her forehead tenderly.

From my papa to Darius' dad, from his mum to my mother. It was tense between the two, I could feel it, but eventually they started to talk. However, not friendly talks.

"Have you two discussed honeymoon issues?" Dad asked and I shook. I honestly forgot that part of the whole marriage thing.
"That's odd, but i bet Darius already has it all planned out," he chuckled. I stared around and I met Reina's burning green eyes. She was clearly not happy with the marriage but what could I possibly do about it. She got up from her seat and headed outside the tent.

"Papa can you excuse me for a bit?"

"Sure dear," he allowed me and I followed Reina in the direction she left.

I found her pacing, fists clenched with a red face.

"Can't you just be happy for me?" I asked breaking her out of the chain of thoughts.

"How did you get out?" She asked confusing me.

"Get out of where?"

"The room, only papa knows about it, how did you get out?"

"How do you know that?" My brows furrowed in seriousness, did she..?
"You locked me up in the room?!"

"Oh shut up and just tell me how you got out?"

"Do not talk to me like that Reina, why... why would you even do such a thing."

"Ughh!!! Why do you act so dumb Gem? Isn't it clear already? I'm the one that's supposed to be in that dress or even a better one! You don't deserve any of this, especially not Darius!"

"I've heard enough and had enough of your stupid selfish attitude, can't you grow up already we're not kids anymore. You thought locking me up was going to stop the marriage from happening? can't stop what God wants to happen. "

"Ohh mother Mary, God this, God that, you should tell me where your God will be once you start having marital issues!"
I had enough of her. In a swift movement my hand made contact with her cheek.

Her head tilted over to the side and a few strands of hair moved to cover her face.

"Gem!" Mother came from behind me to her rescue.

"If you ever utter a single bad word about my marriage or Darius or me, I'm gonna do worse, I've had enough of your sick bratty attitude. I'm not a little girl Reina, just because i choose to ignore your stupid silly comments doesn't mean I'm weak."
I was ready to walk away but I still had more to say, "you were willing to leave me in that room to starve till your hear was content by stealing my husband...i could have died in there Reina, the air supply in that room is minimal...i could have lost my life...but you don't care!! Because you're selfish, that's all you know and that's all you'll ever be!!"

"Reina what's your sister talking about?" Mum asked standing between us.

"I...I...I don't know," she stood up straight trying to hide the fact that she was lying.

"Oh don't be shy now," I spoke sarcastically. "You were boasting about it just some minutes ago, tell her how you wanted to steal my husband by locking me away with no food, water or air!"

"I would come to let you out eventually!!"

"You're really dumb you know that!" I was charging towards her but mum stood infront of me holding me back.

"Like i said before you don't deserve any of this, I DO!!"

"Reina, please tell me you didn't actually do this?"
She still dared to ask such a question even after all she heard.

"Really mother? You still wanna take her side even after all you've heard?"

"Oh does that hurt you, knowing mama loves me more than you." It did hurt.

"Shut up Reina and answer my question already!"

"What's going on here?" Grandma, Raelle and Gwyneth joined us.

"Tell me!" Mother snapped.

"Yes I did but maa..." mother cut her off with a slap.

Now she was in shock...we all were.

"The boy said he didn't want you he made it clear that he wanted Gem. Why go as far as locking your own sister in a room to stop her from attending her own wedding?"

"What the heck is going on here?!!" Papa came whisper yelling. "You're all starting to worry the guests." Behind him was Aunt Ella.

"Apologise to Gem," she ordered and this was almost like karma.

"But mama..." she gritted out with her fists clenched.

"Apologise to your sister right now.."

"Fine...I'm sorry," she said with more spite.

"Now leave, I don't want to see you anywhere near here,"

"Oh so now you're kicking me out?"

"Just go home Reina," Gwyneth said in an exhausted tone. "You've caused enough trouble for today." With that she left.

"Arya what's going on?" Papa asked.

"We'll talk about it later, let's to rattle the guests," arms hooked they left the scene. Gwyneth and grandmother moved behind them and it was just Raelle, aunt Ella and myself.

"Happy now?" She asked. "Your silly marriage is turning our parents against our own sister."

"It's not silly, " I exhaled lowly.

"Oh bull shit, over a man that doesn't even love you, a man you don't know," she raised her voice.

I didn't have any fight left within me. I didn't want to argue anymore. I just wanted to enjoy the rest of the night with my husband.

"Matter of fact I'm not gonna stay here any longer," she started on her way.
When she was out of sight I turned and released the most shaky breath ever resisting the tears that dared to spill.

I felt a comforting rub on my shoulders and I turned in fright. I had completely forgotten aunt Ella was still with us.

"Is this how they've been treating you because of the marriage?" She asked almost pitifully.

"It's nothing like that aunt Ella, it's just Raelle and Reina. We should head back inside, " I tried to put a smile on her face by putting one on mine.

We hooked arms and headed back inside the tent. My eyes instantly spotted Darius out and he was already looking at me. I tried to smile past it all, but I could tell from the way he stared that he wasn't buying it. His eyes fell on his mum and they shared a knowing look, almost like they were communicating telepathically.

I decided to go join my bridesmaids on their table and just as I guessed, they successfully managed to cheer me up.

"Are you two going on a honeymoon?" Hayes asked seeming alittle gloomy if you ask me.

"Not really sure, why do you ask?" I wanted him to say it.

"Nothing, isn't it a thing to go on honeymoon after marriage?"

"Is that so now?" I gave him a calculative look.

"Yes that is so," she responded defensively.

"So what if I am going?"

"Have fun then!" He crossed his arms and put on his serious face.

"Oh come on, smile a little. Aren't you happy? I'm married now," I nudged him playfully.

"I wish things were different, " he mumbled.

I knew what he meant and I wished the same. But we couldn't go back in time now, everything had all played out.

"But it isn't like we aren't siblings anymore, you're still my baby brother, and I love you, you can call me anytime and we'll talk," I rubbed his arm for comfort.

He stood up and extended his hand,"sister brother dance?" I smiled at the sweet gesture and took his arm.
All attention was on us as we began our carefree dance. I hadn't missed any part of Hayes life, I held him when he was first born, I baby sat when mum and dad weren't around, I helped him with his homeworks, helped him learn how to ride a bike. I walked him to the elementary school on his first day. And then it hit me. I had loved this little boy from the time he was born. He was my best friend. It only took us a while to rekindle that friendship and love again. I hadn't acknowledged the tears that welled in my eyes and the smile on my face until a tear slipped out.

"What is it?" He asked wiping my tears away.

"Nothing, " I smiled passed the tears. "I just realised that you're my favourite brother and that i love you...alot," I chuckled.

"Oh come on that's an already known fact Gem," he spoke smugly and I punched him playfully. "Ouch. I love you too shrimp," he patted the top of my head due to the height difference. We hugged still moving to the rhythm of the music.

"Sorry to interrupt," came Ace's voice.

"Oh come on Ace!" Hayes whined.

"Well you're not her only brother now, are you?" He playfully pushed him away.

With one hand on his shoulder and the other in his free hand we began to sway.

"Don't ever forget that this is home too, we're always here for you. If he ever hurts you, you can call me. Anytime, okay?"

"Thank you Ace," I smiled genuinely for the first time at him.

"And I'm also...uhm..." he kept avoiding my eyes.
"Sorry I haven't been supportive."

"That's fine, I don't blame you," I didn't blame any of them but I would have liked to know the real reason why.

Someone cleared their throat behind me and Ace's arms fell to his side. I turned and came face to face with Axel.

With Axel the dance was more formal. He was only doing it for the formalities, for the people who actually did not know the relationship between us.

After a dance with Axel I now shared a dance with my new brothers and another one with Hayes.
I shared a dance with all of my bridesmaids at once and it was the most fun part for me.
Next came cake cutting and I was excited. The cake looked really tasty and the moment Darius fed it to me I fell in love with it.

"Can we carry some of it home?" I whispered to Darius.

"All around the world baby, not home," he kissed my cheek.

"We're going on a honeymoon?"

"Yes we are bambina," he gave the hand he was holding on to a little squeeze.

"But my bags, I haven't packed yet," I looked around frantically.

"Someone already had that taken care of," he was looking at Haven who shot us a heart.

"When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow after breakfast with the family, " he held me close and I smiled. I was happy here happy in his arms. Darius had brought so many changes in my life and I appreciated that. I hugged, almost held on to him for my life. A deep chuckle rumbled out of him.

Hey guys!
Another chapter for you
I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed typing it.
Thank you for reading and hope you stick around for the next chapter.

Love, Kuchi. ❣️

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