King Of Quirks (SAMPLE)

By 7thWrath

3.6K 69 59

Quirkless. The one word that led to Izuku Yagi's life turning into hell. Over a decade later he finds this to... More

Chapter 2: True Monsters & Departure
Chapter 3: News & Reactions

Chapter 1: Same Shit, Different Day

1K 19 18
By 7thWrath

A young man lay on the ground of the classroom floor, his uniform shredded in various areas and blood dripping from parts of his body. His breathing was heavy, he could feel the pain from each taken breath, the ringing in his ear, the taste of his own blood filling his mouth and the acrid smell of burning flesh penetrated the boy's nose.

He slowly turned over to get an arm beneath him, looking towards the door, his escape. But he was delivered a kick to the side making the boy drop in pain.

"Now, now. Did I say a pig like you could get up and try to run?... No, well then be a good little piggy and squeal." a girl's voice practically commanded. This, was Sakura Todoroki, one of the boy's many tormentors.

"What... like how mommy squealed for daddy?" the boy retorted, his breathing still deep and ragged, while he moved his stained mask to spit out some blood.

He looked up to see Todorokis eyes widen before her face contorted to an expression of rage. "What? I'm sure daddy made her sequel more tha-" The young man was cut off by an explosion, sending him rolling into the cabinets at the back of the room.

"Who said you could talk back Deku!?" The voice belonged to one Katsuki Bakugo, another of his abusers and a more active partaker in ensuring the suffering.

The boy wasn't given a chance to reply when he was picked up by an invisible for and slammed into the wall, causing him to grunt. It didn't take seeing the bitch that did this to know who it was. This was Haruko Yagi, his sister.

Oh yeah, should probably introduce the young man being used as a human punching.

This is Izuku Yagi. Now, I know you've read it all before but let's do it 1 last time.

Izuku Yagi was born as the elder twin of Toshinori Yagi and Inko Yagi. At age 4 he was diagnosed as quirkless unlike all of his peers. So everyone turned their backs young the child and life became hell. His "parents" "forgot" his entire existence and his "friends" beat him on a daily under the twisted pretence of "protecting him". Everyone else just ignored his cries for help or help the tormentors at putting the "worthless trash" in its place. So for the next decade, Izuku was forced to survive in a world that rejected him under no fault of his own.

The beating and shit-talking continued for a little while longer before his abusers got bored and left. Izuku was left on the ground with his left arm and leg encased in ice. He was barely conscious and it took him some time to get his bearings.

He managed to grab a nearby chair that he used to chip away at the ice. Unfortunately, as much as he would love to go home, he was forced to clean up the mess, lest he be punished. So he just got it over with before finally being able to leave school himself.


Izuku made his way through the bustling streets of Matsufutsu, getting stares from passersby over his dishevelled appearance. It wasn't anything new, no one seemed to care, at least, not enough to help. But, they wouldn't bother him so that was a plus.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Deku." a voice came from behind him as an arm slung around his shoulder.


"Oh? Why he long face? You should be honoured that we would grace the likes of a worthless piece of shit like you with our presence." another voice spoke up, as the owner walked in front of Izuku.

These two were Hayato Seki and Noriaki Kato, or as Izuku like to call them, Dipshit #1 and Dipshit #2. They were notorious assholes who should be behind bars, but with parents in high places, they got away with anything and everything scot-free.

Izuku soon found himself in front of a music store and was pointed in the direction of one of the displays.

"So let me get this straight. You want me to walk in there... and take a guitar worth 685,000 Yen ($5000)?" he summed up.

"Yeah, we're a little short on cash and really, really want it. So be a good little bitch and go get it for us." Seki smirked.

"Plus, I'm sure we all know what'll happen if you don't," Kato warned the quirkless boy.

Izuku really only had two options here. Option 1: Steal the guitar, risk getting caught and take the fall for these dipshits. Or, option 2: He doesn't and gets another beating.


Izuku swiftly found himself on the ground, getting another beating after giving them two boys a simple, and easy-to-understand "no".

Naturally one might think, well he's getting beaten up in broad daylight in the middle of the streets, surely someone will jump in to help.

Well... you'd be wrong. The bastards made it pretty clear pretty quick about announcing Izukus Quirkless status, so passersby simply remained passersby. Even a Pro-hero came by and only suggested to the boys they move it to a nearby ally, you know, so the store's business isn't being obstructed.

At some point, Izuku passed out from the torture and by the time he woke up, it was already night.

Getting up, Izuku found his crutches which he'd needed for some time now, poking out of a dumpster. So after fishing them out he simply put on his backpack and went on home.

It didn't take long to arrive there, he noticed the lights were still on. Izuku made his way through the gate and began walking to the back garden. He stopped at a window and was welcomed to the sight of his so-called "family" watching a movie together on the sofa.

Sighing, Izuku made his way to the back corner of the garden where his home was located.

(A/N- Something like this.)

The inside was better maintained than the outside, majorly due in part to the fact the exterior was forced to face the elements on a daily basis. During the summer it was unbearably hot and during winter it was freezing cold. Pests also were uncommon, while keeping out rats and other small animals wasn't much of a task for the boy, insects were something that couldn't be simply kept out. There was also just enough room for a few storage options and the mattress was usable. So, it worked for him.

Upon entering Izuku dropped his backpack and placed his crutches by the wall as he sat on the bed and grabbed his medical supplies. He began attending to his wounds, disinfecting, stitching, applying burn creams, and dressing them. All stuff Izuku had done thousands of times before.

After treating his wounds he pulled out a camping stove and a kettle, he put it on the stove to boil some water. When that was done he filled up a cup of ramen pot and let it sit for the allocated time before eating.

Once he had enjoyed his dinner Izuku just plopped down on his bed and let the darkness consume him again, waiting for the cycle to repeat once again.


The next day rolled around and went just about the same as others before it. Waking up in pain and getting ready for school. Going to school and enduring the same shit, just a different day.

"Alright class, it's about time that you all start taking your future seriously since you're 3rd years and all. Now I could hand out career aptitude tests... but why bother. I know you all going down the hero track." The teacher threw the papers up in the air as most of the class began to use their quirks. "Yes, yes, you all have very impressive quirks. But remember, it's still not allowed to use your powers in school... well at least not always at least."

'Jackass.' This particular teacher always had it out for him, and from the moment he stepped into the class over 2 years ago he knew he was screwed.

"Hey teach... don't lump us in with these bunch of losers. They'll be lucky if they end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister." Bakugo proclaimed, silencing the class for a brief moment before they all started yelling at him. A challenge to the young Pomeranian that was enthusiastically accepted.

"Yeah, you and your friends have some impressive test scores. I'm sure you'll make it into UA." the teacher's announcement shocked the class. Bakugo, Haruko, Sakura Todorki and her twin Shoto Todoroki were aiming for the best school in the country. But, to most of the class, this was to be expected, the four had always been seen as the top dogs.

"It's the only place worthy of me." Bakugo hopped onto his desk before continuing. "I aced all of the mock tests. I'm one of the only ones that stand a chance-... Bark bark bark, bark bark bark."

Izuku just stopped listening, wishing that he was seated behind Bakugo so he could kick one of the desk's legs. His train of thought was brought to a screeching halt when he noticed the teacher's malicious smirk. He didn't like this one bit.

"Oh yeah, Deku. You want to go to UA don't you?"

'You piece of shit!' Izuku mentally raged. The entire class was brought to silence before a burst of roaring laughter took over. This was cut short by an explosion that sent Izuku out of his chair but was grabbed from the floor and thrown into the wall, courtesy of BakuBitch and Harukhoe respectively.

"Listen up you piece of trash! You're worthless, how dare you apply for UA, why would they even want someone like you when they can have me?!" Bakugo barked right in Izuku's face.

"Well, I-" Izuku wasn't able to finish when a foot slammed into his face.

"Hah! Are you talking back Deku, guess we're gonna have to teach you a lesson." and so began a beat down in the middle of class. This went on for a few more minutes before the teacher stopped the two, of course, he didn't forget to scold Izuku for "acting up and causing trouble during class."

The class continued and eventually finished, but before Izuku could leave he found himself on ice. "You think we're done here Deku?" Shoto questioned.

The layer of ice was thin so a telekinetically enhanced punch was all it took to break through it. Izuku tried to stand up but Bakugo stomped on his chest, pushing him against the wall. 'What the hell is it with these guys and this damn wall.'

"I don't know what you think doing but we're not done here Deku." Haruko forewarned. The rest of the class just filed out, snickering as they knew what came next.

Shoto iced him to the wall before beginning to speak. "It's pathetic that you still think you can become a hero. You should just quit while you're ahead..."

While Shoto went on and on Haruko, Sakura and Bakugo were whispering behind him. "Hey ya know, I'm pretty sure Izuku has a crush on you Sakura."

"What, really?" Sakura blushed.

"Yeah. anyway, I've got an idea..."

Shoto finally finished his rant about true heroes and things Izuku didn't care to listen to. "You done there?"

"Oh. Someone pretty cocky today." Sakura said, "You know people like you should know where they belong and what they're worth. You'll never get anywhere in life and no one will ever love you. You'll always be alone."

"Makes you so sure?" Izuku grunted, the ice was getting to him at this point.

"Well a little birdie told me that you love me, but guess what I only like real men." Sakura mock pouted and made her way up to Bakugo and began to kiss him, something the pomeranian returned. Shoto raised a brow and looked towards Haruko who just smiled and gave him a knowing look.

Izuku just looked between the group with a blank stare. 'I think I might be sick.'

After about another minute the 2 broke apart and Sakura began talking. "Like I said I prefer a real man that could satisfy all my needs, like Bakugo. A man that would naturally also become a great hero."

"Most top heroes show potential from the start, people look at them and know they're destined for greatness." Bakugo started, stepping in front of the boy. "When we get into UA, people will know exactly who the top dogs are and know their place."

Sakura lent in putting her right hand on his chest and the ice began to melt away, "Here's a 'friendly' piece of advice you little bitch. Don't even think of applying, or else," she smiled at that last part.

The 4 began to walk to the door being led by Bakugo who stopped just before turning the corner. "You know if you really want a quirk, there might just be another way," this caught the attention of the other three, but Izuku knew too well it wasn't going to be good. "Take a swan dive off the roof of the school building, and hope for a Quirk in your next life." Bakugo laughed walking away with the others quickly following.

Izuku stared at the doorway they had just left through for a few moments before ultimately just sighing and collecting his things. It wasn't the first time he'd been suicide baited and was fully aware it wouldn't be the last.

He left the classroom, not bothering to clean up the mess made this time. The hallways were silent, for Izuku this was nice, he liked it when no one else was around and no one bothered him.

It didn't take long to arrive at the principal's office. He knew the man wouldn't help him at all with the abuse, he's never done so before, but Izuku was sure he'd be more than happy this time around. After scuffling around in his bag for some papers, he knocked on the door and waited for a "come in" before entering.

Upon entering the room the principal's face turned into one of annoyance. "What do you want?" The man groaned

Instead of providing a verbal answer, Izuku placed the papers on the man's desk. He gave the boy a conspicuous look before reading. Immediately annoyance turned pure glee. "I see! Well, I'll have these processed by the end of the day... well. Fuck off."

Izuku turned and left the room without a word. As of now, Izuku Yagi is no longer a student of Aldera Middle School.

He would have done this earlier, but getting the right paperwork for it was a pain in the ass. It took almost a year to get it, but now it was done.


Izuku decided to take the alternate route that he always took in order to avoid bitches and co. Upon reaching an underpass, a large sludge villain popped out and jumped Izuku, the villain was attempting to hijack his body.

Izuku struggled until he heard an all too familiar voice. "TEXAS SMASH!"

'Oh great, my hero.' Izuku thought sarcastically.

He had fortunately kept a hold of his consciousness but the hero who had just saved him never paid the boy any mind and just collected the villain while Izuku was choking some of the sludge up.

Putting back on his mask, Izuku looked up to see All Might, the number one hero and Symbol of Peace, among other things.

He was putting the villain in a soda bottle. 'That doesn't seem very secure.'

All Might turned to the young man and looked almost surprised. "Ahahaha! My apologies citizen, usually I keep bystanders out of my heroing. But the sewers in this city are pretty hard to navigate." All Might laughed.

"Hey, All Might... mind if I ask something it won't take up much of your time."

'Shit... he better make this quick. I'm almost out of time.' "Of course Br- young man, but make it quick. I'm quite busy."

"Can a Quirkless pe-"

"No." All Might interrupted coldly.

"Quirkless people don't amount to anything, so I suggest you don't bother having any dreams. Quirkless are scum that the world would be better off without them. All that the Quirkless have ever been useful is as the stepping stones in the greatness of the people who built this world you live in. You'd waste everyone's time no matter what career you try to enter, so don't even bother trying to live out whatever idiotic fantasies you have." All Might proclaimed with no mercy in his voice.

The boy before him stood unmoving under the "heroes" gaze. 'You never even gave me a chance to speak.'

Ass Might spoke again. "Now if you're done wasting my time I have people to save." And with that, the man jumped off with the captured villain. 'Jeez, I almost wasted the rest of my time because of that brat.'

'Well, thanks... dad.'

Oh yeah, Izuku had been fully aware of his mother and father's identities but just never said anything. He wasn't sure if their little princess knew, but frankly, he couldn't care less if that was the case, he was far past that.

'Well... time to get going.'


"Uggghhh! I still don't get why he still wants to be a hero." Haruko slumped.

The group went to a nearby shopping district. They had all remained silent after Bakugos 'suggestion'.

"And also..." Haruko started, turning to her friend. "Why would you say that?! We're trying to protect him, not get him killed!"

"Like I care! It's not like he'll do it, he's too much of a pussy!"

"But still that was a bit too far, even for you." Sakura decided to speak up. Her brother just gave her a look that said 'you're no different'. "What?"

"You keep going on that you love him, so what was that? You kissing Bakugo?" Shoto pointed between the two.

"That's different!" Sakura blushed. "Once Zuzu gives up on being a hero, we'll get married and be happy and I can protect him forever."

Bakugo spoke while kicking a bottle, "Besides it's that piece of shit's fault for getting in our way and looking down on me!" He set off some sparks in his hand, "He knows what's coming to him if he doesn't"

"I'll protect my Zuzu, so don't even think about it." Sakura glared at the boy.

Before they could continue another voice interjected, "Ah, I love skin suits with some fire in them."


It didn't take long before for the shopping district to descend into chaos. The villain All Might had captured was now loose and had taken Bakugo as his hostage, what a recipe for perfection.

There were a lot of pros already on the scene. So naturally, one would be correct to believe they would have the situation under control...

. . .

...they did not in fact have the situation under control.

With Bakugo being the choice of hostage, the entire shopping district was alight and a good chunk of the place was destroyed. The guy who proclaimed he'd be the next best thing was now letting his quirk off without a care in the world.

To make matters worse the heroes were just kind of standing there after a few attempts to save the day.

The up-and-rising star, Kamui Woods, saved a couple of people before the blazes got bigger than a campfire and then tapped out.

Death Arms learned that he couldn't grab a liquid.

Mount Lady showed up... yeah that was it really, she just stood there in her enlarged form.

Backdraft had by far done more than the other Pros on the scene. Due to the emergency services being held up he was attempting to quell the blazes, but due to a certain pomeranian, was having little success. He was unsure if the age-old technique of 'just add water' would dilute the villain so they could keep their body together or make the villain grow. Backdraft had also offered to soak Kamui so he wouldn't go up in flames but he immediately declined.

Any other pro was just there, and everyone focused on crowd control. Ultimately leaving Bakugo to suffocate.

Meanwhile, Izuku arrived at the scene and saw the sludge villain causing him to mentally applaud his father for screwing up. He then noticed 3of his abusers with worried expressions and followed their gazes to where his 4th abuser was.

'Oh no... anyway,' Izuku brought his phone out and began recording.

Unfortunately, the boy's newfound joy was short-lived as he felt pain spike up in his right thigh. Izuku was running... towards the villain.

'Dammit. Why can't I just let this bastard die?' He groaned to himself as the heroes yelled from behind.

This had always been a recurring issue with Izuku, the boy could never seem to stop himself from helping others no matter how much of an inconvenience it would be for himself. But then again, the people he helped were usually strangers and not psychopathic mutts that tell you to off yourself.

'Welp, time to show the "real" heroes how it's done.' Izuku sighed as he began analysing his surroundings, all the while the pros continued to shout in an attempt to stop him.

"You again?" The sludge villain rhetorically asked as Bakugo looked and saw who was coming to his aid.

"Time to die kid!" The villain yelled, shooting a tendril out at Izuku.

'Shit, if only I had the right quirk. I could get to that kid.' Death Arms cursed that he couldn't do anything.

'Well... we tried to warn him.' Kamui Woods thought as he watched the tendril fly at the teen.

Izuku dodged to his right, seemingly doing so with relative ease and within the same fluid motion threw a piece of rubble, hitting the villain straight in the eye. This caused the villain to flinch and let go of Bakugo and allowing him to breathe. Izuku continued to dash forward as he reached one of the causes of his suffering, grabbing his collar and with one mighty pull, managed to pull Bakugo out.

'Where the hell did that come from?!' Shoto thought with widened eyes.

'Since when could he do that?' Haruko questioned.

'Well, shit.' Death Arms' jaw dropped at what the teen had just done.

'Didn't see that coming.' Mount lady was just as shocked as everyone else.

But one particular mutt with an ego that Atlas struggles with was absolutely furious at its saviour's actions.


Bakugo aimed an explosion at Izukus's face at point-blank range. "DEKU YOU BASTARD, I'LL KILL YOU!!! DIE!!!"

Unfortunately for the barking pomeranian, Izuku had seen this coming from miles away and with another simple motion, he redirected the blast at the sludge villain who had just recovered. This stunned the villain for a second time, but before things could go on any further a figure appeared between the two middle schoolers and the villain, it was All Might.

'Took you so long old man?' Izuku asked rhetorically.

All Might turned to look at the boys and spoke in a low voice. "What did I say about scum staying in its place? Clearly, you weren't listening..."

Izuku heard what the man said but Bakugo appeared to still be stunned that the No.1 hero had just arrived on the scene.

All Might be turned back to the villain before delivering a 'Detroit Smash', the punch generated a large amount of wind pressure causing everyone to brace themselves. All Might had grabbed the dog so it wouldn't fly away leaving Izuku to keep himself from blasting off. Outside of Mount Lady, who used the arms to protect citizens from the strong winds, everyone else was kinda on their own. So it didn't come as a surprise that people were falling over.

The sky got darker as the winds calmed and rain began to fall, putting out the fires. After the shock that All Might had changed the weather with a single punch, the crowd cheered for their hero's victory. The heroes collected the sludge before handing it over to the police.

Haruko, Shoto and Sakura came to check on Bakugo who only grumbled out responses as he glared at Izuku, something the other three mimicked. As All Might got swarmed by the press the heroes proceed to come their way and surprise surprise, the 4 of them got praised for their quirks and Bakugos bravery, while Izuku got chewed out.

"Man kid you were tough back there!"

"I can already tell you'll be one hell of a hero someday."

"Yeah! And that Quirk is somethin' else. When you go pro why don't you come to my agency."

"Like hell! You should come to my agency, I'd love to have you as my sidekick."

The praising was interrupted by a familiar voice, "Ahahahaha! My apologies for interrupting, But I would like to speak to those 4 if that is okay." All Might pointed to the dumb-dumb foursome. They followed All Might to who knows where while heroes, civilians and the media watched silently as they walked off.

Eventually, the heroes finished Izuku's lecture on how they had everything under control and that explodo-boy would have been fine without his help. Izuku got up and began to limp his way to his back but Death Arms wasn't done apparently, he'd turned to see the boy leaving so he grabbed the collar of his uniform. This immediately proved to be a mistake.

The sounds of both fabric tearing that came from his uniform and the wood snapping that came from the boy's right leg as Izuku fell to the ground. Izuku groaned as he got his arm under him and saw one of his crutches within reach so he used that to stand himself up.

The shirt which was barely even on fell to the ground and revealed a horrific sight.

(A/N- Something like this.)

His entire upper body, back and front were riddled with scars of varying kinds. People's eyes immediately widened in terror, people gasping and some cover their mouths, even the pros weren't exempt from these reactions.

Izuku just looked down and sighed, 'Well, I guess that's out.' As the damage was already done he took off his mask, dropping it and sweeping his hair back to show his not-so-intact face.

(A/N-Sorry for no shading on this.)

'What the hell...' Death Arms stood there frozen, words getting caught in his throat.

'I think I may be sick.' Backdraft looked away, covering his mask with his hand?... fire hydrant?... doesn't matter.

"H-hey kid... Wha-?... W-who?... H-how?" Mount lady choked up as she covered her mouth and tears had begun to flow down her face.

Izuku slightly turned to face the pros, his neck cracking in the process getting a few flinches. "You... wanna know how I got these scars?" he questions raising an intrigued brow.

The only response Mount Lady could answer with was a shaky nod. Izuku let out a dry chuckle. "I committed the worst crime that one could ever hope to commit..." he sounded almost amused at his current predicament, during which he looked up to the sky and closed his eyes, a smirk crawling onto the young man's face.

"...I was born Qurikless."


Authors Note: Okay so I figured I'd take a crack at the classic Izuku Yagi story, just like the other 'SAMPLE' stories I'm looking to see if anyone's interested while I work on The New All For One and Bringing The Heat.

The 2nd image showing Izuku's face is traced for the outline because I couldn't get the head right when I tried to do it, so I don't claim that the 2nd image is mine. The first image is mine though, but if I have to I will take the second image down.

I've seen other stories use a piece of art with scars covering the character's back, so I didn't want to use that again. I know the injuries/scars are not going to be accurate to real life but it was just to get the idea across.

Anyway, like usual feel free to leave criticism and tell me if you want to continue this book. Thanks for reading!

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