His Muse

Da shereads_6

50.5K 3K 2.4K

It's fanfiction DON'T take it literally🙃 Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 51

988 60 121
Da shereads_6

|Glendale Hospital|

Dr Avery: [chuckles] I'm sorry what? What do you mean you're pregnant?

Crystal: [sighs] -nods-

Dr Avery: okay Crystal hahaha you almost got me but April Fool's was last week! [sucks her teeth] I really thought this was an actual emergency appointment

Crystal: Dr Avery, I'm not messing with you! I'm as serious as a heart attack!

Dr Avery: [gets serious] whaaat!? You were literally just here for a new NuvaRing a couples weeks ago and you also took some contraceptions... how in the hell did this happen?

Crystal: [shrugs] shit I don't know, you're the doctor! You should be explaining to me

Dr Avery: [takes a deep breathe] okay okay, let's calm down and retrace your steps... maybe we're stressing about nothing and it's just a phantom pregnancy

Crystal: [exhales] okay

Dr Avery: what makes you think you're pregnant?

Crystal: okay well I've gained some weight, mostly around my hips. I've also been experiencing nausea and I guess I'm moodier than usual

Dr Avery: okay and when was your last period?

Crystal: 2 days ago but the flow was very light and surprisingly it only lasted 2 days as opposed to my usual cycle of 5 days.

Dr Avery: when was the last time you were sexually active and did you use protection?

Crystal: I'm not sure about the exact date but I think like 3-4 weeks ago and no we didn't use any protection but I did take a plan B immediately after

Dr Avery: [throws her hands up in defeat] well that fuckin explains everything!!! Crystal why in the hell would you simultaneously use 3 birth control methods?!

Crystal: [shrugs] I wanted to be extra sure that I don't get pregnant!

Dr Avery: well the only thing you made "extra sure" of was making the birth controls cancel each other out! [Sighs] I'd usually recommend a blood test pregnancy but that's gonna take too long and I'm almost 100% certain that you are indeed pregnant, so here's what we're gonna do...

**Dr Avery stands up and walks to the cupboard then she grabs a pair of latex gloves along with an unopened pregnancy test**

Dr Avery: I don't have to explain to you how this works right?

Crystal: [chuckles] really?

Dr Avery: [shrugs] I mean you're not short of surprises today so I'm just making sure [chuckles]

Knock knock knock

Dr Avery: [yells] come in

**Jazzy and Kayla walk in**

Jazzy: sorry we're late, Kayla forced me to wait for her meeting to end so we could drive together

Kayla: so... what'd we miss?

Crystal: [sighs] we were just about to find out if I'm pregnant or not [awkward smile]

**Kayla and Jazzy's eye widen as they stare at each other in shock. Crystal takes the test from the table and goes to the bathroom**

Dr Avery: you ladies can sit down, she'll be right back

Jazzy: how in the hell did this bitch end up pregnant!!?

Dr Avery: I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that she had sex

Kayla: [laughs] I love you doc, sarcasm is my favorite thing!

Dr Avery: [chuckles] thank you Kayla and Jazzy to answer your question... we don't know yet if she's pregnant but I have no doubt in my mind that she is, all the signs are there

Jazzy: [sighs] well damn

**Crystal comes back and puts the test on the table (she wrapped it in tissue)**

Crystal: so now what?

Dr Avery: we wait...


After a few minutes Dr Avery flips the test over and of course it confirms her suspicions...

Dr Avery: alright Crystal, are you ready?

Crystal: [nods]

Dr Avery: well you were right! You are indeed pregnant

**Jazzy and Kayla smile**

Crystal: [teary-eyed] I hear you but how come I still got my period this month?

Dr Avery: that is definitely a cause for concern however, since you said the cycle was shorter than usual and very light I don't think there's anything to worry about. BUT if you happen to experience any more period related symptoms like bleeding and cramping then please please rush to the hospital

Crystal: [sighs] okay

Dr Avery: don't look so defeated Crystal, I think you're gonna make a perfect mother! You're a nurturer by nature [smiles]

Crystal: -silent- [tears falling]

Kayla: [hugs her] bestie please don't so distraught, this is a good thing! It may not be something you planned for but you know the Bible says "We plan but God decides"

Jazzy: [raises her hands] Amen!!! Besides who knows... maybe having baby at this point of your life could just be the very thing that your heart desires. Don't be sad fren, you know we'll be there with you every step of the way

Dr Avery: [feeling all the emotions] whew now yall got me crying too [chuckles] uhm Crystal would you like me to do an ultrasound?

Crystal: I don't know if I'm ready for that but I'll do it if it's necessary

Dr Avery: it is necessary just to make sure everything's okay but I can't force you to do one if you're against it

Crystal: [sighs] no it's fine, let's just get it over and done with

Dr Avery: please lay on the bed and lift your top

Crystal: -does as told-

Dr Avery: okay this is gonna be a little cold... -pours a generous amount of the gel on her tummy and starts moving the hand-held part of the monitor in a circular motion-

Crystal: [teary-eyed] -voice breaking- is that my baby?

Dr Avery: [smiles] yes, would you like me to print out some pics for you?

Crystal: [nods]

**Dr Avery wipes the remainder of the gel off her tummy and walks to the printer, while Crystal sits up and starts bawling her eyes out**

Jazzy and Kayla immediately walk to her and sit on each side of the bed, they hug her as they all cry together...

Jazzy: Crystal please stop working yourself up like this, I understand that this is quite stressful and very emotional but fren like I said back there... we got you, you have absolutely nothing to worry about

Kayla: exactly! We're gonna be the best godmothers/ aunties to our future niece or nephew [rubs her belly]

Crystal: [crying intensifies] can yall please just stop it!! Stop trying to make me feel good!! I'm not crying because I'm fuckin pregnant, I've been suspecting it for some time now

**Dr Avery comes back with the ultrasound photos**

Kayla: [concerned] okay... so then why are you crying?

Crystal: [sighs] I don't know if I wanna keep this baby


|Crystal's place|

Devale is just chilling on the couch watching a random movie when his phone starts ringing...


Devale: hey pops what's up?

Eddie: I'm good son, just checking on you

Devale: I'm good and how are you?

Eddie: [sighs] I'm taking things one day at a time but you know the thing about grief... some days are better than others

Devale: [sighs] yeah that's true pops, don't rush the grieving process. I mean you're the one who spent the most time with mom, you were there for her until the very end, she knows how much you loved her

Eddie: [voice breaking] thank you son but I do sometimes ask myself if she knew how much we all loved her then why did she have to take her own life?

Devale: [teary-eyed] that's a question we may never know the answer to but if you keep going to those therapy sessions and meeting with the prayer group of pastor Todd then I know for sure that God will give you the strength to keep going

Eddie: thanks son, I'll most definitely keep doing that! Don't worry about me giving me up, I know that you, your sister and my grandkids still need me around

Devale: exactly! So please take care of yourself pops

Eddie: enough about me son, how are things going with you and Crystal?

Devale: we've been doing okay but these days she's been moodier than usual

Eddie: [chuckles] that's just the beauty of living with a woman son, they are moody and emotional creatures but we still love them

Devale: [chuckles] yes we do!! Shit if I didn't know better I'd think she was pregnant, Kay acted the same way with all 4 pregnancies

Eddie: well... maybe she is pregnant? I'm not gonna lie, a new addition to the Ellis family would be the perfect gift from God after the tragic loss we just endured

Devale: I hear you pops but I know for a fact that she's not pregnant [chuckles]

Eddie: oh okay, well if you're near the TV change to the sports channel... They're talking about an upcoming basketball game and I'd like us to go, maybe we could take the boys too?

Devale: yeah that's would be dope, hold on lemme look for the remote... Crystal likes to put it under the cushions [chuckles] *puts the call on hold*

Devale starts looking under all the cushions but instead of the remote he finds the pregnancy test that Crystal had stashed there last night

Devale: [voice breaking] -grabs his phone- hey pops I'll call you back later

Eddie: [worried] is something wrong?

Devale: no there's just something I need to do, bye *hangs up*

Devale: [talking to himself] -smiling- could Crystal really be pregnant?... [closes his eyes and says a short prayer] thank you God for granting me and the Ellis family with this blessing during our time of despair.

Although the test was unopened, Devale connected the dots and immediately convinced himself that Crystal is pregnant due to her appearance and how she's been acting lately. However, he decided that he's not gonna say anything until she brings it up... he then stood up, grabbed his keys and drove to the grocery store.


|Back at Glendale hospital|

Kayla: [shocked] what do you mean you don't know if you wanna have the baby?

Crystal: [sighs] I think I want to have an abortion -looks at Dr Avery- is it possible to schedule one for me now? The sooner the better

Dr Avery: [shocked] y-yeah uhm I can, but are you sure you wanna take such a drastic step before consulting the baby's father?

Crystal: he doesn't even know I'm pregnant, what he doesn't know won't hurt him

Jazzy: [getting pissed] Crystal what the fuck is wrong with you!!? I'm not trying to tell you what to do with your body but you know that Devale just lost his mother, this baby could be the very thing he needs to fill the void. [sighs] look you know I'm gonna support whatever decision you make but please don't be selfish, at least inform Devale about the pregnancy

Crystal: -looks at Dr Avery- so when do you have an opening for me?

Kayla: [scoffs] wow so you're just gonna ignore Jazzy even though you know deep down that she's right!

Crystal: -ignores her- uhm Dr Avery?

Dr Avery: [checks her computer] uhh... I can make an appointment for you in two days from now, at 09:00AM

Crystal: [takes the photos and stands up] thank you I'll be in touch *leaves the room*

Jazzy: [annoyed] your friend is trippin-trippin!!! How she invite us here and then gon leave us behind?

Kayla: [sighs] I think she's still processing everything, you know how she's always been adamant about not wanting kids. Anyway uhm Dr Avery thanks for your time, we're gonna leave now

Dr Avery: thanks ladies

Kayla and Jazzy leave the room and walk outside the hospital, they find Crystal sitting on the bench. Jazzy ignores her and keeps walking to the car while Kayla goes to sit with her.

Crystal: [teary-eyed] Kayla if you're gonna sit here I need you to be quiet, I'm really not in the mood to fight with you

Kayla: I'm not here to fight you bestie, I just came to find out if you want to catch a ride with us or is Devale coming to pick you up?

Crystal: no he's not, so yeah I would like to catch a ride with yall but please DO NOT bring up this baby topic! Otherwise, I have no problem requesting an Uber

Kayla: I promise we won't bring it up -stands up and reaches her hand out- let's go

|In the car|

Jazzy: -silent- [driving]

Kayla: so are we really gon be stuck in this car for half an hour in complete silence?!

Crystal: -silent-

Jazzy: [scoffs] this silence is just fine by me...

**Just fine by Mary J. Blige starts playing and Jazzy increases the radio volume and starts singing**

Jazzy: So I like what I see when I'm looking at me
When I'm walking past the mirror

Kayla: [joins in] Don't stress through the night, at a time in my life Ain't worried about if you feel it

Crystal: [joins in] Got my head on straight, I got my vibe right
I ain't gonna let you kill it

All: [sing together] You see I wouldn't change my life, my life's just...
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooooh

Kayla: [lowers the volume] -laughs- ouuu good times!! do yall remember that night we performed this song at karaoke when we were in Vegas?

Jazzy: [chuckles] yeah I remember how off key you were, ain't nun changed!

Crystal: [chuckles] so true!! You know I love you bestie but singing has NEVER been your strong suite

Kayla: [sucks her teeth] fuck both of yall, my man says I sing better than Beyoncé

Jazzy: [chuckles] bet he wouldn't be saying that if he wasn't tapping that ass [chuckles]

Crystal: [laughs] facts!!!

**The song finally ends and everyone in the car goes completely silent until Crystal decides to break the awkward silence**

Crystal: [sighs] I'm sorry about earlier yall, I didn't mean to be a bitch I was just in shock and trying to process everything... and Jazzy you were right, not telling Devale about this pregnancy is selfish so I'm gonna talk to him about it tonight

Jazzy: I'm sorry too fren, I didn't mean to go off on you but you just make me so mad sometimes

Kayla: [smiles] awww I love yall [exhales] thank you Lord, peace is finally restored in our group!!!

Crystal: [side eye] uhm aren't you gonna apologize?

Kayla: [scoffs] NO!! wtf do I need to apologize for? I ain't do shit to yall, if anything I was the peacemaker

Jazzy: [pulling up to Crystal's place] whatever Kayla... and good luck with tonight Crystal

Crystal: thanks boo

Kayla: I know you said not to bring it up but are you really gonna go through with it?

Crystal: [sighs] honestly... I don't know, I'm gonna use these 2 days to think about it

Kayla: [smiles] okay we'll talk later, love you

Crystal: [opens the door] love you both and thanks for your support today

|Crystal's place|

Crystal walks in and the place is completely silent, she calls out for Devale but there's no answer. It dawns on her that she didn't see his car outside so she concludes that he's not home, she goes upstairs to her room and falls asleep...


A few hours have gone by, Crystal is woken up by the smell of food and loud music coming from downstairs. Coincidentally, Devale walks into the bedroom right when she opens her eyes.

Devale: [smiles] hey baby, how was your nap?

Crystal: hey, when did you get back?

Devale: a couple of hours ago, I'm almost done with dinner

Crystal: [eyes wide] it's already dinner time?! Damn how long was I out and why didn't you wake me up when you returned?

Devale: [chuckles] probably like 3/4 hours, you were sleeping so peaceful and I know you need the rest so that's why I didn't wake you

Crystal: [smiles] thank you baby. Well let me go get in the shower and then I'll come downstairs to join you for dinner

Devale: [pecks her lips] okay baby -smiling hard-

Crystal: [chuckles] why are you so happy?

Devale: it's nothing, I'm just excited for you to taste the food. I cooked all your faves

Crystal: oh really... mmh what's the occasion?

Devale: [shrugs] no occasion, I just have a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night!

Crystal goes into the bathroom and looks the door after entering. Devale tidies up the bed and then Crystal's phone starts ringing (it's in her purse). He reaches for it to locate the phone but instead the ultrasound photos fall out

Devale: [teary-eyed] -talking to himself- looks like tonight's gonna be a good night after all. -He carelessly shoves the photos back into her purse and goes back downstairs-


Crystal got undressed and opened the shower water then stood in front of the full body mirror while she waited for the water to heat up. She carefully observed her reflection in the mirror and noticed a very tiny bump, she touched her tummy as tears started falling from her eyes.

The mirror started fogging up which indicated that the water was finally at the perfect temperature. Crystal wiped her tears and grabbed her washcloth then stepped into the shower. She bathed her body and then just stood and let the water trickle down her back... tears again started forming in her eyes as the only thing she could think about was the image of her baby on the ultrasound machine.

Crystal: [puts her hands on her tummy and softly sings] When I first laid eyes on you
When I heard your heartbeat too
Oh, I never knew, I could witness an angel so beautiful
From the very moment you arrived
I felt something new inside
I developed a love that was so unconditional


Crystal finally made her way downstairs dressed in a matching lounge wear set.

Devale: [reaches out his hand] hey beautiful -pulls out a chair- have a seat, dinner will be ready soon

Crystal: [smiles] thank you baby, it smells divine

Devale: can I get you something to drink?

Crystal: a glass of orange juice please

Devale: [smiles] okay baby

Crystal: so how was the rest of your day?

Devale: [brings the plates] it was okay, I spoke to my father

Crystal: that's nice, how is he holding up?

Devale: he was a little bit down but he'll be okay. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something...

Crystal: [eating] okay?

Devale: did you notice anything strange or familiar about that sex tape USB that Tyler gave us?

Crystal: [shrugs] not really, did you?

Devale: I'm not entirely sure but I swear it looks very similar to that one from last time, the one you had gotten from your nigga Josh [rolls eyes]

Crystal: [scoffs] first of all he's not my nigga so cut it out!!! And as far as the USB is concerned, I don't know anything about it [shrugs and looks away]

Devale: you know I can tell when you're lying right?

Crystal: huh?

Devale: you avoid eye contact or start playing with your hands, both of which you're doing now!! My thing is why are you protecting that corny ass nigga after everything he has put you through?

Crystal: [sighs] Devale I don't know what you're talking about

Devale: [getting pissed] see now you're about to piss me off!!! I did some research and found out that the "anonymous source" is indeed Joshua Adaye but of course you're not surprised because I bet you been knew that shit!

Crystal: no I didn't but I wouldn't put it past him, he probably desperately needed the money or something [shrugs]

Devale: [bangs his hand on the table] are you seriously defending that nigga!? How can you be so nonchalant about this?

Crystal: why are you getting all worked up? I'm not defending him, I'm merely just choosing my battles because there's far more to life and I also can't afford to be stressed out right now. Besides, the poor guy had to leave his dream job when he fled the country and he's a single father who's probably just looking out for his child's needs.

Devale: what the fuck do you mean why am I getting all worked up?! That nigga nearly killed you and my daughter and I let it slide yet now he's tryna mess with what's mine!!? Don't worry though, I got something for his ass

Crystal: [worried] what the hell is that supposed to mean? Please don't tell me you did something stupid that could land you in jail

Devale: lets just say... similar to him I'm looking out for my child's needs

Crystal: what fuckin child? That sex tape has nothing to do with a chi-

Crystal: [sighs] so you looked through my purse? What the hell Devale!!?

Devale: yes but I didn't do it intentionally, your phone was ringing and I thought it might be an emergency

Crystal: [rolls eyes] okay and what about the pregnancy test that was behind the cushions? It's not where I left it last night and you're the only other person who has access to my house

Devale: I coincidentally found it while I was looking for the TV remote

Crystal: [scoffs] whatever Devale

Devale: so you're mad?

Crystal: of course I'm fuckin mad!!! You violated my privacy!

Devale: if there's anyone who should be mad it's me!!! Were you really gonna keep the fact that you're pregnant with MY CHILD a secret forever?

Crystal: [sighs] of course not!! I was actually gonna tell you about it tonight but of course you had to ruin the surprise [rolls eyes]

Devale: [feels bad] shiiit, I'm so sorry baby. Please believe me when I say that I didn't intentionally violate your privacy, it was all just a coincidence

Crystal: [smiles] its okay baby, I'm not even that mad for real... I think the pregnancy hormones are just messing with me. Oh and FYI I already figured out that you knew [chuckles]

Devale: [eyes wide] how?

Crystal: you mean besides the fact that you've been acting strange? [chuckles] you didn't bother putting the ultrasound photos back in the envelope so I figured that you must've been snooping in my purse [chuckles]

Devale: [sucks his teeth] so then why the hell did you just cause a scene and make me feel like shit?!

Crystal: the intention wasn't to make you feel like shit but to teach you a lesson about respecting my privacy. [Kisses him] anyway thanks for dinner it was good!

Devale: [smiles] you're welcome baby. So about this Joshua situation...

Crystal: [sighs] baby can we please not talk about that tonight, I'd rather focus on us?

Devale: okay I'll put it on pause for now but I promise you if he tries anymore bullshit I'm gonna personally fly down to Nigeria and kill him with my bare hands!!!

Crystal: [smiles] ouu I like it when you take charge babby daddy

Devale: I failed to protect you and Mira last time but NEVER again!!! Especially now that you're carrying precious cargo [rubs her tummy] by the way how long have you known that you're pregnant?

Crystal: I've suspected it for quite some time now but Dr Avery confirmed it today

Devale: [sucks his teeth] hold up so you asked me to drop you off at the hospital because you're the one who had to see a Dr and NOT Jazzy?

Crystal: [sighs] yes but please don't be mad, I just didn't wanna say anything to you until I was completely sure

Devale: okay, but from here onwards I wanna be present at EACH and EVERY appointment!!

Crystal: [smiles] okay daddy

Devale: so do you know the gender? The baby's due date? Did you get to hear the heartbeat?

Crystal: [chuckles] woah woah, chill with the million questions... I don't know the answer to all that, we'll ask Dr Avery during the next appointment

Devale: [smiles] okay... well I hope we're having a girl, how about you?

Crystal: [shrugs] I don't really care, I just want a healthy and happy baby

Devale: you're 100% right, that is the most important thing

Crystal: may I ask why having a daughter is so important to you?

Devale: because I already have 4 boys with Kay and I was around for all their births. However, I missed out on that with Amira so I just want a do over with our little girl [kisses her tummy]. BUT don't get it twisted, I'll be happy no matter what gender our baby is... I'll be happy because I finally get to share a baby with the love of my life [smiles]

Crystal: [smiles] I love you too baby and thank you for giving me the honor of being your next and FINAL babymama

Devale: [chuckles] heavy on the FINAL!! but seriously baby, all thanks should go to you for sacrificing your body to bring new life. [smiles] I know you'll probably think I'm crazy but I have a feeling that it's a girl and she'll be the perfect blessing to the Ellis family especially since we're still grieving the loss of my mom

Crystal: [smiles]

Devale: if it's a girl maybe we can even name her after my mom, we'll call her baby Vicky [chuckles]

Crystal: [shoves him] aight nigga now you pushing it!! I know we're not supposed to speak ill of the dead but I don't fuck with your mama, in this life or the next!!!

Devale: [chuckles] I hear you baby and I don't even blame you, no judgment over here

Crystal: [stands up] well since you cooked, let me go get started on the dishes

Devale: are you sure? I don't mind doing them and letting you rest

Crystal: [chuckles] baby yes!! I'm not even out of the first trimester yet, I'm still fully capable of doing normal day-to-day activities

Devale: okay well I'm gonna go shower while you do that and then we can cuddle and watch a movie afterwards

Crystal: [smiles] I'd love that


It is now a few hours into the night, 02:00AM to be exact. Crystal is fast asleep in Devale's arms until she is woken up by a sharp pain in her abdomen

Crystal: [rubbing her tummy] ahhhhh

Devale: [wakes up] baby what's wrong?

Crystal: my stomach is cramping, but it comes and goes

Devale: [worried] do you need me to call Dr Avery?

Crystal: no I don't think that's necessary, it's not that severe it kinda feels like period pains. Let me just go use the bathroom and drink some water, I'll be fine


Crystal sits on the toilet and pees, she takes some tissue to wipe then she sees spots of blood.

Crystal: [crying] -says a silent prayer- God please no, please don't take my baby... I know I wasn't sure before but I want it now, please save my baby.

**She flushes the toilet and puts a pad on her underwear, then she washes her hands and goes back to the bedroom**

Devale: [notices her red eyes] baby have you been crying?

Crystal: [nods] please get dressed, we need to get to the hospital NOW!!

Devale: [jumps out of bed in a panic] is everything okay? Is the pain getting worse?

Crystal didn't want to alarm him because he still has to drive, so she chose not to mention the fact that she's in tremendous pain or that she's bleeding. Instead she just grabbed her phone and purse and told him to meet her in the car

|In the car|

They have been driving for about 15min now and Crystal can feel the blood flow getting heavier by the minute... she has been quiet the whole way but tears keep streaming down her face. Devale places his free hand on her thigh to comfort her, then Jireh by Maverick City Music starts playing on the radio...

Crystal: how far are we from the hospital?

Devale: we'll be there in the next 5 minutes

Crystal is still in tears because of the pain so she decides to distract herself from the worst case scenario by putting her hand on her tummy and singing along to the music but in a very faint and soft voice

Crystal: [singing] If He dresses the lilies with beauty and splendor
How much more will He clothe you?
If He watches over every sparrow (so don't you worry!)
How much more does He love you? (Our Father loves you)

Devale: [puts his hand over hers] don't worry baby everything's gonna be okay, God got us...

Author's note 📝

Whew chile I'm tired🥵
This is the longest chapter I have EVER written!!! I took yall on a roller-coaster of emotions. Anyway, please give me your honest feedback... did yall enjoy this chapter? In future should I refrain from long chapters? Do yall think baby Ellis number 6 is gonna make it?



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