New Blood Legacy

By CapryceColeman

59 12 0

Im the daughter of a mortal family but im different from them i have special blood unlike my family im a were... More

Introduction to my life
Joining the pack & Full Moon Transformation
Reborn/17th Birthday
Health Monitoring & Birth
Love Triangle
Proposal & Wedding day
Pregnant with Twins

Pregnancy tests

3 1 0
By CapryceColeman

Niks (me) - "it was the next morning and me and phey were still nude in the same position full of cum, my body was warm and slighty stuck gently to pheys with my arms around his head and my head on his chest covered with the blanket, i slowly began to wake up finding my warm body exposed to the morning chill air, i fully awoke pulling myself feeling his dick twitch inside me making me slowly and sassily ride him having him wake up" morning phey! "I kiss him passionately on the lips when he rolls me over leaning over my body"

Pheynix - hey gorgeous, i had an amazing time last night. "I feel myself still in niks so i being fucking her again melting my lips with hers passionately kissing her and her neck leaving more hickies on hickies" and i think first name bases are irrelevant princess..

Niks (me) - "moaning as he begins fucking me again i say between moans" alright daddy "i seductively whisper , the shack door unlocks and phey gets off me covering us up"

Shizlyne - Fuck im sorry "i cover my eyes" your mother and father want to see you and niks, ill leave you to get dressed "smirks and winks, i leave"

Niks (me) - baby do we have to i wanna stay in bed with you..."i get on top of him and start grinding"

Pheynix - they can wait a little longer now come here" i roll her over and put my dick in thrusting into her making us both a moaning mess whislt making out with her"


Pheynix - ughhh "we'll continue later ok "i kiss her and get dressed"

Niks (me) - i hope that's a promise "i get up and change"

Pheynix - shall we? "I take her hand and go the counsel tent"

Shynzi (alpha cheifess) - there they are! Have fun last night? "I smile upon them"

Niks (me) - very much.

Tryzine (alpha chief) - niks i want you to pee on This im sure you know what it is.

Niks (me) - alright ill be back "i go pee on the test and bring it to tryz and shynzi" here! How long do we wait?

Shynzi (alpha cheifess) - 10 minutes hoping you two had sex for a long time you should be pregnant if not we will run a fertility test on the both of you.

Pheynix - alright im gonna make tea come baby.

Niks (me) - im scared what if im infertile..?"we go into the shack and phey makes tea"

Pheynix - dont worry im sure that your pregnant...but if not we can try again when we continue later.

As the 10 minutes pass by you both get called back to find out the resultS

Pheynix - so...?is it negative or positive?

Shynzi (alpha cheifess) - negative...we are gonna have you try again if it comes up negative again we will test you-

Counsel member - no they must be tested now they should be pregnant. Come sit down you two we will run a fertility test, niks first.

They test your fertility and see your fertile you get confused so they test pheynix's

Counsel member - negative....pheynix is infertile.

Niks (me) - oh no..."i hug phey to comfort him" what now...?

Shynzi (alpha cheifess) - as your not fertile son we will call your older brother Pfheyniz home.

Pheynix - WHAT!? You want him to fuck my girl?!

Tryzine (alpha chief) - pheynix they wont be mated for life unless Niks does get pregnant to him.


Shynzi (alpha cheifess) - pheynix your father speaks the truth...but you'll be able to date Niks.

Pheynix - THIS IS NOT HAPPENING" i storm off not thinking about Niks "

Niks (me) - it true what you say...? Will i be paired with Pfheyniz..?!

Tryzine (alpha chief) - yes but you'll get to know him after you two have sex...

Niks (me) - "i begin to freak out and run off when shynzi comes after me"

Shynzi (alpha cheifess) - niks wait..."i grab Her" listen sweetheart if you accept this youll be allowed to be with pheynix and Pfheyniz allowing you to live somewhere special come with me..."i take niks to the royalty cabin aka the greenhouse..."


Niks (me) - wow it's beautiful....

Shynzi (alpha cheifess) - if you accept Pfheyniz you'll not only get this but more this only the front we cant show you the rest unless you accept..your free to think about it but by this afternoon Pfheyniz will be here and you will be paired tommorrow and will have sex with the already approval of the spirits and ancestors...ill let you to think.

Niks (me) - alright thanks..."as shynzi leaves i cant help but think about Pfheyniz and pheynix and how im gonna be fucking pheys older brother...i go to my hammock in the meddow and think about everything"

The morning fades and noon arrives fast having you return to camp where you find pheynix, pfheynyx and possibly Pfheyniz

Tryzine (alpha chief) - there you are, meet your new pair Pfheyniz!

Pfheyniz - so your the very famous and beautiful niks ive heard all about im glad to fianlly have met you "i kiss her hand, i see the jealous look in my younger brothers eyes and body language" please take my seat...

Niks (me) - alright.

Shynzi (alpha cheifess) - now before we start the pairing we must talk about how things are going to be. When Niks and Pfheyniz are paired Niks and pheynix will be allowed to date and be intimate.

Pfheynyx - how does that make sense these two are gonna fight over her "i speak sassily and sarcastically as i laugh"

Tryzine (alpha chief) - they both will learn to share her not as a toy but as a partner.

Pheynix - oh dont worry ill treat her like a queen as i do now.

Pfheyniz - calm down brother ill treat her like a princess beforw and after we get intimate "i smirk"

Pheynix - you will want to or ill tear you limb from limb "i growl showing my wolf face"

Pfheyniz - oh brother stop being an alpha male im more dominant "i hiss showing my fangs"

Pfheynyx - im enjoying this "i chuckle"

Tryzine (alpha chief) - enough boys! "I stand up between them" this is about niks decision now calm down!

The brothers put their wolf faces away and the counsel arrives

Shyzni (alpha cheifess) - whats your decision niks..?? You wont be judged...i promise you...

Niks (me) - "as im asked for my decision i gulp and look at phey then Pfheyniz and make up my mind" ill...ill pair with Pfheyniz and date pheynix ill be intimate with both and get pregnant with Pfheyniz...."as i spoke i was asked to kneel side by side of Pfheyniz and hold his hand as we pair i could feel the energy and strength flowing through our hands as we pair physically and spiritually"

Head of the counsel - niks and Pfheyniz have been paired tonight they shall have sex and get pregnant!

Niks (me) - "i let go of Pfheyniz's hand and sit down, those few words had phey on his feet and hugging me and kissing me then going to bed" goodnight phey...

Pheynix - goodnight niks....

Shynzi (alpha cheifess) - Pfheyniz and niks you can go to the isolated shack and do your thing.

You and Pfheyniz go to his shack

Pfheyniz - get comfy niks "i lock my shack door and begin to undress to the point where im shirtless

I know you as if your betraying my brothers but i will make This worth it, do i have your consent to kiss and touch you..?

Niks (me) - yes you do, lets just get this over with.."he strides over to me fast crashing his body and lips on mine pinning me gently against the wall he undresses me leaving me in my underwear

Pfhey leaves gentle kisses and hickies all over my body making me w moaning mess he grabs my ass and puts me on the table then the bed removing his jeans and boxers i don't waste a second, immediately take off my bra and panties and put pfheys dick in me i slowly and fastly begin riding him until he rolls me over onto my back thrusting into me he kisses me fiercely biting on my lip as i do to his lips, i left bite marks and hickies all over his neck, chest and collarbone, we stayed fucking and orgasming several times as the night faded"

It was late next morning you woke up how you did with phey

Pfheyniz - "i wake up feeling niks warm body on mine as she is still positioned on my dick" good morning niks..

Niks (me) - "i hear the voice of pfhey speaking good morning to me, as i pull my self up i let out a moan realising im still on his dick, without thinking i begin riding him cunning more and feeling him twitch andcum inside me again" good morning "i kiss him and lay my body on him whilst i grind and ride him"

Pfheyniz - oh fuck...."i groan in pleasure as she begins riding me again, i bite at her neck leaving hickies along her chest, collarbone and throat making her a moaning mess when we are interrupted"

Niks (me) - shit "i get off pfheys and cover my self up"

Pfheynyx - sorry to interrupt your sexy time but mother and father and the counsel want to test you for success so hurry up and get changed.

Pfheyniz - alright alright! Times up beautiful.

Niks (me) - yeah, lets change "i get cleaned up and change, me and pfheys head out to the counsel tent so i can get tested"

Shynzi (alpha cheifess) - morning you two! Here Niks you know what to do "i hand her a test"

Niks (me) - alright ill be back "i pee on the test extremely nervous but hopeful that im pregnant so i can make Shynzi and the counsel proud i take the test back waiting"

After 10 minutes

Shyzni (alpha cheifess) - its positive! Your pregnant Niks congratulations! "I hug her"

Niks (me) - "hearing those two words i feel relieved but also scared of what phey is feeling, i go after him pinning him against a tree" im sorry phey but i love you so much.....

Pheynix - i love you too Niks "i pull her up onto my waist pinning her to the tree kissing her" im happy for you and dont worry im going to be with you every step of the way i promise "i kiss her again not breaking from our make out"

Pfheyniz - "i grow a hint if jealously seeing niks run after my brother wishing it was me.."

Pfheynyx - jealous big brother?? "I giggle growing a smirk and grin"

What will happen between this love triangle will pheynix and Pfheyniz fight over niks? Find out more to come xxx

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