Genius Doctor: Black Belly Mi...

By Diavola1235

114K 3.4K 28

(NOTE:- THIS WORK IS NOT MINE. Credits to the author, editor and translator. For offline purposes only!) She... More

Chapter 01 - 25
Chapter 26 - 50
Chapter 51 - 75
Chapter 76 - 100
Chapter 101 - 125
Chapter 126 - 150
Chapter 151 - 175
Chapter 176 - 200
Chapter 201 - 220
Chapter 221 - 240
Chapter 241 - 260
Chapter 261 - 280
Chapter 281 - 300
Chapter 301 - 320
Chapter 321 - 340
Chapter 341 - 360
Chapter 361 - 380
Chapter 381 - 400
Chapter 401 - 420
Chapter 421 - 440
Chapter 441 - 460
Chapter 481 - 500
Chapter 501 - 520
Chapter 521 - 540
Chapter 541 - 560
Chapter 561 - 580
Chapter 581 - 600
Chapter 601 - 620
Chapter 621 - 640
Chapter 641 - 660
Chapter 661 - 680
Chapter 681 - 700
Chapter 701 - 720
Chapter 721 - 740
Chapter 741 - 760
Chapter 761 - 780
Chapter 781 - 800
Chapter 801 - 820
Chapter 821 - 840
Chapter 841 - 860
Chapter 861 - 880
Chapter 881 - 900
Chapter 901 - 920
Chapter 921 - 940
Chapter 941 - 960
Chapter 961 - 980
Chapter 981 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1020
Chapter 1021 - 1040
Chapter 1041 - 1060
Chapter 1061 - 1080
Chapter 1081 - 1100
Chapter 1101 - 1120
Chapter 1121 - 1140
Chapter 1141 - 1160
Chapter 1161 - 1180
Chapter 1181 - 1200
Chapter 1201 - 1220
Chapter 1221 - 1240
Chapter 1241 - 1260
Chapter 1261 - 1280
Chapter 1281 - 1300
Chapter 1301 - 1320
Chapter 1321 - 1340
Chapter 1341 - 1360
Chapter 1361 - 1380
Chapter 1381 - 1400
Chapter 1401 - 1420
Chapter 1421 - 1440
Chapter 1441 - 1460
Chapter 1461 - 1480
Chapter 1481 - 1500
Chapter 1501 - 1520
Chapter 1521 - 1540
Chapter 1541 - 1560
Chapter 1561 - 1580
Chapter 1581 - 1600
Chapter 1601 - 1620
Chapter 1621 - 1640
Chapter 1641 - 1660
Chapter 1661 - 1680
Chapter 1681 - 1700
Chapter 1701 - 1720
Chapter 1721 - 1740
Chapter 1741 - 1760
Chapter 1761 - 1780
Chapter 1781 - 1800
Chapter 1801 - 1820
Chapter 1821 - 1840
Chapter 1841 - 1860
Chapter 1861 - 1880
Chapter 1881 - 1900
Chapter 1901 - 1920
Chapter 1921 - 1940
Chapter 1941 - 1960
Chapter 1961 - 1980
Chapter 1981 - 2000
Chapter 2001 - 2020
Chapter 2021 - 2040
Chapter 2041 - 2060
Chapter 2061 - 2080
Chapter 2081 - 2100
Chapter 2101 - 2120
Chapter 2121 - 2140
Chapter 2141 - 2160
Chapter 2161 - 2180
Chapter 2181 - 2200
Chapter 2201 - 2220
Chapter 2221 - 2240
Chapter 2241 - 2260
Chapter 2261 - 2280
Chapter 2281 - 2300
Chapter 2301 - 2320
Chapter 2321 - 2340
Chapter 2341 - 2360
Chapter 2361 - 2380
Chapter 2381 - 2400
Chapter 2401 - 2420
Chapter 2421 - 2440
Chapter 2441 - 2460
Chapter 2461 - 2480
Chapter 2481 - 2500
Chapter 2501 - 2520
Chapter 2521 - 2540
Chapter 2541 - 2560
Chapter 2561 - 2580
Chapter 2581 - 2600
Chapter 2601 - 2620
Chapter 2621 - 2640
Chapter 2641 - 2660
Chapter 2661 - 2680
Chapter 2681 - 2700
Chapter 2701 - 2720
Chapter 2721 - 2740
Chapter 2741 - 2760
Chapter 2761 - 2780
Chapter 2781 - 2800
Chapter 2801 - 2820
Chapter 2821 - 2840
Chapter 2841 - 2860
Chapter 2861 - 2880
Chapter 2881 - 2900
Chapter 2901 - 2920
Chapter 2921 - 2940
Chapter 2941 - 2960
Chapter 2961 - 2980
Chapter 2981 - 3000
Chapter 3001 - 3020
Chapter 3021 - 3040
Chapter 3041 - 3060
Chapter 3061 - 3080
Chapter 3081 - 3100
Chapter 3101 - 3120
Chapter 3121:- Xiao Xie (5)
Chapter 3122:- Xiao Xie (6)
Chapter 3123:- The End - Matchmaking

Chapter 461 - 480

784 20 0
By Diavola1235


Chapter 461:- Consecutive Slaps - First Form (8)

At the moment the black beast pounced, Hua Yao and Qiao Chu jumped away from Li Zi Mu. The screaming Li Zi Mu had not even managed to see the black beast clearly when he found himself pinned once again, this time on the ground. The black beast slavery jaws opened and bit down on Li Zi Mu's neck. A loud "crunch" sounded and the shrill scream stopped at that moment!

Blood gushed out through the black beast's fangs and splattered all over the dirt turning it red and sticky.

"You still want this?" Drunk Lotus was still dangling the silver wolf as he turned to Jun Wu Xie. Li Zi Mu was dead and it wouldn't be long before the Silver Wolf would fade back into the Spirit World. If Jun Wu Xie wanted to make use of the Silver Wolf to achieve a breakthrough in her spiritual power, she had to do it fast.

Jun Wu Xie nodded and Drunk Lotus hung the wine jar at his hips. He looped an arm around Jun Wu Xie waist and loped easily up the tallest tree, disappearing from everybody's sight in mere moments, hidden among the thick branches and dense leaves.

The black beast let go of Li Zi Mu's neck and sat under the tree, licking its paws with its bloodied tongue.

Everything had happened so quickly and Fan Jin did not have time to react at all, and he just stood there staring blankly at the black beast sitting under the tree.

He had always thought that Jun Xie's ring spirit had been an ordinary black cat and it did not possess any battle prowess. And when the little black cat had morphed into the black beast, he had been so shocked that he had froze!

What grade would a ring spirit who can change its form at will belong to? He dared not even think about it.

At that moment, Fan Jin realised that he knew nothing about Jun Xie. His strength, his ring spirit, his unfathomable and profound knowledge of Medicine.....

"What is Little Xie doing?" Qiao Chu craned his neck to look up into the trees. But Drunk Lotus must have taken extra effort to hide from them as he could not see any sign of them among the trees, not even their shadows.

The rest of the gang just shrugged their shoulders, as they did not mind whatever Jun Xie intended to do.

"You got a big fright?" Hua Yao walked to come beside Fan Jin, and he raised his hand to pat him on the shoulder in comfort, from the perspective of someone who had been through whatever Fan Jin was feeling at that moment.

Fan Jin shook his head vigorously as he sat on the side, unable to squeeze a single word out of his throat.

Li Zi Mu's body was still lying under the tree, his neck snapped in two by the black beast. The mess of blood and gore filled his mind as did the sight of the large widening pool of blood, slowly staining the ground devilishly red.

"Was he really shocked?" Qiao Chu whispered to Rong Ruo as he came to stand beside her, lowering his voice to not let Fan Jin hear him.

Rong Ruo laughed softly: "When you suddenly see a tiny bunny turn into a big bad wolf, you would usually need a little bit of time to properly digest it."

Jun Xie's young age and petite size would make people assume him to be completely harmless. But in actual fact, that tiny bunny when provoked, its ferocity would put many large vicious beasts to shame.

Fan Jin's reaction had been exactly like that. He had always taken the role of a protector with Jun Xie, and had intended to continue protecting him throughout the time they would be in the Battle Spirits Forest. But..... the person he was protecting..... seemed to be quite a tad bit more ferocious than him.....

Besides the fact that Jun Xie had already attained the orange level in his spiritual power, just the black beast alone would be more than what most people could handle, and not forgetting, there was also that white robed youth.....

Fan Jin's fragile little heart took quite a hit at that moment.....

He had fully intended to take on the role as Jun Xie's protector!

Up in the tree, Drunk Lotus gingerly put Jun Wu Xie down on a wide branch, to allow her space to sit crossed legged, in a meditation pose, while he held the twitching Silver Wolf and stood quietly at the side.

It was just yesterday, that Jun Wu Xie had completely healed the Snow Lotus, and that had allowed Drunk Lotus to appear in all his blinding glory today.

"How do you use this?" Drunk Lotus shook the Silver Wolf a little when he saw that only the whites of the wolf's eyes was showing. Although he knew that Jun Wu Xie needed to devour a ring spirit to attain a breakthrough in her spiritual power, however, he had no idea how to go about doing it.

Jun Wu Xie retrieved the Spirit Prison from the cosmos sack, and gave it a slight twist. The Silver Wolf in Drunk Lotus' hand suddenly felt as if an invisible force was pulling at it, and it was gradually sucked into the pristine and crystalline sphere.

Chapter 462:- Consecutive Slaps - First Form (9)

When Jun Wu Xie had achieved a breakthrough in her spiritual power the first time, she had absorbed the Soaring Serpent. It had been extremely difficult for her that time and Jun Wu Xie had prepared herself for it, and she got Drunk Lotus stay by her side to stand guard for her.

After closing the Spirit Prison, Jun Wu Xie took a deep breath. Just like she did the last time, she turned the top of the Spirit Prison, and closed her eyes, absorbing the spirit's essence emanating from the Spirit Prison into her body.

However, the absorption this time was a lot smoother and it did not cause her much discomfort. Jun Wu Xie devoured the Silver Wolf's spirit completely and felt the power permeating throughout her entire body, and the remnants of bitterness from the Silver Wolf made one feel surprisingly satisfied.

The process was smooth that the absorption left Jun Wu Xie feeling a little concerned. Little did she know that a fifth grade Silver Wolf could not even begin to compared with the Soaring Serpent in the least.

When she had devoured the Soaring Serpent the first time, if it had not been for Jun Wu Yao who stayed by her side, it would have been impossible for Jun Wu Xie to completely absorb the Soaring Serpent. And after Jun Wu Xie had experienced having devoured the mighty Soaring Serpent, devouring a mere fifth grade ring spirit would no longer pose a challenge.

Jun Wu Xie merely used about two hours' time to fully absorb the Silver Wolf's spirit cleanly. After the Silver Wolf's spirit was completely devoured, a yellow glow flared menacingly from Jun Wu Xie's entire body. The explosive flare of yellow light pierced right through the densely overlapping leaves from the canopies of the trees, enveloping the area in a bright warm glow!

Qiao Chu and the others were waiting patiently below the tree when they suddenly felt the waves of spiritual power rippling through the air. They raised their heads to look up immediately and were immensely shocked when they saw the yellow light shining strongly through the leaves high up in the trees.

"Yellow spirit..... Little Xie has broken through to the yellow spirit so quickly!!" Qiao Chu's eyes were wide. If his memory served him correctly, Jun Xie was only fourteen this year and his ring spirit had just awoken not long before. And now, he had already attained the yellow spirit in such a short period of time?

Although Qiao Chu and his gang were able to execute the power of a purple spirit, the effect was just temporary. They had actually used a method that had existed in the Middle Realm to gain the power of a purple spirit for a short period of time, and it was Jun Xie's abnormally fast speed in her increase of power that really amazed them.

A fourteen year old orange spirit already had people tongue tied, if people got to know that Jun Xie had broken through to the yellow level.....

Qiao Chu swallowed subconsciously, as he turned to the only "normal" person among them, to look at Fan Jin.

Fan Jin's face was overcome with utter shock. His jaw dropped, his eyes bulged and he stood still as stone. The "statue's" head was craned all the way back, staring up into the tall trees, as if frozen in time.

Fan Jin was rather talented, having broken through to the yellow level at seventeen, and was considered to be well gifted and rarely seen. Jun Xie was years younger than he was and was already evenly matched to him when his ring spirit had just awoken not too long ago. He wouldn't call that gifted, that was just devilishly monstrous!

Fan Jin's self esteem was suddenly severely devastated!

Moments later, Drunk Lotus came down from the tree with Jun Wu Xie, his pure white flowy robes and graceful descent making him look like a deity had just descended.

Drunk Lotus and Jun Xie had returned, but the Silver Wolf that Drunk Lotus had brought up with him was nowhere in sight. Qiao Chu and the others estimated the time they had been gone and thought that the Silver Wolf must have returned to the Spirit World and they did not probe any further on it.

"What are we going to do with this?" Qiao Chu asked as he kicked at Li Zi Mu's lifeless body. The other youths had seen Li Zi Mu go with Fan Jin and Jun Xie when they left. If anyone were to find Li Zi Mu's body here, it might be difficult to explain themselves.

"Leave him." Jun Wu Xie said as she glanced at Li Zi Mu's body and then continued: "We are here to hunt for Spirit Beasts, and the Spirit Beasts are sure to fight back."

Chapter 463:- Being Cute Has Its Perks (1)

It finally dawned on Qiao Chu why Jun Xie had asked the black beast to kill Li Zi Mu. Jun Xie had planned this right from the start.

It was a fact, that in the Battle Spirits Forest, disciples were often attacked by the Spirit Beasts. And if they did not dodge in time, quite a number of them would lose their lives here.

In the eyes of all the others from the main division, this puny team of theirs was the weakest among them all. The only one who would be deemed capable was only Fan Jin, but Fan Jin alone would not be able to protect all of them from harm.

Hence, Li Zi Mu's death would become plausible.

"Vicious, that's just vicious." Qiao Chu almost prostrated himself before Jun Xie's deep and complex mind. Jun Xie must have already thought the whole thing through the moment he had first agreed to allow Li Zi Mu to join their team.

Jun Wu Xie looked at Qiao Chu, her face expressionless, and did not say a word.

She had been more concerned on her breakthrough in her spiritual power. Before devouring the Silver Wolf, she had been stuck at the orange level's bottleneck for rather long. Over this period, she had continued to absorb spiritual energy but the level had not increased. And with this breakthrough, it had suddenly released all that stored and pent up spiritual energy within her body and pushed her spiritual power up explosively. Although she had just broken through to the yellow level, she could faintly feel that she was not too far off from green.

The pace at which her powers were increasing, was downright alarming.

Jun Wu Xie gripped the Spirit Prison within her hand tightly. If the chance presented itself, she wouldn't mind devouring another ring spirit before the Spirit Hunt ended.

Jun Wu Xie did not tell the others of her intentions, and they moved out after discussing their way forward a little.

The Battle Spirits Forest in the day, was much easier to traverse than at night, and the checkpoints indicated on the map could mostly be found. The small team made good progress, finding it unexpectedly easy. The occasional low grade Spirit Beast appeared but Qiao Chu and the gang disposed of them quickly, without any difficulty.

The longer Fan Jin was in the team, the more he was overcome with awe. He had initially thought that with the unbelievably gifted Jun Xie in the team, the team had become rather amazing. But they had not gone much further when he witnessed the skills of Qiao Chu and his gang. He was certain that among these youths, not a single one among them had skills inferior to his.

The Zephyr Academy's Spirit Tournament's esteemed fourth in rank, was finding himself continuously shocked into speechlessness by these disciples from the branch division. He really did not know whether to laugh or cry.

They slaughtered all the Spirit Beasts that stood in their way, and they progressed very quickly. Before noon, they arrived at the side of a lake and they decided to rest awhile.

"Summon the Yin Yang Bear and the Double Headed Bone Snake." They had just stopped and Jun Wu Xie immediately turned to Hua Yao and Qiao Chu.

Qiao Chu and the others had noticed earlier when Jun Xie had been intimidating Li Zi Mu, that Jun Xie was actually able to heal the Yin Yang Bear's injuries. When they heard Jun Wu Xie's words, they immediately jumped at the chance and summoned their ring spirits without hesitation.

Because the Yin Yang Bear had already undergone Jun Wu Xie's healing earlier, it was much more alert than the Double Headed Bone Snake. It was not known whether it was Jun Xie's earlier healing that had greatly impressed the Yin Yang Bear, but immediately after it was summoned, it walked tottering to come before Jun Wu Xie, its huge lumbering body like a small hill as it sat down with a loud thump, and raised its furry paw and stretched it out before Jun Wu Xie.

The next moment, Qiao Chu's face was suddenly flushed a deep shade of red.

"Darn it! Can that fat blob be more shameless than that!? It is actually trying to curry favour with someone else besides me! How humiliating !" All the other might know know it, but Qiao Chu was acutely aware of what kind of emotions were going through the Yin Yang Bear at that moment. The Yin Yang Bear was asking to be healed and that stretched out paw was meant as an exchange!

[I'll let you stroke and touch, you heal up my injuries.]

Chapter 464:- Being Cute Has Its Perks (2)

Qiao Chu was feeling too ashamed to look at Jun Xie. His ring spirit had been guilty of such a shameless and humiliating atrocity. Fortunately, the Yin Yang Bear was incapable of speech, if the Yin Yang Bear had said all that was in its heart then, Qiao Chu would have jumped into the lake to drown himself in humiliation.

Jun Wu Xie raised her eyes and looked at the furry figure before her, its head lowered and its paw extended. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she lifted her hand to slap the Yin Yang Bear's paw aside.

"Oww~" The towering Yin Yang Bear whined pitifully as it held the paw that had been slapped away to its chest, its face looking heartrendingly hurt as it looked at Jun Xie pleadingly.

"The Double Headed Bone Snake's injuries are more serious. He goes first." Jun Wu Xie's face was stern as she admonished the Yin Yang Bear.

The Yin Yang Bear turned to look at the unmoving and dispirited Double Headed Bone Snake lying on the ground, and turned back to look at Jun Xie again, before it struggled reluctantly to shift its big furry behind. It shifted its lumbering body and made some space before it lifted both its chubby paws to move the Double Headed Bone Snake to come right before Jun Xie. Its enormous behind jiggled once more as it shifted its position and came to rest right behind Jun Wu Xie, its two stubby hind legs stretched out beside Jun Wu Xie's tiny form.

Luckily, the huge towering bear had a great girth and it wide width allowed Jun Wu Xie ample room to move and carry out her Spirit Healing.

Qiao Chu could not bear to look on at his ring spirit's idiocy any longer. He clutched at his chest and turned around to rest against Fei Yan's shoulder, looking all humiliated and embarrassed.

"Can I request for a change of ring spirits? This is too outrageous..... My Rolly wouldn't possibly do something this shameless!"

Qiao Chu only wanted to remember his Rolly's magnificence and overwhelming strength as the Yin Yang Bear, that had dominated and earned for itself a well respected place. He was not willing to accept the fact that the black and white fluffy panda behind him that was trying so hard to act cute was the same dominating ring spirit of his.

Ring spirits were spiritual bodies and when they got injured, they did not feel the same pain like humans, when the agony stemmed from their flesh and bones. When ring spirits got gravely injured, they become very weak and they would be tormented by agony of another kind. The pain that torments the spirit cannot be described by words and ever since Rolly realised that when Jun Xie put his hand on him, he would feel much better, and his spirit gets healed, that was the only thing that he knew and cared about, the small sized boy that was able to drive away his agony.

Jun Wu Xie did not give the panda who was still trying its best to stick to her any more attention, but raised her hand and infused her palm with spiritual energy and transferred it into the Double Headed Bone Snake's body, patching up its spirit's deficiencies a little by little.

It was easy when people talked about patching up a deficient spirit, but the execution was inconceivably complicated. Spirits were in actuality formless and when they got injured, they become weak. To target their deficiencies and patch them up completely, required a certain level of endurance and strength of mind. The spirit energy that was to be infused into the ring spirit had to be controlled and precise. If the energy flow was too weak, it would not heal any of the deficiencies, and if it was too strong, the spirit energy flow might burn the ring spirit's spirit essence.

Under the extended period of healing, Jun Wu Xie needed to maintain a constant flow of spirit energy and the speed called for unbroken consistency.

The meticulous precision required was right up her alley and she discovered after having achieved her breakthrough, her spirit power had grown more abundant. Although it was still insufficient to fully heal the Double Headed Bone Snake and the Yin Yang Bear in one go, it nevertheless allowed her to shorten the whole healing process. The Double Headed Bone Snake's and the Yin Yang Bear's injuries were not as severe as what the Snow Lotus sustained, and barring any unexpected incidents, Jun Wu Xie was confident that she would be able to heal both the ring spirits back to their peak condition.

Jun Wu Xie carried out the healing for the Double Headed Bone Snake in silence while the others just around quietly, not daring to distract Jun Xie even the slightest. Even Qiao Chu who had been deeply embarrassed by his ring spirit's shameful actions swallowed all his grumbles, and was reduced to squatting in a corner subdued, nibbling on dry rations, watching Jun Xie carry out her Spirit Healing.

Chapter 465:- Being Cute Has Its Perks (3)

After Jun Wu Xie completed the first round of healing for the Double Headed Bone Snake, the Double Headed Bone Snake showed significant improvement in its condition, and both its heads that were drooping wearily before lifted up strongly.

Having finished the treatment, Jun Wu Xie fell backwards suddenly.

When Qiao Chu and the others saw Jun Xie falling backwards, they were shocked and they scrambled in a hurry to rush to him, afraid that the depletion of energy required for the consecutive healing of two high grade ring spirits might have been too much for their petite little companion.

However, before they managed to get to Jun Xie.....

Jun Wu Xie suddenly squealed and was buried into the deep thick fur on Rolly's considerable sized tummy. Her small frame was almost completely engulfed into Rolly's soft belly and Jun Wu Xie let out a big sigh within the comfy softness.

All the others who had already made it midway towards Jun Xie suddenly stopped in their tracks and a twitching could be seen on their temples as they strode back to their original spots.

They realised that Jun Xie's spirit power had not been completely exhausted, but he had just wanted to enjoy the soft and furry comfort of the huge belly behind him.....

That sudden realisation made the companions who had just witnessed Jun Xie's unhesitant and decisive killer instinct unable to come to terms with the irrational and drastic contrast.

"Huh?" Rolly lowered its head and looked at Jun Xie who was lying spreadeagled on his tummy, and its head tilted to one side, not understanding.

"Healing later." Jun Wu Xie patted Rolly on its tummy, immersing herself into the fluffy fur. However, Jun Wu Xie suddenly got up and stared at Rolly's tummy with a deep frown.

"It's not fluffy." Jun Wu Xie grumbled, the frown still on her face.

"Wooo....." Feeling that it had been spurned, Rolly rubbed sadly at its rotund belly, attempting to fluff up its own fur.

Jun Wu Xie narrowed her eyes and infused her hand with spirit power once again before she lifted it. She placed her hand over Rolly's tummy and the the fur that had lost its lustre suddenly become fluffy and soft. Jun Wu Xie looked critically as the change happened under her eyes and she retracted her hand after she was satisfied with what she saw. She then proceeded to jump once again into the soft fur that had been restored to his fluffy state.

The little black cat had grown used to its mistress weakness for anything soft, furry and cute and it jumped up calmly onto Rolly's shoulder and pawed at the fur a little to fluff it up and lay down after making the spot comfortable.

Fei Yan was back at his spot by the lake and was smiling widely at the sight before him. He turned to Qiao Chu and said, suddenly looking serious: "I just found out that your Rolly has another ability."

"What?" Qiao Chu asked, deeply curious.

"Making Little Xie happy." Fei Yan said with a loud guffaw.

That kid Jun Xie always had a stoic face on him all day long and was cold and expressionless. It was on rare occasions like this that they saw a crack on the immovable glacier and witnessed these more human emotions displayed by him. The credit went fully to Rolly's clever "exploitation" by "sacrificing its body" that their eyes were treated to such an eyeopener.

Qiao Chu's face scrunched up and it flushed red all of a sudden. He glared at Fei Yan and got up to stomp off, coming to sit down beside Fan Jin instead.

"All these rascals, with not a single one of them normal. I think you are the most normal one among us." Qiao Chu was feeling harassed by his other companions and came to seek consolation from the sensible Fan Jin.

Fan Jin's mouth twitched and in his heart, he thought: [You are rather abnormal yourself if you do realise!]

Although Rolly and the Double Headed Bone Snake still carried injuries on them, but based on their massive size and the power he felt from the two ring spirits, Fan Jin was certain that the grades that two ring spirits belonged to were extraordinarily high! Higher than any ring spirit that Fan Jin had ever seen before.

A group of disciples from the branch division, whose skills and power completely overshadowed the Spirit Tournament's fourth rank, and whose ring spirits made his own ring spirit to show respect and fear.

These youths that Jun Xie had gathered together to join their team, where had all these monstrously powerful youths sprouted out from, a rock?"

They were all just like Jun Xie! Scarily and unbelievably strong!

Fan Jin self confidence had all been shattered into dust before Qiao Chu and his gang. He suddenly felt incredibly sad for all those other disciples who had mocked and ridiculed this team before they had entered the forest. He was not leading a team of parasites who depended on his power for protection, but he had actually teamed up with a whole bunch of incredibly and inconceivably powerful people who smashed all norms beyond all his expectations!

Chapter 466:- Being Cute Has Its Perks (4)

For the next few days, Jun Wu Xie and her team roamed about within the Beast Spirits Forest and the amount of Spirit Stones stored within the cosmos sack increased more and more. Although they were mainly just small spirit stones acquired from lower grade Spirit Beasts, the large quantity still gave the team a considerable yield.

Within these few days, they brushed shoulders with several other small teams, but most of them were from the branch division and the disciples in those teams were usually nervous when they encountered Jun Wu Xie's team.

The criteria for assessment for the Spirit Hunt was based mainly on the quantity of spirit stones each and every disciple held in their hands at the end of the event. Hence, besides hunting down Spirit Beasts, some of the stronger teams had even resorted to robbing the spirit stones from weaker opposing teams, and the teams from the branch division were usually made to be prime targets. The skills and power of the teams from the branch division were usually far inferior to teams from the main division and they were only able to successfully hunt low grade Spirit Beasts with large numbers which usually resulted in insufficient quantity in spirit stones to be split among the many disciples involved. On top of that, when they cross paths with teams from the main division, their meager stock of spirit stones were usually forcibly taken from them as well.

And the result was that teams from the branch division detected that teams from the main division were near, they were usually seen to run away faster than when they encountered Spirit Beasts.

Most teams from the main division avoided Fan Jin when they encounter his team. Although they were usually highly tempted to rob the team tagged as the "weakest team", they were nevertheless wary of Fan Jin presence, and did not dare act rashly against him and his team.

"I heard everybody saying that the Battle Spirits Forest was full of dangers everywhere, why am I feeling so bored then?" Qiao Chu had his hands clasped behind his head, and his habitual blade of grass dangling from his mouth, as he strode nonchalantly, bringing up the rear of his team.

The consecutive days of idleness besides overpowering Spirit Beasts with a low attack power of five made him restless with the inactivity.

Fan Jin turned around to look at Qiao Chu. After the past few days of interaction with the team, his heart had recovered somewhat from initial utter devastation at his lack of abilities to numb acceptance.

After he witnessed Qiao Chu's and his gang's skills and power, he suddenly realised that even if he gathered the top ten ranked disciples of the Zephyr Academy together to form a team, their combined power would still pale in comparison to his current teammates.

Scaring the living daylights of other disciples, the ferocious and merciless Spirit Beasts suddenly became tame sheep awaiting their slaughter before his monstrous teammates.

Not to mention.....

Fan Jin's eyes strayed to steal a glance at the towering and massive Yin Yang Bear, Rolly.

Ever since after Jun Xie had healed Rolly, Qiao Chu had not had the chance to send Rolly back to the Spirit World. Whenever Qiao Chu showed any such intention, Rolly would at the first instance speed to stand before Jun Xie and present his soft and fluffy tummy, by suddenly lying on the ground right before Jun Xie to allow Jun Xie to pat him.

And whenever that happened.....

A glare from Jun Xie always quickly convinced Qiao Chu otherwise, as he could only cry tearlessly as his ring spirit continued to embarrass him endlessly.

It had gotten worse now. Rolly had decided that it might as well serve to be Jun Xie's alternative mode of transport and carried Jun Xie upon its shoulders. With its two stubby legs, it huffed and puffed as it kept pace with the others in the team.

WIth such a massive ring spirit like Rolly so prominently present with the team, all the lower grade Spirit Beasts in this region of the Battle Spirits Forest were driven into flurried escape when they sensed Rolly's dominating presence before they even saw their team, resulting in that team not even being able to see a single bunny.

For the whole of today, they were not even able to spot a single low grade Spirit Beast and Qiao Chu was almost on the verge of chewing his own ring spirit's claws in restlessness.

Sitting high atop Rolly's shoulders, Jun Wu Xie was enjoying the soft feel and touch of Rolly's fluffy fur when suddenly, her eyes narrowed slightly. She had smelled a slight tinge of blood carried here by the light breeze that blew past them!

Chapter 467:- Consecutive Slaps - Second Form (1)

High atop Rolly's shoulders, Jun Wu Xie was still enjoying the soft fluffy touch of the ring spirit's thick fur when she narrowed her eyes suddenly. The light wind that blew past her carried with it the faint but distinct scent of blood that she absolutely abhorred!

"Stop!" Jun Wu Xie said suddenly.

The team immediately stopped in their tracks.

"What is it?" Fan Jin frowned, worried.

"I smell blood." Jun Wu Xie replied, her brow furrowing.

"Spirit Beasts?" Qiao Chu turned around and sniffed with his nose, but he did not smell anything unusual and gave up.

"Human blood." Jun Wu Xie's eyes narrowed. The scent was extremely faint and if they had not been moving in a direction against the wind, the scent would not have reached them. Due to the fact that the scent was carried here by the wind and that it was very faint, Jun Wu Xie deduced that they were still a distance away from the source. She looked up and stared into the wind. They had come to the edge of the area marked out on the map and if they moved inwards any further, they would be stepping into territories beyond the area marked safe by the Zephyr Academy.

Qiao Chu and the others turned their eyes to peer into the direction that Jun Xie was looking at. That part of the forest had denser trees and vegetation that any areas they had passed before. Every tree looked to be more than ten metres in height and their thick overhanging canopies covered the area they were looking at completely, making it too dark to see clearly what was past those trees.

"Is it coming from in there?" Qiao Chu asked.

Jun Wu Xie nodded.

"Shall we go see?" Qiao Chu was eager to have found something to do. The area marked out by the Zephyr Academy mainly only had low grade Spirit Beasts and posed no challenge to them. And with the towering figure of Rolly in their midst, they had not even managed to come across those low grade Spirit Beasts. If things continued on like this, Qiao Chu felt like he was bound to go mad with boredom.

Jun Wu Xie turned her gaze to Fan Jin. She did not have any other objective coming into the Battle Spirits Forest but to slaughter any targets that came to them on their own to seek their own deaths.

Fan Jin was silent a moment before he said: "That area encroaches into the center regions of the Battle Spirits Forest and within it, not only high grade Spirit Beasts roam, but you might even encounter Guardian Grade Spirit Beasts. Are you sure you want to go in there?"

"Guardian Grade Spirit Beasts?" Qiao Chu asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It is rumoured that Guardian Grade Spirit Beasts are unbelievably strong and even purple spirit users have to run away from them. Till now, no one has ever been known to be able to successfully hunt down a Guardian Grade Spirit Beast." When Fan Jin mentioned Guardian Grade Spirit Beasts, he could not help it but to feel awe and fear rise within his heart.

A Guardian Grade Spirit Beast, that was a grade that no one had dared to ever challenge.

Qiao Chu had been anxiously eager to to go check it out, but after hearing Fan Jin's words of warning, he was looking visibly much more subdued.

The few of them might be able to use some extraordinary method to forced the spiritual powers within their bodies to reach the purple spirit level, but it was only for short periods of time and it greatly depletes their spiritual power. Unless it was to saves the lives of their companions or themselves, they would much rather choose not to use it.

"Cough, I think we better look around someplace else." Qiao Chu said practically. Although he did not know if Guardian Grade Spirit Beasts were as terrifying as Fan Jin's words had made them out to be, but he did not want to use up too much of his spiritual power in a place like this.

However, Jun Wu Xie was still staring at the wide forest of tall trees and just as she turned herself away, a ragged figure covered in blood ran out from those trees, and looking at the blood stained clothes he was wearing, they could just make it out to be the uniform of the Zephyr Academy!

That figure was running with all his might, his face a mask of terror, and he was screaming at the top of his lungs. He stumbled and fell a few times, running and crawling in escape, in a direction towards Fan Jin and his team.

It might be due to the shock, but when the disciple saw Fan Jin, who was similarly dressed in the uniform of the Zephyr Academy, he began crying and shouting for help as he scrambled his way over to him.

"Help! Help!" As if clutching at his last straw of hope, the youth fell onto the ground before Fan Jin and pleaded loudly clutching at the corner of Fan Jin's clothes.

Chapter 468:- Consecutive Slaps - Second Form (2)

The disciple's clothes were all badly tattered and torn and a large deep gash that had cut him to the bone looking extremely garish. The countless cuts and gashes all over his body made one want to turn away in horror and his face was deathly pale. Looking at the expression on his face, the disciple must have been scared out of his wits.

The direction that the disciple had run out from showed that that area was outside of the boundaries depicted on the map given to them by the Zephyr Academy and by right, there should not have been any of the Zephyr Academy's disciples in there.

"What happened?" Fan Jin helped the disciple up and found that the disciple was trembling in fright and the disciple stuttered: "Spirit Beast..... It's a Spirit Beast..... There's a Spirit Beast in there! Huge! Humongous!" The disciple was raving and it was a while before he realised that it was Fan Jin who was standing before him. He suddenly regained his senses and pleaded with all his might: "Senior Fan! Save me! Please save me!"

"Is anyone else in there?" Fan Jin asked with a worried frown. The center regions of the Beast Spirits Forest was an area that nobody had ever dared set foot into. So what were all these disciples doing in there?

"Yes..... there are..... many of us..... Senior Fan, please hurry and save them....." The disciple cried as tears ran down his face.

Jun Wu Xie was silent as she looked at the disciple groveling at Fan Jin's feet, her eyes not showing a ripple of emotion.

Fan Jin turned his head at that moment to look at Jun Xie as he had subconsciously started to seek Jun Xie's opinion. He did not know what kind of Spirit Beast those disciples had encountered and it was highly possible that in the center region, it could very well be a champion grade Spirit Beast and if that was the case, they might still not be able to contain it sufficiently to escape.

Rescue or abandon?

"Senior Fan wants to rescue them?" Jun Wu Xie asked suddenly.

Fan Jin hesitated a moment before he nodded slightly. "We are afterall from the same academy." The disciple who fled had his bloodied hands still tightly clasped on Fan Jin, and the warmth from the blood that had seeped in through his clothes was clearly felt on his skin.

Jun Wu Xie did not immediately reply but only stared at the disciple from her higher position and after a brief moment, she slowly said: "When you met with such danger, why didn't you release the signal flare?"

Before entering the Battle Spirits Forest, all the disciples were given two distress signal flares to carry with them just for emergencies like this.

The disciple raised his head and when his eyes saw the massive Yin Yang Bear, he was suddenly speechless. His terror filled eyes flashed with shock a brief moment but quickly reverted back to terror once again. "The canopies of the trees in there are too thick and we were not able to release our signal flares in there." After saying that, the disciple pulled out two used signal flares and showed them to the group.

In regions where the tree were immensely tall and grew extremely close to each other, they would prevent signal flares from being fired effectively. The distress signal flares the Zephyr Academy disciples were supplied with were meant to be used only within the boundaries marked out on the map. Although the tree population was rather dense as well, the heights their treetops reached were significantly lower and would not completely block out the flares from the distress signals. But if the disciples went in further, treading into the center regions of the Battle Spirits Forest, it would not be impossible if such circumstances were to happen.

Jun Wu Xie continued to stare at the injured disciple, her cold chilly eyes stopping briefly on the badly bloodied face. She finally turned her eyes away and said: "Then, let's go."

Jun Wu Xie's words made Fan Jin heave a sigh of relief but Qiao Chu and his gang exchanged glances with each other, as if sharing unspoken thoughts telepathically, without saying a word.

"This is my distress signal flare. We will go rescue them now. Fire it in a while and the Teachers in charge will rush over to come get you shortly." Fan Jin handed to the disciple medicine and the distress signal flare he had on him and gave his instructions carefully.

The disciple immediately nodded in gratitude.

Chapter 469:- Consecutive Slaps - Second Form (3)

Executing a rescue mission was like saving a fire and Fan Jin did not dare delay a moment longer. He moved immediately with Jun Xie and his team towards the region fraught with unknown dangers.

After Fei Yan went pass the injured disciple, he stopped for just a brief moment, and turned his eyes back to look at the exhausted youth panting heavily as he laid heavily against a tree. The youth noticed Fei Yan staring at him and his expression froze.

"What a coincidence, you are from the branch division as well." Fei Yan exclaimed with a smile and pointed at the jade emblem before the disciple's chest, and he saw the youth suddenly relax, and smiled weakly while he nodded.

Fei Yan did not say anything more and picked up his pace to catch up with Hua Yao and the others.

"What is Little Xie planning to play at this time?" Fei Yan quietly leapt to appear beside Rong Ruo and Rong Ruo turned to look at him, putting a finger to her lips. Fei Yan's lips suddenly curved into a smile.

After seeing Jun Xie and his team enter the forest, the disciple who had been leaning against the tree pushed himself to stand up and the terror stricken face suddenly reverted to normal and he threw the two distress signal flares Fan Jin gave him into the thick grass that grew thickly in the area.

Upon entering that part of the forest, the scent of blood that reached their noses grew thick and pungent, and Fan Jin's expression became anxious.

The surroundings looked completely different from all the places they had travelled through in the days past within the Battle Spirit Forest. The trees grew much closer to each other and it was difficult for them to move around inside, even more so for a massive ring spirit like Rolly. Left with no other choice, Jun Wu Xie slipped off Rolly's shoulder and had Qiao Chu send Rolly back to the Spirit World.

Following the thickening scent of blood, Jun Wu Xie and her teammates went deeper into the forest. The roars of Spirit Beasts sounded from all directions and the thick canopies overhead blocked out the sun's rays. Even though it was day, under the thick leaves of the innumerable trees, it was nevertheless very dim. Twisted vines entrenched themselves in abundance all over the path that laid before them and Fan Jin took out his trusty short sword he carried with him, cutting and slashing his way through them, blazing a new trail ahead for his teammates.

Jun Wu Xie and the others followed patiently behind him.

After bashing through layers and layers of prickly and thorny bramble, the team finally came before a little open clearing. The thickets and bushes in the area were in a state of disarray and broken branches littered the ground. Trees lay broken upon the ground, the area a tiny little clearing of light, torn open within the dense and immense forest. On the leaves and grass that covered the ground in that little clearing, trails of blood could be seen. As their eyes followed the trails of blood to their source, they saw over twenty disciples dressed in uniforms of the Zephyr Academy, lying scattered upon the ground moaning in pain. Wounds big and small covered their bodies and they were all covered in blood.

Fan Jin's heart jumped and he rushed out, running into the clearing over to them.

Qiao Chu and the others were just about to follow when Jun Wu Xie suddenly raised a hand, stopping them in their tracks.

"Wait and see." Jun Wu Xie's cold eyes surveyed the disciples lying across the clearing and took a deep breath, almost tasting the heavy scent of blood in the air, and her eyes darkened, suddenly replaced by a chill.

Qiao Chu and the others held their steps and stood beside Jun Wu Xie, looking on as Fan Jin sped towards the injured disciples alone.

Fan Jin came beside a blood covered youth and lifted him up slightly, propping him up. The disciple's face was covered in blood and Fan Jin was not able to see his face clearly.

"What kind of Spirit Beast did you meet? What happened here?" Fan Jin looked worriedly at the youth. All twenty odd of them were injured, what kind of Spirit Beast could inflict such damage?

"I..... I don't know..... It..... it was moving too fast, we could not react in time, and were all taken down the next moment. Senior Fan, you must save us." The youth said, his hand holding Fan Jin's arm in a vice like grip.

Chapter 470:- Consecutive Slaps - Second Form (4)

Fan Jin nodded and hurried scanned his eyes over the youth's injuries. Perhaps it was the pain from the injuries that had made the youth grip his arm so tightly, and it was hurting him.

However, just as Fan Jin lowered his eyes to check on the youth's injuries, murder flashed suddenly in the youth's eyes. The other disciples who had been lying on the ground moaning in pain suddenly all jumped up and pulled out their hidden daggers, rushing at Fan Jin all at once!

Fan Jin suddenly sensed danger and wanted to jump out of harm's way but he found his limbs tightly held down by the youth he had been holding. He looked up at the youth and saw that those eyes no longer showed fear and despair, but were filled with venomous murder.

"Senior Fan, the very same day next year will be the anniversary of your death, so do rest in peace!" The youth's body leaned back slightly as he gave out a loud chilling laugh, which revealed his blood covered hands. On those hands, were a pair of open fingers gloves, and they were glowing slightly with spirit energy.

Fan Jin gasped in surprise. The youth was obviously a user of a weapon spirit and those gloves must be his ring spirit. Caught completely unawares,he found himself held down forcibly and Fan Jin suddenly realised that he wasn't able to break free!

Meanwhile, the attackers were closing in on him from all directions quick and coordinated. The youth who had been Fan Jin locked down in a death grip suddenly felt his hands grasping at air. When he realised it, he suddenly saw that Fan Jin had disappeared from his sight and all the fingers on his hands had been cut off cleanly! Bright red blood suddenly spurted out from those wounds on his fingerless hands!

"AARGH!" A deafening loud howl erupted from the youth's throat as he held out his hands, and fell heavily onto the ground.

A silver bolt of lightning flashed to come stand beside Jun Wu Xie and as the blur of movement stopped, the face of a grinning Fei Yan appeared, and his hands were still holding on to a completely stunned Fan Jin.

Fan Jin's face showed nothing but utter shock and his mind still had not recovered from all that had happened in a short blink of an eye.

The youth who had all his fingers cut off was still howling in pain and the rest who had rushed in to attack Fan Jin were now standing in the clearing in confusion. Those twenty odd disciples who had been writhing on the ground and moaning in pain just moments earlier were now all standing upright, all their faces wary, as they stared at Fan Jin standing behind Jun Xie.

"What..... what is going on here?" Fan Jin asked as he stared at the youths in perfect health. However dense he might be, he could still see that all the disciples were not injured. All the blood on them had been deliberately smeared onto their bodies.

"It's clear to see, this had been a trap." Qiao Chu swayed as he moved to come beside stand Fan Jin, patting him comfortingly on the shoulder. "I had thought that you had already realised it and was just playing along. It seems you were really not aware?"

"What..... should I be aware of?" Fan Jin's mind was in a hopeless state of confusion and he was still not able to fully comprehend the whole situation.

"These people were never in need of rescue. The reason that they are all gathered here, was to take your life." Qiao Chu explained it to him readily.

"What !?" Fan Jin's face paled immediately and he realised at that moment that the twenty odd youths were moving in towards them and all their ring spirits had been summoned, and their fangs were bared right at him.

"Fan Jin, don't dream of walking out of the Battle Spirits Forest alive today. If you do not want to drag your companions down with you, just give up and surrender yourself to us." The leader of the youths said, his eyes staring with undisguised malevolence at Fan Jin.

Chapter 471:- Consecutive Slaps - Second Form (5)

"Who are you people?" Things had already come to such a stage and if Fan Jin still did not realise the intentions of the group of people before them, he would have lived his almost two decades in vain.

But he would never have expected that anyone would want to take his life!

"People who are here to kill you." The leader of the youths said with a cold laugh and his eyes swept over Jun Xie and the others around Fan Jin.

"If you guys from the branch division are not looking to die today, leave immediately. If any of you dare to mention a word of what happened here today, I will come after you!"

Qiao Chu and his companions looked at each other all around, with vicious smiles across all their faces. Qiao Chu craned his neck to ask Jun Xie: "And these?"

Jun Wu Xie's eyes narrowed. "Kill."


Qiao Chu took the lead while Hua Yao, Fei Yan and Rong Ruo followed just a step behind him.

Qiao Chu cracked his knuckles loudly and stretched his neck to loosen his muscles. He stared at the group of youths and said: "Sorry. Not leaving, and neither do we want to die today. But you can choose to hand your lives over and we'll consider leaving your bodies intact."

The leader of the youth had not expected the trash from the branch division to be so arrogant and spew such scornful words. He was taken aback a short moment before he laughed out loud.

"You're just a bunch of trash! Do not overestimate yourself !"

That silver flash of lightning had been too fast and none of them had even noticed where it had come from. They had misunderstood Fan Jin's escape and the other youth's cut off fingers to be the work of Fan Jin's as Fan Jin himself had never been perceived to be a weak opponent, but this careless assumption and misunderstanding, had irrecoverably made the youths put their first foot into their graves.

"Little Xie, do we leave one alive?" Qiao Chu asked, tugging at his ears. He was not interested in the least to waste any more of his breath on a bunch of youths who were about to lose their lives.

"One." Jun Wu Xie replied.

"No problem !" Qiao Chu beamed widely at Jun Xie and before any of those youths could react, a figure had already streaked towards them and Hua Yao and the other two followed closely behind. Their lightning speed was too fast for any of the youths to be able to see them clearly.

The youths who had all been overbearing and their eyes filled with contempt just a moment ago suddenly saw the four figures disappear from where they had been standing. Their contempt and overinflated egos were suddenly smashed to pieces and before they realised what was happening, Fei Yan was already beside the leader of the youths and Fei Yan's heavy fist swung right into the leader's spine!

A loud hair raising crack tore through the air at that moment!

The leader of the youth gave a ear splitting howl and as his spine snapped in two at the impact, his body crumpled heavily to the ground and large quantities of blood spewed out of his mouth.

"We'll leave you alive." Fei Yan smiled sweetly at the leader of the youths and immediately turned with a raised foot that landed heavily on another youth who had been rushing to rescue their leader.

The clear crackling sound of bones breaking rang out once again and as if moving in a graceful dance performed with the spray and splattering of blood, the four figures moved and glided amongst the youths and in the next moment, only half of the initial twenty odd disciples were still standing!

Not a single one among them would have thought that the four disciples from the branch division that they completely disregarded would possess such overwhelming skills and power. Under the onslaught by Qiao Chu and his gang, all the twenty odd disciples had not been able to resist them even the slightest!

The first youth whose spine had been broken by Fei Yan was lying upon the ground, shocked beyond words at the bloody carnage before his eyes. He saw his companions being killed one after another with such ease that he thought he was seeing Death's scythe cutting them down and claiming their lives at that moment !

These four disciples from the branch division, what kind of monsters were they !?

How could they possibly be so ridiculously powerful!?

They had all so confidently assumed that among the members within the "weakest team" with Jun Xie, only Fan Jin alone would be a worthy opponent. But the blood filled reality before their eyes had slapped them strongly across their faces, proving to them how wrong they had really been!

Chapter 472:- Consecutive Slaps - Second Form (6)

They had all been turned into a big joke!

Fan Jin?

Compared to these four Grim Reapers, Fan Jin was totally not even worth mentioning!

The leader of the youths could do nothing but watch wide eyed as his companions were getting slaughtered. Their blood flew and splattered all over his body. It was blood that they smeared over themselves in disguise previously but this time, it was their own warm and fresh.....blood.....

Fear and terror slowly crept into his heart. At that moment, he suddenly realised that they had all fully underestimated the might and power of this team right from the beginning.

They had all thought the Fan Jin was the only team member that was able to fight and if they took out Fan Jin, they would be able to slaughter the rest of the team effortlessly.

But now, the ones being slaughtered, were they themselves.....

When the last one among the youths fell in a pool of his own blood, the fear that gripped at the heart of the leader of youths was almost at bursting point!

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over him, and a figure came into his vision. He hastily raised his head and his eyes saw a calm but cold and emotionless face.

"Useless bum." Jun Wu Xie stared coldly at the youth crumpled on the ground.

The youth struggled to keep his head up and as Jun Xie's cold chilly countenance fell into his eyes, the fear that still gripped at his heart spread throughout his entire body.

This was the very same coward that everybody claimed had holed himself up to hide from the rumours? This was the same Jun Xie that had lived clutching desperately onto Fan Jin's protection?

Even if you killed him then, he would never believe that the Jun Xie before his eyes was the same cowardly Jun Xie that everybody said he was!

After the bloodbath, Qiao Chu walked over and picked up the youth crumpled upon the ground.

The brutal and violent action made the youth moan loudly in pain, and his face was deathly pale.

Having been picked up, and turned to stare at Jun Xie directly, the fear in him suddenly intensified making it hard for him to breathe.

The boy was just a skinny and tiny sized youth but his cold and chilling pair of eyes made one feel as though they had been suddenly transported into the icy and snowy mountains and the biting chill had seeped painfully into their bones.

Jun Wu Xie turned to Fan Jin standing on one side and said: "You want to ask?" As the target of the set up trap was obviously Fan Jin.

Fan Jin clenched his jaw and looked at the deathly pale youth. "Why?"

The youth was drenched in sweat at the intense pain he was feeling. He had never thought that they would fail and after having witnessed all his companions slaughtered one by one, the arrogance and haughtiness had all dissipated into nothing and he only wanted to live, hence he was willing to divulge everything he knew.

"It was Yin Yan..... Yin Yan was the one who asked us to do this..... I beg you to spare me..... Whatever you want to know, I will tell you....." The earlier arrogance had disappeared and he was reduced to a useless wreck of fear and terror, crying buckets while he pleaded pitifully.

"Yin Yan? He wants to kill me?" Fan Jin had not expected the answer to be like this as he never had much interaction with Yin Yan and he did not know what could have caused Yin Yan to harbour such strong enmity towards him.

It had been the same with the incident in the dining hall. Yin Yan had come at him aggressively for no rhyme or reason and Fan Jin had not known the reason behind it.

"Yes. It's him. He made someone lure you to us and got us to pretend to be injured. And when you come, we were to surround and attack you." The youth said as he secretly eyed Jun Xie and the others.

The plan was supposed to be perfect. The youth that ran out was supposed to put up a convincingly act of a hapless and deeply terrorized disciple, that would definitely draw out the righteous and fiercely protective nature in Fan Jin that would bring him flying to them. Everything had worked out just as planned but for one major snag. They had thoroughly underestimated the skills and might of the branch division disciples with Fan Jin.

"He had said that if we succeeded in killing you, he would handsomely reward us. And if our ring spirits were to be injured in future, he would unconditionally treat them for us."

Chapter 473:- Consecutive Slaps - Second Form (7)

Anxious to save himself, the youth spilled everything he knew.

Long before the day of the Spirit Hunt came, Yin Yan had approached them. The group was made up of seniors from the Beast Spirit and Weapon Spirit faculties. Their individual powers might not have been the cream of the crop, but their ring spirits had all possessed certain special qualities. Just like the first youth who had possessed the weapon spirit. If not for Fei Yan's interference, they would have successfully sealed Fan Jin's movements and the others would have completed the job the next moment.

Yin Yan had used his position as a disciple of the Spirit Healer faculty to promise those disciples many rewards and had hinted to them that once they successfully killed Fan Jin, their positions within the Zephyr Academy would become more stable.

"Everyone knew that Yin Yan had an extremely good relationship with Senior Ning and Senior Ning was the daughter of the Vice Headmaster. So Yin Yan's words were as good as it being Senior Ning's words. We..... we were blinded by greed! Senior Fan! Find the benevolence in your heart to spare me this one time. I will not dare to ever do it again." The youth pleaded in tears. If they did not think Senior Ning would have their backs, they would never have agreed to such a request from Yin Yan.

Do not forget that Fan Jin was also the adopted son of the Headmaster!

"Ning Xin..... How can it be..... How can it possibly be her?" When Fan Jin heard the name Ning Xin being mentioned, his face had turned white and he had staggered back a step in shock, unable to accept what the youth had just said.

Jun Wu Xie glanced at Fan Jin and turned to the youth to ask: "Besides all of you here, are there any others?"

The youth shook his head and said in a hurry: "No more! There is no one else! Yin Yan told us he will think of a way to force you to take part in the Spirit Hunt with Senior Fan and when Senior Fan is dragged down by such useless bag..... It would make it easier for us to complete the task." The youth glanced at Jun Xie and said fearfully.

"What?" Fan Jin's eyes widened with incredulity as he stared at the youth.

If what the youth said was true, that it was Yin Yan's intention to force Jun Xie to take part in the Spirit Hunt, that would mean that those people who had broken into the bamboo grove to curse and swear at Jun Xie were instigated by Yin Yan?

A revelation appeared in Fan Jin's mind at that moment and he covered his face with his hands, cold sweat running down his back.

If all those wicked and vicious rumours surrounding Jun Xie had all been spread because he had mentored Jun Xie, and they had targeted Jun Xie just to hit out at him.....

That would mean that the person who had been helplessly implicated and dragged into an endless mess was not him! But it was he himself, who had unknowingly dragged Jun Xie into the mess instead!

The sudden realisation made Fan Jin's head spin and he almost lost his footing.

Fan Jin was not able to talk for a long while and Jun Wu Xie asked the youth a few more questions. After being certain that the youth had no more useful information to give, Jun Wu Xie shot Qiao Chu a look.

Before the youth could even plead any further, Qiao Chu immediately lopped off the youth's head.

Upon seeing the lifeless figure crumble back onto the ground, Fan Jin's eyes showed that he was still rather confused by all the things that were happening. He looked up suddenly and turned to Jun Xie. "Little Xie, you knew all this while that this was a trap?"

Jun Wu Xie nodded.

"From the moment the injured disciple had first appeared before us, you already knew?" Fan Jin stared at Jun Xie, his eyes looking intense.

"It was not possible for a seventeen or eighteen year old disciple to be in the branch division." Jun Wu Xie replied calmly. That injured disciple's act might have been a little convincing but it was his age that made it impossible for him to be from the branch division. And the fact that a disciple from the branch division was able to recognise Fan Jin for who he was at first glance did not seem logical, was the second giveaway.

Chapter 474:- Venomous Lady (1)

If such a big number of people were really injured, the scent of blood in the air would have been much stronger and Jun Wu Xie only needed to sniff the air lightly, before she was certain that the scene before her eyes then was just an act.

Fan Jin bit on his lip. "When you agreed to come here, your real intention was to find out who was behind all this?"

Jun Wu Xie nodded again.

Fan Jin was suddenly silent. When he saw the reactions of Qiao Chu and the others, he believed they must have known everything all this while, but they had pretended not to know and walked right into the enemy's trap, and the fact was that the target of that trap had been the only ignorant one among them all, himself.

All this time, he had proclaimed to be Jun Xie's protector. Fan Jin finally realised that all the attacks that Jun Xie had suffered under, had almost all been because of himself. The guilt he felt in his heart at that moment, suffocated Fan Jin greatly.

"What do we do next?" Qiao Chu saw Fan Jin's gloomy face and tried to change the topic, feeling a little sorry for Fan Jin.

Jun Wu Xie narrowed her eyes and suddenly called out: "Ye Sha."

Just as Jun Wu Xie's voice trailed off, a black shadowy figure suddenly appeared just behind her.

That man speed was so fast that even Hua Yao who was standing next to Jun Wu Xie was shocked. And when Hua Yao and Qiao Chu saw Ye Sha's face, they immediately froze.

"You..... you..... Aren't you....." Qiao Chu would never forget that face his whole life. If it had not for this man's self sacrifice by blowing his ownself up in the Cloudy Peaks that had held the two men back, he might not be alive now. But on that fateful day in the Cloudy Peaks, he was sure he had seen the man blow himself up completely, so how is it possible that he is here now, still in one piece?

Ye Sha's eyes were fixed on Jun Wu Xie and there was no expression on that face. Ye Sha did not give Qiao Chu and Hua Yao even one single glance.

"This is not him." Jun Wu Xie said suddenly.

Qiao Chu's mouth opened and closed as he stared at Ye Sha in perplexity, but no sound came out of his mouth.

"Find me Ning Xin's location." Jun Wu Xie turned to Ye Sha and ordered.

"Yes!" The figure of Ye Sha shimmered and he disappeared completely from his spot.

Fan Jin, who had already been devastated with his earlier epiphany, suddenly found that he could not make his face show a more shocked expression anymore.

"Little Xie, you are going after those people called Ning Xin and Yin Yan next?" Fei Yan asked with a sweet smile as he looked at Jun Xie. From what the youth had said earlier, the whole gang had finally understood the whole situation and they had naturally identified the mastermind behind this assassination attempt.

"No rush." Jun Wu Xie said as she shook her head slightly.

After all that Ning Xin had done to Fan Jin, it had become like a fuse cord, that had led Jun Wu Xie to some clues to an unraveled mystery that had been on Jun Wu Xie's mind. She intended to gather more clues from it, for her to arrive at the answer that she seeked.

"Who is this Ning Xin?" Jun Wu Xie asked, turning to the gloomy Fan Jin. When that youth had mentioned Ning Xin earlier, Fan Jin's face had displayed great consternation. It was as if that having Ning Xin being the mastermind behind all the treachery was more unacceptable to him than if it had been Yin Yan.

"She is Ning Rui's daughter and Ning Rui is my father's junior fellow disciple, currently taking up the position of Vice Headmaster in the Zephyr Academy. He is very close to my father and Ning Xin could have been said to have grown up together with me and Little Zhuo. Moreover..... Ning Xin and Little Zhuo are engaged in marriage but due to Little Zhuo's health condition, he needed to recuperate and they seldom met. Ning Rui had initially spent a lot of time and spared no effort to seek treatment for Little Zhuo's illness and even Ning Xin had often taken care of Little Zhuo them..... How could it possibly be her?" Fan Jin scratched furiously at his head in frustration. He really could not make himself picture Ning Xin to be a conspiratory and manipulative lady and link that to the soft spoken and gentle image he had always had of her in his mind.

Although Fan Zhuo and Ning Xin were not yet married, but Fan Jin had long seen her as his sister-in-law.

Chapter 475:- Venomous Lady (2)

Fan Zhuo had always suffered from a weak constitution and been very sickly since young. Fan Jin was always very protective of his often ill little brother. Fan Qi and Ning Rui were fellow disciples and Ning Xin had grown up together with the Fan brothers. When they were very young, Fan Jin had treated Ning Xin like a little sister who had a very sweet temperament and who was very caring towards Fan Zhuo, leading to Fan Jin to think Ning Xin as his future sister in law.

But now, after hearing the youth, Fan Jin was utterly devastated, struck by a bolt out of the blue.

Although he had naturally known that Ning Xin was Yin Yan's mentor all this time, Fan Jin still could not believe that his little sister would ever want to kill him.

"Could there be any misunderstanding behind all this?" Fan Jin asked through gritted teeth.

Jun Wu Xie looked at the deeply conflicted Fan Jin and did not give him any reply. Fan Jin's character was just like that. Candid and generous, upholder of justice. Or he would not have stood forward to defend Jun Wu Xie when everyone else had turned against her.

A person like this, usually had an pure and untainted heart, a righteous person. If such a person lived his life in peaceful times, he would undoubtedly become the hero that everyone respected and revered. But the same person, would have an immense weakness. He would be too trusting of people and one would only need to show him a little kindness and one would win his absolute trust. To put it kindly, he was an innocent person, but bluntly, people would call him dumb.

If all this had been directed just at Jun Wu Xie, she would have just killed the enemy. But she was not the real target and she felt Fan Jin should be the one to decide who lives and who dies.

But if Yin Yan and Ning XIn did not learn their lesson and further provoked her, she wouldn't mind settling some scores with them herself.

"Little Xie, can you agree to one thing?" Fan Jin asked Jun Xie suddenly.

"Speak." Jun Wu Xie said without emotion.

"Before the facts of the matter are all cleared up, spare Ning Xin just this once." Fan Jin said, his jaw still tightly clenched. After witnessing Qiao Chu and the rest of the gang's skills and prowess, he was well aware of the fact that it would not take much effort if Jun Xie wanted to kill Ning Xin. And if all that Jun Xie was put through in the Zephyr Academy was truly due to the urgings of Ning Xin from behind, Jun Xie had every reason to want to kill her.


When he thought back to the image of the little girl always tottering behind him and always looking up to call him "big brother Jin" and that Ning Xin might die, Fan Jin could not help it but feel an ache in his heart. He had to numb himself to the facts before him and wished fervently that it was all just a big misunderstanding.

"Once." Jun Wu Xie said, looking at Fan Jin, surprisingly acceding to Fan Jin's request.

The first time she had acceded to a similar request like this was to Mo Qian Yuan, and she had wanted Mo Qian Yuan to learn a lesson. As for Fan Jin, it was to repay him for his unwavering protection that he had shown to her all this while.

Jun Wu Xie might not know much about human relationships, but she knew one thing at least. Whoever treated her kindly, would receive more kindness back from her.

In reality, she had come to the Zephyr Academy with a specific objective. After Hua Yao and the others managed to locate the map, and retrieve it, they would not stay within the academy any longer. And the feud between the Fan Family and the Ning Family would not concern her. She had dirtied her hands now as the scheme had spilled onto her and also for the fact that both the Fan brothers had been extremely kind to her.

"Thank you." Fan Jin said, heaving a sigh of relief. Only after having entered the Battle Spirits Forest had he realised that Jun Xie was never as weak as he had thought him to be. He might be cold and withdrawn, but he was one person not to be trifled with.

You wouldn't know it if he remained silent, but any retaliation from him would make you never forget it for life!

Chapter 476:- Venomous Lady (3)

As Fan Jin was discussing things through with Jun Wu Xie, the disciple who had lured Fan Jin and his team into the laid trap had speedily escaped into another area with his wounds.

In another part of the dense forest, a team of Zephyr Academy disciples had just successfully hunted a medium grade Spirit Beast. The large sized Spirit Beast's lifeless body lay on the ground and a tall youth stood over it with a foot on the Spirit Beast's head, digging for spirit stones within its broken skull.

A beautiful young girl stood at the edge of the group, staring at the gory sight with a frown on her face and covering her nose with her sleeve.

"Senior Ning, water for you?" Yin Yan stood at her side, offering the waterskin in his hand to Ning Xin, as adoration and worship filled his eyes.

Ning Xin glanced at Yin Yan and shook her head, and turned her eyes to look into another direction.

Suddenly, she saw another figure approach. She gestured to Yin Yan with a look in her eyes and Yin Yan immediately understood. Yin Yan turned and silently slipped away, to meet up with the approaching youth.

Ning Xin shifted her position inconspicuously to an angle that would allow her to discreetly see Yin Yan's interaction with that youth. She observed quietly, her face completely calm. But the flash of anxiety in her eyes betrayed what she was feeling inside.

Shortly after, Yin Yan ran back to her.

"How was it?" Ning Xin struggled to maintain a calm composure, trying to appear nonchalant as she asked.

"Fan Jin was successfully lured in, there should not be a problem. We have not seen any distress signal released, I think they have all been taken care of." Yin Yan spoke with his head lowered, trying very hard to hide the wide smile split across his face.

Their target had only been Fan Jin and they had not given any specific orders for the others in Fan Jin's team. But they had nevertheless hinted that if the others were to resist, they were to be killed and have their bodies disguised to look as if they had been killed by high grade Spirit Beasts. And if any of Fan Jin's teammates were still miraculously alive, they would have released their distress signal flares.

"Those guys wouldn't have wanted their identities to be known and would naturally not have spared Jun Xie and the others." Ning Xin said with a smile. She had only given instructions to kill only Fan Jin, but those people would not be dumb enough to leave any witnesses alive after that.

If they spared anyone from Fan Jin's team, that person would be able to testify against them in the crime. And to protect themselves, it would be best if they eliminated all witnesses.

"You are right Senior Ning, one has to eliminate the root of the problem or it might fester and grow to become a problem once again. Only by shutting all the mouths of the witnesses permanently and completely can the matter remain an eternal secret, and only like this, would nobody ever find out how and why Fan Jin died. All those people who played a part in the assassination would never dare breathe a word of it to anybody." Yin Yan said with a laugh. Although he was not able to see Fan Jin's dead body, but hearing news of Fan Jin's death pleased him to to end just the same.

Ning Xin waved her hand dismissively. "Things that have outlived their usefulness would naturally need to be disposed off properly. In this world, only the when they are dead, would people be able to keep a secret."

Yin Yan felt a sudden chill and he raised his head to stare at Ning Xin.

"Senior Ning, you don't mean....."

Ning Xin's eyes drifted towards a particular direction and her eyes did not look too far away. Her eyes stared at the area where the disciple was hidden, treating his own wounds, and she said with a seducing smile: "Every time the Spirit Hunt comes along, there are always some deaths among the Zephyr Academy's disciples, and some had always gone missing without any reason. I'm afraid the death toll this time round might increase quite a bit, like maybe by another fold." As Ning Xin said those words, her eyes were actually lit with joy when she turned them to look at Yin Yan. That was when Yin Yan felt the chill crawl up his spine and he shivered.

Chapter 477:- Venomous Lady (4)

"Little Yan, are you feeling alright? Is the wind getting too chilly for you?" Ning Xin asked with a smile as she stared at the Yin Yan who had turned very pale, her smiling face as gentle and sweet as always.

Yin Yan regained his composure and hurriedly said: "Yes, it is a little cold."

It must be his imagination. Senior Ning was such a perfect girl, how could she possibly have such vicious thoughts?

Ning Xin just smiled and did not say anything more.

On the other side, the disciples were still cleaning up the battlefield and another youth was running over to the tall disciple who foot was still stepped upon the large Spirit Beast's head shouting: "Senior Lu! Senior Lu!"

Lu Wei Jie turned his head and his face was graced with nice features, that held a tinge of arrogance. He jumped off the Spirit Beast with elegant flair and threw the blood stained spirit stones that he had dug out to another disciple standing on one side.

"What is it?" Lu Wei Jie asked as he wiped off the blood from his hands.

The youth replied hurriedly.

The youth had a weapon spirit and his ring spirit had the ability to transform into a pair of combat boots. Those boots enabled him to greatly increase his speed and jump ability and hence he had been assigned with the task of locating Spirit Beasts. He had been searching for their next target in an area deeper into the forest when he had chanced upon and witnessed a grand and magnificent battle. He had seen with his own eyes, a group of people kill a high grade Spirit Beast and the spectacular skills and power of those people had really been a feast for his eyes.

"Hunted a high grade Spirit Beast?" Ning Xin walked over slowly, after hearing the interesting bit of news.

Lu Wei Jie turned to look at Ning Xin, and when his gaze fell on her curvy figure, the arrogance within those eyes faded, replaced by one of adoration.

"Yes, those people really managed to kill the high grade Spirit Beast." The youth who brought them the news nodded excitedly.

Lu Wei Jie frowned slightly. It was not easy to take down a high grade Spirit Beast. As the second in rank in the Zephyr Academy's Spirit Tournament, his skills and power was deemed to be only inferior only to one person. And even with the team he led, that had been tagged as being the strongest strike team over all the others in the Zephyr Academy, they were still not confident that they can successfully take down a high grade Spirit Beast.

Spirit Beasts that belonged to the higher grades were not only much more powerful and stronger than those belonging to the middle grades, they also possessed a certain level of intelligence, and battled with logic, and would even escape.

To defeat a mid grade Spirit Beast, one only needed strength and power and a cohesive team spirit. But the requirements needed from the team to take down a high grade Spirit Beast were different and extremely harsh.

Till now, not a single team in the history of the Zephyr Academy's Spirit Hunt had been able to successfully hunt down a high grade Spirit Beast.

"What kind of people were they?" Lu Wei Jie asked.

"I approached them to ask after they took down the Spirit Beast. They did not seem to know about the Zephyr Academy and its disciples and the people looked to be in their twenties. They said they were on an expedition and searching for a certain herb, but they were unfamiliar with the terrain in the deeper reaches of the Battle Spirits Forest and were a little lost. They had even asked me if I knew the area well." The youth shared everything the men had said readily.

The frown on Lu Wei Jie's brow finally smoothed out after hearing the youth's words.

As long as those people were not from the Zephyr Academy, then he was not that worried.

If there was a team within the Zephyr Academy that could single handedly take down a high grade Spirit Beast, that would be a big threat to him.

Lu Wei Jie was aiming to achieve first place in this Spirit Hunt.

"Oh?" Ning Xin said when the youth finished, an idea forming suddenly in her head.

Chapter 478:- An Opportunist (1)

"Little Xin, did you just think of something?" Lu Wei Jie asked.

Ning Xin smiled sweetly and replied: "Isn't our Senior Lu gunning for the top spot in this Spirit Hunt? If we successfully hunt down a few high grade Spirit Beasts and recover the spirit stones from them, you would not be first just for this year's Spirit Hunt alone but go down in history to become the first person to ever successfully kill a high grade Spirit Beast in the annals of the Zephyr Academy's Spirit Hunts."

Lu Wei Jie's eyes sparkled brightly at the thought. No sane man would reject such a tempting suggestion. But.....

"I am still not capable of taking on a high grade Spirit Beast yet." Lu Wei Jie had to admit, that he was nothing before a high grade Spirit Beast.

Ning Xin smiled alluringly, "We don't need our Senior Lu to dirty his hands. Didn't some people just come to us to offer their assistance?"

Lu Wei Jie was confused.

"You mean....."

Ning Xin turned to look at the youth who had brought them the news and gave him a sweet smile: "Go tell those men that we have a map covering the larger part of the Battle Spirits Forest and if they are willing to kill a few high grade Spirit Beasts for us, we can lead them to any part of the forest that they want."

The young youth was suddenly taken aback as he stood there frozen on the spot. He stared at Ning Xin and then turned his eyes to look at Lu Wei Jie in consternation.

Lu Wei Jie was feeling rather torn, their team had dared to venture into the mid sections of the Battle Spirits Forest this time because Ning Xin was holding a copy of a rough and ill defined map of the Battle Spirits Forest. The map however encompassed a much larger area than what the disciples were given by the Zephyr Academy and the major regions of the Battle Spirits Forest were marked out. It seemed that Ning Xin intended to make use of the map to enlist the help of those men in exchange for them to effortlessly acquire the high grade Spirit Stones.

"Hurry up and go. What are you waiting for?" Ning Xin coaxed gently.

The youth then turned and ran off in a hurry, to discuss further with those men on their business trip.

After the youth left, Lu Wei Jie decided that Ning Xin's suggestion was just ingenious and heaped bundles of praise on her, making Ning Xin laugh out shyly.

While Yin Yan on the other hand, was left to tightly clench his fists silently, as he stared viciously at the back of Lu Wei Jie.

After a short while, the youth came running back once more and following behind him, were ten other men.

The ten men were all covered in cloaks and when you looked at them from afar, you would not be able to see their faces. But by just looking at their outlines, seven of the men looked to be extremely big and strong, and compared to the disciples of the Zephyr Academy, those men looked to be towering as a mountain before them.

"Senior Lu, Senior Ning, these are the friends who needed to use our map." The youth hurried to introduce them.

The leader of the men removed his cloak. His big and tall build towered over them suffocatingly. The sun shone upon a stalwart and good looking face, unlike the delicate and pretty features of youth, that face was one filled with the indomitable air of masculinity, handsome tinged with the additional attractiveness of maturity. What really drew people to notice him most, was the eyes on that face. Sharp as pointed knives, that made one very conscious when under that gaze.

The man was just standing there plainly without moving, but he gave out an overwhelmingly oppressive aura.

Lu Wei Jie, who had been standing with an air of arrogance about him, suddenly found his ego deflating and his shoulders lowered before the man's presence.

"I am just a humble bodyguard of this convoy on a business expedition. You can call me Escort Long." The handsome man said without an expression on his face as he looked at the youths before him.

Lu Wei Jie's eyes were transfixed on the man for quite a while when he suddenly snapped back to his senses. He hurriedly covered up his awe for Head Guard Long and struggled to put up a forced front of looking unaffected and said: "Lu Wei Jie from the Zephyr Academy's Weapon Spirit Branch, and this is Ning Xin."

Chapter 479:- An Opportunist (2)

Escort Long acknowledged with a slight nod of his head and his calm but penetrating gaze made the youths feel slightly overwhelmed by those eyes.

He obviously had a good looking countenance but he somehow made people retreat unknowingly in reverence.

"In regards to your suggestion, I have heard about it. How many high grade Spirit Beasts do you need?" Escort Long asked plainly, straight to the point.

Lu Wei Jie's heart leapt when he heard that and judging from tone, their terms had been accepted. He was just about to speak when Ning Xin shot him a look and he shut his mouth.

Ning Xin took a step forward and beaming as bright as a flower, she said: "That would depend on which part of the forest you intend to go to. To be honest, the map is extremely important to us and we hope you will pardon us that we cannot show the map to you. Wherever it is that you need to go, we'll lead you there. As to the remuneration, it depends on where the place you need to go to is."

Escort Long stared coldly at Ning Xin and hesitated a moment before he said: "We want to go to the Spirit Moon Lake."

Those herbs they needed, only grows near the Spirit Moon Lake.

Ning Xin smiled.

"Five high grade Spirit Beasts."

Escort Long's brow furrowed. This little girl was rather voracious, he was only asking to be lead to a destination and she had unhesitatingly asked for five high grade Spirit Beasts. He knew that one lone spirit stone of any high grade Spirit Beast would easily fetch them an alarming price out in the market.

After considering it a moment more, Escort Long finally said: "Alright."

Ning Xin nodded with a smile and exchanged a quick glance with Lu Wei Jie. Lu Wei Jie reorganized his team, and placed Ning Xin to lead Escort Long and his men, as they made their way towards the Spirit Moon Lake.

Escort Long brought up the rear of the team in stoic silence. Several other men in his team had heard what Ning Xin had unabashedly asked for in repayment for leading the way and were feeling rather resentful.

"General Long, these pipsqueaks are too ruthless. Asking for five high grade Spirit Beasts just for leading the way. That's outright robbery!" One of the men complained, whispering softly.

Escort Long frowned. If it wasn't for the fact that the herb they needed was so extremely rare, and they only could be found in the vicinity around the Spirit Moon Lake, he wouldn't have agreed to such an unreasonable request.

"Master Mu has requested for it, and moreover, this herb would help the Rui Lin Army greatly in raising our power, it wouldn't hurt us much to let these kids get a good deal out of this just once." Escort Long..... To be precise, it was Long Qi, disguised as bodyguard of a trade convoy, said helplessly.

Not too long ago, Mu Chen came to the Lin Palace with a group of disciples from the Cloud Treading Peak and the incident had greatly surprised Jun Xian and Jun Qing. It had not been too long ago that they had just received news that the Qing Yun Clan had been obliterated and never would they have ever thought that Mu Chen would actually bring his disciples to come seek asylum from the Lin Palace. What shocked them further was when they heard from Mu Chen that it was all arranged by Jun Xie.

Throughout the period that Mu Chen joined the Lin Palace, he led his disciples to spare no effort in developing and producing medicine that would improve the veins and arteries of the soldiers in the Rui Lin Army. Due to the elixirs that Jun Wu Xie had given to the Rui Lin Army previously that had completely transformed them, Mu Chen was faced with quite a daunting and difficult task to improve them further.

But Mu Chen fully intended to keep his promise. Since he had promised Jun Xie to do everything he can, he spent months researching and developing and finally managed to develop an elixir that would further improve on the soldiers' veins and arteries. But that elixir required a rare and unique kind of herb and although the Qing Yun Clan had it, he had brought the whole stock of it over to the Lin Palace. The Rui Lin Army was too numerous in number and he did not have enough to cultivate one hundred thousand elixirs for every single one of them.

Besides within the Qing Yun Clan, the herb only grew in the vicinity of the Spirit Moon Lake within the Battle Spirits Forest. For this, Mu Chen sent out three of his disciples to come to the Battle Spirits Forest in search of the herb and to ensure the safety of the disciples, Jun Xian sent Long Qi and six of the Rui Lin Army to go with them as bodyguards.

Chapter 480:- An Opportunist (3)

Although the Battle Spirits Forest bordered the Qi Kingdom on one side, Long Qi and his group did not know much about the inside of the Battle Spirits Forest. They had gotten themselves lost when they entered the Battle Spirits Forest and had been attacked several times by Spirit Beasts. Long Qi and his team's journey into the Battle Spirits Forest could be said to have trodden through blood.

The Lin Palace was not in need of spirit stones and within the Qi Kingdom, after Mo Qian Yuan ascended the throne to become the Emperor, he placed great trust on the Lin Palace and he allocated most of the kingdom's supplies to the Rui Lin Army, giving them first priority. Long Qi had intended to hand the spirit stones he had gained on this journey to Jun Qing and have him decide what to do with them.

But now, in order to gain the location of the Spirit Moon Lake, he had no choice but to agree to Ning Xin's unreasonable demand.

"General Long, we've really brought you much trouble." Rong Heng said between gasps, as he struggled to keep up with the team. He had followed Mu Chen to the Lin Palace and they had started from learning to adapt to a new environment to having established a rather good relationship with the Rui Lin Army now.

The disciples who had come from the Cloud Treading Peak did not possess strong spiritual powers. Besides their proficiency at treating and developing people's veins and arteries, they were not much different from the commoners. The current situation called for them to traverse across this dangerous and dense forest and it was getting to be a rather difficult task for them. If not for Lord Lin's good foresight to have arranged Long Qi and his men to escort them, they might very well have been reduced to a pile of bones before they could even see the Spirit Moon Lake.

"You men are here seeking herbs to produce medicine for the Rui Lin Army, this is the least we must do." Long Qi replied stoically, his tone flat which would usually make people feel unusually stern. But after having associated with them for some time, Rong Heng and the other disciples knew that that was just how these stalwart men who lived by the sword were.

"I hope we would be able to find enough Aqua Spirit Grass to produce sufficient elixirs." Rong Heng said, barely managing a smile with the pace.

Long Qi nodded slightly and he signalled to the six Rui Lin Army soldiers. The other six men immediately split themselves into pairs and moved to come beside the Rong Heng and the other two disciples. They suddenly grabbed the panting disciples and continued the pace, lifting the disciples off their feet.

"Thank you so much." Rong Heng thanked the soldiers again.

Ning Xin who had been leading the group observed the situation behind her silently. Lu Wei Jie picked up his pace and caught up with Ning Xin, asking her softly: "Little Xin, those guys do not look like herb merchants with their armed escorts." He wasn't completely certain about other things, but just picking on Escort Long's overwhelming air, he knew that he was no ordinary guard. Lu Wei Jie had been able to achieve second place in the Zephyr Academy's Spirit Tournament and he at least knew power when he saw it.

And just by standing before Long Qi, Lu Wei Jie had been awed by Long Qi's oppressive presence and that oppression had not just been the disparity between their spiritual power and ring spirit but had come from the man's aura that surrounded him.

That man's presence inspired both respect and fear and his sharp eyes made one turn away, unable to look at him straight.

"Would an ordinary herb merchant come all the way into the Battle Spirits Forest? That would just be seeking their own doom. If my guess is not wrong, if these people are not from one of the countries, they must belong to one of the mighty powers throughout the lands." Ning Xin narrowed her eyes, "Look at those men who are taller and well built, their bodies are ramrod straight and their faces hardy. They must have undergone some form of rigorous training. They might be dressed in plain clothes but the weapons hanging from their hips are no ordinary swords. But no matter what they are seeking for, we know one thing for sure, they are strong and powerful enough."

Ning Xin trusted that her own foresight, and she knew the men were definitely more than they appeared to be.

"Why then did you ask for five high grade spirit stones?" Lu Wu Jie asked, puzzled. If they were truly extraordinarily powerful, wouldn't it be better to try to win them over? But Ning Xin had asked for such an astounding repayment from them instead.


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