Another Word ((Eridan X Sollu...

By ApocalypticAnuyushi

44 0 1

I hate you, I despise you, I loathe you with every drop of blood that pumps through my royal veins, so let's... More

Another Word

44 0 1
By ApocalypticAnuyushi

  Screw you.

That's all I can say.

Screw you.

The way you blink like you're winking, teasing me with every mindless bloody stare. The way you breathe, as though you're trying to rob me of fresh air and force me to breathe your disgusting lowblood air.

The way you sneer, showing off your jagged teeth, pointed like you're waiting to bite into me.

Out of every lowblood trapped in this bunker, I... Fucking... Hated you and your gog damn yellow blood.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" His split tongue pressed into his fangs, forcing his speech to come out slurred. "Are you going to take a picture? Get my good side, will you?"

He snidely spat, as if he had the authority to speak up to someone like me. Who did he think he was? That didn't even warrant an answer, I wasn't going to lower myself to his level.

It was too tempting to wrap my prong around his Meal Tunnel and squeeze. Squeeze until he passed out.

The thought felt wonderfully nice, like a fuzzy feeling rolling down from my gills to my Strut Pod.

Even as I leaned back in my spinning chair, barely allowing it to move without my permission with pushing it back and forth like a pupa's rocking toy, I could not peel my eyes away from the pissblooded Sollux.

He tried to ignore me after my silence, his multicolored eyes flickering with the reflection of his husktop on his lap, but it made no difference.

I wanted to stare, so I would stare as much as I damn well pleased until I got bored.

My own husktop on the desk behind me beeped with a message of some annoying troll but I cared little to turn around and answer right then.

Damn you Sollux... The more I stared the more I got increasingly pissed off. How could he sit in the Splaysac so comfortably, what right did he have for comfort when I was so annoyed by his presence?

Another beep as a message came through once more, earning a grin from the pathetic mustardblood.

"You should answer that, Ampora, could be important."

"Don't call me that," I spat back without a moment to think, "It's only Eridan to you. Or rather, don't say my name at all."

"Whatever..." Sollux didn't even look up from his screen, "Freak."

Please, namecalling now? Childish, really.

Silence flooded the room, and if for a moment, my Lookstubs flickered to my screen as my body turned back to the desk. Not that I would give him the satisfaction of knowing my curiosity was piqued with the notifications at any rate.

Who could it have been? Perhaps that rotten bastard clown, or the hemoanon twig, neither would surprise me. Feferi would have been ideal, but a moment of yellow text flashing across my screen nearly sent every bone into my body into a rage.

Since when did he feel he had any right to message me?! What the bloody fuck was that putrid grubdish doing on that husktop, acting so smug and comfortable?!

When I jumped up, the spinning chair swept out from under me, slamming against the desk and flicking the pissblood's psionic eyes back up to me.

He continued to jeer as though he thought it was funny to dig his claws under my gills.

"You think this is fuckin' amusing, Captor?"

I held myself tall as I approached, making sure my shadow fell over him to intimidate Sollux, but the bastard didn't even wince.

"Actually, it's hilarious," He snickered, "You're sitting right there, everyone else is off jerking their own bulges in this place, how could I not mess with you when you won't stop staring at me?"

Fucking... Fuck!

When I grabbed a tight grasp on his t-shirt and lifted the troll out of his comfortable Splaysac, his husktop fell from his lap, hitting the ground with a loose thud. He'd need a reminder of his gog damn place around me!

Sollux outstretched back, and as I held him in my prongs, his fingers hooked around my cape strings. I barely had time to act before he gave a sharp tug and I felt it tighten around my throat.

By mere instinct, I released him to quickly fix the size.

I could see a flash of action when I raised my attention up once more and a rough movement bruce forced me backwards. I blundered on my own feet, only managing to hit against the wall to stop myself from completely falling like a damn idiot.

"What the fuck-!" The words left my mouth only to be cut off by Sollux in front of me, pinning his prongs into my shoulders to hold me in place.

"You're the one that started this shit, nookbreath," His split tongue lashed against his fangs, showing clearly the golden tint to it.

The only reason I even bothered to stare at it was to avoid the annoying ass bright eyes now in my face, where were his sunglasses when he needed them?

"You're the one that messaged me when I was gonna drop it, Chitin Chunk," I snapped an insult back to his angry stare, "Now let me go, I could fuckin' cull you for this if I wanted to. You're lucky I'm nice."

"Nice?!" The Captor suddenly laughed, but the pressure against me only grew stronger, "Are you saying I should be grateful to the oh-so-gogdamn-powerful Ampora? Please, casts stopped being important the moment we stepped into this bunker. Nobody would give a shit if I blasted you right now in self-defense."

A threat, just a damn threat to try and get under my skin, the pissblood wouldn't use his psionics on me!

I opened my mouth to call his bluff, but my attention drew to the cracking electricity from his eyes, as though he were charging it up or something.

"Whatever," I adjusted to push the guy off me causing him to slightly stumble, "You wouldn't have the guts. Fef would hate you."

"Oh sure, make this about Feferi," He exasperated with his lisp as he turned his back to me. A dumb decision, really. "You act like you hated me long before I started hanging out with Fef. Sorry, I wouldn't be black for you if you paid me. You smell like fish."

What?! What was this bastard implying for his joke?!

"You think I'm pitched black for you?!" My fingers clenched into fists, wrath bubbling inside my guts, "In your gog damn, fucking lowblood dreams!"

This was entirely about Feferi, what makes him think I even considered a Kismesissitude with him!

Sollux merely waved it off, his short hair ever so lightly messing up as he whipped back around,

"Really? Just look at you, you're already acting like a dog, begging for an auspice to step into this. Are you that desperate, Ampora? Are you just throwing all this shit at me because Feferi won't suck up to your nook anymore?"

I had barely realized he was approaching until the lowblood reached out, pushing me backward for a taunt.

I couldn't stop the anger building inside, so furious I could barely find my words. I was suddenly only seeing red, but he just wouldn't shut his gog damn, mouth!

"This was never about me, you royal-blooded shitpan, this is just about you feeling insecure because Fef dropped her quadrant with you!"

And with that, I felt something snap.

I moved without thinking, lunging at the lowblood unarmed.

I made a move to punch his stupid fucking face, but Sollux grabbed my arm before it made contact, allowing him to duck away. The built energy came out in a burst, I was no longer aiming, all I could see was his Gemini shirt sign locked onto my sights.

I couldn't be sure what was making contact or what wasn't, but I could feel him hitting back as well.

I lost my footing as I slipped on my own cape, and what was going to be a punch quickly changed into a desperate grasp outwards to catch my fall.

I could feel something in my prong but it didn't stop my fall as I fell against the lowblood, and then the resounding echo of a thud.

It took an extra moment to register the pain of falling, and very quickly, the aggressive kick of the lowblood's knee into my Acid Tract to force me off him if only my claws hadn't dug into his fucking shirt. If I wasn't already on the fucking floor, I would have doubled over from the jerking motion.


The voice of a new call echoed and someone grabbed me from behind. Could everyone stop fucking moving me for me, I had Fronds gog damn it!

Not that I would complain about being dragged off Captor but who was jumping in acting all ashen now?

"This is pathetic!"

The girl snapped once more, only releasing me once I was pulled back to my feet.

The moment I stabilized my balance, she was in front of me, grabbing Sollux by his arm and dragging him up as well.

Now that I was taking a good look at him, it was somewhat satisfying to see his yellow blood dripping down his nose from where I apparently hit him. Yeah, I absolutely meant to do that.

Something cold touched my chin and I found myself quickly wiping away only to look down at my fingers and see my own violet blood. Damn it, the shitrocket hit my lip at some point, was I seriously bleeding right now?

I gave an exhale, still attempting to straighten myself out before facing Feferi's furious glare between the both of us. She released the lowblood, her eyes flickering between the two of us before her shoulder slumped with a sigh,

"We've been here a while, I understand if it's hard to get along. But... Everyone is trying to sleep!"

She snapped, nearly making me flinch.

Hearing Fef yell was surreal, something that I felt like I shouldn't have heard. She was too sweet for raising her voice like this.

"Fef-" I began to reach out only for her to lock her eyes on me, freezing me in place,

"Eridan-!" She looked like she wanted to say something before she swallowed it back and looked back to Sollux, "You, both of you, just... Just dang it! I can't stand either of you right now!"

She stopped her foot, her gills fluttering with annoyance. After a moment to catch her breath, she exhaled, forcing a smile once more as she looked between us,

"Actually, I have an idea. If you're not going to sleep, you'll put on your get-along shirt, okay? I don't care if you're trying to be pitched-"

"We're not." Sollux piped up with the interruption, to which Fef ignored completely, as someone as wonderful as she should,

"It's starting to get on everyone's nerves having it in our faces. Go to the Meal Block and maybe try talking for once. And if you do stunts like this again and wake anyone else up..."

Her eyes darkened with the silence of her dramatic pause. With all her beauty, she crossed her arms, averting her head from the both of us,

"Then maybe I don't want anything to do with either of you."

I felt my bloodpusher tighten, as though I had been stabbed right in the gut by her words. Without so much as a goodbye, she turned and made her way back out.

The way Fef walked as she left, her hair and dress waking behind her, it looked like she were flowing, her entire figure waving as though she were still in the water.

Suddenly, I flicked my gaze to Sollux, who looked to be staring at her too. Damn him...

"Whatever," I spoke, if only to get his eyes off her, "Let's just do as she says. I'm not... Fuckin' doing it for you though."

The mustardblood scoffed before he wiped the blood off his face. The moment Fef was gone, I made my way to the door and heard the lowblood's steps as he followed in toe.

At least we were both in agreement that Fef was to be obeyed.

It wasn't like the bunker was that big, Fef was gone by the time we entered the small hallway, and the Meal Block was only a few doors away. Admittedly, sleep sounded wonderful but someone had to stay up and scout, and someone had to keep an eye on that scout, I didn't trust the bastard with my life in his Prongs.

The Meal Block smelled like grubsauce, and it was very obviously thanks to the dirty pile sitting in the sink, still caked with green slime and other odd foods. Slobs, all of them.

Sollux pulled out a chair and took a seat at the small, cramped table in the corner while I found myself opening the Hunger Trunk. The cold air washed over my skin, but nothing caught my eye. It all looked like sludge, how could I consume anything?

I used to be near the top of my cast, I could eat whatever the hell I wanted.

If I wanted to order someone's lusus for dinner, I just had to ring a bell. It wasn't so easy just changing my entire diet down to what the midbloods ate with a snap of the finger.

Obviously, I felt hungry, but I'd rather be hungry than get sick, vomit, then get hungry again... There was the leftover huskloaf, I suppose.

"Can you just grab something? There are only like two options in there."
Pushy asshole, fine. I grabbed the huskloaf and shut the door before dropping it on the table before him.
"Behold, a feast."
Fef can't say I wasn't trying. The last people's forks were still there, he didn't even have to get his ass up to get one.
It looked like he wanted to complain but refused to give in, taking one of the forks with hesitance and digging it into the food.
While he decided to make himself suffer for whatever reason, I pulled out another chair and took a seat across from the lowblood.
He ate, and I stared. Why would we need to talk?
The troll only got through two bites before he set the fork back down, licking his lips with disgust,
"Tastes like ass."
"You'd know that taste."
"Don't look now, but I think I know what one talks like too."
Captor's voice fell into boredom with his retort. After a moment, he rest his elbow on the table and lazily held up his own chin to look at the wall.

Silence crashed through the block, becoming more awkward with every passing moment. Why were we here again? Ah, that's right, Fef.
Finally, the lowblood sighed,
"You think I'm flushed for Peixes."
"I'm not here to have heartfelt talks." That was not something I was going to talk about right now, yet with my insistence to shut it down, he only kept talking.
"Hate me all you want fishbreath, I don't dig her like that anymore."


Now with my attention piqued, a grin made its way to Captor's face,
"Yeah, I haven't been for a while. It was just a fling and it wasn't gonna work out. I just didn't tell you because it was funny as fuck to watch you writhe and dangle. I've been seeing Aradia here and there instead. Feferi and I are just friends."

Was he... Serious?! If I wasn't under Fef's threat I wouldn't began shouting right then and there!
"How long..." I bit back my own voice, only allowing it to come out in a mutter, "Have you and Fef been over?"
"Oh a while now," With his cocky tone come out with his lisp, the Gemini leaned back in his chair, "Maybe right before we entered the bunker? She didn't tell you?"
"No!" I jumped up, quickly catching myself once more as I realized I had let a shout slip. Was he fucking kidding me, we've been here for almost a sweep!
Sollux merely gave a shrug in response,
"I guess she wasn't ready to open her quadrants again I guess. Biding all the time she can before anyone finds out they're all open? Not that I blame her, you're drooling the moment she walks through the door."
"Please, as if."
Still, without thinking, I wiped my chin once more, feeling the moisture of the blood still creeping down from my lips.
That was just a coincidence.
I cleared my throat, sitting back down once more,
"So what then? You just got sick pleasure with fucking with me?"
"Maybe," The goldblood's grin returned, "You're easy to get to. It's almost like you're trying to beg me for a Kismesissitude."

An annoyance rippled up my Posture Pole, forcing a shiver to my Nubs but I shook it off. That didn't deserve a response, I didn't want anyone but Fef in my quadrants.
Of course I... Propose to others sometimes, but that's just because sometimes I'm fuckin' lonely, I'm never actually serious.
I kept my silence, not giving him the joy of answering.
A frown piqued at Sollux's lips before he sat back up in the chair,
"Seriously? Do you even have anyone else in your quadrants? Was it really only Peixes?"
"And why the fuck do you care about my love life? I don't need any of them filled. Thanks to you though, Fef had to go ashen between us, that was humiliating. I don't need an auspice because I don't have a kismesis. You replaced Fef? Whatever, maybe I did too. I have a moirail just fine."
A lie, but as if he would know. I wasn't going to be looked down to by gog damn Sollux Captor.

He raised an eyebrow above his flickering blue eye,
He didn't sound like he believed me in the slightest, shit.
Suddenly, the lowblood stood up from his chair and approached, only to lean himself against the table.

"Look, this is actually kind of sad right now. Like seriously, I pity you. So I'm gonna tell you something." He waved a prog as if he were brushing off some dust, "A kismesis is supposed to get you to reach your best self through healthy competition and shit. So let me just take a moment to get into the role and tell you to get your fucking shit together."
I opened my mouth to speak in disbelief he just said such a thing to me, but Sollux kept talking, as he was good at,
"Feferi isn't into you like you're into her, so get the fuck over it. You can't bullshit and barrelroll your way through me to get to her when we're not even a thing and she makes her own choices too. You're not going to spend the rest of your fishbreathed life pining for a girl that's never going to be interested in you, so get the fuck up, and move on."
"Oh like it's so easy," I found myself barking back as I pushed myself up to meet his level, "I've never had feelings for anyone but Fef and she wants no-fin to do with me. I'm lonely but I can't just throw random people in my quadrants just to fill them. How the hell can I move on if there's nobody to move on to?"

Sollux suddenly jerked forward, grabbing a tight hold of my shirt in his clammy prog,
"Ampora, get your thinkpan checked," He lisped, "Is your life so unfulfilling that you're attaching your entire future onto Peixes? I knew you were miserable but that's fucking dumb. Start doing shit to help around the bunker maybe, make something for yourself, gog damn."
The moment he released me, I began to smooth down the winkled in my shirt, but Captor continued to look unamused.
He watched me tidy myself up in silence before giving what I could only assume was an eyeroll. It wasn't like he had pupils I could check.
"You're not even listening to me are you?"
"Why should I?" The only reason I wasn't attacking back for touching me was because of Fef's threat, I wouldn't even look at him, "I still hate your guts, I don't have to listen to a word you say."

Captor made a sound that was mixed between annoyance and acceptance.
He pushed himself off the table, and while I was about to assume he was going to turn his back to me, he didn't.
Rather, Captor grabbed my wrist mid wrinkle-fix and I could taste his gross lips on mine.
How fowl, he smelled sharp, like chemicals, or vinegar.
I was about to push him off me but he pushed himself back before I had the chance. The moment he was off, Captor wiped his mouth, ever so lightly stained with my own violet from the break in my lip.
"There, kismesis, now your quadrants aren't so embarrassingly empty and you can get yourself over Peixes," He wiped his fingers on his pants with disgust, like he was trying to shake off every trace of me.
Wait, why the hell wasn't I doing that too, what the hell was that?!

I wiped once, then twice, just to make sure I got all taste of Captor off.
Fuck, as disgusting as that was, he had a point. As if I would ever admit that.
Who the hell was I? Ever part of me was connected to Fef, it was like I was nothing without her.

For some odd reason, I looked up to Sollux for an answer but his eyes narrowed with nothing he could give for such a question.
Without another word, he turned his back, making his way out to leave me alone.

Screw him.

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