Cats In the Cradle

By enterthecircus

233K 4.9K 608

Married to My Master/ Hide & Seek Spin-Off Warning: This story is explicit with graphic sex scenes, foul lang... More

1. Daniel
2. Daniel
3. Daniel
4. Daniel
5. Daniel
6. Daniel
7. Daniel
8. Daniel
9. Emma
10. Daniel
11. Emma
12. Daniel
13. Emma
14. Emma
15. Daniel
16. Emma
17. Daniel
18. Emma
19. Daniel
20. Emma
21. Daniel
22. Emma
23. Daniel
24. Emma
25. Daniel
27. Daniel
28. Emma
29. Daniel
30. Emma
31. Daniel
32. Emma
33. Daniel
34. Emma
35. Daniel
36. Emma
37. Emma
38. Daniel
39. Emma
40. Daniel
41. Emma
42. Daniel
43. Emma
44. Daniel
45. Emma
46. Daniel
47. Emma
48. Daniel
49. Emma
50. Daniel
51. Emma
52. Daniel
53. Emma
54. Daniel
55. Daniel
Epilogue 2

26. Emma

3.3K 73 4
By enterthecircus

I woke up this morning feeling achey between my legs. And very anxious...and a little rejected.

Daniel slept in a different bed on our wedding night, which was humiliating.

And it was difficult to get out of bed, knowing how much was at stake right now. Knowing Daniel still needed to mark me and complete a proper consummation, the way The Great Spirit intended.

But I wanted him to like me. I wanted him to actually want me and to want to share a bed with me at night, like husbands and wives should. So I showered and got dressed and fixed my hair, wishing again that it was more interesting-looking. Secretly hoping my children would have curly hair like Daniel's.

Then I headed into the kitchen to look for food.

There was a pot of stew that I instantly recognized as Mama's famous beef and vegetable soup, along with some dinner rolls that were still a bit warm.

It was already very late—around 9 AM—but it didn't sound like Daniel was awake yet, so I decided to tidy up the house. I swept, dusted, heated up the stew on the stove, and set the table while I waited for him to wake up.

When I heard him stirring, followed by the shower turning on, I poured some of the soup into a large serving bowl to cool a bit, then brought it to the table and sat down to wait for him.

After we ate a little, we talked. I wasn't at all convinced that Orion wouldn't personally check to make sure Daniel had released his light into my privates, if he had any reason to be suspicious. But Daniel seemed to get angry last night, when I mentioned that Orion had trained me... So I didn't mention it.

I nodded along with his awful plan and held onto his hand across the table, just happy he was touching me again.

Then we heard a knock on the door.

He sighed heavily and slid his warm, large hand away from mine, then stood up to go answer. I stood up as well and followed behind him awkwardly.

"If it's Orion again, I might actually kill him." Daniel said under his breath while rubbing his eyes with his long, thick fingers...

He turned around and noticed me standing a few paces behind him, and I blushed. I probably needed to stop thinking so much about his strong hands... I hoped he didn't notice.

"Be nice. For the greater good," he whispered to himself as he placed his hand on the doorknob. Then he swung the door open.

Mama and Father stood on our front porch...looking rather uncomfortable.

I walked up to the door and stood behind Daniel, who was blinking at them in confusion.

"...Yes?" He said a little curtly.

"Hello again, Daniel. We met last night, of course. I'm Luke Reynolds. Uh...this here is Emma's mother, Kara. Do you mind if we come in for a few minutes?" Father said to him nervously. Daniel looked like he did mind, but he stepped aside to grant them access.

"Is there something wrong?" Daniel asked him. Mama and I stayed silent; we knew better than to speak unless we'd been spoken to.

Father sighed, fidgeting nervously with his hands and his wristwatch.

"Orion asked us to stop by... We came by last night to bring you some food, but nobody answered. So Orion gave us a key and we came back this morning. Did everything taste alright?"

Daniels jaw was clenched for some reason. I had no idea why he looked annoyed. Father and Mama seemed to pick up on his sour mood as well.

"Yes. Thank you. I don't particularly like everyone just letting themselves in...or having keys to my house...But the food was amazing. Thank you."

"Well I'm glad you liked it. Kara is a wonderful cook." Father said proudly, and Mama beamed.

Daniel smiled kindly at her. "Thank you, Mrs. Reynolds. It really was very good... But why did Orion ask you to stop by?" He asked Mama directly, and Father bristled. I eyed Daniel nervously; Father was likely going to be upset about that later.

Father placed his hand on Mama's shoulder, which I knew was a warning that she wasn't permitted to answer. Then he said, "Orion had to start training someone else today, so he asked us to give you this envelope. And he tells us you two are having some trouble with the consummation. Is there...a problem? Is Emma not doing what she's been trained to do?" Father sounded like he was getting upset. I chewed my lip nervously, afraid to hear Daniel's assessment of my performance last night.

Daniel peeked inside the envelope, and he suddenly looked a little green. He quickly stuffed it into his back pocket and took a deep breath; his jaw tightened again.

"No." He spat, making Father step back a little. Daniel's chest was heaving a bit.

"I'm sorry. That came out...a little harsh." He forced a chuckle.

"But no, she's great. She's perfect. Emma is...a wonderful wife. We're not having any trouble." He wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled down at me, making my stomach flutter. I couldn't help but smile back.

He was so handsome.

And his hands...

"But Orion tells us that you refused to give her Light. And you slept in separate beds." Father insisted.

"I just—We don't...know each other yet! I want to get to know her better before we...have children."

Mama and Father looked bewildered.

"Daniel... That's what marriage is for. You'll have years to get to know each other! But a woman is only fertile for so long. That's why they need to marry young and start getting pregnant right away." Father explained, sounding a little exasperated.

I got the feeling that they thought Daniel was a little slow; these talks were usually given to teenaged boys when they entered into puberty. Not to fully grown, married men.

Mama eyed me warily, then tugged on Father's arm. Father glanced down at her, and they seemed to exchange an unspoken message.

"Emma, why don't you go into the living room with you mother and chat while Daniel and I talk?" Father said tiredly.

I looked to Daniel for permission, and he shrugged and nodded, then removed his arm from around my waist. So I followed Mama to the living room couch and sat down beside her.

"Emma, sweetheart. What is going on? Your father and I are very worried," Mama whispered. Her face was drawn.

"Nothing! We...consummated our marriage last night! But Daniel...doesn't want kids yet. He's just not from around here. He doesn't understand."

"Yes...but he's here now. So he needs to. Your father told me that Orion wants to take you as his wife, if Daniel won't breed you." My heart drummed against my chest.

Now Mama knew?

This meant it was serious.

"Your sister..." Mama hesitated. "Your sister ran away...for this reason." She looked behind her nervously to make sure Father wasn't near, then lowered her voice.

"She was promised to Orion before her birth. And we happily accepted, of course... But then we found out that he wished to...share her...So." She stopped herself again, and I wondered what she wasn't saying.

"Mr. Augustus...knew... Orion had his eye on you. And he... found Daniel. For you. He assured your father that he was a good man. We didn't think Orion would still push for this once we found you a husband..." Mama paused to nervously look around again.

"We don't... We don't want that for you, Emma. Orion is good and wise, but... it wouldn't be a good life... You must do whatever it takes to consummate your marriage properly. Tonight. Don't let him refuse you again." Mama warned shakily, holding firmly to my hands as she stared right into my eyes.

"I will," I whispered, squeezing her hands tightly. Mama pulled me into her arms and wrapped me in a tight hug. She was breathing heavily and still a little shaky.

"Kara!" My father suddenly yelled, making us both jump. We immediately parted and she stood up.

"Let's go home and let these two do what they need to do." He held his hand out for her, and she went to him, glancing back once to give me another meaningful look. I smiled back at her and waved as she and my father exited through the front door.

Daniel just stood silently near the door as they left. He turned the locks, looked up at me sadly...and then walked away.

My stomach clenched as I heard a room door close. Followed by the sound of something crashing.

He must have been mad at whatever Father had told him... So maybe it wasn't the best time for us to talk.

But we didn't have much time left.

So I took a deep breath. And then headed into the bedroom to change into one of my new pairs of lacy underwear that Orion had provided me with.

Perhaps Daniel was scared to get in trouble in The Outer World because of my age.

But we weren't out there. We may never even escape. If we were going to survive in here, we were going to have to play by the rules.

I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, slipped on my new white bra and panties, and then headed for the bedroom door. I was determined that I wouldn't allow him to reject me again.

But right as I was about to open it, the doorknob turned.

And the door slowly opened.

And Daniel stood before me, wearing only his underwear.

"So. I spoke to your dad, and... I think we just need to... We should—"

I slipped my panties down before he finished his sentence, and his eyes widened as he watched them fall off.

Then he looked up at me, and I held my breath as I waited for his reaction.

And then he exhaled sharply.

And took a large step forward.

And he wrapped his arms around my waist.

And he kissed me.

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