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It's been several years now since Moses had run from Egypt. He has now settled into life as a shepherd, but t... Еще



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Muttering angrily, and a quiet Moses behind me, I stalked out of the palace, where I was met by Krishna, Kim, Mei and Jamie.

"So? Is he gonna do it?" Jamie asked. "Yes or no?"

Moses shook his head sadly.

"No?!" Kimiya gasped.

"No," Moses sighed.

"But why?" Mei was shocked.

"He's stubborn, that's why!" I grumbled.

"IS HE CRAZY?!!!" Krishna groaned in irritation. "There's a final plague coming and HE DOESN'T CARE?!"

"Seems like it," I grumbled.

"I tried, but his heart is still hardened. I'm dreading this one, more than any of the others." Moses said as we all walked back to the Hebrew side of the kingdom.

"Why's that?" Jamie asked.

"It would mean the death of every firstborn child. Rameses has a son, and I fear that his son might be dead with this last plague." Moses explained.

"Ooh, not good." Krishna's eyes widened with dread.

"They don't deserve any of this." Kim said sadly. "No one does."

"If anything, it's gonna be Rameses' fault." Jamie said.

"How're you feeling about this, Moses?" Mei asked.

"My heart breaks for my former subjects, and for Rameses. I was once their Prince, and his brother. But...this might be the only way to set my people free." Moses said.


"God has come to me again saying, 'Take a lamb, and with its blood, mark the lintel and posts of every door, for tonight, I shall pass through the land of Egypt, and smite all the firstborn. But when I see the blood upon your door, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not enter'."

I wiped the door posts stained with lamb's blood, shaking in realization, and humbled by this. My ancestors from my father's side of the family had done this so long ago, and I was in the midst of history. I closed the door, and sank down, humbled, my being about to sob. Victor's hand was on my shoulder.

"Are you all right?" Moses asked me.

"I'm in the midst of a historic and biblical event. This means so much. Back when I was growing up in my timeline, my father would always be so overprotective of me, and I didn't understand. I resented him for it, and wondered why he was so bent on protecting me. He told me the day before he died saving other people, that he was a victim of something terrible, and he came out of it a survivor. He never really talked about it because it was so traumatizing, but once he did, a weight was lifted off my shoulders. My mother also went through traumatizing things, but she told me when she was ready to. With this, I can now appreciate what both of my parents went through." I told him through tears.

"I'm sure your parents had very good intentions. I know they would be proud of the man that you've become." Moses said.

I chuckled meekly.

"Same with Yocheved, if she was here," I wiped my eyes.

Moses smiled.


I groggily got up and went with Moses back to the palace when he told me that the plague was over. I summoned my scepter again, just in case Rameses did anything.

But all I heard coming back to the palace, was crying heard all around. My eyes widened, and my stomach dropped when I saw Rameses set his son down on a table and covered him up with a blanket. He bowed his head. Moses also looked sad.

"You...and your people...have my permission to go."

Rameses had said, this voice thick with emotion--sadness.

So the plague did come through and take his son. My heart wavered from heartbreak, to pity and anger and back again, just as Moses attempted to comfort his adopted brother.

"LEAVE ME." Rameses flinched from the touch, and snarled, never once looking back.

So Moses did slowly and with a heavy heart, but I stayed rooted as I was. 

"We warned you, but you didn't listen. Now you deal with the choices you've made." I growled back at him, trembling with grief for his son and his subjects and boiling mad at him for choosing to do wrong.

With that said, I turned my Scepter back into a necklace, turned on my heel, and followed Moses out of the palace. For good. We didn't get very far before we collapsed, sat down and cried for the people in Egypt. We hugged each other as we did.

Once we stopped and got ourselves together, we headed back to the Hebrew side, where Tzipporah, Daddy and Dada were waiting. Moses gently nudged me along to my Daddies.

"Rani..." Daddy knew by the link we shared that I had been crying, and just held me and let me continue.

"They're gone. All of the firstborn in Egypt are gone. Pharaoh's son, too," I sobbed into Daddy's sleeve.

"Oh, no. Ohh, that must have been really hard for Moses," Daddy said sadly.

I nodded, sniffling.

"They had it coming. It's his own fault that his people suffered." Krishna said angrily overhearing me explain what happened.

"Krishna!" Dada scolded.

"Now's not the time to gloat, tiger. You have to remember that Moses was once their prince, and he cared deeply." Daddy added gently.

"Sorry," Krishna nodded, humbled.

"So? Did he make a decision?" Jamie asked. Krishna and Mei were with her.

"He said we can go. This last plague really did a number on the Egyptian side." I said.

"That's just awful!" Mei said sadly.

I saw Miriam come out, looking hopeful, and Moses nodding, though still heartbroken over what happened to his former home. Miriam's face showed love and pity.

Many nights we've prayed

With no proof anyone could hear

In our hearts a hopeful song we barely understood. Miriam sang to all, who were just waking up to a new dawn.

"Eh?" Sweeney yawned.

"Oooh! Looks like Rani's back." Mrs. Lovett pointed.

"Moses with 'er?" Sweeney asked.


Now, we are not afraid

Although we know there's much to fear

We were moving mountains long before we knew we could

There can be miracles when you believe

Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill.

Who knows what miracles you can achieve?

When you believe, somehow you will!

You will when you believe. Miriam came back to Moses, who was starting to break through the fog of sadness.

In this time of fear

When prayers so often proved in vain

Hope seemed like the summer birds, too swiftly flown away

But now I'm standing here, Tzipporah reflected on all that had happened.

Now I'm standing here, Miriam was with her, smiling. 

With heart so full I can't explain! Tzipporah smiled.

Seeking faith and speaking word I never thought I'd say! Tzipporah and Miriam came to Moses, who smiled gently.

"Well, what're we waiting for?! Let's go before he changes his mind!" Krishna said.

"I'm with you, Krish! Let's get going!" Jamie said.

There can be miracles when you believe

(When you believe)

Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill

(It's hard to kill)

Who knows what miracles you can achieve?

(You can achieve)

When you believe somehow you will

You will when you believe! Tzipporah, Miriam and I sang along as Moses led the people away from Egypt. Daddy walked for most of this. When he got tired, he hitched a ride on a carriage.

A-shir-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah

A-shir-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah, I heard a little kid sing, and I sang along with her. Lots of kids joined, including my siblings and cousin.

Mi-cha-mo-cha ba-e-lim adonai

Mi-cha-mo-cha ne-dar-ba-ko-desh

Na-chi-tah v'-chas-d'-cha am zu ga-al-ta

Na-chi-tah v'-chas-d'-cha am zu ga-al-ta

A-shir-ra, A-shir-ra, A-shir-ra! Lots of kids joined as as they came out from under their parents robes, and started to cheer and play. Moses even joined in the playfulness by letting the kids hang on to his staff. 

A-shir-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah

A-shir-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah,

Mi-cha-mo-cha ba-e-lim adonai

Mi-cha-mo-cha ne-dar-ba-ko-desh

Na-chi-tah v'-chas-d'-cha am zu ga-al-ta

Na-chi-tah v'-chas-d'-cha am zu ga-al-ta

A-shir-ra, A-shir-ra, A-shir-ra! The adults now joined in, finally accepting the real possibility of freedom. They sang and danced.

We continued the trek to freedom with songs and laughter.

There can be miracles when you believe

Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill

(It's hard to kill)

Who knows what miracles you can achieve?

(You can achieve!)

When you believe, somehow you will!

Now you will!

You will when you believe! We all sang and walked to our hearts' content.

You will when you...

(You will)

Believe! Miriam, Daddy and Tzipporah all sang with joy.

Soon, Egypt behind us, we all headed through a couple of hillsides, and in front of us was an ocean. My eyes widened at the vastness of this ocean. So did my sisters and cousin.

"YOOO! Look at the ocean! It's HUGE!" Krishna commented excitedly.

"Whoa! It's even bigger than the Nile!" Mei observed.

"Wow! It's so pretty!" Kim said in wonder.

"Oh, wow! What a sight!" Jamie added.

"Daddy?! What ocean is that?" I asked.

"That, meree betee, is the Red Sea." Daddy answered.

We all stopped by the shore to rest and rejuvenate. We all played games and sang songs while the adults talked and laughed, and enjoyed each other's company.

"So what happens next?" Krishna asked.

"I dunno. The real question is how are we going to cross the Red Sea? We still have a ways to go." Mei replied.

"We'll figure something out. Besides, it's not like Rameses is gonna follow us and try to take us back." Jamie said. 

Suddenly, a shofar sounded, and it meant that someone was coming.

We all turned, and lo and behold, Rameses was there with an army of soldiers.

"What?! I thought he said we could go!" I protested in shock.

"Uhhh, Jamie? You were saying?" Kim shuddered.

"Forget I said anything about that!" Jamie groaned.

"WHAT THE--?! NOT THIS CLOWN AGAIN!!!!" Krishna shrieked in shock and anger. "DIDN'T HE LEARN ANYTHING AT ALL?!"

"Guess not," Mei sighed.

"It said in Exodus that the Pharaoh changed his mind, and went after our ancestors, but something happened." Daddy chimed in to our conversation.

"What happened?" I asked.

Rameses shouted, and charged ahead with the soldiers, seeing that we all were at the banks, trapped on the shore.

Our ancestors fled to Moses, and I saw the clouds roll in, and felt the wind picking up, thunder crashing, and God working through me again as I summoned my Scepter.

"ELEMENTS--WIND! FIRE!!!" I shouted.

At once from the water, a huge gust of wind and flame became one huge tornado. I could sense Moses' shock, and Mei's fears.

"BLOCK THE PHARAOH'S PATH!!!" I commanded.

At once it sprung to where Rameses and his men were, and Rameses dodged it and went ahead--


At once, the flames made it impossible for Rameses and his men to get through. They were stuck where they were.

"That should hold them, but not for long," I said. "Now it's up to Moses."

I knew God had something up His sleeve to get us away from Rameses and his men. I watched with anticipation while the others looked fearful, as Moses went into the water and raised his staff over his head.


I closed my eyes, and once again I felt God's presence with me. My entire life flashed before my eyes, from when I was a baby, to Prince of Egypt, to a simple shepherd, to now, leading my people from Egypt. I could feel my mother, Yocheved with me.

"With this staff," God said in reassurance, "you shall do My wonders!"

Now, my son! My mother said.

I then slammed the staff into the water, and what happened next was unbelievable and unimaginable...but here I was, right in the middle of it, watching as the wind gusts violently blew around me, and parted the sea.

I could hear Rani and her siblings shouting. I couldn't tell if it was fear or excitement. I turned to see my people, and I could see that they were frightened.

My eyes begged for anyone to move. God had made a pathway to the Promised Land, and He would see to it that we got there.

I saw sudden movement. Aaron had moved from his rooted spot and wasn't fearful. He had seen firsthand what God had done, from the Plagues to this moment, when I had parted the Sea. I could see he had a newfound bond, a brotherly respect for me.

I could see Rani and her siblings and cousin move now. They looked very eager to go, and very excited. Their parents also came.

"What are you guys waiting for?! Come on! That flaming tornado behind us isn't gonna last long!" Krishna yelled over the roar of the water and wind to my people.

Finally, Miriam, Tzipporah and the rest of my people started to move. I helped anyone I could. I stayed until every person was safely crossing. There was an elderly man who had a wagon full of items, and the wheel broke.

"LEAVE IT!" I urged, gently pushing him along.

Once we were on the less windy side of the parting, I once again stayed to make sure everyone was safely crossing. I even helped Rani and her family.

"Great job, Moses!" Rani smiled. Mei and Kimiya giggled with awe.

"YOOOO!!! That was so cool, man! The way the water just--WHOOO! It was crazy!!!" Krishna commented.

I chuckled.

"As much as you're excited about this, we still need to move, tiger." Victor said, also chuckling. Joshua nodded.

"Right, that fiery tornado's not gonna last, like you said." Jamie added.

"Yep! See you on the other side!" Krishna quipped.

"That sounds great," I said with a smile.

I was helping the very last of my people, when suddenly, the pillar of fire had gone out. 

My eyes widened. Did Rameses go back to Egypt? 

I heard a shout. Multiple shouts, and confusion. So Rameses didn't go back to Egypt after all. I could see the horses in the distance running every which way.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE, KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL!!!" Rameses roared at his men.

My blood ran cold. I turned to my people, who had heard the commotion and started running.

"THE SOLDIERS! THEY'RE COMING!!!" I shouted in warning.



I ran to catch up, the soldiers not too far behind, hearing Aaron call out my name, Rani running to me, her Scepter out and ready, perhaps to protect me. 

"THE SHORE!" One person shouted.

Immediately, there was an opening, heading to the other side of the sea, and my people ran for their lives. 

I turned, the soldiers quickly gaining ground, but Rani landed in front of me, Scepter out.

"WATER!!!" she yelled, her Scepter glowing.

I watched as the sea that was parted, began to close--and drown the soldiers.

Rani looked shell-shocked as she watched with me, but I scooped her up in my arms, and ran to the shore to join my people. 

"RETURN!" Rani said, and her Scepter again became a necklace. I set her down once we were out of the sea's floor and on to shore. We hurried along again.

My deepest fear? It was that Rameses had possibly drowned. In spite of everything that had happened, I still loved him, still cared for him.

I had hoped he knew that.


Heart pounding, I ran to the shore with Moses, and another kid that tripped on the way to safer ground. he had scooped him up and continued.


I was knocked off my feet by the wind and into Daddy's arms as the Red Sea finally closed from parting.

When the winds died down, we all stared a long time before it dawned. 

Moses had finally done it. He had come back to Egypt to lead his people out and into the Promised Land, and now this meant that they were free from Rameses. Forever. I was hugging and laughing with my family, and with Moses and his.

As for me, I had finished what my Daddy began. Daddy had started this, protecting and guiding Moses along the way when he was a prince, and continued to guide him when he ran away from Egypt to Midian. Even though I knew it was a test to prepare me for my very first mission as Sorceress, I ended up completing Daddy's official second mission years later.


I felt so much joy and happiness emanating from my people, from Rani and her family, to my own. Miriam came up to me with a smile. Her prayers, it seemed, were answered.

"Thank you," I returned the hug she gave me.

When she went to Tzipporah and Aaron, and talked, I headed back to the shore, to make sure if Rameses had survived...

I could see him from a distance. He was on a rock, and was screaming my name out in possibly rage and desperation.

I gave out a sad sigh as the memories I had with him filled my head. As much as I wished him to be here with me, that part of my life had to end.

"Goodbye, brother." I whispered. 

This time, for good. I thought as I went back up the hill with Rani who had went down with me.

"Are you okay?" she asked me.

I nodded. It was time to move on.

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