Transformers Prime: Fanfiction

By MarcyWeisinger

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okay This is going to be a Transformers Prime fanfiction but will add some characters that are not relevant t... More

This Is What They Will Look Like.
What The Weapons Will Look Like.
What They Will Look Like With Their Weapons


23 1 0
By MarcyWeisinger

Location: Still On The Nemesis: JetStorm+Slipstream's Lab:

Slipstream was looking around and went through and was going through a box that she had found. She then noticed one item. She took the item and she examined it. She smiled. She remembered her Carrier giving this to her when she was really young. Soon she heard the doors open. She looked and saw her brother. JetStorm walked in and saw his sister near a box. He chuckled. "What are you doing sis." He asked her. Slipstream smiled. "Well. I discovered this box and I was looking through it. When I was looking through it. I found this item and I remember our carrier giving it to me. Just like what our sire did giving you his sword." She sighs. "I really do miss them." She said to her brother. JetStorm walked over and bent down.

"So do I sis. I think about them everyday. And I think StreamStorm misses them too. But I don't think she would hardly remember them because she was really young at the time when they had perished." He said to his sister. Slipstream nodded. She put the item back in the box. "By the way JetStorm, have you seen StreamStorm?" She asked him. JetStorm looked at her. "No. I thought you had seen her." He asked her. She shook her helm. JetStorm got up and he went to your room. JetStorm opened your doors and he didn't see you. "HEY SIS! SHE ISN'T IN HER ROOM!" He said and shouted to his sister. "CHECK WITH OUR MASTER! SHE'S ALWAYS HANGING AROUND WITH HIM!" She replied and shouted back to her brother while she was in the main room. JetStorm shut your doors and he walked off to see if you were with his master.

Location: Still On The Nemesis: Throne Room:

Megatron was sitting on the throne in the throne room looking through his datapad. He was so busy and looking through the results that he didn't even hear the doors open to the throne room. "My Lord." Said a voice. Megatron glanced up and he saw JetStorm. "JetStorm. Is something wrong?" He asked him. "Actually now there is, master. Since I don't see my sister with you. Have you seen her?" He asked his master. Megatron looked at his pad. "Yes. I saw her today but I told her to head to yours and Slipstream's Lab." He replied. "My Liege. I am really worried. Because me and Slipstream don't know where our sister is." He said to his master. Megatron got up off his throne and he walked over to where the computers were located. He then typed something in. He then went and clicked on some things. He then glanced up and he saw that your signal wasn't even on the ship or near the ship. This started to worry him. "JetStorm. Get Soundwave. I don't even see your sister's signal on the ship or near the ship." He said to JetStorm. JetStorm immediately left and went to see and find Soundwave.

Location: Still On The Nemesis: Soundwave's Room:

Soundwave was at his desk and he was working and decoding some relics when his doors slid open. He looked up and he saw that it was JetStorm. But he noticed that he was in tears. And he didn't know why. "JetStorm. What's wrong?" He asked him in a voice recording. "Soundwave. Lord Megatron needs to see you in the throne room." He replied. It's my sister. Her signal isn't showing on the monitor. And it is showing that she isn't on the ship." He said to Soundwave. Soundwave immediately grabbed his pad and he ran out heading to the throne room.

Location: Still On The Nemesis: Throne Room:

Megatron was worried. He was looking more into where your location was. He was looking until he heard the doors opened in the throne room. He looked but he only saw his daughter. SilverRose looked at her sire and she noticed that he was upset and that he was worried about something. She walked over to the computers where her sire was at. "Sire. Is something wrong?" She asked her sire. Megatron didn't know what to say. SilverRose walked in front of her sire. She placed both of her servos on her sire's cheeks. "Dad. Tell me what is wrong. And tell me what is bothering you." She asked her sire. Megatron started to show tears in his eyes. SilverRose saw this. That's when she knew that something was definitely wrong. And something was definitely bothering him. "Oh daddy. Something is wrong and something is bothering you. I can tell. It's not hard to notice that look on your faceplates." She said to her sire. She waited for him to answer her until he did.

"You are right, my little one." He replied. "Okay sire. Then what is bothering you." She asked her sire. "It's StreamStorm." He replied. "Which you know I consider as my best friend. She is missing. And her signal isn't showing on the screen. And it's showing and saying that she isn't on the ship or near the ship. And this is starting to worry me." He said to his daughter. SilverRose looked at her sire. "Daddy. I have one way." She said to her sire. Megatron looked at his daughter. "And what way is that?" He asked his daughter. "You'll find out, sire." She replied. She turned and she typed some things in. Megatron tilted his helm. Megatron then watches his daughter get straight to work. That's when he knew what she was doing. He immediately smiled. She went and she hacked into the computers and clicked on some files. The doors opened to the throne room. And it was Soundwave. And he was watching the princess hacking into some files. SilverRose looked up and she clicked the location. "GOT IT!" She said out loud. Megatron immediately smiled. "Excellent work, my little princess. I am proud of you. So where's her location?" He asked his daughter. She went but she couldn't tell. She looked up and she saw Soundwave. And she knew that Soundwave would be able to help her more with locating her sires best friend which was you.

"Sounds, care to do the honors and help me." She asked him. Soundwave nodded. He walked over and he extracted his tentacles. He then went and he skimmed through until he finally tracked your location on where you are. Soundwave looked at it more and so did SilverRose. She gasps at what she was seeing. "Sire. We need to take action now." She said to her sire. With her voice almost with full authority. Megatron looked at his daughter. "We will. But tell me where she is." He asked his daughter. She pointed at the location. "Sire. This location that she is at is what the fleshlings own." She replied. "It is called MECH. Sire. They are very dangerous." She said to her sire. "They are just fleshlings. How can they be dangerous to us?" He asked his daughter. "Sire. They dissect us." She replied. Megatron's eyes immediately widened at what his daughter had said to him. Megatron immediately got your location and he immediately ran out of the throne room and he went out to the flightdeck with his army. He immediately took off and he flew off to rescue you. To rescue his little and his best friend.

Location: Away From The Nemesis Ship: MECH: Main Lab:

StreamStorm's Pov:

"I was starting to wake up. I slowly opened my optics. I looked around and I noticed that I wasn't on the Nemesis or near my brother or near my sister or near my best friend. Which was, Megs. I immediately started to get scared. Because I didn't know where I was. Soon I heard doors open. I looked and I saw someone walking in. And I was going to almost give them a piece of my mind. But I also wanted them to let me go."


"Please. Let me go." I said to the figure. "I am sorry. But that won't happen." The figure replied back to you. They went over and they started prying and opening your chassis. You immediately screamed in pain. You then felt them messing with your spark. Your optics flickered. You immediately cried. You soon felt and heard voices. "Shh. It's okay, my little one." The voice said and whispered to you. "We are you to protect you, my child." The second voice said and whispered to you. "Who and what are you?" You said and whispered back to the voices. "You may not remember us, my child. But it's us, your sire and Carrier." They said and whispered to you. Soon Silas walked in. He walked over and checked the results. "Excellent men. We need to learn more about their kind and everything else. Do what you need to do." He said to his men. "Yes sir." They replied back. Silas then walked out.

They went furthermore almost damaging your spark. They were close to almost severely damaging it until the doors burst open from the other room. They both looked. You then felt the presence of your best friend Megs. You immediately screamed but you couldn't. Megatron was in the other room yelling for you. "STREAMSTORM! WHERE ARE YOU STREAMSTORM!" He shouted calling out for you. He walked into a different room. But soon he heard one of his men hollering for him. "MASTER! WE FOUND HER!" They shouted and hollered at him. Megatron immediately ran and he pushed the doors open. He looked and his eyes immediately filled with worry. He immediately ran over to you.

"StreamStorm." He says and whispers to you. You slowly turned and you looked at your best friend. You tried saying something but you couldn't. Megatron slowly looked down and he saw your chassis was pried open and he saw that your spark was severely damaged and was almost removed. "Oh. StreamStorm. My best friend, what did they do to you?" He asked you and whispered to you. You slowly lifted your servos up to him. Megatron slowly lifted you up. He immediately had tears in his eyes. "We'll take you home, StreamStorm." He says and whispers to you. Megatron walked out of the room. He then saw JetStorm. JetStorm turned and he saw his sister almost offline and with her spark almost damaged and almost removed. He immediately had tears in his eyes. "No." He said and whispered to himself. He immediately ran over to you.

"Sis." He says and whispers to you. You tried looking but you were too weak. "JetStorm we need to head back to the ship now." He said to JetStorm. JetStorm nodded. They both walked and they made it outside. Megatron then comlinked Soundwave, Knockout and Slipstream. "Soundwave. We need a bridge now." He said to Soundwave. "And Knockout. Have the med bay ready." He said to Knockout. "And Slipstream when we get back you need to be with your brother and sister." He said to Slipstream. Soon a bridge opened. JetStorm walked through the bridge and Megatron then walked through the bridge behind him. With Megatron still holding and carrying you.

Location: Back On The Nemesis: Med Bay:

Knockout and Slipstream were waiting. Slipstream was worried. Soon they heard the doors open to the med bay. They looked up and they saw their master holding, little StreamStorm. With her spark severely damaged and with her chassis pried open. Megatron walked over and he laid StreamStorm down on the med berth. Megatron left with tears in his eyes. Afraid of losing his best friend. Slipstream walked over and she sat down. Soon the doors open to the med bay again. Slipstream looked up and she saw her brother. She immediately got up and she ran to her brother. "JetStorm. We can't lose her. Not like what we did with our creators." She said to her brother. JetStorm had tears in his eyes. "I know, Slipstream." He replied. "Please sire and carrier. If you can hear me. Please help our baby sister." He said and whispered to his creators. Hoping that they heard him. Which they did. JetStorm and Slipstream went out for Knockout to fix you and do the surgery.

Location: Still On The Nemesis: Megatron's Room:

Megatron was sitting at his desk in tears. He glanced over and he saw the photo of his queen. He grabbed the photo and he looked at it. "My queen. If you can hear me, my dear. Please help StreamStorm. Please help my best friend. I can't lose my best friend." He said and whispered to his queen. Hoping that she heard him. Which she did. He immediately held his helm down. He was crying that he didn't even hear the doors open to his room. He was crying when he felt servos wrap around him. He then felt someone hugging him. He slowly looked up and he saw his daughter. "Oh SilverRose." He said to his daughter. He went and he immediately wrapped himself around his daughter. Hugging her and embracing her and not wanting to let her go. SilverRose never saw her sire like this before.

"Shh. It's okay, sire." She said and whispered to her sire. "How can it be, daughter? My best friend is in the med bay right now in surgery and may not survive. So how can everything be okay and alright?" He said and asked his daughter. "To be honest, daddy. I don't know. But I have a feeling that she will make it." She replied. "How are you so certain, my child?" He asked her. "I mean I never had a friend like this before. Before and during The Golden Age with you know." He said to his daughter. While not wanting to finish his sentence. She looked at her sire. "Before Prime. Yeah. I know sire. Prime was once a good friend and a mentor to you." She replied. Megatron let his daughter go. He grabbed his pad. He then received a message through the comm link. He was hoping this was good news.

"My Liege." The voice said coming through the comm link. Megatron began to choke on his words. He couldn't bring himself up to answer the call. SilverRose saw the struggle that her sire was having by answering the call coming through the comm link. "Dad. You want me to answer the call for you." She asked him. He nodded. Telling her yes to answer the call for him. She went and she used her comm link. "I am answering the call for my sire. He is unable at this time. What do you need?" She asked the person through her comm link. "Princess. Let your sire know that StreamStorm made it out of surgery. And it will take some time for her to come around." The voice said to the princess coming through the comm link. "I will and thank you for letting me know. My sire would be happy and satisfied that she made it through the surgery." She said and replied back to the person through her comm link. She looked at her sire.

"See. What did I tell you?" She said to her sire while nudging him. Megatron smiled. "Yes, I know. You were right. And I guess your mother did hear me." He said to his daughter. SilverRose looked at her sire. "What. You asked my mother to help her." She asked him. "Yes. I did." He replied. "Now it's getting late, my child. And you better get some rest my child." He said to his daughter. SilverRose chuckled. "Yeah. I know." She replied. "And maybe one of these days you will be a Grandsire." She said to her sire. After saying that, Megatron's optic's shot opened. "WHAT!!!" He shouted and yelled. He turned and he looked at his daughter. "Are you carrying?" He asked her. She smiled and chuckled. "No you silly. I ain't carrying." She replied. "I was just saying sire. Because me and Knockout had that intimacy." She said to her sire.

Megatron slowly exhaled and he vented out slowly. "Primus. You gave me a spark attack when you said GrandSire. Don't ever say that. Because I thought you were sparked." He said to his daughter. "Sire. If I was carrying them I would have told you." She replied. Megatron chuckled. "Yeah I know. Anyways, I love you kiddo." He said to his daughter. She smiled. "I love you too, sire." She replied. Megatron walked over and he hugged his daughter. She smiled and giggled. She hugged her sire back. "I'll see you tomorrow, sire." She said to her sire. "That will be fine, SilverRose." He said to his daughter. She went up and she went and she kissed her sire's left cheek. She then walked off. He smiled. "She's just like her mother." He said and whispered to himself.

Location: Still On The Nemesis: Med Bay:

Knockout was lying on the berth in his room when he heard his doors open. He looked and he smiled at what he was seeing. "Hey sweet spark." He said. SilverRose smiled. "Hey yourself." She replied. She walked over and slid on the berth and she laid next to him. "My sire actually almost flipped out today." She said to Knockout. Knockout looked at her. "Oh. And how's that sweet spark?" He asked her. He then looked back at his pad checking the vitals on your health. "My sire flipped out when I said that he may be a Grandsire." She said and replied back to Knockout. Soon Knockout coughed and choked on his own windpipes. *Coughing.* SilverRose looked at Knockout. "Knockout, are you okay?" She asked him. He put his servos up. *Coughing.* She went and she grabbed an energon cube. She went and she handed it to him. He grabbed it and he drank it. He then cleared his throat up. He then looked at his sparkmate.

"Are you serious, sweet spark. But we'll talk about this tomorrow about having kids." He said to his sparkmate. SilverRose nodded. "That's fine with me." She replied. She turned over and she started to go into a deep recharge. Knockout placed his pad on his nightstand. Knockout sighs. "Night sweet spark. I love you." He said to his sparkmate. "Night Knockout. I love you too." She replied. They both went and they both kissed each other. The kiss was endless. And the kiss was filled with passion. Soon they both backed away. They both turned over. Soon they both fall into a deep and peaceful recharge.

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