Genius Doctor: Black Belly Mi...

By Diavola1235

114K 3.4K 28

(NOTE:- THIS WORK IS NOT MINE. Credits to the author, editor and translator. For offline purposes only!) She... More

Chapter 01 - 25
Chapter 26 - 50
Chapter 51 - 75
Chapter 76 - 100
Chapter 101 - 125
Chapter 126 - 150
Chapter 151 - 175
Chapter 176 - 200
Chapter 201 - 220
Chapter 221 - 240
Chapter 241 - 260
Chapter 261 - 280
Chapter 281 - 300
Chapter 301 - 320
Chapter 341 - 360
Chapter 361 - 380
Chapter 381 - 400
Chapter 401 - 420
Chapter 421 - 440
Chapter 441 - 460
Chapter 461 - 480
Chapter 481 - 500
Chapter 501 - 520
Chapter 521 - 540
Chapter 541 - 560
Chapter 561 - 580
Chapter 581 - 600
Chapter 601 - 620
Chapter 621 - 640
Chapter 641 - 660
Chapter 661 - 680
Chapter 681 - 700
Chapter 701 - 720
Chapter 721 - 740
Chapter 741 - 760
Chapter 761 - 780
Chapter 781 - 800
Chapter 801 - 820
Chapter 821 - 840
Chapter 841 - 860
Chapter 861 - 880
Chapter 881 - 900
Chapter 901 - 920
Chapter 921 - 940
Chapter 941 - 960
Chapter 961 - 980
Chapter 981 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1020
Chapter 1021 - 1040
Chapter 1041 - 1060
Chapter 1061 - 1080
Chapter 1081 - 1100
Chapter 1101 - 1120
Chapter 1121 - 1140
Chapter 1141 - 1160
Chapter 1161 - 1180
Chapter 1181 - 1200
Chapter 1201 - 1220
Chapter 1221 - 1240
Chapter 1241 - 1260
Chapter 1261 - 1280
Chapter 1281 - 1300
Chapter 1301 - 1320
Chapter 1321 - 1340
Chapter 1341 - 1360
Chapter 1361 - 1380
Chapter 1381 - 1400
Chapter 1401 - 1420
Chapter 1421 - 1440
Chapter 1441 - 1460
Chapter 1461 - 1480
Chapter 1481 - 1500
Chapter 1501 - 1520
Chapter 1521 - 1540
Chapter 1541 - 1560
Chapter 1561 - 1580
Chapter 1581 - 1600
Chapter 1601 - 1620
Chapter 1621 - 1640
Chapter 1641 - 1660
Chapter 1661 - 1680
Chapter 1681 - 1700
Chapter 1701 - 1720
Chapter 1721 - 1740
Chapter 1741 - 1760
Chapter 1761 - 1780
Chapter 1781 - 1800
Chapter 1801 - 1820
Chapter 1821 - 1840
Chapter 1841 - 1860
Chapter 1861 - 1880
Chapter 1881 - 1900
Chapter 1901 - 1920
Chapter 1921 - 1940
Chapter 1941 - 1960
Chapter 1961 - 1980
Chapter 1981 - 2000
Chapter 2001 - 2020
Chapter 2021 - 2040
Chapter 2041 - 2060
Chapter 2061 - 2080
Chapter 2081 - 2100
Chapter 2101 - 2120
Chapter 2121 - 2140
Chapter 2141 - 2160
Chapter 2161 - 2180
Chapter 2181 - 2200
Chapter 2201 - 2220
Chapter 2221 - 2240
Chapter 2241 - 2260
Chapter 2261 - 2280
Chapter 2281 - 2300
Chapter 2301 - 2320
Chapter 2321 - 2340
Chapter 2341 - 2360
Chapter 2361 - 2380
Chapter 2381 - 2400
Chapter 2401 - 2420
Chapter 2421 - 2440
Chapter 2441 - 2460
Chapter 2461 - 2480
Chapter 2481 - 2500
Chapter 2501 - 2520
Chapter 2521 - 2540
Chapter 2541 - 2560
Chapter 2561 - 2580
Chapter 2581 - 2600
Chapter 2601 - 2620
Chapter 2621 - 2640
Chapter 2641 - 2660
Chapter 2661 - 2680
Chapter 2681 - 2700
Chapter 2701 - 2720
Chapter 2721 - 2740
Chapter 2741 - 2760
Chapter 2761 - 2780
Chapter 2781 - 2800
Chapter 2801 - 2820
Chapter 2821 - 2840
Chapter 2841 - 2860
Chapter 2861 - 2880
Chapter 2881 - 2900
Chapter 2901 - 2920
Chapter 2921 - 2940
Chapter 2941 - 2960
Chapter 2961 - 2980
Chapter 2981 - 3000
Chapter 3001 - 3020
Chapter 3021 - 3040
Chapter 3041 - 3060
Chapter 3061 - 3080
Chapter 3081 - 3100
Chapter 3101 - 3120
Chapter 3121:- Xiao Xie (5)
Chapter 3122:- Xiao Xie (6)
Chapter 3123:- The End - Matchmaking

Chapter 321 - 340

954 21 0
By Diavola1235


Chapter 321:- Sheep turned Predator (5)

Not just the Cloud Treading Peak disciples, even the disciples of the Qing Yun Clan's Outer House would be spared. Those disciples did not really belong to the Qing Yun Clan and there was no need to hurt the innocent.

"Fan emotions?" Mu Chen was puzzled.

Jun Wu Xie explained: "During this period, Ke Cang Ju had prominently flaunted the authority that Qin Yue had given him and offended all the other Elders of the Qing Yun Clan completely. Qin Yue had shielded Ke Cang Ju's actions tightly and the other Elders are feeling very edgy. If the son of the last Sovereign stood forward at this moment, I believe the other Elders would jump at the chance to rally behind you to drive the Qing Yun Clan in chaos. By that time, Qin Yue's time in the Qin Yun Clan would be up."

"How are you going to do it?" Mu Chen grew more and more shocked the more he heard. He realised that the turmoil that had been brewing within the Qing Yun Clan had been stirred up by these three youths singlehandedly. And if he was not wrong, the one making the decisions among the trio, should be Jun Xie, the youngest one among them!

He was able to pull off a plot on such a big scale at such a young age. Mu Chen could not imagine what kind of environment Jun Xie had grown up in.

And he wondered how mighty the Jun Family was that they dared take on the topmost clan across the lands, the Qing Yun Clan!

"You wouldn't understand even if I told you." Jun Wu Xie waved her hand tiredly. She really wasn't too good at explaining things in detail.

Seeing that Jun Xie was refusing to say more, Mu Chen stopped himself from probing anymore.

"After the Qing Yun Clan is obliterated, it would cease to exist. If you do not have any pressing business or anywhere else to go, you can go to the Lin Palce in the Kingdom of Qi." Jun Wu Xie gave it a thought, and decided to provide Mu Chen with a good alternative after everything. She believed that Mu Chen would have no intention to stay on in the Qing Yun Clan, that had turned rotten to the core under Qin Yue's hands.

Mu Chen might still be young, but he possessed respectable skills and knowledge in the nurturing and development of veins and arteries. And no matter how highly skilled Jun Wu Xie was in Medicine, she could not split herself. To sufficiently sustain the medical needs of the hundred thousand strong Rui Lin Army, needed more than the strength of a lone Jun Wu Xie.

If she could enlist the help of Mu Chen and his disciples, the Rui Lin Army will rise up faster!

Jun Wu Xie did not only plan to just make herself stronger, but to strengthen every single person in the Rui Lin Army as well. Only when the Jun Family held more chips within their hands, can she ensure her grandfather and uncle to live a life of leisure without any worries.

Mu Chen stared at Jun Wu Xie and he remained silent for a moment. "If you help me to kill Qin Yue, I will bring my people to the Lin Palace and reside there for three years. Within those three years, I will exhaust all that I hold in repayment for what I will owe you."

Jun Xie had killed Ke Cang Ju, and if he were to kill Qin Yue as well, Mu Chen vengeance would be exacted. He did not want to owe Jun Xie that debt of gratitude and had decided he would repay him with his skills in medicine.

"That is a deal." Jun Wu Xie nodded, in satisfaction, not minding the fact that Mu Chen saw through her underlying intentions.

Intelligent people knew what they should do without having to prod them.

The discussion on their secret cooperation was finished, but Mu Chen was hesitant to leave just like that. He turned to Jun Wu Xie and said: "The news that I came storming into the Hidden Cloud Peak must have spread to the ears of the other Elders. I cannot walk out of here just like that."

Jun Wu Xie produced an elixir within her hands and threw it to Mu Chen.

"Swallow it."

Mu Chen swallowed the elixir without hesitation and stepped out to bring his unconscious disciple back.

"What did you give him?" Qiao Chu stared after Mu Chen as he left, his curiosity highly piqued as he bugged Jun Wu Xie.

"Mu Chen and Ke Cang Ju were opposing enemies for a long time. Ke Cang Ju would not allow Mu Chen to bring his disciple back so easily. Hence..... he would have to pay a certain price." Jun Wu Xie lowered her eyes. They needed to put on an act, and a complete act is required. Mu Chen would be a good ally, and he was smarter than Mo Qian Yuan.

Chapter 322:- Reeling in The Net (1)

Soon, a piece of news spreaded within the Qing Yun Clan. Ke Cang Ju had gone to the Cloud Treading Peak and forcibly snatched a disciple. The Elder of the Cloud Treading Peak, Mu Chen, had then stormed into the Hidden Cloud Peak alone to save his disciple. Mu Chen had suddenly fell ill after he returned and his high fever had not subsided. Even Qin Yue had provided treatment but Mu Chen was still bedridden after three days, and was still in bad shape.

Falling into such a state after returning from the Hidden Cloud Peak. It was deemed to be obvious by the other Elders that Ke Cang Ju's proficient use of poison must have been the cause. Mu Chen and Ke Cang Ju had been bitter enemies for a long time and for Ke Cang Ju to allow Mu Chen to retrieve his disciple back to the Cloud Treading Peak, Mu Chen must have suffered under Ke Cang Ju's deliberate spitefulness and had poisoned Mu Chen, bringing about the sudden illness!

The other Elders had still been puzzled by how Mu Chen had managed to bring his disciple back before and the reason could not be any clearer now!

And the news brought the other Elders' fear and hatred for Ke Cang Ju to new heights!

No matter how much hatred Ke Cang Ju held for Mu Chen, Mu Chen was still an Elder of the Qing Yun Clan after all, a respectable position they both held. But Ke Cang Ju had just gone ahead and poisoned Mu Chen without hesitation, showing scant regard for the revered status of being an Elder of the Qing Yun Clan!

Even the Elders that had held no enmity towards Ke Cang Ju soon started to feel threatened by his tyranny.

Mu Chen had been poisoned by Ke Cang Ju openly, and the other Elders started to feel threatened of their own safety. Ke Cang Ju had already dared to take their disciples from them, what more atrocities would he do?

The Elders thought back on the chaos and fear that had spread before, the depressed and disappointed eyes their own disciples had shown them and their hatred for Ke Cang Ju started to brew and bubble.

An Elder had gone to the Cloud Treading Peak, bearing tonics as a gift, his face sorrowful in concern, on the pretense of paying a visit on the ill Mu Chen, but was actually there to find out what kind of torment Ke Cang Ju had put Mu Chen under.

Mu Chen had put on a pitiful face of helplessness and said weakly: "Ke Cang Ju holds the Sovereign's trust strongly, while I am only an Elder in name with no authority. When he decides he wants to snatch my disciple from me, or anything else that he wants to do against me, there is nothing I can do but to tolerate and suffer under his oppression. The Sovereign himself stands behind Ke Cang Ju, what else can I do? Await death to claim me I suppose."

Mu Chen's defeated words made the other Elder's heart wince, and told of the hopelessness of the situation.

At the same time, that brought up another question. The Elder suffering under the oppression this time was Mu Chen. But if Ke Cang Ju were to turn his eyes in their direction, they would obviously share the same fate.

By that time, must they be forced to swallow the oppression and be as helpless, falling prey to Ke Cang Ju's tyranny without a word of protest?


That cannot happen!

Alarm spread among the other Elders and the bells rang loudly. The Elders who had managed to calm the disciples regarding the previous incident started to feel the dangers looming.

Mu Chen's sorry plight relit the flame that threw chaos once again into the recently appeased few days of calm. The situation this time was more intense and spread greater fear into the people.

Qin Yue started to feel the heat and grew jittery. He sent people to the Hidden Cloud Peak to bring a message to "Ke Cang Ju", telling him to stop and desist with the atrocities, and not to stir up any more turmoil.

The person who impersonated Ke Cang Ju disregarded the warning, tossing it into the wind.

Within two days from then, high upon the gates leading into the various peaks, a pair of rotted corpses were hung. Those bodies, were the bodies of the very same disciples taken away from the respective peaks by "Ke Cang Ju" and brought back to the Hidden Cloud Peak.

In hours, the bubbling pot of chaos within the Qing Yun Clan blew up!

When the Elders saw the ravaged and gory bodies, their faces turned white!

"Ke Cang Ju, you bastard! I..... will not take this lying down!" The curses chorused throughout the various peaks at the same time!

Chapter 323:- Reeling In The Net (2)

Within the Hidden Cloud Peak, Qiao Chu sat comfortably on the chair, his legs propped up nonchalantly. He looked at Jun Xie, who was stroking the little black cat's fur, his eyes sparkling in amusement. "Little Xie, that was just too wicked. You would actually return those bodies back to their peaks. Once their Elders see them, they will surely be hopping mad!"

Their disciples were forcibly taken from them, and in a just a few days, those disciples taken from them turned up dead and were thrown at the foot of their respective peaks. What made matters really intolerable was, the bodies each carried a letter from "Ke Cang Ju".

In the letter, only a few simple words were written. 'Your disciples have been rightfully returned. I'll be back for more!'

Those few words were downright arrogant and its message utterly despicable. The other Elders could not possibly remain calm after that, as even Qiao Chu had almost wanted to bash Jun Xie up when he read the letter's contents!

That was just too much for anyone to take! The bodies of their disciples were already ravaged to such a pathetic state and Jun Xie had the cheek to claim they were "rightfully returned", and he'll be back!!? ..... Those words might just kill the Elders where they stood when they read the letter!

"Those people deserve everything we did to them." Jun Wu Xie said softly. Besides the Cloud Treading Peak, the whole of the Inner House of the Qing Yun Clan's disciples had been led to commit many atrocities under the rotted leadership from the top. The vanished villages, the missing villagers, were due to the actions of all those disciples. It was sickening to know from the boasts and revelations from the disciples of the Hidden Cloud Peak that all the females in the villages had suffered unspeakable horrors under the hands of the disciples as well while they carried out their mission, such was the cruelty of the disciples of the Qing Yun Clan.

Not many things could stir up joy or hatred in Jun Wu Xie in her past life, but one thing that she absolutely abhorred and despised, was the humiliation of the womenfolk.

Even when she was with the organisation, if any of their members were known to have committed such travesty, she would refuse to treat and save them even if the orders had come from the very top. She would just watch coldly as those people suffer in agony as they fell victim to the inescapable death that would come without her treatment.

The knowledge of it, only steeled Jun Wu Xie's resolve further.

If the Heavens could not deliver the punishment due, she would gladly lend a hand!

"Heh heh, I am guessing, the time is nearing, that those Elders will go charging to the Sovereign and kick up a big fuss. And at that time, it will be time for us to reel in our nets." Qiao Chu said, rubbing his hands in glee. It was both thrilling and exciting to be carrying out Jun Xie's ploys. It was hard to imagine that the petite youth before them, who rarely spoke much, would be so meticulous and efficient when carrying out missions like this.

He would really love to open up Jun Xie's head, and see what's really inside.

"Have the items been placed and set up?" Hua Yao asked from one side. He wasn't as unconcerned as Qiao Chu was. He knew the severity of the situation. If they failed to wipe out the enemy in one go, they would in turn be the ones who would die here.

"I had it all set up much earlier. Any task that Little Xie hands down to me, would be carried out to the letter." Qiao Chu guffawed, thumping his chest confidently.

"Within three days, the Elders will make their move. Get Mu Chen prepared. I do not want any untoward incidents." Jun Wu Xie said as she raised her head. After almost a month's preparation, it was time to pull in the net.

She would make the Qing Yun Clan, pay for all their sins.

After being away for so long, she felt a tinge of homesickness.

Grandfather, Uncle..... Jun Wu Yao.....

It was time to go home.

When the things here are all settled, she would make a trip back to the Lin Palace, before she would leave again to cultivate the elixir that Qiao Chu and Hua Yao wanted.

"Alright. I'll go to the Cloud Treading Peak tonight. I do not dare to step in there in the day as the disciples of the Cloud Treading Peak are currently dead against having any Hidden Cloud Peak disciples step into their territory." Qiao Chu explained, scratching his head. Jun Xie's and Mu Chen's alliance was known only to the four of them. The disciples of the Cloud Treading Peak still thought that their Elder had suffered injustice in the Hidden Cloud Peak, and when they saw any Hidden Cloud Peak disciples, their faces turn to rage and they pounced on the Hidden Cloud Peak disciples without hesitation!

Chapter 324:- Reeling In The Net (3)

What frustrated Qiao Chu further was that if the disciples from the Cloud Treading Peak had attacked him, he could not retaliate! As Mu Chen's protective nature over his disciples would bring Mu Chen come asking for his head!

All the pieces were already set in place. They only had to wait for the storm to hit.

The moment finally arrived. Two days later, the edgy Elders could not contain themselves any further and had grouped and gathered themselves together to go up the Blue Cloud Peak, to fight for the injustice done upon their disciples.

They had been slapped across their faces and if they continued to swallow their pride and did not react, they would lose their positions as Elders in the eyes of their disciples of the various peaks.

All the other Elders moved together, and even the not fully recovered Mu Chen was dragged along. The lone exclusion was their target "Ke Cang Ju".

Qin Yue was sitting in the main hall of the Blue Cloud Peak, and a splitting headache wrecked at him.

He had eleven Elders under him, and except for the recently deceased Jiang Chen Qing and the culprit, Ke Cang Ju, who was wholly responsible for giving him this headache, all of them were presently here right before him!

The nine Elders sat on two sides of the hall, all their faces dark and gloomy.

Cai Zhuo, who was the oldest among them, and who commanded the highest respect, was the first to speak, his face face and he stood up unsteadily.

"My Sovereign, what is Ke Cang Ju up to? He claimed to be acting under your orders to loan a few disciples from the respective peaks to bring back to the Hidden Cloud Peak. We reluctantly agreed as it was after all your idea. But, what did he do after that!? The disciples that he had brought back with him have now turned up dead! Their badly ravaged bodies were even disposed of right before the gates of the various peaks!"

Cai Zhuo sighed heavily and his voice sounded all choked up as he said: "Those disciples were lovingly and painstakingly nurtured by our own hands! But they had been turned into specimens of inhumane torture so cruelly by Ke Cang Ju! Those bodies which had belonged to our beloved and dearly missed disciples were then carelessly thrown before our gates and they were so badly ravaged that not a single one of them was whole! Those were disciples carefully picked and rightfully admitted into the Qing Yun Clan! How could they be allowed to fall prey to cold blooded murder like this, and at the hands of an Elder of our very own Qing Yun Clan yet! Would this incident not chill the loyal hearts of our innocent disciples? What drove the final nail into the already bleeding hearts of our disciples? The audacity that Ke Cang Ju actually left a letter on those poor cold lifeless bodies disposed stating that our disciples had been rightfully returned, and he'll be back again! Sovereign! How could such treachery and atrocities be allowed to happen within our sanctimonious Cloudy Peaks under your glorious leadership!?"

Qin Yue held his head in his hands, his temples were being hammered. Never in his wildest dreams would he imagine that Ke Cang Ju would carry things this far.

It was no wonder the other Elders could gather themselves and stood together on this. The actions of Ke Cang Ju's were intolerable even in Qin Yue's mind.

Qin Yue knew Ke Cang Ju would kill those disciples. But killing them off and disposing the bodies right before the other Elders was too much and a big slap across their faces!

When Ke Cang Ju had merely taken the disciples, he was able to persuade and gradually appease the Elders that those disciples were in the Hidden Cloud Peak just to provide some assistance and would not be in any danger. Even if they were to die in the end, as long as the bodies cannot be found, they would not have any proof of the murder.

But Ke Cang Ju had done it this time!

He must have felt that life in the Qing Yun Clan was too peaceful!

He actually dared go up to each Elder and slap them across their faces!

This time, even Qin Yue did not know how to shield Ke Cang Ju. The situation before him was getting beyond his control as all the Elders were obviously burning up in rage. Their egos and standings in the Qing Yun Clan have been pricked and challenged and they would not back down so easily this time!

"In regards to this matter, I will ensure you men will get a satisfactory answer. Go! Fetch me Elder Ke!" Qin Yue realised that if he continued to shield Ke Cang Ju further on this matter, the other Elders would begin to hold thoughts of rebellion in their hearts. He would just summon Ke Cang Ju here, and let him answer for his own actions, himself!

After a while, the disciples who were sent to the Hidden Cloud Peak brought Ke Cang Ju.

And following behind Ke Cang Ju himself, were two young disciples. The three figures stood defiantly just outside the Qing Yun Clan's main hall!

Chapter 325:- Storm Cloud Loom (1)

Without any signs of guilt or fear, "Ke Cang Ju" brought his disciples and appeared before the main hall.

One glance at them was all it took to make the other Elders almost jump up in anger. If it was not for Qin Yue's presence, they might have all charged at Ke Cang Ju and skinned him alive.

"Elder Ke, there is something we need to discuss today. Dismiss your disciples from here." Qin Yue said, after clearing his throat. He thought that Ke Cang Ju was getting more and more overboard with his actions. Why would he bring disciples to a meeting between the Sovereign and the Elders?

"Ke Cang Ju" replied offhandedly: "There is nothing they cannot hear, and since the Sovereign asked for my presence, here I am. As to whether I bring my disciples, that should not bother our Sovereign."

With his arrogant reply, the faces of the other Elders turned a shade of purple and even Qin Yue was visibly angered.

"Ke Cang Ju" had brushed off Qin Yue's command before everyone and his tone had been highly arrogant, showing total disregard for Qin Yue's position and authority.

Qin Yue's face grew dark and if not for the evidence of wrongdoing held in "Ke Cang Ju's" hands, Qin Yue would have exploded there and then.

Qin Yue was forced to hold his anger down and proceed as though nothing is wrong.

"Elder Ke, do you know why I have summoned you here today?" Qin Yue made an effort to speak in an even tone.

"I know." Hua Yao replied as he waved his hand dismissively and brought Jun Xie and Qiao Chu in while he sat down on a seat on one side, ignoring the fiery stares that the other Elders were throwing at him.

"If you know what this is all about, should you not give an answer to the accusations thrown at you today?" Qin Yue asked carefully. The chaos that rocked the Qin Yun Clan recently reached a level never seen before. Not only the Elders, but even the disciples of the Inner House were fearful and anxious. Qin Yue had not expected things to reach such a level of unease and if he had known, he would not have agreed to Ke Cang Ju request.

But it was too late to renege.

"Answer? What answer?" Hua Yao asked frowning. His stance defiant and conceited.

The corner of Qin Yue's mouth twitched, and the faces of the other Elders were angry and filled with hatred.

Cai Zhuo could not hold back and said: "Ke Cang Ju, as the saying goes, our actions must never go past the line, and when we meet we'll still get along fine! But you killed the disciples taken from our various peaks, you will not leave without giving us a satisfactory reply today!"

Hua Yao stared at the aggressive Cai Zhuo and smirked. He raised his hand and pointed at Jun Xie who was sitting beside him and said to the rest: "You need me to answer for such a small matter? My disciple here will let you know what I have to say about it." He laid back onto the chair after that, seemingly refusing to say anymore.

That infuriated the other Elders!

They came here to settle scores with "Ke Cang Ju", but he simply pushed his disciple to the front to answer for him. What did that mean? His disinterest and nonchalant attitude was the absolute worst!

Pushing a mere disciple forward to speak to the various Elders? What a joke! That was just pure disrespect! How could a lowly disciple answer or even discuss on an even level with the Elders!?

Jun Wu Xie was pushed into the limelight as she sat within the main hall, facing the unfriendly stares from all directions. She was nevertheless decidedly calm and her clear cold voice rang out within the hall.

"The various Elders want an answer, and an answer is what I would give. Elder Ke had acted under orders and every action he took was approved by the Sovereign. Moreover, Elder Ke's actions were not for his own benefit, but was for the revenge of the Eldest Miss and Elder Jiang." Jun Wu Xie said slowly.

Qin Yue who sat grandly behind the seat of power grew more and more shocked as Jun Wu Xie spoke. His eyes stared in disbelief at the small figure who was seated beside "Ke Cang Ju", who had spoken with a straight face, frankly and clearly.

That kid! Did he know what he was saying!?

Chapter 326:- Storm Cloud Loom (2)

Qin Yue would never have expected that a lowly disciple from the Hidden Cloud Peak would dare reveal the secret deal he had made with "Ke Cang Ju" to the masses so easily! He must be tired of living!

Qin Yue panicked. If Jun Xie was allowed to prattle on, things were bound to get ugly. But Jun Xie did not give Qin Yue any opportunity to interrupt and continued quickly: "The Sovereign had said, he wanted revenge for the Eldest Miss and Elder Jiang, and wanted Elder Ke to develop a new poison. Those disciples that we took were sacrificed to develop that new poison. It was just a few disciples, the Eldest Miss' and Elder Jiang's revenge would take precedence."

Jun Wu Xie's words rang loud and clear in the ears of the Elders seated in the hall. She spoke without pausing, and the speed was neither too fast nor too slow, ensuring that every single word was clearly heard.

Qin Yue's face had turned bright red.

The expressions of the Elders turned to ones of shock as they stared unbelievably at Qin Yue, their eyes aflame.

The news of the demise of their Eldest Miss and Elder Jiang had reached the other Elders a month ago. They had thought that the doting father, Qin Yue, would have deployed the forces in revenge immediately but even after waiting for a month, there had been no action taken, and they had still thought that Qin Yue had totally changed.

But Jun Wu Xie's revelation had made them realise that Qin Yue had not intended to spare the murderers, but was planning to make his vengeance more thorough and complete!

Qin Yue's thirst for revenge should not have concerned the other peaks, but who would have thought that Qin Yue would be so blinded by his desire for vengeance that he would disregard their interests and allow "Ke Cang Ju" to brandish the Sovereign's name and come humiliating the other Elders of the various peaks!?

Even if they had needed sacrifices to experiment the new poison, they could have easily used the disciples from the Outer House. Why did they insist on picking on their own disciples? It was clear that Qin Yue knew from the start what "Ke Cang Ju" was doing and he had indulged his malicious intentions. He claimed to be doing it for the revenge of Qin Yu Yan and Jiang Chen Qing, but his real intentions must have been only for Qin Yu Yan alone and Jiang Chen Qing was just a convenient excuse!

As the Sovereign, he acted only for his self interest and killed disciples of the clan. He had even disregarded the dignity and reputation of the Elders and allowed them to be freely trampled all over. That was most unbecoming of a leader!

The looks thrown at the Sovereign by the Elders were all filled with discontent, and were tinged with rage.

"What a brazen little kid! Stop with those lies! As the Sovereign of the Qing Yun Clan, how could I allow myself to commit such atrocities which are by all standards beyond reason!?" Qin Yue was pale and he wanted nothing more than to throttle the little kid before him.

He might have consented to "Ke Cang Ju's" insidious request, but that was done in secret. If the Elders were to affirm that fact, that would be disastrous for him!

Qin Yue had always shielded Ke Cang Ju but he had done that discreetly all this time as well, and had put up a front of being fair and just, practicing impartiality.

He knew clearly, that certain deals sealed, cannot be allowed to be brought out into the open.

He had summoned "Ke Cang Ju" here today as he had thought "Ke Cang Ju" might be arrogant, but he was never dumb. To appease the situation, "Ke Cang Ju" would just have needed to perfunctorily apologise to the other Elders and with a few more words from the Sovereign himself, he would be able to diffuse the tension.

But who would have known exactly what had gotten into "Ke Cang Ju" today. "Ke Cang Ju" had brazenly not shown any remorse or guilt for his actions, and had instead shown utter contempt by shoving a mere disciple whose loose lips readily revealed every single detail of the secret deal made between just the two of them!

When did "Ke Cang Ju" become so dense!? Did he not realise the consequences!?

"Guards! Drag this liar spouting all these nonsense out of here!" Qin Yue did not want to hear another single word coming out from Jun Wu Xie, as that would only worsen the situation he faced at the moment.

Chapter 327:- Storm Cloud Loom (3)

Several Blue Cloud Peak disciples rushed immediately, but before they could even touch an edge of Jun Wu Xie's clothes, Qiao Chu met them head on in a flash and jumped into their midst. A mighty sweep of his long legs sent them all flying into the air just as they had entered!

Qiao Chu's ferocious attack sent the people in the hall into a frenzy!

Both of the disciples that "Ke Cang Ju" brought were both rather bold and they had created quite a stir!

One had revealed before everyone present of the secrets shared between Qin Yue and "Ke Cang Ju" without flinching and the other had just attacked disciples of the Blue Cloud Peak and the blow had thrown the disciples out of the hall!

Fighting in the Sovereign's hall, Qiao Chu was undoubtedly the first one to dare do it!

At that moment, Qin Yue blew his top! He stood up angrily and his finger was trembling as he pointed it at "Ke Cang Ju" and shouted: "Ke Cang Ju! What is the meaning of those two scoundrels!? Do you still have any respect for me as the Sovereign!?"

A revolt!

He has revolted!

Ke Cang Ju might have been arrogant all this time, but he had always still maintained a certain degree of respect for Qin Yue and knew where to draw the line. But now, "Ke Cang Ju" had brought two of his disciples who had challenged his authority squarely, and Qin Yue could not hold his anger down anymore!

All Qin Yue wanted to do at that moment was to strangle "Ke Cang Ju" to death!

"Ke Cang Ju" was sitting calmly at the side, looking at the fuming Qin Yue. He then said dismissively: "My Sovereign, your anger is really uncalled for. It's just a few disciples that were blasted out of here. You were rather generous with the disciples of the other peaks before, so just injuring a few of the Blue Cloud Peak disciples isn't much. Moreover, as per your instructions, your own disciples were spared from the testing of the poison and had only suffered from a kick now, it's not that big a deal is it?" If "Ke Cang Ju" had not spoken, the other Elders might not have been further inflamed, but those words told of Qin Yue's selfish and self centered mentality towards his own disciples.

You wanted revenge for your daughter, and needed to sacrifice the disciples of the Qing Yun Clan. You then targeted our disciples from the various peaks but left your own disciples safely out of harm's way.

The disciples of the various peaks were killed, their bodies ravaged, and Qin Yue wasn't much affected. The disciples of the Blue Cloud Peak got kicked once, and he jumps up in rage. Where was the impartiality?

The Elders of the Qing Yun Clan knew more or less of Qin Yue's personality. They knew he was a hypocrite through and through and "Ke Cang Ju's" flaming words only made the Elders' eyes widen in astonishment.

So Qin Yue's indulgence of Ke Cang Ju's actions were not only for the revenge of Qin Yu Yan but to use that as an excuse to undermine the positions of the Elders?

That thought sprouted in the minds of the various Elders and their dissatisfaction against Qin Yue suddenly grew to doubt and they became wary.

Qin Yue's face paled, and he stared at "Ke Cang Ju" thinking that "Ke Cang Ju" must have lost his mind! His words were about to make the whole situation blow up!

Gritting his teeth, Qin Yue still did not dare force "Ke Cang Ju" into a corner as "Ke Cang Ju" still held evidence that could bring him down from his seat of power.

Qin Yue had never been in such an uncomfortable position. The same Ke Cang Ju who had helped him usurp the position of the Sovereign of the Qing Yun Clan before had today turned out to pose as his most hated but untouchable threat to him!

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yue pushed down the fury within, his eyes red from the effort, he finally said: "Elder Ke, your two disciples were disrespectful before the Sovereign. According to the rules of the Qing Yun Clan, they must be punished."

If he could not touch Ke Cang Ju, he would kill his disciples to appease his anger! Just to hit back at Ke Cang Ju.

"Ke Cang Ju" raised an eyebrow and looked at the quietly seated Jun Xie, and his mouth curled into a smile.

"Sovereign Qin, are you sure you want to carry that out?" It seemed that Qin Yue could not hold himself back anymore.

Chapter 328:- Storm Cloud Loom (4)

Qin Yue frowned, a chill showing in his eyes.

"Of course."

The incident today would need blood to be spilled to suppress it. Jun Wu Xie's words had made the secret between Qin Yue and Ke Cang Ju an open book for all to see. If Qin Yue did not do anything to show his authority, the other Elders might see it as weakness and exploit the fiery situation.

Only if the two Hidden Cloud Peak disciples paid in blood, would he be able to calm the chaos before him.

Firstly, it would show that Qin Yue did not show Ke Cang Ju any special favours or indemnity, and even the disciples of the Hidden Cloud Peak, who were under the protection of Ke Cang Ju, would be killed when wrongdoing was committed. There had been the deaths of disciples from the various peaks in this incident and killing the two Hidden Cloud Peak disciples would appease the other Elders' rage to a certain degree.


Those two scoundrels..... One had a big mouth, and the other attacked his disciples. That had greatly challenged his dignity as the Sovereign and if he did not kill them, his position as the Sovereign would be greatly undermined today.

And there could be a third.....

Qin Yue narrowed his eyes as he stared at Ke Cang Ju.

Thirdly, it was to knock some sense into this overly arrogant and overbearing Ke Cang Ju!

The few Blue Cloud Peak disciples got to their feet, their eyes tinged with fear as they looked at QIao Chu. Qin Yue had already given his orders, and that had meant that Jun Wu Xie's and Qiao Chu's were to be rid.

But the disciples had been taken down with a single swipe of Qiao Chu's kick, and they were now gripped in fear.

The disciples wanted to arrest those two youths, but.....

Those two were just too strong for them!

"Why are all of you still standing there! Get rid of the two of them right now!" Qin Yue shouted.

The several Blue Cloud Peak disciples looked at each other, grieving at their own helplessness.

They struggled for a long while, before they carefully took a step towards Qiao Chu.


In a blink of an eye, those Blue Cloud Peak disciples were soundly thrashed by Qiao Chu and thrown out of the main hall. The disciples lay scattered on the ground outside unmoving, all of them seemingly unconscious!

The disciples of the Qing Yun Clan were more inclined towards the practice of Medicine and were not highly skilled in their spiritual powers. The Qing Yun Clan invited many strong expert exponents to serve as resident mercenaries to make up for that lack. The disciples' weak combat prowess were just pathetic before Qiao Chu's pair of fists.

After ridding himself of the weak and pesky disciples, Qiao Chu swept off the dust on his palms, and a smirk hung on his face.

Qin Yue's face was thunderously dark. He had not expected Ke Cang Ju's disciple to possess such strength. A group of his Blue Cloud Peak disciples were thrown out of the hall and knocked out in mere moments.

"Ke Cang Ju!! Would you not rein your disciples in!?" Qin Yue screamed.

"Ke Cang Ju" stood up slowly and replied: "My Sovereign, you were the one who wanted me to develop the poison, and you were the one who agreed to use the disciples of the other peaks to experiment the poison on, but now, you want to use my disciples' life to appease the outrage from the other peaks instead. I cannot find it within myself to agree to it."

Qin Yue eyes bulged, staring at "Ke Cang Ju" unbelievably. He could not believe what he was hearing! "Ke Cang Ju" was pushing all the blame onto him!

"Ke Cang Ju" turned to the other Elders and said: "Seek your justice from the head, the Qing Yun Clan is led by our Sovereign and he calls the shots. If he did not agree, how would I be able to touch your disciples? Qin Yue was the one who gave me the orders, but now he wants me to shoulder the blame. I am unwilling and unable to shoulder such a big responsibility."

Qin Yue was visibly trembling in rage by now and the Elders were absolutely furious.

"Ke Cang Ju" was incorrigible, but his words made absolute sense. If he had not gotten Qin Yue's approval, he would not have been able to touch the disciples from the various peaks!

All this tragedy had started from Qin Yue and was possible only with his approval!

The dissatisfaction from the other Elders for Qin Yue had only been due to the favouritism and indulgence shown to Ke Cang Ju, but this day, it had ballooned to unseen before proportions!

Chapter 329:- Sixth Slap (1)

Mu Chen, who had stayed silent all this while exchanged a glance with Jun Wu Xie without anyone noticing. Mu Chen stood up and said: "My Sovereign, may I ask if we, the Elders of the various peaks acted inappropriately to make you raise your guard against us. If your intention is to diminish the powers and authority of the Elders, you would only need to issue a command and there was no need for such underhanded methods. You are the Sovereign and your word is law. Your word alone is enough to make the Elders disappear."

Mu Chen's words struck a chord deep within the hearts of the Elders. His words reminded the Elders and reprimanded Qin Yue of his duplicity in this incident that brought about the deaths of their disciples.

Qin Yue's head turned to face another adversary, all bent on bringing about his downfall.

The other Elders were poked into action and they opened their mouths in chorus, throwing words of admonishment and reprimand at Qin Yue.

Who was Qin Yue? How the leadership of the Qing Yun Clan fell into his hands was not clear, but the various Elders had a very good guess at what had actually happened.

A man who lusted for power so badly, that he murdered his own Teacher. Such a man was definitely capable of making moves against his own Elders, to diminish their authority.

In moments, the main hall of the Qing Yun Clan exploded in anger as all the other Elders pointed their fingers at Qin Yue!

Qin Yue suddenly became their common enemy.

Jun Wu Xie eyed the spectacle before her and her eyes chilled.

Under the beration from all the Elders, Qin Yue burst out, and shouted at the silently observing "Ke Cang Ju": "Ke Cang Ju! As an Elder of the Hidden Cloud Peak, you instigated the other Elders against me! What is your real underlying motive!?"

Qin Yue was going mad, he knew "Ke Cang Ju" was not dumb enough to watch him go down in flames. He should know what he should do! Ke Cang Ju should know that if Qin Yue were not able to protect his position as the Sovereign through this, neither Ke Cang Ju would be let off easy by the other Elders.

The other Elders would come down just as hard on him!

"Ke Cang Ju" stood up slowly, and looked calmly at the fuming Qin Yue before he said: "I have no hidden motives, but was just stating facts."

Qin Yue clenched his jaw and said: "What facts!? Why are you going against me!? Why!!?"

"Ke Cang Ju" smiled but did not reply, and Jun Wu Xie stood up at that moment, her chilling eyes fixed on Qin Yue, and she calmly retorted.

"Because, he is not the Elder of the Hidden Cloud Peak."

"What!?" Qin Yue froze as he stared incredulously at the petite figure before him.

"Hua Yao, let the Sovereign see you as who you really are." Jun Wu Xie smiled, the symphony of calamity was about to start, playing throughout the peaks of the Qing Yun Clan!

As Jun Wu Xie's words were heard by the ears of the people present, their eyes witnessed an incredible sight!

They saw the badly bowed back of the hunched up "Ke Cang Ju" start to straighten, the short stature started to grow, the hideous countenance shifted and the features on his face started to change to become chiseled and sharp, turning beautiful as the moments went by.

Hua Yao shrugged off the dark cloak on him, and his tall frame was clothed in light purple clothes.

Moments later, the hideous middle aged hunchback had transformed before the eyes of the people in the hall into a eye popping beautiful youth!

A heavy silence suddenly hung within the spacious main hall, and all eyes were fixed on the unfamiliar beautiful youth suddenly standing right before them!

The transformation that had happened before their eyes was incredulous and totally unheard of!

"You..... you are not Ke Cang Ju!" His face was deathly pale, as Qin Yue pointed a shaking finger at Hua Yao.

"He never was." Jun Wu Xie laughed lightly. The laugh lit up Jun Wu Xie's delicate featured face in a way that somehow made her dazzle at that moment.

Chapter 330:- Sixth Slap (2)

"Who are you!" Qin Yue's anger turned to fear, Ke Cang Ju had been unknowingly disposed of and was currently impersonated by someone else! When did all this start? Since when had the Ke Cang Ju he had been seeing all this while been swapped with this youth before him!

Morever, he had not noticed anything different before this!

Not knowing what was happening made him start to lose his grip on the situation and his fear rose further.

"We are here to claim your life!" Jun Wu Xie stared at Qin Yue, observing his expression of fear on his face.

The top clan across the lands, the Sovereign of the Qing Yun Clan, with his face contorted in fear, was a sight that was very rarely seen.

And she firmly believed, that that expression of fear would remain plastered on his face till his moment of death!

"What audacity! All this time, it was you impersonating Ke Cang Ju!? You were the one wholly responsible for killing the disciples from the other peaks!" Qin Yue spoke through gritted teeth, and in his fear, a glimmer of hope started to shine within his heart!

If Ke Cang Ju had actually been this youth all this while, he would be able to push all the blame to that youth and divert the Elders' hatred and anger to him!

"I suggested it." Jun Wu Xie said to Qin Yue, a smile on her face.

"How wicked and vicious of you! You dare incite hatred between the Sovereign and his Elders!? My Elders, you heard him, all this turmoil was stirred up by these culprits! They plotted to divide the powers that be in the Qing Yun Clan and carry out their insidious secret plot!" Qin Yue grasped desperately at this last glimmer of hope and tried to heap all the blame for the accusations onto the youth!

As expected, with Hua Yao's identity glaringly exposed, the Elders started to recover from their stupor. It had happened too suddenly and the events that had unfolded were both shocking and unbelievable. The hatred towards Qin Yue was gradually diverted to the unknown enemy.

The Elders were conscious of the fact that at times like this, it called for them to unite against an external threat!

"I had thought that our Elder Ke would never commit such vicious atrocities! So you are the culprits! Speak the truth now, what have you done with Elder Ke!?" Qin Yue saw that the Elders' anger had subsided somewhat and he aggressively pushed to divert their anger fully.

No matter who these youths were, they would not leave the Blue Cloud Peak alive!

Qin Yue laughed in his heart, thinking that the three youths were still inexperienced. If they had not exposed themselves, and used Ke Cang Ju's identity to incite the Elders' anger, he would have suffered greatly under the Elders' combined rage.

But just as things were getting too hot to handle, those idiots had revealed themselves and shocked the Elders, and their rage had subsided completely!

Qin Yue almost laughed out loud. Even Heaven was on his side!

Jun Wu Xie saw Qin Yue's suppressed glee and her smile grew wider. "Ke Cang Ju? You'll get to meet him soon - In the depths of hell."

Qin Yue froze. "You killed him?" His eyes were wide in consternation.

Qin Yue knew Ke Cang Ju's abilities very well, and even a highly skilled blue spirit expert might not be his match. He might not have possessed spiritual powers, but his proficiency with poison was nothing to sneeze at!

Three mere young youths would not be able to kill an such a highly proficient poison user that easily.

"Yes." Jun Wu Xie answered honestly.

Qin Yue narrowed his eyes in anger and said: "You dare murder an Elder of the Qing Yun Clan and kill our disciples! You even have the audacity to incite hatred between the Elders and me, trying to cleave a wedge in our ranks! None of you can hope to leave here alive today!"

Chapter 331:- Sixth Slap (3)

Jun Wu Xie said with smile: "Don't worry, not everyone in the Qing Yun Clan will die, and we have no intentions of leaving yet."

Qin Yue stared at Jun Wu Xie, unable to believe that a young ordinary looking petite youth dared speak so arrogantly to him!

He had said that not all the people in the Qing Yun Clan will perish, and they were not above to flee!

Was the petite youth telling him that he intended to annihilate the Qing Yun Clan!?

"You are getting too far ahead of yourself! Obliterate the Qing Yun Clan? You think yourself capable of such a feat!?" Qin Yue laughed coldly.

All the Elders had stood up at Jun Wu Xie's provocative words. No matter how chaotic things were among the leaders within the Qing Yun Clan, when faced with an external enemy, they knew to group together to take the opponent down.

"You brat. You'll see that you would have to eat those words of yours. Just the three of you and you want to annihilate the whole of Qing Yun Clan? What a joke!" Cai Zhuo sneered as he looked at the young trio before them. After the initial shock revelations, he had had enough time to calm himself.

In the eyes of the Elders, they acknowledged that they had some good abilities if they were able to kill Ke Cang Ju. But they had dared to toy with the leadership of the mighty Qing Yun Clan and the proud and egotistical Elders did not take well to the idea that they had been played as pawns in the youths' plot.

"Whether the joke's on you or on me remains to be seen." Jun Wu Xie said softly.

"Oh! That I would like to find out. Show me what you've got to back up those arrogant words of yours!" Qin Yue's worries dissipated at that moment and his rage took over. If not for these three youths, he would not have needed to suffer the torment of doubt and distrust, nearly driving his position of leadership into a precarious situation, and chaos would not have swept through the Qing Yun Clan, and the Elders would not have turned against him collectively!

Qin Yue gave a mighty shout and many disciples who were standing guard outside rushed into the hall. More than a hundred disciples surrounded Jun Wu Xie, Qiao Chu and Hua Yao, cutting off any routes of escape.

"No matter how skilled you think yourself to be, do not even think of escaping from here alive!" Qin Yue eyes flashed cruelly.

Jun Wu Xie eyed the Blue Cloud Peak disciples around them, and the ends of her mouth curled deeper.

"Escape? There's no need for that."

"All disciples hear my order! Arrest the three of them at once!" Qin Yue hollered.

At that moment, all the Blue Cloud Peak disciples jumped at the surrounded trio!

At the same time that the disciples pounced, two streaks blurred and exploded within the crowd!

A humongous two headed bone snake slithered lightning fast right in the middle of all the action. The two headed bone snake had no flesh on his body but only bones that shone glaringly white. A pair of blood red eyes on each of its head stared venomously at the disciples, and each of its head was as big as a full grown adult male! The two headed bone snake swung its tail at the crowd of disciples and its serrated bones cut all in the tail's path, as sharp as finely honed blades! Blood flowed and flesh tore!

On the other side, an immense lumbering bear gave out a ear splitting roar. Its starkly separated black and white fur posed a striking figure. At over two meters tall, a single swipe of its paw made mincemeat out of a huge chunk of the disciples!

The sudden appearance of two massive beast ring spirits made the disciples of the Blue Cloud Peak who surrounded the trio howl in terror and many were too flustered and they clumsily tried to summon their own ring spirits. A pity those ring spirits were pathetic in terms of size or attack power, and they did not even pose a threat to the two huge beasts before them!

Qin Yue stared wide eyed, unable to look away from the two rampaging beast ring spirits sweeping across the main hall. He had seen much of the world at large, but he had never seen anything close to those two ring spirits! Those two ring spirits would overpower even the ring spirits of the various resident expert exponents' ring spirits!

"Hurry! Bring the invited resident experts here!" Qin Yue was sweating profusely. Who would have expected that three young unknown youths, would possess such formidable and powerful ring spirits!? If they were allowed to go on, there wouldn't be enough disciples in the Qing Yun Clan for them to kill!

Chapter 332:- Sixth Slap (4)

One of the Elder's face had turned all aghast at the bloody scene before his eyes and he could only watch on in horror. Upon hearing Qin Yue's shout, he snapped back to his senses and moved to run out from there to call for help.

However, before he could step out through the door of the main hall, a massive black shadow loomed and knocked him back inside!

The massive black beast stood blocking the exit with its body, with its head hung low as it growled. The beast opened its jaws, revealing sharp pointed fangs! The Elder who had almost been knocked unconscious from the blow looked up towards the door. When he saw the black beast, he suddenly lost all strength in his legs.

Blood sprayed within the main hall and the Blue Cloud Peak disciples were falling one after another. Under the assault of the two humongous beasts, the three youths stood untouched in the middle, watching calmly as the the bodies of the fallen started to pile up.

Jun Wu Xie stood in the eye of the storm and observed the deathly pale Qin Yue. She watched him silently and the ice in her eyes intensified.

Qin Yue felt the chill run up through his body when he saw those icily frosty eyes.

He could not for his life remember when he had offended these angels of death. They were obviously still so very young, but their ring spirits had grown so powerful!

Watching them, even the highly skilled Qin Yue did not dare step into the battle.

He had seen their capabilities and he knew in his heart that he was still no match for the three ring spirit beasts killing his disciples!

The fear in Qin Yue rose again, and terror gripped him as he felt the closing approach of death looming over his head.

He could see it in his mind, all his disciples slaughtered, and their blood covered every square inch of the floor in the main hall. Their bodies piled up high, surrounding the only clean white marble visible under the three youths' feet.

The catastrophic battle before him would not bring a scratch on the trio standing in the middle.

Qin Yue and the Elders were all held in terror, they had always been revered and held in great esteem by all the people throughout the lands. They never would have thought that three mere kids could make them taste this fear, a bitter taste in their mouths.

Haughtiness, dignity, did not matter to them at that moment as they had been shattered to bits. Their usual upturned noses and complacent attitude were gone and they stood trembling, unable to move a muscle, wishing in futility that this was all just a bad dream.

"Who is the one that needs to escape now?" Jun Wu Xie beamed at Qin Yue and the Elders who were huddled closely together.

Only one Elder within the hall was still calmly seated. His eyes met Jun Wu Xie's and he stood, walking slowly to stand with the three youths.

"What is Mu Chen doing?" Cai Zhuo asked, hiding behind another Elder, as he peeked out to see Mu Chen walking towards Jun Wu Xie.

Qin Yue's eyes were fixed on Mu Chen back.

"You are better than I thought you were. It is my honour to have worked together with you." Mu Chen stepped through the pools of blood on the floor and stood before Jun Wu Xie, his face beaming with the first smile that came truly from his heart in more than a decade.

"It isn't over." Jun Wu Xie smiled back.

Qin Yue could not take his ears off the conversation Mu Chen and Jun Wu Xie were having. He burned at Mu Chen's treachery and his face turned red.

"Mu Chen! You are in cahoots with them!? You would destroy the Qing Yun Clan!? How could you? As an Elder of the Qing Yun Clan!!" Mu Chen was the last person he would have expected to turn against the Qing Yun Clan.

Mu Chen's father had been the previous Sovereign of the Qing Yun Clan and Mu Chen grew up within these Cloudy Peaks. His love and passion for the Qing Yun Clan was way beyond what anyone else here held.

Chapter 333:- Sixth Slap (5)

It was the very same person who had devoted his whole life to the betterment of the Qing Yun Clan that had actually been in cahoots with outsiders to bring total annihilation to the mighty Qing Yun Clan!

That was just unbelievable to the Sovereign and other Elders!

In reply to Qin Yue's desperate shouts, Mu Chen merely turned slowly to face him, and his voice sounded almost disgusted when he said softly: "This place is no longer the same Qing Yun Clan I knew and treasured, if the Qing Yun Clan is to exist in its current state, I would much rather choose for it to completely cease to exist altogether."

The clan's past sacrimonious sanctity had been viciously tarred and blemished by the rot and filth that had taken root and had been prevalent in many recent years, it should just be exterminated altogether!

Qin Yue stared at Mu Chen in unbridled rage. He could not fathom and pinpoint exactly when Mu Chen had started his alliance with the three youths. Mu Chen had been badly poisoned all this while, so how had he joined up with them?

The series of questions swirled in Qin Yue's mind confusingly and soon, the answer came to him suddenly.

When Mu Chen had been bedridden with poison, it had only been a ploy to gain the sympathy of the other Elders! Mu Chen did not speak much, but every single word stoked the fire burning within Qin Yue!

"Did you think that if you kill me and the Elders here, you would be able to still walk out of the Qing Yun Clan alive!? Let me tell you, stop dreaming! The multitude of disciples within the twelve peaks would not allow you to leave unscathed! The Cloudy Peaks will be your final resting place!" In his rage and fear, Qin Yue screamed out in frustration and gave vent, trying to hide the fear within him.

Jun Wu Xie laughed, a series of melodious laughter poured out from Jun Wu Xie, sounding clearly within the hall. She shook her head wearily at Qin Yue's empty threats as Qin Yue stood unmoving, his face showing a deathly pallor.

"Impossible! You will not succeed here today!" Qin Yue struggled to maintain his composure, but a nagging voice seemed to be telling him that the youth before him was entirely capable of what he claimed."

Jun Wu Xie smiled as she produced a waxed pill in her hand.

"This pill here contains poison mist. Within an hour, when the sun reaches its peak, the heat will melt the coating of wax and the poison mist will spread. The slightest touch or inhalation will immediately claim the life of a person."

Jun Wu Xie showed the poison pill before Qin Yue and the other Elders, and her smile grew more radiant. She had developed this poison mist by improving on the effects of Ke Cang Ju's Lone Smoke. It was formless and was impossible to escape from, and only very highly skilled expert exponents beyond the indigo leveled spirit user would be able to suppress its lethal effects and hope to survive.

"Many of these pills have been placed throughout eleven of the peaks within the Qing Yun Clan. It will send all your beloved disciples on a straight route to hell." Jun Wu Xie beamed as she said it, and her eyes flashed with murder.

"When..... did you plan all this....." Qin Yue stared, eyes wide with fear, and he started shaking violently.

If everything she said was not a bluff..... The mighty Qing Yun Clan with its numerous disciples..... would be finished.....!

Jun Wu Xie replied nonchalantly: "After you agreed to allow Ke Cang Ju pick disciples from the various peaks."

Qin Yue drew in a deep breath and his slumped in defeat!

All the various peaks had their own guards preventing unauthorised entry from outsiders. In order for those three youths to enter and plant the poison pills within the peaks, was supposed to be impossible to achieve undetected. But with the Sovereign's own seal of approval and orders, it was made to become an easy task for them!

It finally dawned on Qin Yue at that moment. What the petite youth wanted was not to incite the various Elders against the Sovereign. What she wanted to achieve beneath it all, was to have the selection of the disciples of the various peaks to take up all of the Elders' attention, allowing them free rein to plant those seeds within the various peaks unnoticed, to complete their plot to obliterate the whole Qing Yun Clan!

Chapter 334:- Sixth Slap (6)

The plot was impossibly deep! And absolutely indefensible!

Qin Yue was left speechless and helpless. Three young youths had left the Sovereign of the mighty Qing Yun Clan completely defeated and the humiliation crushed Qin Yue's dignity to tiny little pieces.

The one fatal move that made it possible for them to plant all the seeds of destruction was allowed to be carried out by no one else but himself.

The other Elders' rage directed at him however strongly did not matter anymore. What frustrated him and made him feel like tearing his own hair out the most was his own stupidity and the reality hurt the most.

He had prided himself to be more intelligent than most people all his life, and one single mistake had cost him everything he held dear. He lost even his most prized Qin Yun Clan, to three young youths!

Within the hour, all would be lost and all the Qing Yun Clan's Inner House disciples would be dead. The only survivor would be Mu Chen and his Cloud Treading Peak. Rampaging with the main hall now, were three overpowering ring spirits, blocking all routes of escape for them.

In the end, when the Qing Yun Clan was left with a lone Mu Chen as an Elder, he would call the shots within the Qing Yun Clan, and would stand as the last and only witness to all that had happened here at the Blue Cloud Peak's summit. The truth would remain buried forever and the Qing Yun Clan would cease to exist henceforth.

Qin Yue could already feel the claws of death creeping into the Cloudy Peaks!

An Elder suddenly stood up, his face terror stricken.

"I hereby absolve myself completely of all ties from the Qing Yun Clan! I don't want to be an Elder anymore! Spare me! I will not say anything against you!" The Elder pleaded pitifully as he fell down to his knees.

Power and authority did not matter anymore, not at the cost of one's life. At the end of the road, all that did not mean anything anymore.

"Count me in!"

More of the Elders started to state their willingness to relinquish their positions of leadership and powers and retain their lives.

Qin Yue's face darkened and his face started to twitch.

He raised a foot in anger and kicked out at the Elder who had first opened his mouth in plea and said angrily: "You think they will let you off just because you say you will have nothing more to do with the Qing Yun Clan? That's being too naive! Did all your brains suddenly become addled? They will not stop till every single one of us are killed!"

Their other Elders turned to Jun Wu Xie with pleading eyes but all that they saw was the radiant smile on Jun Wu Xie, with dark vicious murder in her eyes.

At that moment, all their hopes were completely dashed, and the Elders could only wail and howl, lamenting at self perceived injustice in futility.

It was set in stone..... they were to die that day.

"That's right, none of you can hope to leave this place alive. Enemies must be completely rooted out, I think all of you must at least understand that." Jun Wu Xie's words only reaffirmed that all hope was lost and the Elders fell into deadly silence.

Qin Yue stared hard at Jun Wu Xie, but unable to recall ever seeing that face. Why was the petite youth so bent on killing him? And unwavering in his quest to annihilate all in the Qing Yun Clan?

"Who are you? What do you have against the Qing Yun Clan!? What made you so determined to exterminate the Qing Yun Clan!?"

Jun Wu Xie replied softly, but those words quaked Qin Yue violently. "Qi Kingdom, Jun Family."

Qin Yue felt as though a bolt of lightning struck him. He could not speak, and a cold chill run through him.

"It's you! You killed my daughter!" Qi Kingdom, Jun Family..... The murderers of Qin Yu Yan!

Jun Wu Xie shrugged, "The Qin Yun Clan did not allow me any other alternatives and I had to strike first. You have only yourself to blame for seeking your own doom."

Jun Wu Xie had nothing against the Qing Yun Clan before. If the Qin Yun Clan had not pushed her into a corner, she wouldn't have needed to leave home and come to this faraway mountains to plot their demise.

Everything that she did here was to protect her family from harm.

If only the Qing Yun Clan had not fallen into the hands of Qin Yue, the clan might not have turned to such oppression of the people throughout the lands, and all this would not have even begun.

Alas, they planted the seed of evil, and the poisonous fruit born from their own actions was about to be swallowed by their own selves.

Chapter 335:- Sixth Slap (7)

Qin Yue fell back into his chair, his head abuzz.

Who would have thought, the mighty Qing Yun Clan famed throughout the lands, on one of its expeditions to the tiny Kingdom of Qi, come across the harbinger of death?

The sleepy inconspicuous kingdom, actually hid a demon capable of obliterating the whole Qing Yun Clan!

If he had known, Qin Yue would have given up on the Soul Jade, and wished he had never met Jun Xie!

But, it was too late for regrets and there was no way he could turn things around.

"Hua Yao, you have less than an hour." Jun Wu Xie turned to look at the beautiful youth standing beside her. Qin Yue's and the Qing Yun Clan's upcoming demise had become a fact that would not change, but she had not forgotten her deal with Hua Yao and Qiao Chu.

Hua Yao nodded and with a wave of his hand, the double headed bone snake slid speedily to charge at Qin Yue. The Elders who were cowering close to the Sovereign screamed and fled in all directions. Qin Yue's face was already white as a sheet and when his eyes saw the massive double headed bone snake, the totally defeated Qin Yue did not even want to run.

With Qin Yue's skills, if he gave it all that he had and put up a fight, he would be able to cause quite a bit of nuisance for Jun Wu Xie and her allies.

But with all that had happened, it had whittled down his will and crushed any hope that he had initially held.

The chaos that wrecked havoc within the Qing Yun Clan, the Elders' protest, and his impending doom. All this were part of the plot of a young Jun Xie, who maneuvered and controlled everything in hs hand. All these events, had hammered mercilessly and driven out all the fight that had previously driven the proud Sovereign all his life.

Just killing her enemies would be easy for Jun Wu Xie, but if her enemies had all died with a single slash, it would be letting them off too easy.

So, Jun Wu Xie had made Mu Chen and Hua Yao put up an act, to incite the chaos to continue to play out till the last moment, chipping away at everyone's will. Jun Wu Xie wanted the whole Qing Yun Clan to feel the dejection, even till their moment of death.

The double headed bone snake wrapped its tail around Qin Yue, the blade like bones slicing into Qin Yue's flesh. The heartrending pain filled Qin Yue's mind and a pair of red eyes stared at him as though they had been soaked in blood. Qin Yue was living in a nightmare and his blood flowed out from his wounds, drenching his lavish clothes in a bright shade of red. The double headed bone snake brought Qin Yue and held him before Hua Yao. The once lofty and unreachable Sovereign of the Qing Yun Clan had been brought down from his seat and he looked a wretched sight. No sign of the usual haughtiness and arrogance was present, his ashen face and dejected eyes showed no signs of emotion.

"Where is the map that Ke Cang Ju gave you?" Hua Yao asked directly after shredding his disguise.

The resigned and dejected Qin Yue heard Hua Yao's query and his eyes flashed briefly in shock. Qin Yue quickly recovered and his eyes became expressionless once again before he replied weakly: "I do not know what you are talking about."

Hua Yao frowned in annoyance and gestured slightly with his hand. The bones coiled around Qin Yue began to tighten, and the bone blades cut deep, buried halfway into Qin Yue's flesh!

A pitiable wail escaped from Qin Yue, and the veins on his neck and face bulged. His face was flushed a deep red and sweat ran down his face profusely. His head was arched back as he howled in pain.

Bright red blood dripped splattering on the floor, the pool widening in a dark crimson shade.

"Where is it?" Hua Yao asked chillingly again.

Qin Yue was losing consciousness from the pain and spasms started to wreck his body, and Qin Yue could not even speak. He could only shake his head weakly.

Louder and louder screams followed, the shrill tone piercing right into the hearts of the other Elders. They had been hopelessly terrified and had not moved at all from their spots, cowering in horror as they saw Qin Yue tormented, praying they would not be the next one to meet the same fate.

Time continued to run, unstoppable. One third of the hour had passed, and Qin Yue's breaths were getting weaker, but he still refused to reveal a single word on the map.

Chapter 336:- Sixth Slap (8)

"Hey, Brother Hua, if this drags on any further, he is going to die." Qiao Chu saw that Qin Yue was getting weaker by the minute and time was running out. They had not expected Qin Yue's refusal to reveal anything even when he was on the verge of death. They did not care if Qin Yue were to die, but with his death, Qin Yue would bring with him their only lead to the whereabouts of the map.

Hua Yao frowned, perplexed. His beautifully featured face creased in consternation.

The Qing Yun Clan was vast. If Qin Yue refused to spill the beans and die, they would have to scour the whole of the Cloudy Peaks and they would need a long time to do that.

"Leave it to me." Jun Wu Xie said suddenly.

Hua Yao looked quizzically at Jun Wu Xie.

"I've said it. We only have one hour." Jun Wu Xie said slowly. Qin Yue would die as she had said he would, within the hour, and not a moment more than that.

Hua Yao let the double headed bone snake release Qin Yue and put him on the ground. Qin Yue was covered in his own blood and his breaths were getting shallow. He did not look like he could speak as his face contorted involuntarily.

Jun Wu Xie squatted down and looked at the greatly weakened Qin Yue. She drew her silver needles, and pierced them into the twelve main arteries and stopped the bleeding from his wounds temporarily. Next, she pried Qin Yue's mouth open and threw three elixirs into his mouth and forced him to swallow them before she stood up.

Not understanding what was happening, Hua Yao looked at Jun Wu Xie. He had seen Jun Wu Xie in action before and he had complete trust when he handed Qin Yue over to her, although he was unsure what she would do.

Why did she stop the bleeding, popped the elixirs in him, and ignored him after that?

Qiao Chu craned his neck and looked at the stiffened Qin Yue. He had become very curious with Jun Wu Xie's myriad of strange elixirs with heaven defying effects. He had seen what horrors "Beauty's Facade" brought to its victim and he wondered what other elixir was at work here now on Qin Yue?

Time seemed to stop at that moment. The Elders remained trembling and huddled together in a group quietly on the side. They peered intently at the unmoving figure of Qin Yue, lying on the floor.

Jun Wu Xie ignored everything and only whipped out a hanky and wiped at her hands carefully and meticulously.

No one knew what Jun Xie had fed Qin Yue and why there had been no effect.

Moments later, the scene that greeted their wonder made everyone gasp in surprise!

Qin Yue's body suddenly jumped once. He bent and curled up his limbs at odd angles and a horrifying wail suddenly sounded heartrendingly breaking the silence in the hall! Qin Yue limbs looked like they were being twisted by a great force into impossible angles, and this was just the beginning. His fingers started tearing up and many gaping wounds appeared, and a white powdery looking substance flowed out mixed in with the blood from those wounds. Qin Yue's body was rocked by spasms and he shook violently as though struck by lightning.

"Bone disintegration?" Qiao Chu's eyes widened suddenly. Staring at the unidentifiable substance flowing out from the wounds as white powder, Qiao Chu finally reasoned that it could only be from the bone, ground up into powder!

Qin Yue's finger bones were unexplainably disintegrated into powder and they flowed out with blood, staining the white floor.

All his fingers were bleeding, and one can only imagine at the agony by hearing the incessant wails coming from Qin Yue, who had been too weak to even speak.

Qin Yue's flushed face and turned grey and his bulging eyes were bloodshot red. Tears and mucus ran uncontrollable down his face and the sound of him grinding teeth heavily showed the unimaginable agony Qin Yue was suffering under.

"First the hands, next the legs. It starts with the four limbs, then the spine and the ribs. Don't worry, you will be fine. As long as I am here, I will not allow you to die just yet." Jun Wu Xie finally spoke to him, and the corners of her mouth curled up devilishly once again.


Chapter 337:- Sixth Slap (9)

Qin Yue's bloodshot eyes were staring unwavering at Jun Wu Xie, filled with hatred and pain. No one could imagine the agony he was feeling. He could not move and the intense pain tore through his body unendingly almost driving him insane.

He would never have guessed that such inhumane torment could possibly be inflicted on the human body.

It felt like millions of ants were gnawing on his bones, bit by bit, little by little, and his flesh disintegrated together with the bones. At that moment, Qin Yue's only wish was for death to claim him quickly!

The pain felt under the torture by the double headed bone snake was in no way comparable to the unimaginable agony he was feeling at that moment!

He had felt faint several times through his ordeal, but the silver needles stuck in him kept him conscious and did not allow him any reprieve.

Although only the briefest of moments had passed, it already felt like a long year to Qin Yue. Forced to remain conscious, the heart rending pain made him yearn fervently for death, but death's door was closed to him.

Qin Yue's will crumbled to dust in but that brief passing moment, and blood stained his mouth. His howls did not end and he finally loosened his lips.

"Beneath the stone behind my chair in my study!"

Let death come!

Come quickly!

The torment was too much too take, and he couldn't bear it a moment more!


Really really sorry!

If he knew this day was to come, he would not have usurped the seat of the Sovereign! He would have been content to remain a lowly disciple and not put through this torture!

Jun Wu Xie turned and looked at Hua Yao. Hua Yao froze in shock a moment before he clasped his hand over a fist to thank Jun Wu Xie, and left immediately with Qiao Chu towards Qin Yue's study, to retrieve the item.

In the main hall, Jun Wu Xie swept her gaze over the cowering pale faced Elders, who were all staring wide eyed at Qin Yue who was screaming for his own death. She then turned to Mu Chen with a smile.

"You want to do it yourself?"

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes, filled with malice. He looked at the violently shaking Qin Yue lying on the ground, without feeling an ounce of pity.

Qin Yue might look extremely pitiful at that moment, but all that pity was completely overshadowed by hate!

He would never forget the time when his parents had died from the poison before Qin Yue. He remembered vividly Qin Yue face then, the face hideous with malice and triumph. He remembered the late Elders who had been loyal to the previous Sovereign, mercilessly murdered by Qin Yue, one by one.

Qin Yue did not deserve to live!

But his death must not come so easily!

His lone life, could not atone for his lifetime of sins!

Qin Yue had ruined his life, and Qin Yue had brought the Qing Yun Clan into ruin!

"No, I want him to live till the last moment, and suffer the agony." Mu Chen said through gritted teeth, his hatred flaring brightly in his eyes.

Jun Wu Xie did not say anything more and turned away from Qin Yue. She left Mu Chen alone, to savour his revenge slowly, and not steal from him any of the sweetness.

Qin Yue had thought that if he revealed the location of the map, he would be relieved from the torment. But Mu Chen's reply drove him into feel utter despair. The once greatly revered Sovereign of the mightiest clan throughout the lands, was now reduced to a trembling heap on the floor, his body writhing in agony.

His eyes pleaded for a quick death.

But, till his own time was up, his burning wish would not be granted.

A gong sounded, announcing the arrival of noon, and the sun was at its zenith. The blazing heat beat down, and clouds of poison mist suddenly permeated eleven of the Cloudy Peaks. The Inner House disciples of the various peaks were not aware of the approaching doom and were feasting on food, and boasting of their nefarious crimes with pride.

Jun Wu Xie lowered her eyes, and removed the needles that had kept Qin Yue alive all this while in one smooth sweep!

Without the needles, Qin Yue's eyes suddenly bulged, and his body gave one big jerk, and he finally breathed his last!

Chapter 338:- Overpowered (1)

Just as Qiao Chu and Hua Yao came back, they saw Qin Yue breathe his last. They were not in the least concerned about it though that man was the Sovereign of the mighty Qing Yun Clan.

"We've got it." Hua Yao nodded to Jun Wu Xie.

"It is time to send everyone on their way. Mu Chen, it's time to get your disciples off the mountain." Jun Wu Xie turned to leave resolutely, and the rest of them followed after.

In the main hall, the members of the Qing Yun Clan were still too terrified to move. As they watched Jun Wu Xie leave, they wanted to heave a sigh of relief, but Jun Wu Xie's words just before she left made them shiver uncontrollably.

Three massive beasts finished up the massacre within the main hall and the place was bathed in a bright shade of red. The bloodbath was seemingly used to cleanse this mighty clan of its sins and filth.

As they walked down the Blue Cloud Peak, the bodies of its disciples lay scattered all over, unmoving in death. Even till the last moment of their lives, they did not know what killed them.

The once bustling Cloudy Peaks, were now covered in a shroud of silence. Throughout the journey from the Blue Cloud Peak to the Cloud Treading Peak, Mu Chen did not see anyone still alive.

Jun Wu Xie had delivered on her promise. To annihilate all within the Qing Yun Clan!

"What do you have planned next?" Hua Yao asked, turning to Jun Wu Xie. The matter with the Qing Yun Clan had come to a close and from here on, the Qing Yun Clan ceased to exist anymore.

Jun Wu Xie pondered a moment as she surveyed the majestic peaks that had once housed the mighty Qing Yun Clan, and replied softly: "I want to make a trip home first."

She had been away from home for a long time, and it was time she went back.

"We'll go back with you then! Mu Chen said he needs to stay a while longer to sort things out with the disciples of the Outer House and the resident mercenaries, and will go to the Qi Kingdom in about two weeks to look for you. We'll accompany you back, and after you have settled your own things, you can help us to refine the elixir." Qiao Chu said excitedly. After hanging around Jun Xie for a time, he felt that Jun Xie was a good companion to have around.

Jun Xie was still so young, but the schemes that meticulous mind came up with astounded him completely.

Even when faced with the all powerful Qing Yun Clan, the enemy had crumbled and fallen into the depths of hell before that mind. Hanging around a little demon like that, made his days so much more exciting!

Jun Wu Xie looked at the enthusiastic Qiao Chu, and nodded after a moment's thought.

This time, with Hua Yao's and Qiao Chu's help, she had achieved her objective to obliterate the Qing Yun Clan much more smoothly. Compared to her initial plan, she was able to shorten the process by two weeks.

As with any cooperation, they would have to keep to their word.

In Jun Wu Xie's mind, she had recognised Hua Yao and Qiao Chu as her temporary allies in their cooperation. Little did she know, that this chance meeting that resulted in their first alliance, would bind their lives together for the rest of their lives.

The three of them made their way down the mountain, and left the tying up of loose ends to Mu Chen.

As the trio ambled down the mountain together, Qiao Chu was excited, and he chattered on non-stop, but Hua Yao and Jun Wu Xie remained silent.

Suddenly, when the trio reached the halfway point, two figures appeared at the summit of the Cloudy Peaks.

The two figures saw the peaks littered with bodies, and their eyes sparked in interest.

"What is wrong with the Qing Yun Clan? It had been just half a year and they have fallen to such a pitiful state?" The attractive looking man said with a laugh as he surveyed the scattered bodies, but his eyes flashed with a malicious chill.

The other man frowned. At that moment, the gem bracelet he wore on his wrist emitted a green glow and the man gasped.

"A plant ring spirit actually exists in the Lower Realm!!"

Chapter 339:- Overpowered (2)

"Are you sure?" The man who was laughing asked in shock.

"There is a reaction from the spirit gem, that person must still be close! We should still be able to catch up!" The man said staring at the green glow the spirit gem was giving out, and his eyes narrowed.

"Haha! We have searched till the soles of our shoes were all worn out to no avail, and now a chance meeting has brought it right before us! We cannot let it escape!" The man's laughter grew more intense.

The two figures suddenly blurred and disappeared from the summit of the Cloudy Peaks!

At the midpoint of the mountain, Jun Wu Xie looked at the massive beast ring spirits following behind them. The black and white fur of one of the beasts looked just like the National Treasure of one of the countries in her past life, but the size of the beast before her was so much bigger than what she remembered.

"Isn't my dear Rolly just majestic and heroic looking!?" Qiao Chu saw that Jun Xie was staring at his ring spirit and he sang his praises proudly patting the massive tummy. That furry rounded tummy looked extremely inviting to touch.

The little black cat on Jun Wu Xie's shoulder raised a paw and covered its face.

Here it comes!

Its mistress was at it again!

Jun Wu Xie stared intently at the humongous "panda", keeping herself silent for a long while before she asked: "Can I touch?"

"Of course!" Qiao Chu said jovially, feeling especially generous.

Jun Wu Xie walked up to Rolly and stared at the massive bear that was over two meters tall before her. Her chilly eyes were extremely focused at that moment.

Rolly tilted its head and looked in confusion at the tiny figure standing before it. Rolly was conscious of its Master's mind and knew that the figure before it was a friend and not a foe, and it was not to attack.

They stood staring at each other a long moment and Qiao Chu had thought that Jun Xie was not going to touch Rolly anymore. At that moment, Jun Wu Xie squealed delightedly and plopped herself onto Rolly's bulging tummy, her hands fully extended, trying her hardest to envelope the massive bear into her tiny arms.

Buried into the soft fur, and immersing herself into the velvety smoothness, Jun Wu Xie's eyes were closed in revel, enjoying every moment.

The little black cat on Jun Wu Xie's back almost wanted to cry.

Its mistress' illness had struck once again!

Jun Wu Xie did not hold much fondness for many things, but she was completely defenceless against furry creatures. When she had first applied to be a vet, it was firstly for the sake of revenge, and the second reason was just because she loved these furry creatures.

Heaven knows, the expressionless and cold face on Jun Wu Xie, when faced with little cats and dogs, changed drastically and the eyes stayed fixated and sparkled so brightly that it always made the little black cat want to cry.

It seemed that even after being reborn, her illness had not gone away!

The double headed snake did not draw any attention from her, but the huge cuddly panda and its charming innocence was irresistible to Jun Wu Xie, brought about by her weakness towards adorable and furry creatures.

Qiao Chu's jaw dropped as he stared at Jun Xie who had always been cold and distant, burrow himself into his ring spirit's tummy and the always chatty Qiao Chu suddenly could not find any words to say.


Change was just too astounding!

Jun Wu Xie's unwavering calm and overwhelming intelligence always made people forget her young age. But her actions with Rolly brought out the little girl hidden within completely.

"My Rolly..... must be..... exceptionally adorable....." Qiao Chu struggled a long time to squeeze those words out of his throat. He had thought that Jun Xie had been impressed with Rolly's majestic stature and dominating power. But it seemed that he had completely misunderstood.

Hua Yao's corners of his mouth twitched, but he did not say a word.

And high up in the trees at their side, the hidden Ye Sha looked at Jun Wu Xie's sudden and drastic change in manner, made him almost fell off in shock.

He would never have imagined, that the cold and highly intelligent Miss, had such a weakness for furry ring spirits!

Chapter 340:- Overpowered (3)

"This, should be of interest to my Lord." Ye Sha rubbed his chin, as he released a tiny black snake from among the trees.

Ye Sha's daily task was to protect Jun Wu Xie in secret. But the Miss was vicious and there was nothing she could not handle on her own in the Qing Yun Clan. Ye Sha's protection soon became superfluous and his daily task quickly became collecting intelligence on her likes and dislikes as well as her daily activities. He wrote the information on a small piece of paper, and sent it via a black snake to deliver it to Jun Wu Yao, in the Kingdom of Qi.

At the same moment Ye Sha released the black snake, his face suddenly stiffened!

Two highly formidable presences were approaching at an alarming speed!

Ye Sha perked up, and his body tensed. His eyes scanned the surroundings carefully.

Reveling in the comfort of Rolly's furry tummy, Jun Wu Xie was completely relaxed when suddenly, a stranger's voice spoke, interrupting her revelry.

"So, that's where you are."

The voice that had sounded suddenly made the trio turn towards it.

They saw two attractive looking men a distance away from them. The two men, were gauging the three of them carefully and the eyes on the two men were rather queer. They had seemed to be appraising goods rather than looking at three youths.

Their contempt was obvious, and they did not bother to hide it.

"It is you? Or you? Or rather..... the little one here." The man was smiling as he queried, looking at Hua Yao, Qiao Chu and lastly his eyes fell on Jun Wu Xie.

Jun Wu Xie's eyes went cold. Without knowing why, the two men who had suddenly appeared, gave her an extremely bad feeling.

Hua Yao and Qiao Chu were wary. Rolly came to stand beside Qiao Chu and the double headed bone snake put up a defensive stance.

"Huh? What am I seeing here? A member of the Bone Shifters Tribe in the Lower Realm. Kid, that double headed bone snake's your ring spirit right?" The man narrowed his maliciously, looking at Hua Yao.

Hua Yao stiffened, and his eyes stared back dangerously.

"Yin Yang Bear..... Tsk tsk. How did these ring spirits appear in the Lower Realm, you've really opened my eyes today." His eyes turned back onto Rolly as he spoke.

"Double headed bone snake, Yin Yang Bear. You're both not the person we're looking for....." The man's eyes turned slowly to Jun Wu Xie and his mouth curled at the corners.

"Hey kid, I am guessing you have a plant ring spirit on you."

Jun Wu Xie heart jumped, she had not released Little Lotus, so how did they find out about the plant based ring spirit hidden within her body?

"Who are you guys?" Jun Wu Xie asked coldly. The feeling these two men gave her was completely different from all the others she had met. Just by standing before her, they gave out an enormous pressure, clutching at her heart, making it difficult for her to breathe.

It was a feeling that Jun Wu Xie was feeling for the first time after she was reborn.

"We are good people. Kid, just tell it to me like I'm your older brother. Is your ring spirit a plant based one?" His wide smile made his eyes narrow as he coaxed gently.

Jun Wu Xie frowned deeply and her face showed enmity.

"Sigh..... don't get too excited now. We're here just to ask you a few things." The man saw that his act was not working on Jun Wu Xie and he sighed in helplessness dramatically.

The other man who had been standing silent on the side was staring dangerously at Jun Wu Xie instead.

"We don't know each other, and we have nothing to talk about." Jun Wu Xie took note of the actions taken by the two men.

"Since you are being so uncooperative here, we can only....." The man who was smiling said and suddenly, his eyes flashed bitingly cold.


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