By DuraWrites

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And the phrase; "She is our everything" slowly changed to "She was our everything-" ☆... More



465 30 105
By DuraWrites

✧ ♡ ✧

"Oppa, stop being stubborn and give in already." I heard a very strong voice of Hana that I've never heard coming from her, Tae's door was ajar and that made their conversation to be easily eavesdropped on by me.

I mean I had to know why she came to visit my almost ex boyfriend and what this is all about. So eavesdropping it is.

"Hana~" Tae drawls like he is still refusing whatever she has presented to him.

"I'll make you feel really good you would hate masturbating because all you will be thinking is this mouth around you and my pussy clenching on you. Don't you want me to make you feel good and fulfill my fantasy at no cost, no drama?"

The fucking fuck?!

My eyes widened at what my ears were picking on, I was very sure I was hearing right because I had sharp ears, they have never failed me so I knew they weren't deceiving me from hearing what this conniving bitch was saying to another woman's man. In a home they all live.

"Hana~" Why can't he say any other thing than call her name like he really wants it.

Does he?

My heart squeezed painfully at my internal question. Was he going to allow her do what she wants to him? Is he really going to do that to me? Above every other thing they've caused me, will he be adding this to it as well.

My feet moved on their own accord to not just hear but so I can see inside his room and see exactly what is transpiring while still trying to remain unseen.

"You know you want it," I see her smile devilishly to him, rubbing her hand on his chest, he was standing there like a thoughtless person, like an immobilised man, "If you are hesitating because of that wretched dying girl, you don't need to. I know you don't really like her, there's no way a whole Taehyung of BTS would be in love with a girl who isn't fully Korean. She's so ugly, sick, pathetic, unfit for a king like you." The spitefulness in her tone was also evident in the cunning look she has on her face while her fingers were drawing circles on his chest. "She is an abomination to you Tae bear. And I know you don't get enough satisfaction having to share her with your members so why not just take me, I am not asking for anything in return, no strings attached just simply use me, fuck me so hard so I can have sleepless night thinking of your Taeconda." She slurs on her word, the evil smirk on her lips was an evidence that she was loving how speechless she's made Taehyung become.

And he didn't even stop her from sprouting words like that about me. Disgusting words another human should never call another human. Neither did he deny the fact that he didn't truly love me.

"Hana please, this is wrong, stop." He tells her but not in a firm voice. Not in a voice to stop her. Not in a way to make her back away.

"Are you sure this is wrong?" She chuckles, trailing her fingers down until it came in contact with his crotch then grabbed it emitting a low moan from him.

I gasped but very quiet not to interrupt. I wanted to see how this plays out. How he will fully betrays me. And disrespect me.

"Do you know why I come here twice a week?" She began to squeeze him and he closed his eyes, sighing, "Because of you and the others but I notice how you stare at me, how you want me, how you need me, and now that I am here, you want me to stop?" Her other hand began to caress his face and my stomach started to churn at the scene before me.

What was hurting at the moment is that he is enjoying it. He isn't stopping her.

"That's what I thought," She chuckles and it sounded like a disgusting sound to me, "You know my father only told me to come here once a week but I lied that it's twice so I can see more of you and I know she isn't going to be at home today so don't worry about anything, just have your way with me and let's have a good time." She shoots him a smile I once thought was sweet.

The smile I called sweet and comforting.

Nah, it was a blatant façade.

"Don't think of her, think of my pussy that you're about get. I know you've been frustrated especially since that day I saw you masturbating, let me help you hmmm?" She asked, bringing her hand to unbutton his shirt.

"Hana, stop, this is wrong." He protests weakly. How would she stop if he sounds that way, it's like the words he says only fuel her and makes her do the opposite because she stopped unbuttoning and just to rip his shirt open.

"God, you are a masterpiece just like how I've always imagined you to be." She licks her lips, eyeing him like a prey.

No, she's not a predator. She's a fucking parasite. A mere leeching parasite.

"Even if you think this is wrong, but you want it right?" She rubs her palm on his chest making him moan.

And the sound was wrecking my already wrecked self. And I think I've used up all the water in my tears duct because my eyes were so dry at the moment. I expected them to be leaking as they witness this heart wrenching scene but nothing like that and it was breaking me.

It was breaking every strong~ness left in me. It was breaking my heart. It was tearing my soul apart.

"Mmmmn. Fuck." Tae moaned in response, grabbing her by the waist, pulling closer to himself and smashed their lips together. I could literally see the fire he was using to kiss her, he kissed like she was the air he needed to breathe. He kissed her like his whole world depends on it.

Their hands were working in tandem to remove each other's clothing and that did it for me.

But instead of choosing fight, I chose flight.

Instead of choosing confrontation, I chose scurrying away quietly into my room. I chose being a coward in a moment I should have strongly expressed bravery, in a moment that I should have called them out and put them both in their places but I was too weak to fight. I was too weak to defend myself. I was too weak to stand up for my honour.

I didn't want to be embarrassed by facing them, not especially when I was weak body, mind and soul. One poke from that bitch of a snake would have me falling to the floor on my ass and that was the last thing a broken Ione needed.

So I entered my room, shutting my door quietly and going straight for my bed, fell flat on it and closed my eyes with a sigh.

Today has been emotionally draining from getting the bad news about my health, to me walking down the memory lanes of our good past, to my firm thoughts of accepting my sad reality, to my acceptance of death instead of finding solutions to my problem and now I'm faced with a betrayal of heart, a betrayal of a boyfriend and that of someone I considered a friend.

A good friend for that matter.

She played her game so well. So tactically. So careful. Hiding her true intentions behind the nursing façade, behind that smile I considered a sweet soft one. The plan obviously was to become friends with me first then find her way into the home of my boyfriends, then hold on to one and seduce him. She never really liked me and I never saw it.

My stupidity for being so blind and reckless caused me to laugh out loud, laughing hysterically with my whole body shaking vigorously along with the laughter until the dam broke, the dam that was constructed out of pain. It broke, breaking me in the process as I sob into my bed, soaking it up with my tears.

This wasn't the kind of life I dreamed of having as an adult but here I am, living one that sucked more than a sad movie. It sucks so much I don't know what to define it as.

Everything just keeps getting bad and badder each passing hour.

And like it wasn't bad enough, I feel myself losing a hold of air as I keep crying into my bed, I shoot up from my lying position so I can gasp for air but I wasn't getting enough and it made my chest feel so constricted, so I kept gasping and slapping the space beside me on the bed, trying to inhale as much air as I can.

But it wasn't working. It was as if suddenly my room has been evacuated of oxygen so I couldn't get any into my lungs at all and it made me remember my last morning run with Guk...with Jungkook. He's no longer my Guk.

I began to search for a solid ground, something I could hold onto so I can try to calm down but everything was too far from my reach. I needed to really calm down or I'll pass out, I could feel that my eyes were getting clouded. And I wasn't sure if this is a panic attack that got triggered because I witnessed my boyfriend cheating on me or me being breathless because the cancer is increasingly getting worse every hour that passes.

My phone's ringtone suddenly blared into the air, making my feet rush towards it like a sudden pull and the name displaying on the screen made me instantly breath in deeply and exhale loudly, ceasing the lung attack.

It was my father.

I picked up the call and immediately cried out 'dad' while breathing hard to get it back to normal as it was currently irregular.

"Nae agi," His voice booms through and I couldn't help but resume my crying as he called me that. (My baby)

"Let it out, Your daddy is here for you." He soothes in English and I cried more and more and until the headache was too hard I had to calm myself along with my father's guiding words to a stop. I had to stop crying or I'd pass out from the intensity of this heartbreak.

The emotions were overwhelming.

"I read your message and I'm not angry at you. Can never be. But one thing I'll tell you now and now is that; I am not going to lose my daughter, my only child. Never, Agi, never." His deep yet soothing voice says to me, I sniffled, feeling so weak from everything and not being able to come up with words to reply him.

"Where are your boyfriends? Why didn't any of them contact me because that's what those that loves one will do?" He questions, continuing to talk in English and I can hear the anger towards them in his voice.

Only if he knows.

"Agi, talk to me. Are you at least being taken good care of? Have a parent figure that comes to visit you or checks on you regularly because I'm suspecting they haven't else you won't be in this bad mental state. Talk to me, Agi." He beseeches.

"Dad," I sniffled so I don't cry again, replying in English, "None of the parents know. So nobody came to check on me. And my boyfriends," I croak then took a quick inhale of air, "I don't think they care for me anymore. I-I feel abandoned by them. Dad," The tears resumed their fall, "I just wanna go in peace. I can't live without them. I know I can't." I hiccuped.

"That's it, I'm taking the first flight to Seoul tomorrow morning. What is the meaning of all this, how can they abandon you now of all times. If your mother hears this, she will go feral. I'm coming to take my daughter and I will make sure each one of them will have to go fix a bone." He says with so much anger coating his tone.

His outburst however made me chuckle.

My father was still here for me. He still loves me. He wants to take care of me. He wants to fight for me.

"I already bought my flight ticket dad, don't worry. I'm leaving tomorrow evening." I say to calm him.

"I can't let you travel alone in your condition, I'll come take you and once we get to Paris, we will go to the best hospital that treats cases like yours and you will be alright. And you can definitely live without them. I know it feels that way now but trust me, it will get better but first we need to focus on the cancer then we'll fix your mental health after we see signs of betterness. I can't even tell your mother, I'm scared she would fly there and beat those jerks up, she will be very very angry. How dare they treat a woman like you that way? My precious, kind daughter?"

I honestly don't know how they came to the point of treating me this way. And I don't believe at this moment that there's a solution out there for me not with how sick I feel. I feel like I'm actually dying. Like one whose days are numbered. Not in months, or weeks but in a matter of days.

Death seems to be lurking around the corner of my life.

"Don't worry dad, I can manage. I have a wonderful girl friend that will drive me to the airport, you can just wait for me in the airport there so once I arrive you can pick me up. It's just a plane ride, I'll be fine." I say to him, sounding firm. Even if everything was crumbling on my inside. I need to stay firm not to over-worry him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, dad. I'm sure." I answer.

"It shows in your voice that you are very unwell. How are you feeling at the moment?" I can picture his worried face.

"Just weak, headache and heartbroken but I will try to sleep well tonight so I can feel better for tomorrow's traveling." I reply. Hoping the sleeping pills work. They need to or I'll go crazily mad.

Especially with latest act of cheating.

"Sorry, Nae agi. I am really disappointed in those men. I thought they were it but guess I was wrong. I thought they will prove your mother wrong but apparently she is right. Just how did they have the heart to do such thing in a time like this to you? With their music and all, I thought they were a different breed to men out there in the world." His tone was soft as he speaks what I agree with.

"I don't know where it all went wrong dad. I don't." I say sadly.

"Tomorrow is your birthday. God, this is the worst birthday gift ever. I remember the surprise party they threw for you last year and now they made this year a sad one."

"I guess people truly change." I sigh.

"I'll make it up to you when you arrive here. I will make you smile a whole lot. I will make you laugh plenty. I will make sure your heart is constantly happy. I will always be here you Agi, always. As a father and a friend." He soothes, softly.

"Thanks dad." I smiled a genuine smile.

We talked more about other things, choosing to move on from the sad topic and telling him about my plans for tomorrow. After a lot of motivating and comforting words, we ended the call and I immediately dialed Prisha's number. I haven't told her about anything and I wanted to tell her that my departure is closer than I thought.

Him cheating on me was the final straw to wanting to leave.

But how could he?

Tae? My V?

Cheating on me with a woman who bad mouthed me. Who wished me bad.

I didn't even want to think of the things that is going down in his room at the moment and I was very grateful that my room was soundproofed so they can't hear what goes on in my room neither can I hear what goes on outside of my room.

And one thing I will not do is cry over spilled milk. But this wasn't just a spilled milk, this milk was my heart, they emptied all the life in it that was in form of liquid on the floor, then used their leg to stamp on it, crushing both my life and my heart in the process. They crushed the woman I was, they crushed the woman that was full of hope, they crushed a woman that loves with her all, her entirety, a woman that cherished them beyond how one treasures a rare gem.

I loved them too much.

"Ione love, I've been waiting for your call, how did it go? I've bitten all my long nails out of worry, my heart is beating really fast, please tell me, what did Doctor Geum say?" She rambled out immediately she answered up the call and I couldn't help but sigh. I don't want her too worried so do I tell her everything or just some?

"Basically, he says I'm dying. The cancer is now in my spine which can reach my brain anytime from now." I answer, choosing to tell her everything. She's the only true friend I've ever had and she deserves to know all that is going on with me even if it will make her worry sick.

"Oh my God," She gasped.

I guess I should have softened the blow.

"Oh my God, darling," She gasps even more, "Okay, Prisha calm the fuck down," I hear her taking deep breaths, I remained silent so she can gather herself together and after a some seconds, she finally talked, "Babe, I'm so sorry to hear that but there's a solution right?" She asked.

"It's okay dear, he says chemotherapy which I hate so he mentioned other treatment options and says they will have to transfer me to another hospital but I told him I'm leaving for France tomorrow so I can look for solutions there." I explained, omitting the fact that I have given up.

Once hope is dead, all is lost.

"I think it's best you leave tomorrow too so you can get started on treatment. You need to be hospitalised already, should I come over to help you pack?"

"I am only packing my documents and other essentials, I am not going with any clothes, they all hold memories I don't want to bring with me and they all smell like here so can you help me just get few clothes at the mall that I'll take with me?" I asked her. Feeling like I will cry just at the thought of wearing clothes that I've worn in this house again.

The good memories are my worst enemies.

Caging me and making me their prisoner. And it's the reason I know going on, pushing forward will be the hardest thing I'll do in my life and that's why I'm taking the cowardice route. Giving up. I am too weak to live through this soul and heart jarring pain.

I just can't. I can't see any future. It's all black. Very dark. Extremely cold.

"Oh yes, definitely. I'll get them for you, anything else I can help with?" She questioned.

"Come pick me up by noon tomorrow, I'll rather be in the airport than stay here until my flight time." I answer her, everything becoming real.

I am leaving. And not on a good or happy note. I'm leaving as a broken piece.

"If it's up to me, you'd be out of there already." She answers.

"Thanks Prisha." I say to her, feeling not-so alone in this. "I spoke with my dad finally."


"Yeah, I wrote him a message first then he called after so we chatted well and he will be waiting for me at the airport in Paris tomorrow. He says he can't tell my mother yet until he sees me because she will be too worried and he said she's been having high blood pressure issue." I tell her.

"If she didn't even have before, she could develop it after hearing all that is going on with her daughter." Prisha sighed. "But I'm glad you finally spoke with your dad. You are not alone in this. Not at all, love." She says softly.

"Thanks love. Thank you, truly. I don't know what I'd do if you aren't with me." I know I'd have probably hurt myself.

"Don't say that, I'm here because I really care for you." She replies.

"I still want to appreciate it." I say to her. I'm withholding the cheating news for now, I don't think I can bare saying it out loud to anyone else. I need to not be feeling this way when I want to tell her. She's the only one I will eventually tell. If any of my parents know, I know things would get pretty bad for them. My father's anger mixed with my mother's rage will be unstoppable.

We talked more about tomorrow, how we'll meet up and choices of clothes she will be getting for me. She didn't hang up until she showered me so many sweet words. I'm sure she also wouldn't believe what Hana did when I tell her. It shocked me too.

But what shocked more was his betrayal.

He gave in so easily.

The thought of what they could be doing at the moment almost made me cry but I chided myself to stop that action. It only makes me feel weak, feel pathetic and nothing else. It doesn't sooth my aching broken heart. It doesn't make me feel warm. It doesn't make me feel strong. It doesn't make me feel less sick. It doesn't help me from thinking dying is the best option for me. It doesn't fucking help.

So no more tears...or so I wish.


[Word Count: 3754]

A/N: 😠🤬😠🤬😠🤬😠🤬😠🤬😠🤬

Let's just take deep breaths for Ione's sake....yeah in, out, in, out... you're doing good. Yes. Keep going. Ooooof.

Her father came through.

Prisha ever sweet. She'll go crazy when she hears the angering news too.

I've finished writing the next chapter so I'll try and write more so I could possibly publish before next Friday. 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾

I really want to know your overall thoughts about this chapter...tell me.

And don't forget to Vote ★ See you in the next chappie 🤕🤕

Dura sending heart soothing kits 💌

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