š€šŸš­šžš« šƒššš«š¤ | Harry J...

By HJPsQuill

43.5K 1.1K 2.1K

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Author's Notes
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Author's Notes
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Author's Notes
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Author's Notes
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Author's Notes
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YR 3 ā˜†ā€¢Ā°~'* 04

844 25 20
By HJPsQuill

AN - Early chapter today! I'll post one tomorrow too! I hope you like it :)

❈🌠➵9¾♌ ⚯ 🗲━━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺

Malfoy didn't show up to classes until Potions on Thursday morning. He walked in late, his arm heavily bandaged, as though Madam Pomfrey hadn't completely mended it.

He sat down at the same table as Harry and Ron, setting up his cauldron and ingredients for a Shrinking Solution on the table.

'Sir,' called Malfoy. 'I'll need help cutting up my ingredients, sir.'

'Weasley, Potter, prepare Malfoy's ingredients,' said Snape, without looking up.

'There's nothing wrong with your arm Malfoy,' hissed Y/N behind them. 'Really laying it on thick, aren't you? Love playing the victim?'

'Don't you dare speak to me, you filthy mudblood!' he spat.

'Malfoy, if you don't shut up-' Harry began, gritting his teeth. 

'That's your only insult, is it, Malfoy?' Y/N replied, cutting across Harry. 'No creativity?'

'Shut your filthy mouth!' growled Malfoy, snapping his head around and glaring at Y/N.

'What's going on here?' said Snape's silky voice, gliding toward Malfoy's table and looking between him and Y/N.

'Malfoy called me a mudblood, sir,' said Y/N.

Snape stared at her with an inscrutable expression on his face, an eyebrow raised. He watched them for a few seconds then walked away without saying a word. Malfoy smirked at Y/N evilly before turning back to Harry and Ron and resuming his taunting.

'Git,' Y/N rolled her eyes, cutting up her last ingredient and tossing it into the cauldron. Y/N was very proficient in Potions, so she wasn't worried about messing anything up.

As she was preparing her potion, she heard Malfoy taunting Ron and Harry about Hagrid.

'I'm afraid he won't be a teacher much longer,' he said in a tone of mock sorrow. 'Father's not very happy about my injury.'

'Little shit,' Y/N cursed under her breath, earning a reproving look from Hermione. They were sitting next to Neville, who looked to be struggling with his shrinking solution, which was slowly turning into a shade of-

'Orange,' said Professor Snape, who was walking among them, checking their potions. 'Tell me, Longbottom, does anything penetrate that thick skull of yours? What do I have to do to make you understand?'

Neville was trembling and he mumbled something indistinctly. Y/N clenched her fist and glared at Snape angrily. How he dares to speak to students that way...

'Please, Professor,' implored Hermione. 'I can help him put it right-'

'I don't remember asking you to show off, Miss Granger,' said Snape coldly.

Without warning, Snape's robes went up in flames at the bottom. Hermione gasped and looked instinctively at Y/N, who looked enraged, the red strands in her hair looking brighter than usual.

Snape put out the flames quickly with a wave of his wand and he looked around at the class, a furious look on his face. Y/N quickly looked down at her book, pretending to read the instructions.

'Whoever did that will answer to me,' he snapped. 'Longbottom, I will be testing your solution on your toad at the end of this class and see what happens...' he added vehemently and stalked off.

Y/N was seething. She watched Hermione frantically whisper instructions to Neville under her breath. She looked back at her own potion, which was now a shade of acid green.

'Harry, did you see the Daily Prophet?' It was Seamus Finnigan, who walked over to Harry's table to borrow his scales. 'They reckon Sirius Black's been sighted in Dufftown.'

'Dufftown? That's not far from here!' said Ron, looking at Harry.

Malfoy was watching them, his eyes narrowed malevolently.

'Thinking of catching Black single-handedly, Potter?' He said. 'If it was me, I'd have gone out looking for him...'

'What are you talking about?' Harry snapped.

'Don't you know?' hissed Malfoy. 'Perhaps you want to leave it to the Dementors... But I would've wanted revenge if I were you...'

'Either explain what you're talking about-' Ron began, but Snape had stood up.

'Your potion should be nearly ready now. We'll test Longbottom's and see how well he did...'

Y/N cleared away her table, letting her potion simmer for a few more minutes. Hermione was still muttering instructions to a sweating Neville.

As the end of the lesson approached, Snape walked up to Neville's cauldron. It was now bright green, as the instructions indicated.

'Everyone, gather round,' called Snape, and the class moved closer to Neville's cauldron. 'I will be feeding Longbottom's potion to his toad. If he has managed to brew an adequate Shrinking Solution, his toad will shrink. If he has not, as I don't doubt, his toad may well be poisoned...'

Y/N watched anxiously as Professor Snape picked up Trevor the toad and fed him a few drops of Neville's potion. A few seconds passed, and there was a faint popping sound: Trevor had turned into a tadpole, wriggling in Snape's palm. There was a collective cheer from the Gryffindors.

Snape looked sour. He pulled out an antidote and put a few drops on Trevor, who turned back into a normal, full-size toad.

'Ten points from Gryffindor,' said Snape coldly, wiping the smile from every Gryffindor's face. 'I told you not to help him, Miss Granger. Class dismissed.'

'You should've lied, Hermione!' said Ron. 'You should've said that Neville had done it all by himself.'

'I don't think Snape would've believed her,' said Harry in an undertone.

'Slimy git,' mumbled Ron.

Harry, Ron and Hermione picked up their bags. Y/N didn't move, glaring at Snape with pure hatred.

'C'mon, Y/N,' whispered Hermione, who was looking very hurt.

'I don't understand. Neville brewed a perfectly good Shrinking Solution, why did you dock points off?' snapped Y/N. She wasn't going to stand around and take any more of Snape's injustice.

'Keep your thoughts to yourself, Miss Y/L/N. I warned Miss Granger to not help him-'

'What, you think she'd just let Neville's toad get potentially poisoned? How cruel do you have to be?' she said, her voice rising gradually, her red strands of hair brightening.

'Watch your tone! I will not allow you to speak to me that way! Twenty points from Gryffindor,' he snapped.

Y/N was shaking with anger. Hermione grabbed her arm and hissed 'C'mon, Y/N-' but she didn't move.

'You're just- just plain evil-'

'HOLD YOUR TONGUE!' shouted Snape, a look of fury on his face.

Her vision went suddenly blurry. A flash of red and the next thing she knew, Snape had staggered backward into a desk, a large burn mark across his hand. The sleeve of his robes was singed.

There were a few gasps and yells. Y/N blinked and looked around. The class was looking at her fearfully, backing away. She looked at Harry, Ron and Hermione, who looked pale.

'I- what-' she stuttered, looking back at Snape. Her head was aching.

The look on Snape's face was inscrutable. He stared at Y/N for a moment, holding his own hand.

'Class dismissed,' said Snape blankly, turning away from the class. The students filed out quickly, giving Y/N looks of fear.

'I don't- I didn't-' mumbled Y/N, looking at her three friends.

'Come on,' said Hermione for the third time, dragging her out of class, followed by Ron and Harry.

❈🌠➵9¾♌ ⚯ 🗲━━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺

The news that Y/N had somehow burned Snape without using a wand had spread around the school like wildfire so that by lunchtime, it was all anyone was talking about.

Y/N sat down next to Harry and ate her lunch quietly. The trio kept shooting her glances but didn't say anything regarding the incident. She looked up at the staff table and saw that Snape had a bandage wrapped around his hand. Y/N frowned. Surely mending a first-degree burn was easy for a fully-trained wizard? 

She felt someone staring at her, and she looked up to see Professor Dumbledore's piercing blue eyes looking into hers, as though he was trying to read her mind. She quickly looked away, attempting to block her mind from outside influence.

'Are you okay?' said a voice in front of her. Y/N looked up to see Harry looking at her with worry. She nodded, not quite meeting his eye. 

Harry looked around at Ron for help, who merely shrugged. Hermione was watching Y/N apprehensively. Did she fear her?

They left the Great Hall for Defence Against the Dark Arts. As they were climbing the stairs, Y/N turned to ask Hermione about her golden hourglass necklace, but she was nowhere to be found.

'Where did she-' Y/N began, looking around. She spotted Hermione back at the bottom of the staircase, tucking something under her robes.

'How did you do that?' asked Ron, when Hermione caught up to them.

'What? Oh no-' Hermione's bag had ripped open under the weight of her many books.

Ron picked up one of her books. 'Why are you carrying so many? We only have Defence Against the Dark Arts this afternoon-'

Hermione didn't answer him.

'Reparo,' said Y/N, pointing her wand at Hermione's bag. She thanked her quickly and put her books back inside her bag.

'You've gotta tell me what that golden necklace thing is,' mumbled Y/N, helping Hermione put her books back. She didn't say anything.

Their first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson wasn't in Professor Lupin's classroom. Instead, he had taken them to the staff room, where Snape was sitting reading a book. Lupin made to close the door, but Snape stood up.

'Leave the door open, Lupin,' he said silkily. 'I'd rather not witness this...' He walked to the door and then stopped, turning on his heel to look at Lupin.

'I should warn you this class contains Neville Longbottom,' he said vehemently. 'I would advise you not to entrust him with anything difficult unless Miss Granger is hissing instructions in his ear.'

Neville turned bright red and looked down. Y/N balled her fist. Kittens, think of nice, fluffy kittens.

Lupin raised his eyebrows. 'I was actually hoping Neville would assist me with a demonstration today, and I am sure he will perform it admirably.'

Neville turned even redder, but now smiling slightly. Y/N looked at Snape and a satisfied smirk spread on her face. He left the class, his black cloak billowing behind him, and he closed the door with a snap.

'Come closer, now,' Lupin told them, beckoning the class towards the end of the room where an old wardrobe stood. 'Today's lesson will be about Boggarts. Could anyone tell me- Yes, miss?-'

'Granger, sir,' said Hermione, her hand in the air. 'Boggarts are shape-shifters. They assume the shape of whatever they think will frighten us most.'

'Very good,' praised Lupin, and Hermione glowed. 'The charm to repel a Boggart is very simple. But what really finishes a Boggart off is laughter. You need to force it into a shape you find amusing.'

'We'll practice the charm first. After me, please... Riddikulus!' He enunciated.

'RIDDIKULUS!' The class repeated.

'This class is ridiculous,' Y/N heard Malfoy sneer behind her.

'You're welcome to leave,' Y/N hissed under her breath. Harry grabbed her shoulder and she looked around at him with a questioning look.

'Calm down,' he whispered to her. Y/N simply shrugged and returned her gaze to Professor Lupin.

'Good,' said Lupin. 'Very good. Now, Neville, if you would assist me in demonstrating how to get rid of a Boggart...'

Neville approached Professor Lupin, trembling slightly.

'Now, Neville, what frightens you most?' Lupin asked kindly.

'Professor Snape,' mumbled Neville, red in the face.

Some people laughed, even Neville grinned apologetically.

'Frightens all,' said Lupin with a small smile. 'And I believe you live with your grandmother?'

Neville nodded nervously. 'But I don't want the Boggart to turn into her, either!'

'It won't. Here's what I want you to do,' Lupin leaned in and whispered instructions in Neville's ear, who nodded.

Lupin opened the wardrobe door and out came Snape. He stalked towards Neville, who cried 'Riddikulus!' and in an instant, Snape stood there in Neville's grandmother's clothes, carrying a red handbag, looking harassed.

There was a great shout of laughter from the class, and even Neville let out a laugh. The Boggart looked around them, confused.

'Excellent, marvelous!' cried Lupin cheerfully. 'I want each of you to think of the thing you fear the very most, and turn it into something funny. Parvati, next!'

Half the class took turns with the Boggart. A snake, a clown, a spider, a banshee, a crawling hand... It was interesting to know what people's fears were.

It was now Y/N's turn, and she stepped forward confidently. The Boggart started spinning and shape-shifting. It stopped and assumed the shape of Y/N's cat. She smiled at it.

'That's your fear? A cat?' shrieked Pansy Parkinson with laughter.

Suddenly, the cat burst into flames. Some people yelped at the sudden appearance of fire, and some even distanced themselves from it and Y/N. She panicked, her heart rate picking up.

'Come on, Y/N, remember the charm,' said Lupin encouragingly.

She pulled out her wand and yelled 'Riddikulus!', and instead of flames, the cat rolled around in a field of orange and red tulips. She let out a shaky laugh, and the Boggart changed again as she left the line. Hermione patted her shoulder bracingly and Y/N smiled at her weakly. 

It was now Harry's turn, the Boggart spun for a moment, then assumed the shape of a Dementor.

Before Harry could even raise his wand, however, Lupin had stepped in front of the Boggart. It turned into a silvery-white orb hanging in the air, looking much like a moon. Lupin said 'Riddikulus' almost lazily, and the moon turned into a deflating balloon. Y/N watched it zoom around the room before Lupin redirected it into the wardrobe.

'That's it for today,' said Lupin to disappointed mutters. 'Sorry about that, class dismissed.'

Harry looked disappointed and ashamed.

'It's alright, Harry,' Y/N reassured him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He didn't respond and simply left the class.

She looked around at Ron and Hermione, who shrugged and followed him out.

Y/N had a false feeling her friends weren't keen on being around her much at the moment. 

❈🌠➵9¾♌ ⚯ 🗲━━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺

- HJPsQuill

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