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๐˜ˆ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฃ๐˜ช๐˜ท๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ค๐˜ฆ | ไธกไพกๆ€ง ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ ---- ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฆ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ฉ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฎ... More

Xtra! XXI


49 4 2


"Heyyy!" He greeted.

Y/n just about had a heart attack when he busted open the door the way he did.

"What are you doing here?" They sighed.

"You weren't answering my texts!"

"I never do."

"Whatever, why's he here?" Gojo pointed behind them.

"This is my office..?" Nanami cocked an eyebrow.

The male scratched his head and scoffed in irritation.
If he had come any time sooner, they might've been caught red-handed.
But if they kept behaving the way they did, that might've just given it away.
They were struggling to stay standing and could feel their knees clinging on for dear life as they were about to collapse at any moment.

"Anyway, you need to check your phone, I sent you a lot of important stuff!"
"You too, Nanamin!"

"Speaking of..."

He walked right by Y/n and straight towards Nanami wrapping his arm around his neck, talking his ear off.
They didn't realize it until he turned around to face them, but he was wearing his glasses instead.

"Um, excuse me, sir." They crossed their arms.

"Hm?" He shifted his attention.

They pointed to their eyes, hoping he'd get the gesture.

"Huh? What's wrong with your eyes?" He let his friend go to approach them.

As if they were serious, he started examining their face, cupping their cheeks and looking in their eyes for an eyelash or something of the sort.

"I'm not talking about me! I mean these!" They brushed him of and pointed at the blue lenses.

"What about them? They're cool aren't they!"

"Who are you seeing!?"

He got quiet real quick and turned to Nanami for help who did nothing but cross his arms at him.
He was backed into a corner.

"Y'all hear that? I think that's the kids calling me! I better go, don't wanna keep 'em waiting!" He chuckled awkwardly.

"Uh, no?! Come back here!" They chased after him.

He didn't get as far as he wanted since they had him in a chokehold and dragged him right back into the room.
Nanami just had to be in the midst of it all, still looking a hot mess.

"Who the hell are you seeing?" They insisted.

"Nobody! I swear!" He whined.

He wasn't resisting in the chokehold, in fact, he wasn't even trying to get out of it.

"Tell me or I'll snap your neck in half."

He didn't even reply, and based off the look on Y/n's face, they might've been serious. So Nanami definitely had to interfere.

"Alright let him go."

He pulled the two of them apart, and Gojo faked being hurt by rubbing his neck.

"You two are like kids." He sighed.

"Tell Y/n that whoever I'm hanging out with doesn't concern them."

"And tell Gojo his chances of being with me are getting slimmer by the minute."

"No wait.." He frowned.

Truly. These two were kids at heart.
And Nanami was always the one to give them a reality check.

"You need to head home anyway, it's getting late."

"Don't tell me what to do." They looked up at the clock.

It was quite late, and they were fondling each other for some time before rudely interrupted by someone, so technically he was right.
Though they weren't gonna let him know that.

So they just walked out.

"Bye N/n~!" He waved.

"I'm not gonna keep looking after you two.."

"Mhm, so what were you two doing before I came here?" His curiosity spoke.

"Discussing business."

He was lying, and whether or not Gojo knew that (he did) wasn't something he wanted to find out.
He gave Nanami a weird look which kinda disturbed him.

"I don't know how much of a lie that is, but the both of you are very much weird."
"But I do know I need them for tomorrow's training soooo..."

"I can't just give you an employee of mine for the day."

"Yes you can, because they already agreed!" He flashed his phone in his face.

anywho u tryna go to tmrws training sesh i kinda need some help 😋

y/n 💍❤️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Sure thing!

Gojo's stupidity almost carried over before Nanami realized the message was a pre-choice instead of typed by them.

"That's-you know what, It's too late for this."


They were so unbelievably comfortable in their bed, they didnt even realize they were smiling so giddily in their own house until looking in the mirror, though they didn't mind.
Before they went to bed, they decided to read all the messages they'd missed from Gojo after ignoring them all this time.

read 9:55p.m.

ik you see my messages 😡, im excited to see my bestie 😞
whatever. anyway. i got some words for YOU 🫵
read 9:56p.m.

i cant enjoy myself without hearing something about you!
who's your new boo? 🤨 don't think i haven't heard, i have sources
read 9:56p.m.

if your with that man i dont know about, im gonna eat you
read 9:57p.m.

which seems sexual on my part but who am i to complain
read 9:57p.m.

read 9:58p.m.

Out of all the things they enjoyed, teasing their friends would always be number one.
It took a while to scroll to the bottom of his endless messages, but when finally reaching the bottom, they recalled the pre-message they sent and now knew the next day they woke up wouldn't be a free one.
They really couldn't enjoy a day to themselves.

A wave of slumber suddenly came across them, and they almost rode it.
Before the eruption of a phone notification took them by surprise. And it had to be none other than their "boss". The possibilities of what he could've wanted this late were endless.

You left something.
1 attachment added

A picture of their panties wasn't one of them.

y/n l/n
not mine 🗣️🗣️

What other person do I have sex with in my office?

y/n l/n
bitch idk the janitor
no but fr though, imma need those back

You think I want to keep it?

y/n l/n
idk what you do in your free time 🤨
for all i know you could be sniffing tf out of them rn

I'm extremely offended that you think I'd stoop that low

y/n l/n
i think very VERY lowly of you

No surprise there
So do you want me to drop them off or..?

y/n l/n
now WHY would you do that
big ass head and zero brain in there
a damn shame

So what do you want me to do then???

y/n l/n
give them back on wednesday
idk i ain't never left my panties before

Though it was quite a bit of a lie, they didn't feel like being tinkered and teased with when with Gojo about Nanami slipped to them, and to be fair he wasn't really the slyest when it came to embarrassing moments.
Why were they even talking about this right now? It's way past their bedtime! They only thing they needed was some much needed rest and plus an extra hour.

Whether or not Nanami responded to their last text was out of their knowledge since they put their phone down and went straight to sleep.
Usually it took them a longer while to fall asleep, but as soon as they snuggled up in their sheets and into a ball, their eyes just closed so easily on their own.


They couldn't count on both hand how many times they've woken up with a feeling that something bad was going to happen just by being in Gojo's presence.
The first thing that should've signaled that to them was the fact that he had Megumi and Itadori in a chokehold.

"I'm so confused." Nobara sighed.

"I don't know any more than you do."

The two were begging for him to let go as he spun around and dragged them both with him towards Y/n.

"You made it, great! First order of business-"

"Why are these poor souls drowning in your armpit must?" They cut him off.

He replied with an agape mouth and the boys trying to snicker whilst tapping out.

"You're not funny, N/n."

"I think I'm rather hilarious." They smiled.

They rested a hand on his shoulder, which caused him to drop both of the boys to the ground, gasping for air (Itadori doing it more dramatic considering there was an extra mouth appearing on his cheek.)

"You three chill for a bit, I've got some business to discuss." He dragged Y/n further along the field.

Nobara watched as the two boys proceeded to cough and huff for air, almost in sorrow.
Only because that could've been her at any given time.

"You two okay?"

"DO WE LOOK OKAY?!" Itadori whined.

"Damn! Just a question!"

"Sometimes I wonder how he's even a teacher.." Megumi laid on the grass.

"Same thing for Y/n.."

"They don't even have a license."

"Huh!?" Itadori hopped up.

"Y/n never fails to surprise me." Nobara scratched her head.

Out of the blue, a shriek was heard, followed by a funny sight of Y/n dragging Gojo by the ear before throwing him on top of Megumi who happened to grunt rather deeper than expected.

"I'm leaving." They scoffed.

"It was a joke!" He defended.

"Joke my ass!"

"Joke this asshat off of me!" Megumi complained.

The male stumbled and dusted himself off before huffing at Y/n's selfishness.

Unknowingly to the kids in front of them, Gojo wanted to point out the bite mark on their neck that they failed to hide and the white-laced fabric hidden under a certain someone's foot.

"The fact that you're mad about it proves me right.." He muttered.

"Nothing, happened? Got it?" They enunciated.

He nodded reluctantly (indicating he didn't) and rubbed his ear in "pain."

Obviously he lied about the training a bit at first because there was clearly more he wanted to bother them about that was irrelevant, so it was best if they just left.
But they couldn't since he did need them for training purposes.

"What training do you need help with anyway?"

"Nothing really, just fighting-style observation."

"So I was called out of a day off for nothing?"

"What happened to the rematch you wanted?" Nobara giggled.

"Yeah, no. I'm going home." The topic was too embarrassing to talk about.

As Gojo chased back after them to beg them into staying since they were already there.
He tried several methods to convince them, but all Y/n did was keep their back turned to him, ignoring his pleas.

"Damn that ass fat!"

The random call-out was just enough to get the both of them to face the direction in which it came.
To their sight, Megumi and Nobara looked at Itadori with concern while he covered his right cheek and conceal his red tint on his face.

"I.. am so sorry.." His voice cracked.

"I'm not! I've been silenced for way too long!" Another mouth appeared on Itadori's forehead.

"Oh my god, STOP!"

"I know.. I did not just see a mouth on that boys cheek and forehead."

"Ooo, I forgot about that.." Gojo cringed.

"What am I not being told here?" Y/n panicked.

Just another thing to add to the list of things that went wrong that day. And it seemed by the minute, it doubled to make their day worse.

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