who's the man // jj maybank

By molstorys

6.6K 20 4

you and rafe are having a small thing but your mind might be turning for jj More

CHAPTER 1: the flirt
CHAPTER 2: unexpected
CHAPTER 3: betrayal
CHAPTER 4: the kiss
CHAPTER 5: the secret
CHAPTER 6: him
CHAPTER 7: hot tub
CHAPTER 8: beach party
CHAPTER 10: back to normal
CHAPTER 11: the map
CHAPTER 12: gone wrong
CHAPTER 13: reunion
CHAPTER 14: dooms day
CHAPTER 15: things are good to bad
CHAPTER 16: things might be good
CHAPTER 17: poguelandia
CHATPER 18: rescue fail
CHAPTER 19: sides with the enemy
CHAPTER 20: back at obx
CHAPTER 21: heist
CHAPTER 22: lies
CHAPTER 23: anniversary
CHAPTER 24: jjs plan
CHAPTER 25: plans
CHAPTER 26: get her back
CHAPTER 27: we found it

CHAPTER 9: bail

221 0 0
By molstorys

u are sat in bed at Johnbs house stressing about jj
all u want is him back why did rafe have to cause a problem
kiara knocks on the door
k: y/n can we come in
y/n: u sit up* yeh
they all come in
k: r u ok *comes and sits on the bed and wraos her arms around u to comfort u
y/n: I'm worried about him last time he went in his dad hurt him I can't have that again
s: we will figure it out dw
jb: we won't let his dad hurt him I definitely won't
p: me too
You nod
s: ok we need to get some money together to bail him out
p: I can ask my pops
s: I can see what I've got back at home but I'll have to sneak in
k: I can ask my parents i don't think it will work but it's worth a try
jb: I'll see what I've got for jj
k: does that sound like a plan
y/n: yeh I'll go back to jjs and see what is there and any left over money I can find
s: we all meet up back here
k: I'll go with u y/n I don't want to ask my parents alone
y/n: sure that's fine
you all go and do the plan
you arrive at kiaras with her
y/n: kie do u really think this is gonna work
k: nope but it's worth a try , jj is family to us all the pogues r important to me it's worth a shot
y/n: ok
you both go in
k: mom
m: where have u been kiara
k: I've been with my friends
m: the pogues or Sarah
k: Sarah is a pogue
m: yes but she is a kook kiara
k: rolls her eyes* yes I've been with the pogues
m: sighs
k: I need something tho
m: what kiara
k: umm jj needs bailing out so I um need to borrow some money I'll give u it back I promise I just really got to get him out
kiaras dad steps in
d: kiara what do u no understand pogues r bad news ur asking us for money to bail a pogue out of jail
k: he is my family dad and he is my best friends boyfriend come on please
d: what Sarah
k: she is one of them but no *brings u out* this is y/n she is a amazing friend
y/n: u stand nervously* hi nice to meet u mr and mrs carrera
they both just look
d: so u expect us to give money to this lady who we don't no and gets u in trouble and is dating that jj no way
k: please ok he needs help it's more than juts bail it's his life come on dad mom please
d: y/n u shouldnt even be in my house rn if ur hanging around with someone like jj your trouble I don't like it
y/n: um me and jj have never got her into trouble
k: it's always my choice they r so good to me why don't u see that
m: because we care kiara we care and ur going down a wrong path
d: pogues r just trash kiara they r lazy trouble and will end up bad news she probably doesn't even have parents of her own because of how she is no money our answer is no
you are hurt by what kiaras dad said and u walk out the house with tears in ur eyes
k: wtf dad why would u ever say that she is my bestfriend ur unbelievable both of u*she runs after u
k: y/n I'm so sorry about them they suck
y/n: it's fine *wipes tears away
k: hey they don't get it but just know I'm not my parents
y/n: ik kie dw ur you and I love u
k: I love u too
let's go to jjs and see if the money is there
skip to later
all the pogues come back
jb: how did we do
p: I barely got enough
s: I tried my best
k: nothing from my parents
y/n: sits quiet
s: great so do we have any other ideas rn
jb: why don't we break him out
p: now ur sounding ridiculous
y/n: guys I might have a idea but it's risky and u might not like it
k: what
y/n: I'm gonna talk to rafe
p: r u crazy
y/n: I might be but it's worth a shot
s: rafe did really like u it could work
jb: it's worth a try
k: be careful tho u need one of us with u
y/n: I gotta do this alone but I'll be straight back here ok
k: good luck
they all hug u
y/n: anything for j
you make ur way to Barry's place where rafe is there and u go up to it
he sees u and looks shocked
b: can I help u
y/n: rafe can we talk
b: ain't that jj girl
r: what do u wanna say
y/n: rafe please in private
r: Barry give us a sec
b: r u serious rn bro
r: Barry go inside
b: sighs and goes inside
y/n: did u call the cops on jj
r: I might of done
y/n: rafe ik we have had some shit happened but u cheated on me ok I'm one who should be mad at u
r: ur with jj tho
y/n: soo me and jj have always been close I didn't think it would ever happen but it did ok I can't help that we both feel the same and that is what has happened
r: sits quiet
y/n: i haven't got over u rafe just like that I'm hurt by u ok I really like u and u ruined it
r: it was a stupid mistake and I fucked up ik I did I wish I never did it but I did and i can't change it I'm sorry
y/n: u look at him* u mean that
r: he looks at u* yeh
you r in shock about how well he is handling it
y/n: ik u hate jj but please just drop the charges
r: stays quiet
y/n: please rafe u don't understand I don't have money like u do ok I'm not like u ur punishing me not jj me
r: I don't wanna punish u
y/n: u sit next to him* if u don't wanna punish me then drop the charges
r: sighs* fine
y/n: thank u so much rafe thank u and also If u didn't I would of snitch on u doing drugs *chuckles
r: shakes his head* alright whatever *looks at u* so r we cool
y/n: u look at him* honestly idk rafe rn I've got a lot to think about but rn I just need u to get my bf out of jail
r: nods* alright
you both go to police station and he drops the charges
r: I'm gonna go before he gets out I'll see u around
y/n: will u tho
r: oh I will *he drives off on his motorcycle
you wait for jj
j: he comes out and sees u and runs and picks u up and hugs u tight
y/n: u wrap ur legs and arms around him and hug him* hiii
j: he smiles a lot* hii I'm so glad ur here
y/n: told u I would get u out *u kiss his cheek
j: ur amazing
y/n: u smile at him* come on handsome let's go and tell ur family ur out
j: he smiles* okk gorgeous let's go

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