My Bride... [Yoo Joonghyuk X...

By Hardcorelover07

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โ—†BL [MxM] โ—†Mpreg (if you are not a fan of bl and mpreg please move on...) Yoo Joonghyuk was the Third prince... More

Chapter 1: Divorce
Chapter 2: Now my life belongs to him...
Chapter 3: After wedding
Chapter 4: Greeting mother and father
Chapter 5: cooking for you
Chapter 5.5: EXTRA
Chapter 6: Dokja what happened?
chapter 7: He's pregnant!
Chapter 7.5:Tomato soup (EXTRA)
Chapter 9: Imperial Palace
Chapter 10: Older Brother
Chapter 11: Kick

Chapter 8: Message

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By Hardcorelover07

"Dokjaaa" Uriel excited voice came.

"Uriel" Dokja who was sitting on a comfortable chair in the garden responsed.

"What brings you here?" Dokja asks.

"Whattt? Can't I come here to meet my baby brother??" Uriel said pretending to be hurt.

To which Dokja gave a awkward laugh.

"Here look I brought so many things!" With that said she hand over many bags to Dokja.

"What are those?" Dokja said in a surprised voice.

"Things for my little nephew" Uriel declared proudly.

"But there's still time before the baby comes" Dokja responded.

"That doesn't matter! If I knew little earlier I would have brought so much more things for the baby from other kingdoms! Good thing Junghyuk (A/N: Joonghyuk older brother/Uriel husband) trip was delayed so i could tell him to buy many things for our nephew." Uriel said.

"Older brother is coming soon right?" Dokja asked.

"Yes he should be here within a week" Uriel answered.

"Oh finally I'll meet older brother" Dokja said.

"Gosh! Dokja you haven't meet any of Joonghyuk's siblings right? You haven't met oldest brother in law too right?" Uriel asked.

"Yes till now I haven't met anyone apart from you... Everyone was out of kingdom when I got married to Joonghyuk" Dokja said.

"Understandable, me and Junghyuk had to go to other kingdoms, Oldest brother and brother-in-law went to Southern kingdoms and Yoo mia has been finishing her studies in other kingdom. We all couldn't attend Joonghyuk wedding.
Now that I remember Mia studies should be completing very soon too, she must be preparing to come back home soon.
And oldest brother should be coming soon too! Finally everyone will be together and we'll even have a new member in our family too.
Oh my goodness it's soo exciting!!!!"
Uriel voice was full of excitement.

"Yes" Dokja replied happily.

"Ah" a small groan come from Dokja.

"Dokja what happened?" Uriel quickly asked in worriedly.

"Nothing just the baby kicked. Do you want to touch?" Dokja responded.

Dokja was almost 8 months pregnant now. His baby bumb is clearly visible. The baby is really active and energetic just like his father always kicking and moving around.

At first Dokja morning sickness were serve. For days he could only eats fruits and congee. Just when he was finally over his headache and vomiting, his craving started. It was all thanks to Joonghyuk who never denied any of Dokja request and always made whatever Dokja wanted to eat, there wasn't a lot of troubles.

Finally when Dokja was in stable period. Yoo Joonghyuk had to go to imperial Court to help his parents as none of the brothers were there for help.

Uriel would frequently come and spend time with Dokja and talk to him for hours and hours. Dokja quite enjoyed her company as he couldn't move around much due to his baby bump.

"Can I touch?" Uriel ask excitedly.

"Yes" Dokja responded happily.

Uriel quickly put her hands on Dokja bump feeling the baby movements.

"Dokja I felt the baby kick!!!!!!" Uriel squealed excitedly.

"The baby is saying hello to their aunt" Dokja responded.


Dokja nodded.
Uriel couldn't hold her excitement. She leaned little closer to Dokja baby bump.

"Hello there baby! I'm your aunt I hope you come out soon so we could go shopping together!" Uriel said enthusiastically.

"The baby says they're also excited to meet their lovely aunt" Dokja said happily.

Uriel was excitedly chatting with the baby.

"What are you doing" a deep voice suddenly came from behind.

"You're back early today" Dokja said.

It was none other than Joonghyuk who interrupted Uriel having a good time with the baby.

"Today there wasn't much work but there's chance I'll be much busier from tomorrow" Joonghyuk responded.

"Gasp" Uriel gasped in amazement.

Both Dokja and Joonghyuk to look at Uriel waiting for her to tell them why she was so amazed.

"Joonghyuk said such a long sentence" Uriel said in amazement.

Dokja was dumbfounded by the reason why Uriel was so amazed meanwhile Joonghyuk gave her his all time favorite 'not interested' look.

"Mother and father really told me the truth that Joonghyuk has changed after getting married to Dokja." Uriel said eyes full of administration.

Dokja blushed hearing Uriel words. Everyone who see Joonghyuk now comes to him and tell him that Joonghyuk has changed after getting married to him.

Dokja quickly changed the topic before Uriel could say anything anymore embarrassing.

"Why busier from tomorrow did something happened?" Dokja asked.

"Today older brother message arrived he said he'll be here within a week, he has already reached the border. So mother and father want to throw a big welcome party after all it's been more than a year since they saw him and they haven't celebrated Uriel arrival too." Joonghyuk answer his face was clearly irritated.

"Oh so you'll be busy in the preparation of the celebration?" Dokja asked.

"No I can't handle things like that. Mother will take care of those so till then I gotta take care of mother works and other things. And-" Joonghyuk said in a annoyed voice.

He hated doing those paper work and listening to ministers and nobles nonsense that's why he chose being in military than being in imperial court.

"And? There's more? " Dokja asked little surprised.

"*sigh* yes there's more...
Imperial mother was just done discussing all this when another message arrived. It was Yoo mia. Apparently her studies have been finished and she has left the kingdom and she's on her way back here and most probably she'll be here within a week."

"REALLY? Mia is also coming back? How many years it has been since we saw her? two years? It's been probably more than 2years since we saw her!" This time it was Uriel who exclaimed in excitement.

"Yes she's also coming back and-" Joonghyuk face clearly became more irritated.

"And? There's more to it??" Dokja asked totally astonished now.

"And just then another message arrived. It was from non other than oldest brother. Apparently he'll reach the capital within a week too...
Dammit! Did all three of them planned this?!" Joonghyuk said clearly tired.

"Oldest brother is coming back too? That was unexpected I thought it'll take them 1 month more or so..." Uriel said clearly she was also surprised that oldest brother was coming too.

"Exactly his arrival is totally unexpected and he didn't even informed anyone beforehand that he has left the southern kingdom or even that he's way back home! Out of nowhere he just poped and said 'I'll be there in a week'" Joonghyuk said while sitting on a chair beside Dokja.

"The palace must be in chaos after Oldest brother message." Uriel said in a concerned voice.

"Heh! What else do you even expect?" Joonghyuk said in a irritated voice.

Joonghyuk was thinking about the chaos that he witness in the imperial Palace today. Everyone was surprised after getting oldest brother message.

Dokja was little confused with all this. He couldn't understand why they were making such a fuss over their arrival.

Uriel saw Dokja confused face and decided to explain it.

"Well it's really been a long time since everyone came together. It's been over three years since oldest brother left the kingdom and had to go to southern kingdom which is also the homeland of oldest brother-in-law. Soon after Yoo Mia left too for her studies and then Junghyuk and I left too to go around other neighbouring kingdom. Soon enough barbarians started creating trouble at the borders and then Yoo Joonghyuk also left for border to suppress barbarians.
Thus it's been long time since whole family got together" Uriel explained.

"So it's like that" Dokja said understanding why it was a big matter.

"Yes! I really missed them all" Uriel said excitedly.

It's was first time Dokja was going to meet Joonghyuk siblings. Even though he belonged to noble family he didn't liked attending any balls or parties. Thus he never encountered any Royal prince or princess. It's was going to be his very first time meeting Joonghyuk older brothers and his sister. He was quite nervous. He wasn't sure what his brothers are going to say to him. Dokja was getting quite anxious thinking about all possible scenarios.

"Dokja!" Uriel excited voice interrupt Dokja train of thoughts.

Dokja looked at Uriel and he was surprised by her excited look! It was clear that she was up to some mischief.

"Yes?" Dokja responded not getting a good feeling.

"Come to imperial Court with me!" Uriel said excitedly.

Before Dokja could reply.

Joonghyuk cold voice came, "No"

"Why? Dokja has never once attended imperial Court. Let him go there once in a while!" Uriel said.

"No! He won't go there!" Joonghyuk said sternly.

"But why?" Uriel asked.

"You clearly know why!"

"Because you don't want others to look at your pretty bride" Uriel asked mischievously.

"Yes and he's 8 months along it's not good for him to go there" Joonghyuk nonchalantly said.

Uriel thought Joonghyuk would deny or getting irritated but to her surprise Joonghyuk nonchalantly said yes!

She felt it was quite rare for Joonghyuk to show his affection so openly in public.
She couldn't hold back her fangirling moment.

"I promise I'll take care of Dokja! And Dokja isn't that weak and since Dokja wasn't able to attend the celebration that mother arranged on the occasion of Dokja pregnancy due to his morning sickness and bad health. And also because you won't let him out! There's rumors going around that he had a miscarriage. If Dokja show up in imperial palace now everyone will stop saying that nonsense!" Uriel said trying to convince Joonghyuk.

Joonghyuk still stayed silent clearly not convinced enough.

Uriel quickly started to think for more reason why Dokja should go to Imperial palace.

"Now you'll be busy in imperial Palace isn't it better if Dokja is also imperial palace he'll be near you so you'll feel much more relaxed! And Dokja must be getting bored here all by himself too! Let him come to Imperial palace!" Uriel said pledging to Joonghyuk.

"Hmm let me think about that" Joonghyuk responded while thinking about what Uriel just said.

"Anyways what are you doing? Get up from there" Joonghyuk asked.

It was only after that they noticed that Uriel was still sitting down and her hands were still on Dokja baby bump.

"Oh this I was chatting with my nephew until you came and disturbed us" Uriel said.

"Did the baby made any trouble?" Joonghyuk asked Dokja.

"No but the baby is kicking more today" Dokja answered.

"Ok. Let's go inside you've been sitting like this for quite some time." Joonghyuk said.

Dokja simply nodded.

"What are those?" Joonghyuk attention finally went to all the shopping bags that were kept beside Dokja chair.

"Uriel brought them for the baby" Dokja said happily.

This time Joonghyuk only simply nodded and called a servant to take all those bags inside.

"Hey aren't you even gonna thank me?" Uriel asked little annoyed.

"Thank you for what?" Joonghyuk asked calmly.

"Thank you for all those things I brought for my nephew!"

"You brought those for your nephew you should ask for your thank you from your nephew too. Let's go inside Dokja" Joonghyuk responded and went to help Dokja.

Uriel was clearly speechless and annoyed. And stomping her legs angrily.

Joonghyuk calming ignored Uriel and started to walk toward his room while his one hand was on Dokja waist.

Dokja felt awkward looking at their sweet sour relationship.
He didn't feel right leaving Uriel like that even through he knew Joonghyuk and Uriel relationship was just like that.

He stopped and turned around.
"Thank you for your gifts. See you soon" Dokja said respectfully.

Uriel was touched but when he looked behind Dokja. Joonghyuk was standing there with his face clearly saying 'Just go now!'

"You bastard you should learn some manner from your husband." Uriel said to Joonghyuk clearly to piss him more.

But as soon as she saw Joonghyuk pissed off face she quickly said Goodbye to Dokja and ran from their. Looks like she touched Joonghyuk nerve.


Both Joonghyuk and Dokja were laying on the bed. Dokja was fondly caressing his belly while Joonghyuk was just looking at Dokja.

"Something on your mind?" Dokja asked little concerned.

"Nothing" Joonghyuk denied.

"Tell me maybe I can help" Dokja said.

"I was just thinking I'll be more busy from tomorrow and probably it'll drag longer than a week... And you're 8 months pregnant. I can't be with you all the time to take care of you" Joonghyuk said. It was clear from his voice that he was worried about Dokja.

Dokja couldn't help but feel happy to have someone like Joonghyuk as his partner.

"Don't worry I'll take care of myself you should focus on your work!" Dokja said confidently.

Yoo Joonghyuk couldn't help but feel more concerned by Dokja confident look. Everyone knew Dokja was a type of person who'll say I've a plan and the plan will be hurting himself.

With that said Joonghyuk definitely didn't wanted to leave Dokja alone.
He remembered what Uriel told him.

Dokja looked at Joonghyuk who was clearly thinking about something too hard.

Finally Joonghyuk said, "I've decided"

"What?" Dokja asked.

"I'll take you to Imperial palace with me" Joonghyuk said seriously.

Dokja was surprised by Joonghyuk words. He didn't thought Joonghyuk would actually agree to Uriel request.

"Really?" Dokja asked making sure Joonghyuk was really telling truth. Dokja eyes shined! Joonghyuk finally agreed to take him to Imperial Palace.

Dokja has gone to Imperial Palace few times but Joonghyuk would always keep Dokja glued to him. Thus Dokja was never able to explore Palace by himself. Finally he was getting a chance to go to palace!

"Yes it's better to keep you with me than leave you alone here!" Joonghyuk said with all seriousness.

Dokja quickly sulked hearing to Joonghyuk.

"But-" Dokja wanted to say something.

"No buts. And when you go to Imperial palace don't talk to anyone suspicious. Don't eat anything anyone unknown gives you. Don't go anywhere far without telling me or guards."

"Joonghyuk I'm not a child" Dokja said clearly Sulking now.

"Yes exactly you're not a child. Even child knows what is dangerous and what is not" Joonghyuk said nonchalantly.

"Yoo. Joonghyuk."

"Yes my dear Dokja now let's go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day." Joonghyuk said it was clear he was teasing Dokja on purpose.

Dokja definitely wanted to say more but Joonghyuk quickly held him and closed his eyes and pretended to fall asleep.

"I'll have words with you tomorrow! Good night" Dokja said grumpily and he also closed his eyes.

Both soon fell asleep.

To be continued...


A/N: Hey it's your author again! Today double update I had finished previous chapter like a week ago or so but i wanted to give a double update so here it is!

I'll again clear up the doubt if you've forgotten or if you're confused
There are four Yoo siblings.

1st sibling: name yet to be revealed (married)
2nd sibling: Yoo Junghyuk --> wife: Uriel
3rd sibling: Yoo Joonghyuk --> wife/husband: Kim Dokja
4th sibling: Yoo Mia

His Majesty and Her Majesty doesn't have a specific name or anything.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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