Savior from The Future (Male...

By Fireyus

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The year is 2178. The Anit-Quirk Nationalists have taken control over the world, using the events caused by t... More

Prologue - 2178
Chapter 2 - First Meeting

Chapter 1 - Reborn in the Past

304 16 2
By Fireyus


The greenery around me was strange to see. The scorched earth tactics of the Anti-Quirk Nationalists led to a large portion of Japan being destroyed. I hadn't seen trees like this in a very long time, just where was I? I am using Blackwhip to keep myself up, my legs feel weak. Though it's better than them being broken I guess.

Y/N "God this hurts..." I take another pained step. Though I have to keep moving forward. I need answers. There's what looks like a small opening in the trees ahead, there might be a good vantage point of something nearby where I can ask around. I slowly stumble my way up to the opening and to the edge of the cliff past it. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me...

It's Musutafa, but it's not in ruins. Looking further I see U.A. High in its full glory as a school and not a camp.

Y/N 'How is this even possible? How long has it been since the last fight?' I could feel the vestiges' shock. They were as confused as I was.

Izuku Vestige 'No... not how long has it been. U.A. is in one piece still. The Anti-Quirk Nationalists would never rebuild it. I think we're in the past.' He seemed happy. This was his hometown after all so it's only natural. The city looked so much calmer than what I was used to. No flames, no occasional screams of fear or sadness. I see peace.

Nana Vestige 'It seems we're pretty far into the past, things are calm. So I have a feeling that we're in an era where Toshinori is still All Might.' Ah, the Symbol of Peace. I wasn't around for any of that so I guess it never really hit that the world could be peaceful. The world has been in chaos and war even before I was born.

Toshinori Vestige 'Hey Y/N, let's not think about that right now. You are still heavily injured so we need to get help. Perhaps you can go to U.A. where Recovery Girl can heal you.'

Y/N 'Maybe you're right but how would I even get in? I was told that before it was destroyed, U.A. had some of the best security in the world.'  I began to use float and flung myself at a high speed toward the city. 'Man this is so much easier on my body. I should have been using Float the whole time.' I hear Izuku and Nana laughing at me. 'Hey, I took a few blows to the head, give me a break.' I flew over the city, catching the eyes of a few citizens.

Izuku Vestige 'Y/N, you should go easy on the quirk usage. Laws actually exist in this time so you should be careful not to get arrested.' I chuckle a bit at this. A functioning society where I am not being hunted at all times. It feels nice. The fresh air, flew past my face, my hood catching lots of wind, threatening to fall down. I close in on the school and land just before the gates though I have to use Blackwhip to catch myself again. I walk forward and try to walk through the front gate but it slams shut in front of me.

Y/N "Well that didn't go well. I'm guessing because I don't have an ID I can't get in?" I look around trying to find an intercom or something to talk to security. But there isn't one, well, not in plain view at least.

Toshinori Vestige 'Well, usually a teacher would come by and check to see what caused the gate to close. So just wait a moment.' And as he says that, suddenly Blackwhip deactivates and I fall to the ground. 'And there is our teacher.'

I lift myself off the ground in a pushup and look up to see a tired-looking man in all black looking at me through some yellow goggles. Izuku's old teacher, Aziwa. The Erasure Hero.

Aziwa "What exactly are you trying to do here?" He looks down at me from the wall. His scarf floated around his head.

Y/N "Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to get some help." He seemed annoyed by my response.

Aziwa "What do we look like? A hospital? You should have gone somewhere else for help kid." He deactivates his quirk and hops down to get a look at me. "Well, you're defiantly not a hero. And not one of the students here either. So who are you?"

Y/N "Just an injured kid trying to get some help here." I hear him sigh before pulling out a phone to make a call. I can't hear his conversation, but he looks even more annoyed than before.  He hangs up and walks over to me.

Aziwa "Well it's your lucky day. The old lady is willing to take a look at you. Can you stand?" I attempt to get up but fall back down to my knees. He takes that as a sign to put my arm over his shoulder and we walk onto campus, the front gate opening in front of us. "So you mind telling me what you did to get into this? And don't lie to me, I can tell that you've been in a fight."

Y/N "Well, it's a long story but yeah, I got into a pretty big fight." He nods. "I'm not a vigilante if that's what you're thinking."

Aziwa "Well you're defiantly not a Pro Hero, and you be stupid to come here if you were a Villan. There are not many other options." I laugh a bit causing him to just look at me strangely.

Y/N "Yeah, can't really argue against that. Maybe I am here, but from where I'm from, I'm just a kid trying to survive." He didn't really question me any further as we made it to the Nurses Office.

Heading into the room we see an older short woman looking at a computer, not noticing us come in. Aziwa clears his throat getting her attention. She faces us and I see that it's Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl "Ah, come in, come in. Please Aziwa, set him on the bed here." She begins shuffling stuff around on her desk while Aziwa set me down on the bed. "So tell me what happened dearie."

Y/N "I got into a fight with some bad people. Got beaten up pretty bad, the lack of sleep doesn't really help either." Aziwa continues to watch me.

Recovery Girl "I'm guessing by your age, you shouldn't have been fighting huh?" She began to look me over lowering my hood to see my face.

Y/N "Well, I didn't really have a choice. Either I did or I would have died." I hear her say some things to herself quietly.

Recovery Girl "Well, judging by your injuries. It's a shock that you even made it to the school. Though some of these look a lot older than others. Is this the first time you received medical attention?"

Y/N "In a while yeah, never really had the chance before now to get it." She notes some things in her paperwork before setting it down on her desk. That was a lie, I just never got it cause I knew Eri could use her quirk for other people.

Recovery Girl "Alright, I'm going to use my quirk on you. You might pass out, so you may as well get comfy. Especially with how exhausted you look right now." Before I could respond, her lips extended off of her face, and kissed me on the forehead. I started feeling really tired but not hurting as bad.

Aziwa POV

The kid passes out after the old lady uses her quirk on him. She laughs a bit and turns towards me.

Recovery Girl "So, what's your plan with him? He's obviously done some vigilante work, so you gonna arrest him for illegal quirk usage?" I looked at the kid laying on the bed.

Aziwa "No, I don't think that's the way to go about this. Something feels off about him. We'll keep an eye on him for now, and see what Nezu wants to do with him." As I say this, the mouse himself walks into the infirmary.

Nezu "So, is this the one that tried to get in earlier?" He stood up on the desk and looked at the boy, his clothing ragged from what seemed to be a lot of fighting. I took him as a villain at first when he arrived.

Aziwa "Yeah, seems he got into a big fight before coming here. Not sure with who but with his injuries, there's bound to be a report about it." Nezu looks over at me, still smiling as always.

Nezu "Strange isn't it? A vigilante coming to us for help. Does he know he could be imprisoned for what he does?" I nod along, it was strange. No vigilante in their right mind would come to a hero for help, they would be arrested, the same as a villain would be.

Aziwa "He says he isn't one, said something about just trying to survive. Not too sure what he means by that." Nezu seems to think about this for a little bit before turning back to the kid.

Nezu "Well, I say let's have him join U.A. He can take the entrance exam once he recovers and join the new students. Classes only started earlier today so it shouldn't be too much of a problem." I look at him with almost shock. What is he talking about? All these kids worked their asses off to get into the school and he's just going to let this random brat into U.A. late. He notices my look. "Listen Aziwa, I know that this must be a bit strange. We don't just give out free passes to the school. But something is different about this child and we both recognize it. So for this one time. I'm going to allow someone to join in late. He'll be in your class so I'll give you authority over him. If we're wrong then you do what you do best. But we should give him a chance."

Aziwa "Well, I'll trust you on this. If he's like any other vigilante I know, then let's hope given the opportunity, he'll be a good pro." I start walking out the door. "Now I have a class to teach. Call me if he wakes up." I close the door behind me.


I open my eyes to find myself in a very familiar concrete room in a flowing open void. The vestiges are all sitting in their chairs looking at me. I had a few small black clouds floating around my body, but not as much as when I first entered One for All.

Y/N "What's up? You guys only bring me here when we need to talk." The vestiges look at each other and then back at me. Yoichi finally spoke up.

Yoichi Vestige "We needed to have a discussion about what we are going to do here. We're in the past, and we all know that meddling with the past has consequences. But Y/N, we all know the future that is lined up for the people. So what do you plan on doing?" I looked down. 

I hadn't actually thought that far ahead. What was I going to do? What COULD I even do? There's no sure way to get back to my original time. But even if there was, what would be there for me if I got back? If I stay here, I could change the future. Make things better. Stop the world from erupting into absolute chaos. I finally decided.

Y/N "I'm going to save the world." The vestiges looked happy to hear that.

Yoichi Vestige "That's good to hear. Once you wake up, we need to figure out what date you were transported to, then, you act accordingly." I nodded. Yoichi was always good with strategy even if he never was a hero. "You should be waking up soon.  Good luck Y/N." 

With that, I slowly wake up. The bright lights of the infirmary momentarily blinded me. Adjusting, I look around to see Recovery Girl doing some paperwork, seemingly not noticing me awake now.

Y/N "Hello?" She looks over at me, putting whatever she was working on down, and walks over to me.

Recovery Girl "You're awake earlier than I expected. Good to see. How do you feel? Any pains still?"

Y/N "No, I feel pretty good actually. That quirk of yours works wonders." She seemed pleased and wrote down some things on her notepad. "Hey, do you know the date?" She looks at me strangely.

Recovery Girl "Huh, possible concussion. But yes, it's April 6th, 2148." She continued to write down things in her notebook as I thought about the date. That date sounds really familiar... why?

Izuku Vestige 'Wait a second... Y/N. That's the date of the attack on the USJ! If you're going to change history, it starts here!' I could feel my adrenalin begin to pump. 

Y/N 'Izuku, I need you to tell me where I'm going. We're gonna go be the hero.' I stand up, much to Recovery Girl's dismay.

Recovery Girl "Wait hold on a minute. You can't just leave!" I hear her yelling from the infirmary I just left.

I begin to run out of the school with the direction of Izuku telling me where to go. I get outside and launch into the air, seeing the USJ off in the distance...

A/N - And a second chapter soon after the first, I aim to keep this story updating quickly to get to where MHA is now. Once we get into the MHA storyline (with obvious changes of course) the chapters will get longer. That's all I have now. As always constructive criticism is welcome. Peace Out.

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