Under the Wand: Dramione fanf...

By harrypottersfrog

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The Battle of Hogwarts ended some years ago, Snape was buried, Dumbledore was honored and remembered, and Har... More



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By harrypottersfrog

The photo is a drawing a friend did for me: the Granger-Malfoy family (minus Lyra)

What is lost is always found


Hermione scanned over the photo frame of her parents before she was born, wishing she could just step into the photo and hug her parents.

She felt tears leak out of her eyes, but she put a hand to her mouth to quiet her sobs.

She looked over towards the bed to find a shirtless, tanned Draco Malfoy asleep in their bed with Scorpius bundled into his chest.

She smiled slightly at Draco's expression while he slept in. He smirked and bunched his eyebrows together in his sleep, mumbling something about not being able to find the right shirt.

Scorpius' eyes blinked open, slowly, then all at once, until his eyes met his mother's- silver eyes latched onto brown ones. He smiled slightly at her and then babbled incoherent words before proceeding to giggle when she stopped shortly before tickling his feet.

"My handsome boy," she whispered as she picked him up, soaking in the comfort of her child all to herself before Draco woke up. "You are the epitome of my soul."

Scorpius gurgled before looking up at her with wide eyes as he watched his father wake up and wrap loving arms around Hermione.

Draco chuckled at Scorpius wide awake in her arms, then crossed his arms over his chest. "You could've waken me," he said.

Hermione smiled. "I wanted you to sleep. Being parents isn't easy, you know."

He laughed. "I know, love. We've managed to keep him alive for six months. We've got this."

Hermione laughed and kissed his cheek, before getting up and bouncing Scorpius up and down.


Elsewhere, Lucius nodded at Voldemort who grimaced uncomfortably at his presence.

"What do you want, Lucius?" He asked with assure annoyance.

"I've found something you might be interested in," he said, before showing him the copy of The Daily Prophet.

"'Malfoy Heir is born,'" Voldemort murmured as he flipped the pages before casting it down on the ground.

He scowled, a nasty old scowl, before turning to Lucius.

"What, mind you, would you have me to do?" He grinned.

Lucius smiled. "Seeing as murder would cause me to go to Azkaban, I would like you to murder that retched child, Scorpius. He's a Mud-blood, and my family has never once allowed a Mud-blood in with welcome arms."

Voldemort nodded. "Delphini!"

Delphini smiled sheepishly at her father and the tall blonde man resembling a much older Draco.

"Yes, father?" She asked.

"Delphi, be a dear and go give your mummy a visit. Stay with her until the headlines in that damned paper read, "'Malfoy Heir is Dead,'"
Do you understand?" He said, placing three bony fingers under her chin and forcing her to look at him.

"Yes, father," she replied, forcing away her eyes as her father nodded in approval.

She apparated away to Knockturn Alley where Bellatrix and Emily were currently staying in an abandoned hut.


"Mum, Dad is going to murder Cousin Draco's child and there's nothing I can do to stop him!" She yelled, running to her mother's embrace and crying.

"Shh, my dear girl. Your little sister is sleeping. Now, be a good girl and sit at the table and talk to me civilly."

Bellatrix sat opposite her daughter, now a beautiful young woman, and clasped her hands together on the surface of the table.

"Speak clearly and do not murmur," Bellatrix said, waiting patiently for her daughter to tell her what had happened.

"Dad, he was resurrected by Lucius Malfoy yesterday and they've come up with a plan for Dad to murder Draco's child. He told me to stay with you while he carries out the dreadful deed," Delphi said, crossing her arms and uncrossing them as she bit her lip.

Bellatrix narrowed her eyes, looking at her daughter. "My dear, you have no need to be afraid. You are twenty-three years old now, you must stop acting like a child!"

Delphi bit her lip, feeling the blood start to flow out of her lip and down her chin.

"Oh, for Heaven's sakes, Delphini! Stop that ridiculous nonsense!" Bellatrix shouted at her as she handed her a handkerchief.

Delphi proceeded to wipe the blood and apply pressure to her lip, then, when her mother had turned away to speak kindly to Emily, she wiped the tears that were bubbling up and starting to fall.

"But Mum... there's something I need to tell you! I am- I am.."

But Bellatrix had shut her out of the hut, locking it swiftly before drawing the blinds.

Delphi felt herself sink down onto the hot pavement of the Alley, wiping her eyes and putting her face down on her knees.

"I'm going to die and my parents don't care..." she whispered before her breathing slowed and all she saw was blackness.


Hours later, she found herself awakening in the Hogwarts infirmary, whereby she had an IV in her arm and a cannula in her nose.

She groaned and the nurse looking after her sighed. "You've had it rough, haven't you?"

Delphi felt the pain shoot throughout her body and she winced slightly.

"There, there. It's just the morphine kicking in. You'll be better in no time if I have a word to put in," the nurse smiled and felt her forehead.

"You're burning up. Tell me, have you had pneumonia before?"

Delphi struggled to speak, but when she mustered the courage to try, she let out a hoarse "no" before the nurse nodded.

"You'll be okay, dearie. Just fine. A few days in here, and you'll be in tip top shape to continue your studies," she mused.

"I'm not a student here," Delphi whispered.

The nurse smiled. "Your father enrolled you," she said.

Delphi felt her stomach drop as her father approached the bed and put a hand on her face, forcing her to look at him.

"I've put a spell on the school, Delphi. Everyone here is controlled by me. You cannot escape. Do your best in studies and I'll get you out once the child is no more."

Delphi felt tears rolling down her face as he walked away, presumably to the HeadMaster's office.


Draco chuckled as he flung Scorpius into the air in the library, and Hermione looked up from a book on childcare before knitting her brows in concern.

"Be careful, Draco. He's still a baby," she chided before going back to the book.

Draco rolled his eyes and laughed as he brought his son closer to him.

"Lighten up, Mione. He's in good hands," he said before kissing Scorpius' cheek.

Hermione laughed before saying, "We need to go to bed. Tomorrow, we are going to the Manor to introduce Scorpius to Narcissa."

Draco nodded before pulling her up off the sofa and the book fell to the floor.

"Come on then, Granger. Slumber does not wait for no-one," he said.

She laughed before they carted off up the stairs to their bedroom, Scorpius asleep between them in the bed.

"Night, Draco," she whispered as the moon rode higher through the trees outside.

"Night, love," he replied, grabbing her hand gently before falling asleep.


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